Happy Friday Big Brother fans! I’m going to give you a quick recap of last night’s Big Brother show, but seriously, you need to watch this one. Julie tells the house guests that tonight is a Double Eviction. No one is surprised because on the previous night, the contestants practiced a game and Shane was allowed to practice too. This could only mean that the game would not be used for the next HOH competition.
We do a quick review of Jenn all upset and declaring that she will get revenge on Shane for putting her on the block (huh?). Then BB shows us how Dan remained quiet and protected Ian. In fact, all the Quack Pack were protecting Ian.
First eviction vote had Frank and Ashley as the only two voting to save Boogie. Boogie, of course, immediately realizes that Ian is a snake in the grass. Ian whispers to Boogie that he is going to hear things he won’t like, but that Ian respects him. Boogie whispers to Frank not to trust Ian. I think by this time Frank kinda figured that out! LOL
Seriously, if you haven’t watched the show, go find the House Guests goodbye messages to Boogie. I’m not going to repeat them here because I can’t do them justice. Just suffice it to say that Britany and Ian were awesome. In fact, Ian was so awesome that Boogie stood and tipped his hat to him.
Quickly we move on to the next HOH competition. As predicted, it’s the Before or After competition. If you have been watching the Live Feeds then you now that Ian has been waiting for this competition. He has an incredible memory and he says he knows if “so and so” brushed his teeth before using the potty. (Yep, I cleaned this one up a bit!) I’ll just skip right to the end, it comes down to Ian and Danielle in a tie breaker. Tie breakers are tough in Big Brother because it really can only be a guess. Ian is closer to the correct number and wins HOH.
This part was fun for me. Julie tells the House Guests to move into the living room for the nominations and we see Dan and Britany running after Ian. You just know that they are trying to get into his head so they can influence his nominations. Big Brother shows Ian making a deal with Joe for next week. I have no idea why. Does Ian think Joe is going to win HOH? Anyway, Ian nominates Frank and Ashley.
At this point, my husband and I ran scenarios. If Frank wasn’t nominated and then he won POV, he would have had the opportunity to take a player off the block. If Ian decided to go against the Quack Pack and nominate Dan, would he have the votes to evict Dan? If Dan stayed after being nominated by Ian, it wouldn’t be pretty for Ian. Of course, if Dan was evicted, it still might not be pretty for Ian. I saw that a lot of people thought Ian should have eliminated a “big threat” from the house, but I also see why Ian didn’t do it.
Playing in the POV competition was Frank, Ashley, Ian, Joe, Shane and Jenn. I figured it would come down to Shane and Frank since the competition involved a bit of physical activity. If Joe was in better shape, he might have pulled this one off. Frank pulls off another POV win. Here we go agin. Britany is right, Frank really does have nine lives.
When Frank takes himself off the block, Ian nominates Joe (as a pawn). The two speeches by Ashley and Joe to save themselves from being evicted are also “must watch events”. Again, I can’t describe this to you. Go find the tape!
Ashley is voted off with her only vote to stay coming from Frank. I won’t go into how Ashley was acting during this live show. Go watch her and make your own decision about that gal. Frank is shown ranting around the house about how “that poor girl” was sent out of here for nothing, etc. No one is really happy about the results of the second eviction. Frank was the target and now he’s still in the game and wanting his revenge.
At this point the Live Show on CBS ends. So if you are one of those that only watches the TV shows, stop reading now because I’m about to discuss the rest of last night’s happenings.
Every season of Big Brother, the one person that most of the house does not want to win the HOH manages to pull off a big win. Well, that happened last night. Yep, Frank is the new HOH. Uh-oh Quack Pack! And the kissing-up begins! You have to admit, it is funny to see how the House Guests turn from hating someone to “hey, I didn’t mean I don’t like you”. I’ll leave it here for you to speculate who Frank wants out of that house the most. If I were HOH, I’d be going after Dan and Shane. You have to get the most physical players out of the game. Stay tuned…Bloggergal
PS Check my comment for blog information.
Good Morning Bloggergal! What a show what a show! Brit killed it in her goodbye message!
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Congratulations to Star for being the 50,000th comment on our Big Brother Blog. That’s a lot of comments!
Since BBBlogger is providing a surprise to the winner out of the goodness of his heart, I would think the comments about him should be more appreciative. We’ve been discussing different prizes. If Ted won, we definitely were going to get him an autographed pic of his favorite House Guest Rachel. Sorry Ted! Maybe you will be the 100,000th comment! If MM won, we were going to get her some more paper and pens, so she can take notes while reading the comments. Hillbilly and some others were getting parts for their stills. Star, hmm…hang in there girl…we’ll come up with something!
It should be another interesting day on the Live Feeds. TTYL Bloggergal
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Yay Stra!!!!
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like him or not the guy comes up big when he has to so he moves on and has the power this week…he’s a man on an island by himslef and he needs to keep winning either HOH or POV…
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Congrats Star
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Congrats to my good friend Star! Thank you to all the Bloggers who recap and keep us updated from LF and BBAD. I was glad to see Boogie and Ash go. Now lets see what Frank can do. I am still team Frank or Ian all the way!!
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REMEMBER THE OLD BBHOUSE MOTO…EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED…BULL TWINKIES…it will now be…CBS will do what ever it wonts to keep Frank in the game…end of discussion…i suspect he is going to be aroubnd for at least 2 more weeks…and he maybe the winner in the end…i just don’t know how many votes he will get in the jury house…we know he has one already…what the heck is she going to do for a whole week by herself…good lord…somebody may want to put her on watch alert…it’s hard to beleieve that some one can be that dense and still be that good looking…
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Way to go Star..YEA!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WOW last nights show was grat..love the g-byes to booger..classic.
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Way to go Britney.
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Thanks, Bloggergal. But it was Dani and Ian in the tie breaker not Brittany. This was the greatest night of the whole season! Exciting and funny. Loved the goodbye speeches to Boogie from Brit and Ian. Boogie was GOT GOOD! Frank is an idiot. I cannot believe how many lives he has but he better run out soon….and not soon enough to suit me. Ashley-what a space case! Hard to believe she was not on anything. Jenn…get over it.
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Thanks Linda. So much going on last night, I screwed up! Also, when you comment you can just put a nickname in the comment box. Bloggergal
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Congratsto Star! I love last nights episode! Sorry to see that Frank was not voted out but I understand why Ashley was sent packing. What a ditz. And don’t get me started on Frank mouthing off to everyone about the poor girl that was sent home because that was his only remaining ally!
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Congrats Star and Frank!
Good recap, Bloggergal… can’t wait to see the show. Thanks for thinking of me, but when I’m the 100,000 comment I’d really like a pic of Brit… Rachel should be on soon I hear.
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So happy Frank won the HOH. He better pit shane and ian up! We noticed during the veto comp after finding the first shamrock ian started playing around so he would lose. If Shane win’s veto he better put up the 2 faced b*tch Britney
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Best show of the season. I have yet to be wrong on the evictions and this week with Frank being the HOH will prove fun on so many levels. Let the butt kissing, suck up, half ass, yet with their whole heart promises begin. Frank deserves to be there and Ian played his part well. Any guesses on who Frank will nominate and WHO will actually leave next week?
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Congrats, Star !
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I enjoyed the show last night very much. Frank winning HOH later not so much. I thought Frank might be ok without Boogie but I saw on another site where Frank used a racial slur talking to Boogie and referring to Jenn. He lost any respect I might give him. It was a phrase I hadn’t heard before and I don’t know if he made it up or it is commonly used.
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From the grapevine, . Frank tells Ian that Dan and Danielle are going up on the block; its a lock. Frank says that he isnβt the type of person to say one thing and do another like how the others do. but you never know in this game
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still glad frank is still around. i wanted him to get rid of the monkey off his back for his own good. now it depends on how he acts for me to know if i still like him in this game or not. so far, i do.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i thot tho ashley is apparently being an air head…i actually felt it was a stupid thing to vote her out. when JOE should have been booted out. i couldn’t believe how emotions were ruling instead of common sense.
nothing personal but i think frank should put up shane and dan. jmo.
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I think when BB has a game like last night they should be made to show that every ones game box has 2 clown shoes or shamrocks, etc, BB would do anything to keep Frank in the house. Thanks Big Guy
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I just don’t understand why everyone hates Frank. This game would be SO boring to watch if Frank had been evicted. I can’t wait until the quack pack start turning on each other. That should be some good tv.
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The best show by far in a not very exciting season. Ian was spectacular, outing himself as the mole, and giving the best speech of the season to Boogie – (Brittany’s speech came in a close second). Ian is by far my favorite and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was America’s favorite too.
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I think voted Ashley out was good, maybe she can get rehab/counseling while she waits around half dazed but also she really liked Frank so he knew he could count on her . So get rid of the ally.
Joe can be manipulated and can’t be as threatening, he can’t win anyways.
Frank is still in the house because i repeat he was kept in and Shane’s HOH void when the coaches entered the house.
He needs to get back with Ashley and be happy ever after or get a haircut.
But yeah! Brittaney was hilarious π she getting funnier
Boogie if you read this, we don’t hate you but don’t come back please
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Ok, I just caught up from the fun you guys had last night. What a BB night it was. Love Brit and I too wouldn’t mind her taking it but as someone said, I don’t think she has it in her for the comps. Loved, Loved, Loved her mocking phone convo with Janelle laughing like chilltown. Great stuff. Her facial expressions are so good she could go on stage. At least to me she’s funny and cracks me up.
@Star, sorry I missed your post about Frank winning HOH. I read so fast sometimes I miss things. However, as I said before, Congrats on being the 50,000 poster (confetti falling everywhere). I hope they get you something nice. Maybe a gift certificate to an antique shop. π
@HoH8, it’s not that I didn’t believe you at all. When I read the posts in my email sometimes they come out of order so I try to wait for the verification email so I waited and I waited but finally posted and asked and went to bed after my last post #202.
Now I’ll go read the posts above.
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Getting ready for nom ceremony?
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Great live show last night. I have to agree that Britney’s exit message to Boogie was hilarious. Even Boogie had to laugh! As for Ian’s exit message, I concur with Boogie’s comment: “WOW!”
I haven’t settled on one person that I want to win, yet this season. I have a few favorites and would be happy with any one of them, probably. I hope the game is played hard by all remaining house guests and that production stays out of the way and leaves them to it.
Happy Friday, all!!!
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Frank is locked out of HOH room…. could the question box come in to play? Could BB be setting up Pandora’s Box to give him a free week pass for next time he’s put up?
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Hello all! Haven’t had time to read all the comments yet, just got thru watching last nights episode. All I have to say is “BEST GOODBYE MESSAGES EVER!!” I was so glad I wasn’t watching it live, I rewound Brittanys so I could rewatch it. LOL LOL LOL!
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Hats off to you Star!!
So glad Frank won HOH! I hope he puts up Shane and Dan. Ian is the 5th wheel in the quack pack alliance and is expendable. I am beginning to think Shane is planning to take Joe to the end for a sure 7-0 win!!
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Loved the show last night! Best fare thee wells ever. Ian is beginning to annoy me, like Shane, Brit, and Dan. Frank the cat with 9 lives needs an alliance right away or he will be resting up with Ash in a couple of weeks.
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Any one out there scared, like I am, that PB will unleash Boogie back into the game?????? Yipes!
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I don’t think so. There are too many players and not enough time.
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@Ted said Rachel. ew.
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just like how jesse came in for a bit
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Not Rachel please !!!!!
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Last nights episode was a big one, maybe one of the best double eliminations ever. Boogie got played hard, and Frank kept his winning streak going saving himself yet again. I was talking to a coworker at Dish about the show, and we were thinking that the biggest thing that went on last night was that Ian showed himself as one of the power players. After the show I got a little curious as to how exactly Ian got where he is so I went back and watched some of the older episodes. My Hopper has a huge storage capacity so I still had every episode from season 14. I thought it was a little ironic that in the first week if Boogie saved Ian.
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I agree Sylvi!
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A few comments then vanishing back into being crazy busy. “Guy on restroom door” thoughts and prayers with your sister, you, and your family, also with little Gage.
As for BB, I still feel like it has “jumped the shark”. I watch and keep up with what’s going on, but it just isn’t the same as it was. I’m sick of returning hgs and new hgs that bring absolutely nothing to the table (Jenn “no city no game no nothing”, perhaps the dumbest hg ever Ashley, and wishes he was a celebrity chef but more qualified as a line cook at Golden Coral Joe). For those of you that thought perhaps Ashley was faking it, I submit her speech before the vote last night and her interview with Julie after eviction as evidence, and the prosecution rests its case.
I have no one I’m backing to win this year. They could call it a rap and give the 500k to a worthy charity and I’d be fine with it. Those of you in love with Ian have a large obstacle for him to get over if he can make it to the final 3. Unless he’s going up against Joe and Jenn in the physical element of that competition he’s going to have a hard time winning it. Shane has proven he can compete, but is the biggest social (this word censored for our reading audience). He put up Frank and Boogie, which was the best play for him to make. Have the balls to tell them “I see you two as my biggest threats” not “So many people influenced my decision, I’m sorry”. Even Ian last night when nominating Frank and Ashley said I’m sorry 5-6 times. He was exposed, he had to make that move, why be sorry? I probably wouldn’t last long with this group as I have no patience for wishy washy and needing a quorum to make a decision. Most on here would label me the bully of the season and trash me on the blog π
On that note it’s football time and I have a broadcast to get to. I’ll duck back in when I get the chance. Congrats Stra!!
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Ladies and Gentlemen,
It gives me great pride & pleasure to be here today, congratulating what must be the finest, most wonderful 50,00. comment for bbblog14, not for the content of said comment but for being the 50,000
It is also an honor that I have been given an opportunity to congrts once again to stra at such a huge occasion!
They say fortune favors the brave and it indeed takes a lot for bloggers of such tender mind and perform here in front of all these people, on prime time realty show television. Many of us can blog, in the comfort of our homes, but hopefully the exhibition of talent we saw last nite might inspire all of our hidden talents to come forward blog away and hope we too can acheive the golden 100,000 comment
It was a tough competition to enter indeed. The level of performances has been absolutely top-notch. But the one performer that stood out because of her sheer determination, talent and energy in the performance only will take away the prize. So without further ado, the winner of this competition is Stra
Congratulations Stra Could you come on stage and say a few words about your experience?
In closing it is my esteem pleasure to thank our gracious host bbguy & hostess bbgal for their generosity and for giving us this blog that we may all have the freedom to speak our minds, be it in short (2 word comment) or long (time does not permit me to name them all but yuou know who you are)
There kindness has given us a place to meet, greet and and time repeat our inner most thoughts.
I want to thank the bblog academy for giving me this chance to proclaim openly to stra CONGRATULATIONS
and thanks to all who contribute to this blog and to those of you who overlook my broken spell checker
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Morning, fun-loving BBblogers! I had an errand to run earlier so am getting on later than usual. Yeah, I know. You didn’t even notice. That’s ok. I love to read a lot of comments first off anyway.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@PGADok Giving your opinions and personal observations doesn’t make you a bully. No, not at all. As long as you don’t expect me to watch sports! : ) I loved your notes on Ian. I can go either way with him. I did think his biggest move after ousting Boogie was to put up Ashley and send her home. How did she get picked to be on the show in the firt place? Anyway, being a woman, I tend to think of Ian as a cuddly little child and want to pet his little head….and spank him good for streaking in the house. I think Golden Coral has more stringent sanitary regulations than BB, and if everyone is as grossed out about Joe’s hygene, why doesn’t someone say something to him. And why do they continue to eat his food and treat him like a competent chef? Others have asked these questions but no one has answered them because there is no answer from bloggers. Only the hg can say. Doorknobs.
@Jane Pandora’s Box! I hope Frank watched enough past seasons to realize PB seldom delivers something good to the opener. Here I reference Jessie’s appearance. Ugh!
Last night’s double eviction and those amazing good-bye messages are burned into my mind. I’ll replay them over and over and over. they were that good. Boogie did act with a note of class. didn’t know he had it in him!
@Star Are you waiting for the camera crew to show up for your interview as the winner of the 50,000th post? : ) Wouldn’t it be great if the prize was a spot in next year’s BB? : ) You would be great!
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the show was the best so far. With Frank winning the hoh it only got better,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------it was fun to watch the quack pack squirm last night on bb after dark. Frank, if he’s smart will make them all sweat it out until nom. Thosr five players will
lie cheat and stab each other to make thru another week. This could be quite entertaining for the live feeds. More action then we have seen all season, don’t you think
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PGA – Well said and I wholeheartedly agree with you, but you did not have to censor ‘doorknob and/or amoeba’. π
Ian slit his own throat by giving his game up to Boogie. He just could not keep his mouth shut! BIG MISTAKE!!
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@PGA good to see you. Great post and I agree with you on everything especially the bit about Shane not standing up. What a wuss he is.
@Jt & Mike, please know I’m sending prayers, blessings and light your way. We all have you guys in our hearts!
I’m kind of blah about BB right now. I know, it’s just starting to heat up. I guess this summer is catching up with me. Had a busy summer. Plus, reading so much and some of you guys are wow great typists with a lot to say, I mean a lot. LOL
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Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Joe and Shane are out in the backyard sitting around the hot tub. Joe says so that was pretty much our worst case scenario. ( YOU THINK)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Joe says that if he has anything to say about it Frank will not get any of the votes in jury. Shane says but he has won a lot of comps. Joe says that just because someone wins a lot of comps doesnβt mean they win the game.
Ian is in the hammock swinging back and forth. (IT IS A GOOD THING THIS KID DOES NOT HAVE ANY EAR PROBLEMS OR HE WOULD BE SICK AS A DOG)
Meanwhile up in the HOH room, Jenn comes up to talk to Frank (OR KISS HIS RING BETTER YET IN THIS CASE HIS A$$). Frank tells Jenn that Danielle and Dan are going up on the block and that he would like her to vote out Dan.(DO YOU ALL RECALL THE GOOD OLD DAYS WHEN THE HGS VOTED AS THEY WANTED NOT AS THE HOH DICTATED)
Frank says that Danielle is up on the block because she is a vote for Dan and if she won the POV she would use it on him. Frank says that people keep saying that Dan is such a nice guy. Frank says that he is not such a nice guy (FRANK FRANK FRANK, BELIEVE NOTHING OF WHAT U HEAR AND HALF OF WHAT YOU SEE)
Frank tells Jenn that he didnβt come into the house wanting to win a lot of competitions but that he has been forced to win them just to stay. (NOW THIS IS TRUE, AND HE IS QUITE A GOOD PLAYER I THINK HE MAY HAVE PASSED JANIELLE WITH POV WINNINGS LEGAL OR NOT, SOMETHING LIKE WHERE IS THE BODY OF JIMMY HOFFA A MYSTERY THAT WILL NEVER BE REVEALED)
Well looks like noms are ready just waiting to make it official. But the question is will dan go up before the ceremony and lay all the cards on the table and expose ian, IMO even if he does frank will not believe him I can bet u dollars to donuts.
ciao for now, will do fly by later
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Oh, @Bloggergal, should I be lucky to be the 100,000th blogadeer person, a good gift would be the live feeds for the next BB. Hee hee
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They can bring Rachel back if she has to stay locked up in HOH w/Frank for the 3 hrs or whatever they do it for. Why is the Quack pack scrambling so much? Even if Ian joins up with Frank don’t they still have Joe and Jenn with them? No wonder Shane doesn’t make any money flipping houses, he can’t think for himself! What a moron, Dani should be embarassed of chasing after him. You think Brit is funny now you should catch her DR sessions from her season she is priceless. Just jumping around putting my two cents in on all the blog comments, fun group.
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@mamamargie Wow. Well thought out and so true. Loved the statements in caps : ) I agree Ian blew himself out of the water when he warned Boogie he was going to hear some things he didn’t like. Like – Good Riddance. Ian is nervous all the time, but now he’s worse.
Free live feeds would be a great gift, but not for me. I’m devoting too much of my time and life to thye show already. If I watched live feeds, I would make myself part of the show and when the show was over and the tv turned off, I’d be gone too. (OK. All of you stop cheering!!!)
I can’t wait to see Star using her royal wave!
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@bt2012 loved Brits DR Sessions from her season! That’s why I waz so happy to see her back! She’s hilarious!
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Oh come on MM everyone knows Hoffa is buried somewhere around Friday Harbor. π
Patricia – Star would be great on camera! She dresses like a top model. Hope she wears her red suede boots!! π
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@Jane & bt2012 – me too, I’m a big fan of Brit’s humor. Her facial expressions are hilarious. Some of you may remember a huge part of Johnny Carson’s appeal was his facial expressions that made everyone laugh.
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Does anyone know what PB actually did? Just kinda picking up some stuff off of Jokers but doesn’t make much sense. Starfish, Johnny Carson great comparison.
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I’m glad to see everyone has come to love one of my favorite hg’s the lovely and hilarious Brit!!!! How about those messages?! Talk about awesome!! Hi Jane, Mama Margie and what’s up Ted?! Miss u guys but life is interfering with my blogging! I am afraid that Frank will become like Rachel and become the HG we hate but who really deserves to win. I just can’t stand him! Maybe someone else will surprise us and pull a crazy surprise win. Later kids
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Ian won a gold Veto! My cellphone is dying gotta charge. it up… bye for now!
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@ betty comment 48
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lol how could i forget that and we both know (no names mentioned) wink wink
who holds the key to that secret cause he sees and knows all in friday harbor and he will keep in “the vault”
betty r u having problems with email again i sent several out no response was getting a bit worried glad to see u here and that puter is up and running if u want i can resend hope i sent to correct addys
let me know hugs to maggie
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@Hey Betty, good to see you. I wondered where you were several posts ago. π
@Jane, thank you! Short and sweet is easy to read. Thanks.
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@BT12 hi and welcome aboard u have to forgive me my memory is not what it once was, seems u r a newbie or the name is not familiar, either way glad u r blogging the more the merrier,
in regard to your question below
Does anyone know what PB actually did
again i am drawing a blank (not unusual for me lol)
all i can think of is peanut butter so makes no sense to me either maybe one of our younger bloggers has a better memory sorry i could not help
@ tomi, thanks my dear, I say what I feel and feel what i say, lol
@ starfish if u r the 100,000 blogger i am going to suggest to bbguy and bbgal u should win a course in the evelyn wood speed reading course. I know what u mean seems to take forever to catch up and i have checked the notify me box and do not have to tell u how much mail i get lol but it is fun or i would not do it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@jane, say what??? ian won a golden veto and your cell phone needs charging omg of all times for it to happen, txs for updates this is so exciting lol
ciao for now my darlings
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I think dan and danielle tell Ian to use the βpowerβ he won during a Pandoraβs Box Competition on Britney or she will be put up on the block. Ian agrees. Ian is a bit upset from the compeition.. says it was really getting ugly. Frank tells him not to worry the object was to make sure Dan didnβt win.
(Ianβs Power allows him to take one person off the block but he is not allowed to play in next veto (hope i got that rite)
Shane said βMe or Brit have to win POVβ
danielle said βWe went from no hope to keeping the 4 back in to a slim chanceβ
Dan: βas long as he doesnβt put Ian up as a nomination we got a shot.. β
Shane and Danielle say they canβt put Ian up.
Dan explains that Ian can get put up but it will waste his veto.
Dan said βI think this was bad for franks (does he really care lol) β
Shane says βHe still got moneyβ (3grand)
Dan said Ya but it was still Bad because 2 people are safe this weekβ
Dan tells them there is no way Frank has a power not with the 2nd veto in the game. (er dan do not count your chickens before they r hatched)
Britney joins them.. says that Ian feel like the scumbag and the salt of the earth..
Britney says Ian wonβt get nominated.. it going to be Dan and Danielle. Frank is pushing Ian not to use the veto. Dan says that the perfect scenario is for Shane or Britney to win POV. Dan asks Britney if the perfect scenario happens will Ian us the power. Britney thinks so but itβll take some work.. She pitched the idea to Ian in the storage room and he got that really scared look on his face. (as he usually does when he has to act on his own) this kid is really stepping it up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------will update as events occur
ciao for now
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@MM, LOL. It’s funny you said that about a speed reading course since I’ve edited more documents in my lifetime including ‘secret documents’, legal briefs, corporate documents, etc. that reading these posts, in fact, make me crazy or crazier. π The funny thing is that wasn’t my main career. Go figure. Don’t bother to ask me what I edited because editing isn’t the same as reading and I don’t remember anyway. π
Thanks for the Pandora’s Box (PB) info too. Things are afoot. lol
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Thanks MM
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I made a comment yesterday and made the mistake of clicking the box “notify me of followup comment via e-mail. I had well over a hundred. Not surprsing with Boogie off. BUT how do I get off this. I just want to read the blog.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for your help. Send me an email, please.
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@ starfish no thank YOU i answered bt12 question pb is pandoras box yikes hitting my head on the key board iofu9ehjr;lkdv87erbifdui98e990e00e
i had no idea and said sorry cant help
txs starfish whew lmao u answered it for us
ah ha so starfish has more to tell lets pass our beer and or wine to her i heard loose lips sink ships
tomi u r more then welcome
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and making this blog short see i can do it
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Using abbreviations sometimes doesn’t work if everyone doesn’t know the frame of reference. However, you did answer the question, you just didn’t know you did. lol
Thanks for the short post. π
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@starfish Hey my career was editing and proofreading. It ruined me. Could no longer read for pleasure because I couldn’t stop messing with the syntax and spelling each word in my mind. So mm (and my) posts don’t seem long in comparison to a novel! I’m sure a lot of bloggers skip here and there. I think Brits DR sessions are great. She does have a knack for amusing story-telling. Rememer when she told how production told her to stop doing something and she turned to the camera and said, “BB, stop letting coaches enter the house.” I love her.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@mm You do a great job of compiling all the info, plus your comments are so funny! At least your longer posts are informative and not full of nonsense like mine! : ) Reading is fun-damental!
@star miss you today. hope you post soon!
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Wow gone for 24 hrs and I feel like I’m a week behind. Got a lot of reading to do to catch up on what is going on.
Congrats to Star.
Hillbilly, you live in a beautiful area of this country. I am envious, I wish I were still in the area.
It will probably take me a couple days to catch up on all this is going on in the House
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Hey everyone! Just got home and read all of the comments!! You are right starfish…..it does take TIME!!!! Especially when you have been blogging for 12 hours ahead of me….;) But well worth it!!
Thanks to all who congratulated me!!!!! *blows kisses to her adoring public!!*LOL I was just doing what I do well…talking…lol Plus I was so HIGH from the show as so much happened and it was really the 1st GOOD show of the season!!! Not sure if I should be insulted or not that BBguy and BBgal(stealing MM’s names!!) don’t KNOW me well enough by now to know what to GIFT me!!! Who’s been here longer than ME??? lol I wasn’t expecting anything anyway. But if you wnat a list Id be happy to oblige…..;)
@MM..loved your award winning salute to me and I am humbled by it!! *hugs*
@Patricia……..I hope my gift ISN’T a chance to play the game LIVE…..*shivers* Persih the thought!!lol *Does Roayl Wave just for practice*
@Betty …welcome back and thank you for the Fashionista shout out!!!! I yam what I yam….lol
@Ruthie….I’m not positive but teh next tim eyou post, can;t you just uncheck the box that says you want notifications?? If that doesn’t work, try a post to Bloggergal or guy. I have their ekail addresses too if you need them!!!
Gotta go….Taco Bell aromas wafting down the hall….MMm…..lol
Thanks again for all the special comments from my special Blogade Family!!!!!!!! {{{{{{{{{{MEGA HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Peace,love and light,
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OK I didn’t come back last night & look what I missed. π
“BBBlogger 08.23.12 at 10:07 pm
We have hit 50,000 comments and STAR is our 50,000 commentor! Congrats!”
You deserve it sweetness.
WOW what a night. Boogie leaves….Ashley leaves….Stra wins a prize for being the best blogger in town. π And damn Frank wins HOH!! WTF?? Now I just have to float around & see what the Pandora’s Box thing is about. Need more info if anybody knows.
OK heading out for the night. BUT…will return looking for info. π π Never can wait for the show….plus you miss sooooo much from all the editing.
Prayers & Love still going out to both my guys MIKE & JT & their families.
OH on a lighter note…..I DID HEAR FROM our missing AC!! So apparently…..still alive & ok……just not blogging I guess. As always with him it was short & sweet. A man of few words. π
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******Spoiler Alert********
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DAN/Dani Nominated
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Now if Shane could win the POV, he could take down Dani….then Ian could take down Dan with the Golden Power of Veto ball. Frank would have to put up Jenn, Joe or Brittany. If Brittany went up, she would have the votes to stay. Frank would not be able to play for HOH next week so maybe…just maybe Frank will run out of his 9 lives. (or help from production)
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Short & Sweet? π― Shhh….. Don’t tell nobody Cynt. π
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@Fp2, wow, I love your scenario. Covers all the bases gets rid of a floater.
@Aggie, thanks for the ‘spoiler’.
@Stra, Taco Bell??? How can you look like a model and eat Taco Bell. Lucky you. π
@Cynthia, thanks for the AC update. Happy to hear he’s good.
@Patricia, sounds like you edited novels. That sounds like a lot more fun. How would you have liked to edit Atlas Shrugged? That would have kept you busy for awhile. Before out time I believe.
@Dorce, yes catching up is fun even if you already know what happened. Everyone has their own style and it’s fun to see the different personalities on here.
@Ruthie, when a new post comes up, do not check the box at the bottom of your very first post. Or you can simply unsubscribe but it doesn’t sound like you want to do that if you want to read the posts.
@Jane, it’s cooler now so where are you?
This game is afoot!
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I have rewatched Thursday show over..just for boogies face with the byes..its ALMOST As good as Regan vs Rachell
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@starfish I am in bed lol
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@Jane, I actually laughed out loud at that. My hubby asked what I was laughing about. Nite sweetie!
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Hahahaha! I am catching up on my week of no sleep and DVR shows. This has been the first day my little one hasn’t had nosebleeds!
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@star I love Taco Bell and I certainly don’t look like a model…unless you mean Model T. Most of my friends are thin and lovely. When they complain about their weight problems I tell them to just stand next to me and they’ll always look skinny! : ) Anyway if you ever get tired of blogging you can always be a strut the runway! : )
Dani looks like she’s trying to cultivate a relationship with Frank. Everyone seems to be turning in early too. Tonight might be a yawner.
@starfish Atlas Shrugged! Aaugh. That would have been a career changer for me. I worked for Heritage Press and did a lot of magazines, some of which were trade mags like engineering. No fun at all!
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FP2 great scenario…. but production is already trying to talk Ian out of.using his Special Veto. Ian is being very vocal about it!
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@jane, I can relate..my grandson started 1/2 day at school. I thought this would be a great time to get caught up on things…hahahahaha was I wrong..
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Britts BoogBye Bye was funny. Ian was just awesome in his farewell to Boogie. I wish Frank had built a social game beyond the Booger. His window of vulnerability for sure. I wish he would stop wearing all his Boogie clothes too. Please put the NASA hat and short running shorts back on.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I agree Frank should put Ian and Shane up.
Quack Pack = Sitting Ducks this week.
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knock knock anyone around?
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Britt has the whole house mocking out Sarah Palin and her family.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I vote for Britt to win it all!
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Britt is so funny gotta love her!
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@Baxter Birney Quack Pack=Sitting Ducks π Best line today. Really clever. I was so focused on getting rid of Boogie and Ashley I haven’t thought much about who I want to win. Not really over the moon about anyone but Brit deserves to win more than the others.
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@Cyn!!!! Never seem to be around when you are but…thanks for the congrats and hugs!!!
@AC..I think you just did!!!lol Good to cya and happy belated!!! π
@jane..thanks for the spoiler alert! I thought the noms had already happened when i had posted . Wondered why no one was talking about it. Guess i read it/kinda knew it from talk last nite that it would be D&D. Dan’s own fault. Shoulda got Frank out of there when he had a chance AND he needs to stop throwing comps already…if he IS..and start WINNING something!!!!!! All he has done so far this season is lay around on a couch and pretend to nap!!! Not working anymore, Danny Boy…lol
@Starfish….we get takeout every Fri. Usually it’s a tuna sub but we decided to change it up tonite. TB is the least fattening of all the fast foods and we don’t get it often! And no one said I was model thin…much less tall enuf!!lol Betty just said I was a fashionista..and that I AM!!! Love fashion, shopping,shoes, shopping…lol
@Patricia…….I’ll have to strut to wear off this TB I ate tonight…lol
@Justlookin!!!!!!!! Good to cya girl!!! What a surprise! Haven’t seen ya here in a long time..or on FB!!!!! Where ya been???:) I love Brit too! Loved her impression of Dani humming tonight..lol
Ok..just quick shoutouts….nothing intersting on BBAD. And what is it with Ian being so anti-social/ADHD on that damn hammock??? He never stops moving and all you hear is that SQUEAKSQUEAKSQUEAK while the others try to talk over it!! ANNOYING!!!lol And not great game play! I think he is going to be too chicken to use the GV too! He hates rocking the boat and smart or not, SAFE is NOT the way you win this game!!!!
Tomorrow should be pretty interesting, kids!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peace OUT!!!
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Oh no….really??? I just wrote a post and it’s not here!!!! You guys want to give me a gift??? Stop sending me to spam!!!!!!lol Bloggergal, If you find it,Please repost for me. I am too tired to rewrite all of that!!! *sigh*
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Hi AC!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Tomi I know what you mean… my little one still has a week and a half!
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Dan just told Danielle the only way shed go home is if he won POV. She’s surprised she actually thought Dan would take her off the block and leave himself up thers. I’m amazed thiiat she still has some delusional left in her!
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Howdy AC….As usual, your comment was short, but AC, you left out your usual π Hope you had a fantastic birthday and stop by more often.
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Ian talked to Dan and said that the DR is trying to talk him out of using his power. The DR is trying to talk Ian out of using the power. Ian said that BB is pressuring him to work with Frank. Do you still think this ‘REALITY’ show isn’t fixed? π
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Are the producers reading this yet ? i thought they had been for years…
Apparently they don’t know what we know.Stop making reality unreal, by telling the players what you want them to do !
Wouldn’t it be fun to see the real thing?
@franniep2 ,I agree with you.
But at least no Rachel back yet .
Just wondering what happens to Danielle’s forced nasal voice when she is older LOL
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frannie, if production did presure into not using his power, they are right. brit,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------shane and dan are not going to let ian into the finalsian has a better chane of getting their working with frank at this point.
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Hi, Does anyone remember this much obvious interference with the jerks in produvtion. I vote to evict production!.
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@ Mary….I also vote to evict production. Please let the players work this out for themselves. Allow them to vote the way they want and stop filling their heads with all that garbage. I thought last year was obvious to being fixed… πΏ
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@ Hannah…Ian has become a weasel. I wanted Ian to make it to the end, but I have lost all respect for him. If he wants to play a big persons game, then play the game and stop letting others take the heat for you. He got GOT and sits there and watches Dan take it for him. I’m waiting for the moment Dan lets it all out and tells Frank that Ian was the mole.
New Page up!
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If all that Ian stuff is true, I also vote to evict production!! Let the players play and the chips fall where they may. I forgot to say congrats to Star!!
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