Diary Room Is Open: What Will Dick Do? (WWDD)

by soonerryan on August 13, 2007

The rumors are flying.

Dick’s going to use the PoV on himself, and Jessica will put up Jen as a replacement.

Dick’s going to use the PoV on Daniele, and Jessica will put up Dustin as a “pawn”.

There’s even a rumor going — no kidding — that the producers have something in the works that would make this a non-elimination week and next week a double-elimination week. Seriously.

Rumors. Rumors. Rumors.

So until we know what happens at the PoV ceremony, we want you to tell us what you would do if you were Dick. Think about it from HIS perspective, not the other houseguests. What’s his best play here, and what can he do to save himself from eviction this week if he doesn’t use the PoV on himself?

What Would Dick Do? What WILL Dick Do?

Tony V August 13, 2007 at 12:43 pm

Let me start off by saying that I would LOVE for it to be a non-elimation week. If Dick or Daniele were to win HOH next, that would be awesome. This would be a whole new game with higher ratings I am sure (wink, wink)!!! The slippery snakes would slither around and sell the rest of their collective souls. The LNC would all go scampering like a bunch of bugs exposed to light!! There would be so much infighting and this would definitely break the group apart.
However, I think Dick is going to give the Veto to Daniele. He set the stage to be voted out if he did not win the veto by calling everyone out. I think he is ready and wants Daniele to enjoy this experience. I am just worried the LNC weirdos will pick on Daniele once Dick is gone.

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Alexandra Erickson August 13, 2007 at 12:48 pm

I am sick of the D’s and wish they would both go home. His cussing and her whining drive me nuts.

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Ronjj August 13, 2007 at 12:53 pm

Unless the houseguests are totally stupid, then MUST get Dick out of the house this week and his daughter out next week. They are dangerous, totally untrustworthy ( like father-like daughter), and will absolutely turn on all of them with their manipulations and emotional torture.

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Lisa August 13, 2007 at 1:03 pm

I’m with you, Tony. The Nerd Herd seem to think THEY are running this show and really need a HUGE upset right now. A non-elimination week with Dick winning HOH would blow this thing out of the water!!!!!!!!! YAY

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Adrienne August 13, 2007 at 1:05 pm

Seeing Dick’s point of view, I would use the veto on my kid too. But from a game stand point, I would use it on myself. That’s a tough call. If Dick stays on the block, he’s gone.. no if, ands or butts about it. But if he takes himself off the block and Jess put’s up Jen against Dani…Dani, I think, has a chance against Jen.

All I know, is that if Dick leaves this week, the house will be such a bore. It really will. The only thing that will be exciting is to watch the LNC eventually turn on each other.

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~angie~ August 13, 2007 at 1:09 pm

I still cant stand Dick he is the rudest person on the show. He dont have to be so hateful and for him being out in the open with everyone then why is he now being friendly with jen who he hated for so long! He needs to go home this week!!!

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Zintradi August 13, 2007 at 1:09 pm

I’d like to see dustin get put as a pawn and then voted out.
It would be hard for dick to that seeing as he could muster the votes necessary to make that happen unless America tells Eric to evict Dustin and then you’ll have Eric looking for a truce with Dick.

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Niki August 13, 2007 at 1:14 pm

I agree with you Tony and Lisa, I think Dick is the only one being honest and it’s amazing how they think he’s the jerk! I think he’s GREAT! And how can Eric be so stupid to not realize that America is trying to tell him something by voting for Dustin to me nominated. That would send a huge message to me that America is seeing things about Dustin that I’m not! Could we get off the God issue and stop Amber from crying. If I see that girl cry one more time I swear I’m going to puke! UGH. Go Dick – Go Daniele!

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Diane August 13, 2007 at 1:19 pm

I would love to see Dick and Danielle continue. I am sick of Dustins fake self. Offered to put himself up but now he is afraid and saying he doesnt want to look proud. That he came in the house to work on his arrogance. Pleassse! Jamika is certainly not like any Christian I have met. She instigates more than Dick. She didn’t have to sit in the kitchen and I am sick of her trying to sound like Jessica. What is up with that? And I am really ready for Eric to go. Forget Americas Player. He is sick. I also can’t wait for Amber to really have something to cry about as she walks out the door. A few weeks ago I was all about getting Jen out but now I really want to see LNC broke up and gone.

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katie August 13, 2007 at 1:19 pm

I can not stand to watch The Evil Dick any more, ok for the primetime, but on Showtime,it shows what a disgusting pig he really is! If I see one more loogy fly out of his mouth! I am hoping for his eviction and his winey daughter next.

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E YOUNG August 13, 2007 at 1:26 pm

I would love it if Dick stayed and the holier then thou group got the boot! How anyone could want to keep Eric or Jamika is beyond me! Dustin is entertaining and Amber is a pathetic loser but Eric and Jamika are the pure EVIL!!!!!!

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WENDYKAYS August 13, 2007 at 1:29 pm

I think Dick will use POV on Daniele and I am hoping Zack, Jen, Eric and Daniele then vote Dustin out – providing he gets his wish as being put up as a pawn. Wouldnt that shake up the house !!! The possibility of BB shaking up the house also in intriguing. I think Dick keeps the place interesting and it will be very boring once he is out of there and even tho he is obnoxious I would like to see him stay.

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jamey August 13, 2007 at 1:30 pm

I really hope that the coup de tat is this week and that there is no elimination. I would love to see the LNC shaking. I really do not like Jameeka or Amber. To claim to be people of God and then to act like they act is sending America an even worse perception of Christians than most have already. Dustin is a snake and not worth the air he breathes.
If there is not a twist this week, I hope that Dustin gets nominated. If that is the case, I believe that he will go. I don’t think that he will even be used as a pawn though. I think that if Dick uses the veto on Danielle, that Amber may be put up as a pawn. Even with that, I think that Amber will go. This is one of the few times that America’s player will be positive. Danielle, Jen, and Zach would evict Amber and America would hopefully have Eric vote that way as well. That would be enough to effectively change the house.

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George Flo August 13, 2007 at 1:33 pm

Non elimination week would be awesome. I gotta be honest with everyone, I cant stand the LNC. Dustin is a liar. he lied about voting for Kail/Eric and he lied about the gohnerrea thing too, I’m sure of it now! As far as Jameka goes, man, I understand you have to defend yourself- but gosh, does it always have to be with a ghetto ass hand gesture from one hand and the bible in the other. I’m tired of all this “it’s already been written” stuff from her. Shit the bed, what a holly roller! As far as Eric goes, i dont know what I cant stand more about him, his 300+ facial spasms everytime he’s in the diary room or that pubic like bunch of hair he calls a mohawk. for the love of baby jesus, that thing looks like a wad of armpit hair. Also, every time someone gets in his grill about something he looks like he’s going to cry like a little girl. Mybe thats why he has all those annoying facial expressions, its how he keeps from crying. Then there’s Amber…..man do I know her kind……sucked every cock on the block and then made fun of the girls that made out with more than one guy during a school week. Yeah, shes a washed up in the closet sex whore and drugie, willing to go along with anything anyone wants as long as no one finds out. I do feel sorry for her daughter. Lets stop with the chain ratteling in the diary room, your not the first one to introduce a concept of communication through gestures or hand motions on TV. As far as the crying goes, sometimes I think its just because shes fiending, her body is going through withdrawl of whatever shes addicted to. I hope somehow daniele and dick stay on, they are a breath of fresh air to the rest of the shallow cast. Actually, id rather see daniele go over dick, he is the lifeline of that show. He’s cruel, but hes honest and has integrity. I’d roll with him any day, he is loyal- unlike all the others!

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BOODOG August 13, 2007 at 1:54 pm

The only hope Dick has is to take off Danielle in hopes that Dustin gets put up in his place, than Eric would be forced to keep dick. I know Dick keeps the ratings, but he is one nasty guy. My new drinking game is to drink everytime Dick either a.) spits a loogie b.) bites his nail and spits it out or c.) blows his nose on his shirt or lets danielle blow her nose on his shirt. Seriously who does that? Anyway not a big Dick fan, but he sure does make it interesting.

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jersyjoe August 13, 2007 at 1:55 pm

the thing I would like to see
is Dick getting his ass whooped
by Dustin and Jemeka and being
pulled off the show due to injuries
and not being able to continue !!!

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Lisa August 13, 2007 at 2:01 pm

I agree, Wendy and E-young, Dick is the ONLY spice this house has right now – and spice is what keeps rating up and high ratings is the ONLY thing that keeps shows on. Right now cbs has GOT to know that they better come up with SOMETHING because right now with the NERD HERD it’s a sinking ship!!! CBS knows if the Nerd Herd is what is left that will be it for the season.

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Patricia August 13, 2007 at 2:14 pm

I would love a non-elimation week and get the The Nerd Herd Out Jamika Dustin Eric the CRIER & Jessica can’t stand any of them …….. Love Dick and Dan Hope Zack and Jen help them out and Eric pulls for America’s vote to get Dustin out. I would love to see Nick back in the house to .

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Redarin D August 13, 2007 at 2:14 pm

I gotta tell you if dick leaves chances are I’ll only watch on thursday to see what happens. This is the most boring cast to date. The whole “Group” thing is really dumb Dick and Danielle won’t win but Neither will dustin,eric,amber, or jameka. Zach will probably vote with dick and danielle. Jen will proabably vote with them too. So Those four would make up the majority so Jessica would proabably end up the winner. Not the cry baby not the Jesus freak, not the Queen, and not the rat.

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Redarin D August 13, 2007 at 2:23 pm

I think they should have a celebrity big brother. They could have donald trump,rosie O’donald, That would be good television

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John August 13, 2007 at 2:28 pm

Wow, if I were Dick I would save myself. My daughter has made it clear how much she is in pain from being in the house.
I’d explain it to her that way. Save myself, and then carry on for another week.
See how far I could push the remaining houseguests.
Someone has to be on the edge.
Dick and Eric fighting, Dick and Dustin scrapping.
Jameeka cold cocking Dick, Amber scratching his eyes out?
Dick lying on the ground while the three of them are kicking him repeatedly?

That would be real TV!

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John August 13, 2007 at 2:31 pm

Hmmm, reading some of the Nerd Herd comments. If they were the only ones left, I suspect we would see some more of that “bitchiness” of Jameeka, Dustin and Amber. Like watching a mother turning on her young!
Might be boring for a few days until realignments were solidified, and not more of the “goodness” would be discussed.

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Redarin D August 13, 2007 at 2:35 pm

I hate to say but they should bring joe back

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Jess5644 August 13, 2007 at 2:37 pm

When is the Power of Veto Ceremony?

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Lisa August 13, 2007 at 2:38 pm

All HELL is breaking loose right now, Jessica is crying, Eric has been told to not talk to anyone and stay in bed, the Nerd Herd is meeting upstairs and Jen just went up to see what she could find out. Jameka is sitting going mmmmmm mmmm mmmmm hmmm, wow, mmmm mmm, wow! LOL

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Fraqua August 13, 2007 at 2:48 pm

Dick needs to leave the house and become a producer of BB since whatever he does goes unpunished…if he even poured a drop of ANYTHING on me OR talked to me the way he does to everyone else…I’d first punch the producers right in the face THEN hit ‘ole Dick so hard his whiny ass daughters nose would bleed…BOOYA…

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Lisa August 13, 2007 at 3:02 pm

LOL, Red, that is what I was saying earlier – can you imagine?

I THINK, the POV ceremony is going on right now – but please, someone, correct that if it’s wrong – thanks!

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Tony V August 13, 2007 at 3:03 pm

What is going on Lisa???

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soonerryan August 13, 2007 at 3:05 pm

Lisa — do you think the other houseguests told Eric to go to his room and stay there, or do you think Big Brother did? I’m sure you’re aware of the controversy surrounding his possible revelation that he’s a twist in the show. There’s a YouTube clip somewhere in which Eric pretty much spills the beans without spelling out that he’s the twist … And, rumor has it that he might have whispered this to Jessica at some point.

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Tony V August 13, 2007 at 3:08 pm

If I had a dime for any time Dustin scratched or touched his body, Eric goes through his funky facial features, Jessica sounds like a mouse, Dick spits, Daniele complains, Amber tries to make out with Dustin or Jameka says “ummm” or “uh huh”…….I would be a rich, rich, rich person!!

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teresa August 13, 2007 at 3:09 pm

se guest and nick should never forgive amber cause she told dustin when he was hoh to back door him what a bitch

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Redarin D August 13, 2007 at 3:13 pm

Me and you both tony

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teresa August 13, 2007 at 3:25 pm

amber and jameka need to leave soon and i hope the door do’nt hit them in the ass on the way out they are such back stabbing bitches amber back stab nick by telling dustin to back dooring him. dick may be gross but at least he tells it like it is amber is the one who crys like a little bitch that she .not dani

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Lisa August 13, 2007 at 3:31 pm

ahahaah, yep, Tony, AND you could pay all of our way out to the pre-show events for the Dick Denato show!!!!! FIRST CLASS!!

OH and don’t forget everytime Eric sticks his tongue out (like a snake)!!!!

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A August 13, 2007 at 3:31 pm

I know the question was too look at it from Dick’s point of view, but I’m just going to state his best move in general — which he has no idea about.
He should use the POV on Daniele (because the Nerd Herd V.2 want her out more than they want Dick out), and hopefully things will go according to plan and Dustin will be put up next to Dick.
So now, the ideal situation (for Dick) would be:
Daniele – votes to evict Dustin
Zach – votes to evict Dustin
Jen – votes to evict Dustin
Amber – votes to evict Dick
Jameka – votes to evict Dick

and then there’s Eric, America Player, whom we control. It’s possible that America will chose Dustin for Eric to evict, I mean, they did want him nominated after all. This would ensure that Dustin was evicted and Dick (and Daniele!) are safe — for at least a few more days.

Again, this IS Dick’s best move, in my opinion. It saves both him and Daniele, and shrinks the numbers of Nerd Herd V.2!

This is one of those times I wish I could yell things at the TV and the houseguests could hear it.

PS. I love Dick, he’s my favourite houseguest. I will say again, as I’ve said to many other people — Big Brother is nothing without the drama. And I’ll agree with a previous comment, “this is the most boring cast to date”.

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teresa August 13, 2007 at 3:39 pm

let me spend one day in the house i’ll rip ambers hair out by the root of her hair then glue it to dustin head

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Alexandra Erickson August 13, 2007 at 3:46 pm

You know what I dont understand is why some people get so upset Jameka or Kail or Amber share thier thoughts on God and thier faith but dont mind that ED totally abuses them in every part of thier human being. Whats with that?

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Redarin D August 13, 2007 at 3:50 pm

Has the ceremony started yet?

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Tony V August 13, 2007 at 3:51 pm

Is Jessica still crying Lisa??

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Melanie May August 13, 2007 at 3:57 pm

If Dick does wind up in sequester house this week, I hope they have a lot of cameras there. Think what good tv it would be if Eric winds up there right behind him !! lol

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Redarin D August 13, 2007 at 3:57 pm

What’s she crying for?

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Melanie May August 13, 2007 at 3:58 pm

maybe Amber gave her the cry flu ??

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mplspug August 13, 2007 at 3:59 pm

If I were a Dick and I got the power of veto I would shoot myself in the head and help make this world a better place. It was fun watching Dick on Tilt yesterday. Amber may cry a lot, but Dick is the biggest baby on the show. I can’t wait for old narrow, cross-eyed Dick to leave. You know it is probably good for him because I am sure some Douche producer is ready to sign him to a reality show ala the Two Coreys.

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Bohn Butler August 13, 2007 at 4:03 pm

I really can’t stand ED. They should have gotten him out earlier. His spitting drives me more crazy than Jameka’s eating sounds. I can’t even imagine being in sequester with him as I am SURE he will not back down even then! That being said, he really does make the show and it will be really interesting to see what would happen if he stays. BB8!

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Donna Rose August 13, 2007 at 4:09 pm

I think Dick should use the Veto on Dani, unless she really doesn’t want it and convinces him not to. The others are such idiots that they will self destruct. For all the Dick haters out there, think about this: Dick is the same guy from the start of the show. Everyone else has FINALLY showed their true colors of who they really are instead of coming into the game being themselves. Love him or hate him, Dick is the same. Dani is too, and I think Jess as well. Eric is supposed to be playing for America, but he could still have clever game play, instead he’s just so freaking weird and I can’t stand to see his face or his disgusting chest.

If this would be a non-elimination week with 2 next week, the chances could be that Dick & Dani go to the jury house at the same time. Depending on how the nerd herd devour each other and to whom the HOH goes.

On a personal note, I wish the camera guys would quit showing the frightening close ups of Jameka, Dustin constantly touching himself and shoving his ass in the air, Amber playing with her hair wondering where the cameras are and thinking that superstardom is just a few weeks away, Eric’s perverted comments and goulish faces. The others are annoying, but this show will be a snore fest if Dick & Dani leave. =^^=

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Redarin D August 13, 2007 at 4:14 pm

I hear ya Donna

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Tony V August 13, 2007 at 4:16 pm

Amen for Donna!!! Excellent summary of the house!!! LOL

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Lisa August 13, 2007 at 4:20 pm

AGREE, Well said, Donna!!!

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i love eric August 13, 2007 at 4:22 pm

dick used it on dani and dustin is up!

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Tony V August 13, 2007 at 4:35 pm

Thanks Eric!!

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Tony V August 13, 2007 at 4:39 pm

Send Dustin home…..that is what America wants!!!

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Melanie May August 13, 2007 at 4:48 pm

absolutely !!!

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i love eric August 13, 2007 at 4:48 pm

i think eric is using being “sick” as his excuse on jess because america voted him to give jess the silent treatment.

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Marie August 13, 2007 at 8:18 pm

I think Dick’s best strategical move would be to use the POV for himself. The other houseguests are obviously tired of him—although I must say I love me some E.D.—and then he garuntees himself another week of safety. However, I think Dick’s best personal move would be to use it on Daniele, and that would be the fatherly thing to do, which we all know he will do.

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Nancee August 13, 2007 at 10:53 pm

Dick will take his bratty whinny daughter off. Jwessica will probably put Jen or Dustin up instead. They should vote Dick out! But the way they are all playing this game they won’t vote big mouth Dick out. So then we will have to hear how he saved his butt and Daniele’s for another week. Come on get him out!!!!
Go home “Tommy Lee” and take your whinny Daniele with you!

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Lisa December 8, 2009 at 9:22 am

I'm with you, Tony. The Nerd Herd seem to think THEY are running this show and really need a HUGE upset right now. A non-elimination week with Dick winning HOH would blow this thing out of the water!!!!!!!!! YAY

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