We have been taking a nice relaxing break but starting this July…CBS will bring us Big Brother 8 and we will once again have 3 months full of watching our favorite TV Show!
Will Julie Chen be back?
Will there be flames or fish?
Will the power of VETO be misused?
Will the HOH really have the power?
All will be revealed and we will cover it completly!
Hope you are having a great winter….only 5 months of waiting left!
Big Brother
I’M FIRST!!! Ok, AC already knows that I got to do that one other time to see how it feels to be first post on a “new” page… It’s still over-rated. I like it here.. any comments are ours. We start at 0 instead of 12.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------now, where did I leave the damn hammer and nails?
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sawing and pounding noises fading away
There! I think I’m going to like it here! When p2 gets here with candles for some atmosphere.. It’ll be justlike home. Is that AC that I see coming down the cyber highway?Support our blog by signing up for the BB22 Live Feeds via CBS All Access
Heeeyyy!!! Nice new treehouse JT. Guess I’ll go plant a flag and lay a welcome mat out for all the visitors.
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Ok, Satellite Dish installed, internet connect up and running. Be back later. I left some cyber crumbs for K11, P2 & Stra. I’m sure they’ll find ’em. Hope P2 dosen’t vacuum them up.
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justa, sweetie you KNOW i don’t vacuum. but i thought i’d bring flowers and candles for the opening ceremony. i also have needlepoint pillows and lace curtains. i won’t make it TOO girly in here, just a touch. you can have all your sports and i won’t try to talk to you about which is preferable and epilady or waxing and for which body parts. and i’ll try to stay away from a lengthy discussion of eyeliners and the various methods of application, justfor you.
AC, i’m very sorry i inadvertently insulted you by asking if you were a “sports guy.” of COURSE you are. the Saints are a football team i think and that is your avatar. i’ve read your sports references. i had a strawberry blonde moment! if i keep having those, i’ll be platinum blonde before long, laughing, really. but my apology is sincere. i do know you better and as soon as i hit send i knew i blew it (so to speak). however, i was at work and there were brush fires and alligators.
i’m REALLY worried about james. esp. with his back. since i’ve known you guys i’ve been in the hospital twice (ER and somthin’ else) and his back is worse than mine! i’m afraid he’s in the hospital or something terrible. he’s never gone for this long. i’m not very calm about this. it doesn’t sound like either of you have heard anything yet, either!
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justa, thank you so much for building us this treehouse. who is your avatar?
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Haha, no insult taken.
I’m not hardcore like K11 & JT. I stick to Football & Basketball. No pro Baseball team in N.O. so I pretty much just watch the playoffs and World Series. 8) The Saints avatar is for Sun. & Mon. only (football days) Currently it’s the cutie Monica from SS. 
Don’t worry about K11. He’s been MIA a few times before. He’ll pop up soon with a half a page of catch-up comments. 8)
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thanks, AC. though it was someone from Survivor, but didn’t recognize her with the “war paint.”
ok, but if k11 doesn’t show up by tomorrow i’m sending out the hounds. he hasn’t been on SS either. and yes, half a page of comments would be right!
thanks for the smile. late for work, justwanted to check in. more later, of course…
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p2 & AC, I like what you’ve done with the place. I see the crows have eaten all the breadcrumbs leading to the old treehouse. p2, I guess it sounds kind of glib for my to tell you not to worry about kev11.. so I wont. Just remember.. he did go MIA for 3 or 4 days during the height of excitement of BB11 and everything was fine. I try not to worry about things until I have something to worry about.. especially if there is nothing I can do about it. Hope all is well for you kev11 and you are just shopping for new hamsters or are tied up in a sports writing deal. AC… “door”? I like it, that was a nice touch. I knew I had the right person for that job. Oh yeah, one more thing for p2.. invite whoever you want.. just not sure how to be discreet about it, after all, we don’t want the “F Ben”s of the world stumbling across our treehouse. The other thing that I was thinking is this.. would Snakebit be a bit hurt that we are here after all the hard work that he puts into SS? A lot of people go off topic there too, so maybe he would think, “why don’t they just post this stuff on SSblog?”… probably not, but I felt the question was valid enough to ask. What do you think?
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i have snake’s personal e-mail address. this was the “thing” i was going to tell you.
i contacted him when F-off Ben was writing and explained that aggie (a grandmother?) and I had been called bitches, PK, k11, et al had been personally attacked and it was terribly inappropriate language and use of the space. also, that the women who post to the site should not be subject to his vitriol. apparently snake agreed ’cause he contacted BBBlogger and all F Ben’s comments were immediately removed with the note from BBB and a follow up from snake and an e-mail to me.
it was just over the top, justa. i apologized to snake for using his personal email that he had given to me for something else, but he told me he didn’t mind.
however, i think you are correct. he works very hard on his SS blog and is doing a great job. i was concerned about his feelings, if he found this and felt left out of the tree house club. (remember me and feelings, no not that horrible song!) i wondered about the same thing. we can always touch base with moose and snake on SS but the 4 of us (plus star if we can find her) would be great to have here.
should i bring a floral wreath for the door? these are all things i already have in my home, and i’m trying to clear out some of the excess. remember, i moved 6 months ago and still have one room completely full of boxes. i also have several spare sets of china if we want to have dinner together one night.
love to you all, kevin come back, i’m worried.
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justa, when you’ve finished, i think we need a veranda for our tree house. all those comfort items that SS won gave me the idea for a great outdoor space, so will you and AC build it for me. i’ll decorate it! i’m really kinda good at that.
kevin j has been gone for 3 days. getting past concerned.
worked my first 12 hour day in a few years – hate inventory, but managed to pass along enough of my knowledge along to the manager whose responsibility it is so it won’t be my burden next year!! yippee skippee!! have to work tomorrow. princess is sick. i’m a BAD sick person, whiney, cranky, fussy – everything my normal personality is taken to the nth degree. (be nice guys!!) still hoping our kj is ok. trying to distract myself from being worried. miss you guys, we haven’t all been hangin’ out in the tree house together much since it was built.
did you guys find another “guy” club and leave me here?
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A “guy” club? Hell no. It’s no fun without the ladies.
Hmmm. A veranda for a treehouse. I’ll leave that up to JT. He has the hammer and nails. I’ll throw on a coat of paint. 8) Wheres my binoculars? I wonder if we can see Russia from the treehouse? 
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AC, are you comparing me to Mrs. Palin? REALLY?????????
what have i ever done to you… ok, i admit i have my blonde moments and i’m a recovering republican, but Sarah Palin? well, at least you don’t think i’m cindy mc cain!
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At least Mrs. Palin was the Hot Governor.
BTW pretty new flowers.
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p2, I gotta admit.. I expected Kev11 to show up by now. I’m still thinking positive.. if someone’s computer crashing can be considered positive. If it makes you feel any better, I’m right there with you on the 12 hrs. I’ll probably work 12 hrs today and for the next 7 days. That will put me at the end of 19 days in a row and then I’ll have time to spend at the treehouse. I can make some time to add a veranda tonight. Glad we think alike. I remember when I was in 2nd grade, my neighbor had a wonderful treehouse. It had a veranda, and whenever I think of treehouses, that’s the one I always think of. Gotta go start another l o n g day now.
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Hmmm. K11 hasn’t been on since 9/29. Thats the day F Ben’s comments were removed from the SS blog. And I’m guessing F Ben was banned. And K11 hasn’t commented since. You don’t think BBB accidentally banned him too?
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no AC, and i’m sure snake has been seeing the messges to k11 on SS. also note that the post was midnight so technically, it was still the 28th in princess-land. besides, he could find snake on fb if he wanted too.
i’m at work, continuing with inventory and still sick. wrapped myself in a quilt and a down comforter (not the ones i’ll bring to the treehouse) and was still shivering. but i’m here to get it over with. don’t have your stamina, though, justa. been there, done that for years. all i got was tired, 3 promotions, several raises, new titles, more work and tired out. but for a good cause, remember.
see you all later.
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*huffs, puffs, tries to catch breath* Man..did you guys build this treehouse HIGHER than the last one??!! I’m not so good with heights….gets a lil dizzy…or dizzIER, considering the blonde thing……lol
I have been reading the TH blog occasionally and also the SS. I really TRIED but I actually can’t STAND Survivor, so chatting there seemed a waste of time. Sal couldn’t get the SS email to mine..and it seemed he didn’t try very hard as he totally ignored my last request so I just kinda stopped blogging. I still don’t get it cuz I got all the BB ones and all the Survivor ones last year. And really alot of peeps I liked talking to (you guys included) like Kim and Margie and Skelly and Donna Rose..the list goes on…apparently aren’t survivors fans either, and it just didn’t feel the same anymore. You really need to like the show you are talking about and pay some attention to it..it DOES come up in the blog!!lol Guess I will have to wait untill the next BB to get involved again.
And I really kind of dropped the ball here and you guys seem to have gotten so close that I really kind of feel like an outsider by now. You guys are SO tuned inio each other and have so many inside jokes, I am not sure if I can just slip right back in. But, if you don’t mind I may stop by occasionally.
I am betting on either puter probs or he just needed a break. (I am sure k11 could give you all the odds!) It can get very intense in here and time consuming. Maybe he just needed some time to come up for air….or go outside..lol I think that’s what happened to me.
And I wouldn’t worry about Kev11..he’s a big boy. He went 49 years without blogging and survived just fine!
Anyway, hope you don’t mind that I *found* you guys. I AM an interior designer, BTW, so if you want any help decorating the tree house..just let me know!!:)
*waves and blows kisses* Good to see y’all! And don’t lean too far over that side..I don’t think Justa is done with it yet…..:)
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STAR you found us. we’ve been waiting and waiting for you!! oh, man. justa will be SO happy you’re here. did you read all the BB11 stuff before you got here?
we had from September 17 to whatever day justa built us this tree house. and we get a veranda with pillows. oh, girl i’ve missed you. is mercury back where it belongs?
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i wrote that before i read your post. i just saw your name and started (blonde) jumping for joy. mind, we WANTED you here. you haven’t read all the where is Star and we wish she was here stuff on the original treehouse. that was BB11’s 1st post, if i’ve got it right. can’t say it enough. miss you.
an interior designer? i almost went into that field. i do it unofficially for my friends. it is definately a passion. but we’ll combine our tastes and make a nice home for the men-folk. it is more intimate here. that’s why we wanted you girl, you ARE one of us, you and justa and k11 and AC let me in the club.
i put new flowers in the house just to welcome you. some cerise sprigs. thought they would go with the nice outdoorsy (yet not to quaint) feeling of the treehouse. gotta love a treehouse with indoor plumbing and a dishwasher!
love, k
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p2, A dishwasher!!?? WTF?! Ok, that’s cool, but no wonder Stra said to not lean over to the one side too far… I guess I’ll just have to add some reinforcement. The first treehouse was pretty basic. This one is nicer, but remember, we have a long way to go til BB12. This is my second treehouse and I plan to make each one a bit nicer.. we have many moves ahead of us til July. If we make this one too nice, we’ll never want to leave. Good to see Star found the “door” that AC left at the old treehouse. I’m sure she read all those comments before jumping over here. Hope things are going better for you Star. p2, Hope you feel better soon. I know how horrible it feels to be wrapped in a blanket and still shivering. It almost feels like I am starting to catch something? Not sure yet though, but you know that feeling that you get before you are actually sick? That’s kind of how I’ve been feeling since around noon. It could just be 3 days of being out in the rain for 12 hrs and only 45 degree temps. I don’t think it’s going to rain here again tomorrow. I can’t wait til Friday is over… think I’ll just hide under my blankets for about 16 hours! The veranda is done.. like it? Paint away AC… let p2 pick the color. Let me know of any more large appliances that you plan on bringing in… we gotta make sure the treehouse can handle it…. or down will come p2, candles and all…
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p2…WOW!! Thanks for the warm welcome back!! *hugs*
S0rry to hear you are under the weather..and the quilts. It’s that time of year tho…FLU SEASON!! I got my shot this week, just to be safe! Good thing too if we are going to be sleeping in a possibly drafty(no offense Justa…justhenatureof)treehouse!!lol) Boy, both blonde, both into decorating…was one of us adopted??;) I didn’t read ALL of the posts from the last TH, but I will go back and do so when I have time. Pretty close tho I am betting. Glad we have all the modern conveniences of home here..I don’t *ruff* it well!! Good thing BB is in the summer months or Justa would have to be putting in AC too!!(not OUR AC..he’s already here!!)
Scarecrow!! So good to cya!!*hugs* I can totally relate to the weather you are having..exact same here! It BITES! At least 10 degrees colder than it should be! And I’m sure that isn’t helping you but you prolly aren’t getting enough sleep, kiddo and are justplainexausted from all the OT! Your immune system is on it’s last legs right now! And if you feel like you are getting sick, well…your body is giving you a heads up! Doesn’t sound like you have the priviledge of a sick day right now.:( Drink echinecea tea ..it really helps me when I feel crud coming on. PLUS it just feels good cuz it’s HOT! Celetial Seasonings is the best! It’s called echinecea complete care . Sometimes you can get it in a grocerystore but I get it at a health food store…too *potent* for the poor grocer, I guess. Anyway, it’s full of good things for your immune system. We can’t have our founder and builder faltering!! We’d be up a tree!!!hehehe *tucks him into bed all snuggly warm*
Did Franks ever find us?? He’s our 4th in the Wiz Kids ensemble. Miss our Lion!
And P2..yes! Mercury WRETCH was over on 9/29!! We are FREE! Free at last!!lol And Justa..I am doing better now, thanks! Was just one of those days/weeks.
How are we supposed to cook for eveyone ,p2?? IS there a stove up here?? Getting cold, gotta have warm comfort food! Hope it’s electric tho..don’t think we want a WOOD burning one , if ya know what I mean….lol Candles might be a lil dangerous too….but if we get electricity….*hugeassgrin* Are we asking too much here guys??LOL
Well, it’s off to see the Wizard for me. But don’t worry..won’t take a HOUSE to fall on me next time to know I am always welcomed!!
I’ll just follow the yellow brick road back home……..
Peace, love and light,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Star, Stra, Dorothy
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hi everyone! slept GREAT last night, and slept in this morning. inventory is over and i’m not going to do any work from home today. i get those 2 – 3 day icky things about every 3 – 4 months. i’m on a LOT of medication for pain and other stuff and i think every once in a while my body just says enough and does a nosedive.
we have to have a dishwasher if we’re having dinner together but, Star, i think we should make it take out to keep it easy. i don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, would rather be talkin’ to you guys. oh, btw, 5th. franks is our 5th. AC, justa, k11, star, p2, and 5th! we haven’t been able to get him here. and i don’t think he like survivor either.
justa, sorry you’re not feeling well and still have days to go. this too shall pass. i know this from experience. not helpful, but i know you can do it. justkeep going – it’ll be over soon.
oh, unless star objects, the veranda should be painted white, AC. not a blue white, though. and soft warm white. it’s a more inviting color. the veranda floor should be a very dark, deep ivy green since it’s outdoors and can be considered a neutral. right star?!!! we’re still burning vanilla sandlewood candles, but as the weather changes and the leaves start to change we’ll start on the ginger vanilla, and then the pumpkin spice mixed with warm sugar cookie fragrances.
justa, don’t forget star and i need outlets for our blowdryers and a well-lighted makeup mirror in the bathroom. and PLENTY of drawer space for our cosmetics and skin care regimes. i doubt we use the same products…
still missing kevin. really concerned but i’m hoping you’re right about the computer problem and not a physical problem.
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Welcome back Dorothy? We been waiting on you girl.
No need to climb. Just click them heels and say “There’s no place like Treehome, There’s no place like Treehome” and….
Ladies, ladies. Dishwasher? Stove? Kitchen? Bathroom? Blowdryers? Makeup Mirror? Is this still a treehouse? We may never have to leave. What day does the trash go out?
P2…. Star was referring to Franks as 4th in their Wiz Of Oz click. Franks is the Lion. And BTW Jordo, he would be 6th if you were counting us all.
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um, thanks AC. i didn’t look into the garbage detail. i thought the men would take that on. Star and i could break a nail doing that kinda work!!
maybe we need a butler’s pantry system so star doesn’t damage her heels climbing into the treehouse – so unladylike! justa is good at building… a butler’s pantry is justa little tiny elevator! it wouldn’t even have to be enclosed at the top!
what do you think justa. once you’ve finished those nasty 12 hour days…..
AC, thanks for the update on the 4th, 5th, and 6th. i don’t count, i do accounting. that’s why there are two calculators in my office. we were finishing inventory on saturday and the discrepancy was 60 parts, 10 of them. i said, to the boss and a fellow manager, ok for $60 i’ll write them off. um, k, move the decimal!!!
nobody allows me to count in my head!!! it’s too scary in there!!
must get to work… later…
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p2, Good call! i was thinking of some type of elevator as well. i feel better now… still not sure if I’m catching/caught something. I felt absolutely horrible this morning.. justwanted to throw the alarm across the room. I remembered what you tode me, and I just pushed on. I think it helps to be up moving around.. we’ll see what I feel like in the morning. I know how much you love Monday Night Football.. so I wont keep you long. Are you feeling better? I gotta go take out the treehouse garbage now.. Kev11?? Vikes-Packers and still not a word from you? I’m not the paranoid type, but throw some words in here to put us at ease. Hey p2, make you a deal.. you can have all the things you want in the treehouse.. if I can put the big-screen in for football…. and tv/movies Tuesday through Friday. Deal?
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um, thinking….
how about the big-screen in the man-cave room of the treehouse and star and i will take a smaller one in the living room (flat screen/HD) so that when we need to get away from sports, we can close your door, light our scented candles, open the wine and chill…
while you rough it in there with beer and man-stuff.
fair enough? now that you’re building a “trolley” to bring things up on….
also, went back this morning to read the posts at the older, smaller treehouse. was a little surprised to see a small part of a conversation btwn k11 and i blacked out. i guess certain phrases must pop up to be “monitored” or something like that. well, wherever you go, there you are.
i’m glad something i said helped you out this morning. i felt crummy the entire inventory period and was wiped out yesterday and today. came home a little early today and SLEPT… got to be on top of my game for the rest of the week.
but justa, really, i would never deprive you of your big screen TV…
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oh, justa. i was thinking about the issue of moving. i think we’ll (you) justfind a new spot when necessary and bring the already built and decorated treehouse with us. that way, we don’t have to keep rearranging furniture and you and AC don’t have to spend very much time on building. just clearing the land.
a mobile treehouse, so to speak. sound good?
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OMG!! I just spent about 30 mins blogging to you guys, sent it and its GONE!! The cybermonster is BACK!!! WAH!!! I commented on most everything to eveyone and it was SO cute..if I do say so myself..but so LONG!!(who’d a thunk,right??) I don’t think I have the reserve to rewrite it at the moment. I may try again in a bit, but then again..*sigh*
I didn’t even THINK to copy it. I thought that only happened when the blog was really busy, like after a Thurs nite show!! I tried everyhting to get it back but it is outta here! Like me!:(
I’ll get you cybermonster….and your lil dog PLUTO too!!!
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hi star, here is where the candle light is, if you got my message at the end of the 10/5 SS blog.
where can i locate a decent, free horoscope per day, kinda thing. just been curious, lately.
so sorry you lost your long post. i was looking forward to connecting with you… you alway give us something to think about!
AC, looking at your avatar… the BEST rendition of “When the Saints go Marching In” is on the Bruce Springfield CD of his live concert in Ireland, Dublin i think. also think it can be located on You Tube. we found it for the funeral of a friend’s family member (who had specifically requested that song). Even for the nonreligious or non spiritual, it is a really great version. justanote…
justa, keep up your strength while you’re working so hard.
k11, looking forward to seeing you again when you pop back in.
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k11, btw, did you note that the “stalker” of that gorgeous sports writer (who took the video in her hotel room) lives in WESTMONT. icky!!
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AC, it took me until late Sunday afternoon to count to 6 “your” way. sigh…
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Shut Up!!
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oh, please. i was doing inventory – NOT firing on all cylinders. had to get in a nap on Sunday before the brain worked on numbers again.
and the only relation to jordo is im strawberry blonde, today.
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Maannn, it’s no fun without K11 here.
Where are you man? Did Sin City take you under? We need you to keep the convo going……
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the attrition rate is getting desperate. no k11, justa working too hard, star popping in and out….
i don’t know AC, how do we keep our dysfunctional little family together until July?
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That’s It! I’m Done! Still not feelin’ 100%, but better than a few days ago. I pushed through.. thanks p2! 19 days, 212 hours… all done! I’ve got a lot of catching up to do. I have to read SSblog from the 2nd episode on. I still have to watch 2 and 1/2 episodes of SS (What happened Betsy?). I have 2 or 3 eps of Mad Men to watch, 2 eps of Dexter, 3 eps of CYE… plus other stuff.. will I ever get caught up? We do need Kev11 and Star back, but as soon as I feel like I have my feet back under me.. I’ll be posting away about nothing (as these 2 treehouses prove). As AC knows by my post at the end of the universe, I’ll do whatever it takes to entertain myself on here til BB12. I hope at least you 2 will hang on, but if not, that wont stop me… it’ll just make me seem a bit odder to anybody who finds me posting somewhere all by myself (lol). That’s ok though, I’m always looking for new ways to have fun on here.. even if nobody gets it. I have been sleeping real well… even 8 or more hours a night! I will catch up on SS and SSblog first.. then start chiming in over there.. has there been much worth reading lately? I’ll find out soon enough… not tonight though. I promised myself something when all this OT was over… to pull the covers over my head and not come out for 16 hrs. Doubt I can do that, but the first 10 hrs should be a piece of cake. The phone is turned off and I’m set! I’ll probably stay up a bit and watch p2’s favorite….. baseball! I did have a couple of crazy dreams about this treehouse… why kev11 is not here etc.. Is that strange? Now I have to follow my own advise.. try to not worry.. until there is something to worry about. I am off at least for the next 4 days. I should just take all of next week off.. and still might. I’ll check back before I crash for the night. I feel free again. If the weather is sh#tty again tomorrow… all I have to do is look out the window at it.. and pull the covers back over my head!
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If I’m not mistaken, midnight (BBblog time) will be exactly 11 days since we have heard from kev11 (at the treehouses). I still can’t believe how touched he was about my little tribute to a friend. I teared up a bit reading how moved he was by that. It just reinforced what we all already knew.. kev11 does have a huge heart and these woods feel a bit empty without him here. Hopefully there’s some magic left in the 11 connection and he’ll post something tonight. I know that until I have something new to read from him, I can’t think of 2 more meaningful posts for me to read than his last two. I have re-read those quite a few times. Where you at bro? Miss ya.
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Damn Yankees!! ..sigh.. now I can sleep
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So I didn’t sleep for the 16 hrs… I gave it a hell of a try though. I did wake up early and peeked out the window.. a dusting of snow! WTF? I was more than happy to pull the covers back over my head. High temp today of 39 degrees. Brrrr… F that!! I caught up on watching SS today. I guess it is pretty obvious who will get voted off.. most of the time. Depending on who wins the next challenge, Monica or Ashley seem most likely to go. We need a veto in this game.. too predictable. I still enjoyed watching though. The next step is to catch up on reading SSblog.. not tonight though. psst.. AC, don’t tell p2, but I think I’ll kick my feet up on the coffee table and watch some football.. maybe a little LSU-Florida. SEC on a 65″ HDTV, care to join in AC? Hell, you prolly went to that game. If I close this door, p2 wont even see my feet on the table… maybe she doesn’t care if I put my feet up.. as long as I do it in the man-cave room. First, I gotta go back to TH-1 and check out the “blacked out” comments. That has me very curious.. I didn’t think this was being monitored any more… “dormant”, I believe was the term BBBlogger used..
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Didn’t find the “censored” comments (I did skim real fast though). All I saw was
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------some stuff that I put a line through.Support our blog by signing up for the BB22 Live Feeds via CBS All Access
Snow? I’ve seen that once or twice. lol.
Didn’t go to the LSU-Fla game, but I did watch it. Was a disappointing outcome. Too many stupid penalties (Lining up offsides).
No offense (Jordan Jefferson just frustrates me sometimes). Defense can’t stop the dive play (How many times can Fla run the same play on you before you figure it out?) And they got away with one on that touchdown pass. But I gotta say the best team one tonight. K11, what you think?
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AC, I was watching that game and the Texas-Colorado game too. I was hoping that LSU could win and help Texas get to #1 (I know that was the furthest thing from your mind). I guess being #1 only leaves one direction to go though. The Vikings went to 5-0… I’m still not sold on them. I bet kev11 would have a few things to say to me on that. AC, I wont be one bit surprised if the Vikings are 5-3 at the halfway point of the season. Ravens, Steelers, and Packers are 3 games they could easily lose.. and those are the next 3. They will prolly be 6-2. Didn’t see a Saints score, were they off this week?
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Yeah. Saints off this week. We got the 5-0 Giants next week. Gonna be Eli Manning’s first game in the Superdome ever. Battle of the undefeated. We gotta keep up with them Vikings.
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p2, I think I see where this “chat” that you want to have is heading. We need to bounce around some ideas between us 3 (And hopefully kev11 and Star will join in). Tell me what you have in mind to fix this p2.
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AC!! It’s funny that you mention the movie Race With The Devil. That was one of my favorites as a kid.. and I can’t figure out how it scared me back then either! I saw it in the theaters back then and was blown away by the final scene!! A circle of flames around the motor home was too much! I guess the cult angle was scary to me. Other movies from my childhood that scared me were Burnt Offerings, The Omen 1 & 2, Phantasm, and The Amityville Horror. I was also a huge fan of The Omega Man, The Warriors, & Escape From New York Did you see those as a kid? Whenever I think of Race With The Devil, I think of a mini review that was in TV Guide. They would list the movies in the back and give a short critique and number of stars rating…… Like: Gone With The Wind ..a Civil War time love story.. 5 Stars. For RWTD it was simply this (not making it up). Race With The Devil… for the exits! I liked the movie, but had to give the nod to that writer… that was funny.
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Yeah, watchin it some 30+ years later. It just doesn’t have the same feel. I guess it was the cult angle, the flames, that creepy tree in the beginning. Or just the realization that everyone they came in contact with was potentially a member of the cult.
Never saw Burnt Offerings, but I remember The Omens (Damien), Phantasm, and The Amityville Horror.
Not familiar with The Omega Man. Of course The Warriors is a classic
*bottles clanging* "Warriors, come out to playyeea"
But you know what movie scared me the most as a kid? Please don’t laugh. But “It’s Alive” had me spooked out after watching that movie. I mean I was afraid to get out my bed thinking that damn baby was under the bed.
I need to watch that again and see how it held up 35 yrs later.
Oh, and what about Children Of The Corn?
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The Omega Man has been remade in many versions.. most recently, I Am Legend with Will Smith. I didn’t like that version, but you should check out Charleton Heston’s version from the 70’s. It doesn’t hold up that well with time (as most of these movies don’t).. so maybe it’s one of those that you had to see as a kid… and leave it there. I would still recommend reading the book. We had to read it in 7th grade and it is still one of my favorites. Of course the book is way better than the movie… as is true in most cases. I watched The Ametyville Horror a few years ago for the first time in ages… talk about not holding up!! Finding Nemo was scarrier than that piece of sh#t! I watch Dexter on Showtime, it’s funny to see James Remar (from The Warriors) on there as Dexter’s Dad!
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AC, I need you to hook me up w/commands for smiley face icons. I need the actual typed out commands. I am on webtv when on these blogs, so I can’t scroll over pictures to get commands. I know this one
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just wrap colons around those
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And you get this:

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Thanks AC!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------pay attention to that man behind the curtain... he knows what the f#ck he's doing!!
Do HTML codes work on SSblog??Support our blog by signing up for the BB22 Live Feeds via CBS All Access
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Thanks again AC.. let me try it… :smile:… :arrow:… :!:…
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:idea:smile:arrow:…. just seeing if you can run them together or if they all need to be enclosed with colons.
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guess that answers that…. about HTML.. does it work on SSblog? I haven’t tried it yet but have noticed some italics in your posts.
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Yes it works.
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oh for the love of moose! when you guys disappear into the man cave i lose my nicely decorated, candle-scented, full loaded treehouse with all appliances and a elevator!
i tried 08/05, where i thought it was, but no luck. will one of you get me home, please? star’s not here and my ruby slippers just don’t work in the man cave!!
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p2, Hey girl. Hope your situation (passport) is working out. What are you talking about? You are home. 08/04 was just you wandering around in no mans land. We can’t have that.
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You went through the wrong door
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oh, is that where i left the bad, bad thing message?
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jt, life is much better. i called the local border crossing which is 15 minutes away and talked to US Immigration. ok, back up, i’m speaking princess.
i had a bad feeling about the enhanced driver’s license last night and i just KNEW it would take a few weeks to get one. went on-line (yes, i’m detail oriented when i don’t need to be) and found out i can’t get one because i’m not a US Citizen. i’m still canadian, and have had my green card for about 20plus years. (got my first when i was married at 20 and my second one when we moved back from justouside Hope where they filmed First Blood/was there heard the stories/Sly’s helicopter crashed into a tree) to return to Chicago for the second, Clarendon Hills, trip. just across the hiway from where k11 grew up, we shopped at the same Jewel food store, remember). so i called the Blaine US immigration office and explained my problem regarding the death in the family, etc. apparently, according to the lovely lady i sobbed to, there is no problem. canada cannot refuse entry to one of its own citizens and the US only requires my green card as proof for my reentry. so, since we have a preplanned family event on sunday afternoon, and i need to go up to be with my mother – unless my sister calls me and tells me what the results of her visit to the funeral home are/were – i’ll get a trial run w/o a passport.
my boss was worried about me so he talked me into coming into work this afternoon. put out some fires, answered e-mails and came home. i think it’s just the shock. there are literally hundereds of people to contact. she had an orphanage in India for about 40 years (with her husband who passed away 3 years ago) pastored a church for 30 years and wouldn’t retire until 88, and belongs to several ministerial organizations. fortunately, we are getting assistance with the notifications from the new church pastor and the western head of the association. the national head called mum this morning (she’s also a minister, missionary, and pastor if i didn’t mention that…) to offer his condolences.
definitely a little worried about my mum. she’s getting more frail and this was so sudden to us.
anyway, sorry for the novella, but thank you for asking.
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Yes p2.. and the breadcrumbs are gone now… other than the “door”. I really hope you realize that it wasn’t a “bad, bad thing”. Maybe a touch over the blog lines, but with the best intentions. Don’t beat yourself up anymore.. we need you here and at SSblog. There aren’t many with your sharp sense of humor. You are sensitive (not a bad thing), but your sarcasm is unmatched… that’s the p2 I like. We need to figure out some ways to spice things up on SSblog… it’s mostly been a snoozefest. p2, AC, any ideas of what we can do to bring some fresh air into that place? p2 was already off to a good start with the name change thing… maybe we can run a bit further with that. Ideas?
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Glad to hear that things are working out as good as can be expected at such a bad time. I hope all continues to go well.. under the circumstances anyway.
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we need to get PK off himself and back to blogging. he really is sharing too much (although) interesting information. miss moose and stra. now that you and AC are back there, i’ll sharpen my wit for you. it has been a little dull lately, i admit.
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funny p2, I was thinking the same thing (about PK). I just don’t want to say anything because everybody really eats up all his stories. I like personal info… but he often takes it a bit too far.. and does come off as bragging. He is funny and interesting.. but there is a fine line there.
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i like him, but today he crossed that fine line for me. and i think i’m pretty liberal as far as stories go. i have a couple of ideas. you may see breadcrumbs soon. it’ll be up to you to decide…
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ohhh, a possible game? p2 knows what I like! Anything to make things more exciting and I’m all for it! I think he’s been dancing over that line for quite a while. I kind of feel bad for Vanessa. She got left hanging and must believe that we are all blind. I guess she asked for it though. I agreed with most of what she said.. just couldn’t bring myself to chime in any support.
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i with held, too… seeing that aggie had asked for the answers to the questions. i felt bad for vanessa, though.
well, if i can stir things up without trying, i’m pretty sure of my capabilities when i AM trying. read evil chuckle..
actually, when i say things like that at work “they” tell me i have an evil laugh that accompanies whatever i’m planning…
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p2 plans + evil chuckle = great fun for JT!!
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they erased my awaiting moderation comment. this may be more difficult that i first thought.
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AC, did you catch the message i left for you (and incidently justa) through the cyber port hole you left for me? is porthole one word? as a former sailor’s daughter i should know that. i know alot of other things…
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Loved the movie First Blood. Didn’t remember where it was filmed. There are a lot of movies that were great that almost turned into a running joke because of too many sequils(sp?). Rocky was good. Nightmare on Elm Street was good. Halloween was good. Friday the 13th was good. Saw was good. Alien was good. I think people tend to forget the greatness of the original when there are so many (I’m going to mispell this again) sequils? HELP spell check!!
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oh, never mind. i can’t read. it got out of order awaiting moderation. wonder what it was i said that needed moderation. (my life yes, but that’s not going to happen.)
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“Awaiting moderation” you say? Does this mean the game is afoot? Hey AC! Good to see you:lol:
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80 miles outside of where i grew up in Hope, BC. 20 miles or so from where i was then living in Chilliwack (no joke) BC. Hope is 100 miles from vancouver. Sly was staying in a private residence because there were no suitable amenities. he was supposed to fly into a club in vancouver, helicopter crashed and he broke several ribs, bad bruising. had to postpone shooting for a little while for him to heal. the business woman he stayed with has a credited bit part near the end of the movie, walking a baby carriage in front of, i think, her own house. credited! no speaking lines. she owned a business in “the mall” and i worked on the other side of her store. her employee and i got to be friends and i heard stories…
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Oh the hell? Why didn’t that work?.. no spaces? Let’s try this
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i can’t do all those smiley things, but that’s ok. we’ll find a way to spice SS up a bit. snake is working VERY hard on it. i really appreciate everything he’s done to keep us interested in a once per week show.
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LMAO. P2 you sound like PK with that story.
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i swear, i did not have sexual relations with his women!
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although i do understand the need/use of a bar…
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oh batshit, now starfish is doing it. an ode to the roaring free love 70’s.
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AC, I know you were just being funny.. but you actually bring up the point exactly!! p2’s story had some good info that I asked about.. with no bragging. PK’s stories are often unsolicited and full of how many homes he has/had.. his exploits of women.. or celebrities he’s known… and on and on and on. No comparison at all to what anyone else here or there does.
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Awaiting moderation?… You must have a new alias.
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we’re on SS now
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Guess I better go check out SS. BBL
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i swear i’m getting dyslexic going from one place to the other and checking in at TH 1.
i going to slip if i’m not very, very careful.
btw, BBL???
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Be Back Later
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Kary-on(a) my wayward one…. there’ll be peace when you are done… lay your weary head to rest… don’tcha cry no more.. Not sure what brought that old Kansas tune to mind.. any ideas p2?
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why, whatever do you mean?
what did i ever do (right) to deserve you, JT.
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Just being your good self is enough p2. We got each other and AC (and some fun at SSblog) to get us through til BB12. Then we’ll have Kev11, Star, and the WHOLE gang back. We just gotta keep pluggin’ along til then… I think we can, I think we can, I think we can..
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There is another game afoot btw. You 2 got it figured out yet?
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I set up a special e-mail addy for you 2. Submit your guesses here.. forp2andac@webtv.net I’d rather tell you some things on the DL.. even more DL than the treehouse that anyone can stumble upon.
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Just having some fun with “J Peterman”. (Seinfeld reference… if you’re not familiar)
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Hey P2. Seems we have a Treehouse on wheels and its now parked in a new spot. Oh, and we have new guests. So no need to leave any more posts here (don’t reply here). Just come to the new “treehouse”. I’m leaving the door open for you.
See you there. 
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