After spending the last couple days moping around and pouting, Enzo is finally fighting back! He’s dropping little Meow Meow morsels of thought to Lane and Hayden telling them there is no way he could win against them in a Final 2 scenario. He reminds them that he’s only won one competition (POV), and the jury will vote their way leaving him with a second place finish.
Not only does he make a good point, but his kitty kibble is food for thought for the remaining Brigade boys. Hayden didn’t make any commitments to him, but didn’t rule it out either. Not realizing that Britney was doing whatever she had to do to remain in the house and off the block, Hayden recalled her telling him that no one could win against Enzo in Final 2, because he played the best “social game in BB history.” Enzo never knew what a social game was until a few weeks ago when someone told him he played the best one, but somehow this Britney-ism sticks in Hayden’s head. No promises, but Hayden did tell Mr. Whiskers “not to pack it in just yet.”
Lane, on the other paw, was much more assuring: “If I win, I will take you.” Whether that’s true or not won’t be seen until Wednesday, but we still have a few more days to find out. Can you believe we’re so close to the BB12 finale?
Late yesterday the conversation turned to the jury house and their thoughts on the former HGs. They all liked Ragan, but thought he was a camera hog and cursed more than Enzo (!) dropping offensive verbal gender bombs in front of the women in the house. Wait until they find out that besides his teaching career, he’s a “performance artist.” No surprise to us, but they don’t know yet! They still think Matt was the Saboteur, but also suspect Kathy as well, proving what great job Ragan did to win his $20,000.00.
I think they were pretty honest without being as hateful as previous HGs when speaking of the others. However, the conversation soon turned “crazy talk” with their repeat expectations of “reality star” fame and fortune, interviews, limos, Brigade t-shirts, appearing across the talk show circuit and participating in Matt’s rap CD. I sometimes can’t figure out if they’re actually being serious or not. Either way, they will be in for quite an awakening by the end of September. Too bad CBS can’t film that.
So this final Meow Meow kitty commentary begs the question: Should Lane or Hayden take Enzo to the Final 2? Do you think they could win against him? Or will they leave him behind in third place kicking around in his Big Brother litter box? =^^=
I’d take him because MOST ppl would NOT vote for him since he didn’t win but 1 POV and that was my knocking Ragan 1/2 way across the yard…
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mrybkr started to Blog and said no one was here whet back to tell oyhers on other blog and thought hey I can be first came back an there you were well maybe next time.
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SORRY about the spelling am on my pain pills today will shut up an just read
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I think Brit was right about Enzo being social with all the hg’s. I guess a better word for him is a#* kisser. That will probably get him the votes needed to win if either one would take him to the F2. JMO…
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Don’t be silly Mike. You told me it didn’t matter as long as people can understand what you’re trying to say. POST along!! 🙂
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Voted for Meow Meow in the poll and see I see 234 deluded fools thinking Hayden or Lane will win!
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I’ll be so glad when this season of BB is over. These HG were all
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------about the same age, so there wasn’t much dirversity of thought.
A lot of child like manners & behavior.
Looking forward to next year with more mature people.
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MANY THANKS TO =^^=…for another clever and insightful blog… I do hope you will be watching Survivor, Donna.
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Ted…Meow Meow was my choice in the beginning but my choice changed a few times. Now…it’s still Lane.
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Me too Miss Kitty, Donna. You have always done a great job here and always kept it fun.
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He was always Mister Funny in front of the HG’s and has no blood on his hands as he was never in any position to get bloody. They are foolish if they take him and let this floater get even $1. Only Jury House guest to ever see meow meow spit his venom, as it was always done behind closed doors, was Matt . Let Hayden and Lane get all the money, let Enzo go home with his tail between his legs carrying only his 3D TV.
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FRANNIE… Don’t dis your team Honey… I hear the Rams have a good quarterback this year. Okay to talk a little footballs, since the boys are asleep?
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I’m from Missouri Ted…when the Rams show me something good, then I’ll stop ragging on them.
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Meow meow is not deserving of being f2 – my vote is still with laney ole boy… TED wth was that – i got one of ur msgs like 20 times!
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Actually…it would be smart to choose Enzo in F2. History has shown that in the end…the JH usually looks at wins overall , despite how they like them personally, and he has only one. I think it would be a sure thing to win the grand prize. Hayden did win the most of them all and did play a pretty good social game as well so….I think he should win the 500,000 in my opinion and Enzo would win 50,000 for his brilliant social game. Lane would win nothing and that’s ok with me! He has enough money anyways lol! I think America’s choice will be either Brit or Brenden…but I voted for Ragan cuz he was my favorite. We shall soon see…I still say that Lane and Brit are the lifelong friends and actually I think they are a couple in real life!
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I think Lane and Hayden are just stroking Enzo’s ego to get him out of his funk for the last few days in the house. At least I hope they are just telling him. I think Lane and Hayden are tighter than either are with Enzo. None of the HGs really saw any of the 3 stooges play the game since they didn’t start playing until it was pretty much just them with Ragan and Britney.
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I am curious to know if the writer of this blog was confused when Ragan claimed he was a heterosexual the other night in the JH? Do u think he was being facetious or serious?
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My pick for the half mill is Lane; can’t really get into Hairden and can’t stand EnZERO. Hope Lane goes all the way to win.
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I know SNAKE & LANE will be happy since the Texans won today… and Snake probably has some Rum in his Diet Coke since the Steelers won also… and that Steelers/Penguins Gal up North (cannot remember who)is probably besides herself too! I know that cute little DONNAP is happy the Giants won, me too… I like Eli… not so his bro. If AGGIE knew what football was I’m sure she would be happy my beloved Bears won, at the expense of STAR’S Lions.
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I am happy my buckeyes won yesterday and my dolphins won today!!
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I vote for Lane who has been pretty honest and up front and has a heart for others. EWZO is a nooooooooo! Hayden only if he would get a hair cut !
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I agree with DEB… lane and Hayden will stick together, and Hayden will will.
Don’t know Ragan’s thinking behind saying he was heterosexual. To mess with their minds I guess. Can’t wait to see the reaction when theta find he is the Sab.
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Hey RUFFUS/MIKE… don’t let the Pain silence the Pen!
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Yes I agree if Shaggie doent cut his hair he will be like one of those dogs that you cant tell if it is comming or going.
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Just a thought… there have been 7 soon, to be 8, men and only 4 women to attain final Houseguest status. Any reason why men have ruled?
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I agree with Ted about Ragan being the Sab. The reaction of everyone will be great TV. The guesses have been all over the place and I don’t think Ragan has even been mentioned. After Matt let Ragan in on his secret, Ragan mentioned that he also lied but his wasn’t as big as Matt’s. He confessed to being a college professor and having a Ph.D. What did he say he was when he entered the house? I missed the first week when all the intros were made. Wonder if Skank (sorry Ted) will be all over Britney like she was when Ragan entered the JH? Her claws were into Ragan almost immediately.
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Hey JAJA… want to know why I thought you might be from Argentina?
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TED I believe that us women are are worst enemies – you guys tend to stick together – and usually dont fight (with the exeption of regan and bred)
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All the seasons I have watched the girls always end up hating each other, and take each other out
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Hell no, I wouldn’t take him. He’s all talk & again he has talked his way right into the top two. He was lazy , his true colors came threw this week & now again he’s getting his way & has done zeep. I think { now that we have no choice } Hayden & Lane should be the winner’s. If Enzo make’s it to the top two & come’s in second , he still win’s $ 5o g. My god he don’t deserve anything. He’s all mouth that guy is. He can talk his way into anything he want’s, & that’s just sick. But someday his mouth won’t get him want he want’s. He’s just one of those guy’s that come’s on strong & can talk his way into anything he want’s & he know’s it to.
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Forgot !!! M go Blue. Great job Michigan , keep it up. You made our day yesterday. U of M, U of M, go Blue.
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It will be interesting to see… I think Rachel will just be happy to see that Britney isn’t going to win. Can’t wait to see her face when she hears Brit won 10 Gs… it would take many ‘Bowling In Bikinis’ gigs for Rachel to make that much.
I don’t remember what Ragan said he did at the start either… JT, where you when we need you?
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Not a fan of Rich Rodriguez but glad to see U of M win yesterday. Too bad the Lions lost today. At least we have the Wings!
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touchdown, douchdown, touchdown boys…you make the touchdown, we’ll make the noise!!! The score is 10-10 … whoo-hooo
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You ” Enzo think’s he’s going to Hollywood ” Guess he think’s he’s the next ” Pretty Man ” LOL
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Everyone close you eyes and think What if Rach,Bren, Britt and Rag could have put a side every thing, We wouldnt have the DODOs as final 3 we could have had them in final4 and then let them hate each other what a fun time we could have had wondering what was going to happen next. I was watching BBAD this morning Enzo couldnt even win at cards he was 6k in the hole.
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I loved the Hot Tamales as the poker chips.
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I guess that there would be more jealousy and competitiveness amongst the women… more cattiness?
I guess claiming he wasn’t gay was part of his big lie. I wouldn’t let him give up the Sab. till the finale either. I sure hope we get more than 5mins of JH tonite!
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Wing’s are good, ask my husband. Big time ” Wing’s Fan too. And also a ” Michigan fan !!!! Golly !!!! this is better then BB.
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I agree Lane all the way,
Hayrden and Enzero are getting on my nerves.
Team Lane !
I am also sick about their dellusional talks of fame and shoutouts to Steamboat and bars in Vegas.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know a bunch of people who need a vacation and they are out of the country fighting for our freedom right now !
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There has got to be more going on in the JH. The boys are pretty boring to watch.
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The place Enzo might go is Disneyland to be in a costume!
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im so thankful we didnt have football through the whole bb season – wwooosh
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I think they will just show stuff that most of us has seen on LF or BBAD because the ones that just watch CBS hasnt seen much, I do hope they showw more JH tonite
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Hey, did anyone watch the NFL Pre Game show on FOX? They showed a great clip from Survivor, with The Coach calling a huddle… that guy is a wily old fox himself! Can’t wait for Wed. What a night that’s going to be! Who else here is going to watch Survivor?
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I am for the first time, GO OLD, but mainly because of everyone here,when I am on this it is fun dont leave the house but a couple times a month no one to talk to much.
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Hey MACY… sorry about all the notices… you must have got them in your e-mail. My post would not appear and I kept trying… even changing the wording around. Lost another one this am about football, which was also quite long, I thought it was brilliant and very well written… I guess you would disagree.
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TED not a prob – i knew u wernt doing it on purpose – they came in like faster than a second – bam,bam,bam,bam…………i was in the kitchen cooking – i heard the mail coming in – it was like 20 people all at once – ha
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and i will watch survivor – when does it start
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You know how to get to Survivor Blog don’t you Ruffus? BBBlogger has a FACEBOOK page too, which last I knew JANE & SNAKE were doing.
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WEDNESDAY NIGHT!!! Macy, right before Big Brother…
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I watched Survivor for the first time in years last year. I guess mainly because of Russell. I’ll see ya at the Survivor blog. I’ve following this blog for a few years but this is the first year I actually posted anything.
Mike, sorry to hear you don’t get out much. Glad that the blog brings you some comfort. Take care.
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Great DEB.. the ranks are growing… the link is up top under ‘Reality TV Links’… hasn’t been changed to Nicaragua yet.
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I don’t think there is a limit on how many times a day you can vote for America’s favorite hg? Am I right?
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Many thanks to Franniep2 & Ted – you make my cat face blush! 😉
dgar472 – I do recall Ragan joking about being heterosexual upon his arrival to the jury house. They all laughed before he followed it up with his confession that he was actually a Professor in Communications at California State University, Long Beach. =^^=
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for TEDSTER- evil 👿 ………grin 😀 ……….twisted 😈 ………mrgreen
………shock 😯 ………cool 😎 ………??? 😕 ………mad 😡 ………neutral 😐 ………sad 🙁 ……..! ❗ …….cry 😥 …….? ❓ …….oops 😳 ………idea 💡 ……..roll 🙄 ……..arrow ➡ ……….wink 😉 ………razz 😛 ………eek 😮 …….lol 😆 …… 🙂 ……….
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Ted oh wise man I signed up the other day for Survivor with the link that Snakebit gave. got a e-mail and did what it said,should I be getting blogs from them or will they start when it starts,looked at top of page didnt see any links to it.
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where do i go to vote for americas fave player?
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Dang Ted, If you post doesn’t show, something made it go to moderation or spam and has to be approved. Don’t keep trying, you only waste your time and then flood the blog.
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macy……i posted a link in my last post:)
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mike – did u hurt ur back (pain meds)
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=^.^= cat with wet nose 😀
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Macy1231231,backs been like this sense I was 18,am now 62 the neck sense car wreck in 84 no big deal leared to live with it.
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Well that just sucks Mike. Hope the meds help with the pain. One hour til BB!
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mike -ouch!
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Enzo does not even deserve the $50,000 second prize!!! I say send him packing…, me, OUT….
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I wished Ted would reply to #57 I would like to know? Pills work just makes me fuzzie head and type funny
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Well going to get in my Lazy Boy and get ready for BB catch you all later
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Not as wise as Ted but I don’t think the Survivor blog starts until Wednesday. Of course, I could be wrong.
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Survivor Blog
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There a 2 posts up already, once you register you should get a notice every time a new post goes up
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SNAKE – i am signed up – and got the confirmation via e-mail – havent seen any posts
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Survivor Blog link that works 😳
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Just got back Rufus… Snake got the answer… what’s the smiley supposed to be Sal? blogs on now – shows on Wed.
wow… the Seahawks kicked the 49ers butts… not a good for the bay area!
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Checked I do have Survivor but dont have any posts either
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Hi Fran and Ted, and all, It’s showtime
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where u been all day aggie? wooohooo showtime
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Hi Macy, not around to much during the day, alot of family stuff going on
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me, not so much either – but i grounded my daughter today – so that kinda makes me grounded – sheeze
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You can’t be First every time TAMMY… especially when you come to the party so late…
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Howdy folks….
Do we have to listen the that Rac-ho? Errr
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Lane: I heard the Hyena. 😆
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Ted…I sent u an e-mail
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Oh Oh!!!… you guys are watching BB… got to go, I want to be surprised… see ya later… can’t wait to see More Brit!
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i have to admit TED – i do miss brit – her wit was entertaining
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Hey guys, I forgot how annoying rachel’s voice is, did anyone like her?
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well, i guess brendon and her mamma likes her
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Britt was pretty funny also
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Macy I don’t think brendon’s mom does like her, not many mom’s would
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was talkin bout rachels mom – ha – its a given brendons mom is horrified – ha
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watching BB nothing I all ready havent seen dont think they will show JH
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kristen was kind of a weird chick, i liked her though
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They may show the jh later on in the show but I doubt it.
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the z-bot and the spiederwas good
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No spider is good…unless it’s a dead spider
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Watching BB it’s 8:26 here in Canada, have to say that there was stuff that I missed about Brit. Never did like her and after seeing her tonight…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CAN’T STAND HER!!!!!!!!!!! so hope she doesn’t win America’s vote 🙂
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Fran not a bug lover we get it dear
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Hey… anyone seen BETTY???
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What does that mean Ted? H?
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NO Ted, Betty has not been on
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I talked to her earlier…but not here.
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I think Ragan is a hoot. He made the house fun.
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Yeah I always liked Ragan, it was fun listening to him talk about the game
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I will vote for Ragan
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SEason Finale of true blood in 10
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BRITNEY, really had those blinders on how could she be that dumb
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I thought True Blood was ending for good…no?
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Later fran and macy
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No fran the finale is tonight
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Night Aggie
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Too bad I didn’t have a rootin tootin fav this year but I would like to see Hayden & Lane in the F2. Hayden won more but want to see Lane take it all. Of the 3 stooges IMO, there are 2 Curlies & 1 Moe. Larry was the smart one and we don’t have a Larry. 😀
Yea, Steelers won today and the Raiders got their butt handed to them. I root for any team playing against New England!! Sorry they won so big today. San Diego & Kansas City play Monday. Love my football and if it’s a boring game you can take a nap. 😆
@Sal, rum and coke is you celebratory drink?
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I prefer a shot of Crown w/beer chaser, then Crown and coke
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Didn’t mean to step on any toes by commenting 1st (whoop whoop) I just happened to be at puter as soon as the email came….lol….Sooooooooo I couldn’t resist….Since I’ve noticed it seems to be a comp. among some of you.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I thought tonites show sucked….nothing we haven’t already seen!!!!
Hugs to you all and thanks for the blogs.
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I still think the Ragan/Rachel catfight was the best.
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He even managed to silence her which was hard for anyone to do. He definitely had the last word.
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DEB, Ragan had that woman totally dumbstruck, her reaction was so funny
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Aggie, off topic but aren’t you in Chicago? I was there in July for the races on Joliet and a few days downtown. I loved it. I took my nephew and we plan to go back in April and be typical tourists.
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hi blogade,
what a waste of an hrs time, I think I had seen 95% of what they showed and I do not have lf
I did enjoy the bitcho fight again between the two R’s,
I wanted to pull up ragan’s hand walk him around the ring and declare him the winner.
brendon better run for the hills, she is one mean person, and when she glared at him, u could see the devil in her eyes, but just my opinion.
Was kind of boring, only watched about 40 mins of bbad last nite, that was all i could stand of the chewing, slurping, etc. was so boring, i have had a better time watching grass grow.
looking forward to the finale, and of course survivor.
ciao for now all
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YES, DEB, I have always lived in chi-town, It’s a great place to live
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HI MARGIE, I have not seen much of BBAD lately, just to boring
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Loved seeing Ragan’s face again when he opened the door and Rachel came back in the house. 😆
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YEAH AC, that was a good moment, that guy I liked, i think i will vote for him just for being entertaining
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Give Enzo the penguin outfit and send him on his way – UGH!
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Enzo needs to be gonezo
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TEDSTER, Yes Of course I know who the BEARS are But only had interest when DITKA WAS coach he made it fun, Now there is nobody interesting not even the players, so enjoy your football haze, I’m on the sidelines rolling my eyes. later, going to watch season finale of true blood yet again, AWESOME
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OH TED, I especially enjoyed when DITKA, would yell at people to get there mouth shut, I really thought that mans head would explode at any moment, I guess he is my kind of a guy. 🙄
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SO AC, Rachel is not your type hah, I’m surprised 🙄
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Aggie I am with u r bbad, what a snooze fest, boring, and what happened to the 4 cameras in the jh?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I kind of just skimmed thru the comments, but have not seen Betty on
I do recall Jane saying she would not be here, Star, JT still not here tonight. Guess not much else to talk about re bb,yo, I don’t really care if it is hayden or lane, just not enzo who wins yo.
i love the idea they think they all are going to be in demand to do talk shows, maybe oprah will get them on her show before she goes off the air, hear that Oprah, best hurry or u will miss your golden chance 🙂
Hi starfish, deb, mrb ted, ,ac and to anyone i might have missed,
guess i missed frannie.
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Margie, I wish they would show more of jury house but they don’t, I guess cuz Of JT’s overtime he won’t be on much and cuz of football season also
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the jh would be a lot more interesting then the bb house.
guess jt is still busy at work, weekend so i guess star and the others are busy with family, chores, and FOOTBALL, lol
even ted is scarce.
will talk to you tomorrow, my grand daughter just signed me up for face book now to figure out how to use it, i am so slow in learning how to handle that, but it should be fun.
if u r still on tell them i said hello and sorry i missed them
nite my friend,
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for the first time in years, i will actually be relieved that BB is over. it has been painful to watch this season. we are fans and we love the show but i haven’t been so disappointed in an ending since adam (baller) won. next year, unless there is a seriously interesting cast, i won’t be wasting my money on LF. i’ll still watch BBAD, cause without the editing those who only watch CBS since Enzo is a funny silly guy who loves his family. they are not aware of the crap and ego that are revealed after dark…
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For JT
Happy Birthday To Yooooooouuuuuu….
Happy Birthday To Yooooooouuuuuu…..
Happy Birthday Dearest JT…..
Haaaaaapyy Birthdaaaaayyyyyy To Yoooouuuuuu!!
Yes I sang happy birthday to you. 😆 Just be happy you couldn’t actually hear it!! LMAO Hope you have a GREAT birthday sweetie!!
Posting on all blogs tonight. 😆 So you HAVE to see this somewhere. 😆

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i thought justa’s b’day was the 16th?????
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Princess, JT’s Birthday is the 13th, Cyn your early my dear
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i also thought it was the 13th aggie, but a few days ago when the 13th was mentioned he blogged back that it was 3 days later…
i justwant the right date to tease him unmercifully that he’s getting older and older and, etc….
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AHA!! caught red handed….
I just woke up (yes, I fell asleep after the BB episode… or was it during?.. woke up in time to catch the end of the football game).
princess, the “3 days later” was when Star asked if my birthday was the same as BB blogger’s (his was the 10th)
Yep…. LUCKY 13!! …and for the record I’ll be XLV in less than an hour.
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I was Shocked princess, I thought for a second you didn’t know when one of our leading Men’s birthday is Yes, I’m positive it is the 13th, and yes he is a Hott old man Now. 😛
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well, at least i thought i knew until you confused me, sweetie. whatever time zone you’re in, (don’t make me think) a happy birthday to you justa sweetie!!
hope you have a wonderful day! wish you could take the day off and we could all play!!
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Thanks princess…. I have BIG plans for my birthday!.. work 12 or so hours.. come home.. shower.. eat dinner… and sleep! Woohoo!! I really know how to live it up!! 😆 🙄
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i think i could teach you a few birthday tricks that don’t involve that entire schedule!
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JT< you are going to make me cry you have to do more than that
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i was going to say that don’t involve sleeping, but that sounded a little too suggestive…
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Hi Aggie, anything interesting at all happening with BB? I am 🙁 & 😀 both at the same time to see the season end. It is time to end.. but I will miss it.. even in an off year.
But I was HAPPY AS HECK when I read Donna Rose’s post saying that there would be a BB13…. and I have a good feeling about lucky 13!!
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aw aggie, i suspect JT and i have spent more than our share of birthday’s doing justthat!
i know it’s not the best plan, but he’ll get through it and celebrations don’t have to be held on your birthday!
we celebrate justa all year round!
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actually the show tonight was Ok nice seeing that stuff again, Probably finale will be OK.
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@ princess —-> 😯 ..&…—–> 😉
Don’t cry Aggie, I’ll retire in about 15 years and celebrate the hell outta my 60th birthday!! 😀
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Princess, I think i would be upset if i spent my birthday at home, That just sucks really
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POOR DEAR, you have to wait till 60 till you retire, now you are really going to make me cry
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it’s a date. all your favorite bloggers, including PK and Pdok and Princess will show up in MN for your 60th… if we slightly older folk can remember when you’ll turn 60!
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True princess… I can celebrate in October when I have a day off!
I was wondering why they were getting all these comps out of the way so early….. I guess I forgot that today would be a “throw away” show. I do like seeing some of the better moments of the season… wish they would have shown more stuff that we didn’t already see.
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i’ve done it plenty of times, aggie. it’s no big deal unless you make it a big deal. sometimes sleep outweighs going out to play! and work makes the mortgage payment and lets you play when there’s time!
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Aggie… if it makes ya feel better.. there are about 100 good friends at work that are planning on giving me $hit all day! …..they really know how to let a guy know they care! 😆
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Yeah princess I guess your right but I guess i have never been real practical
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jt, i’m disappointed in their planning. clearly they could have had the final comp. chosen who goes to JH and on wednesday voted the winner, etc. there really was no reason to have a double eviction if there was going to be a throwaway day! and why couldn’t they have had the 2 hour special tonight if it was so important that enzo (um, evicted hg) not go to JH to stir up trouble? all that happened after the bb “special” was a rerun of undercover boss. lame…
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I’m sure there just showing there love jt, nothing personal all in fun, everyone likes to do the old jokes when your older, but you don’t look old so no big deal really
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princess… I thought all season that they would do the exact same finale as last year… I liked the way they did that one! All 3 were still in the running to win final HOH.
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also really happy you have “friends” at work to give you a hard time! i can remember some of the pranks that were pulled on b’days at our company, we had a lot of fun at times.
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No.. nothing personal at all. I give them chit all year…. and I work with people from 18 to 62… or older. Some will call me “kid”…. some will call me “old man”…. some will call me “a-hole”! 😆 (all in good fun though)
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this season, as addicted as we are, has been underwhelming. i will cry out loud if enzo takes the fan favorite, but as i said way above, those who only see CBS haven’t had the opportunity to see his real ego and character (or lack of it) emerge. he is nasty, gross, and egomaniacal. it would be a complete error in judgment for him to win a latte at starbucks!
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IT is good you have a good sense of humor JT, some people are touchy about the age thing, But I’m sure you can give as good as you get
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Princess, I don’t think enzo is a bad guy, he seems like a good family guy to me he was just gross on the show at times but could be funny also
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I will vote for ragan to get the money he was entertaining i n tell Rach off, those were fun moments
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i agree, aggie. he does seem like a good family man. however, all his ranting about how famous he was going to be and movie offers, etc., just made me sick. along with chewing noisily with his mouth open. ick.
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Sure Princess, He isn’t a classy guy, but i thought he sort of had a little charm, those houseguests are delusional, they always think they will be famous, very few really
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I really think Brit will win fan fave… but it’s tough to call this year.
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don’t you dare vote for the cute blonde, jt. i’ll take your birthday away!
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Yeah thats a hard call, alot of people didn’t like britt also, some thought brendon should win the money
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I see AR starts the same day as Dexter (Sep 26th)… I might have to watch AR again.
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of course JT, you have to watch amazing race
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aggie, i don’t remember anyone taking it to the level that enzo went too. MOVIE OFFERS, my PPA. delusional does not begin to cover it. and he wasn’t even a BB fan. they really should have a casting rule regarding BB knowledge. if they haven’t watched a couple of seasons, they shouldn’t be allowed to get to finals.
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can someone slap me upside the head unplug my puter and put me out of my misery
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besides, dexter is one more than once per week, AR is only on that Sunday night. btw, jt, still waiting for the quick update so i can start this season with less confusion than i have now.
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LOL @ princess….. I have never bothered voting for anything on any tv show. I figure everybody else will take care of those things. I love to watch some shows… but feel no need to vote.
(I prolly would have voted for Jeff to get the coup last year.. but voting was over by the time I found out how to do it!.. and apparently he had plenty of votes!) 😆
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True princess, he was just saying on the feeds tonight, about just skimming through different seasons, they didn’t even know who the 4 horseman were
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no MM, not a chance. did you reboot? the IT guys used to tell me to reboot when i threatend to hit my computer w a hammer!
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Hi Margie…… and huh? 😆 …are you having computer issues?
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hey margie, now we have the 3rd leading lady on here
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princess… I will give you the rundown on the 25th so it will be fresh in your mind… plus that still gives you a chance to watch for yourself.
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it seems the top 4 are brit, enzo, ragan, and brandon. i’m going for brandon justfor the way he played the game after rach left and the 2 brigade members were lying to his face while trying to oust him. he held on to final 6!
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he is more deserving princess, but i would rather give it to someone i actually like
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sounds good to me, i don’t know that i’ll have the opportunity to watch the entire last season before this one starts. i’ll give it a shot, though…
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ON demand princess, Jt got me to watch it you won’t be sorry you did
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hi guys happy bd jt, have u rec’d your aarp card yet? lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------no puter problems these loud eating crunching from enzo on bbad why do i even put it on i am so tired of him i want to reach out and choke the hell out of him
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now lane with the ice i telll u i need tranquilzers
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Thanks Margie… and thanks for the penguin e-card! It was very cute!
I have BBAD on.. but the sound is muted. I really can’t imagine anything exciting will happen til Thursday’s live show…. if even that qualifies as exciting? (But I will be watching..or at least recording!)
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EXACTLY, margie. my sentiments exactly. that’s why i couldn’t stand for him to have his ego fed further by winning america’s player. only people who watch the edited CBS version think he’s justa funny good guy. we know better!
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it took me awhile to find a dancing penguin but i did find it and u r more then welcome not often i can send bd card to guy on restroom door lol
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Aggie was VERY stubborn! I had to be a bit annoying to get her to watch….. but I knew it was for her own good! It really is a well written show!
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aggie & princess how r u 2 ladies doing?
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ok, it’s official. happy birthday, jt. hope you have a wonderful day and i’ll be thinking of you throughout the day, hoping in the midst of work you’re having some fun and getting teased a lot by your friends.
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Thanks JT, I’m glad i watched princess you will like it also
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lane is a desperado he has enzo helping him cram for comp like the blind leading the blind
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*******SPOILER ALERT*******
I’m officially XLV (45)!!!
……..and that is my LAST dramatic spoiler for the season (I knew Ted would want to see one more!)
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just great, margie. hope you are doing well also. i like the idea that you found a dancing penguin for justaa. sounds like fun!
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Great margie, We have the 3 leading ladies on now, where is starfish and fran my other leading ladies
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justa, see #198 above!
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r u guys talkinf aboiut dexter, awesome show never a dull moment and i loved michael in 6 feet deep
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OH JT, I could not decide I actually sent you 3 cards, I hope you get them
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And on that note…. I’ll go get 5 more hours of sleep! 🙄 ……plus the 3 I got earlier tonight will give me 8 hrs! Perfect!
L8R all!
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starfish was on earlier for a bit as was frannie
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margie, we are talking about dexter, six ft under was agreat show
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ciao jt hb have fun and get some sleep
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dexter is awesome great acting and even greater writing
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yep Margie… Dexter is GREAT!
princess… I did see #198.. I still had to do a “Spoiler” though. Thanks for the wishes.
Aggie, send all 3!! 😆 ……and thanks for the wishes.
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goodnight leading man and leading ladies
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ok, i’m going to turn into a pumpkin so i’m off to bed.
see y’all tomorrow or so.
night jt, night aggie, night margie. it’s been fun!
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that show is same sytyle as years ago not the crap we see on tv these days, i loved monk, nypd blues but dexter is the best he is such a natural, when he told the baby daddy has a secret i kill people wow sent chills down my spine
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nite princess c u sleep well
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Always fun talking with you guys, peace and goodnight
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aggie u gone too? guess i am alone with the 3 stooges on bbad lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nite to any late comers, ciao till the morrow
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This is the smartest Enzo has been all season.
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BTW– The TV Guide Channel on my cable system had a several hours long Survivor preview introducing all the new cast and also include Jeff’s initial impression of each of them
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TO JT…. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Looks like I missed the party. Same as Cyn, I will post on all the posts that you frequent. See ya there. Also facebook, which I know you don’t go too often…but justa in case.
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Going out of the country tomorrow 🙁
Will miss the finale show , I am sure you will post what happened .
But just in case can one of you official blogadears give my husband and I juicy details ?
Thanks Sophie
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Last night’s show was funny. Lane is stupidly funny in his DR sessions..I luv him. And Enzo is a surprisingly good dancer .
😀 Happy Birthday JT 😀
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Gee I go down to the casino and out to dinner for the day and come back to find you almost put a search party out for me! Thanks for missing me! 😆
Now listen up all you football fans out there! There is no football anymore; they keep changing the rules! In my day when a player caught the ball and landed on two feet in the end zone, that was a touchdown! In my opinion that play by the Lions yesterday would have counted if it was made by the Saints, Rams, Cowboys, Bears, etc., but NO, not for the Lions! Some idiot looked in some stupid rule book and found a loophole. This is ridiculous! Maybe now you can see why I don’t like the game anymore. If any of you disagree with me that’s fine, but just think if that happened to your team, how would you feel?
Happy belated birthday JT.
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I will Second the B-Day Wishes to JUSTAGUY!!!
BETTY… are the Lions a Football Team??/
SOPHIE… no need to worry… I’m sure you will get your Jones On Here.
MCRUGGER… Damn I missed it! Thanks for the heads up… who was the host? Usually a past winner. Maybe it will repeat.
DONNAP… You are so ‘right on’ with your description of Lane in the DR… he and Britney were the best in there for me. Liked Enzo and Ragan too, but they were obviously performing… Hayden was clueless and Matty was just plain annoying. Oh, I’m still trying to get Lane’s phone # for you!!! See you on SB/N
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I enjoyed the clip show… a few we hadn’t seen… I feel sorry for Rachel when she views them… whether you like her or not, she is a very vulnerable woman who will be deeply wounded. I was sorry they did not have a Jury Room segment… I don’t know if CBS ever reads these different fan sites to see reactions, but I think there are a lot of good ones here. I think they were lazy with last night’s show. The idea of using the boys, as Ragan calls them, as a recall device was cute. Enzo was the only up to the task, acting wise… Lane and Hayden were fish flopping on the shore.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boy, they have a lot to pack into 2 hours on Wed. I’m looking forward to seeing how it unfolds.
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Vote Britney for the 25G’s… last day. Enzo to Win!
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I didn’t care for last night’s show.
The stooges are boring, self obsessed and oh so messy.
Hayrden had to step over some grey underwear to get back in the room.
Puck it up Hayrden !
It’s gross, no girlfriend will like that.
Pretend it’s like weightlifting or a stretch to speak the boys language .
They killed the fish by starving it ! And just shut the door and repeated the fish is dead ! How about scooping it out of it’s most likely filthy tank.
Season 12 !!!!!
Let’s just say I enjoyed the 11 previous ones
this group makes me wonder how they survive in the real world .
Team Lane !!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder if the producers read the blogs?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They could use the feedback
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Ted 2 hours on Wednesday? what time does survivor start and end?
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Hi Tammy… for me on West Coast it’s Survivor @ 8 and BB @ 9… I don’t know where you live… 1hr earlier in Central and same time in East.
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Nope.. I doubt Enzo will make final 2.
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