So did anyone else see another Chima incident this season? I mean what is up Willie. Did the first week power of HOH go right to that Hantz head or what?
As my friend Spider-Man learned, “With great power comes great responsibility!” but I guess Willie is not a fan! 😉
So not only did Frank NOT get evicted but he came back to win HoH and has been the man this week. Also Shane proved that he is a strong competitor and winning the 2nd POV in a row.
So after Shane used the POV and took himself off the blog (which is a smart move!) then the renomination of Danielle has brought us to this point.
So who will be leaving the Big Brother 14 house tonight. Will it be JoJo or will it be Danielle (putting Team Dan out the BB14 house!)
I would like to see Danielle gone and see what happens to Coach Dan but I am at a point where I do not really care. Besides, it does not matter who I want out, what matters is who do YOU, the reader of Big Brother Blog, the best opinion blog for Big Brother that is on the internet because YOU the reader are in charge of commenting, and talking about the show!
So what do you think: JoJo or Danielle? Who do you nominate for eviction tonight?
Please cast your votes in the comment section now!
Peace, BBBlogger
As a by I would say jojo. Danielle is by far the weakest of the two but as a fan Danielle, don’t want to watch the sob routine anymore. Lol
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I vote to evict Danielle! Take her and Dan out and get it over with. Tired of hearing the same thing everyday. If their going to talk so much about it “DO IT”
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I vote to evict JoJo. I’m hoping Danielle has some game hidden in there somewhere and I think we’ve already seen what JoJo has to offer.
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Go, Go Jo Jo. Brittany is losing control of her team anyway. Good for Shane for breaking out. BUT…I hope Shane is the one who survives the “Boogie/Frank” team. I just can’t wait to see that arrogant Boogie go home!!!
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I’d want Jojo out, but honestly I’d rather see the coaches out of the game than ANY of the regular players – including Willie.
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I am not a big fan of JoJo’s, but I vote for Danielle the poor me so alone stuff gets on my nerve, instead of cry about it get in there and talk the talk.
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JoJo is far more interesting than Danielle. I’d like to see Danielle out – also, perhaps next week, the not-so-bright Ashley. They bring no interest to the game from an audience point of view.
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I vote to evict (insert name here). It doesn’t really matter to me at this point. After watching the show last night & “seeing” the huge “head butt” from Willie…….I am disgusted. THAT WAS NO HEAD BUTT. Hell it was hardly a good chest bump. LMAO He might have TRIED to head butt Joe but ooooooooooohhhhhh how he missed. And if Big Brother threw him out for THAT…….they need to throw Joe’s little a$$ out too for throwing up his fists like he was going to hit Willie….. Along with Janelle for kicking someone her season, …..They should take Jordan’s money back for her season. And ED should be in jail. LMFAO Too much BS for me. They should bring Willie back, give him 2 weeks on the house & let him play for HOH too. OK that’s my Willie rant. LMAO And that bunch of tiny candy a$$es that were so intimidated by Willie needs to get out & deal with real people more.
As for who I really want to see leave……that would be FRANK & BOOGIE!! Sorry Ian & Jenn. But I totally dislike Booger & Frank . Getting real sick of Janelle too.
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i vote to evict danielle
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------let jojo stay and between her and shane knock the amazon (janelle) off her high horse, she gives new meaning to the word bitch
i take it personal when the amazon makes fun of ny accent i am from staten island and many people find my accent quite charming.
enough said
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@ Jake
I agree About Jo Jo, She is way more interesting than Danielle and she’s also got more game and acts like she actually wants to be there. I Vote to Evict Danielle, even though i know Jo Jo will be going. Dan, doesn’t have much game this season, he seems like he’s sleep walking most of the time. So good riddance if he’s gone, I liked him in his season though. Have a good one all.
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I vote to evict the entire house and bring back ppl that WANT to play the game!!! Not these Spring Breakers!!!
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I vote to evict JoJo.
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I vote to evict Danielle. I like her, but she should of tried harder not to get put up. She didn’t do anything to get people on her side.
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Ok, either way I am fine. But, I will vote to evict Danielle – she is so boring. I dont even care if it gets Dan out of the house, or in the game as a player. She is just so boring I cant take it anymore.
That being said, I do not like HoHo. She is just about as boring as Danielle. And if she goes we will never hear the end from Whine Boy Shane. So over hearing him be the male debbie downer. UGH!
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Don’t care. They seem pretty much the same to me.
I am hoping someone goes Chima soon. Give us something to watch! Maybe the havenots will get giblets, and the sight of them will cause Ashley will go nuts and start chasing people around with kitchen utensils, or Boogie will finally loose what little is left of his mind and start ranting about hats.
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i personally don’t want to see any crying in the house this year, there was enought of that last year so danielle if you’re a crier then you need to go!!
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I’m voting to evict Danielle. She had nothing to offer the house boredom after Willie left.
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i vote to evict danielle. i wish dan would have evicted her the first night instead of jodi. and, i was really hoping for a season either of all stars 2 or a season of newbies. that is the fun part to see how newbies interact and form alliances from the beginning. *yawn* to coaches season.
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Truthfully I want them both outta there, but one at a time Jo-Jo you gotta go. Bye-bye. This season is rolling along slow and if you aren’t going to play be gone.
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I think Jo-Jo should go home because I think it will force Brittnay and Dan to work together to get some of the other teams memebers out…… We will see
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I vote to evict Danielle…(bye-bye Team Dan). I hope that Shane will win HOH and puts up Wil and Joe. Hopefully Frank is not chosen to play for POV or does not win it and if one of them gets taken off the block, Frank can go up as a replacement. Up until yesterday, I didn’t really have a favourite player in the game but I think I’m leaning toward Shane.
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this season is so boring…I wont get the feeds…I hate the boring coaches…Danielles crying….JoJos fake acts… Wil…there is really no game play since the coaches are running it all….seems like the season is already over and you can predict who is going next for the next 9 weeks….this is the worst season yet!
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You know, I am really not enjoying this season of BB and may stop watching. There doesn’t seem to be anyone worth cheering for and there is no chemistry amoung the guests, just saying….
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I vote to evict the baby danille. Im so sick of the women saying “i’m so fat” then stop eating everything in site. Jan and dani where in the storeroom saying there’s nothing healthy in here. The jen opens the frig and sees rotton apples. Well I don’t think they were rotton when they put them in there. And dani telling jan there the same your eyes fpr once dani. She has a huge ba-donka match her rachel reilly nose. Joe and wil are major floaters and jenn and ashley r dumb a$$es. No one has game. This so far has topped the list of worse bb ever for me….uuhhhh
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Evict Danielle. At least Jo Jo has a personality. Enough with bringing back old players. This show has almost lost interest.
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Also want to root for shane to win, but unless he wins hoh he probably will be gone.
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Since we cant get rid of the coaches or the Boogie/Frank team my vote for eviction is for JoJo
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I vote to evict jojo!
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i vote to evict Jo Jo but I would not be surprised it she or whoever came
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------back in the house right after
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I vote to evict JoJo because I do not want to see Dan leave.
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Because I can’t take anymore of her mouth, I vote to evict JoJo.
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I vote to evict Danielle and her lazy ass coach Dan.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope JoJo is saved by some magic power. Go team Shane.
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I vote to evict Jo Jo! She is so annoying, you know!! Does she have to say, “you know” after every statement she makes?
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I haven’t agreed with Dan’s “lay low” practice – so far there’s no sign either he or Danielle has any game. Jojo shows she’s alive and breathing and at this point that should keep her in the game – I hope. Unlike other people who have commented I am enjoying this season. I think Frank and Shane are playing well and I think a few others will step up when the smoke has cleared. Shane may be the surprise of this season and I’d be happy with that, bottom line for me is getting rid of the coach’s They’re nothing but “coach” potatoes and apart from influencing (as opposed to coaching) they contribute nothing IMO. Some of them have won nothing of significance so why the hell are they coaching? A pox on all the coach’s.
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I vote to evict Jo Jo and I completely agree with Cynthia from earlier.
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I vote to evict JoJo!
JoJo has said, she is going to be a star from her Big Brother fame, and sell tickets to clubs………LOL
I say evict her so she can get on to her star studded future! LOL
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i vote to kick daniele out
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i love jersy quidetts
they are so nasteeeee
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anybody want to make any bets on who wins the HOH tonight…SHANE OR DANIELLE…or double JO IF Danielle goes home…and i really don’t care which of the ladies gets the door…neither does aything for me from being players in this game but i sense that Shane would like to keep Daneille around…i think he has a little bit of feeling for her…it’s time for CBS to make sure that the power moves to the side of the house that is short on people…and start putting up some of the doorknobs that have been running wild for the last 2 weeks…time for Janelle and booghead to get out of that comfort level…it’s been waaaaaay to easy for those 2 so far…they both need a little irritation and their folks need some slop to bring them back to earth…DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THE CAPTAINS CAN BE PUT ON SLOP…
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Re: Cynthia 07.26.12 at 10:55 am
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I totally agree with your blog…almost felt like I wrote it…lol
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@mrybkr , I agree let start over and get some people that want to play the game. at this point dont care you does what.
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I vote to evict jojo..but if danielle is evicted my prediction is that dan would be thrown into the game as a player and that will change everything in how the coaches and players interact hence forth..also..just a hunch really but i really suspect that shane might be gay
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I vote to send Danielle and Dan home. Need to get the coaches out
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Of the house
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I vote to evict JoJo and hopefully next week Ashley will be gone!
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I vote to evict Allison Grodner.
Two things I’ve noticed that really irritate me about the show also: 1) The production value on the Wednesday and Sunday shows have become absolutely pathetic. It’s 2012, the show’s been around how long and this is the best CBS can do? and 2)How come no HiDef already? Way grainy compared to other shows who have been filiming in HD for several seasons.
Also, just saw Willie was arrested for driving while intoxicated in Lafayette, Louisiana last night:
He and that Prime Time Alex Stein 99 On The Grind All The Time Get Out Of My Fucking Mind from The Glass House and Willie had a “Twitter War” yesterday. Silly and entertaining. We may see a boxing match but maybe not. We will forget about them in a year and I can see Willie Hantz getting into more trouble. His ego has gone wild and it seems he has an abundance of built-up anger toward the world now.
Funny what reality TV does to people and it seems to get worse every year. And this trend of re-hashing old reality TV show people into other projects is really going overboard. Give me new, fresh and simple please. And again, if the Coaches get to enter the game, Grodner really needs to go then. Enough is enough. Can’t name a HG I really like or like to watch that much and I despise all the Coaches now. A classic case of thinking too much by the Powers That Be.
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First, I hav e to say how much is cutt out before we see what happen with Willie and Joe but come with a dare when a person is mad. It takes two for a fight . Houseguest should know better and backed away. I like to see JO JO evicted
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like to see Danielle more action then she will be good in the game. She did not have a chance to play veto .
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i don’t care.
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I vote to evict: Jojo….BB14 have to keep Dan around a little longer 🙂
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I agree with DianeK…I think if Danielle gets eveicted, Dan starts playing the game as a player. So with that, I vote to evict Danielle- need another twist to get going in this house! Would LOVE to see the drama when all the coaches start turning on their players so they can start playing in the game!
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Either one. Totally agree with boring season 14. Rember season 1 when the viewers voted to evict! I’m beginning to like Shane. Defintly think the coach idea was BAD. Have never been a fan of Booger nor bleached blond amazon, better to have new crop of players each season and if they want reeats try another all stars – two BB,s same dates, guess what show everyone would watch. Put me down for only newbies. Ciao
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I think the twist tonite is that nobody gets evicted and they start over as though last week never happened, wouldn’t that be a shocker!!
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In case you missed this in the last blog:
I think I’ve figured out what they’re gonna do with the coaches:
When a coach loses all his players, he/she leaves the house as well, becomes a member of the jury & goes to the Jury House; no HGs will be in the jury at all! When it gets down to one coach, that coach wins the $100,000, leaves & becomes a jury member. When it gets down to two HGs, the coaches (and only the coaches) votes who gets the $500,000. If there’s a tie, America casts the deciding vote.
Otherwise, having the coaches is a half-assed premise. Thoughts?
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THURSDAYS are exciting and draining at the same time. We get the eviction show that night – but we have to listen to all the ‘last ditch’ talking from the peops on the block! I vote for JOJO and her mouth out the door,
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What difference does it make? BB is becoming to predictable. Bunch of babies………let’s hug….
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i vote to evict JoJo
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It makes no never mind to me which one of the “ladies” is evicted. Jojo has more spunk but not enough to make much of a difference as far as game play goes.
Pretty much sick of Boogs and Janelle at this point. I’m anxious to see what the show is going to do about the shortage of players to finish the season. Ms Grodner should be thrown into the pot. She deserves it.
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I am evicting JoJo. I dislike everything about her. The only thing I am enjoying this season is watching Dan. He has awesome strategy and social game. Love u Dan 🙂
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I vote for Danielle ! Being from the Jersey shore I think Jo Jo has more game & could be a lot more fun in the house then the shy girl who cries all the time! Just my thoughts, Did not like Janelle stirring the pot just to cause trouble about Jo Jo calling the other girl fat! Talk about a bully I really think that Janelle is just as bad as a Willie Bully! May be good looking but too much work and fake looks does not make you pretty! Anyway will watch Jo Jo go home tonight…… 🙁
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O And Star I am with you!……………………. 🙂
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@kev11 – you totally stole my voting strategy. thank you for writing it so much more eloquently than i.
i have also been annoyed by the lack of HD.
for tonight, i vote to evict jojo. for the season, i vote to evict the casting directors for this miserable season.
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Thanks girl. I actually thought it couldn’t get any worse and now I’m hearing there’s a big twist to be unveiled tonight (Julie Chen).
If it’s the Coaches get to enter the game, I may just watch the prime time shows and cash out on watching BBAD for three hours every night. 7 x 3 = 21 more hours in my week to be productive at something else than watching absolutely nothing happen. Sad devolution in BBland…
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Definitely poor poor JoJo, so tired of her.
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@ Starfish:
So agree. Loved the idea of Boogie, Janelle in House (and other Coaches) at first but it’s gotten in the way of the actual “game” itself. Sort of like football referees telling the QB what play to run or actually interfering with the plays by knocking the ball out of the air. Sounded good but turning out bad.
Saw a preview clip of tonight’s show with Dr. Will talking about Dan’s draft strategy. God does homeboy look weird. Too much Botox or something?
Sad I’ll never have the respect and love for the Coaches I did before BB14 but after seeing how they manipulate and acts like The Gods of the House, I just can’t take it anymore. Loved Janelle, now starting to loathe her. Last night on BBAD she told Joe to try and get the whole carton of cigarettes from JoJo (instead of the two she traded to him for his vote in theory) because she is apparently down to 8 cigarettes or something for the rest of the season. So have him do your bidding for something meaningless that you want. Classy. And on a TV “game show” you know people are watching.
The way they fight for the alcohol and use it for barter is also becoming pathetic. It’s fun to watch them catch a buzz on BBAD but I’d be embarrassed fighting or even talking about “that 1/5th of a beer you owe me.” Wow.
Think only Frank has a real chance to win it as the girl’s in the House seem to have little game and Shane is being targeted by the Boogie-Janelle teams. Ian is fun to watch and smart but is too young and naive to win IMO unless it’s him and Frank in the F2 and Frank has offended the HGs en route to that point. Wil is too choppy and Joe, well, he’ll shoot himself in the foot in a matter of time.
Weird to think (IMO) I can see who’ll win it from all this and that makes it less than entertaining. They had better do something creative, quick and letting the Coaches play just isn’t fair or that “exciting” of a twist. Miss the good old BB days.
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I hope to be able to watch the BB show tonight! Having some bad Thunder & Lighting here in NJ…. Going to shut down my Mac for now, hope to see you later if we still have power! See you soon…. 🙄
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i vote to evict JoJo im sorry but she annoys me
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Kind of a Hail Mary vote as the show starts in about 20 mins. But……..
I vote to evict…….JOJO!!!!!
I am SO sick of her mouth and her gossiping and her saying *wit* me for with me. UGH! I have started to really like Danielle(have you noticed an overabundance of Danielles in theis game?????)and I am not ready for Dan to go. Plus it will make Britney up her game as then she and Dan will be EVEN with one player each! Plus I think it’s a done deal anyway as even Joe gave back her cigs so he wouldn’t feel obligated to vote for her. I think
her only vote will be Shane. But that was as of last nite and I just got home today, but I can’t imagine it’s changed that drastically!!!
Bobo…..hope your power stays on!!!!! That is always my biggest and most annoying fear…NO ELECTRICITY!!LOL
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Guess I don’t really care one way or the other about who is voted out tonight. Wish it was double eviction and they would both go… but then they’d have to bring back even more people than they are planning to.
So tonight we say good bye to JoJo… for now anyway. All I can hope for is the HGs will ditch their coaches and play their own game. Very unlikely at this point though.. the sheep seem to be staying in line for the most part.
I have NEVER once made the idle threat to stop watching BB (and if I did stop watching, y’all would never know because I wouldn’t bother commenting about a show I didn’t watch)… but if any coach does actually enter the game to compete for the 500k.. I would for the first time in 14 seasons consider it. I honestly don’t think the coaches will enter the game.. but IF they did, that just might be too much for even me??
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5 min. till showtime. Please explain why smokers come into the BBH without cigarettes and then mooch them off other players? I don’t smoke, but I think if I was there with MY own stache, I’d hang onto them.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Goodbye JoJo.
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Yep 5-1.. bye bye JoJo (for now) 😆
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Best news of the night… everyone can put to rest the rumors of coaches entering the game. Julie pointed that out a few times during the show.
If Danielle had been voted out.. Dan would have left with her.
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Broomball/hockey type game for HOH… highest score wins
Ashley gets a 4
Joe gets a 3
Jenn gets a 0
Ian gets a 9
Wil gets a 2
Shane gets a 20!!
Danielle gets a 12
Shane is new HOH!!!
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Woo hoo
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------doing a happy dance rite about now
happy days r here again
shane u go get them
now we will see a big difference in the bb house
away we go
could not have gone better
i for one am super happy
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Oh Crap, they want us to vote to bring them back in the house, I think it will be like all the other times no matter how we vote they will go in to the house, you know how CBS works on voting, they do what ever they want its a bunch of CRAP
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OMG!!!! Now they are gonna have America (us) vote whether the coaches enter the game or not??? AYFKM!! Now they are really reaching!
I VOTE NO!!!!!!
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so here is going to join me watching bbad i cannot wait for the a$$ kissing to start, i hope he puts up catepillar on his chin (joe) or victor/voctoria (will)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------about time the tide shifted
and don’t forget to vote for the coaches NOT to play
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Hey JT glad to see you, I hope you dont have to work them long hours much more. Do yopu think that the voting counts every blog that I read nobody wants the roaches in the game no that was not a spelling mistake. if they put them in I know it was fixed
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@ Mama Margie:
I may get whiplash watching Janelle kiss ass to the “other side” of the House now. At least BBAD may be interesting.
Glad Shane won the HoH. Can’t say that was fixed. Such a stupid random game. And, nice shot there Wil.
@ JT:
Aaaaaaaaaah! Letting America “vote” for the Coaches?????
1) Am I supposed to trust CBS to tell us the truth on the votes. Being American, I’m a little jaded about voting and results. The Fix (They come back no matter what) could be in.
2) ONLY peeps with cellphones matter? No landlines or computer (or carrier pigeons) votes? Guess I’m out of the loop.
3) CBS is charging $1 per text. For God’s sake they’ll get millions of votes which means millions of dollars. You greedy, scum-sucking bastards. Reaping more money in one week then you’ll pay out in all prize money and stipends. Once again, corporate greed ruins it for the little guy, the middle class, the common man, the fan. Fuck off CBS. BB, Survivor and TAR were better when pure but now you’re turning them into cash cows. So, so lame. I can see through you. Gordon Gecko was wrong: Greed is not good. I so hope America votes “No” but fear we will never know the Truth. Hanging on for dear life now…
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Hi Mike! 😀 Unfortunately (for BB sake), My 60+ hours a week now will just get worse by the end of August…. then I will be working at least 75 hours a week.. and prolly in the 80s. BB14 will be long over by the time I am done with that. 🙁
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@ kevin11, you can vote online for nothing
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I agree, no matter how we vote, the coaches will go into the game. Seems 95% of people on blogs want the coaches gone.. yet somehow I feel the CBS vote will say otherwise.
They need more players.. CBS knows that. And how the hell would we really know the truth anyway??
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@JT, if you keep working that many hours you will be an old man like me before long lol, but in these times I am glad you have a job
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I don’t see where to vote On CBS. com
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OMG – im so glad shane won – but if the coaches get back in – none of the newbies have a chance – VOTE NO
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you can vote 10 times
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make sure you look at the top an make sure my name is up there, you can use you FB account to sign in, I plan on voting another 9 times
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I voted 10 times!
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@JT dont forget to change the board up top, Good night my friend and dont forget to vote
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Danielle’s time to go! A floater that sunk. Tell me what’s she’s really done in this game…..
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Everyone Make sure you vote 10 times and Please Say NO To coaches entering the Game, I Already Voted, Follow The Link Mike Put up above. And those on Facebook can sign in with that. Thanks, Goodnight all
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kev11…you go to to vote. it’s free and I just voted 10 times YES!!!! 😉 and I usually see eye to eye and I really don’t see what about this woule make you STOP watching BB!!!! There really is nothing else they can do. Due to apparent bad planning,there just ain’t enough HGs to go around!!!! Even if Willie was still there..what were they thinking???!!! I pretty much like all the coaches, to varying degrees,and it really is this or the show comes to a screeching HALT!! OR…speaking of screeching,worse case scenario, they bring back the BB vultures that they have the last few years like BRENCHEL or JESSIE!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!lol
So,I am content to see how this goes. Should be interesting to see how the baby hgs do when they don’t have mom or pops around to support them. And to see who gets bloodthirsty and who actually has learned something yet, either from a coach or on their own. Or even if some of the ex-coaches and hgs teams up to make it to the finals!!!! I wasn’t really impressed the last couple of yeaers with rerunes of J&J and Brenchcel so I say…..let the game actually BEGIN!!!!
And hey to Mike, MM, aggie, Macy since I haven’t been around much!!!! 😉 *waves*
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@ Star
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Star,
Maybe they should just bring in some new players, They really should just give these guys a chance those players already had there turn, I can’t stand Boogie, I hope he doesn’t last. I really hope they don’t fix this , most people did not want the coaches and now they want to put them back in the game. I would never stop watching but think this is very unfair. They need to stop this shit.
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I really didn’t want to see the coaches come into the game because it will be really hard to stomach Boogie and Janell but it may be the only thing that will put even a little excitement into a very boring game. I just hope they don’t bring them in one at a time as their players are evicted because the coaches at least Boogie, Janell and Britney will be throwing their team under a bus so fast our heads will spin. If they are gonna do it maybe through a Pandora’s box. I have BBAS and the feeds but it is just too boring to watch so I say bring in the coaches or cancel the season!!!
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I voted my ‘NO’ ten times. The coaches have had their chances at the big money, let the newbies fight it out. It’s fixed, we all know that. The coaches will be back, and there isn’t a damn thing any of us can do about it.
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One more thing…..I’m so glad Shane got the HOH. Now I hope he puts Joe’s ass up on the block. I’m tired of seeing that THING/GROWTH on his chin.
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Do you need to be on Facebook to vote? And from what I’ve seen here (this blog) and on Twitter, it’s like 11 of 12 NOT WANTING the Coaches in. Wonder if any game show rules (FCC?) dictate they must have an honest vote…
Here’s what I was just thinking about: If the Coaches are NOT VOTED BACK, will there even be enough HGs to make it through the scheduled run of the show? (Shane said on BBAD last night it ends on September 19). Maybe JoJo and Kara in sequester? Know Jodi’s not because I just saw her Tweet she’s glad she’s not part of this now.
That’s my worst-case scenario: That CBS makes millions ($1 per text) on the public vote knowing they are bringing the f’ing Coaches back anyway and we devout fans can do nothing about it or will hear about the REAL results. Scary. Bring me Grodner’s head if so…
Also, could a brother get a surprise?
1-SUPERSIZE SURPRISE? We all knew that HGs were returning…
2-RETURNING HGs? We all knew Mike Boogie, Dan and Janelle were back.
3-OPENING NIGHT? Wow! Jodi evicted? Could never have guessed that (Right Princess?)
4-KARA OUT. No surprise. Model always out second week and with Live feeds and Twitter, everyone knew she was gone.
5-WILLIE BOOTED. Could see that coming. I could put the list of all HGs the last three seasons on a piece of paper and show you who they are and their histories and 96% of people here would bet Willie was the one to “self-evict” or as CBS says, “get dismissed.” (Jordan’s chest bump was hared than Willie’s head-butt.)
5-JOJO OUT. Couldn’t have guessed that. Same as Kara, everyone knew way ahead of time..makes show boring.
6-AMERICA VOTES COACHES OUT/IN IS THE “BIG TWIST” Tonight? What is this the fucking “Bachelor” and “the most important rose ceremony ever” or something? Quit playing us for stupid BB.
And then will it be a “surprise” if the Coaches get voted back in to meet what the Big Wigs THOUGHT would get maximum ratings and interest? Unbelievable.
I’ll always follow BB, but at this point in time BBUK is so much better than this crap. They have EIGHT Housemates up for eviction tomorrow night (anyone nominated went up this week) and have a “The White Room” twist coming Aug. 1 where all Housemates leave the House, are put in a room with all white clothes and then have a chance to take $25,000 and get out of the game. Now that’s creative. And entertaining. And surprising.
American exceptionalism? More like American embarrassment. And I thought Ronnie and Jessie and Chima and Natalie pissed me off. They have nothing on AG and the producers this season and the only way to redeem this is for the Coaches NOT TO RETURN (so unfair to Newbies, us fans and what was SAID Opening Night “Coaches playing for $100,000) and for Kara and JoJo to possibly come back (just to get voted out again immediately) or have some other unique Twist. I am worried.
Can’t wait to see ED go off on this stupidity. And psyched to watch Janelle kiss some Shane ass on BBAD but I think his best move is to gun for Frank, Ian and possibly Wil, the only three I think really have a chance. Jenn still a big Dark Horse.
If the Coaches return and one wins I will be moving to Newfoundland and start a jewelry line made out of walrus tusks. I may make some seal jelly also if I can get enough jars up there. S.O.S.
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@ All:
Sorry. Got a little wound up there. No medication. I won’t be making seal jelly.
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Talk about non-creative ideas! Whoever thought of this one should get fired.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If the “star”-coaches come into the game, it is not only unfair to all newbies,
it is my own personal end of BB for this season. Maybe the production team will learn something from this stupid “twist” (?), and I’ll give it another shot next summer.
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aggie…I agreed originally..I have had ENOUGH already of vets coming back into BB and Survivor!!! But..the numbers aren’t here for a whole season!!! And I don’t think any of the evicted HGS can come back as they weren’t sequestered and Willie is a nutcase and since he went out for breaking his contract that is a moot and illegal point. So WHO?? They can’t bring in regular HGs at this point. So that would mean some other vets and I gotta tell ya….we have had seasons with a lot WORSE,IMO!! So like it or not, the Coaches kinda have to go back in!! We have gotten thru’ worse seasons !!! I’m afraid if we all keep on complaining year after year, they are just going to cancel it! I mean, how many TWISTS can you come up with for one game???
Kev11…..No, you don’t need to be on FB to vote on Just a regular, addicted fan!!!lol And CBS may have known all along that they were going to put the coached in eventually but ..don’t they always KNOW ?? Like when they broke up the couples in BB9. Or when they bring people back in halfway thru, like JESSIE! 😛 We get surprised….that’s why we watch! Like it or hate it, it’s BB and we have to take what they give us!! The BLOG is here for us to Bitch about And who cares how much $$$$ CBS makes??? People that text know there is a charge. It’s not like they are doing anything illegal. I feel like everyone is looking for a reason not to watch this season!! I was kind of bored the last few weeks and Willie almost made ME quit!! He was like nails on a chalkboaard to me!!!! So I am HAPPY for any twist!!!!!
And you want to talk about American embarassments??? Then pick any reality show with the word Cajun, Swamp or Redneck in it!!!! Makes BB look like an intellectual debate!!lol
Oh and right now there are not enough HGs to finish the show. There are only 7 HGs left and there are 6 in jury…right???..and 2 finalists. So they are at least one shy just to go right to the end and we shpuldn;t be there for a few weeks yet!!
And HEY Frannie!!!! Didn’t mean to leave you out before..even if we don’t agree….lol
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Ok..they are showing Shane’s HOH room and I thought Brit grabbed his letter and read it!! I was like WTH?? But I guess the Coaches get one too if their student wins!
BTW…I got the 1st real SHOCKER form this year last nite! Now I may have been the only one to not know this but Dan, danielle, Brit and Joe were sitting around the chess table exchanging bad break up stories. Dan said his worst was to his Ex GF..DUH!!lol But he said she WAITED for him last time he played BB for 3 months and then he broke up with her!!!! WHAT??? WTH did he marry then????? I must have missed a convo somewhere about this…lol I thought they were so in love and engaged then!! She was a bit controlling and jealous for my taste. Remember all the T-shirts saying he was HER man??? And lots of needy letters! It obviously got to him too and he had plenty of time to think about his future with her! Anyone know who he DID marry then???? Too lazy to google it, that’s what the blog is for, right??LOL
Oh..and does anyone else think Ashley needs a new wardrobe?? What is with all the flashdance T-shirts??? Really?? You wern’t even born in the 80’s, girl!! All she needs with those off the shoulder shorts are some legwarmers!!!lol It actually comes off a lil sluty out of context….lol
Geez..everyone is saying they are going to bed and BBAD just started 30 mins ago!! I thought they were supposed to stay up until Showtime was over!! WE are….lol
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****that should have been off the shoulder SHIRTS!!!! 😳 ****
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I voted NO ten times! Probably won’t matter a damn, though. If the coaches come into the game, I’ll stop watching the season. I’ll watch to see who ultimately wins, though.
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@ Star
Hi Star,
Don’t you think CBS should be prepared in case they have a lack of players, they should have some back up people they can bring in. Don’t be using this as an excuse to bring the vets into the game, totally unfair to these people. I hope they honor what most people said which is HELL NOOOOOOOOOOOO
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It looks like Janelle, is going to try to get Shane to work with them, I would like Janelle to stick around, I hope Shane targets Boogie’s Team, But I don’t know Boogie was trying to get Shane in with them as well. All I know is I hope He nominates Joe at least, I would not mind seeing him gone.
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ok, folks. we all counted the players when they entered the house and realized that without the coaches in the game the season would end early. they are going to enter the game whether we vote or not. i’m voting yes because on tonight’s BBAD the houseguests were sitting around discussing hemorrhoids.
This is not a subject the princess will discuss or listen to. I also do not use the “f” word (fart – for those of you who are unclear about my standards).
@k11, you would not like Newfoundland. the time zone is 1/2 hr different. no one seems to know why. also, spent the last two summers in your “neighborhood” – St George. strange, but true. 5 months last year, 4 months the year before. flew into LV.
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@Aggie, thanks, found the link and voted no. What chance would the newbies have if the coaches come back in. That being said, I bet BB says the coaches are coming back in because if they don’t there is not enough players.
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@ Nancy
Great Nancy, I hope others vote as well, we have to let them know, they have to stop doing this, let the newbies have a fair shot. these people had there time. So I hope at least most of you will please vote “NO”
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Here it is again in case any missed it and would like to vote
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