Big Brother Update…

by BBBlogger on July 13, 2012

Good Morning!

Here’s what is currently happening in the BB14 house. STOP READING if you don’t want to know!!!!

Willie nominated Kevin and Kara for eviction.

Janelle and Britney have teamed up against the other two teams.

All seem to be gunning for Boogie.

Ashley and Danielle are have nots.

The POV competition has not been held.

Britney doesn’t seem to have control of her HOH Willie. He is trying to make a deal with Frank to keep himself safe for next week. Janelle and Britney both want Frank out of the house. IMO, they are right. Boogie’s team needs to be weakened.

Ashley has something wrong with her back and took pain pills. Feeds cut to fish when she seems really sick. Feeds come back, Ashley is laying down.

All players have gone straight into game playing. The women had all the alcohol last night. The men and women are taking turns with drinking. There doesn’t seem to be too much camaraderie in the house yet. I think the show plays better when the contestants interact on a personal level as well as a game level. Hopefully, they will as they get to know each other.

I still don’t like that they brought players back. The whole game centers around the four coaches. They are like puppet masters pulling the strings of the newbies. I don’t know if the newbies will ever find their way out of the shadows.

In the previous comment section, you will see some predictions about the future BB shows. I’m not repeating it here because I don’t have any confirmation, but if that’s true, the show should get interesting. We shall see.

Have a great Friday all. Bloggergal

aggie27 July 13, 2012 at 7:25 am

Bloggergal, they were saying Frank and Kara on the feeds, Brit and Janelle consider him a big threat, but willie feels he can trust Frank. he doesn’t trust Kara at all. He’s probably making a mistake, Fran’s the bigger threat.

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Mary July 13, 2012 at 7:26 am

who is Kevin?

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aggie27 July 13, 2012 at 7:30 am


What happened to my request for The emails back and the reply feature? BB is here and nothing has changed here so far .You said you were working on it, I hope that’s true. 🙄 I hate to beat a dead horse, but I don’t hide behind a bush i never have.

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BBMO July 13, 2012 at 7:47 am

I don’t like this BB at all.. hopefully it will get
better but I agree that the show centers around
the coaches. I wish CBS would just leave the show
alone! If it ain’t broke! Don’t fix it!

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aggie27 July 13, 2012 at 7:47 am

Frank above not Fran, sorry about the typo

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Wisteria77 July 13, 2012 at 8:14 am

I’m in agreement about BB not having return house guests all of the time. It’s like they think they can’t have a show without them.
I may change my mind later but for now I’m enjoying Willie’s game. I don’t think he’ll be a puppet to the mentors.

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Tammy July 13, 2012 at 8:30 am

great job bloggergal

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Donna July 13, 2012 at 8:46 am

i watched this morning, not sure i will keep up with it, kinda like who the returning HG’s were.

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Baxter Birney July 13, 2012 at 9:11 am

Thanks Aggie… so Frank is nominated—there is no Kevin. Its interesting Willie picked Kara one of the prettiest contestants for eviction because his brother Russell always aligned with the prettiest girls on Survivor. Boogie does have a strong team. All of the house mates seem to be very likeable but directly to the camera both Joe and WiL have said something that makes me think they could become Rachel.

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BCMarie July 13, 2012 at 10:54 am

I am at work at the moment so I can’t really do a lot of checking around, but I think it is handyman Shane that my eyeballs have fallen totally in love with 🙂

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Bobo July 13, 2012 at 11:48 am

BB after dark was not very good, I not sure I like the returning players! I think some guest spots would be all right but this is really all about them… 😕
Thanks for the up date! 🙂

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Kim July 13, 2012 at 3:23 pm

Ok. Who is Kevin? You say that Willie nominated Kevin and Kara. There is no Kevin in the house, so who was nominated?

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franniep2 July 13, 2012 at 3:59 pm

@ Kim….You are correct, there is no Kevin. The two nominated are Frank and Kara. It was probably a typo by Bloggergal.

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tendr July 13, 2012 at 4:06 pm

i need pics of the players so i can learn who’s who. it’s difficult for me to remember this soon. so i’m wondering which one is kevin. i looked up kara.

i wish they had NOT brought back the old players.

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Kevin11 July 13, 2012 at 4:09 pm


She must have meant Frank I think. Frank and Kara nominated from what I saw on Twitter and the PoV is underway with JoJo hosting.

It is hard to get the names straight early in the season and in three years we’ll be saying “Jodi”? “Jodi who”? Oh that’s right, that woman who was evicted on Opening Night of BB14.

I really think only about four have a shot at winning although I remember thinking past HGs had no shot (Zach, Kevin, Adam, Jordan) and they all went incredibly far in the game.

Jenn (tattooed-chick) has the best social game for my tastes but isn’t athletic and will get killed in endurance comps while Frank is probably the most athletic but they’d be smart to get him out early. Seems Frank and Willie have made a mini-alliance but Hantz is playing too hard, too fast and his ego will prevent him from advancing. NO Hantz will EVER win a reality show. Mark my words. (And I’m not hating. They make great reality TV folks.)

Sincerely believe that Snow White-looking chick, Ian, Dan’s two remaining girls and that chef Joe have absolutely no chance. That Wil dude is surprising me but his emotions and goofiness may cost him. He and JoJo bitched over a can of beer on BBAD last night.

From this distance (and it’s far, with possible twists coming), I’d say Shane (puka-shell dude) looks like a Final 4 or Final 2 candidate and it also looks like it could evolve/devolve into a Men vs. Women type season.

Britney team’s seems strongest, Boogie and Janelle’s #2 and #3 and Dan’s team might as well call it a day. Really poor picks from him…and he’s a high school football coach? Bet Alison Grodner has something up her sleeve for when Dan’s team is like slim and none. We’ll see.

Have also heard of a weekly Coaches Competition (Sunday’s “Twist”?) and other crap and it seems there will be many layers to this season. Was happy with Opening Night but this pace can’t last. Way too many playing too hard, too fast and acting like they’ll make it to the end. We all know better here.

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BCMarie July 13, 2012 at 4:24 pm

So I am at home now and have more time to put more thought into that first bedroom competition.

You would THINK that after all these years of CBS holding various reality competition shows that there would be more protective gear put on the players for fear of serious injury. It doesn’t take much to fall off a bed and slam your teeth through your lips.

Big Brother is Not Survivour … there are likely to be codicils (sp?) to be signed throughever and the whazoo …. and I am sure each competitor had to have a lawyer to advise the player regarding all potential harm that can happen.

But not everything can be thought of … in two days in a row workers were killed on the job by dump trucks here, these are trained workers, but still they ended up dead, their families grieving and the Workmen’s Compensation Board (that is the old name, I think it is called Workplace Safety now) investigating all the potential hazards that lead up to the each catastrophe.

Basically, I guess what I guess I am trying to lead up to is that in the ‘Old Days’ of Big Brother was that it was more about playing ‘Head Games’ … which I have been often been accused of doing … but I personally don’t think I do … watching a bunch of strangers in a enclosed house play challenges and the chaos that ensues … that was the fun of Big Brother in the Old Days.

Now if everything is going to be a rough tumble physical challenge from the get go … well … then I guess the competitors are just merely the Amazing Race and Survivor rejects.

The Big Brother game was at its utmost best the first time Dr Will played in the House.


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donna July 13, 2012 at 4:51 pm

I found my self actually rooting for Boogie and Dan…hmm..thats kinda scary even to me ..I like the coach idea..different..the newbies have the chance to win the big money..not the returnining hg..I just wish willie would have told the truth from the beginning..why would that girl lie about being a nurse..I think when you start out lieing like could cost you the game..As for me I’m really excited about the game this year..

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Bloggergal July 13, 2012 at 4:56 pm

Oops did I say Kevin??? Yep I meant Frank. That’s what I get for blogging so early in the morning. Sorry!

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franniep2 July 13, 2012 at 5:05 pm


Shane is POV.

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Princess July 13, 2012 at 7:27 pm

Yeah, Frannie!

It was certainly clear from BBAD last night that all these people had known each other for a few days. Willie plays just like Russell, but I doubt he’ll go very far in BB. Frank should definately be evicted unless getting a makeover (haircut) is one of the prizes coming soon. I can’t look at that all season. It bothers me more than Wil’s extensions!

So glad Brit and Janelle formed an alliance of sorts, I think they will do well together. I did have a feeling as Jodi walked in the door she would be the first one out. Premonition #1 – true.

We will see how the rest of the summer plays out.

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aggie27 July 14, 2012 at 12:33 am

I was just wondering?
Does Anybody Actually Read This Blog? It seems alot of people come on here and never respond to comments, I would be curious to see how many comments I get. If your a BB Fan, you should read this blog and respond to comments when asked.

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aggie27 July 14, 2012 at 12:34 am

@ K11

Did you get my Email?

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aggie27 July 14, 2012 at 12:36 am

I think BB is a pretty good season so far, I like the alliance of Brit and Janele I hope they can stick together. I think BB brings back former houseguests to cover there butts in case the season sucks, and it helps alot. 😆

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aggie27 July 14, 2012 at 12:44 am


I got your Email and will be writing soon, Thank you

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Kevin11 July 14, 2012 at 2:32 am

Thanks Aggie. Good stuff. Agree that it seems some don’t read the Blog entry or the posts. To each his own I guess. Most of the world is that way these crazy days.

When my best two friends come over, the first thing they say the last five years is “I can’t stay, I gotta go.” Rush rush. My grandparents would freak living in this world today with zombies walking around staring at their cellphones all day long.

I apologize for any future grammatical, spelling or content mistakes. Don’t re-read these posts like my sports or other writing. Watching BBAD now. Can’t believe the women don’t stay strong together. Seems I remember reading that here two years ago. See ya.

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aggie27 July 14, 2012 at 4:18 am

Hi Kevin, I guess that’s true, But why come on a blog, if you don’t want to read it, seems very strange to me and very lazy. Enjoy BBAD, so far the show, has been good for me, I hope others like it as well. Willie at least seems more likable Than Russell, has a pretty good social game, maybe he can teach him something, you think, maybe so. have a great saturday, take care

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franniep2 July 14, 2012 at 9:51 am

Hey Aggie….Yes, I do read what is said on here, unless for some reason, a person has waited for moderation. I only go the last last comment I’ve read. So, I guess I am half guilty. Since my last comment, I have to give a shout out to Princess, K11 and of course Miss Aggie. 😛 🙂

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tedstrutz July 14, 2012 at 10:39 am

Glad to see Willie get HOH. Thanks for the update Bloggergal… I was depending on my main man, but I guess he’s glued to the live feeds, eating out of a can… Maybe MikeS can take over, he’s always been dependable.

@aggie27… You are right, Fran is always a threat, as in p2… Not BB.

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tedstrutz July 14, 2012 at 10:50 am

Kevin… I agree, a Hantz will never win a reality show competition, but they are fun to watch. Russell was the Master, and look where his gameplay got him… Twice.

Big brother and Survivor will never be the same… the contestants arrive in full game mode… all innocence has been lost. What was once a ‘social experiment’ is now tarnished by unattainable aspirations of stardom.

Speaking of stars, it’s nice to see some of my old ‘friends’ from AggieLand here commenting… even Betty.

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mamamargie July 14, 2012 at 12:46 pm

hey hey fellow bloggers
watched bbad and was a bit better last nite, could at least hear most i=of the chats going on, the 1st nite was bedlam to say the least.
seems like brittany team has the upper hand this week good for them
i am happy jojo is on her team.
in re to the other hantz i think his first mistake was not owing up to who his bro is and i am sure he getting off on the wrong foot, the same with the nurse why oh why do they think they need to keep this stuf secret, like my grandma used to say ALL THE DIRT COMES OUT IN THE WASH!
i am wondeing how they r going to play game once teams get down to coach and one person (i e dan)
will do fly by later to see if any reports if and when veto ceremony was done and the outcome
m m
p.s. bbbgal good work u rock txs

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Justaguy (JT) July 14, 2012 at 1:11 pm

Sorry Theodore… but I haven’t watched a single second of the feeds or BBAD yet. 😯 ..sometimes life gets in the way. Hope to find more time in the near future for my summer obsession.

…..and for the record, I’m not eating out of cans! 😆 Unless I make myself a tuna samich…. then finish off the left overs with a fork. :mrgreen:

Aggie, I also wonder how many responses you’ll get. (does this count as one?) 😛

Frannie, keep the masses (and Ted) informed as to what is happening in that house.

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mike stover July 14, 2012 at 3:14 pm

@ Aggie, I read the blogs 3or 4 times a day, but as you know I am having trouble with my hands an it takes a long time for me to post, thats why I dont do it, unless some one asks me a ?, then I will try to answer sometime during the day. sorry but I am hopped up on pain pills & muscle relaxers right now, an can only sit up a little while. I hope BB doesnt end up like last year, but all the attension seems to be on the former HGs & what they are doing, I just wished they would just go away and let the new HGs play their own game. Well got to lay back down.

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franniep2 July 14, 2012 at 3:18 pm

@ JT…Now you know I have been caught up watching seasons 1-4 of Breaking Bad. I can actually say that I will be finished with them before Season 5 starts tomorrow. Once I’m done with that, I can watch more of the LF’s. You know I’m a morning person, and those peeps sleep the day away. I think I have watched maybe an hour of the feeds and not even that much of BBAD. Don’t know what happened last night on bbad, but Thursday night was pretty boring. Besides JT, you are a much better writer than I am. Maybe K11 can fill in too, he does good with the writing also.

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franniep2 July 14, 2012 at 3:20 pm

Sorry to hear you are in so much pain, Mike. Aggie knows you read the blog, and she is aware of your problems. We miss you, so hurry up and feel better my friend. ♥

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mamamargie July 14, 2012 at 4:05 pm

ok what is happening?
my comment # 27 is and has been up for moderation seems forever
am i on the block??? not fair i did not even get a chance to fight in veto comp?
lol can anyone see #27 or for that matter can u even see this???

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Dorothy July 14, 2012 at 4:45 pm

I kinda like this new twist with the coaches. Don’t like Brit, didn’t like her on her season. Not sure yet, which player I like, too early.

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Mama Margie July 14, 2012 at 6:01 pm

hope this comment goes thru
i had 2 separate comments waiting for moderation for hours i return and now they r gone, am i on the block???? lol
hope this goes thru

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franniep2 July 14, 2012 at 6:51 pm

Hi MM….I do see your comment on #32, but the one on #27 is from JT. If that one is missing, I have a sneaky feeling JT is to blame. 😆 JK, he has no editor rights here. It is strange that #27 was needing moderation. Maybe it will show up later. I sent you an e-mail, check it out. 😉

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tedstrutz July 14, 2012 at 7:02 pm

Fran… I’m sure he has weaseled his way in.

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tedstrutz July 14, 2012 at 7:03 pm

I checked with BBBlogger, Mama Margie… you are on the block… right after Aggie.

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franniep2 July 14, 2012 at 7:42 pm

Hi Ted…I hope you’re enjoying your trip and it’s not all work. Take care!

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Kevin11 July 14, 2012 at 7:51 pm


“What was once a ‘social experiment’ is now tarnished by unattainable aspirations of stardom.”

No truer words have been said. I hate how self-aware all people in reality TV have become and it’s sad because it seems to get worse every year.

I do enjoy the Hantz’s on TV and thought Russell got jobbed in his first (?) Survivor season. He played a great game but his social skills were so nasty that everyone decided to vote against him. Also dislike how Survivor has allegedly taped two future seasons. Makes the “reality” concept seem stale and I believe it’s only a matter of time until someone on Survivor or TAR leaks who has won creating all sorts of chaos (and a lawsuit against that person and a $1m or $2m penalty they can’t pay). CBS been lucky up to this point.

That’s what makes BB so great. It’s happening now and we can watch live feeds (if wanted), BBAD or the three weekly CBS shows to see what’s up.

First time I’ve had Twitter when BB on mind-blowing how much teeter-totter crap I’ve read. First Kara’s gonna be out then Frank’s gonna be out. Rinse. Repeat. And it’s ONLY effing Saturday. Need medication.

Just going to wait and see what happens. Seems Shane won PoV, WON’T use it and Frank and Kara both fighting for votes.

And though I think Hantz can’t and won’t win this, I will hate it when he goes as at least he is playing hard and is fun to watch. This will get interesting once a handful of the lessor hamsters leave.

Have heard rumors that Coaches/Mentors will get to play IN the game at some point but think (if they have crack at the $500K) it’s really unfair to all the original players and flies in the face of Julie Chen saying they’re playing for $100K in Thursday’s openers. Seems Dan’s team is toast.

Have a great Saturday night all. Hope there’s a new Blog tomorrow. ^:^

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franniep2 July 14, 2012 at 7:55 pm

K11….I heard the coaches will play their own games to see who wins. May be only rumor at this point so I won’t waste any space here till I get my facts straight. Ya know, you can’t always believe what you hear/see/read.

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Kevin11 July 14, 2012 at 8:17 pm


I should have picked up the quote from Twitter yesterday and dropped it down here. I’ll see if I can’t find anything else about it. Ronnie Talbott did have something similar to say about it and I’ll go retrieve it and post it here after this post.

Here is Jun Song’s weekly rankings from Reality Nation. Always entertaining. Definitely don’t agree with her order or point system, but a good read for freaks like us nonetheless:

I think Shane, Willie and if he survives the week, Frank, the three to beat. No women seem that athletic to me. Kara maybe the most but my doorknob has a higher IQ than her. No seriously, it does. It’s a very smart doorknob.

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Kevin11 July 14, 2012 at 8:22 pm

Here it is.. (via Twitter, July 14)

Ronnie Talbott ‏@DarthRonnieT
I will LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH when these noobs have listened to Janelle/Brit/Boogie and gotten rid of their allies, then BB lets the mentors play

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franniep2 July 14, 2012 at 8:25 pm

😆 @ K11….Now on to open that link upthread, but first, here is what I’ve seen.

The Sunday Twist Announcement?

According to the live Feed Updates the coaches have a private room in which they compete each week.

The winning coach gets to choose one player to keep safe for one week.

In the just completed comp, which Boogie won, he choose to keep Ian safe.

The coach of the team that won Head of House also gets to sleep in the private room. The private room is actually the Pandora’s Box room.

Has anyone else heard this?

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Kevin11 July 14, 2012 at 8:36 pm

I saw that and it makes much sense and is fair to the integrity of the game.

Just found this also…

I Hate Big Brother! ‏@ihatebigbrother
The biggest problem with Jan and Brit’s reason for voting Kara out is the assumption they will enter the game to play, worried about Dan.

Again,, why would CBS dupe the fans (and the Mentors and HGs) and say the Coaches.Mentors are playing for $100K only let them to play in the game? And say a Mentor/Coach won, which the math would be on their side if all four HAD To stay, would they win the $500K and not the $100K? Right. Probably not. makes no sense. Wish they would have provided me with an Rx for Valium when I got on Twitter.

Everyone has an opinion on everything and I like it best to see it slowly play out. And if I had the Live Feeds, my cat’s litter box may have more shit in it than litter by next Friday.

May pop a couple Twitter pictures in here tonight for our boy up in the woods. As a Sasquatch fan, have your camera ready if you’re in the right place although in this cynical world even if you did get a photo Ted, everyone would say it was Photoshopped. And Bigfoot would dominate in Big Brother as I’m sure eating slop ain’t no big thang to him but standing on the edge of a surfboard for three hours might be a bitch when you ‘re 7’11”, 888 pounds. Just saying.

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Kevin11 July 14, 2012 at 8:42 pm

hamsterwatch ‏@hamsterwatch
family dinner – this usually ends after first eviction (not counting Jodi), when things start getting ugly #bb14

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Kevin11 July 14, 2012 at 8:44 pm

Big Brother Gossip ‏@BBGossip
Ian is eating a “slop burger” – apparently Joe has made the slop diet a million times better than in the past. #bb14

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Kevin11 July 14, 2012 at 8:46 pm

Big Brother Wire ‏@BigBrotherWire
New alliance #BB14

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Kevin11 July 14, 2012 at 8:58 pm

Big Brother Gossip ‏@BBGossip
iPhone quad cam. Left ear has cams1/2. Right ear has cams 3/4. Love it!!! ‪#BBLF‬ ‪#BB14‬ ‪#bigbrother‬

Alright. Gonna chill for the night unless I find those bikini shots of JoJo, Janelle or Britney. have a story to write about Chelsea (English Premier League soccer) I’ve been putting off for a day…and a little gray cat who needs her weekly Saturday night brushing and aloe wipe down.

Missing the simpler days of Big Brother. May be too much media, hype, talk, stupidity and quirks in the game to ever be the same. Peace.

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Kevin11 July 14, 2012 at 9:03 pm

And that Twitter picture didn’t catch. Oh well. Fuck it. I tried. Will drop some crap here later if anything interesting happens. Saw a funny conversation on Twitter between Murtz Jaffer and Evel Dick I’ll try and wrangle up later.

And seriously, I still hate technology. Luddite ’til I die. I remember when I used to actually LIVE my life. Now so computer and TV based. Animals are smart: no time for silly technology. Just eat, sleep, shit, sleep, piss, sleep, treats, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, smoke a cigarette, piss, eat, sleep, sleep.

I really want to be a cat in my next life. ^:^

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franniep2 July 14, 2012 at 9:21 pm

ok…so I watched the lf’s for a total of 5 minutes, and I swear….I would rather watch paint dry. I’m out for the night, too much excitement for one night. 🙄

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Kevin11 July 14, 2012 at 9:23 pm

In case you didn’t catch Thursday’s opener Ted (or anyone else)…Hope it sticks, plays. Great (Twitter) site for BB’s prime time as well as BB UK.

Ermm BBUK ‏@Ermmmmmmm … ‪#BB14‬ on one playlist for anyone who wants it. Ok quality too.

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Kevin11 July 14, 2012 at 9:23 pm

Sorry. Didn’t work. Oh well. Worth accessing if you’re on Twitter and missed a show.

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Justaguy (JT) July 14, 2012 at 9:45 pm

Frannie, are you done re-watching season 4 of Breaking Bad? ..if not, hop to it! 😆 ..season 5 starts tomorrow! 😀

Kev11, thanks for the updates.. and get Saki off those damn cigs!

Ted, starting to worry about oxygen deprivation to your brain.

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Kevin11 July 14, 2012 at 10:39 pm

hamsterwatch ‏@hamsterwatch
Janelle’s bikini top is threatening to fail #bb14

Go baby go.

With three hours of BBAD, an hour of BB14 and the Breaking Bad premiere Sunday, I am officially in TV Heaven. ☺

Heard Breaking Bad will air eight episodes this calendar year and then the last eight in 2013. Will be the first TV show I’ll ever have to get the entire run of on DVD. And maybe I’ll hook my DVD player up by 2020.

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Mama Margie July 15, 2012 at 12:17 am

been watching bbad and i was never so happy to have commercials come on oh well, i am sure it will get better, so happy i did not get the live feeds
ok now for a question
am i crazy or did big brother at one time have a set of female twins on and the other hgs did not know about it till the end
did i dream it or was it another show? i am so into so many realty shows they all seem to meld together.
someone please help an old lady out i am going crazy here
oh by the way i figured out what happened earlier seems i have had to “sign in” and used mamamargie (one word) i think that is why i was in moderation as the correct name is 2 words mama margie

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Justaguy (JT) July 15, 2012 at 12:27 am

Not crazy MM… they did have twins on that switched places from time to time (Adria & Natalie)… think it was season 4- 5 or there about.

The others didn’t know till a while into the game.. then both twins got to enter at once and compete.. they were both evicted soon after.

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franniep2 July 15, 2012 at 12:35 am

@ MM…you weren’t dreaming the twin thing. It was on season 5. Adria and Natalie switched places every few days, appearing as one person. Adria was the actual twin that was picked to play in the game.

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franniep2 July 15, 2012 at 12:36 am

lol….hi JT. That will teach me to start a comment here and then go to fb to play a game. I should have know I would be swooped by you. 😆

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franniep2 July 15, 2012 at 12:42 am

BTW JT, I have 1 episode left….much better the second time around. I hated to see it end, so I am saving that last one till tomorrow. 😉 I can’t wait to buy season 5….. 😆 Pushing things a little, eh?

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Justaguy (JT) July 15, 2012 at 12:43 am

Watching some BBAD for the first time this season….

UPDATE: ..there is absolutely nothing happening.

What I saw a bit earlier.. people were around the hot tub asking Brit all sorts of questions about her season.. they seemed star struck? 🙄 ..especially Danielle.

The other thing going on was Ian reciting all 13 seasons of BB… the order they were eliminated in.. and their first & last names. Yep, that’s the same kid that said on his preseason interview that he didn’t want people to know he knew so much about the game. Couldn’t even make it a week before spillin that your a walking BB encyclopedia huh? Like the kid though.. and he is smart… just needs to not out-think himself.

I’m sure things will pick up as we get into it… always slow at the start when they are still in the “gettin to know ya” phase. I am impressed that we made it past 1 episode… and the usual impatient barrage of “worst season ever” hasn’t started yet.

I look forward to when the newbies strike out on their own and make alliances regardless of what their coach says.. that could get interesting.. and it’s bound to happen. After all, how long would you go along with a coach’s plan before asking yourself what was best for YOU… and not in their interest of cashing $100k.

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Justaguy (JT) July 15, 2012 at 12:49 am

1 episode to go… you’re in good shape Frannie. And for you to actually watch something TWICE says A LOT!!

I wont spoil what happens in the final episode, “Face Off” 😆 ..let’s just say the name of the episode is fitting. 😯 (jk.. I know you’ve seen it)

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Kevin11 July 15, 2012 at 12:57 am

Stuff like this makes me worry there’s more to this than meets the eye. Key words being “we enter (the) game.” If so, the 4 Coaches knew their reality as CBS had to tell them before entering the House what would transpire which is totally unfair to the newbies who had no idea there were mentors OR a twist. Time will tell and if it gets janky, no doubt fans will tear into Alison Grodner for overthinking this season and changing the game too much.

Seems CBS starstruck with its own BB, TAR and Survivor stars the last decade (Boston Rob, Russell Hantz, Jeff and Jordan, Rachel and Brendon).
They now we like them or love to hate them so they keep shoving them down our god damn throats. Weak.

Evel Dick said on a podcast last night he thought returning HGs would always be the new norm and that there would never be another All-Star season. I believe a majority of us here would have no problem with a simple “old-fashioned” season with 16 new HGs and minimal silly twists.

Here’s the aforementioned Tweet (and have seen several with this tone yesterday and today from multiple, unrelated sources.):

BB14LIVEupdates ‏@BB14LIVEupdates
Every time Jani/Brit mention “we enter game” in some form we get Fish on Feeds. #Hmmm #BBLF

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Kevin11 July 15, 2012 at 1:00 am

Another Tweet in the same vain. Doubt CBS (Julie Chen) would lie about Mentors/Coaches playing separately for a $100K prize but who knows?

BigBrother__USA ‏@BigBrother__USA
Janelle wonders if BB will take away coaches prize if coaches enter the game. Janelle worried their teams will feel played.

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Kevin11 July 15, 2012 at 1:03 am

And another…

BB Updates ‏@MyBBUpdates
It would be unfair for mentors to enter the game. Their team members are telling them every game move they make!

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Kevin11 July 15, 2012 at 1:13 am


Crypt Orchid ‏@Tawny_Leigh
Yep every time the girls talk about this, they cut the feeds. Highly suspicious. #BB14

If I had the Live Feeds, and they were grainy and cutting out so much and had the trigger-happy production people killing the feed every time something perceived as risky happened (as reported on Twitter) I’d have cut my wrists already. And it’s only Saturday night for a season that started Thursday night! Wow. Would be pissed to pay for something advertised so heavily and then watch a fish tank when something deemed questionable came up. This season starting off weird from a fan’s perspective. They may have over-thunk this whole “SuperSize” crap.

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Kevin11 July 15, 2012 at 1:17 am

One more try on a YouTube version from Thursday night’s opener for any men on a mountain top who may have missed it or anyone else interested:

Apologize in advance if it doesn’t work.

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Kevin11 July 15, 2012 at 1:21 am

The source of that YouTube clip if anyone interested for future use or if you missed an episode (I think he posts them all, new to me) is:

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aggie27 July 15, 2012 at 3:21 am

Hi Guys,

@ Margie- Natalie and Adria were the twins from season 5- the season of the 4 horseman, they were pretty stupid, didn’t know what Karma meant.

@ Fran, Mike And Jt, Thanks for the response
@ K11- God love you for trying to do something here.

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aggie27 July 15, 2012 at 3:22 am

@Ted- I’m always on the block here what else is new> How’s the mountains?

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Kevin11 July 15, 2012 at 4:09 am

Thanks Aggie. Remember how great it used to be here with so much different information traded on BB11. Will keep it up…

Just read this:

Bryan McKague ‏@Tribal_Prophet
@EvelDick Janelle/Brit saying they’re almost positive BB will let them compete for 500K. Only reason they’re doing this it seems. Can you

Evel Dick Donato ‏@EvelDick
@Tribal_Prophet I really hope not. It would be so unfair to give 3 of the best & 1 returning player a free month pass against these people

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aggie27 July 15, 2012 at 7:47 am

Yes I do Kevin, those were the days. 🙁

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