Big Brother 22 — Where Things Stand

by Lisa Marie Bowman on August 16, 2020

Hi, everyone!

First off, as I’m sure we’ve all heard by now, they did finally compete for the veto last night. Despite the fact that Memphis was upset about how late the veto was being played and kept complaining that he would be too tired to do a good job, he still ended up winning the veto.

So, Memphis is now both HoH and the veto holder. What does this mean for the House? There’s a lot of people who would like Memphis to use the veto. No one really views David or Nicole A. as being huge threats. Nicole F. would like for Memphis to use the veto and put Janelle up as a replacement. Janelle and Kaysar would like for Memphis to use the veto and put up Nicole F. (Nicole F. and Janelle absolutely hate each other.) Memphis, however, has told just about everyone who has approached him that he doesn’t believe in backdooring anyone during the second week of the game.

So, the nominations are probably going to remain the same. David was Memphis’s target but now it seems like the pawn might go home instead. Nicole F. cannot stand Nicole A. and, earlier today, she told Dani that she would rather keep David around because David is better at comps and seems like he would be a more useful alliance member than Nicole A. Dani agreed.

(However, Nicole F.’s annoyance with Nicole A. has more to do with the fact that Nicole A. co-hosts a podcast and Nicole F. feels that she was insulted by Nicole A.’s co-host. Also, Nicole F. has said that it’s strange having two Nicoles in the house. If you haven’t picked up on it yet, Nicole F. is kind of petty.)

Nicole A. is aware that people are talking about voting her out. Unfortunately, she’s also been getting her information from Kevin who is clueless. Kevin is convinced that there’s a huge alliance that’s being led by Janelle and he told Nicole A. that Janelle is the one who is plotting to get rid of her. Actually, Janelle wants to keep Nicole A. in the house and has been working with Kaysar to come up with a strategy to keep her around. However, due to Kevin being paranoid, Nicole A. is now convinced that Janelle is her enemy and is even planning on calling out Janelle on eviction night!

Of course, Nicole A.’s real problem is that she was only put up as a pawn and the House, right now, cannot stand the person who put her up. Memphis has made it clear that David is his target. However, as we saw on tonight’s show, Memphis has been such an arrogant HoH that no one wants to give Memphis a victory. In fact, the only thing that the House seems to agree on is that everyone wants to vote out Memphis as soon as possible. So, what better way to knock Memphis down a peg or two than to vote out the pawn and keep his target?

So, it’s a messy house right now. The veto ceremony is tomorrow and I imagine Memphis will not use the veto. I do think that the vote could still go either way but right now, it’s looking like there’s a good chance that the pawn could be going home on Thursday. Nicole A. is going to have to get out there and campaign and, most important, she’s going to have to stop listening to Kevin.

Lisa Marie

Marcella August 17, 2020 at 7:27 am

What a mess!

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Betty Irwin August 17, 2020 at 10:59 am

Thanks for another great write up Lisa Marie! I don’t understand the game Memphis is playing and he certainly has put a huge target on his back! I wouldn’t be surprised to see Memphis backdoored in the next week or two. Seems like there is a lot of whispering going on in the house, which would have made BBAD really interesting this year. I am unable to get the feeds because I have an old computer with Windows 7 and apparently Windows 10 is needed. Cody and Christmas were idiots to use their Safety Passes!

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Ted Strutz August 18, 2020 at 7:00 pm

A little late to the party. Yes, hard to understand how Memphis took that path. Guess he is not so smart as he thinks. That whole thing about forcing people to try the SP would just piss people off and it did. And what a jerk to David.

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