Hi, everyone!
So, this week has really been a snoozefest, even with the coin of destiny in play. Due to Hannah using the veto, Xavier is off the block and that leaves us with only two nominees to select from.
So, who do you vote to evict this week?
Do you vote for
KYLAND, the mastermind who pretends to be a space cadet
SARAH BETH, the space cadet who pretends to be a mastermind?
Cast your vote in the poll over on the right side of the page or in the comments below! And be sure to watch on Thursday to see who will be the next member of the jury!
Happy voting!
I can’t seem to choose. At first I loved both Kyland and Sara Beth. I don’t remember what Kyland did to get on my bad side but Sara Beth came down in my estimation of her because of her non HoH or Kyland’s second HOH. I thought she was smart but she proved me wrong.
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This game is not being played by competition, but about race. 6 black people got together and decided to evict ALL white people first. They haven’t won a lot of comps and they are allowing Tiffany to play their game for them. When it comes down to just 6, will they protest each other? Will they tear up each others stuff? Before you judge me as racist, my pick to win overall is Xavier. He is a comp beast and a really smart player. I’m pulling for him, but the race crap is getting so old.
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You’re not the racist one. The black peoples in the house are racist. The white peoples don’t even see it coming, because they aren’t thinking “racist”. Shame on BB and CBS. You’ve lost a lot of viewers. This season is a piece of crap!
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This is has to be the most boring and predictable season of Big Brother to date…and I’ve watched every season….zzzzzzzzz
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This has to be the most boring and predictable seasons of BB to date, and I’ve watched every season….Zzzzzzzzz
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I’m voting for SB but I would vote for both to go if I could. I agree with Sammi in that I’d like to see Xavier win. I just don’t like Tiffany and her controlling ways.
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Kyland is the last sexy dude left.. Chop SB…tired of her feeling sorry for herself crying and acting like she’s a little girl.
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Bunch on racist pigs this season. Imagine evicting someone, not because of their skill or for your own game, but because of their race. Pathetic. Not watching any longer.
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Bunch of racist pigs this season. Imagine evicting someone, not because of their skill or to improve your own game, but because of their race. Imagine if the races were reversed an d this happened, or if someone were evicted based upon their sexual orientation. Absolutely disgusting. Shame on CBS.
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Imagine evicting someone, not because of their skill or to improve your own game, but because of their race. Imagine if the races were reversed an d this happened, or if someone were evicted based upon their sexual orientation. Absolutely disgusting. Shame on CBS.
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Agree!!! Disgusting. They turned BB into a racist show. It clearly shows you who’s racist too.
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Goodbye Big Brother! Xavier admitted tonight that this is not a competition, but all about race. Forget competition right? I’ve watched since the start of the the show. As an ex superfan now, they can shove this racist show where the sun don’t shine! I have heard enough of ” WHITE PEOPLE BAD” for the last couple of years! Congratulations to Chen & her racist show. I will never watch again…🙋‍♀️
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