Big Brother 24 — It’s Time To Open Up The Diary Room For Week 10!

by Lisa Marie Bowman on September 14, 2022

It’s time for you to vote!

Who do you vote to evict this week?

Do you vote for….

ALYSSA, Kyle’s ex


TAYLOR, Monte’s current?

Cast your vote in the poll on the right side of the page or in the comments below!  And then be sure to watch on Thursday to see who will be the next to join the jury!

Nancy September 15, 2022 at 1:39 pm

Wow! I know this is a game but I would never use a man like Taylor. Even if she truly likes all whom she tried to get with…..this is a game. Don’t bring feelings into it because it will hurt someone. I know Joseph wants more outside of game. How can Monte say he wanted to get the biggest threat out to Michael when he got him voted out but can’t see Taylor and Turner are big threats too. Go home Taylor!

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