Big Brother – Sunday Update

by BBBlogger on July 15, 2012

Good Morning. First let me say, I have no idea where the name Kevin came from! When I was writing I was thinking of Frank. So, on the block are Kara and FRANK.

Shane won POV and doesn’t plan to use it. The house is flip flopping on who will be voted off. At this point, it looks like Kara. The reason being that they want to get Dan’s whole team out.

I haven’t watched any live feeds or BBAD. I don’t really have that much time. I use an App that lists everything the players say.

Supposedly, Ian is going to ask Ashley out on a date after the Veto Ceremony.

Willie told everyone that he is Russell’s brother (like they didn’t have that figured out by now!).

The house guests spend tons of time talking game strategy. I think its going to be the downfall of the game. The social interactions just aren’t there like they used to be. Hopefully I’m wrong and its just early in this season.

It’s still bothering me that everything seems to be centered around the “big 4” rather than the actual players playing the game. Kara being evicted because she’s on Dan’s team and the house keeping the strong player is going to bite them in the behind.

Also, I can’t believe that Janelle would leave her little baby to play Big Brother. I could never have done that.

Okay, so here’s your clean slate for comments. Have a great Sunday everyone. Bloggergal

Mama Margie…I don’t know why the system wasn’t letting your comments through. I’m sorry!

susan July 15, 2012 at 7:22 am

I think it’s going to be all about the ‘coaches’; I just don’t see how the houseguests can really play their game with the coaches calling the shots. But, we’ll see.

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aggie27 July 15, 2012 at 7:43 am


Are you going to honor my request about reinstating emails and a reply feature or was that B.S. 3rd Time asking, or do you even read your own blog? 🙄

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BBMO July 15, 2012 at 8:00 am

Yeah CBS really screwed up this season . I hope
Frank does stay because I heard him on the feeds
that he doesn’t want to call the vets ‘coaches’ because
that makes the HGs think they have to listen yo them.
I want the HGs to make their own decisions. Why would
anyone listen to Brit anyway .. she did nothing her
season except make an ass of herself .

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Tammy July 15, 2012 at 10:05 am

I asked abut the as well Aggie

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john July 15, 2012 at 10:29 am

i m not impressed by the coaching choices brit and dan are dull and not that bright boogie and janelle are good 100000 isn’tenough of an incentive should have been evil dick anddr will instead

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Mama Margie July 15, 2012 at 10:38 am

i think i figured out what i did wrong, i had to sign in and used mamamargie (as one name) but the correct sign in name is mama margie which is two names i changed and now seems to be working fine, sorry for the confusion
now back to bb, i watched bbad was so annoying i was glad to see the commercials come on lol
they played some crazy games, janielle and brit talking like was the end of the world i think less planning went into the storming of normandie
then janille and the chef talking on and on he was so far up her ass he could smell her cream rinse, ian was center stage could name all 13 seasons of bb knew first and last names of hgs AND the order they were eliminated, this kid needs a life. UPDATE the ants r back, seems to be all over the stove, counters etc did that stop the hgs from putting cookies (brit) on tin and leaving on the counter NO, they kept on cooking, talking etc
Now me I would have run not walked for the cleaning bottles and then send someone with half a brain to the dr to alert the prods the ants r back.
it seems each year the prods seem to get every non thinking person out there the bb app must have big clause that says IN ORDER TO BE ON BB U MUST NOT BE ABLE TO THINK FOR YOURSELF.
again, the game is being played by the vets, oh well, i am too hooked not to tune in, hope some of these people get a backbone
happy sunday all
will do fly by later
ciao for now
m m

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Mama Margie July 15, 2012 at 10:53 am

One more thing that stuck in my mind from bbad last nite, danielle and brit bh the pool chat was like brit was on the set if law and order sitting under the one lite bulb over her head with heat on and no liquids, geez
danielle was shooting questions to her like a crazed district attorney one could see how uncomfortable brit was at one point she said to danielle i really do not want to talk about this. did that stop Danielle noooo she soon picked up with the questions again, later in hoh roon brit was telling janielle how uncomfortable she felt with danielle questioning her.
I do not see danielle being a hg much longer,.
hey guys txs for answer to my question it was bugging me, glad i am not that gone in the head lol
tedster come home, get off that mountian or the lack of oxygen will take its toll on your brain, and besides we miss your wisdon and wit
also shout out to mike, betty, star, franks & cyn
miss u guys

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starfish July 15, 2012 at 11:01 am

I don’t understand the Brit thing either but who knows, maybe she’ll be strategically good this time because she learned so much last time? Is that possible. I actually like her.

I agree with you all who said it seems to be about the ‘vets’ this year. BBMO nailed it with the fact that “coaches” implies leader. I’m not so sure their own personalities will come out because they feel they need to follow the coaches. There should be something in play where they can send their coach home. That would be fun.

BBB, that was the first thing I said about Janelle too. Why would she leave her baby? The $1oo,ooo doesn’t seem worth it unless they are getting some nice amount daily for being there. I always liked her though.

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starfish July 15, 2012 at 11:02 am

Oh, Aggie, pretty strong blog from your girlfriend. My guess is they are trying to get that implimented but he should respond and let us know. I do agree it would be a nice feature to have.

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Sylvie July 15, 2012 at 11:20 am

Yes, I agree the coaches are an annoying addition.
Jeannelle must need the money that she has a house and baby, let’s just hope it’s get better.
Dan must go now !

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tedstrutz July 15, 2012 at 11:37 am

I think you are correct in your assumption regarding the coaches, Bloggergal. It’s nice to try new things, but this may be the downfall for this season. It has forced the players to concentrate on gameplay more. Maybe they should start voting out the coaches every other week… or they out when the team is eliminated?

For the record, I agree with Aggie re: replies…

JT must be sleeping in… not first today… I know that makes his day.

Has anyone seen my dear old friend PK?

For the record… Brit doesn’t have to Do anything… just be there looking cute.

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Wisteria77 July 15, 2012 at 12:20 pm

I keep remembering how mean Brit was in her season with that girl friend of hers. Last night Willie told Brit and Janelle the coaches were causing the players too much stress and he wished they were gone. I like him and enjoy him telling it like it is.

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Jeannette July 15, 2012 at 12:21 pm

getting Dan’s team out is early in the game it does not matter. Janelle is the center of attention that all you see most of the time. Dan team are not the strong players to worry about . There are more strong players to watch out for .

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franniep2 July 15, 2012 at 2:50 pm

*************SPOILER ALERT**************

Shane did not use the POV!

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franniep2 July 15, 2012 at 3:00 pm

@MM…I can see why they have such a problem with the ants. I seen Boogie use a spoon, and then he threw the dirty spoon back in the drawer as well as sweeping crumbs and stuff off the counter onto the floor. He also used up an ice cube tray and put the empty tray back in the freezer drawer without refilling it… Without Dr. Will he is just a idiot! I wonder if these people live like this on the outside of BB. I would hope not!

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Kevin11 July 15, 2012 at 3:01 pm


So great to see (and read) you again Starfish. Really missed one of my fellow West Coast girls here. Nice to be back and hear from you all.


” and on he was so far up her ass he could smell her cream rinse,” ☺

Best guess is that Sunday’s and Wednesday’s shows “already in the can and weird to know everything that happens before they show it but that makes it fun and future Thursday shows will bring back the suspense. Big TV night tonight. BB, Breaking Bad and BBAD. No rest for the BB freaks I guess.

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Kevin11 July 15, 2012 at 3:06 pm


What’s so ironic about that is that Mike Boogie owns restaurants, bars and has a newborn.

But I, for one, am not one to talk about a clean house/apartment. You may all see me on “Hoarders” someday buried under a pile of Sports Illustrated magazines, LVH betting sheets and cat litter bags. Sort of kidding, but sort of not. Would never put a dirty spoon back. Now I have dirty apartment angst. The best way to clean this mess would be to light it on fire. Hey, thanks for the guilt Aggie. ☺☺ Will clean a small section in your honor by 8 pm PT.

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Kevin11 July 15, 2012 at 3:09 pm

Sorry Aggie, meant franniep. Second cup of coffee hasn’t kicked in and listening to radio, watching TV and typing all at once. I’ll clean a small section in YOUR honor franniep. Now I have to do it. This Blog does make or live a little better one post at a time. Peace.

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tendr July 15, 2012 at 3:15 pm

glad to see some friends in here….
cannot believe i’m saying this cuz it kinda sux too but i’m kinda glad i’m watching ‘glass house’ now.

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Marla Jo July 15, 2012 at 4:02 pm

I agree with BBMO about Brittney. I didn’t like her during her season at all, and I was glad when she went home. I wish they wouldn’t search for people to be on the show and just pick from the people who really WANT to be on. They need to leave past players out of it all together. But I am still watching and pulling for Wil (with one L) because he is from Louisville, and will endure seeing Jeff wear those UGLY University of Kentucky shirts. 🙂

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satts49 July 15, 2012 at 7:27 pm

bogus bullshit. One doesn’t wear a wireless mic to bed…and the whole cast is surrounded by cameras!

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satts49 July 15, 2012 at 7:38 pm

This is not reality…this is manipulation, as real as pro wrestling.,,Absolute bullshit…figure it out pilgrims!

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satts49 July 15, 2012 at 7:54 pm

Please, this is complete bullshit…investigate what you watch!

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aggie27 July 15, 2012 at 10:36 pm

Good show tonight, i enjoyed it, Breaking Bad was great also, I look forward to a very cool season

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aggie27 July 15, 2012 at 10:41 pm

@ Starfish – Thanks for the support, regarding this blog, it helps if others want this as well, He’s not going to do shit for me, that’s for sure.

@ Tammy – I Glad you want the changes also, thanks.

@ Tedster – I’m glad we are in agreement, thanks.

If anyone else agree’s with us Don’t be shy, please speak up, If you want changes here, you have to be willing to rock the boat somewhat. Goodnight all

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aggie27 July 15, 2012 at 10:43 pm


Not surprising you would confuse FP with me, We are sisters somewhat 😆

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franniep2 July 16, 2012 at 1:59 am

I don’t know if any one else watched BBAD, but the little I’ve seen was borrrriiinnng!

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franniep2 July 16, 2012 at 2:05 am

I think we will be having a Star sighting real soon….. 😉

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aggie27 July 16, 2012 at 2:11 am

It looks like now Willie wants Frank out, that makes more sense, he’s the bigger threat.

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Bobo July 16, 2012 at 10:07 am

I saw it Frannie & you are right! 😕

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Mama Margie July 16, 2012 at 10:07 am

i agree frannie we must hav watched the same parts
the “date” was so silly to me, i have seen better 2nd grade plays which were more entertaining. I am sure they could have made it more honest was more like a fishing expedition. I am liking willie more and more he seems to know how to play the game, hope he goes far. Guess it is early so hope it picks up that is bbad, the show was good but then again it was pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle, i wish bbad was not as staged i think a red lite goes off when showtime comes on and the hgs go into character.
ciao for now, hope all have a cool and fun day will do fly by later for any updates

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starfish July 16, 2012 at 10:22 am

Hey K11, so good to have you back in the line up. Cleaning up a corner in your world is a good thing. Have fun with that! 🙂

@Aggie, I too enjoyed the show last night. Frank does make more sense to go. Boogie was really shocked and maybe he’s realizing he’s not the only strategist nor is he the only one with brains. I have no idea what he’s doing in the game anyway.

@MM, thanks for the BBAD rundown. Love it!

Yes, we are the BBBlogger Brothers & Sisters! 😉 Did I really say that?#!*

@Ted, didn’t you know they put Britney on just so you could watch her cuteness? 🙂

Ok, wasn’t there something where I can get an email whenever someone blogs? I’m confusing my blogs but a REPLY button would be great!

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franniep2 July 16, 2012 at 10:23 am

Parts is right MM, but please Bob, don’t tell me you sat and watched that whole thing. How in the hell did you manage that without falling asleep? I watched it in two shifts and I can honestly say that both shifts were equally boring. I really do like Willie on there. He brought game with him. I just hope it last and he doesn’t start showing the Hantz in him.

Well, I see there is a new page up, so gotta check it out. That’s what I get for not checking the bottom or my e-mails first. 🙄

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franniep2 July 16, 2012 at 10:25 am

Hi SF, there used to be a reply button. Aggie and company are trying to get that feature back. So…..MAYBE!

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Bobo July 16, 2012 at 12:19 pm

😆 No Frannie I did not watch the whole BBAD I typed it and went thru it this Morning! Still I do like Willie but the show just started , we shall see…I for sure don’t like Mr. Boogie! See you in Aggie Land bye for now my friend!

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Cassandra July 16, 2012 at 8:04 pm

I was wondering what you are using to tell you about the BB HG’s? I’d love to have an app as well as watching BBAD .
Also, I find Ian to be almost like another Ronnie. I don’t understand him or what he’s up to. What is up with the date idea?

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