The beginning of tonight’s Big Brother shows how devious Shelly is and how the HG’s don’t have a clue. I can’t even figure out if she is with Jeff and Jordan or not. I think that’s because Shelly is with Shelly and only Shelly. She will do what it takes to scratch and claw her way to the end of this competition. I personally don’t like her, but I do have to admire her Big Brother player style.
I was so excited to see two of my favorite Big Brother alumni Ragan Fox and Matt Hoffman on screen tonight. I love those two. They were so great to spend time with at the Reality Rally and they never mince words when expressing their thoughts. You go, guys!
I have to admit, this is the very first time this season that I wasn’t sure who would get voted out. I deliberately didn’t look at any social media tonight so I wouldn’t know in advance of the airing on the West Coast. The voting was rather boring with all six HG’s voting to evict Lawon. I guess they want to make sure they have a harder time winning the game so they kept the stronger player.
The faces when Julie revealed the twist were priceless. I won’t say (out loud) what I thought Rachel looked like, but I have a feeling someone else might. The shock of the four evicted house guests was evident when Julie told them that Lawon was voted out over Rachel. Of course, I think that any of the four felt they could beat Lawon without a problem. America (really???) chose Brendan to have a chance to return to the game (America-really???) Sorry, am I repeating myself?
The competition was athletic and Brendan wiped the floor with Lawon–big surprise there, huh? I don’t think it helped Lawon that Rachel was yelling so loud. Her voice was probably grating on his nerves. It sure was grating on mine!
Julie announced that HOH will be on Sunday this week. Danielle looked like she could kill. I don’t know if she and Kalia could have pulled off the votes to evict Rachel, but I bet she wished they had at least tried. Now Danielle’s only choice is to win HOH or she’s out the door for sure. She’s tough, so I’m not counting her out yet!
See you on Sunday! Bloggergal
New post… just waiting to see who won HOH
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Now the other vets are worried some and Rach is doing the suck up game with Dani…lol
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Thank God, Dani won.
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I hope she nominates R&B and she wins the veto… then the house decides who leaves.. and not R&B
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Please Dani… Don’t make a deal with them!
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Hi JT, Mel & Donna P. Me too, I’m thrilled Dani won!
Rach is already sucking up but she’s a player and will say anything but we know she’ll gun for Dani the minute she has a chance. She said it herself but Dani prolly feels the same about Rach. Let the games begin!
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Yes JT, I hope she noms them too. Let the house decide and yes, let Dani wins POV.
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Do we know what the comp was yet?
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Adam is sucking up big time and even Jeff is trying to play nice with Dani…lol Oh how the power makes the creeps come to sucker up…lol
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Shelly is apparently freaking out cuz she knows Dani knows she is a two timer!
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Feeds just came back 🙄
Don’t know why they take so long? Is it that tough to flip a switch? 😆
I’d be shocked if Dani listened to a word they said. Dani has to know they are beyond any deals. Get them up and get one out!
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Dani’s biggest enemy this week is Kalia’s big mouth
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LMAO Mel. Even tho I’m in CA and I get all the spoilers ahead of time, I still enjoy watching the show no matter what. Call me addicted.
Jeff hasn’t been the sweetest guy this year so playing nice will be good for him. 😀
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@starfish, what has happened to our friendly blog?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Someone is claiming to have kicked out Jane and you’re next?!?!
As if that could happen, silly people!
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@Holly, yea, silly people!
This is great tho don’t you think? Are you happy Dani won?
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Thank the lord! Go Dani go! Put them up win pov get one out! I couldn’t even read all the posts on the last page…. Let me just say this to Jennifer. I am not your friend. My friends don’t insult me or my other friends. Moving on…. I knew how the show would go tonight even tho I was praying it wouldn’t lol but Dani stick to it n take them out!!
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hey guys bb ad just came on and i am doing my happy dance seems dani won hoh woo hoo happy days r here again, and if dani stays true to form she will nominate and keep to her guns no one will change her mind, cause she has balls. i see how the attitude of j, j & r has changed they r not so arrogant now.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I can’t wait to see the actual hoh comp must have been goood
on bbad dani is whispering to adam wonder what that is about, i said it earlier today that looksed to me like adam threw the veto to jeff cause he was too afraid to have had the veto chicken shit i tell u the lot of them lol. i also noticed how jeff is being so nice to kalia now hmmm curious minds want to know why lol
well i feel a lot better now, was so bummed when the show ended, but looking good now,
I have not read any of the blogs since the show went off the air has anyone seen jane??? seems jennifer said jane has been evicted and next is starfish well, u will never get my vote nor would jane lol
i agree holly silly silly people, just best to ignore right lol
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funny watching Jeff acting like everything is cool, even with Kalia, guess he should have kept his mouth shut last week a little bit….lol
notice Shelly is MIA….lol
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MM are you on FB?
I’m anxious to see the actual comp too. I’m thrilled too and I’m happy now because I too hope she stays true to form and noms B & R together and then wins the POV. WooHoo
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starfish i was just there was on chat with u kept typing then realized u were not there lol so there is a long msg waiting for u
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Rite on MM!
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@MM got your message and now you have a long msg waiting for you. 🙂
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mel u r so right guess he has a change of heart he is not the tough guy now is he, that is how a bully acts
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------u r right fi see everyone but shelly i wonder if she knows dani is on to her, now dani needs to do one thing be very careful what she says to kalia they one can’t keep 2 peas in a pod, she is a mess
this is going to be an interesting week, but i have a feeling r&b really need to start worrying, and if either gets veto then J&J will need to worry.
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suks i heard everything before hand …. bein cali . but yay !!~ TEAM DANI but ;-; no danixdom </3
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Perfectly stated MM.
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Wonder where the shelly went. Is she in the DR?
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why thank u kindly justlookin lol i say what i mean and mean what i say lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------starfish i will be back going to fb
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Dani made it clear to Por and says Shelly is out from here on. “Screw you Shelly”
Bout time dani!
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@Bloggergal, yes I loved see Ragan Fox and Matt Hoffman too. They were so funny. I loved how Ragan really gave it to Rach and now they are good friends.
Rach’s voice grates on everything. I was surprised they let them help by yelling to help during the comp. That didn’t seem right to me. Oh well, it is what it is.
Thanks for the quick update!!!
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Ahh Shel appears and is whining like a baby now….lol
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starfish i agree that was not fair that especially rachoe was telling brendud what balls to look for and toss, poor lawon did not have a chance but we knew that going in, i rec’d your msg on fb and left u another lol
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Thanks for the updates everyone. See you all in the mornin.
Star where are you???????
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i saw that mel i guess when the shoe is on the other foot it is a different story, i expect she is on the hit list of danis too, but all in good time i just dani can rally the troops to have the numbers and try to get it into their thick heads safety in numbers
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nite all was a hell of a night
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ciao till next time
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True MM but Shel is not on their side so the numbers aren’t there for Dani’s alliance. Smart move is to put up Shel and make a deal with the other 4 R/B/J/J with one being a pawn. Think Adamhas finally figured out time to change sides for good after tonight!
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Good night MM n starfish have a good night. Mel buck just puts on her tuf face. She has no clue how numbered her days are…. I’m out too. Good night.
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Hey Starfish!! I kinda fell asleep for a lil bit and guess i missed alot!! I was kinda cofused about WHEN they were goig to play HOH after the show tonite. And on thurs. out here anyway,instead of startig at midnight, BBAD starts at 1:00. So I thought i ‘d get a quick nap in and woke up to MAYHEM!!lol
I know I used to be team Dani but that was when she was with Dom. Kalia gets on my nerves and so does Porsche , so to see her keep winning means to see more of THEM! I was kind of on J&J’s side, but now I think I am just gonna be Switzerland and see what happens this week. Keep an open mind.
I havent been on the blog since I posted earlier tonite. WTH is going on???? jeenifer was atit again??? And is she saying SHE wants jane evcited or taht BBBlogger actually kicked her off??? I gotta go back and read…see what teh sam Hell is going ON here!!!!
The HOH comp was the one where u have to guess how many items are in something, and you write downa number and see how close you get or whether you play or not. They did it in both season 10 & 11.
Ok…gonna go back and do a lil reading…..BBL!!
Hey JT, JL, MM!!! 🙂
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You know, I have been watching bb since the beginning, and slowly they have been using these “twists” to work to the advantage of ratings, under the guise of making the game more interesting.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tonight was the final straw… I have never seen anything as completely rigged as that “twist” was in order to keep “Brenchel” (and the female-dominant audience) happy.
BB took in well over 2 million dollars in votes alone! When you invent a “twist” that completely and totally circumvents every rule and strategy that you give the houseguests, then why bother having all the rules in the first place?? BB is going to set up the “twists” to rig the show the way THE PRODUCERS want it to play out… not the houseguests.
I know I am only one viewer, but I am seriously considering giving up on this show.
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Hi Star, Starfish, Margie, Glad to hear Dani Got HOH at least she will hopefully do the right thing 😆
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WOW! Looks like the newbies are attacking our vets!! People, people people!! It’s a SHOW, for God’s sakes!! Chill the heck out and play nice!!!! I guess you know we are all huge fans cuz everyone gets so passionate!!! But MM quit last year for awhile because we all got so nasty to each other and now it’s BigBubba and Jane and who knows who is next??!!
We need to try to stick to game talk and not get so personal with the other posters..unless it’s GOOD’s late..I overslept and now looks like I’m talking to myself and nobody is prolly gonna read this anyway, so…..I’ll check back later!
PEACE, LOVE and LIGHT!!! (All we need is love…….la te da te da…..)
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Hey aggie!! WOW…another human is And someone I KNOW!!! lol Did you read the last blog???? ALl I can say is SHEESH!!!
Gonna wait and see what happens the next few days before I decide who i am actually FOR again. Keeps changing in this game. I pretty much have been more watching than cheering on a fav. I liked D&D then when he went out and she paired up with Kalia, I totally lost respect for Dani as he game was using K to get what she wanted. I think she basically manipulates BB and out. Not a great quality in my mind!! But, I’ll give her a chance and see how she plays.
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Why oh why did America vote Brendan back in.. I was hoping Cassie and her lovely bikini body would come back. Dom was my second choice. It appears that most of America loves Brendan and Rachel. I sure don’t.
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take me of this dam list, I do not need to know Dani won HOH, it ruins sundays show, please delete me from this blog.. I’m out of here.
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Hey I have a question. Did they have all these twists as they call them in the beginning of bb? I truly feel ripped off this season. Did they just make up this twists when ed left and wait until Brenda was evicted so they could put him back in? I don’t believe for a second that America voted him back in….
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Geez….no wonder no one is on this blog anymore…they are dropping like FLIES!!!
I think we used to do SPOILEAR ALERT before any breaking news and now we don’t. It’s like a damn race to see WHO can be the news spolier 1st so no time to even type Spoiler Alert!!! It’s the GOAL onhere anymore, not just the sharing of opinions but being FIRST!!!! Lots of people don’t have the LFs or even BBAD and we forget that I guess. I dunno. It seems like ya can’t do anything right on here anymore. *jumps off soapbox*
JL..they have had twists for years and alot/most of them are pretty lame and they tend to do the same ones over and over. And Do I think CBS rigged it so Brendon came back in?? Hell yes!!! I have always heard that anyone who believes tht reality shows are actually REAL and not scripted are idiots!!! I guess I’m an idiot then since I watch a lot of reality, am doing the ostrich thing cuz i don’t want to know!!!! And I enjoy them and it works for me …i’m just sayin…
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Finally, the game is interesting! Unanimous vote, so did Kalia & Dani tell everyone to vote off Lawon or did Adam, Porche & Shelly finally pick a side? By voting off Lawon, Shelly still plays both sides, unless K&D didn’t let her in on the plan???
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Thanks Stra I’ve only been watching since the last 1/2 if season 7. Season 8 got me hooked. Lol. I know they are scripted too but if you give us a vote it should be a true vote. What cbs should have done is had all 5 evicted guests compete… At least it would be less obvious that its rigged… But if you listen to Brenda he says all the comps are rigged against him unless he wins.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And I hear ya about the being first thing! I’m on the east coast so I see the shows early. When I come on here to talk I am careful of what I say so I don’t ruin it for the west coast. But I see a lot of names I haven’t seen b4 lately. Kind reminder not everyone has live feeds or bbad.
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I KNOW where you live JL….remember??LOL But the competition for being 1str to announce everything on here has gotten to be really annoyiong..and obviously destructive for alot of posters. At least when you type Spoiler Alert then can choose not to read! ASnd I know they could just not come on but if we keep saying tht….NO One is going to be on here…lol
I hear ya about he voting thing. If they are going to bother us to vote..and texting votes actually costs a buck per… shpuld be real. but maybe alot of people wanted brendon back for the drama!!! Don’t think we will ever know!! I wish they would just stop bring in EX HGS. They voted them out once… don’t think they will do it again??? It;s like watching a rerun within a
And if u have been watching since S8, you are a vet! Most of the HGs haven’t watched that much…lol I don’t actually remember alot of details before then, unless reminded. That was when BBAD started and I tend to remember alot more now!
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I’ve been a BB fan since 1st year & have read most blogs this year. I’m not sure what’s going on with vets leaving but, I’ve enjoyed their comments & have seen no reason for anyone to report them. Nobody’s twisting their arms to stay. Please keep it as it was ’cause I don’t wanna find another blog…PLEASE!
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I got bbad at the end of season 8 lol! Oh n yes I remember you know where I live that part was for anyone else that wouldn’t understand wth I was saying. Lol. I’m bummin with my dish out. No bbad! 🙁 and I have to watch the shows on my phone! Now that is obsessed! I can’t stand to not watch. Even when I want to claw my eyes out with rachoe n Blandan on!
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mostly i’ve been coming in only once in awhile…personal probs..(hi fran)
so there’s fighting in here? please folks. believe me life can get hard and real Outside of this game so can’t this just be a place of fun?
i have an opinion about the game and ppl in it but at this point i just feel ho-hum, like watching a train wreck in a cartoon, knowing i can’t stop it.
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Hi tendr I think the fight is over. I would love to hear your thoughts on tonights show….
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Hi Star, Yes I saw all the controversy, It is probably better not to respond to it. so I won’t. Glad to hear about Dani, I hope she will do the right thing with her power.
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Tendr I hope things look up in your life soon. I know you are missed here on the blog.
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Hey JL. Tonights Show was disappointing to say the least, I hope things get better
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Hi Aggie.
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Well with Dani winning HOH I think it should be a good week. Even if the last two were a waste of time.
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JL…too bad about yopur dish..can’t you get it fixed?? I don’t like watching shows on my lpatop much less a smart phone!!!! And I feel ya about the eye clawnin That’s waht makes us rabid fas!!!
Hi tendr!!! Glad you are still around, girl!! We’re losing our numbers here lately! Sorry to hear you are having so many probs,but if you want to vent, this here’s the place!!! 🙂 I was saying the same’s just a game!! And we should be here cuz we enjoy doing it..period!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And I love and totally agree with your last statement! You have a gift with saying alot in very few words…lol
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Hey noone voted over there —>
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Hey aggie!!! I must be getting really tired as my Stra-ing is getting really bad!!!lol
And I agree about moving on in the blog but I have a feeling that may bbe easier said than done!
JL….waste is right!!! Gettting Brendon out was awaste of time and now they have to do it all over again. And Kalia’s HOH was just totally wiped out. This is why I HATE it when they bring back evicted HGs!! KNOCK it off CBS!!!! lol AS if they are listening…………….
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mean to evict?? Prolly cuz we all cast our votes in the blog…so it seems kind of redundant. Plus, I didn’t see
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I’m working on getting it fixed they take forever to get out here tho. I’m glad I have the blog to keep me updated. And I can deal with watching it on my phone for now lol.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok I’m off to bed for real this time lol good night Stra Aggie and Tendr.
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Yes to evict lol I went and voted late but still. Lol
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Nite JL..I’m out too!!! Good luck with your dish!!
Nite aggie and tendr and good morning to those coming on soon!! 😉
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Oh stop with the stupid nonsense about Rachel yelling to Brendon about which balls to pick. Even Jeff was yelling to Lawon which balls to pick but Lawon was too damned dumb to listen.
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Good morning to all my fellow bloggaders, and you all know who you are. 😉 I hate seeing all of ‘OUR’ regulars tuning out because of something no one knows or cares about. You guys need to come back…don’t you see that if you stay away, SHE (and her posse) win. Please don’t let that happen. We have been together for way too long to let them win.
Dang guys, you all are still up right about the time I’m about to be waking up. So glad to hear from everyone here that Dani won HOH. My day is better already! Oh, and the fact that it’s Friday helps a little too. I just hope Dani uses this power to put up team Brenchel again and send one of them out for good this time. (unless CBS has something else up it’s sleeve to keep them together… 🙄 ) What a waste of our time and a waste of alot of voters money. You know the saying…. “The Rich Get Richer”. I guess they have to pay for all the slop they eat. 😆 L8TR all….keep up the good work here.
@ tendr….hope all is going better for you. I will send prayers and hugs your way. Let me know how things are going.
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Danielle is done, unless she can do damage control and get on the right side of Team J & J + B&R. She can’t win HOH every week and to always win the POV is not happening. The Odds of Danielle make it to the final 4 are slim to none. She skated thru last time because of dad, he’s gone and she will be soon.
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I really thought that Dom would of been Americas choice for the chance to get back in the house. What happened there? Cassie was my second choice. Brendan was not even a consideration for me.
Although, I am glad Lawan is gone. Probably the worst BB player ever!
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How are you guys putting avatars/photos in the box next to your name? I searched all over the place here and I can’t find the way in there. hmmm..
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Did anyone else notice that when Julie was talking to the houseguests last night that Jordan talked about losing the Have Not competition in a chug off to Adam, not Danielle as we saw on the show.
i don’t watch live feeds or after dark, so did “we” miss something? did they redo the competition? was confused by that.
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Hi Fran, Star, JL, Starfish’
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Glad you guys are a part of this place, Let’s keep it that way ok’ well said Miss Fran. 😆
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Feeling a bit betrayed by BB. Prior to the eviction, the blogs all had Dom or Casi as likely to come back and suddenly it’s Brendon? Come on, really! Seems like America’s vote is just a ploy and BB does as it pleases.
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I’ve always rooted for J&J (sweetest couple), D (could’ve & should’ve won it all) & Dom. My opinion changed last nite when Dani won HOH. Now we’re stuck with pompous K & all the floaters. That’s OK cause the game’s, the game! I don’t understand the remarks on R & J sucking up after HOH. Isn’t that what D & K did a couple weeks back? And Dom didn’t have a chance with R yelling to B during comp…why didn’t Dani & Kalia & their lil floater minions yell??
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Not happy about HOH!
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So essentially the game has just reset to two weeks ago? Kalia wasted an HOH and did nothing but make her enemies madder while protecting them. Smart move.
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What game is K playing and why is she so dense. Why is she so afraid to go up against jeff who is just playing her and I am so sick of Brendan and Rachel. You guys really make me think this game is rigged. Before it happened I knew there would be a way to get Brendan back. I mean it this time I am really tuning out. What you should do is try to find a way to get Lawon back and then again, for him being so dense I suppose he got what he deserved.
I really think I am out this time. I cannot stand to watch Rachel and Brendan another day.
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OMG…I’m so made that Brendon came back! I think CBS had something to do w/ that. First, I think they paid Lawhan some money to put him self up and throw away his chance from getting back into the house. Second, they tainted America’s vote to allow Brendon back in the house. B/C a lot of people did not want to see “Brachel” win anything in the house. I think it should have been Cassie or Dominc but CBS didn’t want that b/c of ratings. I think they want it to be Jeff& Jordan, Brendan & Rachell in the end. It’s all about Ratings!!!!!!
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I never thought I’d say this but I want Rachel (or Dani) to win. Reagan & Matt were 2 of my fav players: hearing them talk R was enlightening. I used to dislike R too. But she came back cause the negative personal comments hurt her last year & you have to respect that she wears her heart on her sleeve. She just has no filter but she’s never been mean. Just last nite onBBAD, Dani said “I wanna punch her in the mouth”…mean girl? Nope, Dani is a sweetie. It’s a game but I hate that it’s gotten so high school. Whoever wins, deserves it. But I want the winner to be R or D
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What a night, but not surprised Brendon is back. YUK !! I am happy Dani won the HOH. Hopefully she will put up Brendon and Rachel again, as they are so good at challenges.
@Starfish/Jane – everyone on this blog, including me, has your back! Remember – Sticks and stones can break your bones, but someone with little or no brains can’t hurt you!
@Starfish again – sorry I did not answer your questions before, as I just caught up on all the comments. I am from Michigan and no I am not on FB.
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First, Rachel looked like a blow up doll with her mouth gaping open like that. It was kinda funny.
Second, does anyone think the CBS votes to get Brenden back in the game was rigged at all? I mean, its just a reality show. They can make it seem like America decided, but how easy would it be for the show’s executive producers to make all the decisions? Just a thought. Brenden brings more drama and more ratings.
Third, Did Lawon just become the second biggest dope in BB history, only behind Marcelle? Vote me out so I can come back? And that acting job he did? Pathetic. I didn’t understand any of that. Maybe he just wanted to go home?
Fourth, Shelly is/was playing a smart game. I too, don’t personally care for her…her voice, her face! haha! But she totally overextended herself with Dani when she threw Rachel under the bus. It seemed like Rachel kinda held up her end of the deal with Dani. It would be smart to get Shelly our of the house ASAP. She’s well liked, smart, and sneaky. She’s gotta go.
Fifth, Dani wins another HOH? That chick is one hell of a competitor! I wonder if she plans on keeping any of the deals she made. Why would you. Why would anyone? Things change from hour to hour in that house.
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KimoRosen 08.12.11 at 2:17 am
take me of this dam list
Hoover Dam
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Glen Canyon Dam
Grand Coulee Dam
Flaming Gorge Dam
KimoRosen – Deleted 🙂
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@PK – LMAO – After the comp I was not surprised when your reported R&B raced into one of the bedrooms. I am so happy that I don’t have the LF’s or BBAD, as I could not stand to watch them mauling each other! 🙄
@Sirrock – I enjoy your comments, but the one about voting for Cassi and her being HOT was the best! I am still chuckling about it!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have a great day!
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Oh, Ted! I agree with you miss frannie!! I’m not sure what has happened on here, with my job interferring with my blogging but Jane is fed up and that is unacceptable. I do love her statement that she is refusing to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person!
I’m okay with Dani winning but I’m still and always will be madly in love with Jeff and think Jordo is adorable. Jeff is home to me, he talks like us and uses funny little sayings like my hubby the hottie.
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Last night Jeff said: “they couldn’t have written a better story about what happened and how it must all look like a set up from America’s point of view..” Ya think Jeff…rotflmao
It’s so obvious that CBS wanted 2 more weeks of Brenda/Rachel drama!
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So true Mel, but hopefully it will just be one more week with Brendon sent packing again. 🙄 Rachel will freak!
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Haha! Thanks Betty! I don’t get on here enough. By the time I do, you guys have all the dirt exchanged so there isn’t much left to discuss.
Speaking of Cassi, wowzers! She looked good last night. Hell, she looked good in her sweats loafing around the house. I knew it was a long shot at best, but hey, it was worth a try. 😉
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@Betty, don’t think so, even though Dani basically said last night she plans on putting up B/R, things change pretty quick especially since Rach has told Bren that J&J have an alliance with Shelly, Brenda isn’t stupid as we all think and he will likely make a deal with Dani. On thing with Brenda is he keeps his word. Best deal for Dani since next week will definately be an endurance comp for HOH which limits her alliance from winning HOH would be to get rid this week of the only other possible one in Jeff on the deal that Brenda or Rach gets rid of Shelly next time around. And since it wasn’t mentioned last night, next week likely won’t be a double eviction week so CBS can see first how their twist plays out.
Also since no America picks food for have nots, think the food comp will be for food for the house today.
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Thanks for the update Mel. I just thought R&B going up would be better for Dani’s game plan, but not having BBAD or the LF’s makes it difficult for me to know what is going on in the house. I just can’t stand Brendon and I think he is a bigger threat than Shelly right now. I don’t trust Brendon, even though you say he will keep his word. Time will tell. Have a great day.
@Sirrock – I am nominating your comment about Cassi as the best comment made on the blog this year!!!
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Shout out to PK or Ted – bostonrob needs help creating an avatar.
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At this point I enjoy the blogs more than the show, which is obviously fixed in favor of the sickening drama of patheticly insecure Rachel and her “fiancee”. His need is as trying as hers. I’m giving it up – except to probably watch the finale. See ya next season when perhaps the producers will introduce more fairness and less manipulation on their part.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go to the link between post 10 and 11
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I love this blog! I also don’t mind if I find out something before I’ve seen the show, so keep on doing what you do!
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@Tendr, happy to see you girl! Hope things level out for you soon. Nope, no fighting here, just a trouble maker we’ll ignore. “Train wreck in a cartoon” – Hilarious and perfect.
@JL, hope your dish gets fixed before you need glasses. 🙂 Ok, where do you live? I voted here and for Cassi to return but it made no difference. Yep, Frannie, what a waste of time and I feel for those who actually pd $1 per vote. Not me tho. 😀
@Betty, Thank you tons! It’s great when we have each other’s back. I just can’t seem to remember where everyone lives. Don’t know why. 😯
@MM, yea the assisting during the comps wasn’t allowed at one time? Is that right? I don’t recall if they did it before except for an occassional, “you got it” or “way to go” but not actual assistance. Someone said our thoughs were “stupid nonsense”, well too bad.
@BostonRob, go to “Reality TV Links” on the right and click on ‘add an avatar”. You can download a pix from your computer. Sorry if someone already answered it.
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@Star, yes we should probably continue with the ****SPOILER ALERT***** thing as a courtesy to those who just don’t want to know. I for one love knowing and it makes no never mind to me.
@Kimo, just unsubscribe to this blog and you don’t have to click on the link in your email and you won’t see any spoilers to ruin your Sunday show. No problem at all.
There are so many options for Dani but I wish she would team up with J/J and not B/R even tho she has a better chance with B/R. I just like J/J better. It’s as simple as that. Dani is a much better competitor than Shelly and she doesn’t seem to be as irritating to some. We love to hate this game and we shouldn’t be criticized or called names because of what we say, what we feel or what we believe about this game. It is just a game afterall even if you think it’s fixed by CBS, you have a right to say so and we will still watch and talk.
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Hey starfish. I’m in a lil village in MI. I wouldn’t be able to keep track of were everyone lives if I tried lol.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So I hope Dani puts up Blandan and Rachoe.
My honey was talking about a reverse pawn situation. Put up 2 pawns to begin with. To keep the chances of the ppl you want out playing for veto. After veto is used put up who you really want out. I think that would be a lot of risk. But it could work. I haven’t ever seen anyone try that either. Hmm
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Lastly and I’m off to the gym. After a blogging incident last night, I realized that if I had my picture/avatar up here now that someone I don’t know and don’t want to know could find me on another blogger’s site by the picture. Just thought I’d point that out to anyone who may think twice about putting their actual picture on this blog or probably any blog. Something to think about. Eh…
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Starfish I would like Dani with j&j too. But when it gets down to the end that would risk Jordan (americas sweet heart) to win again. I don’t like the idea of a past winner winning again.
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Hey JL, that would be great fun to watch your scenario play out. Wow, two pawns, very clever. Okay, now I’m going to the gym aerobics class. I like it and it’s fun and it keeps me sane, well, somewhat sane. LOL
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starfish comment # 66 was made by wolfgang regarding our opinion of the veto comp. Last I heard this is the good ole U S of A and i have the right to my opinion as well as the next person, that being said time to move on as this issue is now d e a d…..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I just wish I knew why some bloggers can not say what we want to say in a nice peaceful & courteous way, why does it have to be done in a nasty way?
In any event I am so happy Dani hot HOH, since last week kind of washed it self out. Will make for an interesting week,
ciao for now all
double m, m2
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Last night I heard Dani say she was going to do something that would make the house crap thier pants. Well as far as I can tell the only thing that would make me crap my pants would be if she nominated Kalia and Porsha and re joined the vets. I don’t think that would happen but I can wish.
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Again I agree with you starfish. There are ppl on here that know what I look like and I choose to friend them. I haven’t found everyone I want to yet but in time the ppl that matter to me on this blog will know me not just my words. And the ppl I don’t want to know truly just plain don’t matter! 🙂 enjoy your workout and your day.
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Starfish it would be interesting to watch wouldn’t it. He calls it the “straight up back door” lol so any of our fellow bloggers if you ever get on bb and use this idea please call it by It’s proper name lol
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Does it bother anyone else to see Kalia talk while picking her gums and teeth? Or worse yet… talk with her mouth full of food? YUCK!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Someone needs to tell her to stop…that’s so disgusting!
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I am so happy that Dani won, now I hope she can make the moves and set the house on its head. It seems that no one else has the guts to do it but Dani. She is true game player and does not mind mixing it up. Shelly is playing both sides, K is scarrred, Brendan and Rachel make you sick and the others are just floating, hoping not to be noticed. It’s a game, let’s play already…..I think I will watch a little longer
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This show is fixed i lost all respect after bringing brendan back in im bullshit right now
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That’s right starfish, I don’t want these negative people to know anything about me! I’m not hiding behind a child or my little puppy, I simply CHOOSE to remain anonymous. Those of you who I ENJOY chatting with know exactly where to find me and I love hearing from you.
Except Ted! (just kidding Teddy boy!) ;0
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Hi guys!! *bigwave* Noms haven’t even been layed yet as far as I can tell and Buck is up in the HOH throwing people under the bus right and left!! Saying no one in the house can stand Kalia and that Jordan is a nice girl but she doesn’t trust her like she does Dani!! WTF??? She is supposed to be in an allaince with J&J!!! Dani says that Shelley isn’t even on her radar. Lots of a$$ kissing going on right now!!!! Big shocker!!!lol
OMG! Buck just said she really CARES about Dani…since when??? And they are agreeing that they are alot alike!!! Is this BB13 cuz none of this sounds familiar at all!!! 😯
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Hey Holly! I do the same too all over the virtual universe. It’s just smart not to give out too much info to the world at large!! I never even used an avatar until last year and this one suits me and I don’t need or want my pic up on some cyberwall that is never going to go away!!! Even on FB I have very little info. If we get to know each other, I share in a message. Before blogs and FB I chatted for years. But chatting was less invasive. No pics, unless u wanted to send by email, no one asked your r eal just had fun! And appreciated the wit and convos with others. You don’t need to know all about me, my family and my dog to chat with me on a blog!!!
Ok..back to LFs…..and off the
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i couldn’t believe what i was seeing when i watched last nights show on you tube & Brendan got voted back in sorry but i feel you ppl have been had in US & the vote was rigged, i think cbs have waited for bren or rach to be evicted so they could bring the twist in it used to happen all the time in the UK that’s why they lost alot of viewer’s & channel 4 dropped it, but there again it’s all run by Endemol so same company. On a good note i’m pleased Danni won hoh & is seeing through buck & adam hope she puts them up so they have to start doing something instead of just floating through the game to the end.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well rant over lol am trying to keep up with events on joker’s updates xxx
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Lets make it clear I self-evicted… but just like CBS the Blogfia Rigged it to bring me back! Team Dani… Karma is a beautiful thing!
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Hey northern_lass! Good to cya!! Looks like the noms aren’t going to be for an hour or two yet. Brenchel are up making a side alliance with Dani right now for F3..but in total secret. Not a bad plan but Dani is stoned face so have NO idea if she’s buying into it or not. I am betting that one of the couples are going up tho!!
Ok..I’m going out to play , as JT says. lol. I’ll check the LFs when I get back if there is no announcement here yet.
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yeah stra they are breathing b.s. and Dani is stonefaced… gotta love LF. I wish they would’ve brought Brit back to talk last night…. i love her Roachoe comments.
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Hey Jane, happy to see you.
@Star, thanks for the updates. I love Dani’s stone face, can’t tell what she’s thinking. But watch her lips, very small movement up or down when she agrees or disagrees.
@northern_lass, good to have you back. Sorry to hear that it was really rigged in the UK and by the same company. I’m an optimist at heart and was hopping they didn’t fix it even tho all the votes were in that they did. Now you’ve pretty much verified it. Poop! 😯
Thanks Holly, JL & Star regarding staying anonymous on a blog. Why make life more complex. Star I used to be more careful and sounds like you were smart all along.
I’m now hiding behind an even better avatar! 😀 I don’t want anyone picking on my great dog. 😉 We’ll see when it shows up.
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Don’t think nom’s are today, likely tomorrow, they haven’t done the food comp yet and that comes before nom’s.
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hey jane, missed you, room was not the same but u r back bigger and better then ever, lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i left u an email before i came here so do not think i have lost the little i have left of my mind,
can’t wait to hear the noms but has to be one of the “power” couples and i am sure dani is on to buck she told porsche no more saying a word to buck about anything, guess u can only play both sides for just so long, on bbad shelly was next to jordan sobbing and crying not fair now that brendud and rachoe are back that dani is hoh and will more then likely put them up and separate them, buck could give a damn about anyone but her she knows dani is on to her and is worrying abour herself, well that is my opinion lol
will do fly by later to see if noms done yet however, i do not expect any surprises
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When Dani said she’d shake up the house, she meant it, Shel is freaking out BIG time B&R are making a great case to Dani and the floaters J&J/A/Jor are hiding for cover….lol
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Hi Double M, Mel, Starfish, and Stra.. good to be back. Sometimes you have to take a break and realize that this is the internet and when someone starts talking sh** to go back in the real world and focus on Real sh**. I am centered now and ignoring it all.
Mel as much as Brenchel gets on my nerves they are giving Dani a great case. I think she should take it and then when it gets closer go get ’em.
Buck is frazzled and freaking out in the backyard slamming Porsche to Oprah but Op isn’t buying it. Buck is getting caught up in her lies and trying to hard to act like she’s in control and honest. LOL!
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totally agree with you Mel!
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Boy I would love to see that. Thanks Mel & Jane! What’s the deal Brenchel are giving Dani? If it’s as good as you say, yes, she should take it. Let us know.
Gotta walk my anonymous dog now. 😛
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Nom Ceremony.. on LF? awful long time to have the be right back sign up.
Don’t forget to write ********SPOILER ALERT****** when you post nom’s!
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Gotta run going to see “The Help” tonight with one of my Autism Moms! TTYL!
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********SPOILER ALERT******
Dani plans to put up Shel and Adam so looks like deal to work with B/R is a go and if one is taken down Jeff is BD’d
Did I do it right Jane?.lol
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On joker’s u/d’s Danni’s convincing Kal she’s putting Buck & Adam up as pawn’s to b/d either Bren or Jeff ?????
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@ Mel you did it better than me lol
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Great to see you back Jane!! I knew wild horses or even TED could not keep you away! 🙄 BTW – Where is the big kuhuna?
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@northern_lass, after a long talk with B/R and them telling Dani about the alliances J&J have had with Shelly all along and that B/R are basically 5th and 6th wheels in that alliance, that B/R and Dani should team up especially since next HOH will be an endurance one (meaning Jeff of Brenda will likely win) and they work together under the radar to a final 4 or 5 of B/R/D/K/Jor and then it is all for oneself.
Considering the LF’s, B/R are completely right and getting rid of Shelly or bd’ing Jeff makes logical sense, but she is only telling Kalia minimal due to her big mouth!
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Looks like noms are happening today
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Mel thanks for breaking it down… i just got dressed and headed out but so much good fun in LF today!! and yes you did it right 😉
Hi @northern_lass
@Betty… Ted is alright he is in the HN room doing Damage Control. I love Ted… he is a good guy his wandering eyes just get him in trouble… he thinks Roach is pretty right? But to make it clear he has always supported me, my group, and my families. and never wavered from loyalty to my cause. And thats a true friend.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I suppose if Dani puts up buck and fester one will go home or have to show they can compete. Fester did do well in the last veto so we will see what happens.
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@Mel agree 100% with you & i wouldn’t tell Kal anything the least she knows the better she’s got 1 big gob on her x
& hi Betty good to see you back although i will have to take to my pit soon as i have my little presh grandson tomorrow untill tuesday i just love having him to stay but he does wear me out xx
ps it’s 1-12am here x
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@ JL i love you’re name for Adam it so suits him that’s what i’m going to call him from now on x
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HAHAHAHA luv Fester…. chow for now folks!!! Will let you know what I think about the Movie tomorrow!
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Lol thanks! So it sounds to me like Dani is talking about the “straight up backdoor” Humm glad my man thought of it. Cbs production good job. Now make sure she pauses the correct name also….. Lol
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Uses not pauses.
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Omg somebody help ! Is Dani really going to put up two pawns ?? I love it !! Bronchial will win the veto J&J HOH and bye bye Dani could this be more perfect? Aaaahhhhhh I love this show!!!!!!!!!
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@Jennifer, read post 126, no pawns after the antics of Shelly being exposed today, and deal made with B/R who figured out they were low on the J&J totem pole of the alliance
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wow kudos to dani she did the unexpected. and the next smartest thing she could do is limit how much oprah gets to know as oprah is now one of the fastest means of communication right up there with texting. so i guess jeff will be the target this week, should be interesting and she takes a target off of her back for a little while at least. i am sure uncle fester is the pawn. can’t wait for bbad last nite looked like most of them were getting along.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------will do fly by later fellow bloggers
ciao for now and i really appesch the updates keep them coming
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MM I do think buck will go home. But if she can bd Brenda oh being kicked out twice by the same person how priceless! Lol has had there ever been 1 person evicted 3 times on bb? Lol.
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I love this blog and my “friends” here. I like getting the information from all ya’ll that have lf and bbad. I was disappointed with the outcome of last nights show but will not stop watching because of it. Glad to hear Daniele got HOH. I vote to evict LULU. Hahahahahaha
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I do hope she is making the right move here! Thanks for the updates ya’ll!
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@Mel, thanks for the “spoiler alert”. I love them.
@JL – Jester is perfect for him. 😀
@northern_lass – enjoy your grandson. I’m visiting my 2 all next week in NC. My hubby will be home and if he isn’t, I have a big dog. lol
@Jane, I read “The Help” when it first came out. It’s a great book and I want to see the movie too. You should be sure to read it, it’s great!
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JL either buck or brendud would be ok, can u imagine what a feather in her cap that would be lmao. she will have set a record that is for sure, that will go down in bb history. her dads name is part of bb history and so will danis if she pulls this off to evict brendud. I do not recall that ever happening at least by the same hoh.
Keri, i too was bummed about the outcome of the show thurs nite, but bbad more then made up for it i was doing a happy dance that dani had won hoh it was a waste of hoh last week with oprah, how can u nominate someone then almost drop out of veto comp and then cheer on the nominated hg, duh makes no sense to me.
I too vote to evict LULU that is so far 2 votes lol.
Anyone seen any Ted sightings? Do i have to put his avatar on the side of a milk carton?
Ok last question has the nom ceremony been done already?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------will do fly by later for any updates and as my friend JT would say
I appesch
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It would be interesting if Dani turned and backdoored Brenda. She’s not above changing her mind and going against a deal to get herself ahead. I wish she would do that. Does she really believe B/R? There plan sounds solid if they all stick to it.
As for Kalia, very smart to keep that one in the dark as much as possible. MM, I loved your comparison to K being faster than texting. So true. 😛
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9:40pm EST and noms are still in progress.
Jane….Welcome back , GF!!!! WOOHOO!! We KNEW you weren’t gone for good!! If anyone on our blog’s not a’s YOU!!! And we all had both yours and SF’s backs anyway so…no quitten allowed in the Blogade/Blogfia family!!! 😉
Starfish…never too late to start layong and I LOVE your new av, btw!! TOO cute!!! 😉
Keri…we love you too!!! {{{HUG}}}}}
northern_lass……nothing we didn’t except or guess already about BB being rigged!!! We were just naive for the last 12 seasons, I Who cares, really?? It’s fun anyway and denial works for me!!! 😆
I am surprised by who Dani is talking about putting up.(won’t mention) But then the female of that duo has been lying out both sides of her A……errr……MOUTH and Dani is smart enought to know it!! I think maybe she IS taking Brenchel’s deal…..and I agree with Jane…..use it to get fartehr along and then kiss their butts out when the time is right!!! Better to have 2 strong players on your side than weak ones!!!
Hey Betty ,MM, JL….love your hubby’s idea and that CBS stole it!!!hehehe Maybe he had some reward $$$ coming his way for it!!
Ok….gotta sub with my name on it and LFs to watch!! BBL!
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I have to agree with Keri….I too vote LuLu out! 😉
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the risk of looking STOOPID…WTH is LuLu????!!!lol
MM…rats!! I’m here just in and out..we’ll hook up eventually!!! 🙂
Oh and Mel…GOOD job with the Spoilker Alert!! We apreesh!!!!:)
Still trivia……Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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******************SPOILER ALERT******************
Sounds like Buck is a nom..all I can tell so far……..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------mayve Dani did her and Adam..BRB
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********SPOILER ALERT******
Shelly and Adam on the block
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***********************Spoiler Alert again********************
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jordan jsut said she put 2 pawns up so I am assuming it is S&A…but not totally confirmed!!!
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Is yours confirmed then Mel?? None of my siets had done that yet….. But it makes sense.
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Sites* sorry… 😳
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Ok..confirmation from Jokers………ir is…
**************SPOILER ALERT FOR THE LAST TIME TONITE*************
Justa wanted to be sure…..:-D
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@star, confirmed from their talking it is the pawns and the only pawns are Shelly who was asked if she is ok and adam which Dani said earlier she would put up as a pawn
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Stra lol yeah. I’m wondering who in here is cbs production!
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CBS America’s Vote Results by percentages, not actual vote count – easier to hide truth with percentages…
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Seems Jeff and Jordan are nervous and of course Shelly is lying her a$$ off once again making stories that can’t be confirmed during black out that Porch was blabbing about deals of some kind
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Dani is telling and Adam is accepting the BD of Brendon, meanwhile Rach is tearing into Shelly about her lies and trash talking, downfall of Shelly finally…who is in the game solely to give younguns a chance to start out life on a more solid footing……..cuz she is such a wonderful person….rotflmao
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PK, the numbers kind of throw Julies story out the window and this proves the lies of the voting since almost 2 million votes cast and Brendon gets over 1 million votes…….ummmmm grade 3 math says that is over 50%, not 39%
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PK, the link didn’t work for me. I got a page of hieroglyphics. I’ll try again. Thanks Mel, doesn’t sound like they passed grade 3 math.
@MM, someone said Ted was doing something. I can’t find it above but I hope he’s ok. Ted, where are you????
I hope they show Rach giving Shellly what for. Thanks everyone!
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Oh oh America’s little sweetheart Jordo has been caught in a fib saying during the fight over deals made with Shelly that she (Jordo) has made NO deals with anyone……..will Jordo’s implants grow from the fib?…
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@PK, it worked the 2nd time. Thanks, it’s an eye opener about their spin isn’t it?
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Mel lol I was thinking that last night. How she gave the numbers. I thought no way did he get half the votes!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Speaking of 3 grade math on a side note. I was watching a show on ntgeo a few days ago about Mt st. Hellens and how it erupted in1980 and again in 2004 the narrator said that was 18 years…. Just can’t believe noone caught that! Any way lol
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@justlookin and a close second was Dom, so their ability to add just doesn’t really work out to well for them…
The unfortunate thing is people who texted pay for it and are getting ripped off, isn’t that illegal?
And doing simple math again, almost 2 million votes cast and 10 votes per CBS account name means only 200,000 people voted, kinda low numbers in reality to the supposed 9 million that viewed the show.
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Oh oh, America’s fav Jeff just said Jordo is so “DUMB” and stupid for saying anything during the meeting she called
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@Mel, that’s not the first time Jeff has call Jordon ‘DUMB’. He can be really mean to her sometimes but mostly he just laughs it off cuz she’s so cute. I just don’t like when he’s mean to her but she seems to ignore it. I wonder if she reacts when she’s not on camera and gives it right back to him?
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@starfish Jeff was angry and told her she put targets on their backs now, he was not a happy camper!
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I heard that too, Mel!! I am really getting sick of the way htose guys try to run their GFs lives!!!(Jeff and Brendon!!) They constantly reprimand them in public and then tell them to keep their mouths shut in private!! Man…they weren’t doing that in their seasons when they wanted to get some lovin’ and needed their help in the game!!!!
Jordo did jump the gun tho. And it sounded to ME like she was pointingher finger at Shelley and I think Buck thot so too….when she really was trying to get Porsche to confess. Like Jeff said, she really didn’t have any proof up her sleeve. So she did make a bad move but still dont appreciate the guys dominant tudes!!!
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Star, it is ok, Jord said to Dani she is being dramatic now cuz she is on her period….rotflmao
Dani is doing what she set out to this week, to make everyone even Shelly crap their pants, and it seems to be working……lol
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Ya…..we have experienced Jordo’s *time of the month* mood swings …should have
Well, I think Buck had been outed and everyone in the house is finally puttting 2+2(faces) together!! And dani and Adam have already been chatting and she is telling him she wants to backdoor Brenda. But not sure if she is being sincere or doing her best to cover up her alliance with Brenchel.
And yes..Dani is doing just what she promised/threatened!! It took 5 weeks but things are finally starting to get GOOD!!!!lol
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Jane I know so well Ted’s wondering eye, I just returned from Friday Harbor with a smile on my face! 😯 Can’t help but like that guy!
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Ok can anyone with live feeds tell me who hid the stuff around the house the first time? And I heard Dani took the chess pieces. Is that true? I also just heard Dani and oprah hid stuff around the house recently?
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Rotflmao @ Betty
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If one comes down and think the only winner will be Adam in the POV comp and the rest will watch, Jeff will go up and be BD’d since Shelly is basically burnt to a crisp toast now in the house!
Oh and Jeff gave crap to Jord to being dumb cuz Jord was pointing fingers at Shelly and Jeff doesn’t want their 3 way deal exposed.
Strange how those who have placed themselves on mountain tops are now tumbling down and all at the hands of Dani playing the smart game!
Oh anyone hear Kalia’s one good line of her season saying: “J&J just expect to wake up and be in the final two”…….lol…..opps an early wake up call J&J!
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Shelly is having Rachelle meltdown
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@justlookin Dani sort of started it hiding a bottle of wine, but Kalia and Dani went on a hiding tear, I think Kalia has the chess pieces hidden if memory is still working right
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Got a game of hide the furniture going on?
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@luv2shootpics far cry from when Shel thought she was a genius last week in conning Kalia and jumping around saying how smart she is and what a good player she is……….karma is a byatch
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Ok time for bed, seems all the action dies down when BBAD starts, so night all, guess food comp is tomorrow
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bn Mel
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I cannot believe that Brendan was the one chosen to have the chance to come back and that Rachel was not voted out last night. The couple are obnoxious and Rachel is the biggest cry baby when things don’t go her way. Both of them are only happy when they are winning. If Rachel got voted out last night and Brendan had not been voted to have the chance to return then we would be rid of them.
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Thanks Mel. I saw a bit on bbad last week but was still in the dark.
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So Betty, are you and Ted and item???? A smile on your face leaves so much to the imagination. 😯
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Hi Sal… still around? Hi JL & starfish
OMG.. can’t believe that Dani’s big power move was to put up Adam &
Kathy..Shelly! WTF? ROTFLMFAO!! I guess if she BDs someone.. then it aint so bad. But really? Adam? Shelly? Who cares what Shelly is doing.. she sure as hell aint winning comps!Don’t get me wrong. I’d like to see Adam, Shelly, and Porsche walk out the door together on Thursday.. and Brendon too in a quad eviction. But voting to keep Rachel followed by nominating Adam & Shelly has me LMAO. 😆 Grow a pair! If you want someone out.. then put them up and win the veto. Simple. Straight forward. Don’t be scared. And if Shelly is your true target.. well.. ha! 😯
Wow Dani.. not R&B huh? Well, who knows, maybe that will work for you. Time will tell. Can’t wait til Sunday when the show airs and America laughs their collective asses off at the “big power move”. This is almost as big a move as Matt evicting Kathy last year with the Diamond POV. 😆
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I hope Brendon joins Kaysar as a 3 time evictee Thursday.
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JT, I’m hoping she turns on Brenchel and backdoors Brenda instead of Jeff. That seems to be what everyone is saying is her plan. I would love it if she turned on Brenchel and took Brenda out!! It will depend on who wins POV.
That would be a “big power move”. IMO
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That’s right, I forgot about Kaysar.
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Yes, if she BDs Brendon then it’s a great move! Getting rid of Jeff seems pointless. JJ really don’t win much. I know I’d rather compete against JJ than R&B. And after their big fallout, I want to see Dani vs R&B.. none of this kiss and make up BS.
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I was so disappointed when Kaysar came in with Dr Mike and Boogie and played right into their hands. We all thought he was going to play a smart game but he really got taken.
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I will say this…
If Dani makes final 2 she deserves to win. No doubt!
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LOL… poor Kaysar 🙁 he got evicted the same week he came back… and 3 times in just 2 seasons.
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boring tonight 🙁
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Yeah Sal… all I see is Shelly having a pity party for herself.
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Yes, and I hope she can do it! But she has to get rid of the tag team but she seems to have partnered up with them. I hope she’s just stringing them along.
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What did Rachelle say to Buck that has her ready to quit?
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I don’t know. JT? Someone said Rach really laid into her and called her on her double timing everyone.
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Maybe it will work. But I think it’s too dangerous to keep R&B together.
The one thing Dani has going for her is she kicks ass at comps (4HOHs and 7 POVs so far). I guess as long as you can win comps, you can keep anybody in the house.
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Dexter looks crazy this next season
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Sorry.. IDK either. Haven’t had time to keep up with feeds this year… guess that means I have a life this time around! 😆 (although I’d rather be watching feeds!)
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Yes, too dangerous so I hope she backdoors Brenda!
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Rachelle looks like she is heavy on the zit cream tonight
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Sal, October 2nd!! ….. “CAN’T WAIT!”
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I’m looking to the show that follows it … “Homeland”
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HeyJT, Starfish, Sal.JL!!! I quit checking back a while ago when Mel said GN…thot it was OVER for the blog tonite…..glad I was wrong!!! I seem to be always on alone…..this feels downright cozy…lol
I totally thought Dani would put up a power couple……preferably Brenchel! I think she had gone over to the dark side and actualy has made a F3 allaince with B&R!! And the Devil…lol far can she actually get with just Kalia and Porsce on her side??? She’s thinking end game not revenge or power move. Seems unlike her but she played power moves before too soon tht backfiresd. Maybe she is gunshy all of a
Totally forgot about Kaysar!! Didn’t he come in the door one nite and turn around and go right back out again?? That happened to James in S9 too, didn’t it??? Wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the tradition holds and Brenda gets BDed this week!!! One can hope!!lol
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nite guys!
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Ok, Hi Star, happy to see you on! Yes, Kaysar shouldn’t have unpacked he was out so fast and that’s happened to everyone who came back I believe. I’ve been saying all along, deal or no deal, she has to get rid of Brenda.
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Sal….in the whole house meeting Jordo called, the topic was Shelley telling differnt stories about everyone. Here is a lil bit of the convo between R &S.
Rachel: Do you want to tell people what you’ve been saying behind my back?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shelly: I’m not gonna argue. I’m not gonna get emotional. I will calm you down. Like I have done the whole game. You don’t need to glare… It’s not my style. If you want to talk, we’ll talk.
Jordan: I want to know who is telling all these stories.
Rachel: It’s Shelly.
Shelly: You’re a piece of work Rachel.
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Kaysar came back.. was nominated.. and then evicted. So he was back for a week I think?
James came back and won HOH. (The swings with Natalie and him being the last 2)
Ryan never actually left. The siren went off, Allison was voted out as they were singles then… then Ryan won HOH.
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Hey SF!!!! Totally agree!!! Besides at this point, I think Shelly may be more entertainment value than Brendon….hehehe
If you are taking off….niters and sweet dreams!!!!
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Me too Sal! Homeland looks like it will be good.
I did watch the first episode of “Web Therapy”.. not my thing really. It looked funny.. but it was the same joke over and over. Maybe I’ll try it again?
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JT, yes, Kaysar was out with the first eviction after he came back. I forgot about James winning HOH. Isn’t he the one who came back by popping out of a box? Totally forgot about Ryan too and the siren. Oh well.
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*********SPOILER ALERT***************
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*********SPOILER ALERT***************
*********SPOILER ALERT***************
*********SPOILER ALERT***************
*********SPOILER ALERT***************
don't run with scissors *******
***** don't use hair dryer in shower ******
**don't take sleeping pills before operating heavy machinery **
*** don't remove tag from mattress ****
* don't read a blog about a show unless you want to know what happens *
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*********SPOILER ALERT***************
*********SPOILER ALERT***************
*********SPOILER ALERT***************
*********SPOILER ALERT***************
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Thanks Star for the update on the convo.
Nite all again! 🙂
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Yep, James popped out of the box. It should have been Alex if Natalie hadn’t panicked and voted wrong. 😆
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Geez, JT!! You and aggie and your complete boxed set of BB memories!!!lol I remember classic moments and am luckyif I get HG’s seasons right!!lol
I didn’t care for Kaysar really or his whole season. Remember James winning HOH now that you mention it and hadn’t even thought of Ryan…lol
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L8R starfish
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I can’t even begin to hold a candle to Aggie’s memory of BB. I remember some big game changing events and stuff.. but not all the little details.
I wasn’t a big Kasar fan either. It was like watching paint dry.
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JT….LMFAO!!!!! 😆
Common sense seems to be in short order these days…;)
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With paint drying winning !!lol Couldn’t stand Howie either!! He was such a DORK!!lol Then they all came baxk the next year for All-stars!! That hurt!!lol
Did you know that Heather Locklear was turning 50???? I just turned over to Extra….can only take so much of Shelly smoking..out her ears AND her mouth!! 😉 lol
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Didn’t someone hide ED’s cigarettes when he was on the last time?
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I always had a crush on her.. guess I’m not alone there. 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sounds odd that she is 50… but hell, I ain’t real far behind her! 😯
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Jen hid them .. then he found them. Then later she destroyed them and put them in the garbage. Good drama!
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I’m headed to gaga land to snore the night away, BBAD almost always sucks when there are no fights
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Good night to whomever is still here! :sleep:
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L8R Sal
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Yup…Jen did!!!! She got in trouble for it too and her penalty was an automatic on the block. AND ED threw a drink in her face!!! Classic!!!lol
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Yep.. the good old days of BB. And as long as I’m traveling down trivia lane…..
JL, I haven’t seen 2 actual pawns put up in a long time. But it has been done.
The “backdoor” was created in season 5. That was the first year that there were only 6 veto players. The difference was that the HOH and 2 nominees could actually name who they wanted to play rather than a random draw. So a plan like that had little risk back then.. it was probably because of season 5 that they went to a random draw.
Nakomis put up 2 people that were in on the plan. Then they picked people who were also in on it to play in the veto comp. They used the veto and put up their true target and voted him out. They called it the “Six Finger Plan”.
I think the reason we don’t see that much these days is because of the risk.
Let’s say hypothetically that Brendon is Dani’s target and Shelly and Adam are in on it with her….
…Brendon gets picked out of the bag.. wins POV.. doesn’t use it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POOF!! Plan up in smoke and an ally goes home. (I know that’s not the case this time though)
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Hey JT missed you lately. How you been? Lol about your spoiler alert! To funny. You say what I think!
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Hmmm..guess my answer was a lil late,eh??LOL
I got distracted by a call..not my fault!!lol
Still here JT….or on your way out???
Nite sal!!!
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Hi JL… I thought you left us!
…and remember, all you people hiding behind your avatars (starfish, Jane, Star, justlookin, Margie, Aggie, Frannie, Holly… etc)
…..I’m just too tired to stalk anyone these days! 😆
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I forgot that Jen got a penalty for messin with EDs smokes. 😆
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That’s what I said about it to he said that’s y you put up ppl that you don’t care if they go home. His logic is that it would give you a chance at the player you want out to not play in the veto. However I was thinking this plan would work best at the beginning of the game when there are more players names in the bag.
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Ya things have gotten too PC on BB!!! Read:dictated by production!!!
i didn’t remember the BD starting in S5 or the Six finger plan….but I do remember when they used to pick player for POV.
And actually, I don’t think that is so hypothetical about this week. adam is in on it…and i am assuming Shelley knows or will but the way she is acting….maybe they will think twice about cluing her in!!!
And HeyJL…..
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OMG!! I remebered something you DIDN’T,JT??? *passes out* lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I gotta go write this in my diary!!! 😆
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Lol yes I have had many stalkers that were to tired to stalk anymore…. Lol I stop in now n then all times of the day. I get lonely when I talk to myself here tho lol!
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Hi Stra! I miss read one of your good nights n thought you left lol. As much as I didn’t like Jen I loved her and ED’s fights!
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Ya they were good, wern’t they??LOL remember when ED sat on the couch outside and kept blowing smooke in her face??? while she tried to eat??? when she was on SLOP?????lol That has to be everyone’s favorite season!!!!
Shelley is still sulking and just said she hopes that B&R don’t win the game..and don’t win another F*in thing!!! 😯
Bitter…….party of one….your table is
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Lol I knew whenever buck got put up she would loose her cool….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes I do remember the smoke isn’t that why she hid his smokes in the first place? Remember ED running around with all her stuff hiding it in the hoh? Lol man those two were something! I just watched Jen tear up his smokes on you tube.
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There’s some thing I don’t understand. The penalty noms? What happens with that? How does that work?
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Youtube..instant You are quick, girl!! And on a cell!! I am so impressed!!!
It is so odd…..Buck is sitting there pouringher heart out and comiserating with Dani….who just put her up!!! WHA????
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And Racho and Porsche are sitting together talking about girl stuff in the hot tu!! WTH?? is this a parrell universe or what????lol
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I don’t know if it ever happened b4 or after that, but BB Production has the right to penalize you if you don’t follow the rules. Anything from putting you on slop, on the block, or kicking yer ass out!! I think it was about to happen to Chima when she threw her mic in the hottub but she quit b4 they could do anything. I’m sure if I’m wrong, JT or aggie will correct
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Lol Yup my handy cell. I have 2 Windows open so I can hip back n forth. It’s just a small computer. Lol.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I never have understood shelly or her game play. Hasn’t she seen bb b4? You can’t play all sides it just doesn’t work!
I thought Sheema was thrown out. I didn’t know she self evicted. That was something too! Where are those ppl!?! My dream bb show…. ED, Regan, who are the other ppl that didn’t take ppls crap?
And thanks for the penalties info too.
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Renny didn’t take shit from nobody! 😆
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Lol I just watched that one.
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JT…..Ahhhhh……what a blast from the past!! Thanks for that!! Will go back later and look at more from S8. I think they should just show S8 again next yaer in total….save them some money and us BB Fans would LOVE it…lol
YW JL…only, now tht I think about it, you may be right. Maybe BB did kick her out. JT?? Aggie??
As for non-crap takers …how about Danielle from s2 I think?? Oh..u weren’t watching tht far back. She was a feisty black lady…reminds me of Jane..cracked me up….lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hmmm….who else….maybe Dr. Will?? Or Josh from S9???
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Ok so there’s three now we need some moms to try to control the kids. Maybe some pretty nice girls too.
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Oh ya…Good call JT!!!! She was a HOOT!!! Why can’t they find people like these anymore??? Someone is overlooking something here!!! I’m sure they get thousands of applicants. But you’d never know it from the BORING HGs they throw at us!!! Maybe the person that used to choose the HGs quit and is irreplaceable???
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If we got a handful of no crap takers a few moms and then the nice cute girls n boys we would have an unforgettable season! Fights all the time! The moms would be fighting over the cleaning n how to discipline the naughty kids Lmao.
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I think we all should apply for that staffing job for BB…..we couldn’t do a WORSE job and we know what WE like, so we have a secret
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Maybe they got fired when things got broken. Like mic n personal property lol. Regan was fun last year tho. N ED was supposed to be on this year… But if we had a few trouble makers lol oh the LF they would sell that season!!
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OHOH…they just called Shelley to the DR!! I’d pay to be a fly on that wall… Can’t wait for the out takes on Sun. Hope they show this one unedited….lol
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JT…lol but you forgot ****SPOILER ALERT****
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wait 1 hour after eating before swimming
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Lol rite!! Oh maybe the casting person got fired for blogging about the show! Idk I don’t think I want that job now lol
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Buck with no makeup n puffy eyes from crying yikes! Lol
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LOL… sorry, I got caught up watching Renny on youtube. She was a classic.
As far as I remember, Chima got the boot… but Chima claims she left. The only problem with Chima’s story is that she didn’t call herself to the DD.. and she didn’t ask herself not to bother sitting down… and she didn’t open the exit door foe herself.
Das Boot!
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Funny you should mention Shelly with no make up and puffy eyes from crying…. just as the mask from “Scream” (“Scary Movie”) came on! 😆
I see the resemblance.
Nite all………..
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Courtney… you are RIGHT!! How could I have forgotten one of the first things we learned as kids! 😳
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OMG!! That was hilarious when they told her not to sit down….LOLOLOL And how cool was it when Groedner came on over the BB speakers to explain what had just happened!!! Where have all those golden momnets gone???
I will have to go check out those Renny vids….bookmarked the page you sent…:)
JL..I forgot to add she was rubbing her face and eyes and NOSE with her shirt sleeve all nite…EWWWWWWW!!!! I hope we don’t see that shirt again or at least b4 she washes it…lol And she talks about being a model for her daughter to look up to. Really??? You teach her how NOT to use Kleenex, eh??? Maybe she really DOES need the money if they can’t afford tissues………lol
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Lol nice comparison I remember seeing Sheema be evicted now! Lol. I’m gonna have to go look up renny now lol good night JT
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Oh Stra Rotflmao I can’t breath! I can so see it!!!
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Nite JT!!!
I think I’m going to get going too.
Nite JL!!
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Shelly won’t be winning BB but will win an emmy for “BEST REALITY SHOW ACTRESS”. The sunglasses to hide her swollen eyes was a nice touch.
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hehehhehe…it was pretty damn funny…lol
Ok…i’ll go eventually…..;)
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Courtney..I was JUST going to add that…lol
GMTA!!! lol
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Hi Fran, Star, Jl, Starfish Jt
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So Buck and adam were nominated 🙄 thats all I can say. You guys are funny I enjoyed your comments sorry i missed this Pow wow take care guys, peace 😆
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good morning all, i so loved going down memory lane with you guys, i have been watching bb since day one, but to be honest at this age my memory is a bit foggy and oh great i lost my train of thought lol oh yes i was going to say there were so many memorable moments and instead of another ALL STAR show production should put on a WALK DOWN MEMORY LANE WITH BB highlighting many of the greatest moments, they could have fans send it their most memorable moment and they could go to the archives which must be bursting at the seams with lots of good stuff, i have to admit my brain is on overload with bb so thanks for the memories.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JT loved your spoiler alerts now that was too funny.
good blogging star, jl, jt and courtney u guys did good,
hope all have a great weekend, will do fly by later for any updates thanks and as JT would say I APPESCH
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I vote to evict LULU
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lol mike well done
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*********SPOILER ALERT***************
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POV players are: Dani, Adam, Shelly, Jordan, Jeff & Kalia
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Adam & Buck are on the block? Did not see BBAD yet fell asleep , But I did tape it! How some more updates. TY
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Ok what’s with the lulu? Who is this lulu? Lol
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Thanks Mel… I really don’t think *****SPOILER ALERT*****’s are needed… I think JT summed it up pretty well about how silly that is. If someone doesn’t want to know what’s going to happen… then don’t come here. All everyone does, is talk about what’s going on and give their opinion as to how it will all go down. You would have to have a spoiler alert on every post.
I have been out of touch working on another island with limited cell service… and now I find that Shelly has been exposed and is on the block with Adam. Looks like Daniele will have a chance to put someone up if anyone other than J&J win POV. So who will that someone be??? Rachel, Brendon or Jeff… or Jordan? I think if J&J win they will keep S&A up there. I hear that Shelly has been in meltdown mode… that place is a stress pool… look what happened to Kaila.
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All Whispering in the Big Brother House should be Banned….
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@JT, thanks for the Remy memories. She was a classic and I loved her.
@Star, you certainly have a better memory than I do. It’s great when you remind me of things that have been hidden somewhere in the corners of my mind. 🙂 You are prolly right, the guy who chose the HGs must have quit. 😀
@Courtney, yep best for reality show actress. Love it! LOL
LULU has left the building and is out of touch for quite awhile so we don’t have to evict her.
@MM – love the “down memory lane” show idea. It would be a great show. I don’t understand where they find these people either.
Can’t wait to see Sunday’s show. I hope they show half of the stuff you guys have mentioned. Thanks to you all: Star, JT, JL, MM, Aggie, Mike, Courtney, you’re the best!!
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Gal Pals in the HOH… Daniele, Prosche and Kaila. R&B plotting and making out in the Purple Room. Brendon is having to talk sense into Rachel again.
Who are the haves/havenots?
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Nevermind bout my last question…
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What’s with the ‘memory lane show idea’ ☆fish? Like a ‘Best of BB’? I’d like to see that…
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@Ted, making out??? Honest? 😆
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Ted, see MMs post #271. It’s a great idea don’t you think?
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Lol yes it would be fun to have a memory lane show. But then you would want to know how the comps turned out. I got caught up on YouTube last night and watched an entire bb 10 show. Lol
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Porsche putting make-up on… C-U-T-E! Nice to see Rachel and Brendon so happy… lots of touchy feeling going on amid POV talk…
Who did Daniele make the host of POV, Mel?
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Lol go figure they would be making out.
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@Ted no have/have nots yt, don’t think there will be one since there was no America choice on what they get, so likely will be the play to win foods comp for the who;le house this go around.
As for POV comp, Dani doesn’t want to win, Jeff not sure if there are prizes but leaning towards winning feeling he is a target for BD, Kalia and Jordo kinda useless anyhow.
Sitting pretty is Dani right now unless Jeff wins POV since she is targeting to BD Jeff and ruin the J&J/S/A alliance
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@Ted Porch is host
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hey hey tedster so nice to see u welcome home, seems like forever since you have shown your smiling face u were missed.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ok so what island were you on? Fantasy perhaps lol
show is getting better, surprise that dani put up buck and adam i heard thru the grapevine dani wants to back door brendud but will not shed a tear if buck were the one to go.
Bobo, i started to watch bbad but was so boring i also fell asleep. i did catch a little snipping going on between dani and oprah is there trouble in paradise? did not look as if they were kidding either. was so boring some trying to “cheer” buck up, and while adam was standing there jeff says to buck “don’t worry u r not going any where” i said to my self, Self that must have made adams day lol. jordan is going around like she is on the titanic and it is sinking fast. she said she is on her monthly but i could have sworn she said that last week or week before, lol rachoe and brendud r near begging porsche and oprah to give up their bed so they can be together, lmao it is so almost funny how these nitwits can go from one side of the coin to the other. i think dani was the one who said this is a strange house does strange things to you, i beg to differ it is NOT the house a house is a house it is the occupants in the house that do strange things.
JL, LULU is kind of a funny story, every day on face book star puts up the cartoon old lady and i can’t remember her name (as i can’t recall it even now, lol) mildred, martha or something like that and she has a witty saying so since i have a memory like a strainer i call her lulu and she would be so much fun if she were on this blog i kind of put her into it, and i guess some of you just went from there, yes i have an invisible friend, lol her says are so funny she would be a hit if she were on here, lol, so that is who LULU is but please do not tell bbbloger or bbblogergal since she is not legal on this blog, she did not sign up nor does she have a valid email we do not want her tossed out on a technicality txs for the updates u guys rock,
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Thanks sf… that is a good idea. With interviews… I loved seeing Ragan Thurs night… that guy is really funny. I loved to hate him on the show, and his confrontations with Rachel were classic. Fun to see them as friends off the show. It was even fun seeing Matt… even though he tries too hard to be funny without the wit of a Ragan. Hayden was clever than Matt last year. I liked Matt at the start, but he was too forced and turned into a fizzle to me. My favorite House Guests were Britney and Enzo… so that’s my walk down Memory Lane. I wonder if Britney is still with her boyfriend or if Lane ever tapped that.
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@Ted, I agree with you and JT about the *****SPOILER ALERT***** forewarning. Maybe BBBlogger & gal could put a heading on each email they send. Maybe something at the beginning or end stating something like this blog contains spoilers. It sure does anger some people but they should know by now. I don’t know what the answer is but that’s a suggestion. I always told my employees that if you know of a problem, please come to me with your solution to it.
We certainly don’t want to put *****SPOILER ALERT***** on every post cuz, you’re right, that’s what we would have to do. 🙄
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Wow… mention Double M’s name and here she is! Hey there… I was on Orcas Island. (No Orcas there… they hang out on my island, that’s where the salmon run, and the whale watching boats) Would love a Big Brother Special!
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So, were Brendon and Rachel assigned to different rooms? That must have been choice!
Thanks Mel… does Daniele want Shelly gone? I would think Jeff would want to win so Daniele can’t put anyone else up… like him. Do they offer prizes for winning POV as an extra incentive?
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@Ted from what I recall of prior years, they offer prizes to be eliminated from the POV comp.
Jeff thinks about 50/50 he is safe and the target is Brenda to be BD’d.
The love loss continues with Shel and Rach by Rach saying to Shel that she’ll likely get death threats like she did. Dunno when that happened.
Dani is pretty much encouraging Adam to win POV and basically will throw it to him if it comes down to her and him as the final two. That is IFit is a prize included comp!
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ok who ate my last post it is happening again i wonder if are at #294 that posts get carried away to never never land?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------will do fly by later have a great day one and all
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Adam and Daniele are in HOH trying to figure out timeline of evictions and something about a fast forward. He is looking in a box in a drawer and holding up plastic bags of something white, I thought they were cigs, but apparently they indicate how many weeks are left in the game. It’s funny to see the looks on her face when he is not looking at her. He leaves the room eating a stick of Jerky, or Bacon. Oh Great… 4 cameras on R&B in purple room.
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Oh, so they offer a reward for giving up POV chance. That would be risky… and fun to watch. I would love to see Adam win and take himself off.
Not watching feeds… waiting for a NASCAR race and I see there is a show on called ‘Perfect Boobs’ informational for Genie Bra. I’ll have to ask the BBB panel… Should I watch?
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OMG, MM..tht is just too funny!!!lol I’m with JL…..I have been asking WTH LuLu was and no one was answering me. I thought she was another nwebie on here tht was giving people grief and we had evicted them..or wanted to!! Now come to find out yopu were talking about MAXINE who I post everyday on FB!!!lol How funny that I had anything to do with this imaginary person I knew nothing about!! You have enuf OL friends you have never seen without makling up NEW ones, MM!!! 😆
Well, now that that’s settled…..last nite was fun, remembering(or trying to) past seasns and HGs. Looking back tho only makes the last few years HGs pale by compariosn. I think a whole season of memory lane would never work but maybe one show at the end of a season or a special sometime in hte winter would be fun!! I even just suggested running ED’s season again as everyone loved it and at least we wouldn’t be bored!!!
R&B are proly sulking their lil black hearts out that they can’t play today in POV. MUst be frustrating tho to be the only 2 not playing when u r both on the block!!!
I read that R was telling B some pretty unbeleiveable things about Jeff while B was gone. She said he came into the BR while she ws showering and was saying sexual thiongs to her. WHAT?? GImme a break!! Then she said he came over to the shower and tried to get a peek at her!! Also that he was being mean to her and told her to get teh F*ck out one day when she tried to go into whatever room he was in. She is just veing spiteful cuz she didn’t get picked for POV and trying to make sure Jeff gets backdoored. Some ally she turned out to be. When whe was alone , she CLUNG to J&J like a lifeline! Now that B is back, it’s F*** them. There she is!! the REALR!! We thought she melted into the floor when someone poured slop on her!!! lol
And didn’t POV used to be late afternoons usually?? Last two weeks it’s been mornings. I wish BB would get their act together….it’s throwing my timing off!!LOL
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Question for discussion, if Adam wins POV and takes himself off nd Dani puts Jeff on the block, what do you think will go on and who will be backstabbing who?
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Hi y’all! Totally enjoying the banter on this website. New to Big Brother this year… And now totally (did I just use that word again?) addicted to the drama, melodrama, and relationship whirligig that is BB!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To the Brenda question, I’m following about 15 BB sites and there were a number bragging about double and triple voting their ten-set for him.
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Whaaaat!!! Rach is telling Brenda those horrible things about Jefrf! Why? Is she trying to have a monumental fist fight? Does he believe her? The way he defends her all the time, I’m surprised he hasn’t gone after Jeff already. She’s a complete dunderhead. Doesn’t she think about consequences at all…. God, this has me worried.
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I think they should backdoor Jeff. I really can’t stomach he or Jordan this season. All though their kid like tantrums aren’t as obvious as Rachel’s… they are doing the same thing, and being obnoxious brats. I really liked J/J until this season. I guess this house is really revealing people’s true colors!
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OMG Starfish I am cracking up over LF: Did Roach really say Jeff approached her while she was naked in the shower and has been acting Sexual towards her hahahaha! Jeff doesn’t like girls he cant control. This is great LF… Sand Castle watching is going to have to wait an hour… I have priorites you know. Thank goodness I don’t have to pick up kids til 1pm~
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I’ve got my Coffee and Baklava and Front Row Seat to this drama
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POV Comp
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@Jane Wasn’t Rachel in the shower it was Jordo and Jeff was being a pig towards her, thought it was joking around at the time until her tried to look in the shower.
I agree with you, J&J are showing their true colors, moreso Jeff
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SF and Jane…yes she really did say that!!!! I’m not sure B believed her, he knows what she is like!!! I am usually a huge J&J fan too but Jordo had been so moody this season and Jeff had been really nasty..esp to her!!! Not sure what is up with the,. Maybe this trip to the BB House will be their undoing and wasn’t such a great idea!!!
Why are they lettiing us watch(or MAKING us) R&B?? Are the comps on?? I thought all HGs had to be present even if they werent playing. Anyway, B just insulted R’s And she goes*I think I must have heard something wrong!!* And he says*you KNOW I always appreciate it when you cook, babe.* Ya….right….BARF!!!lol
Well, things to do so will be in and out. 🙂
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@Mel I missed the whole shower thing so I am not the best to comment do you have LF time? I agree with you and Star J/J are self destructing!
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At least we know with Brenchel they are really off their rockers and obnoxious, but I prefer that to faking you are America’s Sweetest Couple than coming unhinged.
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Thought I would repeat!!Omg somebody help ! Is Dani really going to put up two pawns ?? I love it !! Bronchial will win the veto J&J HOH and bye bye Dani could this be more perfect? Aaaahhhhhh I love this show!!!!!!!!!
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Sorry Jane, don’t have time only recall it happening a few days ago.
I don’t think J&J are self-distructing because unfortunately Jordo seems to easily be put back in place by Jeff. Think what is showing more and more is that Jordo is majorly insecure and has really low self-esteem with Jeff so easily rolling over her.
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@Jennifer how can brachel win POV if they are not even in the POV comp?
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Well, I wouldn’t say Shelly is a pawn. I think Daniele wouldn’t mind seeing her go, because she can’t trust her.
If it’s Jeff and Shelly, and Daniele wants Jeff gone, I think K, A & P will vote for Jeff. B, R and J will vote for Shelly. Maybe B&R will think it’s time to make a move on J&J and join them.
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Yeah, I think that ‘repeat’ was a little dated, Jennifer… btw… not happy with your stance on Daniele!
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Ted, BR want Jeff gone after learning that J&J have a F3 alliance with Shelly and F4 with Adam.
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Watch Jeff or Jordan win POV… are they doing it today?
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I guess the Veto still hasn’t started… thought it did… off to the beach for the Sand Castle making contest… Ted the Baklava & Coffie was Delish!!! Hope Adam wins the POV takes himself off and the backdooring begins! I don’t care if Buch leaves either!! Jeff is a big ole brat!
Peace out Mel, Ted, Star, Jl, Mike Stover Double M… have a great day, nice chattin’ with y’all this morning.
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… and starfish sorry missed ya!
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Hopefully, Daniele and Kaila will keep trading HOH back and forth…
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So, are you making the castles or just watching, Jane? Don’t get sand in your computer.
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My current favorites to win BB… Daniele and Jeff.
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sorry, being lazy, didn’t read all your blogs yesterday, so, I didn’t understand on BBAD why Shelly was crying and so upset, I guess with Rachel, what happened?
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I didn’t either TT… I think it’s because she had been outed as two-faced.
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I would like to see Porch win an HOH one time, maybe next time, just to see her gameplay and to watch just how butt-kissing all the J&J alliance HG’s are, that would be a good week!
I truly hope Adam wins POV and takes himself off and Jeff goes up, the fireworks will be amazing to say the least and him not having anything to threat others with, his true colors will definately show through!
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Wow… Adam is a big Survivor fan… I may have to root for him. Brendon is questioning him about Survivor. Sounds like he would like to be on it. Hey… I have a great idea! Rachel and Brendon on The Amazing Race!!!!!
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TT Shelly was exposed by Rach and even Jord blurted out something against Shelly yesterday. The snake had its skin exposed big time and was fun to watch!
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Both good ideas Mel! Everyone has such low regard for Porche’s BB game, that would be fun to watch.
I don’t know why the feeds are all on the same room… there has to be something else happening somewhere… have not seen Shelly for the last few hours.
Got to go get something done today… see you later…
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Oh I didn’t know who got picked for veto I guess Jeff will win and not use it… @ Ted sorry my friend:( anyway Kalia winning HOH was a fluke she most likely won’t win another.
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Hey everyone, finally finished reading all the posts. I’m fast on the keyboard but you guys are amazing. 🙂 Anyway, I also would like to see Porsche win something just to see if she can. What would she do with POV if she did win it?
I wish Jeff would stop acting like a jerk. If he is Dani’s target, it looks like the odds of him going home totally depend on who gets POV. Thanks for the updates!!!!!
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POV started about 15 mins ago.(2:48 BBT) Will keep checking back until it’s time for me to leave.
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Thanks Star, you’re the bomb! Gotta run out for a bit. BBL84
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Starfish yes I would like to see porsha win something too. I’m also not worried about who hoes home if the pov isn’t used. Buck will probably go. And if the pov is used I hope she will bd Blandan or Rachoe. I’m not sure if this deal Dani made with them is real or not yet.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was going to say I cant believe Rachoe is talkin sh*t about Jeff like that to Blandan but then I realized I was talkin about Rachoe. She was up J&J butt all last week. They all talked her down from her melt down. And she shows them what a great caring person she is NOT!
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Hi Stra thanks for the info you rock!
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@Ted… That was really good information. Who told you they were actually going to do that. Straight up, 100% your post said it all.
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Seems Shelly finally figured out that if Jeff wins POV, he isn’t using it on her and since he promised to use it on Adam a while ago, she’s only half wrong! But there again this is Jeff who lies for his own needs anyhow, so who knows!
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It would be funny if Jordo wins POV, takes Shelly off the block and Dani puts up Jeff….rotflmao
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I don’t think either one would use the POV for that exact reason.
What info PK… about TAR? That was just me speculating… would not put it past CBS to have B&R run the race… which they would probably do pretty well in.
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What info PK
@Ted… Shhh… Scavenger Hunt set in motion to break up the Saturday boredom…
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So who won POV? Anyone?
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POV still going on
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No one should be surprised at Danielle’s oblique statements re back door. She currently has her options fully open and if I were B&R I would DEFINITELY recheck the silent agreement. I think that proposed Final Three is best for all three!
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Thanks PK
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That R is such a work of art!!! PK I just can’t take that girl!
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I’m in out of this Blog PK, just takes too long to get a answer!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for all the info!
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Bobo… The R in Brenchel is emotionally unstable and shifts from one pole to the other with the grace of a D list celebrity eliminated in first round of Dancing With the Stars.
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I voted for Bredon to come back, used my 10 quoata on him………….I’m sure, obviously other people did the same, don’t think that was rigged! I am team R & B, they are too funny & entertaining, love them!
It is VERY upsetting for me to learn (as per reading this blog) that that damned Dani won HOH………………………she is sooooo snotty, can’t stomach her. I am totally with all the vets all the way for this game………………I surely hope one of the the vets win the game (except Jordan, just cuz she won before). GO R & B GO!!!!!!
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@Bobo, yes, R is a piece of work but PK’s statement about D list celeb eliminated in 1st round of DWTS takes the cake! Even that gives her too much credit. Obviously mental stability isn’t a requirement for BB. LOL It’s funny tho how Ragan said don’t ever count her out and we all know that to be true. She totally loses it and then rallys big time. Very bipolar. I just don’t like her at all or Brendon for that matter with his pouty face and babying then belittling Rach the way he does.
POV still going on I guess. I know you all will let us know the second it’s over.
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Well, it’s been over 2.5 hrs now… I can just picture Mel, PK and JT hunched over their TV sets watching the Un-live Feeds waiting for ******BREAKING NEWS******, whilst ☆ is frantically surfing her spoiler sites! Will we have a ********SPOILER ALERT******** soon?
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Top 5 List of all of the ways R&B are funny and entertaining…
Top 5 List of all of the ways R&B are disgusting and mindless.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Collectively they have made fiancé a synonym for parasite
2. Sperm is not a recognized substitute for starch to stiffen sheets
3. Brendon is much better at showing his stuff than making up stuff
4. Rachel’s voice makes Tarzan’s Cheetah sound sophisticated
5. They’re Romeo and Juliet who never get past the balcony scene
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Ted & PK, you guys could be Bert & Ernie and start you’re own show. 😆
This must be one helluva competition.
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Feeds back… K and P in bed, don’t seem one way or other… feeds gone.
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Thanks Pk!..Judy r u kidding me! wow b&r are such nuts!..maybe I mean star? not sure but watcing B&R on this show is too much!!
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Now K, A, P & Jeff are playing 20 Questions. Can not imagine that someone just won a POV, unless it was Daniele. At least they have 1 camera on each person this time.
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Porsche wins
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I don’t think so, ✩fish… It has been rumored that Bert & Ernie are gay, so that definitely lets out Pk and me. Besides, if we had a show, I would have to write all the material for it to be clever and entertaining… if you doubt me, refer to post #348.
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Maybe not Porsche… Looked like the POV necklace but not certain now
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porsher won?
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Porch was the host!
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Not Porsche… Maybe she was wearing a peace necklace… still don’t know
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PK… Porsche… really? She is not really showing it, although she seems happy.
Hmmm… well she would follow Daniele’s advice wouldn’t she? So what are they going to do? She will save Adam and Daniele will back door Jeff? Or Rachel? I would keep Rachel and get rid of Brendon first.
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Ted, nope, Sesame street says they are not gay and are not portrayed as humans but with human tendencies so we accept our differences. They have no plans for a gay wedding.
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Oh For God’s Sake!!! A Peace Necklace! I should have guessed this was a sham, since you didn’t post a *****SPOILER ALERT*****!
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I would love to see her backdoor Brenda but from what you are all saying, she’s sticking to BD Jeff. Ugh
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NOOO! get rid of Rachel, can’t take her anymore!
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Ok who won POV ❓
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Bobo, I would be happy if it was Rach too. Either one would be fine w/me.
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Not Shelly, Not Porsche, the host, Not Kalia
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strange Dani and Jordo not on cam yet and seems Porch (host) has POV on does it mean no one won it yet or something?
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😆 I heard that on the radio yesterday ✩fish… a big relief I can tell you.
But, you know those pesky rumors…
Rachel is wandering around the kitchen in a blanket foraging for food… looks somewhat forlorn. Now B&R are whispering and neither looks happy, especially Brendon.
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Jeff won POV
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TY star…
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seems Jeff won according to Rach
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*****Spoiler Alert*****
Dani won POV
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Post 369
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Well, now what? Will he use it? If he does, Dani might put Jordan up so he probably won’t. Maybe he can make a deal with Dani to BD one of the Brenchels. At least he’s in the game and playing. I’m happy about that even if he is a brat, I like J/J better than B/R.
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Ok, did Jeff win or Dani?
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Dani won POV.. Thanks Jane…. I couldn’t tell what was going on in the house
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PK… what the Hell are you talking about??? By the way… what’s on the Showtime Grill tomorrow… it’s your turn this week I believe.
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Phooey, now she can do as she pleases. I can still hope she BDs one of the Brenchels. Hope springs eternal. 😆
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BBQ chicken breasts tomorrow Ted. Delmarva style.
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So is it Jeff or Dannie?
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Where’s your proof Miss T? We have been listening to bogus info all afternoon!
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this is nuts, seems now Dani won POv, would someone in the place just say who won……..Jeff took money, Jordo got unitard and Shelly is in HN room depressed……….ughhhhhhhh
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and Ted, I have BB feeds in PinP not crouched over all day long……lol
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I’m not sure what Delmarva style is, but it sounds good, PK. Think I’ll so some kind of ribs.
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****Spoiler Alert*****
your welcome PK… Jeff won money and made Jordo wear Unitard from what Roach says… so with all the other sulkers that makes Dani POV.. Porsche/Kahlia laughing w/Jeff during 20 Questions, Adam looks worried and Shelly looks like she’s laying in a Coffin… no site of Dani
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PK you sure???
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sounds right Ted?
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Not sure what PinP is, Mel, PK has to scrunch over the set to see the screen…
How do you know Jeff took money and Jordan got unitard… and I sure hope it’s cute and scanty… that one last season was so unflattering and made that poor woman look ridicules… actually it was the wig. I can’t remember her name, but she was a babe.
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@Ted… Delmarva is the three state peninsula including Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia. I learned how to BBQ chicken to perfection from the locals many years ago.
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because Roach was in room telling Brandon that was not cool of Jeff to choose money and make jordo wear unitard
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Dani still not confirmed as POV winner… This is taking way too long
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P in P is picture in picture Ted and Rach is blabbing how uncool it was for Jeff to take money and have Jordo wear the unitard
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besides there is only one person that would make brenchel feel secure in winning and that’s Dani because of deal they think they have with her. if she sticks to it.
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All things now point to Dani wining POV but till it is official it is BB the CBS way…….lol
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Is Shelly stuck in H/N room?
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Well they all seem really tired… Daniele is probably asleep in HOH… Jordan is probably crying somewhere because she has to wear the unitard, and I haven’t seen Shelly, but she is probably super depressed if she is on the outs with Daniele.
I hope you wiped the sand off your hands before jumping on your computer to watch LF, Miss T! Thanks for the info… but you say it comes from Rachel? That could explain why Brendon looked pissed, as he must not trust Daniele.
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Shelly won 24 hours in HN room by herself……….yeahhhhhhh
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Oh Wow… they just showed Shelly in her coffin… that was a good description! Evokes memories of Ragan lying in bed thinking last year.
Mel… I used to have one of those… my ex got it! Or do you mean P in P on your computer? I could probably do that, but I don’t know how to set it up.
Shelly trying to sleep.
PK… that’s interesting about the region. You were in DC, weren’t you?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So, what is the jist of the style?
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There is a make-shift toilet, a pot of something (slop?) and bread in the HN room with Shelly. 24 hours without a cigarette and she will be more volatile than the girl in the Exorcist when her head turned 360 degrees.
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Shelly even has a portopotty and is stuck in HN room for 24 hrs with bread and water it seems.
On my TV Ted
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No sand we didnt make it :/ but at least im not as depressed as Buck!
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You mean Shelly has to stay in the HN room by herself??? Can she come out to eat or the b/y? How does CBS make it official? Anything other than us just hearing from the house guests?
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You have got to be kidding!!! That is harsh! You are right, PK… that’s probably why she is so depressed… no Cig for 24 hrs! That won’t be pretty.
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Ted, yup all by her lonesome. HG’s blurt out things!
Wonder if Dani and Jordo are having a long talk or catfight to trade prizes so Jordo can get Jeff evicted for taking money over her and making her wear a unitard all week……lol
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So Shelly won Prisom
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jeff won money
Jordo won Unitard
Adam won ???
Kalia won??
Dani won???
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Jordan’s unitard comes with a dunce cap a tutu and I’m with stupid on her chest
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@Ted… I was born and raised in the DC area and spent most of my career working in Arlington, VA. The gist of the style is to NEVER overcook the breasts and the secret is to cut a slice the full length of the meat side of the breast and slow cook over charcoal with the best BBQ sauce you can get your hands on. Takes about an hour for best results.
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Ok Dani was sleeping and Jordo must wear her hair in pigtails as well as the outfit!
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her outfit is cute though. Kahlia isn’t acting like she won and Adam isn’t bragging so its gotta be Dani… and Jordo made it a point to go show her the outfit… ass kiss a bit maybe? we know Jordo doesnt give a rats ass about Dani’s opinion. Dani looks to be taking a luxurious nap like a cat… it’s gotta be her that won Veto or her Porsche and Kahlia would be locked up together scheming.
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Jordan is so cute! you mean Jeff made her wear it? she likes it though. Shelly can’t find any toilet paper. Has a screened off toilet area, a giant loaf of bread, big jug of water and lots of beds!
B&R under the covers in a bedroom.
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So who won?
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Nice outfit Jordan…
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Bobo no one has said who won yet, although it appears Dani won POV but no confirmation by anyone yet!
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PK, I never saw the with part, and that sure is the truth……lol
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Now Adam has coffin look. Bobo ****Spoiler**** looks like Dani not confirmed but Adam looks depressed, Shelly locked in H/N room, Jordo in Unitard, Jeff took money, Kahlia and Porsche seem calm, and Dani sleeping like a Chesire Cat
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They are all on Lockdown, except Buck is on super Lockdown 24hrs in H/N room
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Horrible week for Buck… bad timing to be locked up when your lies and game play are coming to the surface… boo hoo hoo… love how they act all bad until they are caught up
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Thanks Mel going to watch some TV now….see you all soon, night all!
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That sounds about right Miss T… Did they make them get up real early? Everyone seems so tired. J looks very cute in pigtails. Wasn’t the girl who wore the unitard last year’s name was Erin?
Going to see ‘Horrible Bosses’ now… find out who won by the time I get back!
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bye Bobo!
LF: Adam in purple room with Jordo bragging about his BB knowledge again rambling off dates… poor guy I’m almost embarrassed about his game play… he talks as much as Kahlia, he just knows the game, to bad he hasnt started playing it.. i’d like him to shut up and go far in the game.
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No Prob Bobo!
Peerfect situation for Shelly or maybe she wanted it……lol
Smart move now for Dani (if she is POV) is to take Adam down and tell him this is the last time I save your a$$ and start playing with me, then put up Jeff and evict his phoney good guy act aSS out of the place!
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Ted it was Kristin… who was my fav after Brit… Brit was the best anti-Roach mouth!
I really think Buck wont make it 24hrs she may lose it.
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Ah well Jane as Shelly said earlier, how smart she is, we are now getting to observe just how smart……lol
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@Ted… After you see “Horrible Bosses” there will be a man waiting outside of the theater with something HUGE to tell you.
Ted, You’re fired!
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I think Shelly got a phone call for H/N so she may be okay if she talked to her daughter.
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***********Spoiler Alert***********
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Adam sounds like he won veto in his convo with Jordo… brb
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Jane…. You are correct… Adam won POV
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Jordo confirmed Adam won POV
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PK i think I need to be fired… i am spoiling the spoiler alerts because I am super confused now. Adam is acting like Kahlia talking so much and saying nothing I can’t figure out the POV winner now… he needs to shut up. And Buck in the H/N room acting like she’s dying… none of the HG’s can ever stop talking to themselves and to the camera… why stop now? We need the info before the kid comes back from the neighbors and it’s time to take the dinner out!!
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Jane, Jordo just said to Adam “when you take yourself off the block;”
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Thanks for clearing that up Mel!! I thought I heard something like that but my old deaf ass needs speakers on my computer and glasses for lip reading!
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Well thanks everyone for the updates but still not sure about POV? If it’s Adam, well what will that child do?
Thanks Jane, for the updates. Waiting patiently for POV winner.
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@Jane 😆
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Jane… Ask Ted to give you the radio he tuned into for FDR’s “Fireside Chats.” The speakers in that radio should still work and would be perfect for your computer. Ted upgraded to a B/W TV years ago.
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Absolutely, positively ADAM won POV
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@Jane, ignore him.
Do you think Dani will keep to her deal and put up Jeff or will she “make a big bold move” and put up B or R?
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starfish Adam is definate winner, Jordo confirmed it when asking if she thinks Dani will put up Jeff when Adam takes himself off the block!
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@PK, Jane was no where near a twinkle in her daddy’s eye when those fireside chats were going on.
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Thanks Mel, I hope that’s the final answer. LOL
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Buck gets phone call after H/N 24 hr lockdown… I wonder if it will be from Alice, T, Gimmie (who will show up tonight), Chicken (whose dead so that would just be weird), Shoshana (who has probably been giving her such ill advise on gameplay), Bryce (who won’t do well being locked up, and I think came out to Kahlia and Porsche), or Tara…. hmmmm?
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Adam proving how dumb he is, during the comp he asked Dani if she will BD Jeff and she said no. Guess Adam forgot giving Dani his word to not vote to evict Lawon and afterwards telling Dani he had to do what was right for his game!
Dani, the player with a steel trap mind gives as she is given, so guess Jeff will be up on the block and the J&J/A/S alliance will become a scattering bunch of lost souls real soon with Shelly being the brainiac leader after Jeff sees Julie on Thursday……lol
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Ok confirmed results from another site:
dani:pov ticket
jeff: money
shelly: solitary with call from home
adam: POV
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What’s a pov ticket?
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@starfish… Ted listened to FDR’s Fireside Chats. Not Jane.
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@PK, I’m aware of that, it’s just that Jane wouldn’t want those ‘old’ speakers. LOL
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Have no idea starfish, maybe to take her self off the block if on it or someone else prior to the POV being used, but she can still be backdoored.
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If Shelly can’t smoke, maybe she’ll consider quitting if she can go 24 hours, she might want to quit. 😮
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Dani’s POV ticket means she can choose to play in the veto comp even if she is not selected to compete
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Thanks Mel, I think I understand. 😕
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Oh, that’s better PK. Thanks, now I understand. That’s something she would certainly choose to do. I wonder how long she gets to keep this little pov ticket treasure?
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Thanks PK
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Is Kahlia really giving Buck advice?? These guys are like watching mice in a cage.
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@Jane… Kalia is incapable of keeping her mouth shut for more than a minute excluding most of the time when she is sleeping.
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LOL for real Jane!
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Night all..
Tomorrow, Tomorrow
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nite PK
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g’nite PK!
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I love Kahlia telling Buck she’s safe…. um hello Dani has the power foolio
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g’nite BBBloggers
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WOW!!! Now THAT was like watching mice in a cage…lol Lil dizzy right now even from reading all the zig zag comments…lol Pretty entertaining tho, I must say!!! 😆
I was out of town for dinner, but keeping track on my cell, and I think I knew before you guys did!!lol I have to say tho that at 1st it looked like Jeff won to me so it was confusing!!!
Just to reiterate, in case there is still any debate or confusion:
Adam won POV.
•Shelly got a phone call from home, and she took solitary confinement as a punishment,
•Jordan’s got the unitard.
•Jeff got money.
•Kalia got a Caribbean Vacation.
•Daniele won a Veto Ticket, guaranteeing she gets to Play in PoV.
LONG ass POV too!! lasted about 4 hrs!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just saw Jordo’s uni. Awwww…poor thing!! She HAS to wear her hair in pigtails, has a hat that says DUNCE, the uni is bright green with a pink net tutu, and her top says I’M WITH STUPID with an arrow pointing at her face!!! Since Jeff just called her DUMB last nite to Adam, that’s just MEAN!!!! He laughs at her abou tit and i am going to put a VooDoo curse on him and Karma his butt out!!!lol
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Thank you ☆ for clarifying the POV situation. It seems there was some confusion as to who won what. The Mouth from the South declared half the House Guests as having won POV during the course of the afternoon. And, everyone else was scrambling around his feet, looking for clues. Lots of false *****SPOILER ALERT*****’s today!!! I went to a fun movie, knowing full well that you would show up before I got back.
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So, Adam will take himself off and Daniele will have to select someone else. Everyone thinks it will be Jeff… maybe she can use the POV Ticket or whatever it is to put Adam back on, which I don’t think she would do, or take Shelly off too, and put up Jordan and Jeff or Rachel and Brendon or any combination of the above. Maybe this POV Ticket is something like Matt won last year???
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Gal Pals in the HOH room… heard Rachel’s name a few times.
Rachel and Brendon in bed whispering, intensely worried expressions… heard Daniele’s name a few times.
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Just a reminder that when you comment for the first time, your comment has to be approved. I try to get on here everyday to do that–but be patient! Thanks. Bloggergal
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Bloggergal… I think BBB’s Avatar is a little stale… it’s so last year…
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Ted, Brenda said if he is evicted for Rach to stick with Dani and Jordan alliance and not to trust J&J because they have/had Shelly so far up their butts and Adam kissing them that her best chance is Dani
But tomorrow is another day in the BB house….lol
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I know this will break many hearts on here, but I think Daniele will put Brendon up in Adam’s place, not Jeff.
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That’s just a feeling I have… not anything Daniele has said… thanks, Mel. I think Daniele can’t wait to get rid of Rachel though, but there is always the factor that she would be easy to beat at the end. When does the jury start?
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Ted, Dani is smart and is talking a lot about it being Brenda but she also knows she is dealing with a time bomb in blabbermouth Kalia so doubt Dani will say a thing to anyone till the last minute like she did for the noms this week.
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jury starts with this weeks evicted hg, 7 on jury and 2 finalists and 9 in the house now
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lmao i have never read so much confusion! you all are just to funny! thankyou all for your dedication to let us know the results 🙂
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@Star, you rock girl! Thanks for the final clarification of who won what! Hope you had a great Sat. night dinner!
@Ted, I also HOPE, Dani will put up Brendon. She keeps things close to the vest and has a great poker face so no one really knows what she’s thinking. Just as long as she doesn’t tell Kalia one darn thing. That’s it, Dani could win playing poker for sure.
@Mel, I hope she really means it when she said she’s putting up Brenda. That would be awesome. But then she’ll have to deal with Rach and her whining, “Dani did it to hurt my heart, it isn’t fair.”
However, as Ted said, Rach will be easier to beat than Brandon. You saw how Rach fell apart at the last POV comp. I was really surprised to see her falling all over herself on the ground. Have to say, I loved it. 😆
Thanks for the jury starts info. This will be the first one to go to jury house then, right?
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Today was a roller coaster day for sure.
Star, 4 hours for a POV. Do we know what it was yet?
Cya tomorrow. nite all
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@Ted and SF…..No problemo ……I couldn’t let you guys hang in the wind like that anymore…you’re my friends and it just wasn’t right!!lol
And Ted I totally appreesh your vote of confidence in me!! What movie did you see???
@Bloggergal..I gotta go with Ted on this one…..BBB DOES need a new avatar!! Can’t believe no one noticed it until now!!! At least add a *Plus 1*….lol
@SF…..yes…this evivtion will be the start of the jury house. Unless their is another TWIST!! lol
@Ted…..that is not how the POV ticket works. If Dani wasn’t picked for the next veto, she can replace someone with her Veto ticket so she can play. Only use it has.. But I am not sure how long she had it until it expires.
The only time I remember their being a solitary confinement like the one Buck is in was last year when Hayden got it. But he had Kristin and Enzo and Lane taking turns tallking to him thru the door the whole time. If Buck is going to cry and pout in there, it won’t bode well for her!!! I would go NUTS in there with nothing to do and only a pot to PEE in , but Shelley still needs to *Buck* up!!! 😆
And I agree with everyone. I think/hope Dani will put Brendon up in Adam’s place….unless she really DOES have a secret alliance going with them. i hope she keeps telling them she does and then WHAMO puts Brenda up without telling them!! Can u jsut see Racho’s face?? It will be a Dustin moment and a half…
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oh stra we can only hope she will break them up again. lol. have a good night and morning all…
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Star you totally missed my Buck in Solitary Confinement with all Tara’s Alters comment… LMAO!!! Or wait maybe it was Justlooking that watched United States of Tara (where the name Buck came from, if anybody doesn’t know who buck is google United states of Tara and watch a video of Buck) anyways here’s the comment for Tara fans…
Buck gets phone call after H/N 24 hr lockdown… I wonder if it will be from Alice, T, Gimmie (who will show up tonight), Chicken (whose dead so that would just be weird), Shoshana (who has probably been giving her such ill advise on gameplay), Bryce (who won’t do well being locked up, and I think came out to Kahlia and Porsche), or Tara…. hmmmm?
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Oh and to be fair to PK and I it was a crazy up and down trying to figure out POV so we were trying to keep you guys updated… *rolls eyes, and rocks neck*!
Hope everyone had a great night. I am wide awake at 2:35am damn insomnia!
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lol I was one of the Tara fans but if I remember correctly there were other Tara fans here too. I saw it way up there and forgot to comment about it. I had like 100 posts to read! But to funny! the last time I saw Tara’s Buck he was running saying He wont get me without a fight!!!
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justlookin is finally Lookin… Good! Perfect Avatar!!!
Miss T… being fair to PK is like ‘pissin in the wind’… if ya know what I mean…
Thanks for the info Mel & ☆… So hopefully the Jury will start with Brendon.
I do remember when Hayden was in lockdown now. I can’t remember what his reward was.
☆… I mentioned the ’12’ to BBBlogger the first week… kind of like being ‘fair to PK’… thought I might have more luck with BBBloggergal! 😀
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I don’t recall the POV Ticket last year… But, that’s great news for my Alliance. Daniele will be in power for another week!
One question… were these ‘prizes’ awarded in order of finish or could they choose. I kind or remember something like this last year. Also, how much money did Jeff receive? Another 10k?
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I guess that was 2 questions…
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Hey justlookin… didn’t know you were a Grindhouse Fan!
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Jeff got $5k Ted.
The first one out of the competition gets a prize (no choice)… it’s usually something good. Then the second one out gets a prize and has the option to trade theirs for the other prize…. and so on. They mix it up what order the prizes are… but usually the veto and unitard are toward the middle or end. Not sure exactly how they did it this year.
The funny thing about this type of comp is that people who are the first ones out.. usually get a decent prize… and they think they get to keep it! 😆
I remember Sheila (BB9) sucked at the comp… got knocked out early (maybe 1st out).. got $10k I think…. and then was pissed when someone (Ryan?) took that and gave her the unitard! WTF? Do these people really think that someone who does well in the comp is going to keep the unitard? And let someone who was first out keep a great prize? Please.
HGs, if you are one of the first out.. then you get the unitard. Period. Just ask Jen, Sheila, Michelle, Lydia, and Kristen. (seasons 8, 9,10, 11, 12)
I think the veto comp was the bean bag toss game they have been playing in the backyard.
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Thanks for the info, JT… I remember that now about claiming someone’s prize. Everyone who got a unitard was a woman. (I guess that’s a good thing… think Adam) Very happy Daniele holds the POV Ticket.
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The veto ticket is good for the next 2 veto comps if Dani wants to play (and doesn’t get picked). After that, everybody left in the house will play anyway. And I also think that if Dani isn’t picked to play.. she could use it.. and would be the 7th player in the veto.
Guess they will explain all that on Wednesday
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JT I think I heard Dani say last night that the Veto pass is only good for next week and she can replace any 2 veto players. But just as the POV announcement yesterday was so screwed up, this Veto Pass is just as screwed up…lol
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Thanks Mel. That is weird! Must be a new spin they put on the veto ticket this year. My guess was based on previous seasons. How would that work if she replaced 2 veto players? Do you mean she can name 2 more?…. or does she take the place of 2 players? I would suspect she couldn’t replace the HOH or nominees.
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I read all the versions of the POV spoilers.. LOL. Pretty funny and confusing. I can’t remember a time when it took that long to find out for sure. Glad I opted to take yesterday off! 😆 …that would have been frustrating.
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JT, best I could figure out from what she was saying is that she can replace 2 chosen POV players.
Unfortunately when she was saying it big mouth Kalia was yapping away as well!
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I hope Dani BDs Brendon. People that come back should get kicked to the curb immediately!
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Nice to see you finally found an Avatar that fits you… Now we need to get Mel one…
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JT, true but even though Dani is going around telling Kalia, Porch, Adam, Jeff and Shelly it is going to be Brenda going up, she is following the deal she made with B/R and considering Kalia has a big mouth, no one really trusts Porch, Adam lied to Dani about his voting for Lawon and changing last minute, Jeff being simple greedy and a floater and having his own alliane that has more votes right now and BS’d about wanting Rach out last week, and Shelly the straight shooter who proved her alliance to Jeff last week and is the RAT, Dani will put up Jeff and throw the same excuses back in everyones face they used on her last week for doing so!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dani doing this takes the target off her back in case one of the useless floaters of the destroyed J&J alliance wins HOH that will go after B/R and she has a deal with B/R who at least keep their word, unlike J&J.
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I agree… when you are out, you should be out. That didn’t work for me on Survivor last season.
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Miss T… being fair to PK is like ‘pissin in the wind’… if ya know what I mean…
Truth comes out at last Ted. So your yellowish skin and eye coloration is not from jaundice symptoms associated with viral hepatitis after all.
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Wow, Mel… that was a fairly succinct summation. Something to think about… waiting now, to hear from the Grand Master.
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what would be really funny is sending to the Jury house in this order:
Then give live feeds from the Jury house watching Jeff go completely bonkers…
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@Mel… I second your reasoning to put Jeff on the block as the replacement, not Brendon.
Eliminate Jeff and all the house guests who were ever a part of the J&J alliance will have to look elsewhere for safety.
But Dani must get the needed votes to pull off that scenario. By honoring the deal with Brenchel, whether they would honor the deal or not, Brenchel may vote out Jeff now rather than later. Kalia and Porsche are most likely going to do what Dani says and that would be two more votes to evict Jeff. There is no way of knowing how Adam will vote and Jordan will certainly vote to keep Jeff.
If Dani can pull off Jeff’s BD eviction, Brenchel plus Jordan could very likely become a short lived 3 person alliance. Shelly won’t get near that alliance after Rachel called her out and Adam can count numbers and will probably follow Shelly into the Dani group to get Brenchel out the door.
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@PK considering Brenda told Rach last night on the couch that even if he is evicted, Rach needs to aline herself with Dani and Brenda was wrong in not taking Dani’s suggestion a few weeks ago to get rid of Jeff as Dani suggested.
If this deal goes through and even though I cannot stand Brenda at least he holds true to his word when he makes a deal, Dani will likely win the entire thing!
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my mistake it was outside on the hamock
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@Mel… Now is the best time to evict Jeff since a sure vote to save him other than Jordon would be Shelly’s and she can’t vote since she would be on the block sitting next to Jeff
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Please put Jeff on the block. He is a cold piece of work! Jus’ sayin!
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Jordan’s battle cry to save Jeff:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You’ll take away my engine that couldn’t over my cold piece of work
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Was just catching up on all your coments from last night! We had a power outeatch last night, wow so many things in my home to reset!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Taped most of BBAD & going to watch it soon! Thanks everyone for all your input, fun reading everything!
My wife thinks that a 64 (almost) Vietnam Vet is nuts for being so into this show, she maybe right I have the paper worke to provve it! LOL
Talk to you all soon, bye for now
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hahaha BOBO your a hoot!
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Jeff to Jordan: “Everyone really, really trusts us..our word is what it is. And if I tell somebody ‘this is my word’, I could really f**k somebody (over)! I’m not scared to! Everyone thinks I’m this f**kin’ golden kid, I’m a f**kin’ scumbag!”
I agree with Jeff’s personal assessment 110%.
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I agree with you assessment of Jeff PK…
But be careful or he might massacre you too the Chicago way……lol
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Hey BOBO long yime no see , I am 63 and all my friends think I am nuts for watching BB too, and know better than ro call me when its on. the way it looks there are a lot of us nuts out there, so I am in good company.
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Shelly says that if J/J look after her this week, she (Shelly) will make sure that they’re looked after and that they go further. She says that she’ll talk to Dani. Shelly tells Jordan by the pool that she is going to lay low. Jordan tells her that she don’t want anyone on their side to flip J/J/S/A and B/R.
Don’t worry Jordan, come Thursday, one of the above will be gone with no possibility of flipping. Shelly has become delusional after leaving isolation thinking Jordan would save Shelly over Jeff or even Brendon.
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Sending important message to Dani via telepathy….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don’t play into J&J’s plan to save Brendon if you put him up as the replacement. Put Jeff up, and without Shelly having a vote, now is the time to make the BD Jeff move.
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I am so tired of the Brendon and Rachel show and I find it hard to believe that one million voters wanted to see Brendon back on the show. I’m almost sure people would vote Cassi or Dom back in over anything else. I though Lawon’s exit interview was classy but I do feel something is behind it. I’ve never seen someone nominate themselves and evict themselves because of a twist! That’s the most ludicrous thing I’ve heard in a long time. I can’t wait to see what happens tonight, Wednesday and Thursday and although I won’t be at home, I’m still able to watch it on my phone without any issues! I went ahead and signed up for the Sling Adapter with my DISH Network employee account so I would never miss a minute of it. I can watch live and pre-recorded content and I don’t even have to be at home to do so. The Sling Adapter is normally $99 but with a special promotion with DISH Network, new and existing customers can now get it for free. People can go here to get more information!
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@Bobo & Mike, me too, me too. My kids just roll their eyes when I tell them it’s BB season so don’t call me at…… They don’t either. I started watching & got hooked since season one and have watched every season. Don’t ask me a lot of details tho, the brains are Star, JT & Aggie for the most part about who won what when and who did what to whom.
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Hey thank you Mike & Jane nice to have someone come back to me!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Half the time I feel like’ am talking to myself!
So how does it look for tonight?
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Brooklyn I am with you on that!
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I leave first thing tomorrow morning for NC to visit my son & family. I can’t wait to see my grandkids. Prolly won’t be on a puter very often but hopefully can poke in once in awhile. Be back late next Monday. My hubby will record the shows so I can at least watch them when I get back.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If I told you this already, forgive me and chalk it up to one of those senior moments. LMAO
I do not have my email or FB or anything attached to my smart phone, on purpose. It’s a phone and I text & send pix of course but now I keep my life simple. The KISS theory is my motto. If I was working, I hate to think of all the stuff I would be doing with technology.
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Have a great trip Star & I am with you on the rest…lol
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@Brookln, I agree totally. Somethings fishy about the vote but there on people who would disagree. The confusing thing is that most of the poles had Cassi ahead Brendon. Maybe there was a last minute surger for Brendon but it makes me shake my head in wonder. I hope he goes but it doesn’t look like it. Sounds like Jeff is going but you can’t be sure Dani will stick to her word.
I also don’t know why some of you think B & R always stick to their word. I can’t quote anything but that just doesn’t fit their game to me. Somebody must have some facts to clear that up.
As for Lawon, I think he and Marsellas had a bet to see if Lawon could make a more stoooopid move that Marsellas did. 🙂
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Me Starfish 🙂 Star is Star 😉
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Right Star!!!!
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Takes so long to get a response from this blog! Going to watch some TV be back later to hear from you all….bye for now, Bob
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Nope, me StarFISH 😆
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Sorry starfish!!!
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Well, alrighty then. See ya L8r!
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Latter….much later!
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Shelly tells Jeff that he has a “KEEPER”, he says he knows. Shelly wants information from Jeff when they get out. Jordan’s family favorite places to eat, etc. Jeff says they don’t need that, but if she really wants to make that effort, give her something to a chain Mexican restaurant, “On the Border”. He says that Jordan will love you for life. Shelly asks if they like movies?? He says, “No”. She wants to do something for Jordan and her family, in her own way. Give her time with her family.
She keeps saying that she felt so bad for Jordan, how she’s such a keeper and tells Jeff he can do anything he wants, the world is his oyster, etc. She says if worse comes to worse and he can’t find something, he can come to her, she’ll get him a 6 figure job, make his own schedule, do his own thing, not even have to move. She calls him a DIAMOND.
Shelly is back with even more “straight up” 110% BS than before.
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Well thanks PK, I think???? What kind of executive is Shally anyway that she can give someone 6 figures for doing nothing? Does she own the company? If not, I’m sure her employers won’t be happy about that remark. Secondly, what does Jeff do? I guess I could look it up but does he have a career? What about Jordan? We already know that Brenda is going to cure cancer and make tons of money and live in Brentwood, CA and Rach will be a stay-home-mom??? 😮
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Not going to spoil it, but for those not able to see the HOH due to golf running late, it is funny watchig the non-Dani alliance getting knocked out one by one…
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Starfish… Jeff works in advertising sales in Chicago. Shelly works full time at pitching her BS to naivety, ignorance and egos when she wants something from them.
In Baton Rouge she works in marketing for a sports company.
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Big Brother will be airing in the Central Daylight Time Zone ant 8:05 PM instead of the usual 7 PM start.
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*****Spoiler Alert*****
Tonight BB proves Shelly is a liar and Rach told the truth…….la di da Tune in and find out!
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PK, think Shelly is VP Business developement in that sportings goods company
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Thanks PK & Mel for the info. As to Shelly lying, no kidding, and Rach telling the truth, about a specific thing? I guess we’ll find out.
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Well that was entertaining to say the least. Loved watching them lose one after the other. Very interesting what Dani said at the nomination ceremony…something to the effect “we are back to square one, did nomination this way to make sure what I want done is permanent this time”. I can only hope it means Brenden, but I wouldn’t be opposed to Jeff going either, because that would definetly lessen the odds on winning anything for that side.
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The only hope for team J&J/S/A if Jeff is gone of winning HOh is if they have another comp where you close your eyes and hit or throw something, then Jordan might win or they ask an Evil Dick question Adam might win, or their is a question about rats Shelly might win.
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Wasn’t it heart warming to hear Shelly say that she will continue taking the high road no matter how many lies the other house guests say about her.
Great example she is setting for her precious daughter – NOT!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She chain smokes and can’t even tell the truth in the DR where only she and America can hear her and we are watching the show and know the truth… Seriously, she needs to use some of her six figure salary to get help post BB 13.
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PK, that is presuming she still has a 6 figure income when she gets the boot from BB13……
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@Mel… I could not locate a sports manufacturer of any real significance anywhere near Baton Rouge and I don’t live all that far from there in Mobile, AL.
Maybe she is VP of Business Development at one of the retailers in Baton Rouge. Could be Dick’s Sporting Goods, Academy Sports or Bass Pro Shops…
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Night all.
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PK, she works for her bio has been removed from the Team section since it published on another BB blog website last week
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Good night all!
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Loved the show and watching the sexy six squirm during the HOH.
As for Shelly lying (and I’m no fan), I really don’t believe she believes she made a final 3 arrangement with R & B. The conversation as I recall was would you consider us being final 3 but no deal was struck. So, I think that’s where her head is. She had some great interview questions but I hope she doesn’t present them in such a superior manner. The person being interviewed is nervous enough and you want to get the best out of them and keeping them feeling comfortaqble.
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adam is a f___in bone suckin homo with no b__ls! Do you have a secret crush on big jeff adam? Thats sick! You are stupid. What are you in the game 4? You are just a head, not a metal head and instead of flaunting the devil sign with your fingers; instead, just stick out your thumb and rotate on it! GOOF!
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