Celebrity Big Brother 3 — About Tonight’s Eviction

by Lisa Marie Bowman on February 14, 2022


So, after having to DVR the previous few episodes and watch them hours after they originally aired, I finally got to watch tonight’s eviction episode live. And all I can really say about it is that it totally sucked.

Meisha and Toddrick’s plan worked. They totally turned Carson and Cynthia against Shanna, basically by telling a bunch of lies and feeding Carson and Cynthia a bunch of empty promises about taking them to the final four. On the live feeds, before the start of tonight’s show, Carson told Meisha that he just couldn’t understand why Shanna kept denying everything that Meisha and Toddrick were saying about her. MAYBE IT’S BECAUSE MEISHA AND TODDRICK WERE LYING, YOU DINGBAT! Carson has no idea that Meisha and Toddrick have been laughing at him, behind his back, ever since he became HoH. They’re not taking him to the final four. Instead, they’re planning on targeting him next.

Anyway, the backdoor went just as expected. Because of the stupid random draw, Shanna didn’t even get to compete for the veto. Toddrick won the veto and used it to save Todd. Todd was apparently under the impression that he would be picking the replacement nominee because he stood at the front of the living room like an idiot until Julie finally told him to sit down. Once Todd was seated, Carson nominated Shanna as a replacement. “I’m so sorry,” Carson lied.

The vote to evict Shanna was unanimous. When it was Lamar’s turn to vote, he sat in the diary room and chewed on his fingernails until Julie had to literally order him to cast his vote. Lamar finally voted for Shanna. As Shanna left the house, she said, “Don’t worry, Toddrick, I’ll tell the jury to vote against you.”

Toddrick, who had been so cocky through the entire episode, actually had the nerve to get upset about that. Toddrick reminds me a lot of Paul from Big Brothers 18 and 19. He can dish it out but he can’t take it. The minute anyone talks back to him, he runs off to Meisha and starts crying. The other thing that Toddrick has in common with Paul is that he sucks at jury management. Shanna was right. Who, out of the jury, is actually going to want to vote for Toddrick? Carson, of course, felt that he had to comfort Toddrick and do the whole, “That wasn’t a classy thing to do,” spiel. Carson really seems to think that he’s some sort of father figure in the House.

Anyway, this eviction sucked and I’m glad there’s only a week left of this. As of now, I’m waiting to see who the new HoH will be! Hopefully, it’ll be Lamar because I think he’s the only one who might nominate Meisha and Toddrick for eviction. At this point, though, I’d almost rather see Meisha win again just so I can see the look on Carson’s face when he ends up on on the block.

Catmama Kelley February 15, 2022 at 12:48 am

Done! Stick a fork in me.

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Nancy February 15, 2022 at 10:27 am

Meisha and Toddrick with their…..playing with honor crap……is just that CRAP! Carson and Cynthia acted so perfect! They threw alot of stones at Shanna. They have all went and tried to save their butt in some way or another. For C & C to not see that Shanna was with them was the dumbest thing in Big Brother history! Even if I suspected Shanna wasn’t on my side, I wouldn’t go against her to go with someone (M & T) that has been targeting me the whole show! STUPID! I don’t want M & T or C & C to win now! Although, like you said, I would enjoy Toddrick getting HOH and putting up Carson and then everyone getting together to backdoor Meisha! Eyes will be open and snake will be out! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Courtney February 15, 2022 at 2:36 pm

Disappointed & dismayed.. Used to love Big Brother, even the Celebrity edition. I thought this would be a fun season because of Carson but I believe he may be more interested in his perceived image than the game. Hopefully Lamar can win just to prove this Season made no sense at all & may very well be it’s last. Judging by the lack of interest even here…where for years it was such a bustling site thanks to you, Lisa Marie.

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