So, there really weren’t any big surprises tonight. In fact, this was one of the rare live episodes where Julie didn’t even try to convince us to expect the unexpected. Everyone knew that Sarah Beth was going to be evicted and that’s what happened, by a vote of 5-1. Tiffany did vote to keep Sarah Beth after Sarah Beth spent a long time talking to her earlier today but it doesn’t appear that Tiffany tried to get anyone else to join her in voting to keep SB.
The HoH comp was the endurance comp where the Houseguests had to hang on to a rope and the last one still suspended above the backyard won the right to be head of household. Though Claire competed, she was not eligible to win because she was this week’s HoH. Instead, she just held on long enough to prevent herself from being a Have-Not and then she threw the comp by falling off.
Alyssa desperately needed to win the comp but she was the second person to fall off. Alyssa lasted for maybe ten minutes, which is weird because this is a comp that she actually should have had a good chance of winning. Instead, Alyssa barely lasted longer than Big D.
The HoH comp lasted for about 30 minutes and it was eventually won by Tiffany. That means that Tiffany has now won two back-to-back HoH comps. And while Tiffany and all the other members of the Cookout are annoyed with Kyland right now, it appears that they’re not deviating from their plan. As of right now, it appears that Alyssa will be the target. She’ll probably go up with Xavier, so that Tiffany can claim that she’s just trying to break up a duo. If the veto is used, Clarie will be the replacement nominee. If Claire wins the veto and takes someone down, only then will Kyland presumably go up.
Nominations are tomorrow!
CBS & Chen can shove this racist show where the sun don’t shine! I was pulling for Xavier to win over all. But tonight after Xavier stated very clearly that this game is about 6 black people evicting ALL the white people first, I’m done with BB. I have watched the show since it started years ago. Now it’s only about race & not competition! We hear enough about this racial crap in real life, not on our favorite TV shows. So don’t forget CBS & CHEN believe “WHITE PEOPLE BAD!”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ta ta forever Big Brother and racist CBS! 🙋‍♀️
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Hmmmm ! Said by the recist how ever God blessed you guys.
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I totally agree with you. if it was an all white alliance taking out all of the minorities. BB would be canceled!!
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It’s been all white alliances for 20 years and this year only happened because people are tired of a mostly white BB house. Don’t get your shorts in a knot over this very slow recognition. Besides, this trick will only work for one season.
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I agree with you. I never watched BB with any ideals about racism but this season .. and I mostly blame society as it is now and CBS because they are trying so hard to be “woke” 🙄.. is just not my cup of tea. Nothing about it is unexpected and I feel like POC should be ticked off that CBS
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------seems to think that if the deck isn’t stacked for them then they can’t possibly win! Sorry to say this but to me this season is proving that white people DON’T show racism towards POC bc if they did then surely by now some white person in the house would have figured out that only white people are going home. It’s apparent that they aren’t seeing faces as black and white.
I’m seriously thinking this season will be my last season to watch the show… and pretty sure Surivior is the next to go.
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