It’s true! The feeds were down all day and I think it’s because of us! We know what’s going on, we predict their futures and Big Brother finally caught on to us this season so they blocked us from our insider information! We must be doing something right!
The HGs were on what appears to be indoor lock down, so we have very little news from inside the house. Last night on Showtime’s Big Brother After Dark, Britney made the comment, “I’m being evicted tomorrow anyway, so it doesn’t matter,” after BB chastised her for talking about production. But I don’t think they’ve had the POV ceremony yet. It seems BB taped BBAD around the same time, except 12 hours earlier since the HGs were all so tired and looked like a combination of a train wreck and Amy Winehouse – as if you can tell the difference!
BB gave them more arts & crafts in the forms of t-shirts and markers and they were all creating their own wearable art while trying to stay awake with Red Bull and cereal. Enzo wrote “Bra-Gade” on his (I tode you he still can’t spell it!) Lane has “The Beast” with blood drops and slash marks, Hayden’s shirt looks like his name is on it and Britney’s was the best with BB12 Final 4. She was a mess last night. No make-up and her hair looked like a bird’s nest and she was still adorable. She later heard a female voice right outside the front door and everyone went into a panic. She immediately put on her make up thinking someone was coming in, and the guys started cleaning the house – while she did her nails.
They went back to their t-shirts and the show was over. They were told they had to stay awake until 12:00, but I’m sure BB meant 12 noon, not midnight, for this pre-taping. They don’t usually pre-tape BBAD, so they may have a surprise for us tonight! And the feeds won’t return until after the airing of tonight’s show.
I’m hoping this board will be really active today with speculation on tonight’s show and where it goes from here. We’ve lost some insightful bloggers recently, and I’m really encouraging you all to return. Like Big Brother, the HGs fight to remain in the house to the end…I encourage you all to fight to remain on this board. Not fight with each other, of course, but your thoughts and comments are engaging and important to the success of this site and I miss reading the diverse predictions.
Our favorite summer guilty pleasure is nearing the end and it’s getting exciting! What will happen tonight? What about tomorrow? Will BB somehow change things up in a way that benefits Britney? Will Hayden use the POV on Lane giving Britney the only vote? Come on everybody, jump aboard the Big Brother Fun Bus and enjoy the ride!!! =^^=
omg I am first I think 😀
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moderation 😕
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Anyhoo, Britney will be gone tonight and the boringade can now fight each other for the title. Yeah. not.
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Hayden isn’t going to use the POV on anyone. He’d be crazy to do it. It was a smart move to put Lane up with Britney. If he hadn’t, Lane would have sent Meow Meow home for sure!
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I am cancelling my feeds as of today this has become horrible we are paying all this money for them to be live 24/7 and they are constantly shut down anymore it’s just not worth it anymore.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As for Enzo he is so stupid that it’s not even funny.. makes Jersey look like a bunch of fools
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I am cancelling my feeds as of today this has become horrible we are paying all this money for them to be live 24/7 and they are constantly shut down anymore it’s just not worth it anymore.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As for Enzo he is so stupid that it’s not even funny.. makes Jersey look like a bunch of fools
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This is the first year i’ve been on this blog. I’d like to say thank you to all for all the insites, comments and spoilers. This has actually added to my enjoyment of BB. You all have been great. I read there is a survivor. Blog, where is that at. Thanks again
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Wait a minute. Ted stated yesterday that they had already evicted Britney. What’s up?
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Everyone else… we have been thru this before with asses on here that don’t use common sense and I am sorry but I am out of here completely now..
I have had no sleep for 90 hours now because again my special needs son has not been sleeping so therefore I can’t sleep. Then to have someone like TAXIMAN be an abnoxious pompus ass I just don’t have the time or energy to deal with that anymore…
Maybe people like this one should relaize that sometimes things are double posted I have seen it many times in the past years that I have been on here and I have been on for years as you all know and will not deal with people like him anymore…
Enjoy guys.. I’m gone
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What I will say is britney has mentioned she reads this site more than once won’t she be surprised to see what we all had to say about her and the season… Wish I was a fly on the wall for that also I read everyday but don’t post lots of you can be really mean and I come for the fun not to be jumped on. It would be nice if hayden used the veto on lane but he won’t so of brittney goes I don’t with the feeds after I get this months free music and once again that’s for the fun here
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I watched BBAD this morning an thought it was funny.I think if you are a group of guys ,the shirts could say BRO–GADE, not BRA-GADE well leave it up to the DO DO s. And I think it will be fun tonight(I hope) because if they shut down your LFs yesterday maybe something is going on(I hope) but how did Ted know Britt is gone if you couldnt watch? I wished Haden would grow a pair and take Britt off the block an Britt would get rid of Enzo. I dont think he was as bad as Baller was and Baller worked with kids. Not with mine if I had any.
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Oh yeah one more thing I loved racheal we all want to call her a whore and vegas stories are over the top well when was the last time any of you watched hard rock rehab there is her job right there making sure ppl spend spend spend
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I’m hoping that Hayden will use the POV on Lane and have to put Enzo up as his replacement. Then Lane could vote him out. I doubt that will happen, Brittney’s fate is pretty much sealed. So it looks like the Bro-gade in the finals, I hope that Lane and Hayden can put Enzo out and then Lane wins! Not my first choice for the final 3 at all, I sure thought that the other HG’s would catch on to the Bro-gade and realize the alliance much earlier. I don’t think it was the best alliance ever but you have to give them props for keeping it under wraps as long as they did. Can’t believe the season is almost over, we spend way more time looking forward to the show than it is actually on.
On a more personal note, I think it is ridiculus that some of our bloggers have been forced to leave the blog because of the treatment they have received. For gosh sakes people, this is a blog, we are all entititled to our own opinion. It would be pretty dang dull in here if we all felt the same way about the HG’s. The differences in our opinions is what makes this blog the best. I know I will miss our fellow bloggers and hope they will decide to come back next season.
Good luck to the final 4, Hayden-Lane-Enzo-Brittney!
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Sorry to hear Britt is gone, now it’s wall to wall testosterone, what a shame hopefully enzo will be gone soon PLEASE GOD, just so we don’t have to hear him talking about how what a great social game he is playing anymore, PLEASE LET THE DOOR , HIT THIS GUY IN THE ASS 😯 + 😯 + 😯
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Hi folks,
I heard from another blog, who had spies in the live audience last night that Britney was indeed kicked out of the BB house and part one of the three-part final HoH competition had started before they released the audience… I guess they are on a serious lock-down with info and are forcing all of us to be TV-only this week.
I bought the three-month feeds sale-package and of course won’t be renewing.. but there’s still a couple more days of live activities on there, even if it’s not from inside the house, it’s valuable stuff!
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evil 👿 ……..razz 😛 ……..twisted 😈 ………eek 😮 ……..shock…….. 😯 ……….lol 😆 …….cool 😎 …….smile 🙂 …….mad 😡 ………grin 😀 ……..sad 🙁 ……..mrgreen
………cry 😥 ……..??? 😕 ……..oops 😳 ………neutral 😐 …..roll 🙄 ……..! ❗ ……..wink 😉 ……..? ❓ …….idea 💡 …….arrow ➡ ………..
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Here’s my take on it…………Out of the 4 left now, I am rooting for Hadan, he is the best player out of the 4 & the nicest. He deserves it.
I want Hadan & Enzo last two, here’s why: Britney is snippy, & Lane is already rich (or at least his family is), & he doesn’t deserve it. He reminds me of a big overgrown stupid cowboy!!!
But my all time favorite two were Rachel & Brendon…………Rachel was hilarious, when she left I found the show much more boring. I would have loved to see either one of the two go all the way, they both kicked ass at competitions & were great players.
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I’ve very much enjoyed the blog even though I don’t post much. I agree we all have our opinions and shouldn’t be abused for them and I hope everyone can come back together as friends.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was disappointed in the season and seldom watched BBAD like I did in previous years. I am an optimist and I’m hoping for a wonderful BB13. Just please no Jesse or I may have to walk away.
I have no favorites but of the slim choices left I guess I want Lane to win.
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Aggie, I so agree with you. I DO want the door to hit him. I don’t know how they were all on BBAD last night if Britney is already evicted. I’m guessing when Ted wrote that yesterday he knew what he was talking about.
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Thanks hpr56, he is a ROYAL PAIN IN THE BUTT, I’m sure they will have him back on allstars, because he is so MOUTHY. 😯
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I read a blog from someone, who was in the BB studio audience for Britney’s eviction….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the exit interview, Julie Chen kept questioning Brit about her feelings for Lane–she kept insisting, that she only thought of him as a brother….hmmm–could have fooled me….
If Lane wins it all, I predict Britney will become a whole lot more interested in him…..I can just see her squeezing in the photo op’s…
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Meh, glad Brit is on her way out. I’m sick of watching her pick at herself, I can’t stand her ugly boots (lol, just a fashion thing for me), but most of all I loathe her sense of entitlement and her know-it-all attitude … (lol) it kills me!
What’s more, I couldn’t stand that she constantly spewed hateful and demeaning comments about past HGs and past seasons … totally unnecessary, Brit! And I’m not just talking about normal gossip either. This girl was HATEFUL. She allowed her very poor attitude to consume her. Where most people could control the pressures and stresses, not allowing it to take hold of you in such a way as to make you forget about simple morals and values, she allowed her negativity to permeate every fiber of her being where she couldn’t help but vomit it all out. She poisoned the house for the last month or more and I’m glad to see her go. Just my little ole opinion.
To be fair, I will say that I wish they would turn off Enzo’s mic when he eats or goes on and on about the Bra-gade (by the way bra is also a term people use for bro or brother) and how it was his idea and his alone, blah, blah, blah. I’m also tired of seeing Hayden try to be everyone’s friend. And I’m sick of seeing Lane always trying to baby and then not baby Brit. Make up your mind, man. His tired hat needs to go and he needs grow a pair. LOL.
My first year of feeds and I’m not too happy with them — tons of bubbles, boring cast and now blackout for two days. I just might give it another chance next year and hope for the best, but I don’t know. Come on, BB, get it together. You’re making a bad impression here. LOL
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Oh BTW….Any leaks, as to who won the competition between the Bro-gade last night??
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SHOOKUP – did the audience member say anything else insightful?
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For all those who haven’t heard, Britney was evicted before a live audience yeasterday, everything was taped. they began the HOH and it’s a jungle theme with the HG’s hanging on a vine and swinging them into a wall and rain was added like they always do. That will be taped also for tonights show. Not sure if we will get to see the finish of the competition or not.
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Don’t agree with you on all your points, Becca, but we just have different opinions. I can agree about Brit picking at herself but I think she is just really nervous. As far as her talking about others, she didn’t like them and neither did I. You should hear me talk to my family about the ousted house guests. UGLY! I, personally, like Lane. I would rather see him win this than the other two. I don’t think Brit would use him for the money but I think she likes Lane more than she is admitting. Guess I don’t get around that much cause I never heard the work Bra being used for brother instead of bro. My kids are probably a little older. I always just figured they weren’t that bright (ENZO isn’t) and they thought it was how you spelled Brigade. Learn something every day.
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SNAKE – so i guess britt wasnt in that comp – and where do u get ur info? fly on the wall or what?
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Sal, I understood that we would see the first and second part of the competition and the last part would be on Thursday. Not saying that’s for sure but that was my understanding. Lane probably won’t do that good on this one. He’s kind of heavy for some of that stuff. I see Hayden winning it cause Enzo is convinced he will go to the final 2 no matter who wins and he IS such a wimp.
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- …. chat on showtime had a person in prodution giving out the info from a facebook acct., also, I heard that members of the live audience twittered lots of info also
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YAY Becca & Marsha! Wholeheartedly agree! JT, Mama Margie, Chris, PK…keep on bloggin’ friends!
@Snakebit…I found that after the blog was posted. How about putting up your link again for Survivor! This season should be really interesting! =^^=
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thanks snake – live feeds are agriv. me – hope they will be up soon
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Go to BBDISH….click onto “Tuesday taping Spoiler”….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She tells, that the comp was going on, when she left—It was similar to a past season where hg’s hang onto a rope or vine for dear life, with all kinds of adverisity going on…
She couldn’t see anything, because the wall around the house is really high…but she said, that you could hear the hg’s being thrown around…
There may be more info out there, as I know there were other ppl in the audience, sending out info on Twitter…
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Dream ending: Hayden uses the POV on Lane, knowing he must then put up Enzo. Enzo is voted off. Lane wins HOH and takes Britany to the final two….thinking he can beat her. houseguests give votes to Britany. I know it will probably not happen, but it would be poetic justice for their self centered smugness. I was a “Lane” fan until he missed his power move, keeping Ragan and sending home Enzo. So now, although I hate her whining, my hand goes to Brit.
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Maybe, by some miracle, ENZERO will vote to evict Lane, believing he can win against Brittany in Final 2. Wouldn’t that be a Hoot?
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Wouldn’t it be neat if they did an “Expect the Unexpected” and changed to a final 4 competition with winner take all! I think that the foul language and messy house this year is off-putting. Can’t they suggest that Enzo wash his mouth with soap or something!
The reason I love to watch BB for 14 years now is because of the social experiment and you feel part of the show as a fly on the wall.
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I think those with live feeds should get some money refunded.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------That is complete BS
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Azoo, I would rather see them TAPE his mouth. Soap wouldn’t stop the ranting about how great he is and how famous he is going to be. But the tape would be a good start ……… then tape it shut. LOL I also like your idea of expect the unexpected. They could bring Britney back as a surprise move or something. The house is a mess and Enzo was blaming Britney on BBAD Monday night. Like they did nothing to mess it up? Don’t think so.
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CHRIS… Love your Dream Ending and wish it were true. Glad to have you on TEAM BRIT. Don’t you just love her Ugg Boots??? Everyone wears them in the Great Pacific Northwest… don’t know about Miss T’s area though.
Many are asking how I was the first to post the news yesterday re: Britney Leaving the House… I’m sorry, but I cannot divulge my secret source. It was with Great Pain that I had to provide that Breaking News Story… but also with Great Satisfaction that I was scooping JUSTAGUY and STAR!
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Big Brother’s Allison Grodner on live feed watchers (including Les Moonves), sex, bigotry, and more …
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Hey… just checked out BBdish… good heavens… I would never get any work done going there… Too much info for me, but interesting and seems my source was right… Oh, did I forget to say… Go Enzo!
PRINCESS… don’t you recall on SSB when I asked you something about where you lived and that we were close to each other, AGGIE came to your defense and accused me of stalking you?
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It was so weird watching BBAD last nite. I didn’t realize it was pretaped, and I kept saying ..Brit had her PJs on and had bed head. Then Enzo was saying how tired he was and that the DR had told him they had to stay up til at least 10:30(which I still thought was PM) and I was again thinking..Hmmm..weird…they don’t usually let them sleep on BBAD. The Brit and Hayden were eating cereal and brushing their teeth while lane and enzo went BACK to bed…and then I realized it was early morning for them!!! It was funny hto that production TODE them to clean up around thre! So the guys had to get their lazy A$$es out of bed ! Brit sat there doing her nails and watching them. I think they told her she was exempt cuz she had done it all herself a few times so it was the BRAgades turn to dig in! BTW…to Chris I think who had never heard the term BRA for guys…the only place I have heard it is in Hawaii….watch Dog the Bounty Hunter sometime and you will hear it alot! But I doubt any of they eggheads have ever even been there before….they just can’t spell!!
I agree with aggie and all about Enzo….I so hope he can’t hang in the comps and is outta there! His overblown sense of self is nauseating.
I still say Hayden has the best shot at winning. And that is not cuz i LIKE him best..didn’t really cae for any of the HGs this year…I just think his strenght and social game will pull him thru!
I also agree that this blog has taken on an *odd* tone at the very least. I have been on here for 4 or 5 years, or since it’s inception, whenever that was, and probably didn’t really get as close to people as i did last year, but still felt very comfortable with all who were here. It was a very friendly laid back place. As the season has gone on , I think maybe *we* all turned on each other because BB was so boring!! No drama there, why not just make it here??!! It feels right now as if the blog is all strangers or haters( not that we dont want new people, I just feel like all my friends are gone) I feel like if I left, no one would even care. No one had mentioned my name or shouted out to me on here in forever it seems(except JT..thanks pal!!)So why post at all?? I’m in kind of a bad place right now and am probably taking it out on the blog, but it just feels foreign and uncomfortable here. Why come to a place if you arent going to be welcomed, missed or have a good time?? Just this morning, another person quit because she got yelled at cuz the dumb blog posted her entry twice! Who DOES that or even cares?? But it seems those are the types of people we are attracting!I know BBBlogger has been busy and is having his own problems and this blog isn’t a high priority for him right now.(N0t judging BBB, just saying) But when he was more prseent here, the blog was alot healthier.
Well, that’s my rant. Sorry to vent all over the blog, I’m sure no one cares anyway, but I just needed to get that out.
Peace OUT!!!
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I have enjoyed most of you. This is the first time I have followed the blog. I do hope some of you that say you are leaving will return. Thanks for responses to some of my stupid questions.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Instead of all stars next year, maybe they could do a season with the first one to be voted out each time. Give them another chance. Also a winners season for only the people who went to #1.
I would also like to see a 2 hr reunion to see what they are all doing now. Are Natalie (from Arizona) & her boyfriend still together, did they get married? What about Sheila from years ago. What did some of the winners do with their money? You know ‘inquiring minds’
So anyway, it was fun this season here on the blog.
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Thanks for the link SNAKE… another place to get lost for sure. Interesting interview. I do believe that the producers do not interfere with the outcome of things on the show. Maybe that’s naive. A lot say they tell them what to do… I would like to believe not. Hey, what is your pic… a Steelers Airplane?
And for all you AMAZING RACE LOVERS… here is a thing from Reality Blurred…
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My first time too BB fan… it is fun.
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Good to see you Star! Yes Ted, it’s a Steeler airplane but gravatar wouldn’t let me crop it.
I believe the problem with the blog this year is that it increased in membership, I don’t remember this many newbies during a season before. And the PK tiff, we wall stand up for each other when we notice things and this matter went way too far. The major arguement wasn’t even about the main comment but a disagreement over standing up for someone who wasn’t even online at the time. Such pansy ass comments got strewn out of proportion and carried on too long for such an educated and close knit group that one little comment is aiming to destroy frindships we have made. I for one like our group even when I disagree with your opinions because just like assholes I have one also. Lets not let the newcomers ruin a good thing we have going. I believe we are stronger than they are!! 😀
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Finally, I am out of that stupid Pandora’s box. OK OK which of you bloggers took the key, I have been yelling for someone to let me out.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I guess my doing the Tarzan yell went along with the jungle theme and some one opened the door, must have thought I belonged to the comp.
Well, so glad to be back, feels good to be here. I have missed all of you and it is going to take more then a box to keep me shut up, lol
(STAR) love ya girl, glad to see your house is complete and you are back in the swing of things. Txs to all of my friends and those who are the new kids on the block for their kind words and that they missed me. Sure feels good to know all of you have my back, and I say to heck with bullies whoever they maybe. That is all I am going to say on that issue. To those like me who have left or are thinking of leaving, please take it from someone who has been there done that DON’T, please don’t or if you have, please come back…………do you hear me PK, or are you in Pandora’s box now, lol
I have finally read all the blogs, and other then being a little blurry eyed I am back, baby.
Watched BBAD poor Brit her hair was a mess, and they looked and acted like zombies, so i assume bb taped it early in the moring and aired on bbad, they are really being tight lipped about this, guess we have been in the know and bb wants to surpise us, well they sure did suprise me.
Yes, I am back longggggggggggg blog and all. What do they say you can’t get rid of a bad penny. I think this upcoming week is going to be very exciting so I dare not miss it.
Later all
ciao (as james bond would say, with love)
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Who’s ready for Survivor?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have a friend that has tried out several times for Survivor and The Amazing Race (with her sister).
She has only made it through to round two for Survivor…(She refuses to try out for BB–said she would go stir crazy….lol)
Anyone else have any experiences trying out for Survivor or TAR?
I read where Ted? tried out for BB–good for you!
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Mama Margie how GREAT to have you back! I knew no one could hold an old gal like you and me down for any length of time! Housewives of NJ’s 2nd gathering was not half as good as the first. I must admist I was with Carolyn all the way. Therea and Jacqueline were just sucked in again.
Hurray! You have made my day by posting.
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I am new to this blog, I hope to be here next year. I hope I havent or will P—ed anyone off. I try to read every Blog posted on here, but do miss some. this is a GREAT group and I hope to be allowed to join next year I agree with Star. Life is short lets make it as fun as possible.I will miss the bloggers that have gone.
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Hi Mike, you are right, this is a great Blog. Almost everything is a-okay, just need to get PK back!
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Hey… Nice to see REBECCA’S pretty face back! Don’t want to see any tears in STAR’S eye either. PK will be back… he just needs his own time out. But, don’t say anything snarky about him, because you know he is reading all this… besides thats my job. BETTY, please follow Sal’s lead and change that dog.
Speaking of changing Avatars… I am taking requests, because as you may know, I will need to change mine tonight… I may have to go with ENZO.
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Great to have you back Mama Margie, missed you great blog just read it now I feel stupid for what I just wrote it takes me forever to write (1 finger) to keep up with you all I guess I will have to just do Yes or NO. I hope PK comes back to.
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RUFFUS2/MIKE… don’t be afraid to piss people off… just do it nicely… like me!
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Ted, even though I am not a fan of Enzo’s I would pick him over Lane or Hayden. I guess you have one more fool on your side! 😆
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WB MM, good to see you
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Hey SHOOKUP…I’m ready for SURVIVOR!!! And AR TOO!!! Very funny what you said about Britney re: Lane up top earlier. I would love to be on Survivor, but alas, don’t think I have the stamina to last too long… I would end up like Russell S. last year having a heart attack. I could do BB though, and would probably go down as a fan favorite ala… Evel Dick. Please join us on BBBlogger and SnakeBit Sal’s SNB… and the rest of you too.
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Yes… TEAM ENZO is growing stronger!!! Thanks BETTY… who else is signing up?
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do i need to even try to get on my live feeds yet? afternoon snake – ted – mike – marg etc…
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hi betty
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Sal…thanks for the..OMG..shout out!! and for putting things in perspective!! Were you ever a coach?? Cuz that a gret *pep talk*!!! 🙂
Mike…..I can’t see you saying anything to P*** anyone off! You have been a NICE addition to the blogade….how refreshing!!!;)
Ted….there actually WERE tears in my eyes….who knew you were so perceptice and sensitive???lol And my request for y0ur avatar is for it NOT to be Enzo!!!
And finally, mama margie… think YOUR blog was long??? Did you see MINE???!! lol I think we 2 write the longest ones, but hey….no one has to read them if they don’t want to, right??;)
I knew you’d be back, girl! Altho, I didn’t think it would be until next year! But in coming back, you have saved someone from making a dumb mistake. I was all ready to go after that last post. Saw NO reason to be here anympore!! But as I consider you one of my closest and oldest friends here and when I saw your return with humor and determination, it made me change my mind!! And Sal is right….we are a tough, close-knit group and there is strength in numbers! THANK YOU for joining us again and reknewing my faith in the blog! Missed ya Margie!! *hugs*
And thanks to all who replied to my vent…..sometimes you just need to be heard!(a kick in the cyber pants doesn’t hurt either!!)lol
Peace, love and light,
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hey macy 456789123
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Hey Ted—
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’ll be there!
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lol sal
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Survivor Site I’m hopefully, going to add a page tonight with this years cast of characters.
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Now you guys are really starting to piss me off… DON’T YOU KNOW I AM TRYING TO LEAVE FOR WORK… and more of you keep coming on, and saying something interesting for a change, and it’s so much fun talking to you that I’m not leaving!!! And yes, STAR, I think that you and Mama write the longest, unless TENDR is on a roll… then WATCH OUT! Now, I really have to go… Okay that’s… Enzo Avatar ~ 1 No vote.
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Hi Macy! If I understand correctly there are no live feeds on now. I can’t wait until tonight’s show.
Ted will you will be rooting for the prettest girl on Survivor or will you made your alliance with the elders. I bet Brit would do well on Survivor for I think she is very gutsy!
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I really never watched Survivor, but after hearing all of you Just might watch. I think it is old vs young right? GO OLD since I am over the hill , so far that it looks like a bump now.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GROUP HUG
Your comments made me LMAO and at times my eyes were leaking you all are the best of the best, i feel like we are family.
star u can’t leave that would be the straw that broke the camels back
but that is water under the bridge, got to run date nite tonight and my turn to cook, and the sky is so dark, par for the course of course rain tonite and no dish guess bb will be rained out yet again here in mo.
mama margie
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ted sorry, make that another nay vote for enzo.
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My av will be changing to the person I want to win BB12. 😆 😮
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Hi mama Margie I am in Arkasas and get KY3, KOLOR 10 if it so much as drops any rain they will get on their an talk forever . We can hope for no rain untill after BB’
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Snakebit Sal, Yep he one you like to hate,hate to love people
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nite, huh? No wonder you are in such a *feisty*
Loved your post and the group hug…made me tear up again…..maybe there’s a weird moon out today or sumthin’…..*scratches head and wipes nose*
To all long watching BB fans here…do you remember this weird set of circumstances ever happening before? Sneaking around doing POVs at nite……giving us pretaped morning shows on BBAD(the AD stands for After Dark, BB!!),blocking comps and showing RERUNS on the LFS???!!! cOURSE THIS IS MY 1ST YEAR FOR lfs BUT SEEMS ODD….cap lock..sorry!!! 😳 Way to make a crappy season even WORSE, BB!! I sure hope this isn’t setting a precedent! I think =^^= is right and they don’t like us bloggers knowing so much!! But then why give us feeds ??
Gotta run…..hope to be back tonite after the show.
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I know they have pre-taped before which means they would have to fudge on LF’s also. BBad was weird last night, never expected to see anything with LF’s out, and then it’s a tape of the morning in the house …. sheesh
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You Jane, Me Snake …… where Tarzan?
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Jane, did you swing on over to the next blog tree?
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Snakebit Sal, dont think anyones on here
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afternoon laul
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I don’t post very much because I don’t get an answer most of the time.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I do like reading it everyday…Thanks Star & Ted & so many of you reg’s.
I do go to other BB chat rooms where it’s a quick one on one talk.
Thanks again & keep up the good work!
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Mama Margie……. (((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))
jazzyjazz…. you’ve always been pleasant and respectful. What people have to understand is when someone walks in a room and farts your gonna get backlash. That’s basically the reason for “ugliness”… to take it a step further… was BB so bad this year that we all fought with each other for excitement… hmmmm WWJD?
(what would Julie Do)
Chris if you leave please stay in touch with me. we have something in common with the special needs kiddos:
kenjake 10:40 nuff said ^5
Vonn89 I agree… Jesse DEALBREAKER i’d be outtie. Only way i’d watch if they had Brit in the house to talk about him!
Hi Macy!!! Tried to catch you on Yahoooooo but seems we are never on at the same time.
Ruffus the live audience was tweeting so the information leaked. thanks for the heads up on the new page.
k… i caught half way up let me go read the rest of todays blog.
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OMG…Mama Margie is back. I am so glad. And Star, what were you thinking? Glad you changed your mind too. One big happy blog family. We just need PK back and all will be cool. 🙂
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Bobo, I just think you pick bad times to post, there are times when no one is around and they don’t see your post. I’ve seen you in here a couple times and we’re glad you drop by. Lets us know your opinion and not just that we don’t answer you!
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That’s right….I can come on and talk to myself. I say what I feel and leave. Sometimes, I even get into trouble all by myself. Blog on.
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Ooooooooh PK, we know your listening, yoooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo ollie ollie oxen free. C’mon back oh wizard of wisdom and spread your word on thee!
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btw Jazzyjazz i love Vegas Rehab show!! Honestly I think the girls would cringe if you compared them to roach. Those girls actually knew to make real money you had to be as nice to females as men. Good point to bring up though.
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Sal, that only works on AC….careful or you will summon him instead.
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Nah, AC isn’t around right now ……….. he’ll be stalking us later!
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Sal just looked at AG link thanks! Is that who Brit heard in the background, the womans voice?
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Thanks Snake….Hi frann….Got your mail fun run!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Got to go to the store see you all soon.
my opinion is this is the worst BB season I ever watched & SHOAD
is just too boring, just ff half the you soon & thanks!
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Enzo on camera was just as interesting as Dr. Oz’s live Colonostopy…. or however you spell it… basically both had the same results.. backed up bullshyt.
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hahaha i am catching up just read Star’s comment on why BBB is so much drama… i put the same thing… see STRA our STARS are aligned.. no drama their come here for it.
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That was a cute e-mail Bobo….glad you liked it. Don’t ever think twice about coming on here and saying something. Most of the time, I don’t get an answer either. Hmmm…unless the ones I hear in my head. Just kidding.
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Great Jane! How you doing? Really got to go to the store call watching Peoples Court & typing….who says old guys can’t multi
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe not a very good speller but I still try….cul
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I love PK but i’m not kissin’ his buns! I’ll see him on SSB and call him a wimp for leaving when he was wrong. I will also know he will respect me for that, even if he says and acts like he doesn’t.
Ted how could you……. Avitar/Enzo….. I’m hurt werent we diehard Russell fans from Day 1? Don’t damage our love, hahahha!
Gotta go kid outta school in 5min. be back at nap time. Dayum i love the 1st day of school more than BB and Survivor!!
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I was watchimg it, she stood by the DR door and was listening, she said she heard someone talking like they were right inside the door, don’t know what she heard, she never said if she could make out what it was.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She started to tell the guys and “the big voice in the sky” said, “Your not allowed to talk about production. They warned her about it 4 or 5 times. She eventually said, “it’s not production, it’s what I heard.”
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Here’s to our Star, she sparkles the sky
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------but no shout outs, she wonders why…
For glittery goodness of all the guests,
it’s just because we love her best. =^^=
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Before I left for Vegas I asked several people to check out the blog. Two of these were people, that if I purchased the blog, were going to help me run it, and two were new to BB this year. What an impression they came away with, appreesh 🙄 I’d like to share some texts I received with all of you. “I thought you said many of the people on the blog were 40 and up, so why do they act more like my 6 year old?” “WTF is the blogade, and why do so many spend all their time fighting? Is it always like that?” “Why would you want to spend time, or even think of buying that site, when they act like 3rd graders and figth all the time?” These observations came from people that had never been here and had me scratching my head until I returned home and read all of the BS. Needless to say the two I was hoping would help me have NO interest in doing so now. I have to agree with what they said after reading thru all that crap. TripB created this as a place to enhance the enjoyment of BB. We can all come on and voice our opinions and disagree in a respectable manner. From my view after reading everything that went on there was no RIGHT side to any of the arguments. Some may have started with the right intentions, but quickly turned into the same thing they were arguing against. It’s a blog people. I don’t know of anyone during any of these skirmishes who has been harmed physically, lost their job because of what was said, lost their home, had their family leave them, etc etc etc. I don’t have any personal friends on here, so to speak. The only conversations I have with anyone are confined to this blog. I know many of you talk via facebook, email, messenger services, etc. I think that’s great that many of you are that close, but I agree with Hope, that sometimes that has led to group attacks to counter a single attack. As I said before, does what someone says on here truly affect you? I should hope not. Let’s all get back to having fun on here and trying to make the best of this season of BB.
By the way I blame this poor season of BB on Bob since he made it to the finals, but didn’t get on. 😆 😆
Glad to see Ted found his reading glasses and can now see the =^^= at the end of many of the main posts. Now you know who to disagree with Ted 😆
One of the funniest things I’ve heard all season was towards the end of a BBAD show i was buzzing thru. Meow Meow was reading the state abbreviations listed on a bottle for deposit purposes. Apparently someone changed these or Meow Meow failed geography miserably. MA is now Maine, MI is Minnesota (home of TripB and “guy on restroom door”), and I believe the other one was AK is now Arkansas 😆 I don’t recall what the abbreviation he attributed to the Creole’s (which he pronounced Crayol, “You now the people that like spicy food yo”), but apparently they have relocated to Hawaii 😆
Sorry for the extremely long post, but I’ve been working over the craps and the blackjack tables. I’m glad to see several of the people who said they were leaving for good, return to our little corner of the web. Let’s have fun together and blow off the ones that want to create issues. 😀
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i don’t like the rachel i’ve seen on bb but i never called her a whore or even said i ‘hated’ her. i don’t know these ppl personally to have enough passion to hate anyone of them. i may hate a personality but i guess my mom swatted me everytime i said ‘hate’ so many times i’m still ducking when i start to say it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------knowing brits out i now don’t even have the desire to read all comments.
plus i think we should realize we’d all be kinda nuts in that house and i’m sure i would say and do things i’d regret other’s seeing. we are only human, right. i mean look how awful alot act in here.
is it the recession or what? it seems to be mean this yr more than ever before.
hey BB…turn the sound off when enzo talks pleeze?
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Brit said she heard a woman’s voice and they were talking about J Crew shoes and then said she heard the woman say they are coming right now to greet you – that is when she put on her make up and the guys started washing and cleaning and she did her nails. Can’t wait to see who or what that was all about.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don’t understand why they can’t talk about production. It makes me feel like there are some secrets that we can’t know. Does that mean cheating or orchestrating comps? If not, why can’t they talk about production? They know who signed releases and who they can’t talk about so what’s with it CBS? In fact, if they could talk about about production and diary room sessions, it might be a lot more interesting. They don’t have to talk, but if they want to why not?
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LMFAO @ Steven from BB10’s blog!!!! He said about Enzo… no one who is cool gives themselves their own nickname!!!! I’ve been saying that since Meow Meow (*cough cough PUSSY cough cough*) designated himself the name!!!!!
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Can’t wait ’til it’s all over…need some sleep!
And, THANK GOD they cleaned up! Was driving me crazier than Britney’s PICKING….well, kinda!
Enjoy the rest
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Well, another season almost over of BB and as much as it is boring I hate to see it end. Just wanted to say thank you to all the Old Time Bloggers. You’ve made My time and My Presence feel warm and I enjoyed reading up on BBAD and all its crazy happenings. So again I say T/Y. And may the best Bra win!!!!!!!! lololol!! Can’t wait for tonight!!! Ciao
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any news on live feeds
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I have enjoyed this blog and I too am new to blogging in general. I like the idea of being able to voice what I feel about BB. What I don’t like is when people get mean to each other. This is supposed to be all in fun. Maybe some of the nastiness of the remaining house guests has rubbed off. lol Thank you bloggers for making this season of BB fun. The houseguests sure couldn’t. Without you guys, I probably would have quit watching.
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TONY – snake saidlive feeds wouldnt be up til after live show tonite…………………………
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FRAN – sup?
JANE – went to yahoooo searchin for ya
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HELLOOOO- where are yall? come on – speak
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hello macy. I’m here
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This really sucks that we are watching this and we don’t even get to see the live eviction. I mean normally we find out ahead of time when someone wins hoh or pov but to know ahead of time who has been eliminated…..that’s just not right!!! 🙁
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At least Lane is trying to comfort Brittany. Go Lane…..
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Thats what you call Karma Britney, but by your reaction to your fate in BB12 show’s me that you can’t take as good as you give, and just so you know, your not as good looking as you thought you were, and you got to go, lol, thank god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ughhhh! I missed the first half hour! 👿 ….just got home… looks like they are trying to play this off as a live show. Julie even said, “Finale.. one week from tonight” to Britney.
I’d say Brit will win the $25k most likely.
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I feel your pain JUSTAGUY, but seriously brother, how can you not possibly have this taped or set on DVR?
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Brit or Lane definitely. 8)
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Part 2 of final HOH live tomorrow huh? Then will part 3 be live next Wednesday? What’s on Sunday?… Who’s on first?
Last year was a good finale format I thought.. wonder why they messed with one of the things that they got right??….when there were so many other things wrong that they could have changed?
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And, how are you watching? Isn’t it just starting in the Midwest?
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I did what BB said couldnt find where to vote
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Good point Strutz! I thought I would be home earlier…. and on-demand is my backup.. so I will watch tonight’s show tomorrow.
(and yes, I will set to record tomorrow’s show before I leave for work…. wont get fooled again!!)
Hey AC 😎 (24 hours.. and the wait is over!)
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hi all
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------no surprises in this show, even if they did try to keep it a secret from us
have 2 questions
1- anyone notice that brit gave a shout out to everyone but NICK
2 = Didn’t I hear there were 3 or 4 cameras in the jury house? If so how come we have seen almost nothing from there?
just curious
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Ted… BB comes on at 7pm central.
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hi all, had to get my questions out before i forget what i was going to ask
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i think i have old timers, lol
hey frannie r we the only two ladies here, hhhmmmmmm
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mike, did you happen to hear if we could vote online?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i have no idea how to text and have no desire to learn lol
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Hi Margie!, I thought they would show more jury house too… maybe they will show more. I read that the only time the evicted HGs can talk about the game in the jury house.. is if they are on camera. (They can’t go off and game talk)
I did notice Brit has toned down the “Nick” stuff. One night she was talking to the camera (after she knew she was done)… she said “hi” to all her friends and family… but not Nick. Hmmmmm……. I have heard her say that she wondered if she was still even engaged.
My guess… all will be fine when she sees him after the show….. if things last after that.. who knows? That’s a toss up.. reality show or not.
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@ MM I heard the same in Brit’s speech. No mention of Nick…that’s strange.
Not sure on JH cams. I didn’t hear that.
Finale is shown as being a 2 hr show right after survivor.
Hang on LANE ! ! You need to win this HOH !
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Oh, that explains it. I was perplexed. In Sacramento, the CBS affiliate is 1 hour earlier than the other networks. I’ve never asked why, but I tuned in to watch Survivor at 8, some years ago, and watched the closing credits roll. I was not happy. I don’t know about the rest of Calif., but here it’s on at 8. I’ll have to ask Jane.
Well, I have to go figure out my new avatar… got two No Votes for Enzo so far, and for some strange reason I got No Yes Votes????
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jt that makes sense re hg chatting,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i want to see the jh so bad, i am so nosey, lol
yes, i did hear brit say that about being engaged. i am sure it will be fine for them once she gets back to reality, this will either make it or break it.
JT, how much longer will you be working these crazy hours??
u even type tired, lol
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they said we get to see Ragan tomorrow to see about Matt lie,I thought they havent show the JH because Roach had went crazy an killed everyone or mybe because it is more interresting in the JH than the show
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Eagle, I heard it a few times, and wonder why they have not shown more, maybe cause no one is talking to each other there,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------looking forward to ragan and matt reunion, now that is going to be interesting.
LOL @ ted no luck with the enzo votes, my hubby who i have watching bb with me said as the show went off,
OK now that only the brigade is left, whoever wins will they split 3 ways?
I said the only thing u will see split is them all going their separate ways after next week
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Here is the link to vote for favorite houseguest online.
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I’m posting and reading and I just read Taxi’s comment and Chris’ retort. First of all when you use all caps that means your yelling at us so get a grip and use computer etiquette.
@ Chris, not worth the effort to respond and maybe he/she will just go away!! I hope you get some sleep.
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mike u r too funny re jh, but i did have the same thoughts.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------do u have lf?
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SNAKE will know where to vote. That’s interesting they can’t talk amongst themselves at the Jury House (about the game) . Makes sense, but how can they monitor that? Must have Nannys with them at all times. They must have to sleep in separate bedrooms… so what does BB do about Rachel and Brendon???
Thanks for the heads up on Brit’s speech, I’ll pay close attention… but then I will be paying close attention anyway… 😀
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Margie… I worked long hours last week, but had a 3 day weekend for Labor Day.
I really started the crazy hours yesterday…. I prolly wont have another day off til October. (and yes… I am typing tired!.. you caught that huh? LOL)
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hi starfish, i saw that too and i did a slow burn, what is going on here,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------makes me crazy, but i have learned just ignore ignore ignore
chris seems stressed enough no one especially someone like her needs the extra aggravation.
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jt i thought you had been putting in lots of hours, but u just started wow and yes i can tell u r typng tired, hang in there kid.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sidenote, before i went to another bb site this one was very quiet and can u believe they had no idea who won pov and that brit was voted off
i did not give spoilers do not need to be stalked lol they had no clue what was going on, there was a bit of an arguement regarding some guy who was prasing enzo and other said shut the he** up, then i said to my self
self exit stage left, lol
we are so lucky to be so informed that site was really like cave men style.
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IDK Ted… they do have handlers with them (nannys). I didn’t know they couldn’t talk off camera til this year.
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Mama Margie I dont even own and if I did I wouldnt text, why when you can just talk They said to go to CBS BB to vote on line you can vote until 11:59 mon. night
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Well, of course Justaguy would know… thanks JT… say, do you know how many times I can vote? That’s funny about the Brigade, Mama, although I think Matt and Lane will stay friends.
Didn’t see what Taxi said, since I only look for posts with my name in it I missed it. He didn’t talk about me did he??? I better go look!
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lol ted i am sure y0u will pay close attention to brit.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------did u see her last nite doing the tshirt, wow, poor thing looked like she was put thru the wringer
bbl have to phone my bff in calif to give her tonites show results
ciao and jt do NOT fall asleep and let your head hit the keyboard
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Funny Margie…. don’t post it here.. but it would be funny to read that site a bit if they are totally in the dark.
…and on that note… nice job stepping up to the plate on the “Brit has been evicted” spoiler Ted! …also, nice job keeping us informed Sal.. I am totally relying on all of you now.
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@ Star a huge SHOUT OUT to you girl!! You would be sooo missed. Happy to see Mama Margie back on board but haven’t read far enough to see if PK posted.
I watched this blog the first year it was on and started posting the second year so we’ve been here a looooong time. We would miss each other, right? 😀
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What’s the name of that other BB Site, Mama, I want to go tell them!!!
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@BB Fan, great ideas. I’m not hot about an all star season either.
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ted taxi is todays blog # 6, then chris responded few posts down
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Don’t feel bad about the texting thing Mike.. I don’t do it either. And yes, you can go to CBS .com Prolly can only vote once there.. but I really don’t know for sure. Comment #129 is a link to vote at CBS.
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oh man – hope lane wins – sorry TED for your loss w/britt
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@Ruffus, it’s always a pleasure to have nice new newbies on board. Yes, we’ll see you next year too, hopefully.
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I was new here last year… but from my time travels, it looks like this blog started for season 7 in 2006. 4 years old and going strong! 😀
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jt txs worked like a charm, did my vote in fact i voted then hit back arrow took me back here, i clicked on your site (129) again took me there i got to vote again hit back arrow and here i am,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------worked like a charm
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Oh… well that would have been okay if he knew her… you know I would do that to Justaguy or Frannie, and definitely to PK… but that was a little rude.
Thanks Justaguy… Have to watch your Back,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And pick up the Slack!… as =^^= would say! 🙂
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Hi JT, IF CBS wants more rating IF you get LFs of the house why not have LFs of the JH too. I dont mean pay extra just let us choose back and forth so when they have nothiing going on we would have something to watch and thanks for imfo on where to vote.
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Hi strafish, I am happy that ratings have at least been good enough to prolly give us BB13 (hope)… and another season to chat about here.
And it has to be better… right?
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Thank you MACY1231231… I knew you had a streak of kindness in you… I am in deep mourning her, but it won’t hit me till I see for myself. 1:20 mins to go… 🙁
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I… feel…. sorry…. for…. Ted?? 😯 (I really do need more sleep!)
Look at the bright side Ted, if they do an all-star season.. pretty sure Brit will be back!
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Can we chat AGT here too?
The 10 yr old girl made final 4!!
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Mike, the jury house on LF would be a nice bonus. I would just be happy if they didn’t constantly cut the feeds to bubbles… and if they would put the 4 cameras on different things.
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I am recording AFT the best way to watch it. cut out com. it lasts about 30min. She could win it all just hope it dont ruin her life like so many other child stars
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You said a major mouthful there JT… 4 cameras on different things. I’m not interested in Live Feeds after this experience. That was pathetic. Sometimes 3 cameras on the same shot with lots going on elsewhere. How many times did we see 2 closeups and 1 longshot of Ragan lying in bed crying while the others were in the kitchen and outside?
Thanks for your condolences…
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we would be lucky to even get to see 1 camera at the jh
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------now i can just imagine bbad, more enzo chomping away like a caveman, at least brit gave us some funny lines. i guess my tonite bbad we will hve some answers. if they do not do a replay of something else
starfish i agree nice to get new chatters in who are really nice and go with the flow. i notice some new names and they all seem to enjoy coming in here, today was really the only time i have been to another bb blog (lips sealed will not give name) and boy do we know our stuff in here i thought they were kidding but i guess not, then when the crowd got a bit tough i left asap
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You are right about both Mike (recording it and it possibly ruining her childhood).
SPOILER…. you will be shocked at one of the acts that made top 4….. at least I was.
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the JH would be more fun to watch at this time of the show the guys arnt going to be doing anything.
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jt & mike is that the little girl who sings opera,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------if so she is awesome, i could not believe my ears, i had to stop and really look and listen and i was left speechless and u all know for me that is a rarity, lol
she is really good and so cute too
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ted any idea who your avatar will be for the final week of bb?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------have you given any thougts to julie? or maybe the fish???
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Yep Margie… that’s the girl. She is amazing.
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“the fish”…… LOL
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that girl really has a gift, not only is her voice awesome, she sounds like she is in her 20’s such a strong voice for a little girl and she does sing with no effort with all her heart and soul, now that is talent i cannot see how she will not win.
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maybe ted can take votes i know it is his avatar but we all love to help one another rigfht ted? i would vote for the fish myself
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I read some of the stuff on ATG blog last nite it said she had over 6million hits on youtube
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mike that is no surprise she will have no problem having a singing career how old is she? i know young but not exact age
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JT…I missed AGT. Please send me a quick e-mail to tell me the F4. I’m off to pick up my grandson from work… Good to see everyone here tonight. I wish I could stay. I’ll check back later.
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The FISH are dead no one has feed them since Cathy left.
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nite frannie later
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So how you all doing?
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lol even dead they would be better to look at then enzo,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------now that is mean, (but true) lol
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Yeah…. I haven’t paid as close attention to AGT this year as I have in the past…. but I have kept an eye on who keeps going through.
It is funny to me that the little girl wasn’t even an original contestant… but part of a youtube round. They threw her into the comp and she will prolly win it all.
count me in…. 2 votes for the fish!
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hi bobo welcome to the group
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Ok Frannie… I will send top 4 now.
Hi Bob
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Mama Margie she is 10 yrs old.
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bobo we are taking a survey we want to advise ted re in avatar for the final week of bb
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------do you think an avatar of the bb fish ( either dead or alive) or julie
what do you think
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I’m always here MM just don’t talk that much! 🙂
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wowee mike i knew she was young but that is awesome has she had any training do u know, i do not watch that show david hasselhooff makes me crazy
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come on jump in bobo i have been awol for awhile but i am back now
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i guess we are nearing the end of bb and not much left to discuss
but we find something to talk about
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yes dead, mike reminded me that since cathy left there has been no one to feed them, they must be feeding off of each other, even the fish do not stand a chance in that house
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I try MM It just takes so long to get an answer , I fall to sleep most of the time ..waiting to get into your convo…..
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anyone have lf, i wonder who won part 1 of the comp, guess i can find out more later on bbad, if they show it live/
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Make that 3 votes…as long as the avatar isn’t a scratch and sniff!!lol
Mama Margie…you’re certainly entitled to a lil *mean*…especially since it was funny!!! 😆
Who is the pic of in your avatar, MM???
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nothing wrong with just reading, but i can bet u do have a lot to add to the mix and it is easier when just a few here at a time or it is like a 3 ring circus that is for sure.
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Margie… I didn’t like “The Hoff” on AGT either… but he is gone this season. Howie Mandel has replaced him. (Jerry Springer no longer is the host either)
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(star) my friend, warm welcome my dear
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And Donna Rose=^^=…..ThankyouThankyouThankyou for the poem! I was honored and teary-eyed….once again!!! (NOT cuz it was a BAD peom…..the sentiments of it) 😉 Sheesh! Been that kinda day…need to get a GRIP!!!!
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GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. The cyber gremlins are pissing me off more than all the childish behavior that’s gone on here while I was away. I shared some text messages that I had received from people I was hoping to help me if I purchased the blog, and also shared my views on all the incredibly childish BS that has taken place. Apparently after trying to post it many times it’s just too long. I’ll skip most of it and shorten it to this. TripB created this site as a place for us to come and enhance our enjoyment of BB. A place where we can come share our thoughts and read how others perceive what’s going on in the game. We may not agree with everything we read, but we can politely disagree with someone and leave it at that. Let’s ALL go back to sharing our thoughts and enjoying what little time is left of this season of BB and stop the nonsense.
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@Dorothy, happy you hung in there with us. We don’t like “mean” either!!
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It’s almost 10:30 here in NJ ya know… I’m like draaaaging my tail like a little enzo beast heeer…so no F’s from me I gots some class over heere ya know what i’m saying yo!
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Thanks MM and back attya!!! *hug*
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Donna Rose, great blog and loved the poem. So True about our Star!
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star that is my grand daughter rebecca the 14 yr old with all the knowledge, she is the one i was talking about,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------jt, i like howie mandall, but do not enjoy jerry springer, i see him and recall his crazy tv show, i also heard he was mayor of chicaigo
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Hey Stra, good to see you again! Haven’t been on with you in days!
I checked feeds a while ago… it was still BBAD reruns.
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starfish donna hit the nail on the head
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so bobo come on u can tell me fish or julie???? lol
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I also noticed that Brit gave a shout-out to everyone but Nick. Even Enzo gave Nick a shout-out.
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Goodnight all you nice people & thank you for all the insider stuff on BB
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See you soon…Bob
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starfish….thanks for your earlier comments too!!! According to JT we have been on here for about 4 yeras!!! Seems longer somehow, doesn’t it??LOL to many BORING HGs and late nite YAWNS on BBAD..makes time go SLOWER! But We have been here since the beginning and who was I fooling??? I’m a BB addict..I ani’t going NOWHERE!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If nothing else, I think what has gone on here this summer has made us all closer..and more aware of others feelings…and tht sometimes it’s best just to hit the IGNORE button on some folks!!!! Nice to be here at the same time for a change!!!! 😉
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bobo i got it yo
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------one hr ahead of me, but i stay up to watch bbad, hope tonite it is live
then i am a zombie the next day, but i chalk it up to being so old i was the waitress at the last supper, now that is old yo
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PGA.. I couldn’t agree more. I always try to just keep on BB stuff… not BS stuff.
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Was that you OH..sorry about the tip….I was a little short that day!
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Hey AC, waasup?
Margie & JT, I was asking eons ago hoping they would show more of the Jury House this year but they just don’t get it. This is a boring show and I agree with so many of you that the Jury House if prolly more interesting as long as we don’t have to watch R & B sucking face. 😈
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nite bob, c u soon
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------deb u notcied that too was evident. enzo is playing nice so that the jury will vote for him, his mama did not raise any dummy in that sense.
star i could not have put it better myself, i think we all learned something from this past summer.
i have not seen aggie is this her date nite?
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Nite bobo
PGA dok..well said……especially when frustrated!!lol So ..whats the buying us out or did the last few days change your mind?? How and WHERE is trpB anyway???
MM….she is VERY pretty..and looks older than 14!! Which I’m sure u dont want to hear…
Hey JT…ya..I think we were both here last fri maybe..and I was out of town Sun and Mon and came back to…WTF!!! lol Seems the storm has passed now. Like I said earlier….if they don’t give us any drama on BB, we jsut creat it ourselves…. 😆
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G’nite Bobo.. Bob.
(If I were smart, I would get some lost sleep myself!….. If only!)
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I’m back y’all….Thanks JT for the F4. You’re right….WTF..unbelievable.
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got it bob so far 3 for the fish, have to remember to talk to ted about it
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------starfish why the 3 or 4 cameras in the jury house and not being used but if heckel and jeckel are sucking face maybe best we do not see
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ciao frannie c u later,
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Margie, Enzo can play nice all he wants but I still don’t like him. He gets on my last nerve. I sure hope it is all an act for BB. BTW, I vote for the fish avatar.
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Of course now that I cut all the good stuff out it posts for me 🙁 Stra take your gremlins back I don’t like them 😆 A few other observations I made in the vanishing post:
I blame Bob (posted as Bob not bobo) for the poor season of BB. He was a finalist for the show and didn’t get on, it must be his fault 😆 WTH we’ve blamed AG and her staff, and everyone else we could think of. Now it’s Bob’s turn 😆 DISCLAIMER: before someone reads that wrong and starts more nonsense it’s clearly a joke and not an attack on Bob.
One of the funniest things I’ve watched all season was while I was skimming thru all the BBAD stuff when I got home. The Pissed off Penguin was reading the back of a bottle and naming the states that were abbreviated for bottle deposits. Apparently somewhere along the line state abbreviations have changed 😆 MA is now Maine, MI is now Minnesota (home of TripB and “guy on restroom door”), and AK is Arkansas 😆 I don’t remember what abbreviation he attributed to the Creole people (he pronounces as Crayol “you know the people that like the spicy food YO”), but apparently they have relocated to Hawaii 😆 Like him or not he has come up with some stuff that has made us all laugh, whether it was with him or at him.
Ted, glad to see you found your reading glasses so you can see the =^^= at the bottom of the main post and disagree with the right person 😆
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Later MM…have a good one
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lmao @ star, yet we have survied another storm, as the stomach churns lives yet another day, lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and yes rebecca does look and act older then 14, but she is really a good kid, we are going to keep her.
drama, this is like a realty show sometimes, but thank goodness we rode it out, i was like an addict going cold turkey.
now i feel like i am making up for lost time, have not typed this much in months
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k frannie
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Mama Margie, I thought that was a pic of a young Barbra Streisand. 😆
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SORRY Mama Margie I was typing away to tell you about the hoff,and lost my DSL for a while but JT told told you.
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JT we can only hope that first, there is a BB13 and more importantly a BB13 with entertaining HGs, better comps, and more for them to do inside.
and yes, that 10 year old can sing. Congrats she made top 4. I only watch sporadically but it’s a good show.
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a secret blogger, poet and writer
what in the world would we do without her?
the right thing to say , she always knows
and that is why we love our Donna Rose!!! =^^=
starfish..I thought DR’s poem was kinda wonderful too… I wrote this lame one back as a kind of Thank You!!! 🙂
Seriously Donna Rose…….that made me feel very special, but also thanks for all you do for the blog at the expense of your own time…and patience!! We Appreesh…YO!!! 😀
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deb got it 4 for the fish. you have good taste
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and yes enzo really is a character. but believe it or not that is how most nj and ny people are. we use our wit to get thru life, i know of what i speak. he just makes me crazy with his eating sounds, this is going to be interesting finale.
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Almost forgot one of the most important parts. My complete and utter 😯 😯 😯 that our Ted has given in to aggie and fp2 and started using 😀 What will he do to surprise us next 😮
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GEEZ..I missed like a TON of posts trying to wax I gotta catchup!!! lol
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star i second that re donna rose, could not have said it better
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AC txs i will have to tell her that she will be thrilled to be compared to any actress, singer etc, she is such a drama queeen guess u can pick that up even in a still pic.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------bob txs jt passed info on to me re the hoff, i heard he is going to be on dancing with the stars, now that i will watch
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What’s with this sleep talk “guy on restroom door”? Plenty of time for that later. Me personally I’m like a cell phone, charge me up for 2-3 hours and I’m good to go for the day 😀
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Stra you waxed what 😯 😆 Ted and PK aren’t around at the moment so I had to say it.
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Well going to watch ATG now like to watch it on the computer cause it is in HD. my knew Tv is sitting in Springfeild, Mo. wished they would get it her good night all.
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Great poem Star, it works for her absolutely!
Shows on in a few mins so gotta run. BBL but you guys are usually all in slumber land by the time I can get back on here in So CA.
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nite all, need to take a short nap before bbad, hope it is worth it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nice to be back with all of you.
pga nice to see you again, watch for those gremelins
ciao till tomorrow all
good nite and don’t let the bedbugs bite (my contribution of a poem)
lol 🙂
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I searched high and low for Kev11 while in Vegas. Ok so maybe high and low consisted mainly of Aria, Bellagio, and Joe’s Stone Crab. No sign of him any of those places.
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P-Dok…my P OETIC!! You never saw a waxed one before??LOL
back and caught up
Lil late but nite frannie
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hey AC
and MM…I was thinking the same thing..I have NEVER seen you so chatty on here before! Guess you needed your FIX! And here I thought you would hold out til next year….. 😯 we are hooked…like it or NOT!! But we could have WORSE addictions ……like Survivor or something……..*ducks to miss the pic of Enzo Ted just threw* lol
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Mike, I am about 7 miles from springfield, MO do u want me to check up on it for you lol?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i can go visit it for you.
nite all for sure this time, catch u all later,
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nite Mike.
PGA… I tried to join Aggie’s “undead” club… but I fell asleep at my initiation. So, until I get another shot.. I have to get my ZZZZZs. October will be here before I know it (at least I keep telling myself that!)
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starfish…I’ll look for ya in an hour or so…I’m always up late..just not always HERE!! Hope to cya l8r lady!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PS…must be how we always used to talked so much….3 hr time dif and i was always blogging late!! lol
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JT, I just went to vote and found I could vote several times by just clicking on the ‘vote’ link right under Monet’s pix.
Thanks for the link!!
BB’s on right now!
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I really do need to get some rest.
I have to say before I go that tonight was as close to last year’s experience as I could hope for …. of course there are some people missing … but many of my faves on at the same time!!.. and some great new additions. 😀 Thanks to all who made this fun tonight…. even if I just mostly read… mostly. (those damn tired typing fingers!!)
G’nite all
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I always marveled at that too…when DOES aggie sleep??!! She and PGA need to hook up and move to Vegas!!!lol
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I can relate to the busy time of year thing. I start chasing my tail this weekend and will be mostly on the go until after we hit 2011. It’s a good thing I don’t require much sleep or I’d never make it.
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😯 😮 Stra I just got an image of aggie yelling “I am Vegas, Dok” 😆
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It’s not just an image….somehow, somewhere she KNOWS all and IS yelling it!!lol
Looks like most have gone off to Zzzzzzzz land. *The blogade has left the building* lol I need to do a few things myself…i WILL b back tho,as promised to starfish! Especially if BBAD is prerecorded again!!! So take that as an incentive to come back or a WARNING 😯 NOT to!!! 😛
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Oh..DUH……Nite JT!!! See?? it IS possible to miss a post!!! 😉
And I totally agreed with you about tonite….hadn’t thought about it until you put it into actual words but I was *feeling* it….*sigh*…..and we USED to have that almost EVERY nite!! Maybe we can use the last week to practice it for nest year……:)
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P-Dok…just got this in an email about Bob hope..thought you would APPREESSH it!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------‘Golf is my profession. Show business is just to pay the green fees.
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“guy on restroom door” and Stra, I must have been the missing ingredient for fun blogging. I’ll gladly except full responsibility for the fun times had by all this evening 😆 😆
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We miss Bob Hope 🙁 great ambassador for the game.
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😆 I just reread that post and typed except instead of accept 😳 That damn Pissed off Penguin and Lane Burger must be wearing off on me 😆 I’m a DODO 😳
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Well it has been fun reading but its almost time for bbad I wonder who won the first part of the hoh. I don’t know who I want to see win this. I’m leaning towards Lane. Good night all.
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Goodnight Diane…BTW, I want Lane to win too.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Dok
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Evening fp2. How is our Betty Boop doing tonight?
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I did feel sorry for Brit after they announced the Brigade to her. Did you see how Lane’s face turned red? He did feel bad. The thing that got me was Brit was crying in the DR when they went to commercial and Julie saying we’ll be right back with the audience all having a shit eating grin on their faces. I was feeling so bad for Brit and then I see all these pasted on smiles. Whaaaaat? Do they tape those commercial brakes ahead of time or what?
Just one of my rants. 😀
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Hey Dok & Frannie, Star said she would be on later too.
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I want Enzo to fall on his big mouth! The odds are in his favor cuz he’s the lightest and the seat won’t hurt his buns too badly but what about that rope between their legs. Ouch!
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Ok…waiting for Survivor to start now because BB is too boring now and everyone is fed up with all that is going on. How have you been? I was just getting ready to sign off for the night. My page is taking to long to refresh so I’m giving up. How’s Vegas? So…no sign of Kev 11. I need help this year with my football suicide pool. The first few weeks are always the hardest because preseason doesn’t show much when they don’t use most of the starters.
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@ DOK..I bet you’re sorry you asked.
Hi Starfish….good to see all the regulars here tonight. This should be a fun place to come. I don’t remember this crap happening last year.
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Nite Frannie, I guess I’m done talking to myself tonight! I’ll try to look in a little later. Maybe it’s not late enough for you night owls.
Star, Aggie where are you??????
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Hey Frannie, I thought you were leaving. It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to actually chat rather than read, post & run.
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LF and BBAD are live tonight, should hear something
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Lane went to check on Brittany tonight after they told her about the alliance. The other two bozos wouldn’t have done that. They even tried to get Lane not to go. Poor Brit….even only she would have listened to Ragan.
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DOK, accept, except, no problem, I always mess up affect & effect.
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Everyone leaving already? fp2 I thought “guy on restroom door” and Sal worked with you on your suicide pool last year?
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Aggie goes out on Wednesday nights…she’ll be here in a bit.
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Yea Frannie, that was nice of Lane and Brit believed him because he was sincere and meant it. It will be interesting to see what her engagement really means to her since she left out Nick in her POV speech. I think she really cares for him from the little I’ve seen but not so sure about love.
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No…it was Kev 11. They may have added 2 cents here and there. If it were up to them…I would have picked the Steelers or Vikes when it wasn’t a good choice. See…I never picked my home team. The Lame Rams
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Keep us informed Sal. I haven’t had LFs for the last couple years. Thanks ahead of time!!!
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I am hoping for Lane and Britt to end up together. They make a cute couple.
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The last time I checked the LF…the feeds weren’t even there. Maybe something has changed but too late. I really don’t want to hear them munching on food all night.
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Frannie I used to love the Rams when they were out here! Not so much now. I’ve always pretty much been a Steelers fan but I have to admit to having a soft spot for the @#*% Raiders.
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I think Cousin It felt really bad as well. He did get up to hug her in the HOH. He thought they had already tode her everything and she already knew he wasn’t going to use the POV on her. That’s why he seemed a little uncaring when he said it. The full version on BBAD he basically said WTH I thought you guys had already tode her everything. He knew at that point he wasn’t close enough with her and needed to give her some space.
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I would like to have the Cardinals back…why can’t the teams just stay put. 🙄 That is for Dok because he likes the smilies so much. 😆
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Well guys…time for me to catch some ZZZZzzzzzzzz’s. I’ll be back tomorrow. Take care everyone.
Star…sorry I missed you.
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Currently they are just butchering Pissed off Penguins hair. None of them know how to operate the clippers very well. Cousin It is just buzzing hair and laughing.
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My puter is acting up. Is it just me or when you put your curser on the smilies it doesn’t show the code or whatever it’s called? You know the colon name colon. It doesn’t show up for me anymore.
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Ok Dok, who the heck is Cousin?
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Cousin It is Hayden. One big hairball just like Cousin It. I’m thinking they don’t show up for anyone and that’s why aggie has been leaving a daily smiley cheat sheet for everyone.
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Thanks, I have a cheat sheet I’ve had for years but I was justwonderin. I thought Aggie did that just to tick off is it Ted?
Excuse my ignorance but I have no idea who Cousin It is but I sure do know hairball Hayden. 😀
I wonder why they stopped showing up?
Gotta go BB tomorrow or perhaps later depending.
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You don’t know Cousin It from the Addam’s Family 😯
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Nice work with the backup fp2. I should make that my avatar 😆
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HI DOK, come on you and I would be very cute in vegas together 😆
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i felt sorry for brit and she looked so cute talking to julie.
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SO sorry i missed the POW WOW of regulars, fun reading, MAMA MARGIE, so nice to see you back I wish i could give you a great big HUG, Now I’m going to watch BB that i missed tonight. 😆
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Windy (I believe that’s what you call him) might not appreesh that plan aggie 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Evening tendr
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It’s starting to look like Hayden won part 1, Lane is at the kitchen bar working on HOH and POV orders which he thinks will be part 2 quiz.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enzo is in shower and Hayden is with Lane.
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Sounds like Cousin It won round one. Lane Burger is using a deck of cards to study and just said he hadn’t seen Pissed off Penguin studying. Not sure how much this study session is going to help since I can’t make sense of how he is rattling off the names.
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OK, gotta watch my “Inside the NFL” now. I’ll be lurking.
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Hey everyone. I heard Hayden won round 1. I hate these fake “live” shows.
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Britney’s eviction from the House has been accepted with much sadness.
Nothing left to do but to put ‘Team Enzo’ into Full Gear to propel our boy to the top. And of course keep voting for Britney for Favorite Player.
That was a pretty clever game I thought for POV. Man, Hayden is not as dumb as he looks. And the HOH comp was wild, I’ll bet the water was freezing.
My use of a Smiley was in Brit’s Honor 😥 only, and not to be construed as giving in to such a practice.
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As you can tell, I have given in to the Majority Opinion and have changed my avatar according to their wishes, while still expressing my preference for victory!
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Hey all!! strafish and frannie..sorry I missed ya. 🙁 Had some work to finish up and didn’t realize it had gotten this late!!!
See Dok??? aggie loves the idea of you two sleep-deprived crazy kids together in Vvegas!! Maybe you could even find rachels bar and have her serve you some tequila!!(can’t remember the expensice one she liked)
Just tuned into BBAD and it’s a real SNORE….literally!! I swear these HGs should be caught up on sleep for the rest of their natural lives! 🙄
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angel..totally agree. i don’t ever remember them messing with the final comps like this! If this was season 8, when evel Dick played, we would still be watching him hold his key and freezing to death hours after the LIVE show..emphasis on LIVE! It’s total BS thqt we will see the REST of a SEMI live comp tomorrow nite! Man CBS……are there any other ways left you could possibly screw up this season??? we wait with bated breath……
Ted….I DID vote for Brit to win the 25 grand….just so ya know!! 🙂 I will never be on team Enzo tho, so I thought that might soften the blow!!lol But she was smart and funny, if sometiems a lil snarky and got royally played in the end so I think she deserves it. I also think that is why she was being such a *good sport* after her America will do just that!!! She’s a wiley lil thing….
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Thank you STAR… further proof that ‘Team Brit’ is not defunct, but only directing it’s efforts in a new direction. How could ‘Americas Newest Sweetheart’ not get ‘America’s’ vote?
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Good Night ✰ and ☃… (I didn’t have an Angel, so I used a snowman… hope that was okay)
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YW, Ted. Maybe Brit will let you manage her new career..or at least be President of her fan
Ok..i give up..what IS your avatar anyway?? I keep squinting and looking at it from different angles and…I got nuthin’…lol
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Nite Ted! Since it was just US, guess it’s just Me I’ll say adios amigos too!(well, i just said it so…….) 😉
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that was sweet Ted. 😆
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I’m still here…Star? maybe I’ll catch ya tomorrow.
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I’ve had just about enough of the boring nothing going on for this past week. Big Brother afterdark comes on at 11pm -2am so with that in mind need to have more excitement.. Who wants to see people sleeping and complaining.. I doubt if I will keep showtime for the next big brother.. I’m glad I didn’t get bblive that would have really been the last straw to have this boring crap of nothing going on.. If the guys didn’t want to do anything they shouldn’t have voted off the ones who was entertaining.. Not a fan of some of the ones that was voted off and glad they was gone but I will say they made the show afterwards not these lazy boring ones.. BB production needs to have something going on if they want to have viewers.. It would also be nice if bbafterdark came on at a reasonable time so people who work DAYS could also view it ratings go up.. Of course would have to have some excitement.. This year bb was great until this PAST WEEK //
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I’m here all night if anyone wants to chat. 😉
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Angel, you still here?
Ted, don’t worry… I think Brit is leading the pack for the $25k…. most polls I have seen she is the fave. And I agree with Star… what is your avatar? Looks like an odd tattoo on someone’s back?
I also hate that Thursday night we will be watching a competition that ended Tuesday night! Guess we will see how long it took. Thanks Sal & PGA for keeping an eye out to see who won….. figured Hayden would win the endurance part. I’m not an Enzo fan, but I hope he wins part 2 just to keep my predictions alive! 😀 Either way, part 3 is always a total toss up.
Ok… gotta get to work… I’ll be back in about 13 hours. (but I do have my recorder set this time!.. justincase!!)
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I’m here JT … 😆
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sorry folks, had to work. hope everyone has a great day. talk to ya tonight. 😉
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***SPOILER***I know someone mentioned it earlier but in case it was missed, I also read that ***SPOILER***:
Hayden won Part I of the final HOH comp.
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That seals it for me ~ Hayden will win ~ Lane should come in second and Enzo the loser needs to goooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bye bye again enzo 🙂
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I have been saying bye bye enzo everytime he is on the block although the only thing he seems to win is not getting evicted 🙁
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DOK, THE WINDED ONE is a very opened minded kind of guy we are alot alike, he is as flirty as I am, no worries. 😯
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JT, thanks for the link for voting, I voted 3 times so far.
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I would say if hayden doesn’t win this, the others will certainly not take him in the end. lane or enzo would take each other, i hope it ends up hayden and lane, I really don’t want to see enzo one of the final 2. 🙄
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We all voted for Brit here too to win the 25g… I really don’t want any of them to win can we veto the final count?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Am going to try and get some sleep today while my son is in school, he only slept 3 hours last night again, so I still havent been able to sleep going on day 4 now.. have to sleep some before I crash
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GOOD LUCK CHRIS, Don’t let anyone chase you away from this blog.
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yes you are right none of them are real worthy, this has been the worst year ever, even worse than season 1 🙄
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I find it interesting Lane is studying now. He is the only one who hadn’t studied. Even Enzo has been going through dates. Lane really got comfortable sitting pretty with the Brigade. Hope he can pull through this, but i have a feeling its a little to late!
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Chris i voted 2x Brit and Kristin. I think Kristin got a bad rap and was sent home out of jealousy.
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Hi Jane, I agree I think it is too late for Lane, however he might come in second, as Hayden knows he has a better chance of winning if he takes Lane to the final 2. If that happens I think we will see Enzo explode!
Ted – Brit went out with style, class and dignity. I was so proud of her and I too voted for her to win the 25,000 (wish is were more, as she deserves it).
Star – We keep missing each other. I have a tin can on a string that reaches Kalamazoo, but you are not answering! 😆
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Lane looked so confused when he was standing there counting cards, not even sure if Hayden was helping him or not
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New page up
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Big Brothere African is a let down to most of us in African. I would suggest we should have our own SADC big brother rather than including Nigeria.
Munya deserved to win it
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