…and then there were three! We’re closing in on the finale of Big Brother 12 and the best news is that there will definitely be a Big Brother 13! No press release yet, but insider sources revealed that, indeed, our favorite summer of fun will return next year. Who knows what twists & turns the producers will come up with to coincide with the number 13!
Britney was evicted from the house on Tuesday night before a pre-taped live audience, which was aired last night. Britney cried in the DR about giving up her entire summer, fiance’, blah, blah, blah, as if no one else did, only to make the Final 4, which is pretty darned good if you ask me. If Lane had won POV, Enzo would be “da one cryin’ yo” because Lane definitely would have voted him out and taken Brit to Final 3, then 2 if he could. Their good bye messages were really sweet and you could tell Britney was touched.
Soon after the eviction, the three Brigade members were whisked to the backyard to swing like Tarzan – or Elvis in the Jungle room – to compete for the coveted first part of the Final HOH. The feeds didn’t return until the start of BBAD and from what we can surmise, Hayden won the first, most difficult endurance part of the 3 part HOH. Enzo and Lane will compete in phase 2, and that winner will compete against Hayden in Phase 3. That winner will decide who they take to the Final 2, so stay tuned!
Hayden made a mess of Enzo’s hair last night, Lane gave him a neck shave and it was pretty funny watching the Bra-gade giggle like little boys peeking at a girlie magazine. Enzo was spitting his usual expletives lacing them with “yo’s” and “dats it” and it was still funny. But Big Brother has been especially sensitive this season about cutting them off on the feeds giving us hours of bubbles & fish or cutting us off completely with trivia. Showtime always praised itself on giving an “uncensored” view of the house, yet we get a screen full of flamingos when they bring up friends’ websites or businesses. That’s a no-no, but General Mills must be doing great with all the product placement!
Our Brigade boys were tired last night, went to bed early and only got up in the wee hours this morning for some BB House reviews. And no matter how many times they tell Enzo today is not the finale, he still thinks it is. Poor Enzo. The finale will be Wednesday, September 15 – just a week away! We’re almost there!
So who wins Phase 2 of the HOH? Who will compete in the final phase of the HOH against Hayden? And for all Hayden’s wins and efforts, will he make it to Final 2? To which HG would you award the $25,000.00? And how do you think Jury HG Ragan will react when he’s told that Matt lied about his wife? We’ll all see it tonight and I can’t wait! =^^=
I just want to see Enzo leave. I can’t stand him!!!! When he said he would make it short and he went on and on, I wanted to slap him. I hope he does NOT make it to the final 2. At least Hayden and Lane have some manners. I would love to see Enzo’s face when he is evicted. He thinks he’s so cool. They will be surprised when they leave the house and find out how boring everyone thought it was. They all think it is the best EVER.
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who snuck this page in?
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HPR56, I think lane and hayden will be in the end, hayden will for sure evict enzo. 🙄
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hpr56 I really don’t think Hayden or Lane will take Enzo to the final 2. They know how well liked he is by the others in the jury house (except maybe Ragan).
Hi Sal!
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Hi Aggie! 😆 😳 😀 etc.
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HI BETTY, lane was pretty stupid in the comp yesterday, that man is not smart at all.
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Good Morning. Hi Betty, Aggie, Sal & hpr56
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Hey Y’all,
All season I’ve been trying to catch up. I may have missed an episode or 2, not sure. I dvr’d all of them. Anyway, did they EVER reveal who the life-long friends were? I thought I remember early on Julie saying that there was a long-time friendship in the house? Or am I losing my mind??? LOL So if there was, I never heard anymore about it. Anyone?
Thanks in advance.
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Aggie what did Lane do?
Hi Jane – sent you a comment on the last page.
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Hi Jane, Lets hope britt gets the money, please everyone vote for her.
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Hayden will win BB12 for sure cuz Lane and Enzo will not beat him in the final HOH. He should take Lane to F2 cuz Enzo is a talker and might convince the jury to give him the $$. Not that I care 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cant wait to see Ragan’s reaction to Matty lie, it should be good tv tonight.
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I think Ragan will be upset at first about Matt’s lie… then do the same thing he did when he found out Matt threw him under the bus…. excuse it as game play and state how close he and Matt are.
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Betty He was so stupid in the comp he really didn’t know the answers, thats why hayden won.
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Thanks for all the great info all season on your blog…couldn’t have lived the summer without it! My daughter’s would love to see Britney win the $25,000 – Without Enzo there would be no Brigade or Brogade however you want to spell it! I think he deserves to go to the final 2. Love Lane, but as they all said does he really need the money? Haydens’ adorable. Cute casting this year. Have been a fan since the beginning. Would love to see an all-star group next year.
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Hi Aggie!!! Sorry I was on the Survivor Blog and missed your comment.
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Jane, yeah, survivor coming up it should be good young VS. old, very cool
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Good morning Ladies!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I couldn’t believe the BS they aired as a show last night, and they wonder why no one wants to subscribe
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Hey SAL, It might be the last year for the feeds for me, I didn’t watch it alot of times
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Enzo is loosing it !
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He keeps asking the same questions and he is so insecure.
I really hope they don’t take him to the final 2.
he acts like he is in prison !
He auditioned and watched every episode on his laptop and signed a contract, gets per diem…..
How many service men and women would love to switch with them ?
And would find it so easy and safe to be in the house ?
Being confined to a tank, sub, or shelter……reality for some.
We don’t hear them complain, ever !
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I would be shocked if hayden didn’t take lane, those two have been tight this whole game
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Aggie I don’t have LF, so I guess I will see that comp tonight.
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BETTY, This was on CBS show last night lane and the cards, he didn’t know any of the answers, hayden won then, lane is not very smart
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What night is the last show for BB?
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I think this is my last year for BBAD, it has been so boring this year and I am still reeling from the fact that they showed a taped episode the other night to keep us from knowing what was going on. The whole season has been dull, hoping already for a better one next summer. I love BB, have been watching since season 2 so I will be back no matter what. I enjoy the blog, do more reading than posting, but love the fact you all keep me informed.
I am still hoping Lane can pull it off and win the final HOH, I don’t think Hayden or Enzo will take him to the finals. If Hayden is in the final I think he will win, but I hope Lane will end up against Enzo, even tho I ‘ve been wanting Enzo out for weeks!
Can’t wait for tonights episode, hope everyone has a great day!
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evil 👿 ……..grin 😀 …….. twisted 😈 ……. mrgreen
……..shock 😯 ………cool 😎 ………??? 😕 ……..mad 😡 …….neutral 😐 ……..sad 🙁 ……..! ❗ ……cry 😥 ……..? ❓ ……oops 😳 ………roll 🙄 ………idea 💡 ……..wink 😉 ……..arrow ➡ ………razz 😛 ……….eek 😮 …….lol 😆 …….smile……. 🙂 ……….
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Go Lane! I think he is not so dumb as a slow thinker. I like him the best of the three and EEWZO the least. Love E’s haircut. Why doesn’t he just shave his head. It looks like he has polkadots on his head!
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Aggie I must be losing it! The last thing I saw on BB last night was the three monkies swinging back and forth. I don’t recall any cards. Am I losing is or what? 😯
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I want Lane too win !!! He’s so sweeet –
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Enzo be ta man yo!!!
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good morning all, another wet, gloomy day here in boring missouri, mother nature is getting ready to cancel my tv for tonites bb grrrrr, lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------aggie txs again for posting your faces, lol it is like smilies 101, i have to admit i tried it and duh all i got was what i wrote, i will try yet again, but i fear if i was being graded i would get a D. last nite bbad was so lame except for enzo’s hair cut, yo what a mess they made, forget about it. they were so silly even i had to laugh, i was hoping ALL the times enzo was told about the finale, yo he still does not get it yo
what is up with the jh? this year more camera but we have seen less, what did they do that for makes no sense to me. someone mentioned bb should cut to the jh when bbad or lf are on fish patrol, speaking of fish bbad has the flamingo patrtol, they cut to them a few times i was so bored i was trying to figure how many were facing forward, how many were old or young. and speaking of fish, for those of you who was not on blog last nite , i thought i would help ted decide on his avatar for the week, the blog tossed around ideas and since enzo was voted no to his avatar, maybe a pic of julie or the fish (either living or belly up) could be his new avatar, when i signed off there were i believe
4 o r 5 in favor of the fish, now Ted, I was just trying to help you with new avatar, so you can decide (lol)
so i shut down bbad about 1 hr early, i was catching up on some emails it got so boring, even advertising about my catalogs was more interesting. have i said how happy i am to be back and out of pandora;s box? well i am.
jane, in one of the many blogs i have caught up on reading, you mentioned a book, can u please give info again and spare an old lady more wear and tear on my eyes.
here i go again with long blogs (sorry), but one more question is the survivor blog run by the same guy as this bbb? I am counting on watching the show this year and will be bummed if there is no blog.
ok that is it for now i promise, hugs to all my friends and to the new kids on the block, bbl
getting ready to
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oops almost forgot my class 101 of smilies, aggie pleasse be ready to grade me
🙄 – colon roll colon
: roll :
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------colon space roll space colon
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YO ok i think i got it, later all
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Good morning Mama Margie…the Survivor is done by Sal. There is already a new page up. If you don’t get it, I will e-mail it to you and you can sign for for them so you get them e-mailed to you. 🙂
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enzo will beat lane in tonights comp.He will then make a deal with hayden for fin2…..
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I don’t care who wins just so it’s over it has been the the most boring show this year and BBAD yuk i like the blog at least it is entertaining and now the good shows will be on Surviors, biggest loser, amazing race at least they are not so boring. AS who will vote for who is anyones guess they were all dumb and will be so on jury night there was to much hate and bashing it’s just a game and this bunch of dumb dumbs thought it was the best give me a break I used to love BB and couldn’t wait for it to start now I don’t know. Thanks for listening and thanks for the Blob.
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@Mama Margie….Look for the Survivor blog link in your e-mail. 🙂
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frannie txs please do i thougt i signed up but have not rec’d any email stating blog was up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------u r the best
: lol:
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------yo just when i thought i had it yo
one more time 🙁
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Mama Margie…. after the colon do not leave a space after the word typed or before the last colon. 😉
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yo Mama…you’re a hoot!!!
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mornin goiyals and snake – wonder why – if hayden won 1st part of hoh – why didnt he get to sleep in hoh room?????
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It’s a 3 part comp, he has to win 2 parts to be HOH
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i cant remember from year to year –
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HI MARGIE, so nice to see you on no spaces with the colons margie colons right next to word
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hI miss fran, margie hang in you will get it
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gotta love those smilies, I love posting them
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Hey there Aggie….not going to Mama Bears today?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want Lane to be in the F2. I want Lane to win.
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Heck, I love Enzo. He’s funny and ditzy all rolled into one, makes the feeds lively anyway. So he chews with his mouth open, belches on occasion, says some really off-the-wall stupid stuff, curses a lot, scratches a lot, and goes on and on about himself … meh, he’s the brother I never had and what man doesn’t talk about himself all the time (or at least try to). Haha! Lane doesn’t do it for me. He’s so boring and I couldn’t stand his side alliance because — whatdayaknow — I couldn’t stand Brit. Yep, I said it; I’m so glad her princess self is gone along with her sidekick loudmouth buddy Ragan.
Anywho, can’t wait to see tonight’s episode! These seem to be the only bits I look forward to now since bubbles, fish and nearly two-day blackouts are all that my $15/month on SuperPass is paying for — who knew you could get the BB shows for free on regular TV! Haha! I did know that, just messing.
I guess that’s the end of my spiel today. Go Enzo, wit yo crazy dimwitted self! lol
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BETTY, the hanging thing was at the end of the show, probably hayden won that also
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Hi Kids… TAXIMAN may be right about Enzo and what goes down. I would think anyone could beat lane… even AGGIE.
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Fran, i wouldn’t mind if lane won, he is the hottie, fran I will be leaving in a few minutes, see you guys later, Peace, Margie, I love that you are back.
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Ted, of course I’m smarter than lane, WATCH IT STRUTZ!!!!!
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L8R Aggie….on the blog 🙂
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I have bowed to the wishes of last night’s voters and have posted my new avatar. I hope MM is happy with the result. I must give credit to Betty for the inspiration needed to make my choice. It will be changing soon, as the first one is too difficult to see and lessens the Dramatic Effect required of My Avatars. If you are seeing the one with the woman’s back, she has two Koi fish tattooed on her back… Of course I wanted a CATFISH, but Koi are closely related.
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Hey… the bank’s open!
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Aggie the light bulb just came on 💡 Cards, of course, I saw that, but was thinking posters! I swear I need a brain transplant!
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I’m on and off today so i will prob jump in unaware of what y’all are talking about, lol. Mama Margie I did see your comment about the book. Are you talking about the Aspergers Man who made exploding guitars for Kiss? If so it’s called “Look Me in The Eye” written by John Elder Robison. Awesome book, awesome man. I follow his blog and him on FB.
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Ted when did I comment about your avatar? I don’t like this one. Please post Enzo!
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Hayden needs to wake up .. He is the reason ENZO is still there. ENZO wouldn’t be a threat if he would have put him on the block and took Brittany off. I’m tired of Showtime unable to give us live BBAD and thus am cancelling it.. CBS messed up on the BBAD this year
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Hey, just thinking aloud here… Maybe there never was a Nick. Maybe Britney invented a fiance so the guys would leave her alone and she wouldn’t be compromised into a ‘showmance’ that CBS loves to have so much.
Have got to get something done now, so I’ll see ‘y’all later’ as my Southern Brothers would say… and one in Minesota.
southern brothers would say… and one in Minesota!
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BETTY… remember your Spongebob comment?
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Hi everyone…I wanted to thank Sophie1 for mentioning our troops earlier on this blog…my granddaughter’s husband is in Iraq right now on his 2nd tour..they are both 26..she’s here in Wilmington taking some college classes..he gets back in Nov sometime and then training and then they will be together in Germany for a 4-year tour…even though they brought home so many troops last month, our fella is still there…may God bless and keep them all. Good day.
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I agree, Patricia and thanks for that. As a military brat, veteran and now spouse and having been through a number of deployments, too, I still am very thankful to each and every service member and their families for their sacrifices and I never forget what their sacrifice means to me and my family! It’s great to be an American!
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Ted I have trouble remembering yesterday! 😆
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I look at who could use the money and Lane owns his own home at 24 and is in the family business of oil. Yeah, I really want to see him get more money….don’t think so!! At least the other 2 aren’t rich and could really do good with it. Enzo has a baby daughter and a wife to care for and even though he was never my favorite person, I hope he at least comes in 2nd for his daughter’s sake. Hayden is the most deserving of the win. He won plenty of comps at the best time and never sold his soul to win this game.
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Oh for crying out loud BETTY… you said Enzo could be a character on ‘Spongebob’ as a Catfish… swimming around and smacking his lips!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My new avatar should be on soon… it’s on Survivor Blog…
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Ted, now I remember, one of my clever comments (unusual for me)
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As a Navy veteran I know and appreciate all that our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen do for this country. Without a military it’s likely we wouldn’t have blogs to chat on!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:salute: don’t worry, i know it’s not an av! 😀
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Shout out to ‘Team Enzo’ member INDAZONE for helping keep the flame alive.
And to SOPHIE for reminding us that some of America is oversees in less than favorable conditions. As I sit pecking at my computer or on my couch eating ice cream and watching the Houseguests on TV. I hope your granddaughter’s husband is as safe as he can be and she sees him soon PATRICIA.
(I meant to say typing at my computer… it’s PK that pecks, Oh, and BOBO too I think)
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Good One Snake!!! The :salute: too!
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What did i do wrong? I posted on the Survivor blog that i knew a contestant. It said moderation and then did not show up. Am i not allowed to say i know someone? Please answer me as i like these blogs and i don’t want to be booted for any wrong doing.
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DUB’S DOLL… The first couple of times you post it goes to moderation so you can be ‘checked out’, for lack of a better term. So Snake knows someone isn’t coming on spouting profanities or being to abusive.
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Can’t wait to have you on the blog… which one??? Let’s have the dirt… oops, mean inside scoop. Are you sure you didn’t just come on to see my new avatar that is being so tardy on BBB?
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Ted PLEASE get rid of that avatar! It creeps me out!
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I have Enzo in an office pool, gladly will give it up not to see him win!
BB12 was soooo boring!
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I get you moderated dubs, hadn’t seen the notice yet!
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Boy, is that ever the Pot calling the Kettle black! Betty… I would suggest you take a more subjective view at your own avatar! Of course, I don’t want to start another feud on BBB for everyone to jump in on and voice their opinion… but since Snake’s Baby… you have claimed the honor I think. Patience, my new one will be on soon… it can be seen on Survivor Blog and Aggie’s Blog, don’t know why it’s here… but remember, Betty, it is YOU who gave me the idea!
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I will admit… it is creeping me out too! Actually quite beautiful if you can see the detail of the tattooed Koi… pretty back too.
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OK Suvivor comments are current!
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TED – what IS THAT showing on ur avitar?
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Sal, how do we find your Survivor blog? Is it generally the same people that are on this one? Are you the one that runs this one? I have enjoyed my first time here and thank everyone for their comments and answers to some of my questions. There have been a few comments and tiffs, but for the most part the people here are friendly and just having a good time. Thanks to all of you with live feeds keeping the rest of us posted. I still think you should have some refunds coming.
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BB Fan .. click on the link on post #65. That will get you there.
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Thanks Frannie for the info
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See you there
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Hi everyone jut got threw reading all the blogs, I have really enjoyed my short time here their are a lot of nice bloggers here. After hearing you talk about Survivor I signed up to get the blog I hope no one cares,never watched it before but will give it a shot. old vs young could be interesting.
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Macy… check #63 & #77…
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Hey Ruffus… I think you will like Survivor better… Sacrilege to say that here I know!!! A lot more interesting and exciting, for me anyway… and ‘America’ too. If you have any questions, just ask me, as I am the definitive voice to listen on SB/N!
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Hey… look who showed up!!!
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THANKS TED good to know
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😯 I think aggie is trying to seduce me and do who knows what to me in Vegas 😯 😆 Starfish, I think it was you, might have been Stra, mentioning tracking down the alcoholic stripper to do a shot of Patron with her. I’d have to pass on that one. PLENTY of better options while in Vegas. Have to do boys night and kick off the NFL this evening so won’t be around until the late night crew kicks in.
Great catfish Ted.
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I’m glad you will be on the Survivor Blog Mike.
Teddy Bear thank yoou, that is a much better avatar. It really does resemble Enzo (good look alike) 😆
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That didn’t come off so nice Dok….Aggie’s going to start throwing shoes. Ask JT, he’ll tell you about that.
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Ted, if you could find the catfish that is on the intro for “True Blood”, and use that for your avatar, aggie would love you forever.
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mike i signed up for survivor blog myself, just left a comment, and r u all sitting down (of course u r, lol) it was a short comment, surprised even me. Bobo r u here? come on sign up, us new kids on the block can learn together what survivor is all about
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------now i am going to try for another smilie face in reference to the survivor blog — here goes
that i found it at all and was able to comment
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Where’s your avatar Doc? …maybe a set of golf clubs or something sports related.
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I think/hope Lane wins 2nd Part of HOH and then competes and wins 3rd part; believe he’ll take Hayden to Final 2; buh bye Enzo.
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ted excuse my stupidity but what the heck is that avatar?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------kind of reminds me of enzo eating an etire meal with one bite, curious minds want to know.
I am going to have my grand daughter get me an avatar for the survivor blog, but will i be able to do it have one for each blog, i am soooooooooooo confused lol
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You will like Survivor Mama Margie. It’s a little slower than Big Brother but it’s alot of fun. Did I just say slow? How much slower could BB have been. 😯
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I Mama Margie! Someone told me to watch out for the Survivor Blog, as Ted gets very excited! I hope PK will come back soon.
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Judi Bee…I want Lane too…
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lmao @ fran, any slower it will be stopped.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i am really looking forward to it, but any blog with you guys will be fun.
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Hi Frannie, seems I just kept missing you when you posted today.
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Betty, Ted gets way into Survivor. God forbid anyone gets off topic because he’ll let us know about it. Let we just say…Hey Ted, 🙄
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I come and go…like MM. Post and then takes off. I’m at work but I do keep up with it. I add my 2 cents whenever I can.
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Frannie you mean we can’t discuss what Lady GaGa is wearing? 😆
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:oops:… Not Let, SHB Then we say, Hey Ted… 🙄
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Sure we can Betty, we will just ignore Tedski
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Survivor is only on once a week…after the first couple of days after it airs, what else is there to talk about. It’s not like we can have LF. 🙁
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Frannie, Ted might be in for a rough go around with all the newbies like me!
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@ Mama Margie…if BB were any slower it would be going in reverse. 😆
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He already knows what me and Aggie are like. What’s a few more to give him some more gray hair.
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LF: The “Stooges” are still sleeping, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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I’m looking forward to adding a few more gray hairs to his head too!
Have to leave for awhile. I will check back later.
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Later Betty
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WELL HI MAMA MARGIE, Thanks for saying you would visit my tv be it will be her tomorrow Had to syop blogging neibors washer broke so am doing their laundry for them, Am I suppose to call Ted Sir when on Surviveor blog?
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They are still sleeping???? I sure hope they see how boring they have made it for the BB fans this year. I have given up on the feeds. Don’t want to hear them snoring, don’t want to hear them chomping, don’t want to listen to them rant on and on about the bra-gade. What’s left? 🙄
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Ted and Sir in the same sentence….FUNNY Mike!!!
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c u later betty, sal r u kidding, guess not
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------what the heck is wrong with those guys, i left then all asleep last nite on bbad, what r they going to do when they get my age, hibernate??
they should clean that house maybe that is what they r saving their strength for i guess tonite is live show, and bb wants the house to be clean kind of like when u know compay is coming.
frannie, txs for tip with ted on survivor blog, i may have to make notes so i keep to the script lol
now back to laundry, am trying to keep busy till show tonite,
ciao for now, and sal txs for lf update.
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CYA L8R Mama Margie…
Mike is doing laundry. I’m sure he will do yours too. 😆
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Maybe cleaning the house is the final comp. if so there wont be any winners
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Tell her to bring it on down,
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voted on BB last nite an today if its like texting you can vote 10 times
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That’s funny….who would anyone want to pay to text their vote when they can do it online for free. I voted 3 times…I wonder how long they will keep it up for us to vote… Go Britt!!!
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DAMN….I really need to proof read before submitting. Not WHO would…shb WHY would 😳
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franniep2, dont worry about it we know what you mean. I will be typing and then go back an try to correct it an mess it all up. then just say to heck with it.
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I was about to call it a day because of all the mistakes I’ve been making. As long as y’all know what I am trying to say then…I’ll stay put awhile longer. At least until I have to leave work. 😆
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LF: bubbles up, doesn’t matter what they are doing now, we don’t get to see it till tonight now!
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MARGIE… see #63… It is a Catfish in honor of the Winner of BB12!
Sir Ted… I like that… I’m sure if I lived in England, I would have been knighted anyway by now.
SURVIVOR is not slower than BB!! Far be it… much more exciting, and people actually do something on that show. I’m sure everyone will agree that the scenery and animals shown are far superior to the Cabana Room and the Backyard of the BB House. I’m sure the person giving you that misinformation, Mama, is referring to the fact that Survivor is only 1 hr. per week, so their is less to talk about.
So, for those who haven’t seen it… tune in and join Sal’s Merry Band of Bloggers. SURVIVOR BLOG: FEATURING TED
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Did anyone else notice that just before being evicted, Britney gave her little speech, thanked the guys there, thanked her family, thanked her friends, said she missed them all and said nothing about or to her fiance’ ?
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I see a lot of mistakes on here but who cares I make them and so does everyone else.
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Ted…that is exactly what I meant. Did you read my post Sir Strutz?
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It’s hard to find an insecure egomaniac, but BB certainly found one in Ezio. I’m afraid Lane, who seems like a real good guy, may be too dim
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to get to the final 2 – I hope I’m wrong – unless Haydan drags him there. Actually Haydan could have avoided the inevitable Ezio problem by making his big move this week and keeping Brittany (who would never get more votes in the end). I only never want to see or hear Ezio ever again on BB, on any other show. Bye, Ezio – good luck with your movie star career.
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Here we are at the end of the BB season. At the very beginning, I made a list of who I thought would be in the final 4 and I only got one right-Lane. The HG I was most disappointed in was Kathy. I really felt that as a Sheriff’ she would have been a stronger competitor. I had the most respect for Andrew as he kept to his convictions and practised his religion inspite of the game going on around him. I think Ragan had the best understanding of the game. The HG I was the saddest to see ousted was Kristen. The HG I was happest to see go was Rachel. The funniest was Britnany and the one who whined the most was Enzo. Brendon, Brendon, Brendon, we had such high hopes for you until cupid shot his arrow and mortally wounded you.
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i want brit to win the 25g’s
the rest? meh
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I hear ya Tendr…so do I. I thought you liked Kathy.
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I f I could talk to Bendon, I would say see what the Love of a good woman got you HAHA She didnt thrilled to see him.
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I agree with you Mike. She just wanted to strut her stuff on national television. No way is Brendon her type.
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BBL, time to close up shop and go home. Cya Ladies and Gents, you too Tedsie!
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“Troll fever rules” right Ted?
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FRANNIE… if it’s worth saying… it’s worth saying right! Ask Justaguy for a copy of my manual on correct etiquette while posting on a blog.
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#5 Lane has bigger ‘guns’ than Enzo
#4 Lane doesnt have bald spots like Enzo
#3 Lane has a better vocabulary than Enzo yo
#2 Lane chews his food where you cant see it, unlike Enzo
#5 He’s not Enzo!!!! he he he
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Told you Franniep2 I make a lot of mistakes too.
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Right on Sal!
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L8R Sal….wait a minute. You still have 20 minutes. LOL
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That’s ok Mike. The only one that will say something is the one and only ‘TED’.
Ted…what are you talking about. What manuel might that be?
Loved your top 5 Mama Margie
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OMG…Sorry Macy, I thought it was MM that posted that. My bad!!
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MACY… you must apply for The Letterman Show!
#5 Enzo has bigger ‘brains’ than Lane
#4 Blame Hayden
#3 Lane doesn’t talk
#2 Enzo doesn’t spit tobacco juice in an Arizona Ice Tea Jug
#1 He is far more Entertaining and did not BACKSTAB Britney!
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ted – i didnt know u were an enzo fan – well, we will have to agree to disagree my friend – ha
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Are you Kidding Me??? I am the Leader of Team Enzo on BBB! Our ranks are filling quickly after Britney was evicted from the BB House, and the 3 Stooges are left.
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Ted the only title you would probably receive in England is COURT JESTER! I think you would be cute in a leotard with bells on your hat and toes! 🙄
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I think we need to lower our head for a minute to gave thanks to the Fish that gived their lives for BB.
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well, i will agree with you that enzo is really entertaining – but he is sooo full of himeself – i guess (besides his eating habits) thats why i like lane more. oh well, we shall see! what is the show tonite showing?
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Court Jester….. hahahahahahahahahahahah. Now that was cute Betty.
Later all…time to get ready to leave work. I’ll catch y’all later.
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Ragan showing up at theJH for 1 thing and the finish of the comp they started last nite.
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Later All
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After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver’s License to verify my age. I looked in my pockets and realized I had left my wallet at home. I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I would have to go home and come back later. The woman said, ‘Unbutton your shirt’. So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair. She said, ‘That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me’ and she processed my Social Security application. When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office. She said, ‘You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability, too.’
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Betty , A woman came home to find her huband with a fly swatter she asked what he was doing he said I just killed 3 male and 2 female flies. she asked how can you tell the sex he said 3 were on a beer can and 2 were on the phone.
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HA HA BETTY – thats definatelya girls joke – told my hubby and he just kinda chuckled – hey – i liked it!
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MIKE – thats a guys joke for sure – got more than a chuckle outa him on that one
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Can hardley wait to see the look on Ragans face when Matt tells him about the lie to nite.
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Its pretty bad when we have to start telling jokes cause BB is so boring
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Can’t wait, can’t wait for tonight’s episode. Woo hoo! I’ve got a bit of jury house fever. Honestly, I wish the live feeds were in the jury house instead of the BB house, lol. Oops. Is that wrong of me to say? Haha!
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I would pay to see the JH on LFs if there is anybody a live in there, they may be like the fish.
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mike – i would sooo pay for lf in jh – bbad is so bad anymore – ittakes me about 10 min to watch it – fast fwd through the sleeping – ha
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------anyone know anyone at VH1 – they will tape anything…
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HA HA Roach didnt seem to happy to see Brendon last week, your slow it takes me 7 min.
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Thanks Macy and Mike for enjoying the joke. I loved yours Mike and Ken, my significant other, liked it too.
Ted will probably scold me for repeating his experience at the SS office.
Teddy Bear, you know I am only kidding, but after all PK is not around to mess with you, so I’m just trying to do my best! 🙄
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The dame flamingos…..uncensored!!!! Glad I don’t have the live feeds,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SHOAD is so bad this year all I do Is FF most of the time!
Thanks for this Blog BBBloger & all you guys or I would have given up a long time ago.
So how is everyone doing tonight? Any of my old friends still around?
Going to the BB Live Chat room soon, so I hope you all get along tonight!…lol
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big brother is a joke
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HEY BO – its all good tonite………..
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Mike you are so right. Rac-ho was not at all glad to see him. Her money eyes faded into an abyess and soon Brendon will go down in quicksand.
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marian so why do you come here?
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I kwow alot of jokes but wouldnt put them on here they are just for the guys sitting a round drinkin beer, now Enzo would put them on here
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It’s finally here!… the Thursday I have waited all summer for! TV viewing will be very suspenseful tonight. I will be glued to the tube and on the edge of my couch starting at 7pm. I am nervous and excited at the same time. The season’s winner won’t be determined tonight… but tonight should tell me a lot of how things may play out. I don’t know if who I’m rooting for will win.. prolly not… but win or lose, it should be awesome!…. because I love this game!!
…….and PS, I may even turn the channel to CBS during commercials to watch a little BB! ……..GO VIKES!!!
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This is going to be a tuff night, football and BB. 😮
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What a mouth on that Enzo! My wife won’t watch the SHOAD because of him…she said “and that guy is from our state”…LOL
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I’m here waiting for an exciting evening of Big Brother. Who am I trying to kid!!! Go Lane…..
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Hi JT, we were so bored we were telling jokes hope your team wins
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Our local news station has been broadcasting from NO for an hour now, pregame next!!!
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Hate to burst your bubble JT but the Saints are gonna win.
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Hi Frann, how you doing? I’m in the Live chat room!
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BO – starting to wonder bout u jersey peops -THE HOUSEWIVES – SNOOOOKIE ENZO………………………………………………………….WOW – KIDDING
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Hi Mike… I liked the jokes… even the one that was supposedly for women. and thanks… I hope we win too! (AC begs to differ!)
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HEY, Sal or JT, will CBS run BB on Sunday or do we have to wait out the week?
Sal, I love bulldogs and that is a great dog you have in your avatar. Hot day lying on a bed of ice. A lot of people sent me that picture, as they know I love them, but my true love is for boxers. Surely you have a dog and I just curious as to what breed.
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Sup Bobo….I doubt that I’ll be there tonight. I have to watch BB and the football game. I can’t let these guys here watch alone. Go Saints!!!
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Clever Boy that JUSTAGUY… I knew what you were talking about… well written. I have no problem… BB comes on after the football game. I too am rooting for the Vikings, well Farve really, I care less about the Vikings, except when they play the Bears, then I care that they are the losing team!!!
Didn’t know BETTY was such a comedienne! You do know there is a ‘No Joke Policy’ on the Survivor Blog don’t you?
I thought I detected a New Jersey accent on Bobo’s posts… I’m sure he is on Team Enzo in his heart!
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Frannie, no problem, you’re not bursting any bubbles (wish you could burst all the bubbles on the feeds!). I think the Saints will win to.. I even said so in my post.
I don’t know if who I’m rooting for will win.. prolly not… but win or lose, it should be awesome!
Hmmmmm… I hope nobody thought I was talking about BB there! 😆
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Ted ‘BRING IT ON!” 🙄
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Hey Betty…see what I mean about Ted. He will be a bear on the Survivor blog. Like I said…here is where you just go………..
Hey Ted ——> 🙄
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OK frann…no problem i’m in both rooms right now
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ahhh….that a girl Betty!!! 😆
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Hey Bobo…do you watch Survivor too?
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Hey Ted, my fanny. He will have to put up with me. It’s game on! 🙄
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Ted is funny… don’t ever take anything he says seriously. I learned that right away at Survivor blog last year (right after he accused us all of being drunk!) …. it works very well for me! 😆
Sir Ted huh? 🙄
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I did have a lot of experience in the comedy world Ted. Gilda Radner was my classmate! (no lie)
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😯 Really Betty! WOW!! I LOVED her on SNL!
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BETTY – no kidding – what was gilda like in school
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Frannie it is almost impossible to keep up with Ted’s remarks, we need PK back!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RIMP – PK
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Cool Betty….that’s when SNL was good.
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PK……….We need you. Come back ole’ witty one.
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Gilda was one of my best friends and yes to all of you she was hysterical in class. We both went to a private school with only 21 girls in my graduating class. God only knows how I miss her.
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I have a Bassett Hound w/ BIG ears and short legs
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BETTY – aawwee – r.i.p. gilda – hey i bet gilda wouldve laughed at you for being so involved in bb – lol – ya think?
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The best story I have about Gilda in High School was when we put on the play “The Mouse that Roared” She was upstairs in the dressing room and was coming down the stairs awaiting her Q. Unfortunately she slipped and fell down the stairs and landed on the stage. The adlibing was hysterical by both her and my good friend Lee Jenkins.
We used to ride trays down my staircase and at the PJ parties and always watched Shock Theater.
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Hi Guys, BB in 10, JT, If it makes you happy, GO VIKINGS
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Time to go.. enjoy BB everybody… I will watch later.
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Macy – Gilda never realized how popular she was. If she were alive today, I am sure she would have made an appearance on this blog. That is just how down to earth she was.
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Well time to watch BB see you later
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Hello miss Aggie…
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Me too Frannie! Where is she? It’s not Wednesday (or is it) 😆
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HI Fran and Betty
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BETTY – know when people get notoriety and fame – they are really busy with managers – handlers – did you associate with her when she was on snl
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hi ms aggie
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Hey macy, It’s showtime
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Yes Frann…my wife & I watch that show to gather!
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Gilda always kept in touch. When she was dying we make a video tape of our 25th reunion to send her, unfortunately she died before it reached her, but Gene Wilder did send a lovely letter to our class.
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Ouch….the boys downstairs are squished. 🙁
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too funny that cold water has to be a killer, I hope enzo falls
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Good Bobo…you’ll have to sign up for the Survivor blog. Tell your wife to do the same.
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Dang Aggie…you called that one. Now hope for Hayden to fall…
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unreal he starts eating, real nice
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I sy hayden has it he is the best competitor
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yeah Aggie…what an A-hole
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lane your pathetic, hayden deserves to win this game
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fran hayden is the best at the comps, he deserves to win game
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As soon as I heard that he played football, I knew Hayden had it in the bag. Those guys take some pretty nasty hits.
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Fran as much as i like lane hayden has done well
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Ted – It really looks like Hayden will win. Poor Enzo! I wanted any other of the brigade to win, just not Hayden! Go Enzo!
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his wifey is pretty
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Aggie, I agree, I want Enzo to win!
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Betty…Aggie wants Lane to win.
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hayden won’t have the balls to take lane to F2, so mouthy egomaniacal enzo will win and further assure himself he’s the meow-meow! (how much reassurance does a guy need to know he’s the pussy-pussy?) it amazes me?
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NVM…you agree with Aggie about Enzos wife being pretty…duh!!
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I like enzo betty, But sorry i really don’t think he deserves to win, Hayden does he has consistently done well
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HI princess, I think hayden will take lane
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Hey princess….you are right about Enzo.
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Do you think the audience receives a lunch/dinner? This is Ken’s Blog, he just wants to know where the people come from! 😆
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Poor Ragan…at least he didn’t cry. 🙁
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i hope so, aggie. it’s a $450,000 decision – i just don’t know if hayden’s got the gonads to do the tough stuff. and he and enzo have been SO close throughout (not threw as someone keeps typing) this season.
BTW, i’m not voting for Brit in the $25k. it’s bandon all the way. he played hard when rachel left the house.
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Hey guys! Just ot here so haven’t read a thing before! 226..that’s a lot of frigin reading!!! lol
Betty….I thought I heard my mushroom soup can ringing when I tired to open it…told me to get on here and talk to you!! 😆
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STFU Rac-ho
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Hi Star…. 🙂
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HI star, looks like hayden could win this easy
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Why does the football game have to have a commercial at the same time as BB? 🙄
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no, not voting for rach. voting for the guy that hung in there when everyone was against him and lying to his face. he stayed and worked for the entire time he stayed.
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I have been saying that Hayden would win this since the beginnning. He’s althletic, laid back, smart, kept his mouth shut…and if he dioesnt take Lane, it’s because he will think he can win better against Enzo since Enzo onlywon one PoV and NO HOH’s. so the jury shouldnt vote for him!!!
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Them some ugly ass pics right there.
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Princess I agree, but look at how many times Rachel kept him in the game. If you really look at the game play, Brit should have won. Now I don’t care who wins. I don’t like Lane for shooting small animals and I can’t stand hairy Hayden. My vote is for Enzo (hating him too, but he played a smart game). Just my opinion, please don’t be angry with me.
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fran i hope lane has it who knows
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I hope Lanes 1:13 holds up.
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Hi aggie, frannie, betty, princess..jsut us girls tontie eh???
And aggie..I agree about Hayden 100%! And of the 3 left, he is the only one I would even root for. Enzo, tho funny is an enZERO and Lane,,I dunno…I think he ‘s a bit perverted..he creped me out a few times in the game. BUT…Hayden has beat them BOTH fair and square so far in the comps.
I can’t believe how seriuously everyone is taking that s*** about Matt’s wife. It was just gameplay,people! Get a grip!! They have all been locked up away from reality WAY too long now!!!
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Any of the three except HAYDEN!
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Yeah Star, It’s the girls tonight
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Football is on tonight Star….that’s where most of the guys are.
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Hi star, can’t stay long for Project Runway is coming up. I miss you. GO WINGS!
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betty, i never oppose anyone voicing their personal opinions. that’s what this blog is for. we can respectfully agree to disagree.
where i take umbrage is when one person attacks another personally for their ideas and opinions.
my opinion, go lane and hayden. i vote to evict ENZO!
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i have the game on in the background…
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You know they won’t show the others time. They have to keep us on the edge here.
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Betty..we are both Wings fans but disagree here!!! lol Sok tho….whoever wins wins. There’s always next year!!
Football..ugh! Sok….we’re good ..somebody pass the wine!!!! 😉
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I was wrong…go figure
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crap, a tie, i hope it isn’t enzo, that guy has been lucky
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princess..totally agree with you!!!!
Betty…..we haven’t talked in ages….nice to at least cya for a sec. Did you gt my *soup can comment* in my 1st post???? 🙂
I think that morph contest was hard!!!! Not sure I would have done so good in it!!
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Aggie…didn’t Julie say Lanes time was 1 minute and 13 seconds? Am I watching something different?
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N.O. 7-Vikings 0
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Love all your comments. I really didn’t like any of them. I guess Ted got in my head!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have to run Project Runway is coming on. Sweet Dreams everyone.
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Lane won!! WOOHOO!!!
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Now Lane has to win this next one.
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Nite Betty….cya soon!! GO WINGS!!!!
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Goodnight Betty….se ya tomorrow
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SEE Ya betty
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah poor Enzo ……………….. 😀
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Someone is texting me ….sorry I dropped off there….but I need to get something to eat anyway. I’ll try to pop on later……AFTER I go back and read everything!!lol
GO HAYDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thanks to all. This is my final good night and Sweet Dreams!
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night, betty!
night, stra!
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goodnight betty and all
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Did I hear/see something wrong tonight? Was part of Regan’s lie that he is not indeed gay? I’m confused. He did say, “Yeah, I’m a heterosexual.” Was he being facetious or serious?
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He was being very facetious if he said that DGAR472.
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all the girls here need to get together for some wine and good times!
dgar, having watched ragan for so many weeks i’m forced to conclude he was indeed being facetious.
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Be back after BB… Football… AC 7 ~ JT 0 after 1st quarter
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I thought so too but…when he said that it confused me!
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teddy, you’re one of the girls tonight!! or should i say teddi!! i didn’t know you were around! are you watching the game now?
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it’s ok dgar. ragan himself is confused.
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I see you are just as funny as Betty, Princess… watching game and just checked in but don’t really want to see any spoilers as we have 1:35 till BB time… but couldn’t stay away… just a bunch of old hens cackling away I see!
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old hen? you betta not be includin’ me in that tedster. i can get to you!
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Princess, I am voting for the same person I think,Britt got 10,000,Ragan got 20,000, Enzo got a 3D flat screen tv thats about 5,000, Racheal got 5,000 ,Haden got 5,000 and trip. thats not bad for 3 months work. the others didnt stay long enought to tell much about game play. Cathy was there but didnt play hard.
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watch it princess TEd, is stalking you again, just kidding ted. 😛
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thanks for the validation, ruf2. i do think bradon played his heart out (figuratively) when rach left. he stayed and fought even though enzo and hayden were befriending him and lying to his face he managed to stay to what, final 6. amazing.
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I am on social secruity disability 10,000 is what I have to live on for a year so they can bo wo all they want about what they didnt win
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aggie, teddy justinsulted me! i’ll be stalking HIM if he doesn’t clarify himself and refuse to include me in the “old hens” comments!!! lol !
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yes I think it was f6
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PRINCESS, all babeilicious women here nobody OLD, Ted is the only old one here. 😛
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*Sigh* I don’t like any of those guys, but I guess if I had to choose, I would want Hayden to win. And Enzo to come in second. I hate Lane. I don’t want him to get a penny. He is a an idiot who just got lucky to get this far. Also, I am shocked Enzo actually lost to him, WTF?
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It was worth my time to see the look on Ragans face tonight and see him & Rach go at it again wished they would show us when Britt gets there like I said before put the LFs in the JH would be more fun to watch. All BBAD is going to be is eating ,brupping ,diggin and farting for the next week.
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watching those 2 go at it for comp, all i could think of was the movie
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DUMB & DUMBER, yo it is what it is…….
anyone have any idea what kind of comp between hairden and lame
the happy couple looked anything but happy, was brendon being snide when he said to ragan “welcome to the jury house” it sounded like welcome to hell. me thinks this romance is just about over, all she is waiting for is america’s fav player award, which she thinks brendon will win.
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lane just won part 2 of the hoh conpetition, enzo is done im afraid, gonna be hayden and lane finale 2, hayden wins in a 4 to 3 vote, and britney wins america’s favorite player, 25,000 +10,000 = 35,000 so i guess she comes in 3rd place, all in all not a bad season , cant wait to bite in ti survivor this season,
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thanks, aggie! i was getting depressed and looking for my anti-aging night cream!
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oh, no! i couldn’t stand it if spoiled little brit won 25k. vote for brandon, he deserves it. brit just rode along with lane on the tails of the bro-gade for most of the game.
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Princess, only hot women on this site, afew not so hot men though, TEDLEY. 😛
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just seen voters results hayden, britney, lane, enzo, hayden will win the 500,000 so he ant win the 25,000 so britney with the second highest votes will get the america’s favorite player money to, i know i feel the pain as well,
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lol @ aggie, u go girl
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sorry but she rode on Rach & Brendon too
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bbl later, phone
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Margie, I have to defend all the hott women from that very OLD RELIC named STRUTZ 😛
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AC ~ 9 JT ~ 7 at the half
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well we get to vote up to 10 times be for 11:59 monday nite.
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I saw that AGGIE!!!
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GOOD TED, you insulted PRINCESS
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Sir Ted…. check that score again.
…just checkin in and getting caught up….. BBL.
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aggie, i’m not laughing at ted, yet! he hurt my feelings.
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PRINCESS, Ted likes to cause trouble, I’m sure he doesn’t mean anything
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Thanks Aggie.. I think they’re gonna need it.
Hi princess, good to see you here and there!
Ok… 2nd half ….BBL.
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probably not, aggie. but i’ve never been included in the “old hen” catagory and i don’t have a bf right now to tell me it’s ok, and it’s not true…
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I think Brendon is seeing the lite ,didnt look very happy, I think he meant to say WECOME TO HELL HOUSE.
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STRUTZ, get your ASS over here and apologize to one of the great women of this BLOG Pronto, Time to get out of the FOOTBALL HAZE, time out.
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PRINCESS, I am demanding an apology from STRUTZ Pronto
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Ted, Esquire
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I finally figured out the catfish avatar.
I kept studying it was like one of those pic’s u have to stare at before it comes into focus.
But yes, I finally see it, it sure is cute.
To be truthful, even after u told me what it was, I kind of tilted my head every which way, but came into focus.
Who says I am slow, lol
Mike is this the last nite to vote, I have already voted a bunch of times, hope they all go thru
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they must be doing a challenge they have the trivia screen on the feeds now, STRUTZ YOU BLOW
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we get to vote up to 10 times until 11:59 monday nite Isaid it a little ways back the reson I am typing this longer is my computer will come on an tell I have already posted this
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txs mike i was not sure if tonite was cutoff or anoter nite,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------gee i had no idea this blog was so smart, it even tells u when it is a dup, lol
i am surprised it has never told me my blogs r too long.
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I dont think it the blog because some one said somethink to Chris because it posted 2 times she almost left because what was said. I think its this computer it has win 7 does just about everything for me
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I type so slow I think I will get a mic for it then I take it does the typing for me
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Nite All
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thanks, aggie.
will check back with you later…
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OK PRINCESS, TEDLEY must be taught a lesson women are never OLD Only MEN are OLD
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Night all!
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AC 14 ~ JT 9 end of third
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Looks like that’s how it will end Ted… just wish you could have gotten in right the one time we were in the lead! …….because I knew that wouldn’t last.
That game was almost as boring as BB12… oh well… at least football is finally here! 😀
Yep… Saints can run out the clock now.
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SORRY JT, I was rooting for ya, AMIGO, some women thats not any of these women, OLD MAN
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Amigo, what? not enough drama on here for you lately? 😆
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No biggie Aggie…. I root for the Vikes of course… but it is just a game. They just need to pick things up next week.
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JT, are you a saints fan also, At least AC is happy, better luck nexttime
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No Aggie.. not a Saints fan. But I was happy for AC last year…. even though it was very painful for us. But after 50 years.. we are used to it! 😆
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OK Better luck next time, Peace
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Well JUSTAGUY… there’s always next week… going to watch BB now!
Oh, I say… didn’t see that PRINCESS was on earlier…
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ggr i just typed with 2 fingers (using laptop) and computer went black was a long block what else is new
had excitement a bit ago, heard a loud explosion house shook hubby ran in from bedroom said sounded like shot i said no like bomb explosion we went out to back porch all neighbors out in yards and street so much smoke and smelled like sulphur, no one knows what happened felt 1 1/2 blocks, my son in law works for 911 he is at work now maybe he can shed lite on it was scary to say the least, it is so nice and quiet here no problems in all 5 yrs i am here now like a war zone
for sure i will stay awake for bbad, guess i did not miss much on blog
hope this goes thru now
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mo not so boring tonite
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FRAN, Ted REDEEMED himself he put bela on facebook, he still needs to apologize to princess
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OMG there is no way to read 344 posts right now. Just finished watching the show and I’m happy Lane won over Enzo. I don’t know if the jury house will vote for Enzo like Brit tried to convince Hayden & Lane. I don’t think so. If it’s Hayden & Lane, I can only hope, they’ll prolly vote Hayden.
I couldn’t believe R being stupid enough to ask Ragan why everyone hated her and picked on her. She was a biotch from day one and still is. Can’t stand her at all! Did you see B’s face while Ragan was having this reasonable and truthful conversation with her? Priceless. Didn’t have a clue what to say because he had to know Ragan was right on!
nite all GO BRIT for $25K
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In case I didn’t make myself clear, Hayden should win but I would like to see Lane win it all. Enzo should get a big fat zero. YO!!
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Hey starfish..altho it looks like I just missed you..again!!! And i DID just reads 344 posts! just finished!! If there’s a BB heaven I hope i am racking up points by doing all this homework!! 😆
mama margie…..WTH????? Is everyone OK where you are??? Are you in a residential area or city or what? Know anymore on what is happening yet???
Guys on BBAD are going to open champagne…where’s princess?? She and I both mentioned wine…BIG surprise!!! lol We should all go get a glass and celbrate together…..not for the guys wins but for making it thru a LESS than stellar BB saummer!!! TO US!!!! America’ s biggest BB fans!!! I think all of US deserve the 25k!!!
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Hey strafish..agree about enZERO 100%!! but backwards on who should win it all..I’m for Hayden! I don’t see lane getting tht many votes…..he didn’t win as much and wasn’t as popular as Enzo. but I eally don’t care at this point! LOVE BB but I am actually tired of it and glad it is almost over for this year.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Will have to give Survivor another try…looks like everyone HERE is going to be THERE!! Only my 3rd season tho and wasn’t always great at watching it. still getting the hang of it. Will have to rely on Sir Tedley and others for awhile. 😉
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BBAD just started here in Florida and I hate to say it but I really hate these camera men. I had the pleasure of seeing the decorations on the coffee table and that damn shark again for the first 5 mins. I’m sorry I got show time.
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It’s more interesting just reading what you guys write.
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Why is it when I come on no one’s ever here?? We need more late niters!!! Hope the survivor crew isn’t all daytrippers cuz I’m not around too often or too long during the daytime. 🙁
Well, I’ll check back in a bit…..if I’m still conscious. BBAD is RIVETING aa usual!! 😆
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What is the web site for Survivor? I love that show.
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Diane..I saw that too!!! I thought..OMG..they are all asleep again!!!!lol At least they are talking now. Maybe a few libations will make them more exciting…..hahahaha
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Diane..i don’t know the website for Survivor, but Sal does a blog just like this one for it. Ted posted it on blog #68 above.
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Hey Stra, just back for a sec and I really don’t care if Hayden wins or not. I know you like his hair but I think he needs a more manly do to show off his good looking face! Lane justseems more cuddly. Is that a reason to vote for him, well prolly not. Hayden won most of the comps and deserves it most. Actually none of them have been great players but the brogade from the beginning stuck together which is really unusual for BB. They usually implode and these guys stuck it out even when it wasn’t in their best interest. I think he should have kept Brit and dumped Enzero. It’s their game though.
Who know what the jury will do.
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Hi Kids… glad to see everyone jumping on Team Brit to award her the 25Gs… Great shout out to Enzo’s family and fun to see his Mom… I imagine this is what FRANNIE’S house looks like… Spaghetti & Meat Balls simmering on the stove and Italian words filling the air…
Great Comps… That was a tough one… and Lane… wow didn’t think he could pull it off… all the studying paid off… He had the perfect strategy to win! I wonder if they use the same setup in previous Morph Comps that he may have seen.
Wow… don’t know if cameras in the JH would be such a good idea… #1 is Matt in those Damn PJs… that little shit should be shot. #2 Getting to see Ragan mope about on the verge of tears #3 Watching Rachel and Ragan go at it right where they left off… the game is over for you two. I did think Kathy looked very pretty. And Brendon looked pretty good too… I felt sorry for him while the fight was going on… his parting shot was classic.
Still planning my trip to New Jersey to celebrate on next Wed. night with MEOW MEOW and his family, eating spaghetti and meatballs and sipping Chianti! … figure I can stay at Bobo’s house.
Great to see you again AMIGO… one of my true amigos! Notice how the blog started to get interesting when the men came back on?
Glad you liked the avatar MAMA MARGIE… it is like the Morphed Faces Comp… MM Championing the vote for Fish… and BETTY’S brilliant CatfishEnzo for Spongebob…
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Thank you Star I went back and got it. And yes they are talking now but Enzo is very down on himself.
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Ted, love the catfish. Recognized it right away! Cute little thang. 😛
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Star you’re a better Stra than I am. I keep going back and reading a few as I go, but all 344. You are my hero!
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I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaack. Two close football games for entertainment tonight. Back to the house to watch BB and what a surprise. The Pissed off Penguin lasted a whopping 19 minutes on the endurance challenge 😆 He must have been channeling his inner Kathy 😆 Sorry tendr, I know you like her, but you have to admit she was weak at the comps. Lane Burger rips thru the ugly pics. Here’s to hoping Mr. Personality and the alcoholic stripper never breed. That was one hideous combo. Now were down to Cousin It and Lane Burger for the final showdown of questions. If Cousin It wins it’s going to be a hard sell for either Lane Burger or The Pissed off Penguin to say they outplayed him.
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i just got here… to tired to read all the posts and to annoyed to watch BB can anyone fill me in. If not luv yall anyways and will see you on SBlog
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Look directly above your post Jane it’s all summed up neatly for you 😀
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Hey strafish..i agree….not that emotionally invested this year to really cares WHO wins! And ya, I kind of wish they would have kept Brit too..but then she would have been dumped at F3 instead of f4..which would have been harder on her, I think!! Either way, she was basically used, even if not mean spiritedly. If that makes any sense!!! ❓
Diane…YW..adn I actually thought I saw Enzo crying….he was rubbing his eyes alot laying back on the couch outside. maybe not…but I am sure he knows he’s going home.
Does anyone know what exactly goes on the rest of this week?? They have messed with the timeline to throw us off so bad it sucks! IS there a show Sun?? If so, what is it? and is Wed. the finals?? I heard it was a 2 hr show Wed so no Sun…can’t find any confirmation tho.
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I think since Lane and Hayden each won 1 section of the HOH that Enzo should not even be given an opportunity to sit beside the winner in the f2. Do you think (I kmow it is the HOH’s choice it should not be for the HOH to make that decision and have to make it quick just does not seem right. I wonder what the final competition will be.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Even though since Haydens little squeeze Kristen left the house it seems like Hasyden has been very loyal to the alliance I believe Enzo and hayden were the only ones to remain “faithful” to their cause. I wish hayden could see the other side of Lane when he says he was more fafthiful to Brittany but when Hayden won the HOH he went back to the “boys”. If your going to talk about being true to their alliance Enzo and Hayden should be the f2,
As far as Rachael and Reagan they both need to grow up. I cannot wait to see everyones face when they all find out what Reagan becming the sabeutor and I do not understand why he needs to keep it under raps now what difference does it make to anyone in the jury house.
I cannot picture Rachael and brendon making it after the show. When she gets back to her “Las Vegas” life unless Brendon wins that money I give it 2 months at best, and then just like the “bacholer” tv show you will see them in the tabloids for about 2 months and then see them break it off due to the “reality” of normal life once again.
Racael an Brendon should of made a bigger alliance then themselves why did they not figure that out especially with their “brain power”
What is this deal what does lane and Hayden keep discussing besides taking each other to the F2 there is something deep in that agreement? Anyone have a guess?
I think it is so funny that after Hayden won the trip to Hawaii and Enzo mentioned bring Kristen, Hayden shut that door really quick, I wonder if she will even end up at the final show or if she will be a no show.
Obviously we all know that Brittany forgot to mention Nick, do you think there is a reason to it? Do you remember whenever she went to cast her vote she always showed her ring and then started not to when Lane and her got close. I just have a feeling there is alot more to her and Lane’s relationship but out of respect to family and living in a small town and how it would look on TV I think shes keeping it under wraps right now. Anyones guess what Nick thought after she did not mention his name?
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Everytime they start to talk about something a little interesting they cut to that damn shark.
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✰… there is a special show on Sunday of “never before seen clips of the Houseguests you love and love to hate”.
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Hi ✩✑!
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Stra the guide on Uverse shows BB at 8 on Sunday as usual.
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…on the subject of men getting older.
Lordy Lordy.. Look Who’s Forty!!
Happy Birthday BBBlogger!! (aka “kid” 😆 )… thanks for giving us a place to play for another season of BB!
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Did you hear Enzo’s wife say that he works two jobs. At least in real life he is a hard working family man.But I think your right he was crying. I feel bad for him.
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I think you are right about Britney and Lane, Kristi… Brother my ass… Julie wasn’t letting her off the hook either in the interview… She didn’t mention Nick on purpose, because she’s done with him… But, I also think there may be NO Nick… just a ploy she used to keep the wolves at bay on the show.
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Happy 40th TripB, you old fart 😆
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY BBB, JT, YOU just get better with age
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Thanks for info guys! I tried to send tht post about 15 mins ago and my comp froze up!! 2 yer old high speed laptop but it’s no match for nites when the posts hit almost 4000..and it aint over yet!!lol I thought I had gotten rid of my gremlins on PGA..but they;re BAAACCCKKKK!!!! GRRRRrrrrrrrr!!! 👿
Hey Ted……I love fish…..hand it over and I’ll even pan fry it up for ya!!! *smacks lips*
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I wonder if they will use the same part 3 as previous seasons?
7 questions about the other HGs… most correct answers wins. That is really a toss up if they do that again. Questions like….
What did Matt say was his biggest mistake of the game?
A) Not getting Britney evicted with the DPOV.
B) Throwing the HOH comp that Britney won.
They reveal their answers.. and then watch a video clip where that HG answers the question.
If this is the part 3 comp… it really could go either way.
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Wish I could stay and chat with y’all 🙁 …..but I best get off of here!
G’nite all……
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JT….I know you are a Virgo but forgot your BD!! Is it the same as BBB’s???
And Happy BBBirthday BBBlogger!!!!! <3<3<3 & Hugs!!!
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aggie when are we going to Vegas 😀
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HEY STAR, SEPT. 13th is JT’s birthday
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Nope…. 3 days later Stra. I’ll be XLV!! 😀
G’nite… again…. for realz!!!!!!!
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Gotta go too guys…..and puter is running too damn slow!!!
Nite all!!!!!!
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Oh Goody… we can all bake a cake and put a little Viking on top!
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WISH I could DOK, but i guess the friend would mind
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aggie, JT..thanks!!!
Peaace OUT…again……..
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goodnight STAR
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hi to everyone left here! doc, are you back from vegas already?
stra, i always keep freixenet cordon negro brut or extra brut (champagne) in my fridge. it is a reasonable price and reasonable taste. i’ll save the more expensive versions for “special” occasions.
i alway have a bottle of courvoiser in the house, too.
well, it seems like it was almost ladies night here tonight with the game on, but several of us “hens” were also back and forth from the game to the blog. seems like we are better able to multi-task, ted! lol, you know it’s true!!!
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Just Fri-Mon for Labor Day princess. Have to hit and run in Vegas. You hang around too long they find ways to get their money back.
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hope you had a good time. i’m taking my first golf lesson from a golf pro on friday. hope i do better than i did at tennis… i kept thinking that anything coming at me was the enemy and i kept smashing it over the poor little net. i watched the tennis pro duck a few times and even use his racket to keep the balls from hitting it!!!
i hope i do better at golf!
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anyway, i better say g’nite doc, i’m forgetting how to type now! talk to you later on the blog. hope to see you on survivor blog. even if you don’t watch (and we can’t convince you it’s as good, or better, than BB) stop in to chat! we want to stay in contact and not have to wait for a year to “see” you on the blog!
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Thanks Dok!!! HAHAHA!!! I saw that after, but i think if i would have looked up my eyes would’ve stuck!!! I am beyond stressed right now…. Ted remember the last Autism picnic I did (the one you so graciously donated to) here’s the link of that day: http://knottyawetizmmama.blogspot.com/2010/06/sundays-in-my-city-its-saturday-picnic.html … well anyways to make a long story short… all our lil babies are going back to school so i was thinking I would do a “Back to School Picnic”… i shooted that in the air on facebook and twitter and several companies said they will donate backpacks and school supplies and since they kept in very good contact with me I set a date. Well……… all i hear now are *Crickets* and my picnic is next week. I am beyond stressed. I may be having a back to school picnic with no back to school items. I am not saying this to insinuate help from my fellow bloggers….. i am just saying this because i am literally freaking out. I need to step back from the blog for a bit.
Hopefully it is one of those things that will all work out in the end. It did my last picnic. But last time I had to call on friends and family and I really need to work on Sponsors so I can make this a semi-annual event. My whole thing is this… I have ALWAYS worked full time and took care of my household as a Single Parent. I am now in the position where my son needs me most of the time, and if not, then i am recouping so I can be a great mom for the “most of the time” he needs me. I may be blogging and shooting the shyt on FB but in between times I am online busting my ass to learn Everything there is about my sons condition… Autism… and how can I be here for him and work to pay the bills while professing his cause.. thats how I became a parent advocate. It’s not paying the bills right now and nothing comes quickly. So that isn’t even an issue. First, I need to prove myself that I am not only capable, but willing to do the grunt work to prove my knowledge and worth.. Then eventually I will not only be able to support my kids, but i will be able to support my dream.
Um okay I just did a “Dear Abby”. But if you guys don’t see me for awhile… ask Aggie, Fran, Ted, or PK my FB info. I have business to tend to. I have also left my email several times. I won’t be back for awhile but you will definitely see me on Finale night and SB. Since SB is kind of slow I can jump in and out.
Lots of love JT, Snake, Donnap, Mama Margie, KustardPie, FP2, BB fan, Ted, Betty, Aggie, AC, Tony, Bobo, Macy, Stra, Tendr, B-Lage, Joe, Chris (high five to us Special Needs Parents!), PK (if your not on SB i will beat your azz and then talk mess to you), Dok, BBBlogger, Donna Rose, hpr56, Starfish, jajablonde, Ruffus/Mike, Judi Bee , Sophie1, and even Kristi…
Regardless if you were on SB or BBB I appreciate y’all and see you Wednesday when the real show starts (Survivor Baby!!!), lol…. but then again Jimmy Johnson is on it so don’t quote me (PK!!!)
If I forgot you sorry but i have old times… isn’t that what its called MM? LOL!!!
Lots of love,
Jane, Liz, Miss Tipton, Elizabeth… you can call me whatever… just don’t call me late for dinner!
Peace out.
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And PRINCESS!!!! Sorry girl.
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Good luck with the golf lessons. Don’t try to kill the ball and you will do much better, and whatever you do don’t hit the pro 😯
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Jane, I hope you are back soon take care.
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DOK- MY EMAIL ADDY- aggier01@gmail.com– send me your email addy
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hello, anyone still up? 🙂
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Julie did say Sundays show would be clips never seen before, of HG you love and love to hate. Directv guide shows Survivor on next Wednesday at 8, followed by BB finale starting at 9 with a 2 hour show.
Should be very interesting to see the finish. GO LANE ! ! ! Sorry, but just can’t stand that bowl haircut that Hairden is wearing. He has done better in the comps but I’m not so convinced that the jury will give it to him.
Time for the meow meow to go back to Jersey and get back to work. Outside of the house he might be a nice guy but his personal habits are disturbing to put it mildly. I always hit the mute button whenever he is eating. His mom must be so proud ! Ok, enough ranting on that.
This has been my first year here on the blog and I haven’t posted much, but I really appreciate all the info posted by others for all to read. This has been a great place to be and much more interesting than BBAD. Hope to participate a bit more on the BB13 blog when that starts. Thanks everyone, you are a great group !
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GOOD MORNING BLOGADE MEMBERS, I think this is a shoe in for hayden he has consistently done well, i would rather see lane win though, but he could possibly get second place, I think hayden will take him. i think enzo realizes that also i noticed he went to bed early last night and the other guys were hanging out together. 😆
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So anyone figure out who the 2 long time best friends are ???
And I think they should have had Regan tell he sabatour after he was told about Matty the “Johnny FAIRPLAY” LIAR 🙂 but guess thats for final show 🙁
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Oh & if its Hayden & Lane fianl 2 Hayden should get it ..Lane has enough cash … see his restored Lincoln w/ suicide doors real nice car & besides he has enough money “Lane”
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Well ppl have a gr8 weekend chats ya’s up Sunday oh and SPOILER ALERT If ya watched BB AD thats what you’ll see Sunday 🙁
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At least Enzo isn’t sleeping tonight. They are just playing 21. And there is hammering going on outside.
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I can’t wait for Survivor. I hope I find the right blog. There are so many of them.
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You are on an old page Diane… Hope you join the Survivor Blog too.
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Betty – that was funny, thanks!
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