Big Brother 22 — Week 9 Nominations

by Lisa Marie Bowman on October 2, 2020

Hi, everyone!

Here’s a quick update as to what’s happening the House.

Cody is the new HoH. Apparently, they competed for HoH last night, after the triple eviction. I’m not really sure what the comp was but both Nicole and Enzo have been saying, “Thank God Cody won,” so I’m guessing that either Tyler or Christmas came close to winning.

Today, Cody made his nominations and he selected Tyler and Christmas. Christmas is convinced that Cody nominated her because Enzo told Cody about Tyler and Christmas’s plan to vote out Nicole but actually, Cody has been saying, ever since the first week of the game, that Tyler would have to be nominated once they got down to the final 6. Since Christmas is Tyler’s strongest ally in the House, it made sense for her to go up on the block with him.

That said, it hasn’t taken long for Christmas and Tyler to start campaigning against each other. Tyler told Nicole that it was Christmas who came up with the plan to vote out Dani. Christmas is blaming Tyler. For her part, Nicole has been saying that she “hates” both of them but she seems to hate Christmas a little more than Tyler.

So, who is going to be voted out? Everyone agrees that Tyler is comp beast. However, everyone in the House is sick of Christmas. Even when she was feeling safe in the house, Christmas had a bad habit of intruding on every conversation. Now that’s she on the block, she’s going to be even worse about it. Nicole has made it clear (to Enzo, at least) that she wants Christmas gone.

Meanwhile, Christmas has said that she’s so sure that the House will vote to evict Tyler on Thursday that, if she wins the veto, she won’t even use it. Personally, I would love to see that. If you’re stupid enough not to take yourself off the block, you deserve to get voted out.

Right now, I really have a feeling it will be Christmas who ends up as the primary target. She is just getting on everyone’s nerves. However, everyone also knows that Tyler is good at comps and is a real threat to win the next HoH. So, as of now, it really seems like it could go either way.

We’ll see what happens. The veto is tomorrow!

Lisa Marie

đź’žTammy Sweetheartđź’ž October 2, 2020 at 10:03 pm

No one can deny that Cody is a comp beast!

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Catmama Kelley October 3, 2020 at 10:16 am

Trying to figure out why these guys are draggin Nicole along. If ahe is finally 2 the girls will probably vote for her per Dani and her girl power stance and bc he majority of the guys already evicted dont like cody so much. I really feel like the stategy to keep Christmas will benefit whoever in final 2. It seems like no one liles her….nit even Tyler but he could see draggin her to 2 would probably be his best shot of gettin the votes. For some reason people like Tyler in the gouse but dont want him to win….jist like when Kasci won. He will habe to have Nicole beside him in final 2 to win. They are the only 2 i see that would work in him favor. However Nicole against any of the other i dint see her getting the win.

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Marcella October 3, 2020 at 7:16 am

Well… no surprises so far. Both Tyler & Christmas are good at comps… about time for a face morph veto? Or maybe that was the late night HOH? I don’t really care which one of them goes, though I loathe Christmas and her big mouth! I’m just happy to see that their F2 will come to an end and whichever of them stays has burnt all the bridges they have in the house.
I hope the F3 are Cody, Enzo & Memphis. I wouldn’t mind any of them winning… we’ll see how bitter the “All-Star” jury is…

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Lola Stinson October 3, 2020 at 11:57 am

Tyler and Cody along with Christmas are comp beast , however since Tyler back in the game mentality I see him the real comp beast. I want Christmas gone though, she got on my nerves first time she played and not any better this time. So long I hope Christmas!!!

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Ted Strutz October 5, 2020 at 4:03 pm

Thanks for the rundown, Lisa Marie.

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