A quick SPOILER blog to give you a clean page to comment on.
The Live Feeds are down and aren’t expected to come back until after tomorrow’s TV Show. The eviction was held today and the live studio audience reports that Jenn was evicted by a vote of 2 to 0.
The HOH competition was held. As far as I can tell, Ian was not allowed to compete. Dan and Danielle ended up tied and Danielle won the tie breaker. She is now the HOH and guaranteed Final Three. Easy to predict that Danielle will want to keep Shane and Dan and evict Ian. The only hope Ian has now is to win POV. Won’t it be fun if he does and then Danielle has to choose between her coach and her boyfriend (at least in her mind)?
Oh Dear…Danielle is HOH……well, Ian has to win POV else he is GONE…..
here they are in the kitchen….. http://i48.tinypic.com/1zz74hy.jpg
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What do you know….a new page! 😆 Just kiddin’ y’all!
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I sure hope Shane was able to get into Danielle’s ear when then left the BB house and she decides to put Dan up. Wake up woman…do the right thing.
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Wow, very surprising if true about Dani winning HOH. Lots of chatted but we’ll see.
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Thanks Bloggergal, if you say it, we can be sure it’s true.
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here a pic of Jenn with Julie after the eviction…. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A2jyAEVCYAA1sBe.jpg
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I can’t keep track of who says what anymore but to the one who says swearing on a bible doesn’t mean anything to some people and it’s the same as a pinky square is way off base. No comparison and MOST people think a lot of the Bible whether they believe in it or which version of it. How many people carry a Bible with them who don’t believe in it?
I’m hoping Ian wins POV. He’s the only one who deserves to win in my book. I would have loved to see the F2 be Frank and Ian with Frank taking it but I’ll have to settle for second best. Danielle needs to keep Dan. Dan is a good one to up against since he’s on everyone’s sh*t list. I know we all want to see Dan out of there (well most of us do) but I can’t imagine Dan being able to win up against any of them.
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Thanks HoH8. Very funny “sandwich” lol
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for those with the Feeds…tune in tomorrow on Superpass for these Live shows…
Wednesday 9/12 – 1PM ET (10AM PT) – Fan Recap episode
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wednesday 9/12 – 4PM ET (1PM PT) – Wil Heuser interview
Wednesday 9/12 – 6PM ET (3PM PT) – Mike Boogie interview
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‘Big Brother 14′ Spoilers: The Most Popular Houseguest of Season Revealed
The Big Brother 14 spoilers from Tuesday (September 11) aren’t pleasant ones for die-hard fans of the show. The first bit of news, according to Hamsterwatch.com, is that producers are taping footage from the morning to show during Big Brother After Dark on Showtime. This is taking place because of the upcoming eviction that will likely surprise the house quite a bit.
@Bobo And one other thing, why do you buy Live feeds when they screw you all the time? Just asking……………. 😀
I actually get mine for free. I have real player plus and get the feeds free when big brother is on!
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POV is now a MUST for Ian. If it’s brains, he’s got it. If it’s brawn, just maybe……..At this point only Ian deserves to win this game.
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Well looks like the daffy ducks has made it to the finale 4, now lets see who gets the ax next, Dani will probably put up Ian and Dan, so Ian better win the pov or he is the next one out of the house, will BB and producers allow this to happen is yet to be seen, I dont like any of these daffy ducks but if i had to pick one it would be Ian i dislike him less than the others, Go Ian…. wake up america… pits off!!!!!
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tweets from someone at tonights show taping
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The bbad is recorded from this morning before feeds went off. They just woke up.
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Just wanted to repeat this post for my friend Kevvin11 Sorry all!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Along story on how this cat adopted our family! Her name is Patience. My Grand Daughter was a young girl & we had been watching her for the day, she said the cat followed her back to our house! RIGHT! She was holding her 😆
WE told her maybe someone might be looking for her so we went around to all our neighbors, this cat walked right along with us, but no one calmed her! We put some food out side for her & told my son to keep an eye out for this stray …. We had a trip planned to go to my VFW week long convention in Wild Wood NJ, When we came back home this little cat was on our deck just sitting there waiting ❗ My wife opened the sliding door and she came right in and sat at my feet, So that is how she got her name ♥
The Vet told us she was young And a Main Coon Cat… Still with us after all these years……………… My Grand Daughter was only 5 at the time, she is going to be 16 this X-Mas eve!…………
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thanks for posting the Link, luv2shootpics……i was the one who posted there to have someone post the Tweets to Confirm if it was true or not, lol…. 🙂
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Janice I am with you on this ❗ ……………….
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Okay So I spelled Kevin wrong, Hey It’s late in NJ 😆 ……….
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macy1231231 I like your Dog story, sorry it took so long for me to respond! 🙂
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I like to Iran win POV Dan needs to go or he will win this season . well in week we all know . why do shut down feeds then they are filmong a little early.
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woops filming
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@luvs to shoot pics Thanks for the link!
@bobo I love the patience story! Give her a huge hug for me…and you apologize to her for you making her stay awake! Now, both of you, get some rest.
While I love all the posts about the spoilers, that Danielle won makes me throw up my hands, and, well change that to just throw up. Better her than Dan so there is a small flicker of hope Dan gets ousted. Please Ian, win the POV, or do some deals with production and secure your half mil.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@starfish 2 says hey! : )
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OMG how much make up did dani put on, seemed like almost 45 mins and she took longer to put it on then i think it did for the movie bride of frankstein.at one point shane was looking at her like what the hell ?????
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorry folks, but she has gotten on my last nerve
why do they have to have the hgs eating when bbad is on? can u imagine rachel and dani in the same bb house each fighting for the mirrors and why do they have to have the hgs eating on bbad, while i am on dani bashing how come everything and every body is annoying HER? at this point i would rather watch fish
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@Bob: Absolutely love it. I heard this somewhere and so agree with it: “We do not pick our pets, they pick us.” cats are cool. I think they know something brother… 😉
Absolute downpour in Sin City today, largest rain since July 8,1999. Ruined a pair of shoes, five outdoor “kitty mats” on the porch and my hummingbird feeder almost went down. Crazy. Deluge. Ark-building shit. My clothes were washer-wet and I was only out in it about 11 seconds.
Here’s a photo my friend Eric sent me from outside the UNLV dorms (if it catches):
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Last post lost in space. So stupid to not take Sal and Star’s advice to save all..
@Bobo: Love that. Pure destiny. I heard this once and I so believe it: “We don’t pick our pets, they pick us.” Cats are cool. I think they know something mystical.
Great to get so much info here tonight. Knew NONE of it. Thanks guys.
Absolute downpour in Sin City today. Most rain since July 8, 1999. Deluge. Ark-building shit. I tried to drop a picture my friend Eric e-mailed me but I think that’s what sent the last post on the highway to hell…
I’ll try again here. So Dani’s HoH. I wonder if she’ll?…oh, justforget it. 😉
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Kevin Stott @KevinStott11
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The rains created this outside of the UNLV dorms today… pic.twitter.com/GFE24cfQ
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Whew, my head is spinning. No feeds for hours and none tomorrow until after the show. Withdrawal a week early….practice time for life w/o BB. Caught up on regular tv viewing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for the info…Jenn’s eviction (love the PBJ sandwich), the HOH comp. and Dani in the lead now. Will she get her head on straight or mess it up now?
I’m not excited or really rooting for any of the F4. After watching Dan the past couple of weeks I have decided he suffers from the ADHD just like Ian. There are times I glance at my laptop and do a double take on whether it’s Dan or Ian. Sooo many similarities in body movement. I understand Dan is “playing” a good game but still don’t like him reading from the bible at the end of the day and egging Dani & Shane to make some action in one bed. Doesn’t sit well, sorry. He is such a wimp with his boo boos, and having Dani wrap tape around his entire hand? What a waste.
Ian seems to feel he is bigger/more important by using foul language and once he gets started he increases the quantitiy. F-bombs etc. Not impressed, sorry Ian. If for no other reason you lose my vote for America’s fav. Can’t see him winning any more $$$. He doesn’t drive, no license, no car or even a charge card. He seems to not have a clue about anything more than being a student. Glad he wants to give his winnings to his parents so they can manage it. I’ve seen a big change in his attitude, body language, verbal language and even game play over these 60 some days of BB14. Too bad he won’t try any of the medications available now which could make him more pleasant to be around and maybe he could enjoy himself more if he could relax a bit.
Anyone have any ideas why Dani told Dan about her fake boobs & the mass attached to one of them? Do you think she really had radiation and chemo just before entering BBH? No side effects from the treatments???? She blows me away when she tells Dan she’d go up in his place to protect him. Will she wake up after this is over?
There have been so many comments made by HGs that lead me to believe they don’t have a lot say so/choices in what they are doing…seems like they are all BB puppets doing as they are instructed. There are so many calls to the DR and we only see tiny clips mostly on the ads for the show. Very seldom any more than a few seconds of DR recordings. Must be time spent being told what to say, how to vote etc. 1:37 a.m. here…. I bid you all a good night and sweet dreams. Thanks for your entries…sure enjoy reading your thoughts.
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Well that was an exercise in futility… You know what word I’m thinking of.
mm said she wanted another poem so off to find one. Charles Bukowski, of course…
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a symphony orchestra.
Charles Bukowski
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Rain Or Shine
the vultures at the zoo
(all three of them)
sit very quietly in their
caged tree
and below
on the ground
are chunks of rotten meat.
the vultures are over-full.
our taxes have fed them
we move on to the next
a man is in there
sitting on the ground
his own shit.
i recognize him as
our former mailman.
his favorite expression
had been:
“have a beautiful day.”
that day i did.
Charles Bukowski
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K11, my hubby went to UNLV when it was called Nevada Southern and there were only 2 buildings on campus: Frazier Hall & Grant Hall. Thanks for the link.
You’ll have to explain that poem to me. Did he hate his mailman?
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Hey Kevin, glad u made it…i saw that pic of the water…wow, where was the Ark?, lol……i waiting for you to show us the Tweets Spoilers, but we had to go our backups to cover for u, lol….@Miss Cleo provided us with the tweeter spoilers….
@BoBo….hey, we’re neighbors…i live right across the river in Da Bronx, NY… born and raised in good old NYC streets, lol…..
im thinking maybe they’re having a night time POV tonite cause it has to be taped for tomorrow’s show…maybe the Morph one we all have been waiting for…..that should be one that Ian can win easily…lets see……
there will be no more Spoilers till after the tv show tomorrow i guess…. 🙂
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My kitten story…for you pet lovers. July 2011 my daughter called and said the kids had heard a tiny meowing under the back porch (down on the farm). They found a tiny grey & white female kitten a few weeks old with a broken back leg. She asked if I wanted her, to care for her etc. Of course! My hubby drove down to pick her up and returned with 2 kittens, the second one a male yellow/orange striped kitten (from a litter from one of their cats). The grandkids said she needed a “buddy”. We took her to our Vet and they kept her overnight, setting her leg under anesthesia. When we picked her up she had a neon pink cast on leg and it wrapped around her tiny hips to help hold it on. She mended perfectly and is such a sweetheart. I named her Grace. By the grace of God she was found and rescued.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Months later we were blessed with 3 more kittens as she and her “buddy” did their thing. lol
Love a happy ending to all animal stories.
Hugs to Patience.
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Thanks Luvs for the link, great stuff.
Bobo, loved your pet story. I’m a pet lover too, big time! Great story Sherry.
Thanks everyone for the updates. I guess we’re all in a holding pattern until tomorrow night. Do you think Dan would tell Dani to put him up so they could backdoor Ian, nah, he wouldn’t take that chance. I hope Ian wins the POV. I’m sorry to hear all the bad language Ian seems to be spouting but it’s probably his first experience where he could swear like a sailor and let loose. Still, not very appealing. You guys with the LFs see it all and I thank you for filling us in on the details gruesome and otherwise!
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lets see if this link sticks…..its a preview of the POV Comp that was played on Sat and Shane won and all of them cut their fingers on and we gonna see on tomorrow’s tv show….. 🙂
if the link doesnt stick then maybe go here to watch it……..
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@starfish: Of course he hated his mailman sister. How else would you feel about a man who brought you bills every single day in his Billmobile?
@Ho8: That’s the beauty of this Blog. we all have each other’s backs. When I’m up at 3 am here in LV dropping stupid stuff down others are sleeping and when I’m sleeping they’re doing they’re thing. Just reading Twitter stuff now. And love Miss Cleo…some idiot just said CBS will sue her for dropping info but it’s already in the public domain and that person is the type of person who is probably justwaitingto be outraged over something stupid. I hope a pine cone falls and bops her in the head tomorrow.
@Sherry: That is so cool. “…she had a neon pink cast on leg and it wrapped around her tiny hips to help hold it on.” Incredible imagery and good for you guys. I don’t need to tell you how much joy that creature brought into your Life. I have always hated that ridiculous Dogs vs. Cats argument and am always amazed at how crappily people treat cats, especially here out West. I feed two strays every night and loathe the morons who bought-got them, then moved and left these little beings to fend for their own in this cold, cruel world. I hope they (their souls) get a good talking to in the Afterlife or are made to live as strays in another existence. I love everyone here but subscribe to the “people generally suck” theory. If I had a camera on my head and you all saw what I see daily you’d absolutely freak. Be so glad you live where you do as Las Vegas is truly The Land Of The Fucking Lost and I spend everyday avoiding and dodging these morons. Everyone is in such a hurry always and think they’re so cool and I just want to go at my own pace and be content with myself. I may not be cool, but I’m definitely no greedy, moronic, delusional fool. (This message was brought to you by the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce). 😉
Anyway, a couple Clio Tweets…
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Miss Cleo BB14 @MissCleoBB14
FYI: next week’s #BB14 finale is on Wednesday 9/19/12 at 9:30 pm. Tomorrow they do F4 POV, Thursday is eviction/part 1 of final HOH.
Miss Cleo BB14 @MissCleoBB14
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not that it really matters, but when the audience was polled who they think will win #BB14, it was almost unanimous: Ian
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One more thing: I heard the phrase “John Blaze” like three times in my first 52 years on this godforsaken planet then heard it like 33 times in the first hour of BBAD last night. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr….
Damn you Mike Boogie.
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Ahhh…interesting…..then the Wed show will end justwiththe nominations then the Live Thurs show will start with the POV Comp…then the eviction and will end with Part 1 of the Final HOH Comp……u see, im catching on with the “just” u guys have here, lol…….keep tweeting us kev, lol….. 🙂
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I just sent Star an email asking if her mom is ok. We haven’t heard from her so I thought I would check.
@JT keeping the prayers coming your way for your sister.
Nite all…..
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@starfish Sweet of you to email Star. You are such a thoughtful person. And thank you for asking about the mailman. I didn’t want to admit I didn’t get another poem. Truth be told, I still don’t. I love my mailman!
@sherry I agree about Dan and Ian. but they matter less than the cute little kittens in you story. K11 was right about the visual of the pink neon cast.
@K11 I’m so upset about those abandoned little cats. What a good heart you have to keep them fed. How can people do that? sickening. Things like that do make a person down and depressed about things, but that’s when you focus on the I-don”t-know-what-to-call-them-that-isn’t-horrid people who left them behind. But when I focus on the wonderful person who feeds them, I’m awed by the goodness there is in the world. I’d rather do that. : )
I heard Shane say he wishes ‘they’ would let him shave.
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@patricia: No doubt for Production consistency. Another lame reality in our favorite “reality” show.
Saw this if anyone is interested. Haven’t tried it yet but will save it in a word document. As always, hope it sticks…
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Yikes Danielle is HOH, so disappointed about that, I just hope Final 2 won’t be her and Dan. I will be really Bummed if Shane and Ian get voted out. 🙄
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Come on Ian, win this POV!
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I’m hoping Ian can win veto, otherwise he’s gone
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I hope Ian wins & Dannielle picks Shane but Dan will talk her out of it.
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Good Morning All………………
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Got the picture K11…it was funny seeing the two floating and relaxing on rafts, like they were in their pools. They looked like they were catching some rays!….and gobbki?? Now there’s a name I’m glad we haven’t seen in a while…. 😆 Who knows, gobbki may be laying low under an assumed name.
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Good Morning Bobo! How are you? I woke up feeling refreshed. I have to admit that was a nice break from the blog. I recommend it for anyone that comes accross…. well I won’t say it so drama doesn’t get stirred up. Great things came out of ignorance though… thank you Starfish for your donation to my Autstic Organization.We will now be able to provide sack lunches instead of just snacks at our Autistic Skate Clinic where we will be teaching Autistic kids how to skateboard! Last year I also received an Anonymous donation of $500 dollars for my rappell for Special Olympics. These are the times I nee to remember. That we are more than random commenters. That there are decent caring. compassionate people here who have formed a type of blog family regardless of how long you’ve been blogging its those people whose positive or negative comments should be taken to heart. Thank you.
Now back to BB… I really want to see Dani in a position where she will have to choose between Dan and Shane. That’d be good t.v.!
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@Tomi and @Betty thanks for checking up on me through emails and FB! @Star I hope your Mother is ok. I missed what’s going on but prayers too you both!
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We knew no matter who won HOH Ian was gonna have to win that POV. Go Ian!! I think Dan could have still accomplished getting this far with out bringing in the bible, his wife, or grandfather. It wasn’t necessary or right. I hope it is Dani, Shane, and Ian in F3.
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Dan didn’t need the Bible and Dani did LOL!
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@STAR, my prayers and good wishes are with you and your Mother.
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ok Ian…it’s time to put up or addios…i have to assume that Dani is going to let her hormones make this decision and Ian and Dan will be put up and she should be able to justify it to Dan since he used her as a pawn a couple fo times it’s time to change shoe’s and have him be the pawn for this time…and if either wins Veto than shane goes up as the new pawn…but DAN or Ian will be addios on Thursday night… if Ian goes out on Thursday he’ll win the 25,000 america vote…
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I can’t wait to see Danis decision! but with pov that’s what really matters I think.
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I agree that Ian will have to win the POV if he is to stay. At least that’s what I would expect. But you never know what Danielle will do. I agree with the rest of you that she is expected to keep Dan and Shane. Don’t count Ian out on any physical challenge though. He has surprised me how well he has done sometimes in the past. He even said being smaller can be an advantage sometimes because he doesn’t have the weight to hold up. Guess we will see what the challenges are. Sherry I agree with you about the language Ian has been using. He’s kind of like my kids were as teenagers and when they got away from home and could throw out the F word among other words because it was acceptable with their peers. I still don’t like it and I’m guessing he will hear about it when he gets home. How does everyone feel the jury vote will go if it is Dan/Shane/Danielle? I would think Dan would have the edge if he makes it to the final 2 just because people in the Jury will think he played the game harder. Thoughts anyone?
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Hello all…well I really hate to see jenn go..bad for ians game…..for dani winning…dosnt really matter..pov is where its at..GO IAN!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My perdictions( lets see if i have this ESPN thing) I see dani putting up ian and dan(cause he put her up, and its really dosnt matter)..ian wins pov, takes himself off and shane goes up, and ian will be dumb and vote out shane. …lol
And as for Ian swearing all the time..he’s 21 that’s what 21 years olds that think their being cool do…lol… Janelle dropped almost as many swear words as Ian
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Ooopps. Janelle dropped almost as many swear words as Ian. I remeber this cause I kept thing..and people think she’s classy…ya right
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I wasn’t attacking him for his language but just saying he’s probably going to hear about it when he gets home. Reminded me of my kids as teenagers. And yes, Janelle was really bad.
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I’m not an English professor and I can’t support my belief with any sanctioned test studies, but from my personal experience gathered over 69 years, I tend to equate the use of frequent foul language that usually follows a repetitive F*** this and F*** that with the speaker’s very limited vocabulary.
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@tomi, lets not forget Frank & Boogers, at least Ian hasnt said the big C like Boogers said about Janell (at least I dont think he has) People now a days say the F word all the time because to them its just another saying that they hear on cable tv & the movies ,I remember when I was growing up we didnt say it much I heard my Dan say it 1 time in my life and I was 21 when he said it. Its just a different time we live in , back then guys wouldnt be got dead in thier underwear or woman ,now we see it all the time.
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I use to curse like a sailor. When I was young I loved the sound of the F word and swear words. I didn’t really care about impressing my peers. I was stupid enough to think it made me sound like an adult. I was a teen in the 80’s so swearing was a right of passage along with sneaking into clubs in Hollywood and smoking Clove Cigarettes. It was the grown up thing to do LOl! However I was much more creative than Ian… or at least that’s how I remember it.
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I hope Ian gets the POV! Dan needs to get evicted! He is such a talker and does not honor any of his promises!
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but… certain words were off limits especially the “C” word… I would have loved the word douchebag back then though LOL!! It took years to deprogram my filthy mouth. I still slip up now and then! LOL!
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PK, I was raised with the same belief you have about using the F word. However, over the years I have seen many intelligent people with excellent vocabularies that use it. I’m old and still don’t like to hear it but oh well. It’s part of the show. Wonder if most of them really realize they are saying it so much.
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OMG…this is the worst case scenario that could have happened. If Ian doesn’t win POV, thats it, game over. I am a nervous wreck now. Freaking Dani, figures she gets the power at this point in the game. I’m seriously praying Ian gets the POV, wonder what kind of comp it will be? Hoping for a “memory comp” and not a physical endurance comp. Oh man I can’t believe this, Tambo shaking head…….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Come on Ian, you have to pull this off. Oh geez, not a good day for me already, just killed a spider walking across my bed!!! Think it was Frank!!!
Have a good everyone. 🙂
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*correction-Have a good DAY everyone!!!!
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@Jane… Such a sheltered life I lived during my teen years in the late 50’s in Maryland. Never heard anybody drop an F bomb ever. Occasionally, I did hear about our most notorious HS greaser telling his unsuspecting dates, “No Pussy, No Pizza” in pre-Pizza Hut, Dominos days, but that was never confirmed by any of the girls I knew… True or not, I was classic!
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Tambo, you made me laugh. The vision of the spider was interesting.
I was raised in the same time frame and with the same mentality. It has been shocking for me to see so many people use the F word but it’s the modern way I guess.
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@PK LMFAO re: P & P!! Yeah I grew up in the inner city and always lived in the heartbeat of where ever I’ve lived. You hear and see so much more. Being a Peace Corps Brat I was born in Uganda (orig. from Rwanda), moved to Spain then Holland, then Compton, then Cerritos, then San Francisco… nothing shocks my ass lol!!
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Oh and now in Long Beach.. and here… trust me you see and hear it all. Nothing shocks me in the least bit. Nor, does it shock my kids.
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Well no surprise Danielle is mesmerized by Swearing Dan
And in love w Metro Shane
Ian you are in your own, do good luck
I think someone should force Dan and Danielle to watch their whole season Sn they can suffer we did .
Jenn happy for you you can sleep uninterrupted now
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe wash your hair ? If you have time
Kat Von D you are not
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@Sylvie… Hi Sylvie!! you know they are all running home to watch the whole season.. we are talking about people who stare in the mirror all day LOL!
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@Jane, I obviously wasn’t thinking.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Very true they’ll probably watch , take photos of themselves , stare at themselves. Start a Blog LOL, a fan club, stare again, i have to go throw up…
Sick of these people
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IF Dani is smart she will pull an Ian(as in getting rid of Mike) and get Dan out and say thanks for pulling me along——–however I expect she will continue to allow Dan to run things as they all have been doing.I keep waiting for someone to spill the beans on Dan,even Jen didn’t expose him toShane when it would have maybe saved her.I am hopin for a miracle but expecting the expected!!Everyone have a great day and easy withdrawal.
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Someone tell me if they think I’m wrong… I think Dan, as a Christian, Believer or Catholic (whatever you consider him to be) as well as a Catholic School teacher /coach went too far to swear on the bible. We all know big brother calls for lies and trickery at some point to remain alive in the game, but to swear on the bible takes it too far to me. I would respect revealing other house guests secrets to advance is a better way and more entertaining and honest way to move forward in the game. At this point, I’d rather see Ian and Shane as the final 2. GO IAN, WIN THAT POV!
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Good Morning All!
Hey Jane, who knew such a little bit could do so much. I wish it could be more right now. Do you go skating too? Welcome back from your brief break. Dani needs a bible… LOL Lucky you seeing and living in all those different cultures.
Dr Mortgage, do you really think Dani will put Dan up instead of Shane? I didn’t think she would but I hope she does. 🙂
Mike, swearing wasn’t big for me in high school because my dad swore enough for the world. However, I went through an F bomb stage after my divorce. People do crazy things when they’re stressed. My husband used to call my daughter Teresa Trash Mouth cause she went through a high school swearing phase. My son, not so much.
Hey KeriJ, happy to see you get your 2 cents in on here. 🙂 Yep, Ian needs to win POV and we all agree that’s his only hope.
@Tomi, great predictions!
Hey Bobo, I hope you’re doing good today.
I haven’t heard from Star yet. anyone?
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morning all sorry to say my trip to the grapevine was for nil it is dry and drooping, hillbilly left me a note that said go home and get some rest nothing spouting on vine for awhile, txs hillbilly lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i did hear and of cours i can not recall where 2 things
1) shane said “I wish THEY” would let me shave (if memory serves me rite lol he was shaven at the thur eviction someone correct me if i am wrong)
2) THEY told him to remove his puka shells since it was interfereing with the lites)
i might have dreamed it lol and we all of course know who THEY ARE
and speaking of dreaming i think i am looking forward to getting a life back real soon, I never realize how much time i put into the show as most of you do also, between blogging, bbad, the grapevine, emails between fellow bloggers and of course discussing with my grand daughter and daughter now i even have my hubby watching this year and he asks questions takes time but i know i am addicted and love it
i also heard bb15 will be all newbies, if only
@ JANE. so good to see u back girl friend i know of which u speak i took most of the day off myself one day this week had to regroup if i said serenity now once i said a zilliuon times but realized many more important things in life and atttention to my family comes first, also i have sent u 2 or 3 emails and no response i know u have my email can u just send me one so i can check if i have correct email i know u changed i think was last year.
In closing have to admit i do (at times just before i say serenity now) curse like a drunken sailor one of our bloggers not going to mention any names to protect the innocent said wowee mama u were so upset u even made up curse words that i have never even thought of, so guess even a nice old grandma like me can out curse a sailor
ciao till later hugs to all my darlings
will do fly by but doubt much going on
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Schelita I agree 100% with you. It will be interesting tonight. Even when I know the outcome I still want to see e competitions and what they plan out. Making Dan and Danielle watch the whole season you would think would be punishment for Dan but Danielle will probably enjoy watching herself.
I look forward to tonight.
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Sylvie, go throw up. Hilarious. Yes, they will prolly all die when they see how they were manipulated and how ridiculously naive they were. They should have one wall in the BB house that’s completely mirrored so we could watch them try to act like they don’t keep looking at themselves.
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Danielle has always said she never wanted to see Dan and Shane on the block together, but I think now she might, as I am almost sure Ian will win the POV. If Ian doesn’t win and Dan is not nominated I think it would be a smart move for Dan to keep Ian. Shane would be evicted and Dan would have Danielle and Ian both taking him to the final two. If it ends up Dan, Danielle and Ian in the final three Dan would have to pull out another miracle to get rid of Ian, but I don’t think that will happen. I believe Ian and Dan will be in the final two, which is fine with me, as I would hate to see Danielle or Shane win the top prize or even come in second! I think Dan and Ian are the most deserving to be in the final 2.
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Schlete & Janice, me too, can’t wait to watch. Plus, yea, the swearing on bible can go. It’s offensive to many who have mentioned it here on the blog.
Goodmorning Betty, I hope you’re right!
Gotta walk my dog so BBl8r. He actually stands and stares at me because it’s time to go. Very funny dog. 🙂
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Good morning Starfish – What a lucky dog you have and I can’t well understand where you are coming from with him staring at you! Maggie does that too and if I ignore her she starts to whine and doesn’t stop till she sees the leash in my hand. What kind of dog is it and what is his name?
Jane – good to see you back!!
Does anyone know when we might hear anything about the veto?
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i cant figure out who dani is more loyal to – dan or shane – guess we will know this evening……………………
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i wanted to re-post this for y’all that are home all day, lol……if u have the feeds go to Superpass and watch these Live shows today….. 🙂
Wednesday 9/12 – 1PM ET (10AM PT) – Fan Recap episode
Wednesday 9/12 – 4PM ET (1PM PT) – Wil Heuser interview
Wednesday 9/12 – 6PM ET (3PM PT) – Mike Boogie interview
@betty…veto results will be known after the tv show tonite in the feeds if it was played already otherwise we will see it played live on Thurs show….. 🙂
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I grew up a navy brat, so I too learn to swear like a salior..hahaha..ok my dad didn’t swear…but as a teen in the 80’s it became the norm..I grew out of it when I had children. But in my 40’s I was a restaurant manager with a crap load of teens I was able to get right back up on the bike and ride away.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here a cute story..I was in the garage with my husband and 3 yr old grandson..I said my hands r dirty)i was helping clean something up)..my grandson looked at his hands and said..my hands r f***ing dirty too..I thought my husband was gonna die from laughing so hard…he didn’t get it from us…darn parents..
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As for the HG watching them selfs on the show…I think Dani will start watching ..see herself..and pause it to stare at herself…she could careless what happen or anything else…if it happens tostop on one with her huge 3 eye. She might cry herself to death.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And Dan will watch and say, I quess. I could have swore on the bible and these other time. Wow was I stupid for missing those opportunities.
shane will watch and realize he dosnt have a brain and go looking for the wizard.
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Hi all. The POV comp is tonight right???
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can someone tell what the “grapevine” is and if there is a link to it???
All this time I thought y’all were talking about the grapevine down southern Cally by LA!!!!
Guess I’m a little greener than I thought! LOL 🙂
Grapevine??? Help me out paleez!!!
Wishing you all a wonderful day.
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^<~~~~~ Was a drunken sailor from 9/72 until 9/76!
I want to see Dan and Ian fight it out for the last HOH!!!!!! And then see if either is dumb enough to take each other to F2 @¿@
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@hpr56, I actually told that spider I was gonna squash the life outta him. Spieder said, “agreed”!!!!
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Tonights show was taped yesterday with a live audience …… The veto comp. will happen today sometime or tonight after the show!
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forgive all my typos. dunno whats wrong with my typing lately.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Tomi-hi hun, how ya doing???
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ok, couple of notes on tonite’s tv show…….there is still No Footage of the Jury House….whats going on with that?…..
the POV comp will be played and taped TODAY…and we will see it when Thurs Live show starts….
@tambo…lol, ur so funny…”grapevine” is a word they use to write info on whats going on on their own…its not a site u go to, lol….. 🙂
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Hi Tammy(tambo). About that spider..aka frank..I heard thru the grapevine, frank was missing from the jury house…lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------mm has a grapevine which is another leak site. She will have to divulge that to you.
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@Tomi, “she” will have to divulge that to you”??? Who is she and whats the big secret? Now I feel really weird. Doesn’t matter, I already found it and joined.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry but I don’t like games, especially over a stupid website that is easily found. Take care sugar.
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@Tomi Hahahaha love that story!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Double M I wonder if they’ve been in spam? I just deleted my soam so I can’t even check for your email address. Send me another one and I’ll check spam.
@Starfish yes!! people would be surprised how little it takes to help! Us little groups tend to work more one on one with families so we are aware it doesn’t take thousands of dollars to help. We recently helped a Single mom complete all her School shopping on 50 bucks. Your donation got all the ingredients to make 50 sack lunches! You rock!!
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I think the live feed break is making everyone realize who they don’t want to win. It’s the only way we can pick wbo we do want. Classic lesser of the two evils!!
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@tambo..mamamarge is who I was referring to. I don’t know what site she goes to. Not playing a game. I thought u would know who she was..since mamamarge is the one who does the grapevine. I get the same info from the FB site.
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@HoH8, ah but there is a link: http://tvgrapevine.com/forum/index.php?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------bahahahahahahaaah!!! and everyone thought it was sooooo secret!!!!!! unless of course there is another one and im just making a fool of myself!!!!
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@Tomi, how would i ever know that mamamargie is the “she”??? This is my first year on this blog so Im not familiar with certain things. Just weird the way this grapevine thing seems to be such a monumental secret!!! Like I said, the grapevine I found may very well not even be the one “she” refers to.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s all good. 🙂
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@tomi, just google it, you’ll see!!!!
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Sorry tammy just a big misunderstanding..mamamarge always put ..in her blog my grapevine..so I thought u knew who I was refering to.appologies to you..I went to the grapevine u posted good link thanks.
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What about BBAD tonight? Will it be live? And might we find out anout the veto winner on there?
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Correction: about the winner
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HOH8: That is what I was asking earlier. They have always shown the new jury person going into the jury house and the reaction from the other juror(s). Absolutely nothing at all this year. I’m surprised. I have been waiting for it every week since they started forming the jury. I used to love to watch that. It’s just been a very strange year from the beginning and personally I did not like the “coach” thing. Back then I felt sorry for Dan because he got blamed for being the only coach who took the reset. WRONG. Wonder what the house guests will think when they find that one out.
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@tambo….there are so many bb sites out there with so much bb info, u can get lost in the bb web world……i always saw that mamamargie would call her info “grapevine”….and i wondered if it was from the GrapeVine site u found, i doubt it but it could be…im sure mamamargie will confrim later when she comes on….
but tambo…another bb site is called JokersUpdates….where they tell u whats happening every minute of the day…im reading that site all day to keep up with whats going on in the house……
this site is mainly to talk to friends and be friendly with bb fans…its the only site i found that they are so friendly and u can just relax and talk…..the other bb sites are not this friendly…… 🙂
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@joan…like i said…POV will be played and taped Today….and we will learn who won (cough, IAN)…as soon the Feeds come on, the same time BBAD will start tonite Live….
@hpr56….yeah, im bummed bout the JH…i love it every year but nada this year……maybe on Thurs Live show they will show us a Long 10 min segment on the JH, lets hope….. 🙂
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@Tomi, no probs!!!! what links? i didnt post any links in the grapevine!!! or am i confused again? LOL Tomi, do u think Ian can win this thing??? r u 4 Ian? How dare they even let Dan get this far. HE ALREADY WON HALF A MIL!!!!!!!!!!!! His religious beliefs must be centered on greed!!! Wud hate to see Dani win, rather have seen Jenn win over her. take care girly!!!!
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@Tambo the grapevine is like “I heard it through the grapevine” meaning various different spoiler outlets. ie: twitter, blogs, email, websites, Facebook etc. Hope thar helps 🙂 But pretty cool you actually foynd a grapevine website
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@PK I understand sheltered. I broke up with a guy once for saying sh**. Never heard F word until college, then I used it as a way to appear grown up. Of course, after I actually got grown up, I pretty much stopped cursing. Pretty much.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@tambo Like was said before this bb site is easy and nice. Ask, comment, question, whatever and as long as it doesn’t get angry or contentious, what ever is said is welcomed. No one on here wants anyone to stress.
@Betty my identical picks for f2. I’m trying not to stress about it not happening that way.
@tomi hi, hon! @Jane welcome back. You were missed.
@starfish You are such a kind and generous person. Inspiring!
@hillbilly I think K11 needs a shipment of your moonshine! Heck, we all do.
@mm I heard Shane say THEY wouldn’t let him shave too…on couch in bathroom after Dani took her shower. Tho she was wearing only a towel, Shane never even glanced her way while she sat near him and spent an hour putting on her makeup. I always enjoy you posts…so informative! thanks!
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I think big brother needs to kill the cameras pointing at the showers, bathtub and toilets. I can understand them having mics there to pick up game talk but no one should be humiliated with nude shots being leaked by production or captured on live feeds. There should be a personal boundary established there.
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Jane, I’ll remember that and try to do it more often. I think you’re amazing how you give of yourself.
Betty, I have a 100 lb Bouvier who also whines if I don’t respond to his stare. It’s really funny on this big dog, it’s a tiny whine like he’s trying to be quiet. Very cute. Just love him. He’s been such a comfort to me.
I’m really chuckling about all the hoopla over the “secret grapevine”. MM and, I think it was Mike (hillbilly), who both posted from there with almost identical wording one day. It never was any kind of secret, just a place they went to update us. I’m happy they do it and to those who look at other sites to update us, I do so apprech it. Plus all your theories. This is a great site.
Schelita, I agree, great suggestion. no cameras in bathroom toilets, showers, bathtubs, etc. mics only would work and they can hear game talk or other noises that we don’t want to hear. 😀
I won’t reiterate what everyone has said, but I agree with most of your hoping Ian can win the POV.
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Hey 2, good to see you too and thanks.
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@Starfish LOL!! So they really did use the grapevine site! Too funny! Yeah I always tell people if their is a cause you want to give too n look for a local grassroots non profit in your community and you will know appreciated and needed no matter what the dollar amount.
@Patricia thanks!!!
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I really don’t want Shane or Dani to win.
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@everyone: ok, i’m sorry i ever mentioned the “grapevine”. did not mean to stress anyone out. i felt somewhat stressed due to the fact it seemed to be a big secret or something. will never mention it again, will not ask any questions anymore to avoid possible conflicts. i sincerely apologize to you all.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10/4 – i’m out.
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I can clear up the Shane Shave confusion. He talked about it on LF one day. He was complaining that he couldn’t shave because big brother only lets hin do it on Live Show nights so his diary room and pieced together show shots would show consistancy. They may let him do it more at F3
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Tambo I don’t think anyones upset. Please don’t leave for good…. I like your addition to this blog. I think it just kept getting brought up because feeds are down so theres not much to discuss.
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@jane Starfish has your number. Not many can give of themselves like you do, and you, starfish, are a giver by nature, I suspect, too. I love what you said about grassroots orgs., Jane. there’s a saying…think globally; act locally. The operative word here is ‘act’. Something awful may happen half-way around the world, and what you can do to help the situation is find a local group and volunteer or donate. Every little bit helps!
@starfish I’m so happy your dog is such a comfort to you. That’s their nature also. To give and to love unconditionally. My lab mix has such a high pitch whine, I think it hurts her own ears. I slept with my 2 every night after my husband died and the comfort she provided was invaluable.
Let me send out my apreeches also for everyone who keeps up with other blogs and sites (including titter, Kev!) and brings the information gleaned here for us all to absorb. You’re the best of the best!
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I love that saying Patricia!!
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@tambo Please believe what Jane said. Everyone wants you to stay and participate. Jane’s right about there being so little bb to discuss that anything gets our attention and we sink our teeth in! You are one of us, and if you can’t ask any question you want, what’s the point? I never even thought about the location of the grapevine or what it was.. I figured why bother when someone else (mm, hillbilly) was doing all the work and all I had to do was sit here and wait for what they found out. Lazy, yes, but they do such a good job, why should I bother? : )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@jane That makes sense about the shane shaving or not shaving to keep his DR faces the same as the program faces.
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Jane, I’m still chuckling. I have no idea if the site is called “grapevine”. All I know is that mm and Mike called it grapevine. And that’s all I know except they got good info from wherever they went. This is too funny.
Tambo, no harm no foul at all and no problem about grapevine. Please don’t think there’s a problem and stay on board. Don’t be sorry. You’ve made my day!
2, thank you my dear. That is a great and true saying (think globally; act locally). Love it! Also, somehow I missed it, but I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband. Ours pets are our life guardians and comforters.
Ok back to searching google for my daughter who is getting married and she keeps giving me little “jobs” to do. See ya later.
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@tambo, hey dont go ,you are a hoot and love to read you, as for the grape vine thats where me and mama margie for infro and get drunk, we have just about ran it dry, it wouldnt be fun if we all went to the same place for infro, that why everyone puts their 2 cents in on what they read and that keeps us all up to date, you might read something some where that we dont know, and tell us, we love it
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@Patricia, Jane, Starfish: thank you so much for your kindness, deeply appreciated. No excuse but i lost my sister a month ago. i’m still kinda messed up mentally/emotionally. she was all i had left in my family. (only sibling)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So i may be a little off the hook or on edge. Thanks so much again, I truly enjoy all of you, your comments, and stories. Wish only the best for you all.
@Tomi, so very glad we became FB frenz & Farmville (LOL) neighbor’s!!!
You rock!!! Hell, you all rock!!!
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@tambo, sorry to hear about your sis, it is hard to lose someone, I lost my mother an then lost my father a month later, but I was 23 at the time so it was hard, I am 64 now and it seems like yesterday,
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At Tambo I am so sorry for your loss. Grieving comes out in many different ways abd you have every right to feel emotional. We are glad you didn’t leave!!
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@Tambo look me up on FB I am in Tomis friends list
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@tambo, when this is over a lot of us sent each other e-mails all year long, and if anyone wants to, go to fb and look me up at mike stover,I would be proud to have you as a friend, I dont do to much on there, and here is my e-mail for anyone that wants it mikestover78@live.com
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@hillbilly, im so sorry. i can sumwut relate. I lost my best friend in the world which happened to be my sister’s hubby. 9 months later my only child, a 16 yr old daughter was killed when her drunk friend ran over her in a speedboat. 1 month later, my dad laid on the couch and said, “i can’t live without my poopsie”. (referring to my daughter Lindsey. she was their only granchild as my sis could never bare children) anyway after my dad said that, he closed his eyes and passed away. I think he willed himself to die if thats possible. So unfortunately, loss, pain, grief are all to real to me. Just take it a day at a time. As I’m sure you do to, I have good days and bad days. Sumtimes feel my family is cursed or that God gave me the ultimate punishment by taking my girl. But I’m so thankful for the 16 beautiful years I was blessed to have her. The memories will last a lifetime.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are many tears we shed in our lives.
Some of joy, some of saddness
Some we share with another.
But there are no tears,
like the tears of a mother.
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hmmmmm ….. rock …… grapevine ……. Temptations ……… ~~~~I heard it thru the grapevine, not longer would she be mine ….. ooooo … oooooo …
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That was so well put and I think we never really get over it. thats what my dad did . when mom died, he made all the plans and just gave up, he couldnt go on with out her, they went everywhere to gather. I pray things get better for you as you have had your share, just know we are always here for one another thats what makes this blog what it is , one big family, when one hurts we all hurt, when one laughs we all laugh.
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Tambo, My heart breaks for you. I’ve had loss in my family too but I can’t imagine the loss of a child. My brother died in his 40s and my mother never fully got over it. How could she? I just lost her but she was a tough one, just like you said at the end of your post. “The memories will last a lifetime…but there are no tears like the tears of a mother”. And let me add – they live within you.
We all have our crosses to bear as the saying goes. Take good care my dear. You can find many of us on FB once you find one of us.
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@hillbilly, dunno if know of Lake Tahoe or not. It borders california and nevada. It is absolutely one of the most breath taking, stunningly beautiful places on earth. wish there was a way to pic up here. i went there every year as a child, into adulthood. Continued the tradition w/lindsey. As she got older, she would alwaz bring a friend with her. Me & Lindsey’s favorite activity was parasailing, as she became preteen. The most awesome, peaceful, amazing feeling in the world. I wrote this poem many years ago out of my love for Tahoe.
Beauty Unsurpassed…
My Tahoe
Beauty unsurpassed, tranquility surrounds me
I stand in awe of her majestic grace.
Treasure’s of splendor
Life’s spirit abounds.
My heart finds unrivaled peace,
My soul, it’s home.
I yearn for her unrelenting glory
She calls to me deep within.
I seek out her secrets
Cherishing all she chooses to reveal.
I marvel at her timeless strength
and undiminishing power
Yet consumed by her exquisite gentleness.
Rugged and untamed she provides
a welcomed calmness.
A keeper of secrets
A holder of dear memories past,
brings tears to my eyes
Our last visit would be our last.
My daughter’s laughter filled the nights
Like shooting stars on their glorious flights.
It will never be the same to me,
Without my daughter, nothing can ever be.
I wrote this poem many years ago. It originally was all about the beauty of Lake Tahoe and how truly passionate I am of it’s beauty. Sadly, when Lindsey died I new instinctively I would never return. I think some of the best memories of both our lives were lived out in Tahoe. It’s impossible to describe our moods in Tahoe. Beyond happy, almost euphoric. And the love never felt more strong. So to return to Tahoe now would be excruciatingly painful to me. The two things I loved most in life are now seperated never again to mend themselves together. I stand alone.
originally written in
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Still no word from Star. 🙁 Has anyone heard from her?
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Tambo, I’m simply speechless at your poem. I have no words to describe my feelings and the tears it brought to my eyes.
I live in Orance County and have been to Lake Tahoe a few times. It is a beautiful place. My niece lives about an hour from there and we’ll be driving up this spring to visit her and possible, if time permits, we’ll make it to the lake.
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@Tambo that was beutiful, I have never been there but know how it is. I live on top of a mountain here in Arkansas, just 3/4 from bull shoals lake and it is really nice here
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I sent her a card today , but havent heard anything from her
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TAMBO so sorry – there goes the mascara – luvs
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@Starfish, sweetie im so very sorry for your loss, as well as you mike. As for your mom Star losing her son, your right-it’s something you NEVER get over. You simply learn to survive all over again. They say time heals, it doesnt. But time does make it less painful and manageable. But the hurt is always there, whether it be on the surface or deep down, it never goes away. God Bless you, your mom, I assume your brother, and your family. My mom is still alive, huge fear of losing her, I know i will feel like a lost little girl. Terrified to die, but at least I know I have my girl and so many others there to greet me. Cant wait to be reunited with her again. Hope my dog is there too, how i loved him. His name was Dusty. Rot/mix. The most mellow dog I’ve ever known. Still have Lindsey’s dog Alley. She is now 13. Very hard watching Alley age, hard of hearing, rear end giving out. She’s a shepard mix. After Linz died, alley developed a host of phobia’s, the worst being the rain. I have to sedate her when it rains as she will scratch and dig (in the house) until her nails bleed. She was so freaked out one night, she actually tried hiding in the fireplace, with a fire burning. Unbelieveable. Both dogs were found together in a filthy, dirty, dusty alley. Hence, thats how they got their names!!! Major lover of all animals. Sometimes prefer animals than people!!!! Their love is purely unconditional. Can’t get that from people!!! Sorry for rambling, I’m done now!!!
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thank you all, much love.
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Thanks everyone for all the information and just entertainment. I’ve laughed so many times at different posts and cried at a few.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’ve hardly watched the feeds the last few weeks but I haven’t missed a day of reading the posts.
I’m hoping for a miracle with Dan being next in the jury house. I read a poll yesterday that Dan was leading towards winning America’s favorite. Awful in my opinion.
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WISTERIA – im so —-with you girl – getting dan to jury – want it bad – not gonna happen – that mist of his –
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Hey all you LFs and BBAD, after the show to night I hope someone is able to post POV results, I am hoping Ian wins it, if he dont ,dont care about watching the rest of the season really dont care you wins then
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OH MIKEY – u know u’l watch it all – ur a bb blogger all star – btw – do yall know who got put up?
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@hillbilly, again i must quote frank, “agreed”!!!! 🙂
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@Tambo so many tragedies for one person to bear. I feel for you! Please add me on fb we can stay in touch and private message. I hate to toot my own horn but I’m a pretty good friend and a good listener 😉
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well if Ian doesnt win POV, I vote for the fishes, they are more fun to watch, you see more of them on LFs than the HGs
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there’s only 2 choices for Noms…..Ian/Dan or Ian/Shane…..i think Dani will go with Ian/Dan……but for sure Ian is going up…..we shall see, lol… 🙂
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I wish these ppl would wake up and get Dan and Ian out!!! The ppl I wanted to won are gone..floaters are left!!!! Dan aka Judas is a pain..and the nerd can’t think on his own. Judas little helper. Frank rocked!!!!
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hillbilly, I can beat that, whoever wins POV the excitment of these F4 is like watching paint drying, picking a winner is like lesser of 4 evils, just going thru the motions of finishing the season out, angry that any of these 4 Bozo will be awarded half mil. when it can be so helpful other places.
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<b<All I can say is thank you all for all of your great comments ❗ Not doing so well Tonight! Got to go & lie down for now , Thank you everyone for being hear ❗ You all are a great bunch of Friends … Can't keep my eyes open anymore tonight! So upset with with too many things It is just getting me sick!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please just give me a break for tonight! I hope to check in with you all much later……………..
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See I can;t even do that Post right! </b.
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<b< Got to say Goodnight at this point , my friends! Going down fast ❗
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That game was a rip off from Glass House! LOL
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I guess I am not making much scene tonight… A good friend , George “Cooper” Crowley, A member of our VFW Post and of the Marine Corps League Passed away today……. Just having a very hard time with this tonight…………. 🙁
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Jen went out with class, if it had been me I would have busted Dan in his lying mouth.
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I read some where earily in the game that the coaches got20.00 just to show up and all HGs get paid so much a week, but the coaches get more.
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hey hey fellow bloggers wow what a show jenn did go out with grace good for her i assume dani will put up ian as he has put her up and dan after her “date”with shane she has high hopes for them, wish it goes that way not much to work with
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@mike…ur right the coaches each got 20K and 2K a week…the Hg’s get $750 a week….a big differance…..
great tv show…the spoilers were right on the money even with Julie giving Jenn the sandwish, lol…. i would’ve liked if they left the dani&shane date off and showed us the JH instead…they wasted too much time on that dumb date… 🙂
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had an unusually busy day today was out most of the day had date nite dinner with hubby bro and sis in law barely got home in time for bb scanned more then read todays blog hhhhhhhhhhhhhmm no wonder my ears were burning lol
@tmbo my heart aches for you it truly does no parent should go thru what u had to endure, and the poem is beautiful and very touchig
@ starfish i too know the loss of a mother still hurts and it is 16 years
i have to go back and read the blogs but i have to answer the million dollar question
Tambo 09.12.12 at 1:11 pm
@HoH8, ah but there is a link: http://tvgrapevine.com/forum/index.php?
bahahahahahahaaah!!! and everyone thought it was sooooo secret!!!!!! unless of course there is another one and im just making a fool of myself!!!!
tambo in regard to your above post yes i do post a grapevine, and tambo sorry but it is not the one u posted above, but u r not making a fool out of your self just curious i guess. I prefer not to make public where or whom i get my info from, a good reporter does not reveal their sources. and like it was said above i just give u guys what i find out and it is up to all who wants to take it as legit or not, it is just a game and we all seem to want to know what is going on all the time at least i do am addicted lol there is no secret
it seemed like things were getting a bit out of hand over this but i am glad it is all over and done with, each and every one of us has problems and it is nice to come here chat, laugh and have fun a good release a lot like thepary but a lot cheaper. so both hillbilly (mike) and I will continue to pick that grapevine clean, jane nice to see u back hugs to all and i sent an email to star have not heard if i do before she gets on here i will advise, well my darlings that is that
and back to our regular scheduled blog lol
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@HoH8, look how Dan has won 500,00, plus he wrote a book and got that money and how what he is getting paid to be on the show I dont know the total for that is, and he wants another 500,00. he is so greedy. thats why I dont want him to win.
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@Tambo: Your poem was so beautiful and I can’t even start to imagine what that find of pain and hollowness feels like. They say “Time heals all wounds” but I’m sure you may have a different perspective on that. Stay strong sister and just know that you are not alone.
@Bobo: I’m sorry for your loss my friend. It seems to be a very rough week for everyone everywhere. Hang tough kid.
@Jane: You absolutely rock and I agree with your “lesser of two evils” comment. Seems there’s a lot of that these days in our world and we could apply that to so many things.
@HoH8: I totally agree about the Jury House footage thing. One week left and we have seen a second? So, so disappointed in this season but sadly, I have come to expect it. Seems many with the Live Feeds unhappy with the coverage and fish, BBAD has been the worst ever and most of these prime time shows have been just horrible to me.
Sorry to disagree with last two posts but I thought tonight’s show was horrible. Agree that the Olympic piece was ridiculous and we would have been better served to see some Jury House footage. I always thought they should make a special half-hour Jury House show but God forbid we know what the nimrods are thinking and who they are planning on voting for. The way they’re coached to not reveal too much and act like their minds haven’t been made up for some time is an insult to our intelligence.
For me, and it’s just my opinion, all reality TV has taken a downward spiral and I have stopped watching many of the shows I used to love. The concept of BB is fantastic and I hope next season is better but maybe the show has jumped the proverbial shark. It could be me, maybe tough times have clouded my thinking but I seldom laugh or am surprised by BB anymore. It’s so hard to “Keep hope alive” when your spoon fed the same crap over and over and for like the 99th time, I think Alison Grodner and some of the other producers must go for the sake of the franchise. A girl can dream…
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Rich @pepsiRiCh
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Busy show tomorrow then. Live noms, POV, POV winner votes out next person, Pt.1 HOH endurance comp starts. R we gonna see jury at all? #BB14
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So what was all your reaction to seeing Dan wearing a shirt saying “Divine Child”? I was sickened to see that shirt on him. Jenn went out like a lady. Good for her. So it’s pretty safe to assume it will be Ian and Dan on the block. I sure hope Ian can pull off the POV.
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Can anyone tell me what is on the front of Dan’s red T-shirt? There is a Michigan map on the back and on the front it says THE with some type of white mass under it (maybe an outline of an animal??). Then under this is a U. It has been driving me crazy!!
Any news when we will hear the nominations??
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Trying something here…hope it works
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I guess not….sorry! 😆
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@tambo What an amazing poem. You really got your feelings across. I’ve always heard the greatest hell on earth is to survive your child. Tammy, you are an inspiration. I usually prefer animals to people too, and for the same reason. I firmly believe with all my heart that there will be a big reunion with your dad, poopsie and Dusty some day.
@bobo Grief puts extra pressure on physical pain. I’m sorry you’re experiencing such a down time, and I’m sure the low quality bb has been instrumental for all of us. I depend on interest in bb to mask some not so great things in my life and mind. The way bb has been this year does not make for a very usable mask!
@starfish I got an email from Star last night. She’s busily stretched pretty thin and may be coming down with something so let’s all keep her and her mom in our prayers. You are so precious!!!!+
Personal pain is in all of our lives. That we can discuss them on this blog is important and that we can find support and sympathy is evident. I think we were brought together for this purpose. I benefit so much by being here.
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@Bobo I’m so sorry for your loss!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Starfish somehow I’ve missed the posts about losing your mon ((((hugs))))
@double M thanks for yoyr email 🙂
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u guys saw tonights show??? did ian win POV??? please answer asap!!!! thx.
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they havnt played POV yet
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oakie-doakie-smokie!!! so we wont even see it on tonights show? im west coast.
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nope you wont see it
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Thanks 2 for letting us know you received an email from Star. Happy to hear it. Sending prayers and blessings her way.
@Jane, thank you. I had it on FB beginning of July and only mentioned here lately. She passed on July 3. It’s very difficult and I’m not quite myself all the time. However, now planning for my daughter’s wedding so that’s a bright spot in my life. Gotta move forward. I do miss her tho, a lot!
Justawaiting to watch the show with Tambo, Jane and our other west coast bloggers. 🙂 I guess that includes Ted too. 🙂 He’s busy laying down a floor.
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im sorry, that was a useless link!!!!
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@mike….to add to ur Dan problems…he said that he invested his 500K in real estake and made lots of money…..seems like they say rich people just want to get richer…regardless, right…..look at how hungry Boogie was and he’s a millionaire….. 🙁
@kevin….i saw a 11 second commercial tonite on CBS showing the Jury House for tomorrow’s show…maybe u can find it on twitter and post it……it showed Brit sreaming at Frank on the LR couch, lol…so funny….. 🙂
@betty…the noms will be known when the Feeds go Live in a while…..but it will prolly be Ian/Dan on the block……
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The Jury House
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FEEDS are back !!!!…..but Ian is not to be found…..only showing shane/dan/dani in the LR chit-chating happy……hmmmmm…..
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Thanks HoH8 for the link. I do hope they show some of the jury house tomorrow night. BTW, has anyone ever asked you what HoH8 stands for? Just curious what it means to you.
It was a good show tonight and the PBJ bit was funny. Jenn did go out with class and from her little prevote speech, she knew it was going to be her.
Bobo, so sorry for your loss. It’s difficult my friend and on top of health issues, I can’t imagine. Take care of yourself. xo
I hope the noms are done before I go to bed. I agree, it will prolly be Shane and Ian. I also think it would be great for Ian to win POV and poor gymnist, cancer survivor, zit picker, charge nurse etc. etc. etc. has to choose between Dan & Shane. It’s funny, they’re both using her. 😀 Boy will she be surprised. I’ll keep checking in and THANK YOU to all the faithful LFs and BBADers. Apprech!
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@SF…its funny…they used to ask me if i was a HG in BB8…..but i first got a computer back in BB7 and choose HOH as my username, cause i didnt want to be identified as a male or female…..so the next year when i choose HOH again, but they told me that it was taken so i choose HoH8 and it stuck all these years later the name stuck…..i post in many other bb sites so if u travel to them u will see my many other posts….thanks for asking….i like it here, so HoH8 might stick around and have fun with u guys here, lol…. 🙂
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Can anyone tell me what happen on bb b4 jenn was voted out. Direct tv was down.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and HOH8. Ians is in the dr
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Does anyone know who won pov
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HoH8, thanks for that. Good to know and I hope you stick around. We’re a good bunch even with our ups and downs, we are way more up than down. 🙂
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@MM. Have u heard from kimberly?
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@SF..u betcha im sticking around…..its nice and relaxing here, lol…. 🙂
@tomi….b4 jenn was voted out they showed a long segment of the “Date” of dani&shane….the Feeds are up but no word yet on who’s on the block and who won the POV yet….the boys are in the LR just chit-chating bout dumb stuff and Dani is in the HOH room popping her pimples, lol….. 🙂
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Since Dani says she does not want to have to choose between Dan and Shane would it not be funny if she put both of them on the block and let Ian choose .
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Dani just called to DR and Shane told Dani “Get Your Veto”…..She gets veto off of wall and heads to DR….
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Damn! Thanks HoH8. Damn again!
Well, how is everyone voting for America’s Favorite? I’m of course voting for Ian.
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Dan is acting like he is playing 20 questions. He would be driving me crazy if I were Ian. He has not let up on requisitioning Ian since he came back in from DR. He just told Ian “It has gotta be hard to be your brother” and Ian didn’t say anything until prompted by Shane as to what Dan meant. Dan hasn’t let up yet…..
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Sorry “questioning” Ian
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Dani eon veto
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Dani won veto
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@hoh8, thanks much
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@rhonda, that would be classic..lol
@joan wow, showtime must be delayed, I read your blog on dani get your veto and then it played on showtime
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haha I’m late but even though she won veto who did she have on the block?
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**** Ian and Dan are on the Block….so Shane will be evicting Ian tomorrow…. 🙂
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OMG…are we seeing a Final 2 of Danielle and Shane ?…NOOOO…Cant Be !!!… 🙂
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I just found this on Jokers spoiler site:
Danielle just confirmed it, Ian and Dan are on the block and Shane will be casting the deciding vote on Thursday. NT
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Did Dani put Shane on the block? Did their date mean nothing to her? Dan might vote out shane and not ian. Hmmmm Still a chance, thought slim, for our boy.
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@Pat…why are u so Lost?….u didnt read any of the last posts……ur poor Ian is GONE……Shane is gonna vote him out tomorrow…..Ian and Dan are on the block and Dani won the veto…hey but dont worry im sure he will win AC and the 25K….. 🙂
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@HOH8 Wow! I did drop the ball on that one. Sometimes I need help – serious help – so thanks for providing it in this case. Really, I need a keeper! Maybe Shane will actually make a game move and oust Dan. If only Ian would get with Shane and tell how Dan wanted Shane out. Dan will be spreading a thick layer of Dan mist around to assure he stays in the house. Hopefully Brit outed the Quack Pack and the jury knows Dan is now Evel Dan.
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That would be the cat’s meow if Shane votes out Dan. I would idolize him forever. So Dan must be all buddy-buddy with Shane right about now.
@Sal (luv2shoot): Good stuff brother. Or as Shane’s sister called him, “Broseph.” (That’s an anti- ;-0 if there ever was one. My bad.)
Kara Monaco @KaraMonaco
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hilarious! RT: @WilHeuser: ITS FINALLY FINISHED!! Big Brother !4: The Trilogy, Part 2: http://youtu.be/dZ3iRPIKBog via @youtube
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HoH8: Here you go… (Jury House quick clip if it sticks)
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The Amazing Race cast unveil plus specifics of $2 million prize (If team is who win Leg 1 of race can win the final leg, prize will be doubled from $1 million to $2 million), I am so cynical I doubt production would ever let that happen. And can we ever get the BB prize up to $1 million? Ahhh, never mind…
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@kevin….thanks…but it seems that they turned off the youtube rejection today cause i posted the link after i asked u and it stuck and posted……
love TAR and Survivor…..couldnt believe that 2 mill…i knew there was a trick to it…but it could be done….like u said production will do something to prevent it, lol….survivor will have to do the same thing……oh yeah, would love BB would go up to 1 Mil…..but AG will not ever let that happen, lol….. 🙂
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Happy Birthday JT
Birthday Thanks
Another year has come and gone;
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The sands of time keep trickling away.
Your Birthday reminds me to let you know
I’m thankful for you each and every day.
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BB14UpdatesDianaWatt @DianaWatt
THIS was so worth waiting up for all night!!!!! IDIOTS #BB14
Rachel Jensen @rjengirl
@DianaWatt what is going to be brilliant is Dan will keep Ian
BB14UpdatesDianaWatt @DianaWatt
Ian stands a real chance now, because Dan is worried about Shane/Dani, if she takes him off block Dan might save Ian #BB14
BB14UpdatesDianaWatt @DianaWatt
These brilliant idiots are going to take Dan off the block & think they are out playing him. HEHEHEHEHE #BB14
bbupdates @bbupdates
#BB14 Danielle is going to use the veto on Dan!!!
Ash @ashes2ashes13
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle just told Shane she is using the veto on Dan so that Dan will vote out Ian. #bb14
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BB14UpdatesDianaWatt @DianaWatt
THIS was so worth waiting up for all night!!!!! IDIOTS #BB14
Rachel Jensen @rjengirl
@DianaWatt what is going to be brilliant is Dan will keep Ian.
BB14UpdatesDianaWatt @DianaWatt
Ian stands a real chance now, because Dan is worried about Shane/Dani, if she takes him off block Dan might save Ian #BB14
BB14UpdatesDianaWatt @DianaWatt
These brilliant idiots are going to take Dan off the block & think they are out playing him. HEHEHEHEHE #BB14
bbupdates @bbupdates
#BB14 Danielle is going to use the veto on Dan!!!
Ash @ashes2ashes13
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle just told Shane she is using the veto on Dan so that Dan will vote out Ian. #bb14
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BB14UpdatesDianaWatt @DianaWatt
Ian stands a real chance now, because Dan is worried about Shane/Dani, if she takes him off block Dan might save Ian #BB14
BB14UpdatesDianaWatt @DianaWatt
These brilliant idiots are going to take Dan off the block & think they are out playing him. HEHEHEHEHE #BB14
bbupdates @bbupdates
#BB14 Danielle is going to use the veto on Dan!!!
Ash @ashes2ashes13
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle just told Shane she is using the veto on Dan so that Dan will vote out Ian. #bb14
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Justsaw on Twitter that Danielle is planning on taking Dan down so he can vote off Ian and have blood on his hands so he will vote for her in the F2. Tried to leave Twitter posts but didn’t catch.
Happy birthday JT and I don’t mean James Taylor, Justin Timberlake or Jack Tatum. Proud of your work ethic brother.
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Ian ain’t dead yet. Watch him pull a rabbit out if his hat and win this thing. Keep hope alive soldiers.
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I think Ian will vote for Dan in jury. Or if Shane, he will vote for him. I don’t think Ian will vote for Dani to win.
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Happy Birthday Jt!!!
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well if Ian is evicted, show over for me. wont care who wins. 🙁
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Hey everyone…just wanted to let y’all know I was still alive. I have been busy with my mom as she has been very sick. She has COPD and has gotten a bad case of bronchitis. She lives alone so i have been over there with her and calling doctors trying to get her meds, fetching said meds, getting groceries, worrying and not sleeping much!!! Right now I am just trying to get her well so she doesn’t have to go to the hospital…which she hates! I don’t think I have even been on here in at least a week. Feels like longer tho!! I know I have missed alot and I hate that!! 🙁 I did see in emails that some of you were worrying about where I was and that really surprised and touched me!! You guys are the BEST!!!m I am hoping to be back soon!!! Miss you all!!!! ♥♥ XOXO
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JT happy birthday, may your day be as special as u r
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hugs my friend
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from the grapevine,Ian says they could vote me out or you out. (no crap,lets hope Dan)Dan asks is there any other possibility? Ian says like Shane goes up and then he is voted out. Do you honestly think she would do that? (she is thinking about taking down Dan and putting up Shane so Dan will have Ians blood on his hands)Dan says probably not. Ian asks if there is any way they would keep me over you. Dan says not logically because everyone knows they can beat me in the end. Dan says just know that I didn’t let Memphis go down. I just don’t want to see you down, we will see what happens. Ian says that if they had more time maybe they could make it work but he thinks the vote will tomorrow. Ian says I am not giving up but I don’t think she will put Shane up. Dan asks do you trust me?(I wouldnt trust him as far as I could throw him) I think if you continue to be positive and that you continue think you are going, I will see what I can do. I don’t want both of us going to her about it. Dan says that he doesn’t think he can win the second part of the 3 part HOH. Ian says that he thinks he would be hard pressed to win either of the first two parts. Ian asks what do you think my changes are for staying? Ian says not so good. Dan says I just need to know you can beat her in the second part of the HOH. Ian says I don’t know what that has to do with it but okay. Ian says that it would be fitting if he left tomorrow because Britney left fourth day 69, and so would I. Dan says that he would vote for the best player. Ian agrees and says even if Shane votes me out he would still consider him.
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New Blog’s up!
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@JT Happy Bday.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ian not dead yet, maybe production can talk to Dani. Or tell shane that Da wanted him out or tell Dani that Dan wanted her out.
Somebody tell someone , puleeze!
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I hope Shane is more afraid of Dan and votes him out.
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Shane might evict Dan, as I believe he likes Ian more than Dan.
If Ian is evicted little Princess D will sit back and let Shane and Dan battle it out. She knows that no matter who wins, she will be in the final two! Oh my, it will be just like the old South when two men duel over a woman and Danielle will be in her glory, which will be sickening to watch!
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NEW PAGE UP —————————————————————–>
NEW PAGE UP ————————————————>
NEW PAGE UP ———————————>
NEW PAGE UP ———————-> 🙂
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why are the feeds down again???
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nevermind, just read the update. have a great all. 🙂
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*typos again-have a great DAY all!!!!!!
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@mamamargie, is this the new page???
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@TAMBO, no this is the old page, the new page is The Quack Pack ducks and Jenn is Evicted!
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tambo sorry i am late was not home hillbilly is correct this is old page to get to new page go to submit and see NNEXT POST click on that the quack pack ducks and jenn is evicted
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to anyone not sure when new page is up just look under the submit button before you post if new page is up saves lots of work trust me i learned thge hard way if use do NOT see next post we are using current page but whean a new page is up u will see title of new page next to next post
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------confused lol hope not
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Thanks for all the birthday wishes… really wish I had time to stick around and write more… but work starts in 46 minutes… and I have a 1/2 hour drive 😯
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I didn’t want Dan to win but now I do.
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