Hi, everyone!
So, the fallout from last night’s double eviction is continuing to fall. Last night, while the feeds were down, Monte won HoH.
He just made his nominations earlier today and he put both Alyssa and Brittany on the block. He’s told both of them not to worry but, in a conversation with Taylor, he said that he was hoping to get Alyssa out this week because he feels that Alyssa has the most friends on the jury. For her part, Taylor said that she would rather evict Brittany because she feels that Brittany is bigger threat to win the final few competitions.
Personally, I think it’s stupid not to go after Turner. Obviously, if the veto is used, Turner will be the replacement nominee but why not just nominate him to begin with? At this point, everyone in the House will be competing in all of the remaining comps. So, backdooring someone is kind of pointless. Of everyone in the House, Turner could be the biggest threat to win the game because no one expected him to make it to the end or be as strong of a player as he turned out to be. Jasmine will obviously never vote for him. Joseph may not like Turner but he also seems like the type who would set aside his feelings and vote based on gameplay.
Anyway, the veto is tomorrow! We’ll see what happens.
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