Since Danielle has a pass to play in this week’s Veto Competition, there are seven players playing this week. The only HG not playing is Rachel. At this point in the game, all the HG’s realize how very, very important it is to win the Power of Veto, well, except for Adam and Shelly.
Was it just me, I couldn’t understand hardly anything the Zingbot said. I kept rewinding, but it didn’t help me. Oh well, I don’t think it really mattered to me anyway.
Both Shelly and Adam threw the Veto. They were mostly just walking around with the puzzle pieces and not trying at all. Not that I think they had a chance of winning anyway. Continuously throwing competitions will be your downfall in the end (hopefully!) Jeff kicked butt again and won the Power of Veto. Danielle, Porsche and Kalia know they have to suck up to Jeff “big time”.
Every Power of Veto winner goes into the DR and says that they aren’t sure what they are going to do. Then they go and stare at the picture wall with that serious look on their face. I think once in a while BB can switch it up and let the player do what he/she wants. I would like to see the Power of Veto winner go up to the picture of who he/she dislikes and throw the finger. Teehee. Oh well.
When Jeff used the Veto on Porsche, Rachel looked very frightened. Evidently, she didn’t trust Jeff that he wouldn’t backdoor her. Not that I can blame her. But Danielle ends up on the block, not Rachel.
I don’t reveal in my blogs what is happening on the Live Feeds, but what is going on since the Veto is crazy. Shelly is all over the place telling everyone what they want to hear. Adam, well don’t get me started on Adam. When oh when will the HG’s figure out what is really going in the BB13 house? Could it be that they don’t figure it out before it’s too late? I sure hope not!
I’m so looking forward to the Double Eviction tomorrow night. I like to watch the show when something (alright anything ) is going on! See you tomorrow night, but not until after it airs on the West Coast. G’nite Bloggergal
LOVE the blog! Couldn’t understand the Zingbot either 🙂
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WOW…First…..just lucky…… 🙂
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I forgot- ZING
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Awwww…u beat me aggie…. 🙁
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JT must be sleeping, lol…………..ZIIIIIIIIING……. 🙂
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Hi HOH8, We have a competitive crowd here, Guys we must try to beat JT as much as possible ZIIIIINNNNNGGGGG
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Okay, you guys. It’s like a competition of who can hit the bell fastest. 😆 Way to go Aggie!
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Thanks My dear 😆
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I was one of the last posts in the last blog but thought what I wrote would be fun to have happen…..
Whoever wins the next HOH will be short lived due to the double eviction. Who will go tomorrow night? Looks like Dani but you never know. I think it would be funny if it is Dani or one of the girls and they walk out the door grinning at Rach and telling her that she has a whole week to play with Rach’s man. I would love that. It would destroy Rach’s game for sure.
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Thanks Bloggergal, would love to see them “throw the finger”.
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Night night everyone going to try to sleep but there is a huge noisy storm here. They alo said tornados are possible
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Not Happy… but then, it was not unexpected. Will still cling to hope that Daniele will stay. Yes starfish… that would be great if she says that to Rachel. I found it interesting that Porsche said twice tonight that, in effect, she did not want to be in the house alone with Brendon. That was more her reason for wanting to stay, than play the game.
The Zingbot is a waste of time. It wasn’t funny last year, and it was not funny tonight. The zings were sophomoric, but the costume is pretty cool. The DR clips were pretty bad with the HGs trying to zings. The only house guests that are good in the DR and sound themselves are Jeff, Daniele, Jordan and Kaila. The others are so obviously reading lines it is insulting.
I thought the segment with J & J in bed watching Porsche and Daniele in the kitchen was hilarious! Now that’s real humor, and the music was great. They do do a good job with picking the music to match the situation on this show.
It will be fun to see their faces when Julie announces there will be an elimination after the HOH contest. Since they have no clue, they won’t have had a chance to talk among themselves as to a plan. Maybe one of you has seen some talk like that.
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G’nite Tammy. We had warnings earlier too. Thankfully, they went south of us……..THIS time….ZING!!! <~~~lightening….lol
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I’ll go along with the ‘finger’ too. I did not realize they were so regulated in how they play the game. It would have been more fun to see him say to the photo wall… “you are screwed Daniele!”.
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On a happier note… First Survivor Ad on CBS!
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I agree with Bloggergal and Ted. I couldn’t understand anything the Zingbot said either!!! But as Ted said, the attempt at humor was soooo poor, it was actually a blessing in disquise!! Altho, the one about Dani riding ED’s coattails and the one about Buck……*What do you call someone who smokes, hunts and fishes?? A DUDE!!* were both pretty amusing…lol
I hate to see Dani go, but unless she were to win, she is going to have to at some point!! I just hope Jeff doesn’t get sucked into the DE whirlpool Thurs and end up beside her!!! I’d hate to see the house left with a bunch of floaters. Painfully AWKWARD!!!lol
Is this just the 2nd year for the Zingbot??? I think he’s been around longer than that…like maybe 3 or 4. Or maybe it just seems longer because he is so ANNOYING!!!!!
Oh…J&J were cute in bed last nire!!! I was surprised at Jordo’s quick wit actually. BTW….I hears on the LFs a few days ago, when Jeff and Adam were talking, that Adam admitted that his GF was actually his fiance’. And Jeff said that he was going to make Jordo his soon too or words to tht effect. Wouldn’t it be romantic if they got engaged on BB…the place that they met??? If Jeff wins, maybe it will ut him in the mood….lol And ZING went their heartstrings!!!! 🙂
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I saw that ,Ted! Couldn’t believe Russel’s nephew admitted who he was!!! I thought he was going to keep that on the DOWNLOW?? !! Maybe it’s ok if America sees it, just not the other players!!!
You asked me one day if I was a fan of Survivor,Ted. I wasn’t for years and i still don’t like it near as much as BB, but i did give in, in the wake of BB and in the midst of withdrawl pangs, about 4 years ago. I get more bored with the same contests done over and over there tho since it’s on a shorter time and only once a week. But… is what it is…lol
Hey aggie, Starfish…. *waves*
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I agree Zingbot should have married a helium tank. Couldn’t understand most of what he said. Didn’t hear what he said to Jeff at all and didn’t think what he said to Dani was funny but hurtful. PGA, not fair calling us all ‘old farts’. Yes, Zingbot is terrible and their zings in the DR were just plane lame.
Star if that’s what he said to Shelly, it’s just not funny to me, it’s mean and nasty, not to mentionit was also hurtful and rude. sorry but I don’t think CBS should be insulting the HGs. They can find things that are funny and amusing and lighthearted but not so darn mean and nasty. Can you tell I don’t do well with bullies and antagonists? 🙂
Rach is like one of those little girls at school who is a monster but gets away with everything. Smiles at the teacher just in time not to get caught. She’s like “The Bad Seed”. I can’t imagine what kind of friend she would be, she has the innocent (NOT) smile and sneaky sinister face down to a science. No pun intended. Sinister, that’s a good description of Her Heinie. IMHO.
They didn’t show much of Shelly other than her usual antics trying to stay on the ‘good’ side of all sides. Not bad play in my book but too over the top. She just can’t win anything which may well be her downfall.
@Ted, I did notice Porsche mentioned a couple of times not wanting to spend any time alone with Brendon. That was pretty curious. Did he make a pass at her we don’t know about? Just sayin…..
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@Star, I think we started watching Survivor about the same time after hearing so much hype about it on here and I’ve watched it ever since. Being on only once a week makes it tough to blog tho.
Russell’s nephew hopefully learned a little PR that his uncle just couldn’t seem to get together.
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nite all
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I saw on BBAD this week I think….J & J and I think Rachel were discussing the Double Eviction week. They all kept saying it was in like 2-3 weeks. So the Vets know its coming but I believe they’ll all be caught off guard that its happening tomorrow.
Good! I’m glad. I like that spontaneity of the show. Not much happens on the live show as far as big surprises. Its all pretty scripted. And between BBAD, Live Feeds, and these blogs, we all find out everything before the edited shows air. Not that I’m complaining about it….I needs to know my BB info ASAP!
Just sayin’ it will be refreshing to see it all unfold in one show and nobody sees it coming. Cant wait!
Oh yeah, bye bye Dani. You played a good game…sorta. Made that risky move to early to try and backdoor Jeff and it cost you PT and now your game. I kinda liked Jeff’s digs on her in the DR. She always says “shocker” and “awk-ward”. We all have our go to phrases we use time and time again, but TV just really picks that apart for everyone.
Finally….Zingbot….totally lame. Its gotta go.
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Cathy….I would think it would be normal rules….he can’t play in the 1st one but he should be able to play in the veto and the 2nd HOH.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyone else know for sure??
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tonight we needed ‘subtitles’…………….or maybe it’s best we didn’t.
I hope J or J don’t get caught up in double eviction. still they are my fav.
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Hi Star and Starfish, I don’t think Jeff will make it to the end, maybe if he had a stronger partner, the double eviction probably will do him in unfortunately 🙁
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Hoping daniele stays. She certainly is not riding coattails this time. She handled herself after r&b ratted her out. I like j&j although jeffs game play I’m not a fan of. . Not sure y he wanted dom out so bad. Can’t stand rachel. Not sure how the hgs are stomaching her. Ugh every time they show her crocodile tears n runny nose I fast forward or walk out. Hoping danielle stays!! Till tonight, hope I will b back 2 celebrate n not gripe. 😀 have a great day all!
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Danielle is a strong competitor when it comes to competitions but has not learned how to play the game. If she would have been true to team J&J she would have still been in the game. Jeff needs to watch Rachelle even though she has for the most part stayed true to J&J. if Rachelle wants to make it to the Final 4 she needs to work with Jeff and Jordan. Everyone forgot Jordan play a true game and won when she needed to as she is a BB Winner. Kalia realized her bad gameplay with Jeff and is work hard to get on board to have a shot to the final 4. Shelly is playing a good brain game and has not been caught. Note she has been true to team J&J. As for Adam, he has been aligned with Jeff and Jordan. But plays the floater role and did it well. Porsche had teamed up with Rachel but then moved over to Danielle’s team to further her stay in the house which worked as she has stayed under the radar and still in the game. She now is trying to get on Jeff’s good side to further her game but as she is not a threat she is the main reason she remains in the game. If team J&J can make thru this week’s double eviction they have the strongest shot at being in the final two. Jeff has played the best game this season which shows he used lessons learned the last time he played BB unlike Brandon and Rachael. Which he also play well as Jordan won with his help. As for Jeff getting rid of Dominic was because he played with his pants not his brain. An odd on favorite to win at this point is Jeff.
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I agree with TED that the Zingbot is just stupid..so00 not funny. Sad Thursday for me cuz Dani will be leaving but what would make my night is if Jeff or AirJordan is next out the door.
Rachel is playing a good game and if Dani cant win this I hope she does..cant believe I just typed that.
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What amazes me is that Danielle is the most devious person in the entire house (ever watch her when the camera is focused on her face? She’s scary) Then when Jeff puts her up on the block she makes threats against him. Her motto…do what I say, not what I do. I’ll be happy to see her leave and even happier that she will be in the house with Brendan. As for Shelly and Adam, they are on a free ride. It seems the only one playing the game is my hero…Jeff with his cutie Jordan. I don’t think Jordan has any dibs on winning the game. I’m sure she would like to see “her man” take it. I hope the double eviction tonight doesn’t bite Jeff in the rear…
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I agree Zingbot wasn’t funny last year and not funny now.
What is the point of a fake robot?
Just weird and I had to have translation anyways?
Yep! all so rehearsed, the staring at the wall always gets to me , they are locked up together, do they really need to ponder what’s going on or who’s left?
Well can’t wait for the double eviction.
I wouldn’t mind Porsche being gone, she can cook in the JR for some of the guest or Kaila with the rambling and constant chewing or Adam before he loses his voice forever or Shelly the fake friend who just will be remembered as the tanorexic chain smoking fake houseguest .
For the others they may have moments but at least they have the guts to play!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Great season compared to last some players came to play.
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Zing Bot = NOT
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------zing went the volumn control on my tv, what a waste of time, I guess Allison is getting desperate on how to amuse us, that was almost as lame as the dr zings again NOT
I am still pulling for Dani, but I know in my heart she does not stand a chance in hell, I am curious to see who will vote for her to stay.
Looking forward to the DE, can’t wait to see the looks on the faces of the hgs when this hits them.
What the house needs is for just the newbies to be left and if Dani goes well, maybe just have Jordan stay. Talk about scramble. They will run around like chickens with their heads cut off. Have to be honest most of the newbies have been “sheep” this year. Except for PT which is why he is gone (but not forgotten), the newbies have been hand fed by the vets and have been controlled to a point that is almost making me sick. I do like Jordan but have to admit she is really not a good player the HOH she won was thown to her by both Jeff & Brendud, she is sweet and sincere, but not a bb player. So with that being said I am so looking forward to show tonite.
Hi to all my fellow bloggers have a great day
ciao for now
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They were all practicing balancing the ball on BBAD last night – even Jeff. He must think he will get to compete. At least they were being smart and not letting the other HG’s see their strategy.
Will someone please tell me why Dom was called PT? I obviously missed something.
Can’t wait to see Dani gone tonight. She was too confident & it bit her in the butt.
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I could make out a few of the zings-Jeff’s was-1996 called, they want their soul patch back.Porsche’s was-you think you would have been named after a car with a bigger trunk. Rachel’s was-You keep using the F word. Fiance’.Jordan’s was-The reason Jeff doesn’t ask you to marry him is that you are not good with questions.Shelly’s was -What do they called someone that smokes,hunts and fish? A dude.
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A bride for the zingbot – why not just give him Rachel? She is partly made of plastic and other foreign materials! Zing! Hopefully the two of them never come back to the BB house again.
@PGA – I guess I do need a hearing aid, as I could not understand two words the robot said. Enjoy every minute of your youth young man, as one day you are going to look into the mirror and you won’t recognize the stranger looking back at you. Growing old is a bummer! I envy you your youth, so my friend be sure to enjoy life everyday, love with passion and laugh out loud with family and friends. 🙂
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THX Linnie couldnt understand a word that thing said, if they want to do something like that get Don Rickels hes the best at that. tonights show should be fun since we dont know the out come with DE.
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I hate that Jeff is treating Dani like this, she is the only one that was willing to start the game play and now she is going to have to pay for it. Jeff was just sitting back, he was not playing. All he knew how to do was threaten, and Jordan as adorable as she is, is not doing anything. They talk about K and Porschia suck ups. Danie is the only one to e that is a real game player. Rached looks like she is slayed since Brendan is gone and Shelly and Adam are just Zingbots……I could not understand anything that Zing was saying. ..This year of Big Brother is bad, gone are the games when they create things like being back doored. I was expecting more. Dani needs to stay and kick the play in the game up a notch.
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@Amc – I totally agree with you. Have a nice day!
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Bye bye Dani (hopefully).
YEA! Jeff, Jordan and Rachael! My hopefuls!
I realize Jordan hasnt done much but I think this HoH is going to be hers.
Good luck A, P, K, S, and in that order if ya win I hope its not ’cause ya floated all the way to the end. Do something already!
I dont blame anyone of these girls for not wanting to face Brendon, but they really should have thought abt that b4 they voted him out. I dont think Rachael is worried abt “her Man” and any of them. I think he will be perfectly nice and a gentleman to them. I never saw him berate or say anything to anyone of them while he was there. And I think Porsh gave him a look the 1st few weeks that I thought she actually had a crush on him.
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@CATHY, in computer etiquette, all caps means you’re yelling at us.
@Star, hey buddy!! I think you’re right about Jeff not being able to play in the first HOH comp but will play in the other comps.
@Tendr, subtitles would have been good.
@ Betty, perfect, just perfect. Rachel should be Zingbot’s bride. 😆
Also, your counsel to PGA was great. Getting old is not for sissies. I don’t know the original author of that one. I wouldn’t change a thing tho, I love where I am today and getting old is part of it. Wouldn’t do my 20s or 30s again for anything except for the old, not gonna happen, wish that if I knew then what I know now, things would surely be different. 😛
@Margo, I think the PT means pre-teen.
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@cathy, you may be right about Porsh having the crush on Brendon in the beginning. I still think anyone going out the door should make Rach uncomfortable and let Rach think they will make a play for Brendon. Wouldn’t that be the best close up of Rach all season.
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I think Jordon is playing the best game, you dont have to win HOHs or POVs(just look at last year) Jordon just is so sweet and dumb, really look at the game everyone is trying to get out the strong players, rarely do you here anyone say to evict Jordon, they say J&J but what they mean is Jeff, Jordon knows that the only HOH or POV that you have to win is the last one, so she just plays domb and lets everyone pick each other off, see has been nice to everyone in the house and if she gets to f2 like she did in her season she would win. even on here 90%of all on her say Jordon is so sweet and I hear everyone say evict this one or that one, but few say evict Jordon.
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@Starfish – “Getting old is not for sissies” was a quote from Bette Davis. I don’t know about you, but for years I would use a mirror to put on my makeup and do my hair, but one day, after I turned 60, I REALLY looked into the mirror and I was shocked, as I had no idea who that person was looking back at me! 😆
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PT means ‘part time’ he was a part time model. Hey i accidently left my feeds on and wheni got up at 5 – all the hg wer e still up pratciing 3 there – dani and shelly were shouting for joy that they finally had rachel for the other deal. does anyone know if dani was lieing?
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@Betty – LOL You are so lucky that you made it to 60 before that mirror revelation happened. I experienced it at 40! All I could say was, “Where did that young blonde go?” I’m resigned to be an old blonde now.
@everyone – I so enjoy reading your posts! I cannot imagine a season of BB without this blog and all of you!
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@JulesT – Truthfully it really happened long before 60, but I was in denial! 😯
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Here’s what I heard happened:
1) S told R that J threw the POV when B went home.
2) R talked with S & D about making a deal
3) D confirmed that she had S vote
4) R laughed, never agreed to anything
5) R talked to JJ&A about thrown POV
6) A insisted he is sending D home, tells J&J that S is on other side
7) D flipped out on A since he won’t keep her.
8) R is wild card – she may want D to think she will keep her since D did that to B
9) Also, if the votes go this way – S certainly will expose herself
whew…they were busy!
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Dani is not going to be evicted tonight, Rachel is going to vote to keep Dani. People forget Brenda telling her he does not trust J&J and to work with Dani after he is evicted???
Votes tonight:
Keep Dani: Rachel, Shelly, Porcha
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kalia: Jordan, Adam
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@Courtney Dani only put Brenda on the block, J&J could have voted to keep Brenda and force Dani to make a tie breaking vote.
Before Brenda’s eviction Dani told Rachel, watch how the voting goes to see who is really on your side. J&J blew it BIG TIME.
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It seems to me that if Rachel flips…she’ll then have the whole house targeting her. Can she trust Dani & Shelly if they talk her into this deal? Once they get rid of J or J…Rachel is next to go. She will make it interesting tonight. Or Shelly won’t flip at the last minute afraid to out herself. Should be an exciting show for sure!
I think I’m a little nervous, but honestly, after watching the “mean” girls, I don’t care who goes first. That, in combination with Dani eating cookies in HN room makes me feel like I am watching junior high BB.
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Thanks for the update Courtney. Things just don’t look good for Dani. 🙁
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I’m not so sure Betty. Mel makes it look as if Dani will be staying. I may have to eat my hat afterall, Ted. I am sooooo confused lol but a lil sad for JJ.
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Courtney – You think you are confused! 😆 I have no idea what will happen tonight. I truthfully think Rachel will vote with Adam and Jordan and Dani will be gone. I hope Mel is right, but the way Rachel has been treating Dani makes me think she will not vote for Dani to stay. Adam is a fool. Keeping Dani will not make him a big target for eviction, as there are still too many big fish in the house to fry! I am hoping that they will announce the double eviction before the first one takes place, then maybe Adam might wake up and change his mind.
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Betty, before Brenda left HE told Rachel to work with Dani to the end, she will go further and to NOT trust J&J as they are in it only for themselves. Rachel stayed safe siding and sucking up to J&J but don’t forget J&J refused to vote for Brenda to stay and Dani told Rach that week to watch how the voting goes to see who is really on your side. J&J blew it and Rach this week floated and WILL follow Brenda’s gameplan!
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Thanks for the info Mel. I certainly hope you are right! What a blow that will be to the house if Dani stays. If Rachel teasing Dani was all a rouse, then hats off to Rachel! She would probably then tell Jeff and Jordan that Adam was the one that voted for Dani to stay. Oh what a tangled web!! PERFECT!!! Can’t wait till tonight’s show. I am keeping my fingers crossed for Dani!
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Jeff and Jordan voted with the rest of the house and told Brenden thats what they were going to do so as not to make waves. Dani would have broken the tie and evicted him anyway.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dani ia also in the game for herself, they all are! The newbies stand a better chance to get rid of J&J after Dani is gone. The thing is, will they band together to do it or try and burn Rachel.
This HOH will be big. Adam will be the BMOC if he wins the HOH and can just about decide the F5 outcome. The POV needs to be another attempt at a backdoor.
If he teams with J&J he might make F3 with them if Shelly is found out. Porsche and Kalia are non-factors. Shelly seems to be pushing a little too hard for everyones comfort.
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@luv2shootpics forgotten Jeff’s words to BD and even D, “you don’t go against your alliance”. So where is Jeff’s INTEGRITY in voting against his alliance and with the house?…….hmmmmmmm
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This is my first post…I love this blog,and appreciate all the work that it takes. I’m so disappointed in the obvious interference,of production…isnt there something that can be done..they really are trying to keep Dani in the game,it doesnt seem fair to the players,for them to use their influence,to try to change or manipulate the out come, for ratings..I love BB,and it somehow takes the suspense and fun out of knowing it was NOT all done by sheer gameplay….
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SPOLER ALERT!!! Jeff out..So Production swayed Shelly…who must be so weak minded to be so brain washed that easily…Would you want her to run your company?Good role model,slid in on JJ coat tails and then let go,when it mattered..Does she really think she will win?
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