Wednesday night on Big Brother is Veto night. The veto competition is back the way it was before couples. The HOH and the two on the block get to pick a chip for one other person to compete. So, besides Danielle, Rachel and Brendan, we have Porsche, Adam and Jeff competing. These kind of competitions I think are the hardest. Each contestant had to decide how long it would take to complete a task based on previous competitions. The contestant who picks the lowest time has to prove that it can be done. The contestant who has the highest time will be eliminated if the contestant is able to complete the task within the predicted time. Well, to make a long story short, Adam is the first eliminated from the competition. Big surprise there, huh? Next to be eliminated is Rachel, followed by Danielle. Jeff tries his hardest and loses but he was really close. Brendan defeats Porsche and wins the POV.
Jeff and Jordan are understandably worried because either Brendan or Rachel will come off the block and they realize it will most likely be one of them put on the block. Brendan decides to lie to the entire house. He tells them he is going to pull himself off the block, when really he is going to pull Rachel off. This is kinda funny because he thinks this is going to upset Danielle, but really having Brendan remain on the block is exactly what Danielle wants. So during the POV ceremony, he gives Danielle her wish by taking Rachel off and Danielle puts Jordan on the block as a pawn. Even Jordan realizes that a pawn sometimes becomes the target. Things are definitely tense and it’s every man, woman and elf for him or herself!
I happened to spend a few minutes here and there on the live feeds and Rachel and Brendan are doing everything in their power to throw Jordan under the bus. I sure hope they don’t succeed because if I have to watch that couple in the house for even one more week, I’m going to pull my hair out! If you don’t have the live feeds, you also missed the Big Brother (fake) wedding of Brendan and Rachel. I have to admit, it was at least entertaining. I’m sure they will be highlighting it tomorrow night.
Speaking of tomorrow night, they announced that ED will make a special appearance on tomorrow night’s show. I wonder what that is about? Perhaps he’s hosting or appearing during the HOH competition? Another question I have is when is the fortune teller that lurks in the corner of that one room going to play a part in this season? There has to be something planned for her.
Have a great Thursday…Bloggergal
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Brenchel is ridiculous — they seriously need intense psychological therapy!!!
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Thanks for the heads up Bloggergal! 😉 (check’s in the mail!) 😆
I did like that POV comp.. very interesting… and at least it was new!
I think Jordo is about as safe as a pawn can be.. but she is still a “pawn”. Looks like the only question is if it will be a 5-2 or 6-1 vote to send Brendon packin’.
I thought the fortune teller would do something by now too!! (other than be eye candy for Ted)
I hope ED does host the HOH comp.. that would be great. And it would be perfect timing because Dani wont be competing.
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No Fair Jt, I think someone is giving you a heads up, this is strange
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Aggie, It seems the new posts and my schedule are in perfect sync this year! 😆
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FEEDS are fun tonight, i usually start nodding off 🙄
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I still have to watch the wedding. Not an R&B fan.. but sounds like it was entertaining.. hope to catch it tomorrow.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Damn, just got my e-mail notice
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Me too, Sal!! And I wanted to be at least #7…it’s my BD and WAS my lucky number…lol Could you schooch up one??? 😆
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Wouldn’t you just know it… JT and Bloggergal… almost as annoying as Brendon and Rachel!!! And, I see that my name has been bandied about… JT must be channeling PK!
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If I had editor privilages I would delete my comment and make you #7
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Heeeeyyyy Everybody!!!!! Our ‘Fairy Tale Princess’ is still in the gaaaammme!!!
Last Image On BB Tonight Brendon on his knees kissing Rachel’s hand while they are both weeping!!! Treasure it… because after tomorrow night… it will be only Rachel weeping in the Big Brother House. Now Brendon will have 2 months to Skype photos of his junk to his many admirers.
Award for Best Comment of the Night KAILA!!! While Rachel was doing the Chewing Gum Challenge. Of course it was about B&R.
Anyone catch The Top Ten List on Letterman last night? With our own Julie Chen??? Luckily, I Tivo Letterman, as I would have not wanted to miss her… She looked great (should dress that way on BB) and my favorite line was: #7. IT’S THE ONLY SHOW ON CBS THAT ISN’T ABOUT INSPECTING CORPSES
Can Not Wait to see Evel Dick Donato tomorrow night!!!
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JT, the only thing good about the wedding was Lawon, he was very Little Richard Like.
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Check out the guy planking and the boat. Hold your mouse over the pics.
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Hey Ted, look forward to seeing Dick tomorrow
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BBBloggergal…..the wedding played on BBAD last nite, so you didn’t have to have Lfs to see it. Altho you did have to have an iron stomach…lol
I have been wondering about the fortune teller all season!! Ever since we got some little glimpses of the show from Julie online. I was so excited because I am into tarot and horoscopes ,et all so I thought it would be cool for the HGs to ask it questions like……Who is going to win the Veto this week. and see what kind of dumb answers they would get. It’s like it’s not even there as no one had even mentioned it once, that I know of!! I wonder if it will be used in some kind of BB twist?? I am hoping so but it’s ignroed presence has seemed very odd to me.
JT….the wedding was about an hour and a half into BBAD last nite if you wanted to fast forward to it. Didn’t last very long but the room made a huge GAFF that is worth
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They have messed with the fortune teller some. Early in the season, Dani and somebody were in there and thought it moved. People have messed with her hair.. they were going to paint her nails…. and Brendon kissed her! 😮 (not sure who got the short end of it on that one!)
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Can’t wait to see tomorrows BB I hope Jordan gets voted out lol
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Awwww, Sal..that’s so sweet!! I’m moved to tears….. Sniff!! Apreesh the sentiment anyway!! 😉
I guess no one read it, big surprise, but a few days ago I did say that Lawon was Little Richard without the talent!! So it was hysterical to see him *trying* to impersonate him as the Preacher last night!! I gave it a 5.
Sorry I missed Julie last nite. And I agree about her clothes this year…no fashion sense at all!! Past seasons she had looked great! Just kinda BLAH this year. Maybe she’s in Mommy Mode now instead of hot wife of executive
Do any of you think ED could be actually coming back to play?? We should be so lucky, so prolly not!! But that would So ROCK!!!!m especially with Blandon out of the house and little Racho all alone and vulnerable to the big, bad DICK!!hehehe
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Wow… Tammy, I am impressed!!! That’s a bold statement to make before the crowd on this blog! I wouldn’t mind either, except I have to agree with Bloggergal… I don’t think I could take another week of Brendon. I really don’t!
In separate news… how’s your bro?
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Sal… nice pics! What the Hell’s that guy planking on? I think I’d pay good money to see Aggie plank!
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Hey aggie!!!
Hey Tammy…and we all hope that..but why wuld anyone WANT Brendon to stay???? I’d say she’s pretty safe!!
JT….guess I’m not watching my LFs enough…serioulsy, I’m not…lol But I was hoping it was like a real carny one and worked. She must not be able to move if she didn’t turn her face away from Blandon’s kiss….or barf
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☆… wash your mouth out with soap! You might catch the Top 10 on u-tube… I’m sure they are not missing a bet at promotion… It was well done and pretty funny. She was in ‘hot wife of executive mode’… even threatened Dave to have her husband fire him…
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I hope the fortune teller isn’t just a decoration. I have been wondering why they have all the grills decorating the inside but don’t have one to cook on they had one last year….
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OOPS!! I read that totally wrong Tammy!! I DON”t agree!!! If I hadn’t read ted’s cpmment, I wouldn’t have caught it!! You seem like such a NICe girl…how could you want sweet Jordo voted out?????? 😯
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See what I mean, Tammy???
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I was hoping to see some more fireworks on BBAD, but it appears the drunken stripper has placed herself in isolation in the asylum room. I forgot to mention in my post on the previous page that from the way the CBS site read, whomever is voted back in by America’s Vote will have to compete in some form against that week’s evicted hg to get back in. Could CBS be playing tricks on us or did some intern make a huge blunder?
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I’m sure we’ll see the Fortune Teller soon enough, justagirl. As long as that Robot does not come back! That was stupid I thought.
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The guy planking is on top of a frisbee golf hole basket …… and the boat is one I’ve ridden …. you get very wet
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Brenda says he won’t come back another year. Lol god I hope not!
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Hey PGA… I missed the America’s Vote thing… I think I sped over it. I saw the one about what they are going to eat. You mean people are going to vote on which one comes back to play? Online or onphone vote?
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The ZingBot. ZIIIIIING!! JL most years they have to win the grill in some luxury comp that generally comes up in the next week or two.
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I have a production question… when they are doing a comp, and during the competition they are having interviews in the DR with the players between each task… how do you think they do that? Are they told what the task is and then everyone goes into the DR and comments about it, and then goes out and plays? Must take forever.
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Ted it was posted by mistake earlier today on the CBS website and then immediately taken down. It either wasn’t supposed to be posted until after tomorrow’s show or CBS is playing games with the viewers. My guess is the voting is either online or text like the other America’s Vote gimmicks.
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I was Thinking “how long can Brenda and Rachoe whine and cry. And coddle eachother?” Makes me sick! I understand missing your loved one but enjoy your last night for crying out loud! It’s not forever! And its a chance at more money than most people dream of!
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Thanks… you may be right about someone posting it too soon… Would only want to see Evel or Cassie back. Heeeeyy Everyone… what if it’s Brendon!!!
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I believe all the DR comments surrounding comps are actually done afterwards. Production kind of coaches them thru what they want them to say and they do quite a few takes. That’s why most of them sound so canned. Not a lot of acting chops on the hgs. I recall one of the years someone talking about how many takes they had to do for one line before “the voice from above” scolded them.
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Ted I thought they did the dr interviews after the comps.
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Hey justagirl… I’m sure they are spending their ‘last night together’ right now…
And speaking about money… While Brendon was professing his undying love for his fiancee…. Rachel was professing her undying love for winning $500,000.00!
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Me too, jl… but they were commenting on them before they did them… if they had lost, they would have been in a different mode.
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Ted, PGA is right. They do those clips after the comp. Remember when R&B won the puzzle pov? Later that night (during BBAD), they had to get back into their Superman costumes and go to the DR so they could get those clips for the show. It must be tough for them to make comments and pretend they don’t know the outcome yet.
Off to bed…….. L8R all…….. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz…..
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I would place odds for returning hg at:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dom 1-5 (could be more of a blowout than Secretariat)
Cassi 10-1 (better to bet this pony to place and not win)
Mr. Personality 100-1 (only because there will be a few to vote for the drama to return and we need to entice some betting to make money)
Keith 10000-1 (most people don’t even remember Keith anymore)
Evel Dick no odds (he has outside contact and is no longer eligible to return as a player this year)
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Thanks PGA… you can see they are definitely being coached. But I cannot see Rachel doing them without showing her disappointment. She looked like ‘Death Warmed Over’ after that thing. Although ‘her man’ was victorious.
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PS.. I do think some clips are done before the comp too, They get them to say things like “I need to win this”.. stuff like that.
But the ones where they say, “I walked into the backyard and there were all these bananas…..” Those are hours after the comp.
Ok… ZZZzzzzzzzzz………
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I think you are right about Dom. He could take back up with Daniele and even shake up the house more than Cassie, which would be cool. I would like to see Cassie, just to see Rachel go through Grief. You know she would look Hot, and all the house guests would be glad to see her and paying a lot of attention to her. That would drive our Fairy Tale Princess wild!
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JT… please go to bed for real this time, before you put US all to ZZZZZZZZZZZ!
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“Kruddy the Elf” is getting his game play on tonight with Shelly “Buck”
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I can’t wait for tmrw! Brenda evicted and hopefully Kalia or shelly wins hoh lol. Just because I heard J&J say they would go after Dani next week n break the deal they made. I don’t want that to happen yet.
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Lol oh that would be funny seeing Cassie come back after Brenda is out Rachoe would loose it! Lmao
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I wish I saw the fight today Rachoe toe to toe with Dani! You can see how it effected the two differently. Lol
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Am I alone now?
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JL please stop singing 😆 We will have to send money to Tiffany if you keep that up. I’m still here.
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Rachoe doesn’t understand why people Target them in the house and has talked about how she won’t play emotionally…. A zebra can’t change its stripes….
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Lmao I didn’t even think of that song till you said that. But isn’t it are WE alone now?
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“I think we’re alone now” but work with me here would you 😀
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Actually it’s a remake so Trip B would owe royalties to several entities. I don’t recall at the moment who did the original. I bet PK knows.
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Sal was that you or Freda that fired the blank?
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look at Shelly sneaking behind B&R
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I know how to hide between the lines
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Lol well I did know what song you were referring to even if I can’t remember the words correctly.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was thinking if Dom comes back that would shake the house! Dani Dom Kalia Lawan….or Dani n Dom could drop Kalia n get back in with J&J they would dominate.
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want to see
me do it?
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Lmao! Oh I love shelly sneeking up behind Rachoe n Brenda on the hammock!
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Lol Sal! Sneaky sneaky.
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Does anyone think shelly heard them talking about her?
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Children behave
that’s what they say when we’re together
And watch how you play
they don’t understand.
And so we’re running iust as fast as we can
Holding on to one another’s hand.
Trying to get away into the night
And then you put your arms around me
and we stumbled to the ground
And then you say:
I think we’re alone now
it doesn’t seem to be anyone around.
I think we’re alone now
the beating of our hearts is the only sound.
Look at the way
we gotta hide what we’re doin’
Cause what would they say if they ever knew?
And so we’re running just as fast as we can
. . .
I think we’re alone now
it doesn’t seem to be anyone around.
I think we’re alone now
the beating of our hearts is the only sound.
Running just as fast as we can
. . .
I think we’re alone now
it doesn’t seem to be anyone around. . . .
I think we’re alone now
it doesn’t seem to be anyone around. . . .
I think we’re alone now
it doesn’t seem to be anyone around. . . .
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Lmao! Thanks for the sarinaide (sp?)
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It was driving me nuts so I had to google it and I actually recalled correctly Tommy James and the Shondells
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Sounds like a great way for Rachoe to play the game. Don’t talk to anyone eat drink wine and sleep all day…. Hmmm I thought she learned last year that isolation doesn’t work….
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What year was it originally written?
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Originally released in ’67
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And about a million covers made lol
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Ok so I think its cute that Adam gives a shout out every night for Fairah however it will not be cute if Rachoe steals the idea to shout out to Brenda. How about some originality…
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Good night sweetheart well its time to go…… Lol
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One of the funniest moments on the feeds ,was when Shelly Crawled on the ground over to where Brendon and rachel were laying on The hammock, and was laying right under the hammock listening to everything B&R were saying and eventually she was caught by Rach and then Shelly says she’s just trying to make them laugh. Careful Shelly, they are catching on to you she has done that before at times trying to spy on people. she is a character i hope she can hang in there. 😆
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Memorable Fights worth watching
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@ Star- Thanks for the comments on the last page, so glad to be included among you guys.
@ Betty- The wedding was Ok, the real entertaining one was Lawon.
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Love JORDAN. stupid to put her up………….I’m just sayin’.
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hope brandon goes home
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Wow now BB is going to bring back ED, for what scare and or strike fear in the hearts of the unsuspecting house guests? if they want that dirty low down lying tramp to win BB this season why not just give her the money now, she was hand picked from the beginning of the show, R & B forever double D’s never, all skanked up, blah blah blah
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Tony, It would be a real shocker to me if you EVER said anything positive. Who’s The lowdown Tramp suppose to be? You better not be talking about Dani. I would Say Rach of course, But not Dani.
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Good show on feeds last night
(1) Shelly- Crawling under The hammock where B&R were laying down last night, hearing everything they said, she better be careful, they are catching on to her playing both sides.
(2) Shelly, Jordan and Jeff- talking about when Brendon did all the stuff on the internet, and his lame ass apology speech to Rach, which Jeff never saw. they also talked about crazy james and his antics off camera, and how certain people have nude shots on the internet. Shelly says she bleaches the shower stall, because after seeing lane in season 12 Jerking off in the shower she thinks others do that and also pee in the shower so she always wears shoes. Good Idea.
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Hi Tendr, She put up Jordan so Brendon will go home, nobody will want her gone
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Hi Ted my brother is doing better each day, he was released Monday. Reason I want Jordan to go is because Brendan and Rach keep it interesting with drama or it would just be boring as all get out lol.
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Love all the comments here! I agree, Brendan has got to go. I’ll be devastated if it’s Jordo! Star, what GAFF are you referring to from the wedding? I watched & don’t remember anything.
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is there a way to see previos clips in the live feeds? I’d love to see Shellie creeping up on Bren and Rach
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Tammy, go to the flashback feature If you have live feeds, I’m not sure of the time though, that was pretty funny yesterday, and Rach caught her after that.
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pam jo needs to stay and bren go home
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Would be great if ed was back in the game that would really shake things up. He could torture skanky rac
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After Rachel had a meltdown of hysterical crying, Brendon asked production around 7:30pm BBT to call the BB Psych, Dr. Zachary, to make sure Rachel’s okay.
Dr. Zachary probably advised production that nothing has changed. Rachel is still totally out of touch with reality and incapable of entertaining even the most basic rational thought.
Reminds me of the classic lines in “Golden Girls” when Rose says to Dorothy, “Can I ask a dumb question,” to which Dorothy responds, “Nobody better than you.”
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skanky rac just wasnts attrention thats all everyone knows she crazy
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Aggie… leave Tony alone.
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Glad to hear that Tammy. I would love to see Rachel in the house without Brendon. She will either go berserk or maybe not be so annoying.
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Good Morning Everyone. Just wanted to check in. Don’t have time to read all your posts right now. Gosh 93 already. Lots of errands today. I’ll read later.
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Thanks for the clips Aggie.
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I thought buck/ shelly started poking rachoe I didn’t think Rachoe just caught her. She could have laid there all night listening to the without them catching her….
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Ok stupidest or smartest move of this years game just happened, Tach told Shel that she is volenteering herself to go up and be the first one in the jury house, as Bren said that was probably best for her last night. Shel tells her to get the stupid stuff out so they can deal with reality.
Stupid as in easy out the door for a good competition competitor, smart to keep in to the end the one person who no one will give the money to!
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opps forgot, only thing is Jord and Law are listening in from another room to the conversation…… drama in the BB whispering world today
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I have turned the channel every time Rachel and Brendon coo. They are so off the wall. I wonder if they know, or if they care, how annoying and childish they look.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love Jeff and Jordan. They are so nice to watch and so nice to each other. Adam is in the house….why? Lawon?
Kahlia talks too much and says nothing. I would like for Jeff or Jordan to win HOH and put Dany and Kahlia on the block. Shelly is a sly one..quiet and under the radar. What will happen?
Am I the only one that feels this way about the houseguests?????
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If things stand as they are right now, Rach will walk out tonight when Brendummy gets evicted!
Rach is still in complete meltdown mode.
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Brenden needs to man up. Quit acting like a whipped dog. He’s so pathetic.
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Now Rach only wants to go to the jury house to get her stipend.
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watching feeds before the fish – racho is seriously having a breakdown – and brendon is feeding it. same cycle– racho causes a stink – racho starts crying – brenda comes to her defense – tells her she is the most BEAUTIFUL, INTELLIGENT CARING person that he knows………gag me with a spoon
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i haven’t even read anything i am just cracking the hell up at Brenchel’s whining and miss Smack talker Rachel… Crying on LF… are you kidding me?? You weren’t crying when you talked all that smack BOTH SEASONS!! Now whose the floater.. your floating on your own tears!
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OMG where is Brit from BB12 when I need her!! I miss that chick!
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LMFAO that they woke the houseguests up with Bob Marley’s No Woman No Cry….. PRICELESS!
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This is the worse BB I have seen. someone ran out of great ideas. What possess them to think we could like a show with leftovers? sorry, but I have watch BB since it began, and it has works for me. now, its so stupied I am happy for livefeed, cause I can choose to turn the channel to watch something else. Good luck with this year, learn from your mistakes and hope next season will recover the mess of this season.
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janey – u really want to crack up – google – you tube-chilltown (will and mike boogie) phone calls complete set. i am signed onto yahoo girl!
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e d will probably announce his brother s death which is why he left
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Rachoe is still in melt down mode? Don’t they check if the house guests are mentally stable before they put them in the house? How did Rachoe manage to not get noticed?
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@john. I understood that he left to help a friend. That nobody died…
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Response from ED regarding the rumors about him leaving BB 13 because of his brother’s death, “My brother wasn’t killed, I don’t even have a f*****g brother. “
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John, Ed’s brother died? Is that really what happened? Why wouldn’t that concern Dani?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Justlookin, you mean how did she not get noticed TWICE!
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@TT Read Post 114
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Love reading your comments. Can someone tell me where to find the HOH blogs each week? I hope R walks out the door with B.
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