Big Brother 24 — Week 9 Nominations

by Lisa Marie Bowman on September 2, 2022

Hi, everyone!

Well, we’re coming into the final weeks of Big Brother.  There’s only 7 people left in the House.  After Thursday, there will only be 5.  There’s really not much strategizing left to be done.  It’s all just going to come down to who wins HoH and the veto.

For this week, Michael is the HoH.  Earlier today, he announced his nominations.

Alyssa and Terrance are on the block.

Terrance is Michael’s target but, depending on how the veto goes, I could easily see the target shifting to Alyssa.

The veto is tomorrow so we’ll see what happens.

Nancy W September 3, 2022 at 9:48 pm

What a waste of a HOH!!! Michael knows they were going to target him last week and he still is going to get rid of weaker players! Stupid move!

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