Big Brother’s Shelly is Shown the Door!

by BBBlogger on September 1, 2011

Finally, Shelly is out of the Big Brother house! Thank goodness. I know she had her own style of playing, but I couldn’t take it another minute. Kalia voted to evict Adam, making the eviction 2 to evict Shelly and 1 to evict Adam. Jeff is going to be happy to see her walk in and even happier to voice his opinions to her. Should make for some good TV next week.

Don’t count that Fortune Teller out of the game yet! As I mentioned before, the live cameras have zeroed in on something on the table in the room with the FT. Could it be a coin to make her work? We shall see!

On the whole, Brendan, Danielle and Jeff acted like mature adults when the three realized they were all in the Jury House together. Danielle did gloat a bit over Kalia getting Jeff out, but Danielle does realize it was all her doing that made the three of them end up in Jury instead of in one of the winning chairs. Brendan looks better when he doesn’t shave (my opinion!). Jeff was really upset when he realized that he accidentally through the clown shoe out of his bin and it was sitting right next to him. If he had just glanced over, he would have won POV. Oh well, no crying over spilled shoes???

The HOH was a physical competition involving crawling, running and diving through icing-type muck to pick up donuts and return them to a pole. The HG that put the most donuts on in a certain length of time (12 or was it 13 minutes?) wins HOH. Everyone started out okay. Adam was actually almost keeping up with Rachel, but you just know after a handful of trips, he would get slower and slower. The same goes for Kalia. I’ve been watching the live feeds this week and Rachel, Jordan and Porsche work out the hardest–walking and running around and around the yard. Since Porsche can’t compete, that leaves Rachel and Jordan. I won’t say who won, but I bet you can guess! Check the comments–the spoilers are out.

I will say that I’m happy with the results of the HOH. Let’s see who gets nominated this week. We are getting down to the wire! Have a good weekend. Bloggergal

Jennifer September 1, 2011 at 10:01 pm

Does anyone know who won HOH

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KeriJ September 1, 2011 at 10:02 pm

Rachel again!

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KeriJ September 1, 2011 at 10:04 pm

At least Shelly is gone. Out of who is left I “guess” I would hope Rachel and Jordan final two!

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Jennifer September 1, 2011 at 10:07 pm

Yaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy! Go
Rachel !!!!! I thought it must be her since the usual peeps haven’t posted any comments on here! Oh well I am thrilled for her and Jordo!

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starfish September 1, 2011 at 10:12 pm

Thanks Bloggergal, great post!

We’ll see if Rach nominates K & P this week. It’s also possible she may not want to sit next to J for final 2. That would be a good move on her part cuz chances for her to win would be better against someone else. As for the JH, can you imagine Brendon & Jeff campaigning for their respective girlfriends should the F2 be R & J. Rach played the better game but I doubt Jeff would concede that. He would campaign for J to win. Would be interesting to watch if only we could. The JH is probably more fun that the actual show.

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Joan September 1, 2011 at 10:12 pm

Way to go rachel. Go all the way. Stay away from pandoras box!

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SARAH September 1, 2011 at 10:12 pm

YAY!!!!!! go Rachel go…you deserve to win!!!!! 🙂

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starfish September 1, 2011 at 10:13 pm

I just notified the old blog that the new blog is up.

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Coco September 1, 2011 at 10:13 pm

Well we know it will be Portia & Kalia on the block, and I bet Portia wins POV, then Kalia is the next juror.

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Star September 1, 2011 at 10:14 pm

From last page……just wanted to get this in since it was the last post. How do you guys always KNOW there is a new post????? I obviously never

From last page……
True dat, SF. but Adam isn’t the worst BB player OR he worst to ever win 2nd place!! Remember Cowboy??? All that is coming to me in this second but that is WHY HGs take that kind of player with them…so they are sure to win!!! everyone agrees they don’t deserve it but all the other HG is thinking is it will get them the half mil. So he wins 50 G’s by default…oh well…. I’d much rther see it be R&J…more equal and more interesting!!! But still 2 weeks left. ANYTHING can happen!!!

MM…ya….K&P shpould start packing ASAP!!! And I’ m sure they know it too. Should be alot of butt kissing going on up in the HOH tonight!!! And guilting!! Since J&R went up there making a F4 deal! But P&K wernt going to keep it anyway so……don’t forget all the BB stuff you took when U r packing, girls!!! 😉

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Darlene September 1, 2011 at 10:16 pm

I would also like to see Rachel and Jordan make it to the end…they
Have really fought the good fight and ended up having the best alliance
At the end when it counted most…

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Kim September 1, 2011 at 10:17 pm

It would be great if you didn’t put up this blog until after midnight. Many of us in tv land don’t get to watch the show due to football season starting. I and many others will be able to watch BB after it appears online, at, after midnight.

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starfish September 1, 2011 at 10:17 pm

Star, yes Cowboy was really funny tho whereas Adam is blah but you are right, he wasn’t a player either.

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Star September 1, 2011 at 10:18 pm

Joan..just heard that there IS going to be another Pandora”s box!!! But come on…NO HG has ever NOT opened it!!!! And I am taking bets that if there is money involved, Rachel will too!!! Altrjo ashe and Jorod talked about it and said they wouldn’t, I am thinking the temptation just might get the best of her!!!!!!

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starfish September 1, 2011 at 10:19 pm


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starfish September 1, 2011 at 10:19 pm

Are you kidding, another Pandora’s box??? You’re right, everyone has opened it. ciao for now.

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Bulwinkle September 1, 2011 at 10:21 pm

Rachel — I began the show hating her, now Im rooting for her. This show really does mess with your brain — but it is cheaper then drugs. LOL

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john September 1, 2011 at 10:23 pm

bye kalia

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Star September 1, 2011 at 10:24 pm

LMAO @Bullwinkle!!! 😆


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jolee September 1, 2011 at 10:24 pm

rachal should nominate poch and koch

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Diane Beebe September 1, 2011 at 10:34 pm

OH THANK GOODNESS SHE’S GONNNNNNNNNNE! Is it just me or has Jordan said “I wish I’d done better” just one to many times?

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funkytowngirl September 1, 2011 at 10:42 pm

So excited Rachel won! She is a fighter!! Rachel-Jordan final 2 and Rachel wins!

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Tammy September 1, 2011 at 10:57 pm

Really looking forward to noms now

Night everyone have a good night

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Holly September 1, 2011 at 11:03 pm

@Kim, if you know that you can’t watch until later why would you come on this blog? You know everybody comes on to discuss. Maybe instead of asking a whole group not to post until later, you should come on later. Its what the rest of us do who watch after the usual time. Just sayin……………
@Bulwinkle, LMAO! Thanks!!
I am so excited that they threw off that freaky, backstabbing Buck!
I am equally stoked that Rach won, but you just knew when you saw that comp that it was right up her alley.
That’s all I have for now but remember, I am like BB and always watching …………………..HA

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Margo September 1, 2011 at 11:18 pm

I’m so upset about this stupid football here! I knew that snake in the grass was going to slither out of there tonight. I’ve been rooting for Jordan all season, but have become very fond of Rachel. She’s much better without that annoying stick in the mud, Brendon. I definitely want to see Rachel & Jordan in the final 2!!

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caddykitty September 1, 2011 at 11:33 pm

to Kim
simple solution, don’t read this blog till AFTER you watch the show. duh

Rachel & Jordan final 2

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luv2shootpics September 1, 2011 at 11:35 pm

@Star ….. go to the bottom of the page, if the new post is up it will have a link

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luv2shootpics September 1, 2011 at 11:45 pm

This game is now Rachel’s to win or lose ….. she wins against anyone @ F2 (Jordan will lose because she didn’t play a better and everyone knows she has won before)
everyone else is just afterthought.
Rachel has definately stepped up her game and deserves the win.
Porsche needs to go next to eliminate the best challenge player left other than Rachel.

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starfish September 2, 2011 at 12:00 am

@Bulwinkle – Hilarious!!! And true too!

Sal, absolutely! This is now Rach’s game. She does deserve to win but as I mentioned before, it will be interesting in the JH to see who campaigns for whom!

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Hapahwngirl September 2, 2011 at 12:11 am

I’m happy Rachel won!!!! Rachel will win BB and run with the money and run from Brendan too lol lol

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Jenna September 2, 2011 at 12:51 am

Kim – I live in the west too – so I watch Big Brother on an Eastern station – so I can see the first viewing – if there is something that keeps BB off a USA Channel – I watch a Canadian Station. Where there’s a will, there’s a way! Very Happy that Rachel won HOH!

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cathy September 2, 2011 at 12:55 am

Rachael is a warrior!

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starfish September 2, 2011 at 1:12 am

Just watched the show and was happy to see the JH clips. I really felt bad for Jeff when he realized he threw the shoe out of the bin. He was really upset by that. I think they’ll have a great week and Jeff will get his wish that Shelly walk in the door next. Dani knew she blew it for the 3 of them by not staying with the alliance.

Shelly did really well in the exit interview. It will be interesting to see what Jeff has to say to her. I don’t think it will be pretty but he has a week to calm down.

It didn’t look like Jordan had her heart in the HOH comp at all. She just didn’t show any drive. She gets that blank look on her face ever since Jeff left. Will Rach take her to the end? Rach deserves to win and I hope she does but as Hapa said and many of us have said, I hope she dumps Brenda on his bully a$$.

As for the celebrity Pandora’s Box, I don’t know what to think that might mean. Hopefully not Hasselhoff. 🙂 Will Rach open it? Chances are yes but she’s a smart player and it helped her last time when P opened it but could very well hurt her this time. We’ll see.

I enjoy the spoilers so watching the show after I hear them is fun for me. It’s like reading a book and then seeing the movie which I also love to do. nite all

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Courtney September 2, 2011 at 1:50 am

ohhhh what if the celebrity Pandora’s Box involves Tori Spelling. I’d like to see Adam’s reaction.

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Courtney September 2, 2011 at 2:01 am

Star lol @ Kalia was too busy eating donuts to win comp

I’m starting to think that Lawon had a truly BRILLIANT strategy when he offered himself up for eviction. He’s enjoying the sounds of blissful silence at home while I am watching BBAD listened to Kahlia gibber incessantly. Who’s the genius now? My only reprieve is when she eats.

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Star September 2, 2011 at 3:30 am

Courtney ….I’m surprised she didn’t actually give up and lay down in the goop for a nap!!!lol Carbs make ya sleepy, ya know..;)

I knew about the Pandora’s box but hadn[t heard it was going to be a celebrity. Not sure I like that. Seems like it is kind of mucking up the show. Not much time left and the HGs really need to concentrate. It’s like trying to cram too much into too little time.

@Sal..thanks for the info.

Ok…..that’s it. Just wanted to see what I had missed. I am excited about he next 2 weeks but also a lil sad as i always go thru such withdrawl after BB AND summer are over!!! *sniff* more thing…at least of the 5 HGa thqt are left, I find none of them abrasive or repugnant or hateful! It makes it alot easier to watch when there are so few people left if they are all pretty ok and get along!! Alot of BB endings have been total segregation or silence and HGs hating each other. This is much easier for us fans to watch, IMO.

Nite all!!!

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tendr September 2, 2011 at 4:00 am

pretty much thot rach would win. hope it’s r and j in the end.

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becky September 2, 2011 at 4:42 am

Never thought I would be a Rachel fan but here I am hoping she wins, i hope her and jordan go all the way to the two chairs and rachel gets the money. So glad that Shelly is out of the house.

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BCMarie September 2, 2011 at 5:43 am

Did any one count the number of times Jeff said ‘clown shoes’ in the JH? I just LOL. Poor Jeff, he must be cringing with self contempt 😉

BBL to read the current and new posts, this sick old dawg has to go to work.

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the mortgage dr. September 2, 2011 at 7:02 am

Rachel is becoming a big time player…cheer’s to her…well desreved…as far as PANDOR’S BOX…Young lady stay away from it right now…something good and something bad…doing nothing is a better option at this point in the game…just ask Porche…she got 5,000 but it came at an expense…BYE BYE K GIRL…SAY HI TO THE PUPPET MASTER…******IS THERE NO SHOW NEXT THURSDAY BECUASE OF THE NFL SEASON OPENER********

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Jay September 2, 2011 at 7:20 am

Shelly could have avoided some of America’s wrath if she had been honest in the jury room, instead of blathering on about how hard it is for her to lie. Just be honest in there, we’ll understand,we’ve seen the show, you know.

Star – you can always find out a new post is up by signing up for the email notifications.

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Jay September 2, 2011 at 7:21 am

Imeant diary room

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Tamara September 2, 2011 at 7:23 am

I am so happy Shelly is gone doing my happy dance 🙂 Love R&J but I want Racheal to win.

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linnie September 2, 2011 at 8:33 am

In Shelly’s exit interview, she says she can’t wait to see her family. Stupid! She’s going to the jury house until this thing is over!!!!

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mike stover September 2, 2011 at 8:42 am

OK my .02 worth, I have always wondered, Why AR & Survivor that take 30days to shoot get 1 million, and BB only gets 1/2 million and it takes longer, true the other take more phyical, but BB is more mental & phyical, if they would give them 1 mill, I think we would have a better show they would fight harder. come on CBS, just about every game show give a million now and after seeing the fall line up, it wouldnt hurt to have a summer & winter BB all the other ones do, just a thought. after hearing about kS dog I hope she goes home and sits on her fat a$$
& eats till she has to be on the biggest loser.

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Judie September 2, 2011 at 9:00 am

i am in rachaels corner also…she was a little over the top at the beginning but she has never given up and she plays with her whole heart….too bad she won’t be able to play hoh tho next week as jordon just doesn’t have it….she is sweet tho…..

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swt September 2, 2011 at 9:05 am

Rachel deserves to win the 500k she has been fighting since day 1 ~ she is playing a great game without Brendan ~ i like her a lot better w/o Brendan ~ i hope Jordan wins the 50k ~ who do yall think will win the america’s choice??? goodbye Porche she has stepped up her game, IMO she’s the biggest threat now ~ really hope Rachel does not fool with that Pandora Box ~ yes it did work in her and Jordan’s favor ~ but good thing / could mean a change in the game like last time, they don’t have to see a celebrity at this point R/J need to be right on the top ~ very glad Rachel WON the HOH she’s very determinded she can win this ~ go R & J for F2

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mike stover September 2, 2011 at 9:07 am

@the mortgage dr., I looked in my TV GUIDE and the NFL starts at 7:30 ,but BB will be on at 8pm,cen. the only thing that my mess up the time is the Preident, he will talk that night, Ihope it is at 7pm

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dg September 2, 2011 at 9:50 am

Rachell won HOH…I look for her to take Porscha and dump Jordan.. Rachelle has trashed Jordan several times now but that is the name of the game.. I hope the final 4 is the girls ADAM doesn’t deserve to win.

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Tony September 2, 2011 at 10:16 am

To all Racheal haters, look out, my girl is back, stacked and back on track to win the money, what a roller coaster ride this season has been for her and Brenden, although, personally im glad that he is out of the house, he belittles and holds her down, like he knows better, lol, and, he just hurts her game, she is such a sweet and lovely woman with so much to offer the right man, hopefully not Brendon, its been so hard reading some of the comments about how racheal is this and that, guess im the only one who seen the precious diamond inside that lump of coal, so sweet and lovely, bubbley ball of fire, she is truely something special, and were all lucky to be able to see her perform for 2 seasons, so before you judge her, judge your self first, and compare the 2, you may find yourself on the other side of the fence, loving her instead of hating her, just a thought, love you Racheal, im outty……peace…..:)

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linnie September 2, 2011 at 11:03 am

If Rachel does take Jordan-Rachel should win because she’s been the “player”. Honestly-Jordan has also been a floater. But if the two make it to the final-was it really a fair game? They have both been there done that. I wish BB would stick to newbies, that gives everyone a fighting chance.

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nykole September 2, 2011 at 11:03 am

WAY TO GO RACHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Veeeee September 2, 2011 at 11:07 am

@Tony: Okayyyyy….that was special…(raised eyebrows)

Anyway… Really hated Rachel on the last BB and was really PO’ed at the beginning of BB13 when I found out she (and Brendon – SMH) were going to be HG again. But I have grown to respect her cuz she has MAD GAME! I hope she dumps Jordon who has proven to be ineffectual at comps w/o Jeff. She’s sweet but let’s call it as it really is. She was riding on Jeff’s and her alliance’s coat tails for the entire game. Hope Rach and JH realizes this when it comes down to their final vote.

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macy1231231 September 2, 2011 at 11:25 am


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luv2shootpics September 2, 2011 at 11:27 am

Rachel in the F2 wins no matter who sits beside her, she has the best game of all players!

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starfish September 2, 2011 at 11:43 am

I hope you’re right Sal. I don’t see Jeff not voting for Jordan and he’ll try to get votes for her but in the end, Rach should pull the votes.

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PK September 2, 2011 at 12:00 pm

9:40 AM BBT appx 8:45 feeds back & Jordan tells Rach they (P/K) need to go to JH pissed at the other. Rachel says “Jordan, sometimes you are a genius!”Jordan says “I’m just sayin’!”

And I’m just sayin’ Jordan can’t legitimately compete in any competitions, tucked herself under Jeff’s coat tails and coasted through the game to F6, and now we also know she can show her true colors as the not so really nice girl next door even when it would have no effect one way or another on the outcome of the game.

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Lori September 2, 2011 at 12:06 pm

yeah Shelly is gone now for Kalia

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Donnette September 2, 2011 at 12:26 pm

Sooo glad Shelly got what she deserved, now for Kalia(chomp, smack,slurp,belch) and Porche (eat, sleep, eat,sleep, funky pink juicy sweats) Adam= who??? Rachaaaal (muscles/stamina) Jordaaan (sly little fox) will go to the F2. Danielle will get America’s fav unless Rachaaaal takes that one too! Tori (preggie) Spelling will be in Pandora’s Box! Go Rachael and Jordan!!!

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anniem September 2, 2011 at 12:37 pm

yeah!!!!!rach she is so funny to watch but nothing is more funnnnny than k trying to hold on and farting all over the dummy and then saying in th dr i promise i dont pass gass

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luv2shootpics September 2, 2011 at 12:57 pm

From the Big Brother Network Blog:

“I’m not really expecting a big impact from this Pandora’s Box after last week’s chaos, but that doesn’t mean we won’t still see one from another source. Grodner dropped this “shocker” on Twitter as well last night:

The fortune teller might not have spoken tonight, but rest assured, she will be in the near future… “

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Holly September 2, 2011 at 1:04 pm

@PK just because Jordan is pissed off and fighting back doesn’t mean anything except that someone pushed her too far. I don’t think she has been riding on anybodys coattails. She is playing, just like she did in the season she won. I agree she isn’t the greatest @ comps but that didn’t hurt her the last time she won.
Even though I clearly love Jordo, Rach has grown on me and I do hope that she wins with Jordo coming in at #2.
That’s all for now, off to the beach! I’ll check on you all later!

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Kim M September 2, 2011 at 1:23 pm

Guess I better put Kim M on my post. I did not post that about the blog coming up after midnight. I think you need to not read it if you don’t want to know the out come until after you see the show.
@PK Thanks for the welcome back.
Guess you all know my pic is by my post but from now on I will sign on with the Kim M.
Thanks Mama M. I have missed our long debates over this crazy game and our fun times.
Kim M

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starfish September 2, 2011 at 1:29 pm

Thanks Sal! It’s something to look forward to anyway.

It will be funny if the “key” to the fortune teller has been in the house all along, maybe on the table they keep showing, and nobody paid any attention to it. As for the celebrity Pandora’s Box, if it will have little impact on the HGs, it’s probably just the celebrity hosting a comp or making them a meal perhaps.

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luv2shootpics September 2, 2011 at 1:38 pm

There is a box on the table by the Fortune Teller that no one has opened ….. speculation has it that there is a coin in the box that will start the FT!

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luv2shootpics September 2, 2011 at 1:42 pm

LF’s have trivia up, must be doing the Nomination ceremony!

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luv2shootpics September 2, 2011 at 1:52 pm

They had a luxury comp. ……. some of the HG’s won clothing

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luv2shootpics September 2, 2011 at 1:59 pm

I think it was part of the Pandora Box

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Tammy September 2, 2011 at 2:02 pm

With Rach getting hoh if she puts up porsha and she gets evicted it really doesn’t matter if jordan don’t get hoh next week because they will still have the vote if they win veto and make sure either Adam or Keila are put on the block. r or j wil have the vote to evict

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bostonrob September 2, 2011 at 2:08 pm

What is up with everyone loving Rachel all of a sudden?

I’ve read some pretty nasty stuff about her on this blog, but people seem to have really changed their opinions. hmmm….just interesting.

She will probably win it all in my opinion. She is the best player afterall. Can’t deny that.

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DonnaP September 2, 2011 at 2:16 pm

bostonrob, Rachel is loved because she is aligned with America’s Sweetheart Air Jordon. Just watch to see the hate if she backstabs Jordon. Same reason why Brendon was voted back in the house to help JJ.

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luv2shootpics September 2, 2011 at 2:19 pm

Rachel opened Pandora’s Box and guess who was in the box?


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luv2shootpics September 2, 2011 at 2:20 pm

and Rachel got locked in the room with him while the other HG’s had the fashion show!!

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luv2shootpics September 2, 2011 at 2:22 pm

There is now a picture of Jessie up on the wall in the kitchen above the food shelves

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linnie September 2, 2011 at 2:24 pm

One thing Rachel is-is loyal. I think she will keep the alliance with Jordan til the end. She is the better of the two at game playing. She will want Jordan to win the 50k. Rachel will take the prize and they will be able to get a nice place to live.

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DonnaP September 2, 2011 at 2:26 pm

So newbie Porsche opened Pandora’s Box and got screwed by production. Now vet Rachel open the box and it also screwed up her game..oh wait.. it didnt she just got to spend time with Mr Pectacular. Way to go production just give a vet the cheque already.

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luv2shootpics September 2, 2011 at 2:28 pm

It looks like Tori Spelling as the host of the fashion show!

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mike stover September 2, 2011 at 3:38 pm

@luv2shootpics ,oh come on tell me it is a joke, not Jessie, what does he have a contract with BB saying he has to come back every year, and if that is Tori, Adams will be in the bushes doing ,God knows what, I cant beleive that she would open PB, knowing it could screw up the game,when will these people learn and what the hell is the FT going to do bring back Jessie again, havent we seen him enough,he must be AGs boy toy

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luv2shootpics September 2, 2011 at 3:45 pm

Yep, It’s all true …… I was on the LF’s all afternoon getting the low down!

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TT September 2, 2011 at 3:54 pm

Dr must have told Rachael to open PB, I don’t think she would have done it otherwise. So glad Shelly is gone, she just over played her hand too many times, nobody belived her BS finally! Boy just when Jeff will be getting his blood pressure back to normal after seeing that he threw out the clown shoe, Shelly is going to walk in and bring it right back up, that’s the JH I want to see. If Rachael can stay alive she has got this, unless her peers are as mean to her as she has been to them , ‘ya know that Karma thing!

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Just saying September 2, 2011 at 4:08 pm

Jordon is a floater this season and the season she won. Rachel should not take her to the F2, if she has that choice. Count up the possible votes, regardless of good game play, the people voting are those she ittatated when her man was in the house. Adam is the best one for anyone to take to the end. No one would vote for him.

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TT September 2, 2011 at 4:28 pm

You should check out Joker’s Updates under BB News and Rumors, check 9/2//11 BB Photo Cap: Man Down. The first part is just a condensed version of Shelly’s speach (to R&J) but scroll down to the pictures, the ones of the 3 in JH are great.

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starfish September 2, 2011 at 4:44 pm

Thanks Sal for the update! That’s terrific of you to watch all day. Jesse, really? Are they crazy or is Mike right and he’s AGs boy toy. 🙂
I’m anxious to see what’s up with the FT. Could be good or bad but for some reason, I think it’s probably good. Tori Spelling, no biggie but ok, just to make Adam happy but I don’t know for what, he hasn’t done one darn thing!

Mike so funny about Adam in the bushes. 😆 You are hilarious!

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Courtney September 2, 2011 at 5:00 pm

Mike lol ” bring back Jessie again, havent we seen him enough,he must be AGs boy toy”….so funny!

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Star September 2, 2011 at 6:45 pm

I agree…..Mike , that was hysterical!! What isn’t so funny was Jessie ‘s return!!! Seriously,Muscle Man.. Go the F**** away!!! lol There’s got to be some kinf of drug BB can take to get rid of him!!!!lol

I think it was smart of Rachel to open PB!! It ingratiated all her other HGs to her for giving them the luxury comp….which was clothes shopping…..and made sure that adam stays in her back pocket! and considering waha SHE got out of it…..Jessie……it was unselfish and great gameplay!!

Totally agree with Vee, so I won’t repeat. And Jay..thanks but I have been on this blog since it started and I do get the email updates. But when i am here typing away, I don’t go check my email….just wondered how others knew so quickly, but no biggie.

LFs have gone to trivia so must be the noms,I’m thinking.

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BCMarie September 2, 2011 at 6:48 pm

@star … I get an email telling me a new blog is up, have had it for years. Oddly enough, this year I can’t figure out why my ava won’t work, worked in the past.

@kim … I don’t read in here til the wet coat shows are done, at least for the eviction night show. I don’t mind reading ahead of time knowing what is going to happen for the HOH, vetos, etc.

Jesse? my gawd, is that the best CBS could come up with?

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Star September 2, 2011 at 6:55 pm

Noms started at 4:22BBT.

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macy1231231 September 2, 2011 at 7:02 pm

what is the term ‘atev’ ?

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Star September 2, 2011 at 7:03 pm

BCMarie…I stated in last post that I have gotten the emails for years. But people seem to know immediately when we are here chatting. I don’t even need the posts as i have the page on my toolbar and just click on it to get here.

Did you go to You may need to redo your av or select a new one.

Trivia still going.

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Star September 2, 2011 at 7:06 pm

Macy….do you mean OTEV?? That’s one of BB’s gimmicks, usually used in a comp and is VETO spelled backwards.
Otherwise I have no clue. Unless it was in one of my posts, then it was a typo…

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BCMarie September 2, 2011 at 7:12 pm

@star, I can’t find the access to the profile to put the pic there, I have looked a number of times. It is no biggie, the season is almost over 🙂

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Star September 2, 2011 at 7:26 pm

Unoffically..I think P&K are the noms. Both aways from group and looking none too happy. Nothing has been said yet tho.

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Star September 2, 2011 at 7:33 pm

Rachel in talking has admitted that it isP&K so it IS official!!!
She doesn’t even care if they are mad..she said they have nominated her before.
She’s done with the drama. She knows she’s got this!!!!

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PK September 2, 2011 at 7:34 pm

Semi-officially since Adam’s and Jordan’s are on the wall. Porsche and Kalia nominated…

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northern_lass September 2, 2011 at 8:14 pm

as i don’t know what they are meaning when discussing vetos what exactly is the otev comp & how does it work ???? would be greatful if someone could explain x

ps @ tendr i am sorry if on last page re: smoking you thought i was getting at you i wasn’t i agree 100% with what you were saying it is a filthy habit & i wish with all my heart i could kick it to the kerb but i am weak & easily give into temptation much to my disgust xxx

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noah1 September 2, 2011 at 8:20 pm

Thank you Jesus….Go Rachel! lol

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Bob Thinkb4buying September 2, 2011 at 8:32 pm

Rachel is tough!!!! She is turning in on!

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Holly September 2, 2011 at 8:33 pm

Wow, I attempted to post on here and guess BB is seriously watching as my post was moderated straight to HELL! Done and done!
Nice talking to most of you, the rest I will see on FB!

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starfish September 2, 2011 at 9:37 pm

@Star, I think it was JT who told me about the link at the bottom of this blog that says, “Previous Post” and “Next Post”. I always know cuz I can see when I get a new email but sometimes I get it late and the NEW post has been up awhile. So, it’s hit or miss for me.

Not surprised at the noms being P & K. It’s Rach’s game to lose now. She can’t play in next HOH. The only option I could figure was if K or A win they would put up J & R and get R out because she’s the biggest threat. What are the chances of K or especially A winning an HOH, slim. K could win depending on the comp but A may surprise us if it’s trivia. Should be a great week!!

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Justaguy (JT) September 2, 2011 at 10:19 pm

northern_lass, The OTEV comp has been used many times before (shocking that BB would use the same comps over & over). Last year, OTEV was a “Broadway Clam”!! 😯 😆 OTEV has also been a cat and gorilla in previous seasons.

It’s the competition where an annoying voice is piped thru some goofy inanimate object. That voice gives the HGs clues as to a name or info they are looking for. Then they run around the B/Y like fools, pushing and shoving each other (right Ragan?) to find an item with the right name/info on it. They return the item to OTEV and the next round starts. One person gets eliminated in each round… musical chairs style.

OTEV 🙄 …VETO backwards 🙄 …..I haven’t heard that much originality since Joanie called Potsie “Dren” (Nerd backwards) 🙄

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Justaguy (JT) September 2, 2011 at 10:45 pm

Porsche & Kalia were the ONLY choices to nominate. Adam?… why bother? Rachel knows that Porsche & Kalia would be after her 100%.. too few people left in the house to kid yourself otherwise.

It’s a simple week. As soon as Rachel won HOH.. there were a few givens.
1) K & P would be nominated… no-brainer there.
2) If K wins the veto… P gets voted out.
3) If K doesn’t win the veto… K gets voted out.

At this point, there aren’t any deals to be made (although they always try.. and sometimes strike deals which never were intended to be held.. on either side) The only thing that could possibly change is the #1 target. It’s Kalia right now, but maybe R&J will decide Porsche is a bigger threat. Part 1 of the final HOH has been endurance… might not want Porsche around for that.

After the next eviction (K or P), then it’s all about the veto. It really doesn’t matter who the HOH nominates in the final 4. The veto winner has the power.

IMO.. Rachel will have to win the next veto (after tomorrow’s) to have a shot. I doubt anybody wants to explain how they played better than her in the final 2.

I predict Kalia gets evicted. Porsche wins HOH. Nominates Rachel & Jordan. Rachel wins veto. Adam is replacement. Rachel votes out Adam.

Finale night F3… Porsche, Rachel, Jordan…. should be a good battle between Rachel & Porsche in part 1 of final HOH. I think those 2 will also battle in the 3rd and final part of the final HOH. It will most likely be “A” or “B” questions again… slight edge to Rachel?.. but those questions are a total crap shoot usually. Jordo should be picked by either of them to sit in final 2.

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Jennifer September 2, 2011 at 11:31 pm

Wow! Everyone loves Rachel now! What a pleasant surprise, I am glad you guys noticed she is an amazing competitor she is !

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justlookin September 3, 2011 at 12:22 am

Nope I still can’t stand Rachoe. If she wins she wins. As I’ve said in the past I don’t care who wins my favorites are gone…
And the people left aside from Adam deserve to be there. I will never be a Rachoe fan. Even if she is better without Brenda. I just plain don’t like her.

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starfish September 3, 2011 at 12:44 am

Can’t disagree with you one bit JL, no love loss for Rach. Rach and I prolly could never be friends but, IMO she has played better than anyone in this last half of the game. Big surprise there considering her competition. 🙄 Her behavior is marginal mainly due to her lack of social skills and a nasty knee jerk reaction to most everything not to mention her brutal mouth and I think she thinks she’s funny but instead she comes across as obnoxious. Nope, don’t like her, but she deserves this win.

@JT, I think you’ve nailed it! That would be my theory too, I think I totally left out POV. It’s Rach’s game to win or lose, she needs that POV. All my favorites are gone too. I wanted Dani to win or J/J but Dani blew it.

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aggie27 September 3, 2011 at 4:37 am

Final 3 could very well be porshce, Jordan and Rach, probably Kalia will be leaving, I just hope Adam isn’t in the final 3. Hot steamy day in Chi-town, Have a nice holiday all, Peace Out 😆

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starfish September 3, 2011 at 11:24 am

Wow Aggie, do you ever sleep???? Thanks for the info.

Ok JT, it’s the very LAST POV Rach needs to win because it doesn’t matter who wins the next one, K or P is going home. I’ll get this right yet. :mrgreen:

Everyone have a safe & great Labor Day holiday.

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PK September 3, 2011 at 1:21 pm

The message Adam won’t “call out” to Farah, ” I am now the man of the house and all four of the ladies want to keep me around for the time being because they know that any one of then, Jordan included, can beat me at anything. Aren’t you proud of me?

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mike stover September 3, 2011 at 1:51 pm

good one PK

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Star September 3, 2011 at 2:49 pm

I agree SF….I think if all goes accorging to plan, Kalia is the next member of the jury house!!

LFs went to trivia at 12:32 BBT. I won’t be around much the rest of the day, so hope someone with LFs is watching. I hope J OR R wins it. Not sure I trust adam!!! He may have a thing with Porsche!! If so he would take her down and put up Jordan. The girls need to pull this one out to guarantee their safety!!

Hope everyone has a safe and happy Labot Day Weekend!!!

Peace out!

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Ted September 3, 2011 at 4:06 pm


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Ted September 3, 2011 at 4:36 pm

Well, I would not call Tori much of a celebrity… but in all fairness, I did not watch the show she was on, and if not for her father, I don’t think she would have been on it. I missed her connection to Adam… apparently she is his favorite actress???

No surprise with the noms… hope Porsche gets POV.

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PK September 3, 2011 at 4:36 pm

Adam won OTEV POV comp… FINALLY!

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Ted September 3, 2011 at 4:41 pm

Surely you jest???

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Ted September 3, 2011 at 4:42 pm

Well you know he’s not going to change the comps… Thanks for the news, PK!

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starfish September 3, 2011 at 4:44 pm

Tks PK, now he’ll have to finally declare what side he’s on. I wouldn’t have guessed this one in a million years. Who Knew??? If he takes someone off the block, then J has to go up. What then? I don’t think he’ll use it tho.

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Ted September 3, 2011 at 4:49 pm

Well, I for one am glad Adam won a challenge. No matter what happens now, he can go back to NJ with his head held high.

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PK September 3, 2011 at 4:59 pm

If Adam does not use the Veto to pull Porsche off he is insane or has no desire to win $500,000. He pulls Porsche off, Rachel has to put Jordan up, Adam and Porsche vote to evict Jordan and then it is 3 against 1 to knock out Rachel and have an all newbie F3.

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starfish September 3, 2011 at 5:07 pm

PK, that’s a great scenario but even at 3 against 1 the odds still remain in favor of Rach. IMO Of course, that’s depending on the comp. If it’s hanging onto something, maybe a pickle this time, well that increases the odds for sure in Rach’s favor. 😯

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Star September 3, 2011 at 5:11 pm

He won one other POV…Jeff thru it to him tho.

Adam has given Jordan a necklace of Fara’s to hold and says that it is to guarentee the F3 being he, R&J. Not sure of the significance…just a gesture of good will, I guess!!

Kalia asked Adam to use it on her and he said…why did you vote to evict me last week if you were in an allaiance with me?? Jordon set that whole thing up! Making sure Kalia voted for A while she and R voted for Buck!! Smartest move of the whole game so far!!!

I wasn’t crazy about the whole Vets and Newbies thing this season but I have got to say I am enjoying the last few weeks alot!! Who knew we’d all jump over to the Dark Side??LOL

LFS newsflash: Kalis is crying because Adam told Porsche he is NOT going to use the Veto and she knows she’s going home!! Aww..poor baby!! Boohoo!! Say hi to Buck for us…NOT!!LOL

Hi to Starfish, Ted, PK and anyone else who stops by. Going out for a nice long, relaxing dinner……possibly consisting of alcoholic beverages and crab legs….YUmmmmmm….lol

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PK September 3, 2011 at 5:12 pm

starfish… Does Allison Grodner really have the nerve to tailor make three competitions that assures Rachel will win within a two week period? Probably not and 3 to 1 in most BB competitions favors the newbies…

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Ted September 3, 2011 at 5:40 pm

Probably, PK, they were definitely Rachelesque! I didn’t think Adam would use it. But then, it hasn’t happened yet. Oh, just checked feeds and Adam told Jordan, in HOH room, he isn’t using it and retold story Star just told. Looks like Rachel told Porsche she was voting for Kaila, as they were hugging and happy in purple room.

Have fun at dinner, Star, can’t wait to see your posts after…

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northern_lass September 3, 2011 at 7:26 pm

Wishing all you fellow blogger’s over the pond a Happy Labour Day (even though i don’t know what it is lol).

& when is the next show on tv Sunday or Wednesday ? x

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Rattler September 3, 2011 at 8:04 pm

Thanks northern_lass. The next show is Sunday..

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Justaguy (JT) September 3, 2011 at 8:10 pm

Labor Day is a holiday for the workers! (not all though). Not to be confused with Independence Day when we liberated ourselves from under the foot of the evil empire. 😆 (JK)

The next BB show is Sunday (as Rattler said). This week will be the same tv schedule as usual. (Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday)

The week after there will only be 1 show. Wednesday, Sept 14th, (Finale night). There wont be a show Sunday Sept 11th due to other programming (for obvious reasons 🙁 ) Wow, 10 years already.

Only 4 show left..
Sun, Sept 4th
Wed, Sept 7th
Thur, Sept 8th
Wed, Sept 14th

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PK September 3, 2011 at 8:11 pm

@northern_lass… Next show is Sunday (tomorrow but almost today where you are). We labor, you labour, but we do it together and that is what really matters. 🙂

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northern_lass September 3, 2011 at 8:27 pm

Thank you PK,JT & Rattler that cleared that up we call them bank holidays & they always fall on a Monday (so we get a long week-end) we have 6 per year. & yes PK it is Sunday here 2-27 am xx

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northern_lass September 3, 2011 at 8:29 pm

& on that note it’s good night for me so see you all tomorrw nite nite xxx

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Ted September 3, 2011 at 8:47 pm

Way to go Justaguy (JT)… keeping the bond between our nations strong! See you tomorrow northern_lass, and speaking of PK, he no longer knows the meaning of labor, since he has had Rebecca taking care of him.

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starfish September 3, 2011 at 9:30 pm

Nite, nite northern_lass. Labor Day is pretty funny since so many of us are out of work. But, yes, per JT, it’s to celebrate the workers. 😥

@PK, from where I sit, nothing would surprise me about AG. But I agree, probably not 3 in a row.

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BBBlogger September 3, 2011 at 10:48 pm

I’m playing Slots on Facebook and listening to BB Live Feeds. In a period of one minute, I counted over twenty “like” words out of the Kalia’s and Rachel’s mouth. Like, wow! Bloggergal

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Justaguy (JT) September 4, 2011 at 12:43 am

Bloggergal… that would be an absolute pleasure compared to what I am currently watching on BBAD! 😆 First, I can’t believe I am actually watching BBAD for a change. Second, I can take comfort that as of Tuesday I will be at work during this thing.

It is sorta funny though. Kalia is having a bit of a meltdown begging Jordan for her vote. They (K&P) already worked over Adam to use the veto.. with little success. Kalia is making all the same arguments they all do… “I deserve to be here.. waa waa waa”, “I really need the money.. waa waa waa”, “I’m a good competitor and it’s not fair that someone who laid out in a bikini all summer gets to stay.. waa waa waa”. I am paraphrasing of course. 😆 Kalia is shoving Porsche right under the bus.. then she’s hopping in the driver’s seat and firing it up. I think I would vote out Kalia just so I didn’t have to listen to her beg again.

I know… they all do that. But I did find it funny when Kalia said “It’s not fair!”… Jordan told her that’s how Dani & Jeff felt…. and I would add the rest felt that way as well.. except maybe Dominic. He got it.. it’s a GAME. Object – evict others before they evict you.

Ted, I love all my peeps across the pond. 😀 I am part English (& Irish & Norwegian & Swedish & Scottish & …….. mutt?)

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Ted September 4, 2011 at 12:02 pm

JT, please don’t take up valuable space on BBB with your Family Tree… I’m surprised you didn’t include Native American Indian (Cherokee seems to be the popular one to claim nowadays). I will be brief… German, and before anyone accuses me of starting one of the WW’s… I wasn’t there.

You are so right re: Kalia… Things would have been more interesting if she had made an early exit. As far as Porsche laying around in a bikini, one of the disappointments of the show… Hardly Did… just went around in those awful velour track suits. She is on a par with Rachel for a misguided fashion sense. Can you think of what would have happened if Porsche had been able to compete in comps? And the rest of them. I do hope that BB realizes the failure of ‘The Golden Key” and it is melted down. But, I do applaud them for trying something different even if it didn’t work well.

Some people have mentioned on here about BB being preempted by the football game… that is on NBC… we’re still good.

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northern_lass September 4, 2011 at 1:37 pm

Evening all hope you all had a good labor day. I see from joker’s Kalia is still doing her begging to Adam, i can’t understand why he’s sticking with J&R he must know they have no intentions of taking him to the final 2 (or have they?). For someone who claims to know the game inside out he really sucks & doesn’t deserve to go any further i hope it’s J/R & P in the final 3 & Porsh takes Rach with he because Jordan has been carried all the way through & can’t win a comp if her life depended on it.

ps as Adam’s from Hoboken i wonder if he goes to Carlo’s for his cakes i LOVE that programme xx

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lookinin September 4, 2011 at 3:57 pm

Hi fans – I am pleased that Kalia is finally realizing the emotions that other hg’s have experienced on finding that they are the targets for eviction and of course the short jaunt to Julie Chen. I find her constant babble irritating and when I hear someone speak that fast all the time I wonder what they are trying to cover up. My choice for final three is RJ & A with R winning and A second. Jeff no doubt will win favorite. Really hope that A stick to his guns regardless of the babble and we see K joining up with crew at Juror’s house.

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Elizabeth September 4, 2011 at 4:40 pm

I wish Adam would tell Kalia to shut up! She needs put out of her misery, and He needs to man up and just say I’m not using veto, that is if he’s not going to.But at this point I’m not sure he know what hes doing..hes so spineless..

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Bobo September 4, 2011 at 7:11 pm

Hi everyone! Am I in this room? I got power, lost everything for a week !
Things were very bad here in NJ….I’m back so get me up to date! What’s going on? Bob

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Bobo September 4, 2011 at 7:28 pm

Thanks for this blog, just caugh up with everything that I have missed!
Hope you all are fine! I don’t feel so well tonight so I am going to lie down for a while hope to chat with you all soon, bye for now…Bobo!

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northern_lass September 4, 2011 at 7:42 pm

@Bobo so glad to hear from you at last everyone has been worried about you i hope you are feeling better soon & back to you’re old self & hope you can now watch you’re programes & catch up on tv love & best wishes xxxxx

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Courtney September 4, 2011 at 8:09 pm

wb Bobo…sorry Irene hit you so hard. Now feel better so you can enjoy the last days of BB 🙂

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luv2shootpics September 4, 2011 at 9:09 pm

Welcome back Bobo ….. I know where your at. I live in Houston and have been through the aftermath of a couple hurricanes. Losing power sucks big time and down here the heat and humidity add to the misery. It’s good to hear your on the road to recovery. Get well soon my man!

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starfish September 4, 2011 at 9:42 pm

Hey Bobo, welcome back! We were concerned for you. So glad to hear you’re ok.

Lost the link to Jokers…anyone???

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luv2shootpics September 4, 2011 at 10:36 pm

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BBBlogger September 4, 2011 at 11:03 pm

Happy Labor Day everyone! Enjoy the rest of your long weekend. The blog’s up! Goodnight, Bloggergal

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starfish September 4, 2011 at 11:03 pm

Thanks Sal! Now I have to figure out how to get to the minute by minute blogging.

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