For those of you who don’t know by now, evel Dick was Saturday’s PoV winner, part of a competition involving croquet and gross drinks.
Good news for evel Dick fans, right?
Well, not exactly. It appears he’ll use it to save Daniele, which is the nice, fatherly thing to do. However, I don’t know that I’d discount Dick just yet.
There are only six votes this week, and Dick on the block automatically has Daniele. I suspect strongly he’ll have Eric’s, too. Love him or hate him, Dick is popular with America, and I can’t imagine they’d make Eric vote to evict Dick.
What I’m suggesting here is that Dick automatically has two votes in my book. One more, and you’ve got a big decision for Jessica. Two more, and Dick and Daniele have pulled off a stunning week of survival.
As of 1:15 BBT, all’s pretty quiet in the Big Brother house. Last I saw, Zach was on a treadmill, and Dick was outside smoking. However, the master of evel is working to plant the seeds of dissension between Eric and Dustin.
He is working to secure Zach as an ally, and even Daniele has been pretty nice to him.
And the D&D relationship with Jen isn’t nearly as bad as it used to be.
What Dick must do is to set the groundwork for Jessica to put up Dustin as a pawn this week. Dustin wants it, has practically begged for it, and he thinks that it would come back a 6-0 vote to evict Dick.
He’s wrong. So, we’re at a crossroads for the Nerd Herd. If Jessica puts Dustin up, it spells the beginning of the end for this group because being on the block is highly stressful and conducive to what I’d call “panic speech.” Dustin could be prone to digging himself a hole from which he couldn’t climb.
Bottom line, presuming Dick doesn’t use the PoV on himself, I think Dick goes home if Jessica puts up Jen or Zach. However, let Jessica put Dustin up, and I betcha, just betcha, we’ll have an exciting live vote come Thursday.
Just to slide something in here that was said last night. Zach went to Dick and told Dick that he (Zach) is playing both sides. He (Zach) told Dick that Dick’s rantings have really hurt his (Zach’s) game plans. So something to throw into your equation which is a REALLY good one.
We can only hope it falls into place like that – these people’s egos are running rampant right now and it’s like a bump-cars ride LOL!!!
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I have read on other sites of the possibility of a Coup De Tat with the POV. Somewhere even mentioned that Daniele was saying that the DR told her that the winner of the POV would be able to veto two nominations. Is there any truth to this or is someone just having some fun with their posts.
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I definitely don’t think America likes Dick that much!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He gets on my nerves. Just like he does everyone in the BB house.
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i’m really worried that dick will use pov on dani and jess will put dustin up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------it’ll be dick and dustin on the block. you know america will vote to keep dick and eric will have to out dustin. dustin will then go home with the votes of eric, dani, zach, and jen. this will completely ruin eric with jess, amber, and jameka.
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does anyone have clips of eric doing a stripteast last night?
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We can only hope that Dustin will go up as the replacement. I would love nothing more than the LNC be broken up once and for all. It would also allow Jen and Zach to step up their game if they are ever going to. I want Dick to stick around a little longer. I know his rampages can be hard to swallow but I’ll say it again, he speaks his mind and what he says is true and to their faces. I would love for him to stay long enough to get Eric out of the game.
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When do they do the POV ceremony…..
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Does anyone else hate Amber as much as me? She is the worst. She is completely passive aggressive. Whenever she re-tells conversations that she had she always lies and makes it like she was standing up to whoever and she really wasn’t. When she was grabbing her butt and her boobs last night I was embarrassed for her. Doesn’t she know she is on tv?
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I think that it will be hilarious if dustin goes up america won’t vote dick out he’s all the show has I can see it now Julie- “The votes are in and dick……… are safe dustin you have been eliminated. Dustins face would be pricelless.
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Hopefully any strip tease of Eric would be deleted, else America would have a huge case of the hurls. Contrary to what people think about their own opinions, mine included about Eric, America loves the D&D twist. I love Dick for his blatant honesty, even when he’s really obnoxious to the other houseguests. He’s playing the game very well. I’d love to see him stay in the house with Dani because if they both leave, the show will be a bore with these kids looking for outside celebrity once the show is over. Plus, If D&D, Zach and Jen are evicted consecutively, they have all the votes for the winner. It’ll be fun to see those kids squirm after they realize their “group” now has to campaign after each other. =^^=
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I am in full support of Dustin being put up as a “pawn” Maybe that will be the proof the rest of the house (with the exception of D&D) needs to finally believe that Eric is a liar. And and can you imagine how much Amber would cry????? Hopefully lame ass Jessica will listen and put Dustin up, I am loving this idea……. Go D&D!!!!
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Let me just say that Amber is a leech that sucks the life out of everyone around her. She is weak! She cannot stand on her own and feeds on Jameka’s attitude toward Dick. She cannot think of anything intelligent to say, nor can Jameka, so they resort to tauts of a middle schooler. Jameka is the biggest hypocrite ever! She confesses Jesus as her Savior and then calls Dick’s mother and daughter names……that’s real christ-like! With her shining example of Christianity, Dick will never won’t to change his ways. I thought TRUE Christians were suppose to positive influences in other’s lives, even if they themselves are under attack. Sad, sad example that Jameka is and never once have I heard her pray for Dick’s salvation. Her prayers are all about her. My prayer is that both Amber and Jameka leave the house soon.
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AMEN, Ellen!!!!!!!
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More like both deserve to go home. Then Amber, then Jameka, then Dustin, then Eric. Jen and Zach final 2.
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I hope Dick goes home. He’s obnoxious.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eric is not really lying… he’s only doing what America tells him.
He’s not allowed to say that he is America’s player.
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i love you daniel! totally agree!
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Eric does lie! Even if he is the American Player, he doesn’t have to commit himself, like he has, then go back on his word. He flat out lied that he was the vote to keep Nick when asked, he said he did not cast that vote. Both times he lied. He could have said, “I stuck to my vote” and that would not have been lying but he didn’t do that. There is a strategic way to be the American Player without the lies but he isn’t smart enough to do that.
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Dick needs to save himself. He is in it to win it and I am not sure Daniele has that same focus. Dick may be crude and obnoxious, but he is the only player that tells it like it is. There are a bunch of weasels in this world that just sit in a corner and talk and talk. Dick has no problem calling people out on what THEY say. His argument with Jameka continued because she called his mom the b word and Amber, well she just can’t shut up to save her life and she got what she deserved. Further, I am sure they all sat around and told a “convenient” summary of the argument to rest of the lame LNC.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Love him or hate him, Dick is and will continue to be the star of the show. For those of you who do not believe that, you can also search for WMD’s and help OJ find the “real” killer. It is what it is.
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Honestly Zach has the best game right now he’s not on anyone’s radar. no one plans on getting him out anytime soon. The girls don’t tust eric or dustin. Zach and eric dont want amber or jameka in the house. So in the long haul the final three would be Zach,Jessica,toss up between danielle and Jen.
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I think any of those four would be great Red. I really would love for Jessica or Zach to win the whole thing.
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LOL you guys and the dumb blonde – sheeeeeeeesh!!! I still say bring back Nick and let him make a clean sweep, hehehe!!!!
Zach seems like a lost little boy who has NO ONE! I still say Dick all the way!
We still meeting for the pre-show events for The Dick Denato show??
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Dick said in the DR that he WILL sacrifice himself for Danielle, because he wants his daughter to have this experience and he is going to make life absolutely miserable for these people to HAVE to get rid of him. I’m hoping some other scenerio happens first, they really need Dick for the interest of the show.
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I agree Lisa and the party is still on!! Red, Frank and Sooner—are you guys still in?
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I’m there, Tony, listening to Eric tell a disturbing tale regarding the body part on which he once put cologne … 🙂
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I still say the tide could turn for Dick even if he does use the POV on Danielle. If they put up Dustin or Eric as a pawn enough “doubt” can be put in place for either of them. Especially if Dick “arranges” for them to be caught trashing the others. I for one an trying to add fuel to that fire by voting for Jessica as the person Eric should could the cold shoulder to. Maybe this will help seal his fate!! I would love for Dick to go all the way but am not sure yet if that can happen. But the show will definetly not be watchable without him.
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YAY Kathy!! I voted for Jessica too. Wouldn’t that be a major twist. I really think by the producers having America vote for these things is a way to try to create enough situations that maybe would give Dick more opportunities to take advantage of them. We can only hope!
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OH YUK, Sooner, I can only imagine with HIM!! EW the visuals!! PALEEEEEZE!!!!
WOW sounds like a great party coming together. I was picturing a show where Dick is the host (kind of like a crazy rocker’s decor), kind of like a late night talk show – he’d be really good and think about it – THAT may be his reason for going on the show and acting so outrageous!!!!! I’d LOVE for that to happen and his first guests would be Jameka, Dustin, Eric, Amber, Nick and of courst Danielle – Jessica just doesn’t fit into that equation at all – but maybe just through her in there for the DITZ appeal (low blow to the dumb blonde LOL – but HEY I was one at one time so I have pecking rights)!!!
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I’m still in tony, If dick leaves the show will really have to do something big to hold ratings. I’d hate for this to be the last season because they lose the two best players.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dick and I have to say Joe would be a lot better than dustin. No one does anything they should have casted better. I mean Mike,Kail,Jameka,Amber,Eric,jessica,CAROL! they don’t make for good tv.
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sheeeesh that was the dumb blonde in me for typing that with the errors LOL –
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*throw her in…….
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Im sooo happy so many think as we do here in my house.. dustin is the bitchiest Queen ive seen, thinking he was running everyone and then the ratboy(eric) thinking hes running things…………GIVE ME A BREAK!!!…….I think to get Jessica thinking that all should vote to have Eric ignore her this week………he he he
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When it comes down to the jury who would win the most votes?
Danielle, Jen, Jessica? They seem to play the best in competing for HOH or POV. or Zach because he never back stabbed anyone.
Jessica- voters would maybe be:
Eric, Jameka, Justin, Amber, maybe Zach.
Danielle- voters would maybe be:
Dick, Zach, Nick, maybe Jen.
Jen? Who would vote for Jen? That would depend on who else is left. Doesn’t look good. But
if it was Jen and Jessica then Danielle’s team might vote for her. Danielle, Dick, Zach, but then Jessica’s team would be
Eric, Amber, Dustin, Jameka.
Zach? Maybe Justin, Joe, Danielle, Dick, Mike if Zach and Jen were last two.
In the air votes could be
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------possible: Kail, Jen, Joe, Zach, Mike or Carol
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as of about 4:30am bbt – things are starting to turn on eric!
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so it looks like…
if dick uses it on himself, jess is goign to put jen up against dani.
if dick uses it on dani, jess is going to put dustin up against dick.
the group isn’t really sure where eric stands – he’s acting strange (because he doesn’t want dustin to go up and i think it’s because he knows america will make him vote out dustin). and they’re not sure how much eric trusts them and they can trust eric.
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He could have said, “I stuck to my vote†and that would not have been lying but he didn’t do that.
If Eric said this wouldn’t it also be a lie considering that he wanted to vote out Nick. He’s sticking to America’s vote, not his.
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Here’s the thing with Eric. He may vote with America, but he influences as Eric. He persuades all the feeble-minded houseguests to go against America’s wishes, but he does stick to America in his vote. I am not sure which is better??? I think I would rather have him fight for Dick and then vote against him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would love to see Dustin go home. He is so full of himself and ultra brave when Dick is not around. At the rap party, Dick needs to lay the smack down on him…lol.
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Block- Dick & Jen?
Eric -> [Jen?]
Danielle -> [Jen?]
Zach -> [Jen?]
Amber -> [Dick]
Jemka -> [Dick]
Dustin -> [Dick]
Jessica evicts Dick.
Amber Jemka and Dustin are 100%, no way there getting pulled.
This might be bad for Eric.
Dick is a fucking moron, this is a game yes but verbally attacking the women in the house, it shows no class. If America likes him there is something wrong with Americans.
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I completely agree. If Eric was truly America’s player then he should play with the directions we give him, not his own. As I love eric stated above, he’s pushing for them not to nominate Dustin (which America has already said he has to do) because he is afraid he will have to vote him out (which America will agree with). I love this plan, if it goes through and Dustin goes home Eric is a shoo in to leave next week because this will prove to others in his group that he CANNOT be trusted. This goes to show you Eric, don’t screw with America, payback is a Bitch.
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I think Danielle is playing her father as much as she is everyone else. She tells him all kinds of things that people say to her (which may or may not be true) and then says “Don’t say anything”
Yeah right — She knows darn well he’s going to run right out and start with his mouthful of diarrhea. That way she keeps the nasty focus on him all the time and the eye away from her. Definitely smart —
As far as Dick is concerned — For those of you who say Dick is telling it “Like it is” — Be honest please — he’s just saying what he wants to say – just LOUDER than anybody else — He has accused people of things they didn’t do and because he doesn’t let anyone else speak around or above his yelling –idiots believe he’s being honest! Try really listening to what he says during his tirades half the time he is contradicting himself! How easily people have forgotten how quckly he was changing his vote back and forth when somebody spoke with reason and intelligence — 2 things Dick obviously lacks.
Some people say his taunting is great strategy — and while it may be partly so I believe he is abusive in nature. And Shame on CBS for allowing him to pour the ice tea on Jen and not booting his butt out of the house! It was not done in fun it was a physical attack (no matter that there was not an injury it was still a physical aggression to another player) and the homosexual remarks regarding Dustin’s butt is taking taunting to a level that hate crimes are based on! Look around folks do we really want more kids idolizing people like Dick on our streets! If the house doesn’t boot him then CBS should! Ratings be damned — promoting that kind of behavior as great entertainment is pathetic.
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I wish it would all end soon! Where did they find this bunch of weirdo’s anyway. This time around Big Brother 8 is really bad!!! How convenient that Dick won POV……. Send his cry baby daughter home, no matter who Jessica nominates in Dicks place. That would really piss “Dick off” (good for the ratings CBS) Then get rid of him next week. America does not like Dick, he may tell it like it is but he it really a jerk! Bye Bye Daniele…………….BOOOOOHOOOOOO!
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Am I the only one that thinks Daniele looks sick?…I was watching Showtime last night and WOW she is way too skinny kinda crackheadish….
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Daniele better nominate the two biggest cry babies of the house, Amber and Jameka, because they are annoying winers. They have to go. Daniele is the best player in the game and she will do what she has to do to win BB8. She will be smart if she gets one of those two out. Go Daniele!
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i'm really worried that dick will use pov on dani and jess will put dustin up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------it'll be dick and dustin on the block. you know america will vote to keep dick and eric will have to out dustin. dustin will then go home with the votes of eric, dani, zach, and jen. this will completely ruin eric with jess, amber, and jameka.
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