Hi everyone!
Judging from the comments, all of you already know this but let’s just make it official:
Dani is the HoH.
Shelby won the care package, which gives her the ability to eliminate three votes.
Danielle made her nominations and she nominated:
Whitney, no surprise there
I’m not sure what Danielle’s logic is. Shelby can eliminated anyone who might want to vote against her so why waste a nomination on her? Danielle’s really not that smart. She should have nominated Morgan because, right now, I’m seriously thinking that Alex and Morgan might be the first two sisters to ever make it to the final two.
Anyway, tomorrow, we’ll have the veto and we’ll discover who America’s nominee is! Misfit fans on twitter are trying to get everyone to vote for Scott. Fans of the Ballsmashers are voting for Kryssie.
I just voted for Kryssie. I think she’s done all she can do in the game and I’m sick of seeing her sitting around, looking all glum and angry all the time.
We’ll see what happens!
Lisa Marie
Thanks Lisa.

. It was starting to take awhile to scroll to the bottom. Lol

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have to agree with you about Dani. Morgan was who I was hearing her alliance talk about nominating. No idea why she would switch things up at the end! Especially the one with the magic power! Duh!!! lol. Your absolutely right. Not too bright!!
I’ve mentioned Kryssies RBF. (Resting bitch face ) I will bet thrilled when it is removed. Lol
Just voted for it to GO again. Fingers crossed!!
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hi! i’ve been reading your blog for a few seasons but have never commented. i just wanna say, i think it was smart for Danielle to nominate Shelby. she knows that her side of the house are not America’s favorites and she assumes that someone from her side will be America’s Nom. with Shelby’s power, she’ll obviously eliminate votes from whoever is nominated from the ballsmashers, which means someone from the misfits goes home. nominating Shelby means she has to use the power to save herself (unless she wins veto). i do think it was dumb of her to nominate Whitney tho…
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flery – Welcome. Don’t be a stranger.
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Thanks MargieP
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Hello all and thanks Lisa. Happy Halloween. I’d be trying to break up the sisters but maybe they are all still in denial that they are actually sisters.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They should of voted Dani out early on when she was on the block one time after another. Some of the ones eliminated weren’t much of a threat.
Lisa, I saw the same where they are pushing for Scott to be America’s nom on twitter. Sometimes twitter has a lot of power. We’ll see.
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Hi Wisteria.
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I want to see Kryssie go this week. I, unfortunately, voted too close to midnight last night so can’t vote again today. :/ Hopefully the majority of the votes will be to nominate Kryssie and she will go home this week.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scott isn’t my favorite, but I want him to go further in the game than Kryssie and Danielle.
Whitney is defiantly the low man on the Ball Smashers totem pole which sucks, but they know her social game has been better and she has some allegiance from the other side.
I just hope this week is not the week the Ball Smashers have to vote one of their own out.
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I voted Kryssie. I was really happy to see her in the house at the beginning of the game. It was nice to see a female HG that wasn’t a size 2. I was so disappointed when she showed herself to be a mean bully.
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I felt the same way Judy. Excited that they finally got someone that wasn’t the perfect body size 2 and then she ended up just being mean. :/ Boo!
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America’s nominee was announced and it is Scott.
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Awww bummer. Although I’m ok with Scott going if he must.
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Kimberly I don’t mind him going but I sure do hate to lose that vote.
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I guess Twitter won. I Thot they were starting to be in our side!!:(. But with 3 plastics OTB I guess not!! Rats!
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The veto players are Justin, Whitney, Shelby, Dani, Jason and Scott
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I hope Whitney or Shelby win it. Scott will need to be the sacrifice this week. :/
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Happy Halloween everyone………

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are u going to BOB for apples???

. Lol
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LOL YES…… I am Bobing right now………..
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Justin is not doing too well on slop. He hasn’t had anything except protein shakes and water since he started. He is very quiet and seems aggravated most of the time. No dancing around the house and making up songs. He has on his pouting face and plays with his hair all he time.
I haven’t seen him take advantage of the ‘cold’ showers. I’m sure he has because he’s a clean freak but he used to take 2 to 3 showers a day. Now maybe he will have some sympathy for the others.
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Last night Justin said he hadn’t bathed in three days. He can’t
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------stand the cold showers. Kryssie showered for the first time
yesterday. He isn’t handling the HN experience well.
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I’m sorry it’s Scott I was really hoping Kryssie was gone.
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Well I just had an eye opener….. I was watching flashbacks and came upon a conversation among Kryssie, Jason, Justin and Whitney. Seems Whitney is firmly on the side of the BYC!!!! Go figure. Looks like for the ‘good’ side to stay we need to vote out Whitney!
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When did you flashback to? I’d like to watch it.
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Margie. I touched on that the other day but got no feedback do I Thot maybe I had gotten it etong. I knew Danibes Ted to work with Whit and the boys liked her. It makes sense because she knows where she stands in the BS group. Some people are there to actually WIN!! I just hate to see her go to the dark side. But maybe they will start to change with her there.
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Does Whitney really believe she will rank any higher with
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the BYC??? They were all talking about wanting to get Dani
out as soon as possible, but don’t know if they were doing that
to impress Whitney or if it’s really true. She is the last person
any of them want to take to the end, because she has no enemies.
She is a good competitor and cracks them up with her homespun
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Whitney was telling Jason, Justin and Kryssie all the girls secrets.
What do all of you think. Should we vote out Whitney?
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I want to say yes right away but she is trying to play the game. I don’t like Scott but we need him for votes if Whit has crossed over do I guess YES!!
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Are they doing the Veto comp yet?
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Kimberly try around 2:30 a.m. in the Have Not room. It was still going on at 3:10. I picked some up way earlier but I’m not sure what time that was.
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This morning? Cool! I will take a look! Thanks!
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I’m not sure today but it’s usually at 1:00 p.m. BB time. They are locked outside right now. They think it is going to be an indoor comp.
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I got the impression yesterday that Danielle is really the only BYC that wants Whitney out. Justin defiantly doesn’t want her to go, Jason doesn’t want her to go and then even Kryssie seemed to be supporting Whitney. She told Whitney to fight for herself and she will do what she can to keep her safe. Morgan overheard that conversation although it didn’t seem Kryssie tried to keep it on the downlow. Weird.
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I forgot to add that I’m sure it’s because she knows she’s not at the top of Justin’s priority list. He will always have Kryssie’s back first and Whitney’s second. I’m sure she thinks Justin should be falling in love with her now that she’s turned her eyes to him, but it just doesn’t work on him. Sorry Dani.
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Kimberly ….. I agree about Justin and Dani. I saw her go up to him yesterday, snuggle in real close and put both arms around him in a hug. He wasn’t that interested! lol
Dani has been talking nonstop since they have been outside this morning. She thinks that every word that comes out of her mouth are pearls of wisdom. The girl never shuts up talking about herself!
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ah man – i was afraid the vote might be split – so scott – REALLY – leads me to believe misfits – lnc – whatever you want to call them –
MP – gonna go back and watch that convo at 2:30
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Hi Macy ….. some of the conversation was earlier in the evening. I’m not sure of the time. I’ll see if I can find it again.
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ha ha – i didnt finish my sentence on last post – i was saying that i dont think the other side of the house is in as bad shape as we thought.
also, is whitney playing double agent – seems she hangs with the girls during the day and the misfits at night – i dont like that
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MACY ….. I don’t like it either. Especially her telling Jason & Kryssie information that she shouldn’t. I thought at first that she was just trying to get info from the BYC but after listening to several conversations she has had with them, I believe she gives as much info as she gets. She also told them that she does not trust Alex.
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The conversation is interesting just now between Jason and Kryssie. They have now decided they don’t need Alex and Scott’s help and are going to try to cut him this week. After all the promises they made to them. I knew that wasn’t going to last.
The BYC has now decided that America loves them after all. They were feeling as if America had deserted them and didn’t like any of their side (true) but now that Scott is on the block they are back to their old hateful ways. Bad mouthing everyone on the other side. That sure didn’t take long! lol
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Star ….. What do you think about the Whitney situation?
Sherry … You too?
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I guess I should have gone down here. Lol. I said above I don’t like it but can’t blame her. She wants to win. But of the 3 if rather see her go this week. Too bad. I like her a lot better than Scott !!’ And u was wrong I see. The LNJ ain’t meber gonna chNge their nasty ways. That’s just who they are!! If anything I hate them more now for recruiting Whit and lying to Scott and Alex.
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Me too Star!
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Whitney is more dangerous for all of their games than anyone
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------else in the house. She needs to go, but she will probably cancel
out all of the girls votes and let the BYC vote out Scott. I don’t
think Scott has a chance of surviving the vote, especially since
Whitney is a turncoat. But one thing that will hurt her game is
she will have to come off the fence with her three evict. vote
cancellations. She no longer will be privy to the girls’ secrets.
But they will be in the minority.
I want Jason to get the next CP for CO-HOH rather than one of
the other two.
I don’t like the way things are turning out.
They say Neeley has teamed up with Da’Vonne and are doing
everything they can to get rid of the good side and protect the
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is it just me – or watching the girls picking out their frizzies is making me nuts! next thing you know, justin might start picking his – they are looking like monkeys – lol
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Shelby’s constant picking at her hair on the left side drives me
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nuts. Where she picked up that habit, I can’t imagine.
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Welcome to you two new posters. As MargieP said, don’t be a stranger! All comments are appreciated.
Happy Halloween to everyone and especially to you, Bobo!!!! What a great Halloween post! : )
Halloweenie….: )
Sherry, to confuse matters more I think the time change (useless and annoying) is next Sunday. I also have trouble translating BB time to my real time.
Hi, Star, thanks for the list of times of events. Anything that helps stave off my confusion is great!
Welcome back, MP. I could just see your kitty running to welcome you back home. Really, very touching. : )
Jolee, I told my brother once the only thing a Laz-y Boy recliner needed was a small cooler and microwave. Then there’d only be one reason to get up! : )
I’m not a Scott fan, but America please! Does Shelby negate the 3 votes before they are cast or can she do it after they are cast? After would be so much better, but all she has to do is negate Kryssie, Jason and Justin’s vote anyway. Then the good side’s votes are the only ones that count. That may be Scott’s demise if he doesn’t get veto. He is SO awkward socially. I try to like him, I do, but it’s just not taking.
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Hi Two…..What do you think of the Whitney change?
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I have made another error. I was thinking Whitney had the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------three vote cancellations, but it’s Shelby. That makes it a little
better, but still one of them is going home. If Scott gets veto,
then Whitney has to go. (IMHO)
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Macy too late. Justin has been picking his for days!!!!! They all do it and it drives me crazy.
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And welcome hugs to the newbies!!
Do the BS know that Whit has turned? It will make a difference how Shelby used her CP.
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They are about to start the competition.
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It all depends on the outcome of the Veto. I wish they’d hurry up!
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MargieP! I am bitterly disappointed in Whitney. I hope it’s just a remarkably well-acted ploy for the benefit of the good side, but if it is, it’s really, really good. I fear she is hedging her bets. America’s nomination being Scott would cast doubts on the good side as being preferred. Since America gets to choose the winner, don’t you think Scott is smart enough to get the message? His happy clapping must be turning lights on and off all across America. : )
Star, are you putting on a costume and hitting the streets tonight? Wait. I didn’t mean that like it sounded. : ) I just figured you had a party to attend tonight probably. I stay home to hand out candy. Thirty years ago I’d use water colors to paint my nails black. If only I’d taken that idea further. Also one year I bought temporary tattoos and put some across my face. Only that night did I read the removal instructions – nail polish remover. Of course I had none so my tattooed face had to go to the store the next day to get some. : )
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Two … I wish it was just a ploy also but I really don’t think it is. If it was just a ploy she wouldn’t be giving them info and talking bad about Alex. IMHO
Star did I hear you’re hitting the streets tonight!!!!! lol
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Two: I can’t quit laughing!!!
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They are showing a movie of past house guests from last season about the house being haunted. Nicole, Bridgette and others. There is also a narrator of a scary story I think with clues as to what the questions are going to be in the comp. Justin is scared.
This is played one at a time. The HG not playing will watch from the HOH room. That is Morgan, Alex and Kryssie.
I think this is beyond Justin. You could tell Scott was very intent trying to remember all the clues but Justin was not paying any attention. Shelby and Justin are afraid!
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MP! Justin being from New Orleans has a knowledge of the black arts that New Orleans is so known for. Voodoo, etc. That may be where his fear stems from.
If Shelby is familiar with all those scary movies where the innocent young thing is attacked by forces real or imagined, she may not be so secure in feeling a haunting is impossible. Although for some place to be haunted doesn’t that mean the hauntee has to be dead?
Besides Justin didn’t spend much time contemplating competitions before. Don’t know why. Maybe he feels he’ll do as well guessing like Dani does. Or he knows since one of his alliance is HOH he’ll be safe this week so why put any effort into the competition.
Kids may trick-or-treat in their bathing suits around here tonight. It’s pretty warm out. Think of all that melted chocolate!
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This is hilarious! They have ‘ghosts’ all over the house and they are stumbling around in the dark with a head light. Justin is screaming every time he sees a ghost!
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our home owners assos does a thing called ‘trunk or treat’ – so we are going to dress up the truck with holloweeenie candy for the kiddos – my daughter refuses to go – SHE’S 16 NOW, MOM – have some nephews tho – always fun to see what the kids wear
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If Kryssie had any idea how bad she looks today I would like to think that she would go put some makeup on! It’s not a pretty picture.
Justin and Scott have finished and did it very fast. Shelby is doing the search now. All of them when they are scared use the F word liberally! lol
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This is pretty cool!! But I’m not going to be able to sit here and watch all of it. I have errands to run and this is taking forever!!
I’ll try to watch on my cell at least part of it. But thisis the thing I don’t like about LIVE BB. I bet in the summer teh comps are this disorganized too, but they edit the for us for TV. I’m very impatient nd I like that much better!!lol
macy…..We don’t get trick or treaters anymore.
We live in a condo and not a lot of kids here anyway. But around here at least, most kids go to parties. Things sure aren’t what they used to be. Glad I was a kid back in the day!! We got to be out alone for hopurs at nite!! It was awesome!lol
Shelby’s turn!!! lol OMG..she just said…If you touching me I’ll effing sue you!!! lol Way to keep your job a secret Shelby!!lol She’s so funny!!!! I don’t do well in the dark at all. Nite blindness!! I’d be walking very slow!!! lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Girls got a mouth on her!!lol Jolee wouldn’t be liking this comp!!!lol
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You are so right!
. I love the things you are posting on Facebook. I love Fall. My second favorite season, spring being first!
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I knew immediately that Dani had won the veto. But I feel rather
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------suspicious of her win. Most of the hgs kept commenting on how
hard it was to see and walked through. She starting running from
the first without one concern about running into anything. Took
very little time to find all three objects (never hunting downwards)
and then right to the chest and walked over and put her light down
as if she was strolling through the park. Her run through was
nothing like the other hgs. It was probably on the legit, but it
surely looked doubtful that it was on the up and up to me. I think
she will take down either Scott or Whitney and put Alex up as the
replacement….her real target from the start.
What did ya’ll think?
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Hi Sherry !!
Thanks for the spoiler as I just got home. Dani again?? Sigh. I was hoping for anyone else. I do think she’d prolly put Alex up but with Shelbys power I wonder if it really matters. And I’m thinking that she went last so maybe she had time to decide how to play it or had heard things from the others. It maybe she can see well in the dark. I sure can’t.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you are having a Spooktacular Halloween!!
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Hey, girlfriedn. Happy Halloween! I’ve had a slew of tricksters,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------but they’ve all been adorable and well mannered.
I am really worried she’s going to put Alex up. She plans on
telling them she’s not going to use the veto, but is going to do
so. I truly cannot stand her or Jason. They are diabolical in
scheming and talking about the BS. They love to play the
victim, and that play is worn out. It’s getting so old.
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Well if you have any doubt where Whitney now stands take a listen to the conversation she is having with all of the BYC. She has completely turned and what’s even worse she is talking nasty about the girls just like the BYC!
I am definitely going to cast my vote to vote out Whitney.
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Whitney just went back in the room with the girls and lied to them about her conversation with Dani & Co. The girls do not have a clue that she has turned on them. I can’t believe she would go to the other side! The girls are talking about voting out Scott to keep her and she goes and does this! This to me is even worse than what the BYC does and says about the girls.
I am pretty sure I am going to vote to evict Whitney, not that it will matter.
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Sherry …. If Neely has teamed up with Davonne to take out the girls she should turn on the feeds an listen to what her BYC has to say about her. They have been dogging her a lot! I heard them talking this weekend about her age. Justin said ‘I knew she wasn’t no 28…I know an old woman when I see one’! Hilarious. They all agreed that she must be in her late 30’s. I personally think she’s older than that. Anyway they have steady talking bad about her and how they didn’t like her (Jason and Justin).
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I think they are hoping to get Dani and Jason in the final
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------two. They’d go for Krys, but I don’t think they can pull her
along that far. Krys hasn’t done anything to promote herself
favorably or played the game most of the time. However,
they may want to have her sitting next to them at the end,
because she hasn’t done anything to merit being there and
won’t get any votes.
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Kryssie is crying and upset about her costume! She says she is not going to the party because of her dress. I’m not sure but I think her dress is to small and she has to wear a sweater over it. Ahhhh she’s upset because the dress has short sleeves and shows her tattoos and she has to wear her sweater over the costume. She’s complaining about production and they keep cutting the feed to HOH room where she is getting dressed.
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I don’t understand why they make Krys cover her tats. They must be offensive. it seems unfAir actually l. Guys on there have have them Before. Just sayin. Lol
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Her dress is also too small and she is complaining about not being able to eat in the dress. They are giving them a Chinese food buffet dinner.
Scott looks terrible! All the girls are looking good. Justin looks quite good in his sexy fireman outfit. Shelby is adorable in her costume. I’m not sure but I think she is supposed to be a hooker. Whitney makes the funniest expressions when she is putting on her makeup. Always has her mouth wide open. lol
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And here I thought Shelby was a gypsy or Swiss mountain girl.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have to admit to feeling sorry for Krys. There is nothing worse
than to go to a party feeling ugly and fat. They should have made
sure that her costume would fit and not given her an outfit
that had to be covered up with a sweater. Someone in prod. made
a big PC error. I hope they come up with something to make her
feel better.
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MP – will have to do highlights – but thx for the play by play
totally against whit – shes the snake in this game
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Ditto what macy said. On both counts. Lol
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Rats! I wished for Whitney to be on the good side. I wonder what the attraction of the BYC is for her. Or anyone who isn’t devoted to spewing nasty, mean things.
One year I had a bunch of the cutest little trick or treaters. Then the uncostumed teenage guys showed up. I wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it, but I just couldn’t let the moment pass without saying something. So I asked one tall youth what his costume was supposed to be. Without missing a beat he said, “An annoying teenager.” I told him he had nailed it and off he went to annoy people at another house. : )
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Two …. I think I have you beat on the trick or treaters! I was helping my sister give out candy (I live about 15 ft from her) tonight. A group of kids came and one of them was a young boy about 14 or 15. He didn’t see us standing in the door when they came up the sidewalk and we heard him say ‘wow look at this house, they must be rich. I’m going to come back later and rob them.’ Gives you an idea of his home life!
I also am sickened by Whitney’s actions. I didn’t think she would e re do that!
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Omg!! That’s terrible. I wonder where he is from. I’m assuming not your neighborhood and sometimes inner city kids get dropped off in nicer neighborhoods to get more loot. That’s kind scary!!
Speaking of scary, Wth happened to Whit? I still wonder if she’s really like that or just trying to win. Either way lying to the girls suck!! But maybe if they didn’t lay around together all day in the bedrooms they Might know what’s going on. But I’m totally willing to vote Whit as the nom!!!
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Hello all of my fellow bloggers and newbies! I remember when I was a newbie, Star and tendr took me under their wings and really made me feel welcome! I love you!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------two, I couldn’t help but laugh at your “tattoo” story!
Star, you know me pretty well! I just can’t get into this BBOTT experiment! It’s just not like our regular BB. I try to check in by BMT, but not being able to be a part of it sort of leaves me out! Poor Jolee!!!
I also used to love Halloween! My experience was like Stars. We stayed out for hours going trick or treating! We knew just which houses gave good treats and which houses to skip!
Then when I got married, I loved making special little packets of goodies for the kids! I would hear them yelling down the street, “hey, this house is great!”
We would dress up our little dog, Sparky like Santa Claus! He was a little miniature Manchester Terrier and he would get so excited when the kids came to the door, and they loved him!
Oh, memories! Now, I enjoy seeing my daughter and my grand children all dressed up. We don’t get any trick or treaters in our neighborhood either. Our church has an “Open Trunk!” Party in the parking lot. They go from car to car gathering treats. It keeps them off the not so safe streets!
Well, I guess I will say goodnight. Love you all! XOXOXOXO
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Jolee. You’re so sweet. I love you back!!!

. I remember telling Jeanne that her name was the same as my moms. I think she had just passed and you were both do nice to me 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love Halloween but with no kids around anymore it doesn’t feel as exciting. I never even heard of trunk parties until people here talked about it. Maybe it’s a southern thing. Lol
Yes I knew the foul language would get to you Jolee. And since it’s always on LFS there’s no editing. I’m
Not crazy about the format either but I think the foul language would have been your undoing!!
Good night and sweet dreams!!! Stop in anytime It doesn’t have to be about BB.
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Oh, Margie, now that’s scary. Please be very careful. I’m sure he was just trying to seem to be a tough guy to his companions (I won’t say friends, because kids like that don’t really have friends). You are such a compassionate soul for your attitude toward him. I should take a page from your book and at least pray for him. He certainly needs it. And I’ll lift you up too. : )
And all I really planned to do tonight was eat leftover Halloween candy.
Compassion, thy name is also sherry. Sometimes I feel sorry for Krys too. You and Margie help me stay nice where she is concerned….and others. : )
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two: You are such a joy, but yougive me too much credit. I was just saying the other day that this group brings out the very worst in me. While I have my moments where I can feel compassion for someone truly hurting, so much that happens from the BYC is not real but faked. That irritates the fire out of me.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am so disappointed in Whit. I gave her more credit than
she deserves. True, it’s a game of wits, but to turn this early in
the game against your alliance, just because they are having
a rough time of it now makes me wonder how real these weeks
have really been concerning her actions and words. To accept
their habit of putting the BS down and accuse them of things
they are not guilty of doing, then join them in their words and actions against those who count you as friend….is a character flaw that helps me vote her out with no regret.
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two, lol on the meal! I just made tuna sandwiches!
. My secret ingredient is celery salt. I use tiny gerkin pickles, a pinch of garlic salt , and of course Hellman”s mayonnaise!! 

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Jolee. My mom always made them
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The same way!! Lol. I’m a bit lazier and if in a hurry I just use pickle relish. And garlic powder but just a pinch . Celery salt would be great tho too. I just don’t have any. Lol
In fact you have me Hungary for one right now!!!!
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Star, I use Lawrys Garlic seasoning … just a quick shake. You will really love the celery salt! It makes it taste so fresh! I use Bubble Bee Albacore tuna, packed in water. I use a lot of Hellman’s mayonnaise. It’s the best!

Jeanne has her pottery class on Monday night’s. I had a tuna sandwich and potato chips waiting for her when see got home! 

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Now I want a tuna sandwich. Maybe I’ll fix one for breakfast! Sounds yummy!
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Two. Jinx!! Lol. We just said the same thing about the tuna sandwich and I had not read your post yet.
I love
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My blog friends. We are all such kindred spirits. GMTA!!
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two, don’t forget the celery salt and pinch of garlic seasoning!

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two and Jolee: Try using Miracle Whip, salt and pepper, a small
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------dollop of mustard, (solid whilte tuna) and macaroni. It can make
the tuna last longer and is really good stuffed in tomatoes or in
sandwich form.
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I use miracle whip Sherry. Mike hates mayo and I use the light. Low cal but doesn’t taste it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It sounds more like tuna noodle salad. Good but I wouldn’t want it on s sandwich.
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It’s time to walk away from the left over candy and try to go
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to sleep to face antoher day…hopefully with a smile in my heart.
My cute tricksters have made my night.
Sleep well, my frirends. xxooxxoo
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Nite Sherry. Sweet pumpkin dreams!

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My husband preferred Miracle Whip, but I didn’t like it. Too sour for my taste. I use Hellman’s on artichokes too! Delicious!!
Now I’m getting hungry. Too late for a midnight snack! 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nite all! Be back tomorrow! XOXOXOXO
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LOL Nite again Jolee!!!
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The BYC are still delusional! Jason, Dani and Kryssie are in the HOH room talking about how much America really loves them. They proved it this week by putting Scott on the block. They continue to badmouth the girls saying how mean they are, etc. The things that the BYC are guilt of they are blaming on the girls who are just sitting in the bedroom having a general chit chat. Jason is the worst! He starts all of it!
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Were the HNs able to eat at the Halloween party?
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Judy ….. Yes they were. In fact, they ate for a couple of hours! I don’t know how they could hold that much food.
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LOL thanks Margie.
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sooo folks – do we think there are enough of us to get out whitney?
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I surely hope so!! I don’t want to see Alex go home, and I
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------think Scott is far more valuable to their team. He is at
least loyal and a good competitor. Whitney is a good com-
petitor, so her Judas actions make it much worse.
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Macy …. I’m not sure. I think Jason’s Mafia is much bigger than us. Most of us don’t have Access and can’t vote. I would love to see Whitney leave. Never thought I would say that!
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Danielle used the veto on Whitney and replaced her with Morgan.
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so scott, right
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I’m surprised it wasn’t Alex. Dani using the veto on Whitney should open the eyes of the girls and make them wonder about Whitney and her loyalty!
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I was ready to vote out Whitney but I guess it will have to be Scott. I feel bad about that though and I’m not sure why.
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Jusy…same. Scott is a number for us. That is the only reason why. I guess I feel a little bad for him. But I have been watching him at night when everyone is socializing and he sits on a chair when they are all on the couch. Or he just walks around aimlessly and peeks in at them…..like he’s not invited. His social awkwardness is bad but he’s been like that all his life and it’s a problem when dealing with people. He could have used his time here to try to correct it but he hasn’t. I’m no therapist and we aren’t going to FIX him, so if it’s his time I can’t say I am going to miss him. Except like i said, for the numbers!!
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OOPS!! Sorry for the typo….JUDY!!! lol
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OMG!! I turned the LFS on on my cell and I had no sound!!! I cou;d see Dani talking but couldn’t hear. Then it froze up! No clue if its CBS Or my ceel. By the time I got it to work, I saw Whit had the Veto necklace on. Well,, if the BSers didn’t know as she had gone to the Dark side before, they should know now!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So much for voting for Whitney!!!!
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Well the girls have figured Whitney out! Whitney is doing double time trying to explain why she took her off the block. This should be an interesting evening listening to the lies.
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I feel sorry for Scott. Hardly anyone talks to him an he is always alone. I would love to vote Whitney out and keep Scott.
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Margie..I do too but it’s just the way he is. And I would vote Whit too..if we could. But feeling sorry for him isn’t going to make me keep him!
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I’m good voting Scott. No other choice really. the last two votes haven’t gone as planned. I think Margie is right. We are out numbered. If it gets down to all LNC, I may drop out! I haven’t much liked this season anyway, and with all our peeps gone, why bother????
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You should hear the BYC and Whitney talking in the back yard. What a traitorous bitch she turned out to be. They are so damn mean every last one of them! Actually now Whitney (as far as I’m concerned) will be considered a part of the BYC.
Star…If it gets down to just them in the house I will definitely not watch any longer!
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Sorry didn’t finish my statement ….
but we can’t vote her out since she is off the block.
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After slamming all of the girls Whitney leaves the back yard and comes back in to see what the girls are saying. They will keep their secrets from her now.
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I watched the girls talking about Whitney. But they think she
was turned just last night. They haven’t figured out she’s been
working against them all week. I can hardly stand to watch her
or listen to her spew her lies. They do know now that she’s lying
to them and have become wary of what they say around her.
If they still had the power, Whitney would have stayed for a while
longer. I can’t blame her for deserting what she thinks is a sinking
ship, but badmouthing the girls that kept her in the game and
trying to get information from them to bring back to the BYC says
a lot about her lack of character. She can’t explain her desertion
as a game play. She has totally become one of them in every way.
I heard Dan say this was the first time it was funny. Well, I didn’t
see any of the BS laughing when BYC were put up and knew they
were going to lose one of their own. They have always treated every
decision they’ve made as strategic game play and have never en-
joyed with vicious glee BYC’s losses. Yes, they’ve celebrated when
one of their moves paid off, but not the loss of a hg. The BYC have no class and have brought in among their midst another with no class. I am so sorry I won’t be able to vote her out.
I hate to see Scott go, but we have no other choice. I voted 20 for his eviction, but with a heavy heart. He has been such a fan for years and enjoyed every moment of the experience, even when he’s been treated as an outcast. He’s been a trooper. I can’t say that even
one of the Misfits. I find Misfits a much better name for them than
BYC….and certainly not BYJ. Jamboree is a time of gay festivities
and jovial comradeship. The Misfits have none of that.
I can only hope with all my heart one of the BS (Whitney is no longer one.) wins HOH or one of the co-HOH. 3 against 5 is not
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------going to be pretty. But if they end up getting all of the good guys
out, I hope Jason’s crew sleep well at night, because they are going
to be the only ones still doing All Access. I will quit as will most of
us who have worked so hard to help the good guys, who have been
outnumbered from the beginning. BB you really screwed up bring-
ing back a player like Jason and giving his fan base complete con-
trol over the game.
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sherry…everything you said is exactly how I feel. And most of us I am sure! But BB didn’t BRING Jason back! Unfortunately, WE voted him back!! I knew he was a little disrespectful and a bit lazy, but I guess we were just remembering him being FUNNY. He wasn’t her long enough or it’s just been so long, that we didn’t remember him being so cruel! I was certainly not following him after he left BB! So we really have no one to blame but ourselves. But then of course, we had no control over the other HGS and there sure are a lot of bad apples in this bunch!!! In fact, most of them are rotten to the core!! I think they recognized that in each other. That’s why they bonded so fast!!
I am really not happy or excited about this season. And something tells me it may get worse before it ever gets better!
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I’m afraid you’re right, Star. It’s probably going to get a lot
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------worse. I know we voted for Jason to come back, but BB
knew the choice between Jozea and Jason was really no
choice for us. And it wouldn’t have been so bad, if they
hadn’t given America so much power, which gave his fan
base an enormous control over the game. I don’t think any of
us realized he had a fan base, much less one as large as it is.
I know if I had known that in advance, I would have voted
for Jozea and hoped he drove the Misfits crazy. That almost
puts a smile on my face. (: (:
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Amen Sister!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(: (: (: Let’s see if it works this time!!
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Okay, Rats! Why isn’t it working? If there is a way to screw
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------up on this computer…I will find it blindfolded.
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sherry..they are backwards…lol

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do the colon and then the smile!!!!!
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I KNOW It will get much worse. Dani has really been feeling full of herself this afternoon! She has been even more loudmouthed than usual. She was talking about Morgan being put on the block and she was saying ‘ F her. She deserves to be on the block. I don’t feel sorry for her’.
Dani does not have one ounce of compassion in her body.
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Yay!! Thanks. Like I said, 50-50 chance to get it right, and
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’llpick the wrong one every time. LOL
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Why is Scott looking for a key to the golden door? Is this something they were told about while I was out of town or is he just hoping?
I think they would rather get Morgan out because she is one of the girls that has not won a care package. That’s why they wanted Whitney on their side because she could get the CP next. I can’t believe Jason’s mafia didn’t give him the one for this week!
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oh man – if our side would just feed whit the snake a lie to tell the BYC – sneaky tho – dont think they will do that
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The fishes just came on and when the cameras returned they are excited about an announcement that there was going to be a dinner (again) tonight and OTHER surprises! This is a easy week for the Have Nots.
Wonder what the surprises could be? Could it be the half way party?
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mom always said ‘if you dont have something nice to say…. ‘
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The Diary Room is now open! http://www.big-brother-blog.com/big-brother-over-the-top/big-brother-over-the-top-the-diary-room-is-now-open-4/#democracy-28
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Justin is taking his first cold shower as a Have not. How many days has it been 3 or 4. He’s singing a song about washing his balls! They haven’t made him quit singing. They let him get away with a lot of stuff.
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After thinking about I think we should vote Whitney for the care package because she would have to put up someone from the BYC or it would expose her to the girls.
What do you think?
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