Hi, everyone!
So, the usual rules apply. If you haven’t watched Thursday’s eviction episode and you don’t know want to know who was voted out, stop reading now. Really, you should have stopped reading as soon as you saw the title of this post but, just in case that wasn’t enough of a warning, here is your final spoiler alert!
So, tonight, to the shock of no one, Kaysar was voted out. Despite the fact that everyone told him that they didn’t want him to leave the House and that they were hoping he would blow up everyone’s alliances, Kaysar was evicted by a vote of 10-0. That makes him the first unanimous evictee of the season.
Kaysar, however, did go out swinging. After Christmas gave a cringey eviction speech in which she told everyone to “go the HoH way,” Kaysar said the following in his speech:
“When it comes to gameplay and strategy, I think you guys all suck. Cody and Nicole have been running this house since Day 1. They have a secret alliance that’s going to take them to the end …. The guys have an alliance. Enzo, I already knew. The last alliance, Dani, Nicole and Cody. No one is willing to take a shot.”
Needless to say, neither Dani nor Nicole were happy about Kaysar’s speech. When Dani cast her vote to evict him, she told Julie that she had never said one word against Kaysar, which we all know is a lie. Nicole, meanwhile, looked ever more shell-shocked than usual.
So, just as he promised, Kaysar called out all of the alliances before he left the House. Unfortunately, it might not make much of a difference because the HoH comp was won by Christmas.
It was an elimination comp, the type where two houseguests face off and answer a question. The first person to ring in with the correct answer would move on while the other person would be eliminated. Da’Vonne came very close to winning. She made it all the way to final round, as a result of always ringing in first and always having the right answer.
Christmas, on the other hand, made it to the final round because Memphis rang in before her and gave the wrong answer when they faced off. And then, when Da’Vonne and Christmas faced off …. the same thing happened again! Da’Vonne buzzed in first but she had the wrong answer. Despite not buzzing in once during the HoH comp, Christmas won and is now HoH!
So, what is Christmas going to do? Probably whatever Enzo, Cody, and Memphis tell her to do. You have to remember that Christmas volunteered to go up as a nominee, specifically because of how much she trusts Enzo. During her speech tonight, she said the houseguests needed to go the “hoh way.” Christmas still thinks Big Brother is a team sport and her team wants to evict Da’Vonne.
So, I imagine that Da’Vonne will probably find herself on the block this week. There’s a chance that Enzo and Cody might decide to get rid of Dani instead (as they both view Dani as being someone who can’t be trusted not to betray her alliances) but I think they view Da’Vonne as a bigger threat. We’ll find out for sure tomorrow when Christmas makes her nominations.
Until then,
Lisa Marie
Thank you Lisa! I wanted a girl to win, but not necessarily Christmas! I really hated to see Kaysar go! I was hoping Julie would announce that Kaysar would be hiding out in the basement room…lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Goodnight everyone! đź’—đź’—
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I am so happy Kaysar is gone. He had no game & didn’t seem like he even wanted to be there. Good for Christmas! I hope she puts up DaVonne & Dani, but Julie has warned that the new twist could change the noms??? We’ll see…
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Tammy according to conversations she just had when the feeds came back she is putting up Day and Bay with Bay being the target. I expect fireworks this week from Bay. IMHO She is going to out the Slick Six as well as tell Dani that the guys told her Dani was coming after her. When the feeds came back Nicole was crying and Dani was pissed. I thought at first she had told them they were going up but actually it was a little snippy situation between Nicole and Bay and Day was upset with Nicole because she ran and hugged Christmas after she won! Lol.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kayser and Janelle both chose the strategy of laying low and just aligning with each other. As it turned out, they should have BUILT an alliance..,especially Janelle. Both were considered strong players who united for a 2 some alliance. 2 is a weak number. Now they are gone..,and soon will be 4 or 5 more WEAK Players.
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I’m surprised Christmas would nominate the two black females… she must not be “woke” yet. Basically, she’s a bit limited in her choices due to her numerous alliances… ie: the great big hug from Nicole when she won HOH (by doing nothing) and tipping off Ba as to just how strong that alliance was (Nicole is still an idiot). Much like Christmas’ game in her first season, doing nothing. Christmas has been my least favorite player all season, and remains so. I wish Da had won. I’m sick of this kumbaya crap. At least Da would have upset the apple cart. Who knows, maybe Da or Ba, or both, will win one of the “special powers” down in the basement. Christmas might also want to look around and see that the women’s numbers are dwindling. Kinda reminds me of season 10 when Memphis & Dan carried Keisha to F4 with no intention of taking her to F2, even though she had F2 deals with both of them. Christmas might be headed down that same rabbit hole. None of these guys will take her any further than they have to… just this one old gals opinions…
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Nicole F NEEDS TO GGOOOO! I was floored how she ran to Christmas after Christmas won the HOH. I dislike Da and Ba (never liked them before). Ba is sooo phony and Da doesn’t seem real smart…IMO I do think this season is rather boring…who do these people think they are?!?
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I think they believe they’re allstars… with the exception of a few… most of them are just players that played before &willing to come back in the midst of a pandemic! They sure don’t play like allstars.
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I couldn’t believe Dani had the nerve to call Kaysar disrespectful. Dani would definitely be the one to know all about disrespect!! I’m struggling to watch this season. For an all star season it is really disappointing. I’m so tired of all the players just going along with the HOH.
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She is the child of Evel Dick…
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Ha, right?!
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