Big Brother 22 — Week 5 Veto Ceremony Results

by Lisa Marie Bowman on September 7, 2020

Hi y’all!

Well, all of that Tyler drama turned out to be for nothing. Last night, Tyler swore up and down that he was going to beg Christmas to use the veto and put him up as a replacement but today, at the veto meeting, Christmas did not use the veto and she kept the nominations the same.

Needless to say, Da’Vonne and Bayleigh are not happy right now. They both feel that Tyler lied to them, largely to try to make himself look good to the people watching the live feeds. Tyler, for his part, earlier told David that Christmas talked him out of going on the block. Tyler says that he was under the mistaken impression that it was somehow his fault that Da’Vonne and Bayleigh were nominated but Christmas explained to him that it was actually Dani’s idea to nominate them.

However, last night, Tyler didn’t say that he felt like he was responsible for Bayleigh and Da’Vonne being nominated. He said that he missed Angela and he didn’t really care about being in the game. So, was Tyler lying last night or is he lying now or is he just really bad at explaining himself?

Kevin, Da’Vonne, and Bayleigh all think that Tyler was basically just flat out lying the entire time. So, Tyler has managed to make at least three enemies for no good reason. It’s true that one of them — probably Bayleigh — will be leaving on Thursday but if Da’Vonne or Kevin wins the HoH, Tyler has to be aware that he’ll be targeted.

(Of course, another theory, which is currently circulating online, is that production put Tyler up to it because otherwise, Wednesday’s veto episode wouldn’t have any drama. I’m not saying I believe that theory but there are definitely quite a few people out there who do.)

So, what was Tyler thinking? I guess we’ll have to wait until Wednesday to see what he had to say about it in the Diary Room.

Lisa Marie

P.S. Give some credit to David! He still has not revealed that he has the third power and no one in the House suspects that he does. Now whether or not David will make good use of that power is anyone’s guess.

ginny September 7, 2020 at 7:16 pm

Tyler is not playing a good game..His mind is on Angela.

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Jolee September 7, 2020 at 9:56 pm


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Jolee September 7, 2020 at 9:56 pm

Thank you Lisa! I don’t enjoy Tyler this season as I did last season! He seems lost! He may wish he had not volunteered to be in the All Stars! I’m sorry that De’Vonne or Bayleigh have to go! I like both of them! I’m really glad that David one a power! Maybe this will help him feel more confident about his chances in the game! It might be interesting to see how he would handle being HOH! ๐Ÿ˜
Goodnight everyone! Have a good week! ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

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๐Ÿ’žTammy Sweetheart๐Ÿ’ž September 7, 2020 at 11:11 pm

I have never missed a BB season. This season does seem totally scripted. There are too many HG’s that have been in the house before, and simply put, they seem downright bored and homesick. They are bored with the game and if you think about it, there really is no safer place right now than in the BB house. They should be giving it their all, but they aren’t. That is why we don’t see allstar behavior. Shame on CBS. At this point I absolutely wouldn’t put it past them to make certain an African American wins the season. Seems like that would fit the current narrative. I would like to think it isn’t scripted, because I don’t think race should play a part in any way, but it looks more & more like it everyday. Just my observation as a superfan.

As far as David is concerned, I like him. He’s not my pick to win, but he’s doing better. He doesn’t look like a rookie no more…He is finding his way all on his own (let’s hope). ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

Tyler is so all over the place, I don’t know what to say. If he misses a chick that much, he never should have come back! He was my pick, but I’m definitely rethinking it…

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Marcella September 7, 2020 at 11:45 pm

Serious kudos to David.

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klw September 8, 2020 at 1:12 pm

I’m not sure what everyone sees in David?!? I can see why he was voted out first on his season. Kevin is too whiny and cries more than Nicole F or Christmas! I have no time for Memphis…he is not all he thinks he is. Nicole F wants “wedding money” and what happened to her nursing career it now says she is a “social media influencer”…what’s up with that?!? Dani is stirring too many pots. I’m not sure how each of them remember who they have alliances with…IMO

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