They’ve known each other for days now {cue the violins}. How could they ever live without one another? The long Merlot hair, the muscular build, the beaker bond, the E=mc2 connection. Yes, it’s a match made in, uh, the Big Brother House! Where else! And isn’t it nice that Brendon and Rachel are safe from eviction this week! But…will they go after each other?
In a strange turn of events, Rachel is suspicious of her new found love and his trust in Andrew which she clearly does not share. And Brendon’s late night comments about “mountain people” and “in-breeding,” some Deliverance references and strange disappearances… well, that didn’t sit well with his giggling lab coat girl who attended school in the Smoky Mountains. What will come of our Big Brother Pebbles & Bamm Bamm?
On the block remains Kathy and Britney Andrew (oops), the one gal who really needs some manners and a lesson in tact. She’s a cutie to be sure, it’s just too bad the HG’s didn’t keep the duct tape from the competition! These two they remain on the block because *****SPOILER ALERT***** Brendon won POV and kept the nominations.
There’s lots of hair cutting in the BB house which could be due to a fun photo shoot for the HG’s. Let’s hope none of the have-nots got photographed with baby food stains on their onesies. The Brigade is playing it smart with the exception of the second showmance of Hayden and Kristen. Enzo is worried about losing weight…and hair, and Ragan and Matt seem to be friends, but Matt is playing him like everyone else and Lane stands around a lot with blank stares and a pool cue . I’m sure CBS is very pleased with their HG choices this year since Big Brother has been hitting the #1 slot consistently!
And can I close by saying how nice it is to see so many familiar bloggers returning for another summer season of our favorite guilty pleasure! And let me ask: If you were HOH, who would you nominate for eviction and why? And which HG would you like to send packing based on your nominations? =^^=
Easy, Brendon and Rachael. How are they still around? Hopefully they don’t get back into power. And, I don’t have live feeds, so I’m a little confused. The last I saw Andrew and Kathy were up, but now you say Britney and Kathy although the nominations didn’t change. Was there a twist? And if that’s right, this is good, because I think they were the people who knew each other if that was true. Oh and I could tell Rachael was crazy early on when she was jealous of Brendon feeling bad for Annie, so that’s no surprise that she takes offense to a couple of small jokes.
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I would like to see Rachel and Brendon on the block, then have Brendon voted out. The drunken meltdown would make for some great tv! I’m sure there would be a huge cat fight between Rachel and Britnany and Regan would probably try to mediate. I hope Andrew stays. At least he is slightly interesting.
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Ok, so what show are you watching? Kathy is on the block with Andrew, not Brittany.
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The last I hear, just like Chris said, Andrew was on the block with Kathy. Did that change? It didn’t seem to have changed last nite ’cause Kathy was still talking to Kristen about getting enough votes to stay. If the vote were held today I think Kathy would stay, but after two more days of gossip, etc., who knows. It’s fishy that Brendon is insisting on voting for Andrew. Are they the secret lifelong friendship?
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I would like to Enzo and Matt. Don’t like either one. Enzo thinks he has this all figured out and then Matt comes along and screws up Enzo’s plans to get Brendan and Rachel. I want Matt gone for lying about his wife.
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Lies are part of the game, and I agree Matt should have went for Brendon and Rachael, but as long as the Brigade sticks together, the odds are in their favor. I just hope Enzo gets some power soon, I’m telling you people that their’s a brain inside that mafioso wannabe and eventually we’ll get to see it.
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Isn’t it Andrew and Kathy on the block? Or did Brendon save Andrew?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Did I miss something?
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I am so tired of watching those 2 suck face, I am ready to see them leave! Because if Brendon leaves she will never shut up about him, Its ridiculus to lay around, sit around, stand around SUCKING FACE all the time making people feel all weirded out, poor Andrew cant even go to bed without hearing lips smacking, IN BOTH BEDS at that!!!
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Oh, and The “Brigade” minus Hayden talking about hayden and Kristin being “kin” lmao, they are upstairs saying they think they are related and they are downstairs making out!! Gosh I love the Big Brother house!!!
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I agree that the last I heard it was Andrew and Cathy on the block. My fear is that Rachel and Brendan will go clear to the end. It is enough to make me gag. Is Brendan really as much in lust as Rachel or is it an act. She is a naggy witch if you ask me.
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I would put up Brendon and Rachel and if one of them gets the POV then I would put up Matt.
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Michelle, I also think its funny that 3 of the Brigade are upstairs talking about how they think Hayden and Kristen are related while they are downstairs secretly making out! I have to say that Andrew certainly keeps his mouth shut about things!
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Hi..I got all excited when I saw BBBlogger say it is Kathy and Britney on the block, but then I remembered on the show I saw Sunday it was Andrew and Kathy. I see previous posts all are asking and we can only wait. I’m wondering if Brendon used the POV??? Also, at the nomination ceremony Matt did say he voted Kathy because she voted against him but he also then said basically that he excused Britney because Monet was her best friend (I thought that was kind of nice of him) BUT now, IF Brendon used the POV then I think Matt would have named Britney…so I hope this is what happened.
From yesterday’s blog: My favorite HG is still Ragan, then Andrew and then Lane, all the way,
For today’s, I’d like to see Matt out as he is too cocky. I wrote yesterday really late (in the high 200’s) that Matt was mentioned and shown on ABC’s The View yesterday…was in the 2nd segment…Whoopi said “Viewers are upset that a HG used a disease”…and showed the clip of Matt and also of him in the DR saying it was not true…they did not really discuss it except Elizabeth saying it was “awful”. Also, I think Matt’s wife knew about it when she wrote that HOH letter…I think they write the letters when the show started, which would indicate that Matt and his wife talked about this lie…
Well..I loved “mafioso wannabe” Chris..that made me laugh outloud. thanks!
What is this about Annie and Monet being sequestered??? Does anyone know about that? Used to be, I think, the early ones went home…unless there is a new twist coming..
well, have a great day..we are having thunderstorms and lots of rain here in the Chapel Hill NC area…hope no tornatoes…bless one and all.
Did anyone see Jeff Schroeder on yesterday’s CBSEarly Show..he left on a 90 day trip around the world for free..he has a backpack and a cameraman and no money…we can follow him on if anyone is interested…He will get donations over the internet and also people can hook him up with friends for rides, lodging some small jobs etc…he has no route planned but will go where the “gifts” take him…he was asked about Jordan and said they were still “tight” but he needed to travel alone after the Amazing Race…I figure Jordan probably will make an appearance on BB12 so she needs to stick around anyway. well, now, finally, adieu!
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i would put matt up as soon as possible…or b/d him..he irratates the hockey sticks out of me..i agree he mocked a disease to push his way through the game…i wish andrew would call him out b/c he knows…but ..he has his own secret..if he is on his way out before matt i hope he does it..eww im so tired of them sucking face too..cameras off them when they are doing that..i think they;re whole thing is an act b/c they want to be bigger than jeff and jorden …i am a brigade fan ..lane is weird w/the staring thing …i think he has crazy eyes and not in a good way ..either way the brigades and racheal and brenden are playing a good game..omg…maybe brenden and andrew are friends but ..why didnt he take him off the block..b/c he cannot promise the votes will go his way..i understand its a secret ( if ) they are the life long friends..kathy really hasnt shown a will to stay..i think she wants sympathy…
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Seems obvious to me that the camera people on BBAD do not read these blogs. If they did I think they would not film so much of B & R. Come on! Enough is enough! I think that Brendon won POV, took Andrew off the block and Britney was the replacement. Just hasn’t aired yet. I am so hoping that Matt gets outted about the disease and out of the house. I thought the letters were written when they won HOH and they are being printed during the room switch when they put the pictures and baskets in. It could be each family writes a letter that day and emails it to CBS to have it ready for the winner that night. That would explain Matt’s wife knowing what to say. Now that we know she is part of his lying plan, I REALLY want him to go home. This game shouldn’t be based on lies but on strategy and personality.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don’t like them lying about occupation or education, if they feel they are good enough to be there, then be good at it and not a liar.
I do hope Brendon is getting burnt out on Rachel and I think it would be fun to see them broke up and both be in the house. WOW that would give us something entertaining – them avoiding and/or fighting.
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Hola!!!!!! Someone please ‘splain for me; is it Kathy & the Dr or Kathy & Britney? on the block. I want to see Kathy sent home; then Britney *(she’s smart) & then Matt. I hate him for using his wife’s alleged illness & if the Dr. is smart he better start telling everyone what he knows is going on before he gets sent home. Ragan is pretty cool; want him to stay. Enzo is a schmuck!!!! Start picking the “Brigade” apart. Let’s get this game going!!!!!! C from Dallas
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People are still posting on the previous page for 7/27/10.
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I’m confused too about what went down as far as the block goes.
Plus now I know that Brendon wins POV before the show , I should heed the spoiler alert warnings a little better.
I’m glad Andrew is off the block at least. I thought he might go home.
I wouldn’t mind Kathy going home only cuz she isn’t mixing things up at all. Her strategy of throwing the competitions to appear weak (therefore non- threatning) isn’t to smart. The HG’s will get rid of her for it.
I’m no fan of Britneys but at least she knows how to cook things up.
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@Boston Rob – Andrew is not off the block cuz Brendan did NOT use the veto. Kathy and Andrew is still up for eviction and things are not looking so hot for Andrew.
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The error is mine! It’s Andrew & Kathy on the block! So sorry bloggers, I was so caught up last night watching all the guys “Behind the Rose” and Ali blubbering over Frank, that I was crushed…just so crushed…my own personal hope of Britney going home clouded my accuracy!
Not BBBlogger’s fault, it’s all mine! So sorry, peeps! Glad you’re on your BB toes! =^^=
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I don’t really have anything against Andrew but I don’t want kathy to go home either. I don’t think she’s being treated fairly. She’s not making out with anyone or causing a big scene so it seems you can’t win on that show no matter what you do.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want MATT and ENZO and BRACHEL OUT.
but rachel and matt would already be out if i had my way and annie and monet would still be there.
Patricia, yes I saw the preview about Jeff S. and Jordan was at his house visiting the family and so on before Jeff left. They’re so sweet together. I like them both alot.
Don’t you think they should put the BB kids on Survivor? I’d love to see these players on that show. (especially) rachel, brit and enzo lol.
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I am beginning to think the camera people are perverts with all the Brendon and Rachel stuff. I know they have seen these blogs or have at least heard about the things we write so they have to know how much we dislike the B R stuff. Why do not they not understand that it isn’t out of jealosy or just plain not liking B & R, we would be sick of it if they were two of the most loved people ever on BB.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I do want them out soon so they don’t make it to the jury house.
You know, one season I think it would be a cool twist for the public to vote the last 3 in the order they want and no jury house. Seeing some of their reactions, I really think we see and know more than those that are there 24/7. CBS that could be a “expect the unexpected” moment – NO JURY HOUSE THIS SEASON – the viewers get to do the voting.
In fact, let the viewers vote each week who they want out like American Idol. What a twist that would be.
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Shirley, that is a great idea to let America pick the winner. However, the way CBS edits what we see on BB, unless you have the feeds you wouldn’t really know the whole story. But that would be a great twist to the season.
As for B&R and all of their PDA’s, no one wants to see that!! You can’t tell me that nothing else worth watching is going on in that house. I’d rather watch the flamingos standing around!
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I’m still trying to get an audio impression of “Boston Rob” saying the word “cuz” that he included in his last post.
Having spent many summers in Nahant, Mass (Near Boston) I can’t recall anybody young or old or anywhere in between ever saying the word cuz even when referring to a cousin.
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I am wondering if Boston Rob is the one from Survivor and Amazing Race or just another guy from Boston named Rob
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It looks like Andrew will be going this week, what a shame 🙄
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The thing that was said about Brit and Kathy being on the block is incorrect. I’m guessing a typo perhaps. Brendon did not use the veto. So, it’s still Kathy and Andrew on the block. From the chatter in the house, it’ looks like it’s going to be Andrew that goes. Oh how the house changes. lol
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Hey Donna Rose! 😀 we knew what you meant… and we know you like to test how much we are paying attention! 😀 (=^^= 😉 )
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Yep, Noms are still Android & Mama Kat
Tomorrow’s show is the veto comp and ceremony. We already know Brendon won and left the nominations the same. So why watch? (other than the fact that we love BB!).
For one, this is a fun competition to play along at home. They played the one where they bring a bunch of random objects into the backyard and the HGs have to guess how many items there are. Then, based on other’s answers, decide whether to stay or fold. First to 3 points wins. It comes down to R&B and Andrew at the end.
Another reason to watch is to see the brigade’s expressions when Brendon is the first name drawn out of the bag to play (I hope they show that)… then see their faces when Rachel is also drawn. I also want to see all the reactions to Brendon winning. I am sure Rachel will be annoying!
Finally, Andrew’s veto speech! Nobody has seen it yet, but I guess it is worth watching! He says he is going after R&B….. and then asks Brendon to use the veto on him! 😆 The episode tomorrow will end with Brendon closing the veto box, so we will have to wait til Thursday to see the aftermath of Andrew’s speech. (hint…. it cost Andrew the game!)
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More on the veto ceremony…….
Andrew has done it!! He has managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory! Andrew was in decent shape to stay this week. He had the brigade leaning towards keeping him to go after R&B. He had Ragan’s vote because of his competitiveness. He had Kristen’s vote. I guess paranoia set in because Andrew had one more little trick up his sleeve. Just before the POV meeting, Andrew pulled Brendon aside and told him, “don’t take this personally”. Then during the veto ceremony he told the whole house that he was gunning for R&B. Why not? It worked for Matt. Rachel was not aware of Andrew’s ploy, but I guess her reaction was so over the top that the rest of the houseguests caught on to the act. Now they are all sure that R&B&A are in an alliance.. which is mostly true. If Andrew had just kept his mouth shut, he might be staying. Or if he had given Rachel some warning, she could have done a better job acting.
As it stands now, Andrew will be voted out at least 6-2….. maybe 7-1 because Rachel doesn’t really trust him. 2 more days til the vote and a lot can change, but Andrew would need something MAJOR to happen to wiggle out of this one.
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I am suprised rachael and brendon did not get put up for evication. Matt lying is gonna come back and bite him in the ass!!
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Rachael is a Vegas Worker. She is not real. Everything is fake about her. She needs to be thrown-out near the end by Brendon. He needs to drop her on the show to save face. Matt needs to be thrown-out after his HOH. Britney needs to win it all.
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Matt should go home…..First–for being so STUPID in not nominating R and B!! (So much for his genius IQ)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Plus, I am disgusted, that he is trying to be the Johnny Fairplay of BB….I bet his wife is experiencing a lot grief over this…..What a jerk!
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I would DEFINITELY put up Rachel and Brendon! Send Brendon home so he’s not in the jury house and then watch Rachel explode while I point and die of laughter. They are so freakin gross when they’re around each other and I have to keep myself from barfing when they’re around & it’s not cuz I hate couples cuz I loved Jeff and Jordan. I myself hope Britney stays in for awhile longer cuz without her sarcastic catty comments I would die of boredom and choking on my vomit from this season!
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Ditto, B&R should disappear. Because Matt’s noms were so suspicious, could it possibly be that he and Blandon are life long friends? Just sayin.
Too bad Andrew will probably go home. Kathy hasn’t shown any game play at all. Are we sure she’s a sheriff? Guess nothing goes on in her town “cuz” (it’s shorter than because) I don’t see any strength or strategy in her game.
Donna Rose, it’s good to keep us on our toes. 😀
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@ JT HEY I MADE IT!! 😆 Thought I better try tonight before it gets crowded on show night. 😆
@ CHRIS I LOVE ENZO TOO. Why is everybody so down on him?From what I have seen, which isn’t much because of the suckface porn we are subjected to, he is a total riot. To me he is the most entertaining of the bunch so far. Although I thought Brit’s goodbye to Monet was hilarious. 😆 😆 And watching Brit try to teach Enzo how to speak was a riot too. And Brit & Lane mocking the porn stars had me rolling. 😆 BUT I have to agree, if Enzo gets any power, we’ll see there is a brain there. I HOPE!! 😆 May have to eat those words later. It won’t be a first. 😆 But who knows?
I would definitely put up Brendy & Bitchel to go home, with Brendy going out the door. If I wanted to see people getting it on, I’d order porn. BUT I DON’T. They will NEVER be Jeff & Jordan, so CBS QUIT trying to shove them down our damn throats. Plus I’d like to watch the skank have a drunken meltdown. hehehehe Sorry I’m just a beoitch like that!! 😆
I also like the Brigade, I do not like the name. But I think they need to re-evaluate Matt. He’s a total dumbass. Replace him with Andrew IF HE STAYS & let the games begin. I would say replace him with Ragan, but he seems too close to Brendy & Bitchel. I love him though. You have got to love the dry humor & he is full of it. 😆
It’s great to see all the new people here. 😆 And a huge heeeeelllllooooo to all of the old crew. I see there are at least two still MIA. K11 & Bullwinkle. 😥 Any news from them??
Well, I’ve put in my two cents until I can get back. JT I’ll be checking your place for spoilers. 😆 So don’t forget to update ok babe??
Meow Meow 😆
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I also hate all the B & R play,although they seem to have cooled just a bit.. Whats up with DirecTV ..I HATE the commercials in between BBAD..OMG!! give it a break..Please change to something else,I’m no prud but really….Elizabeth
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My idea of a perfect BB week (after the eviction)…
HGs go to backyard and Lane wins HOH. He is the only one who wont think twice about putting up B&R. I think Enzo and Hayden would put them up, but they both would be anxious over it. Kathy has said she would put them up, but who knows?….she’s been saying a lot since she’s been on the block. Ragan wouldn’t put them up. Britney is afraid to put them up… but still might. Kristen said she would for sure… I believe her, but have ZERO doubt with Lane.
POV….. Rachel wins POV. Now WTF does she do? She said the first week that she would have used the veto on Brendon if she won it… and she would stay on the block? WTF!!? There has been some trouble between those 2 lately, so maybe she has come to her senses a bit? Still wanna see it though!
Rachel saves herself with POV and of course Brendon is voted out 6-1. Now Rachel is in the house and Brendon is “home” (she thinks). I think she would totally implode and may even leave the show. Then the next week America’s vote would put Brendon back in the house! (He seems to be leading a lot of larger polls as fave… why?.. I have NO IDEA!)
Too cruel?…… maybe. But GREAT tv!!.. and that is what I watch BB for!
The only “good” thing about B&R winning HOH would be to watch Kathy next week.. see how she spins that one. I LOVED the spin she put on her vote for Monet!! She did it to “honor” Matt! 😆 😆 😆 WTF?! Let me get this straight…. you honored Matt by voting him out?! That is one of the funniest things I’ve heard all season! 😆
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Happy Wednesday everyone. Can anyone tell me why some words are in blue and underlined? I don’t get that. So much confusion about Andrew being on the it possible Brendon used the POV on Andrew and CBS didn’t show it??? It seems very easy since they are showing (apparently) so much of B&R that other things are happening that no one sees…that would be pretty dishonest but I sure would be happy…I do not want Andrew to leave. Also frustrating to have the Wed. show so long after the event has happened..very confusing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was pleased to see someone mention Johnny first thought when Matt told the lie about his wife..JF was a Survivor contestant who told everyone his grandma died when his friend came to the island for a visit/competition…was a total lie but really very clever…he screwed himself later years when he went for a fan favorites show or something and opted out on the first show…his wife was ready to deliver a baby, but he should not have gone in the first place..he was/is very dislikable and there were so many other Survivors I’d rather have seen.
Well…we have a day and a half to pray for Andrew not to be voted out…sorry if “pray” offends anyone as I don’t mean to..I just know if enough of us concentrate to have Kathy voted out that is what will happen–or something else will intervene…we can hope.
Have a good day all..will check in again later.
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I wonder what’s the record for most smilies in one blog? 14 maybe? 😆
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Tonight will be interesting, hopefully the truth about Matt’s wife will be exposed, all he is doing is using the sympathy card and it is disgusting that is allowed, I would think there would be SOME guidelines for the house guests to go by, I understand the lying, back stabbing etc. but to use an illness that is not true is about as low as a snakes belly, shame on CBS for allowing this behavior.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope that he next HOH puts him on the block and he gets voted out.
Just my opinion…………
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AC… record for smileys is 286. 😯 Some clown used them to spell out “BB12” 😆
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POV was very interesting, I must say Andrew has balls for the speech that he gave telling Brandon he was gunning for him even if it was not true. When he started mentioning Matt going against his word about putting Brandon and Rachel on the block the look on Matt’s face was priceless and the “Brigade’s” reaction was even more priceless, what a bunch of air heads in the Brigade!! Kathy speech was a little over the top and I think she will be the one to go home not Andrew.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If by chance Matt does not get HOH I think he will be put up on the block because he did not follow through with the plan to put Brandon and Rachel. Now there are two things that will cause him to be voted out and get what he deserves, I think he is lower than a snakes belly for telling the lie about his wife and I hope that lie gets exposed soon. His cocky attitude was taken down a few notches by Andrew.
Patrica in NC mentioned Johnnie Fairplay from Survivor about the lie about his Grand mother dying, where did that get him, I seem to recall he did not win that game, true he was brought back on Survivor and again he lost so Matt should learn a lesson by telling people his wife is sick.
I am hoping that some of the Brigade members are put on the block next, they too need to be taken down a few notches.
I am hoping that Brandon and Andrew are in the final three, would love to see one of them win as they are playing a good game.
I also agree that the Brandon and Rachel showmance is getting to be rather sickening and needs to have less air time after all this is a prime time show and there are children watching the show, I too would rather look at the Flamingos, I would love to have those Flamingos to add to my collection.
Can’t wait to see the next HOH and have Andrew win because then he really will shake things up and put Matt on the block so he will be packing and go home to tend to his “sick” wife!! I am a true believer in “what goes around comes back around” so Matt needs to start packing.
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Andrew should have blackmailed Hayden and Kristen to vote for him. Brenchel would have voted for him too giving him 4 votes plus Matt. Andrew and Brendon should have discussed this plan better
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Yeah, I remember that clown. Some people just have too much time on their hands. 🙄
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After reading this, I am glad someone else has picked up on the strange relation between Andrew & Brendon. I think they are definitely the long standing relationship mentioned in the early days. They kind of resemble each other in a way. I have been noticing this for a couple of weeks. I’m just sayin’………………………….
Hate Rachel! She is a Vegas Hooker–that chemist stuff is bogus. Please! & Brendon is not a high school swim coach. After what he’s been doing with Rachel on national television. Yeah, right. Definitely a science guy like he says.
Matt is a traitor to The Brigade. He knew he could have broken up the Rachel/Brendon power trip and didn’t. What’s up with that? And Andrew, being a doctor, should have definitely called Matt out on the wife’s made up disease. Karma is a bi*t*h though. You kind of like tempt fate. I don’t know about his intelligence factor, either. He is a rat. They need to boot him.
Well, need to get back to the show. I predict Kathy will go home. Andrew IS more fun to have around with his short shorts & cleaning obsession.
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things are not looking good for Andrew:( He should have not been so overdramatic before the vote. He just pissed a lot of people off. Not very wise, imo.
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Okay are you serious……..Rachel HOH AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is getting as bad as Ground Hog’s Day.
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