Last night’s show highlighted the remainder of the HOH endurance competition. BB did a good job of showing that Frank and Boogie were inside the BB house instead of outside cheering on their player Ian. I think Boogie really was surprised that Frank was going to be evicted and lost it for awhile there.
BB tried to play up Shane kissing Danielle after her win. It might as well have been her a** because that was his goal! As mentioned previously he was really upset that his HOH last week was pretty much useless. Actually, due to Dan, it wasn’t useless, it made Boogie and Frank all the more angry and not trusting of him!
I got a kick out of the part where Big Brother showed Ashley and Ian sitting on the hammock only to have Shane come out and exercise. Ashley’s eyes were glued on him. Okay, my eyes were glued on him too.
Danielle is falling under the hypnotic spell of her former coach Dan. He worked very hard to make sure that Boogie was NOT nominated. He says he doesn’t want a coach eliminated because it will put a huge target on him. Yep, as it should!
As well all know by now, Danielle nominated Wil and Frank. She also has won the POV. There has been much controversy concerning Ian having to wear a dog costume and behave like a pet, including being taken to the bathroom on a leash. Geesh, BB…what are you thinking?
That’s it for now. I’ll try to be back after the Veto ceremony. Monday, Monday…can’t trust that day đ Bloggergal
@ Jane everyone knows excepy Janelle
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I thought only Ian the Newbie was suppose to know and that Dani would only tell Wil ahead of time?
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It was boogers idea, dan didnt want to, but brit ,shane and dani wanted to ,Wil said he could get her another 4 votes
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Show was kind of boring last night I would love to smack shane though for playing with her emotions
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@tammy, he not he has told her he doesnt want a showmance, that was BB trying to get something going, he had told her if she won HOH he would give her a kiss, BB blew it all up
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@jane – danielle asked wil if she took him off the block and replaced him with someone else – would he vote that person out – she said janelle and he said HELLS YES !! she didnt let him in on the ‘6’ thing
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then of course this morn on the lf – frank and boogie in backyard already talking about jumping ship in bout 2 wks
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I’m finding Mike to be a poor excuse for a male the way he “belittles” the gals on the show, now voicing the possibility of a bit of showmace with Ashley, hope she shuns him if he makes a move.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JOE! Please wash your hands!!!! Glad Frank has noticed, he need to speak up to Joe.
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hi holly so nice to see u back again
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lots going on in the bb house thus far going to be an interesting week i am trying to keep my eyes and ear open for the pov ceremony i hope they stick to the plan to backdoor the amazon.
i guess will is on board and i think he is being truthful and we all know joe the catepillar man will go with the flow and if and when jenn surfaces she will have no choice but to join will and caterpillar man
this is going to be an awesome week, and i for one can’t wait for the amazon to exit the bb house.
will do fly by later for updates
as always txs bbgal and bbguy i appesch
ps thanks mike for the update new page
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Ok, the SH*T Has Hit The Fan !!!!!!!!!!…..Janelle has been Nominated !!!!!
The Silent Six has made the MOVE…..the Feeds are gonna be Jumping today..âș…
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Does anyone think the HGs are smart enough to start eliminating the coaches…!!?? First to go Janelle…please. I hate to see Will or Frank go because they are more interesting to watch. No fun: Joe, Ashley and Jen. Judges must go!!! Anyone agree with me? Wasn’t Julie amazing as she lied to us about America’s Vote to let the Coaches decide to stay in the game or not? Just sayin’.
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HoH8…thanks for the good news!!! Hope it works. Is the concensus..she’s going?
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Yes maxie…..Wil came off the block…..the votes is 5-4 evicting Jani right now… it might go up to 6-3…..but for sure Jani will be leaving….âș…..
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Oh how short memories are!
Remember how the producers looked so stupid last year with the rigging of Brendon being the overwhelming AV choice to return to the game and Danny booted him out that same week?
You think for a second that production will have the same happen this year with Janelle? Hardly, Frank is gone in the “not so reality” BB show!
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Janelle come home to to the GOPHER state to take care of that little on…did anyone see how
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The voting will go to evict Frank:
Joe, Ashley, Ian (because of Ashley), Brit, Dan and Jenn
With possibly Wil at the last minute.
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As you read u will see the amazon is still up to her old self i am praying they vote her out
11:40am Janelle and Danielle are up in the HOH room talking. Janelle is really shocked that she is on the block. She continues to say that she is not coming after Danielle. Danielle says that other people have told her that you are coming after me and that you said I was going to float to the final 5. If other people have come to me and lied about you coming after me I am very sorry. I think they are pretty reliable people. Janelle asks if it was Boogie because he has ulterior motives. Janelle says you have been lied to. Danielle tells her that she will probably stay over Frank. Janelle asks do you really think you made the right decision? Danielle says I donât know. Janelle asks do you really think if I won HOH this week I would actually come after you and put you up? Danielle says I donât know, I just didnât know and I felt really hurt. Janelle says that she is really shocked and I never would have come after you. I thought we were friends and thatâs why we do make-up together. Janelle says that she talked to Dan yesterday and that I told him I really wanted to work with you. Danielle says that she thinks she is going to throw up. Janelle says donât worry about it. Janelle heads downs stairs.
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12:45pm Wil, Joe and Janelle are in the arcade room. Janelle tells him that Danielle had wanted to work out last night and I told her okay, then she took forever getting ready and talking to someone so Britney and I worked out and when I was eating she asked me if I wanted to work out and I told her I already did. I guess she took that as a threat? Janelle laughs. Janelle says that she thinks it is pretty clear who I am coming after and she isnât even on my radar. I still canât believe she nominated me. Janelle asks if she has Wilâs vote. Wil says yes. Janelle says thank you. Wil leaves the room. Janelle asks Joe if he thinks she has Wilâs vote. Joe says that he will find out but that he doesnât think Wil is telling her the truth.
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Thanks Double M for the updates đ
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You are more then welcome my dear, hugs to the kids
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and will keep all updated as events occur
it is wonderful to be retired i can stay up every nite and watch bbad 11pm to 2am woo hoo
i am going to have to find stuff to do after bb is over lol last year i crocheted blankets for my dr’s blanket drive and i try to do volunteer work at one of the programs that help parents who need stuff for their babies, again i knit and crochet, hats, sweaters, blankets and i even get to cut out patterns for bibs and stuff, see there i go again rambling on
If bobo and i lived closer i am sure he would be involved in doing stuff with me too since he is retired and seems to have a lot of time on his hands
sorry my dear friend bobo i could not resist saying that and the devil made me do it đ
sorry fellow bloggers will try to curb it lol
ciao to all my darling fellow bloggers
and note to ted i am going to put your avatar on the side of a milk carton if u do not show up soon, we miss tedster.
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Double M. I am going to Uganda after our grants are approved to do some work for my Non Profit with Autistic Families, i’d love to hear more about those blankets!
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After the changes in the game kick BOOGIE and FRank out the door. First, someone should have been eliminated last Thursday and then restart the game. Boogie is a Big Baby as now he is not getting his way and he may have to win something!!!!!
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The Big 6 is a joke. Boogie may have pulled it off this week but he’ll jump with Frank in no time. What is wrong with Danielle! She’s the pretty girl you hated in high school. Smart but mean. Shane, as we know, is not too bright. Dan has his pact with Boogie and Frank. Brit should have known better than to trust Boogie.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I still think Ian may just win $250,000. GO IAN!
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JAKE – frank and boog wre outside this mornin bout 9:30 there time – talking and laughing about how long they were going to stick to the deal…
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I agree with Mel their all to stupid and have BIG mouths to get Janelle out. Brittni and Dan r going to do whats best for them.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHE shpuld return all the moneythey got from the voting. Or prove they didnt know. I didnt vote. But everyone was scammed.
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jane i will send u an email re blankets sounds great what u will be doing
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------glad u r interested
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Thanks MM!
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I love you mama Margie ! xxoo
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Well not so sure if it’s a good Idea getting rid of Janelle, I would rather see Frank go, I don’t like the Idea Boogie has all that power. I can only hope the next HOH is certainly not Frank or boogie, It usually happens that way. đ
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Boogie isn’t in power’s really Dan!!!!! It was up to HIM whether this alliance flew with his group or not! And listen to THIS!! Come to find out..he and Boogie have a relationshiop outside the BB house! They are FRIENDS!!! I bet he met him during all the BB parties and Memphis lives in LA too!! So they got hooked up somehow between the two. Within this sneaky alliance of 6, there is a SUB alliance of 3….Dan, Boggie and Frank!!! I guess you could say Dan and Boogie are co-conspiritors, but Dan has more people to bring to the party so I think he isd actually the BB Godfather!!! He kind of creeps me out this year. He is drunk with power, thinks nobody can see it and is so quiet in group discussions, studying everyone and letting them spill their guts! And he LOVED that Boggie had to come to HIM and kiss his ring to get the job done. He is so dark , he could be Sicilian!!! I could see him so easily in Pacino’s role in the Godfather!!!!lol In the end tho, he looked just as excited ad Boogie and could harldy contain himself as he called his minions together to the HOH to TELL them what they were doing….only made it look like it was their decision!!!! Oh..and he asked for some T-shirt of Boogies for *collateral* on this deal!!!! That is WHY Janelle offered up her ring last was all she cold think of that meant enough! this is the 1st year for this collateral thing, as far as I can remember anyway!!!
Dan’s a Michigan boy and right now the puppetmaster so….I gotta be on his side!! He’s jsut a lil bit older, wiser and DARKER this season!!!!
Oh yeah….BUH-BYE ,Janelle!!!!!!!!! *does best cheerlader wave*
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Dan tells her they are going to have to give Janelle the news Wednesday night or Thursday morning. Dan: âBut if you want we can Blind Side herâ. Danielle will tell her when they get closer.
Dan points out Janelle is playing like Brian .. âso much stuff going aroundâ. Dan: âI honestly feel if she won she would put one of us up but if one of her people had won maybe notâ Danielle thinks Janelle would put her up. Dan says no way Janelle underestimates her she would put Shane up for sure.
Danielle mentions that Janelle has been trying to get Britney and Shane arguing by telling stories but Britney called her out about it. Dan thinks sheâs going to throw all sorts of things at them these next couple days.
Dan brings up how Boogie could have knocked them out of this game and the fact they he didnât means something is there.
Danielle says no matter what Janelle says she was giving Danielle dirty looks and acting weird around her. Danielle: âShe changes on me everyday .. Called me a floater and a waste of space to all her teamâ
Dan points out that itâs only Monday and a lot can happen between now and Thursday, âThings get crazy nowâ
Dan: âI wonder if she is going to snap⊠sheâs never been in this position beforeâ
Danielle: âThey told me itâs the hottest day this yearâ
Dan: âItâs from her reading the bible
Dan: âIans in the best spot of the house.. no one is going to touch him.. one of our group of 5 is going to get picked off.. I wonder who itâs going to beâ
Danielle thinks itâs going to be Shane.
Danielle brings up that after the Power of Veto Ceremony Wil said WOW and AShley was beside him saying âWhat do you expect you canât go around being mean to people like she doesâ
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Ian is playing his part well heres his bio Ian Terry
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Age: 21
Hometown: Pittsburgh
Finally the legal age to play Big Brother, this engineering student has been watching the show since he was 10. “The name of the game is to be a threat without looking like one,” says Terry, who can see just fine but will amp up his geekiness by sporting Woody Allen-type specs with bogus lenses. “My glasses won’t be the only fake thing in the house,” he predicts. “I was supposed to spend the summer working in silicon chemistry but something tells me I may be dealing with silicon in other ways.” Before leaving for the show, Terry had to promise his mother three things. “I assured her I wouldn’t be a complete douchebag on TV. And also that I wouldn’t smoke while I’m in the house. And also that I would stay a virgin even if I meet the right girl.” Other than that, kid, have a great time!
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me too , hope that Frank go’s, Boogie got money send his ass home and make sure boogie and frank are not in the jury house. GO IAN GO .
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bloggergal thanks so much, when i read your message i got the warm fuzzies u r sweet
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------jane u have mail lol
star i have to agree dan is like the mole i had no idea he was that way at all he comes across like the guy next store who helps u with your groceries lol
boy looks can be deceiving,
to be fair i hope danielle tells the amazon thurs, let her have a few nites of good sleep because she really believes she is safe, best she can be prepared i would tell her about an hour before the live show, “God only knows how she would act during the live show.
ciao for now
will do fly by later
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good job mike very interesting to say the least
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I think Ion could have actually won this HoH. Think of Matt a few seasons back, small guy, these were exactly the type of challenges he won. But he won back-to-back competitions and his own alliance voted him out. In a way, he’s kind of playing a different sort of Dan play, but as the geek. I wouldn’t be surprised, but the kid just may win this. Shane cracks me up, I mean, if a woman were dating him, she’d have to sleep on the floor because there just wouldn’t be room in the bed for her with Shane and his ego.
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Excellent update MM! Thanks!! I hope they stick to the plan to get either Frank or Janelle out. Those players and Boogie are the toughest competition along with being the most annoying!! I can’t wait for Wed/Thurs!! BB is finally shaping up!
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txs Holly and here is a bit more from the grapevine, i have a feeling it is going to be getting better and better
Ashley and Janelle
Janelle saying that joe knows it was Wil who went up to the HOH and told them Janelle was going after Danielle. Ashley: âI donât know that all seems a bit strange to meâ
he told me 100% he would pick me over frank
Janelle tells her she has Joe, Wil, Ashley, Britney and Dan said he will if Danielle give him the go ahead. Janelle: âif they really wanted to get rid of me then they would have put me up against Wilâ
Janelle wonders why she is up on the block. Janelle: âjoe said heâs going to find out if Wil is lying.. his plan is going up to Wil and telling him heâs going to flip it up and vote out Janiâ
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Janelle: âJoe says that Frank is already talking about next weekâ
AShley: âDid britney tell you anythingâ
Janelle: âNo.. they probably never told her anything because they knew it would get back to meâ
Eagle eye Joe joins them..
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Just checking in so I can keep up with the posts on my email
Holly great to see you back and PGdok too!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for all the scoops from you all! I appreech! đ
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@ Star
I know Boogie doesn’t have the power yet, But they are keeping Frank in so he or Frank could get next HOH. Frank will give Boogie more Power, I really don’t want him around. Not surprising he and Dan are friends, they are both big gamers. and smart people.
I liked Dan in his season, I never liked Boogie. He and Will were fun at times. The difference between the 2 is Will handled things in a classier way. Boogie seems kind of slimy too me. He seems to be raising his kid Brady on his own, I wonder how that came about Was it adoption ? Is it his kid from a relationship? Nobody really asked about that.
I just Can’t stand danielle, maybe if Dan were hooked up with someone else it would be different, but I would rather see those two gone. He really picked the right person, he totally controls her. It should be interesting when Janey gets back doored. I heard she wouldn’t want to be on jury, she would rather be home with her daughter.
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aggie..have to agree about Dan. He’s not trying to hide his strong,devious side this year! I was wondering the sdame aobut Boogie I habe heard he doesn’t LIKE women..period!! I can see that! He must’ve got some girl preggers on purpose just to get a kid! And by then she hated him so much she just wanted OUT!!lol
Did you her what they named Boogie and Dan’s group?? The Silent Six! Really?? That’s so lame!!!! I like Boogie’s idea of the Avengers better!! I think the other side of the house,led by Joe, is calling itsself the Voter’s allinace. Even lamer!!!
i still don;t get why Danielle just didn;t take Frank down today?? Do they really want him to go or something??? Seems a really risky thing to have done.
Can’t keep my eyes open. Nite all!!
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@ Star
I would not be surprised if Boogie doesn’t like women very much, he’s definitely a confirmed Bachelor. He’s 42 and never married. I think he likes running around too much and Possibly loves money more than anything. Since he has lots of it, he’s not going to let some woman take half of it, if he were divorced.
Maybe his son is his biological son, he could have had a surrogate have his child that seems like what he might do, he probably would not want to deal with a woman.
They always come up with the dumb names for teams on there. funny I’m watching danielle in bed with shane, he has zero interest in her, she’s rubbing his chest pretty much and he says time to go to sleep.
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I couldn’t take 3 hours of Danielle whining about Janelle. They all said Jenelle was going to start sh** this weekend and just ignore it. However, Dani’s low self-esteem and cattiness just couldn’t change the subject. It was a big snore fest in the HOH room last night. I know the Dani/Janelle story so well I could tell it verbatim. Dan… now is the time to coach your girl.. shut her up! please!! I can’t take it.
Double M I will email you back this afternoon đ
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@Star i think Dani didnt take Frank down because Dan wouldn’t have let Boogie or Brit go up whats left would be a newbie. Thus opening the door for Jenelle to pull a fast one and get frank & Boogie to work with her, even though Boogie said he wouldn’t he was still filled with anger and could have done it for that retribution and then off’d Jenelle later.
@TheKhanKuba hahaha love the ego in bed comment!
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@Jane, I agree she is driving me crazy too. she just needs to shut up. If they didnt need her vote down the road I would be happy to see her go, but would like to see the coaches gone first, I know that they dont want Joe to go to jury house, but they need to make sure they have the votes to take them out
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Boogies gotta go next. Then Danielle….for some reason, she bugs me. I would kinda like to see what Frank would be like with Booger gone. (I like Frank but I don’t like Frank and Boogie together.) OR… I have no warm fuzzies for Joe, so he could go after Boogie. Ashley is fun to watch because she is such an airhead. Love Ian. Don’t want any of the (X) coaches to stay so maybe they should all go first. I’m so conflicted!!! I’d just like to see the newbies play the game without them. They’re still trying to run things and the HG need to start playing their own game…..NOW!!
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I love Ashley & Ian. What if they both pulled it out and won AF & BB, got married and had Really Smart babies that did Yoga all day.
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^^^ that last post just shows how interesting this season has been up until now.
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Jane, that’s quit the visal image!! (Ashley and Ian having smart babies and doing yoga) pretty funny.
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Visual… i really do know how to spell.
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oops, did it again….quite not quit. fingers failed me.
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Good Morning Maxie!!
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Hi all just catching up on everything! đ
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Good Morning Bobo!
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hi jane, bob, aggie star, mike, maxie starfish and anyone else i did not mention
here is some updates from my grapevine, more to follow
bob missed u yesterday glad to see u
12:30am Up in the HOH room are Shane, Ian and Britney. Ian tells them that at first he didnât know who to nominate if he won the head of household competition next week, but says now he knows he would nominate Joe. Ian says that no one would care if Joe left. Britney and Shane agree. Shane then says that he would even be a pawn against Joe to make it less suspicious. Ian says that it would probably not be best to nominate Shane before the power of veto because Joeâs chances would go from a 1 in 7 chance to a 1 in 6 chance of winning the veto because Shane automatically plays for the veto due to the veto ticket. Ian leaves the HOH room. Britney tells Shane to never ever again say you will go up as a pawn because they will vote you out. Shane says that he was just trying to make it easier for the others in their alliance. Britney tell him that she knows he meant well but Shane is too big a target in the game and that Frank and Boogie could vote him out.
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i never did get why anyone would nominate themselves as a pawn!
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Hello Everyone… I have no idea what any of you are babbling on about, as I have not watched 1 second of BB so far. I do have to admit, I did check out one of the clips just to see Britney… she is so sweet. And I hope my ‘friends’ will tell me when Rachel makes an appearance.
I just haven’t had time at all to watch, but have skimmed a few BBBlogs to see what everyone’s up to… looks like Miss Tipton has not caused too much trouble yet… then there’s always Holly. Aggie27 seems to be behaving. Glad to see BoBo is keeping everyone informed… he’s good at that. And what’s up with that guy BigBBob, or something like that, giving BoBo shit yesterday? What a Jagoff. Other than that everyone seems well behaved. Where is my dear friend PK? Nice to see Double M spelling so well with her new keyboard.
I will watch soon, just to see what this latest crop of houseguests looks like, although everyone seems to be bitching about how lame BB is this time… but that’s not really unusual… same as last year.
I was surprised to see Mike S beat JT as #1 on the post this time… I guess the hounds on the porch didn’t get in his way this time on his way from the still in the backyard to the computer. It’s the only computer I’ve heard of that works off of a clothes hanger.
And where is JT? I hear he told Frannie not to get a new job till BB was over… I’m surprised he hasn’t taken his own advice. Maybe he’s over at The Joker trying to get a fresh scoop. And where is Kev11… I’m looking for to an exchange between Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
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Hi Ted! JT has been working a lot but I was honored to chat with him a bit last week on here. BB has been weird. If you want to be thouroughly caught up let me know and I will FB inbox you, then trust me you can jump right into the reg show.
How was the mountains?
Hey me… a troublemaker? Not unless it has to do with PK, Pie, & Survivor!
Ewww you and Roachel need to get a room already.
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tedster my fiend so nice to see u and u r in your usual top notch form
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i am going to run not walk to have your avatar removed from the milk cartons and yes u need to watch at least 1 or 2 bb shows but not to worry if u just have an idea what is going on u will be fine look at it this way same $hit different toilet, notiing changes from year to year just the people who i am now certain they get from craigs list or the rejects from the dating shows.
so u noticed my typing i am still trying to get used to this new laptop keyboard adn my nails r long so that does not help
hopefully kevin and jt will make an appearance and read your blogs i can hardly wait to see that banter,
well my fellow bloggers not muh to report so i will sign off for now
ciao till later
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8am Boogie is out in the backyard by himself. Boogie gives a shout out to Mr.Janelle, saying that Janelle is a liar and we are sending her home. She is coming home early and itâs his favor to Him. Boogie repeats what Janelle said yesterday after she was nominated saying I canât believe I didnât even have make up on! Britney joins him. They talk about Joe and all the rumors he had brought up. Britney comments on how nervous Ian gets just for veto ceremonies, they canât even imagine how nervous he would be if he was nominated. Britney and Boogie talk about how everyone thought that he and Janelle would work together
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@Ted, dont be telling everyone about my still, I need it to get threw this season of BB(the HGs are driving me to drink) I am still on the mountain, see you have come down are you going back up? Sure do like those pictures you have been sending, they are so pretty, will got to go back to the still before it blows up, Hey with the price of gas I can start selling it to run your car on.
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Does anyone know about the rumor of Jenelles husband and the Nanny? Joe started talking about it and it went immediately to fish on LF!
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has anyone but me wondered how and where danielle told wil he was coming off the block.
Picture this HOH room scene 1 take 1, danielle tells wil he is coming off the block and janielle is going up, but he has to promise he will not say a word to anyone of course wil says of course, and if (and this is a mighty big IF he gets hoh next week danielle and dan r safe. Sorry folks wil could not win the free spot on a bingo card.
Danielle lies back and looks up at the ceiling. She finally has a man in her bed and she’s oh so proud of herself. Feeling those ooey gooey “happy to be me!” feelings, she sighs and muses, “This will be amazing. Janelle has never been backdoored before.” Wil yanks at the pinky finger he got stuck in his weave and agrees. He’s so sick of Janelle thinking she’s this big power player who can do whatever she wants. He doesn’t give a shit if she’s a fan favorite. He just wants her gone!
Danielle has removed Wil from the block and has nominated Janelle for eviction. Viva la revolutin, there is joyful elation among most of the hgs.
The best part about it all is that Janelle had no idea. None! She didn’t even bother to put on make-up that morning.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I guess when the amazon boarded the not so good ship lollipop it was to turn into the titanic for her sorry amazon no life boat for you
Now for my next question what is up with britty pulling on her hair and studying the ends, is she so bored she is counting them, or is she trying to figure out how much she should start the bidding at on either ebay or craigs list.
well fellow bloggers till next time have fun,
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Ted’s back! Yay!
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@ Bloggergal….you are going to give Ted a bigger head than he already has.
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Check this out….a pic of Janelle
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Nice pic of janelle, and she had the balls to make comments of Willie and about hipocrate..
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Hi Margie! I have been in & out Yesterday & a little today! Not much to say watching BBAD from last night đ See you all soon…..
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4:26pm Cam 1-2 Janelle and Joe
Good oleâ Eagle eye talks about his conversation with Danielle. He said she never told him who she is going to vote for all she said was he can vote any way he wants and heâs welcome to come up to the HOH room on Wednesday .
Janelle has talked to Dan whoâs going to talk to Shane it looks like they are receptive. Joe says he went to Dan and told him heâs voting to keep Janelle. Janelle asks him what he thinks of Dan. Joe: âseems like heâs with usâ Janelle thinks in the end a lot of people will votre with the majority.
Joe wants to see if they can get a deal with Danielle and Dan so itâs Janelle, Ashley, Danielle, Dan and Joe. (another powerhouse alliance brought to you from Eagle Eye)
Janelle: âwil is so 2 faced.. why is he like that..even if I leave I donât think you should take out Wil.. you need to get a bigger target outâ
Janelle: âI donât believe in Backdooring but early in the game it worksâ
Hey my friend Ted how you doing?
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I thought I’d watch some TV tonight. So it was between Big Brother and the Olympics… I figured that the Olympics was on every four years , so plenty of chances to see that… so I opted for Big Brother. I thought I had taped last Sunday’s episode, but it was Thursday. Kind of weird to not really know what had happened and who everyone was, but fun to watch anyway. I was so glad to see that America voted to have the coaches join the game. I voted a bunch of times, like Aggie said, to let them join. Here are my impressions of the players…
Britney… America’s Sweetheart! My favorite female player after Danielle D. (Rachel is in a special class)
Janelle… Love her!
Boogie… I think I like him. He’s pretty funny, sharp, and very quick.
Dan… Didn’t see much of him… I guess he’s okay.
Shane… I liked him. He seems the smartest of the bunch.
Ashley… Dumb, but very Sensual.
Will… Can Not Stand Will! From the hideous hair to his mincing voice.
Frank… Kind of undecided… reminds me of Hayden, who I was not fond of. But, being Syd Vicious’ kid is a +… and if he’s from Ark, then he’s probably related to Mike, judging by that accent.
Joe… I like him, I think.
Daniele… Not sure, I don’t think I like her… Don’t like the type.
Ian… He’s probably okay… kind of a twerp.
Chick with Tats… Hardly saw her, so will reserve my opinion.
Was very disappointed there were no bikinis. Of course, I watch only from a fashion standpoint. Didn’t even see too much of the house, but it looked better than last year’s set. Disappointed I didn’t get to see that idiot Hantz… maybe they will let him back in the game. Didn’t they say some evicted ones get back in?
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Frances… I think you are confusing me with PK… Bloggergal has excellent judgement and good taste.
I have heard that Bill has to flip off the circuit breakers to get MM off the live feed if he wants something to eat.
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9:14pm Cam 1-2 HOH Bathroom Britney and Danielle
Danielle wants her to swear on her life that what sheâs about to tell Britney never leaves this room. (Wow sounds like sheâs throwing down something HUGE)
Britney: âI swear on my life â
Danielle: âI have 4 degrees.. Iâm a nurse practitioner and Iâm working on my mastersâ
Britney: âOhh.. cool.. â
9:54pm Cam 3-4 Shane and Danielle
Danielle is drunk she drank most of her HOH wine by herself.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle: âIf I win Shane you have to kiss me.. a good one and if you win what do I have to give youâ
Shane: âA Back Rubâ
Danielle: âyou can get that wheneverâ
Shane: âIâll marinate on that while I take a showerâ
Goodnight Ted
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@ Ted
Well Ted, you are in for a surprise, Because Janelle is about to be blindsided on thursday. Britney is in with the others for the blindside. Britney is Ok this season, I hated her in her season.
As Far as Margie and the feeds go they aren’t that compelling really, so I doubt Bill would be complaining.
As far as one of our Great Bloggers go JT, He has given up on this season, he doesn’t like what they did regarding the coaches, so not sure if he will be back on here or even watching anymore.
Ted, You are too funny, keep up the good work. Nope I never behave myself, that’s what gets me in trouble for the most part, if something needs to be said I will say it.
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@ Ted
At least you call Hantz an Idiot, that’s what he was, what a dope he was trying to get himself evicted and he did, when he head butted Joe, I really wish he kicked his ass though before he left. It was kind of funny to see Joe Put up his fists when he came toward him, he doesn’t look like much of a fighter to me.
Joe, looked scared, like he might shit his pants at any moment. For a guy with such a big mouth he had nothing to say in the confrontation.
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BOBO thanks – if daniele would keep her makeup on – if she would eat with her mouth closed – lose a bit of those thighs – shane might be interested – ha ha
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