What a difference a weekend makes.
An HoH that began as peaceful for Dick has turned into one of the most volatile yet. What’s odd is that Jen’s victory in a PoV competition didn’t really factor in to the volatility, at least not on Sunday night.
Sure, she’ll almost certainly remove herself from the nomination block.
However, Dick’s available pool of resources with whom to replace Jen has just grown bigger and bigger and, theoretically, could include his daughter at this point.
In a conversation with Amber late Sunday BBT, we see Dick for the first time really bad-mouthing his daughter Daniele. Dick was chiding Amber for allowing her emotions to get in the way of her game, and while he was in the process of explaining himself, he starts talking bad about another houseguest.
And then I realize it’s Daniele.
Being a newbie to BBReloader, I didn’t set my audio properly, so my clip recording did not go well. Darn it all! This was a terrific conversation, and it showed major potential for a major rift between Dick and Daniele Donato in this game.
Dick seemed pretty clear when he told Amber that there would be no reconciliation or rift-mending in this house. On other occasions, Dick has said that he wants to spend as much time with her in the house as possible.
However, as HoH, a definite bi-polar side of Dick Donato has come out. Roaring out. And there’s a part of me who can really understand from where Daniele is coming in terms of her frustration with her dad.
On the other hand, Daniele and Nick have been tucked away on the hammock tonight. Nick has been pounding beers — at last count, he was on his 7th, and this was at 9:40 p.m. BBT, and frankly Daniele looks like she’s ready to give in to romance, er, showmance.
Either that, or she really looks ready to go home.
On top of all that, Nick’s personality has changed by 180 degrees. Per a conversation he had with Dick, Nick makes it clear that he doesn’t give a f***, well, about anything except Daniele and that he intends from here on out to be a bad mofo.
Personally, I think this plays very well for Kail and Jen. Jen will throw herself off the block, and I think there is a strong possibility that a Mike or Zach, probably Zach, will go up against Kail and be evicted. Stunningly enough, Kail has done herself well this weekend by keeping relatively quiet.
However, the dynamics are changing, particularly among Nick, Dick and Daniele. It will be a very interesting 48 hours, and there is a very real possibility that Nick and Daniele take things further within this time frame, which could either influence Dick’s decision with regard to Jen’s replacement or turn Dick into a raving maniac.
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