…and it all came out last night. No real surprise to Britney, but the remaining Brigade members basically told her that it was “Bri-gade” not “Brit-gade” and she learned she was never a part of their true alliance. They danced around it, confessing the different alliances in the house, where Matt & Ragan fit in, bragging about themselves and all their brilliant strategies, waiting for her to cry and disappointed she didn’t react the way they’d hoped. I’m sure she did in the DR and CBS will edit it brilliantly complete with violins.
Like Ragan, I was a huge fan of Britney’s in the beginning. She is probably the cutest little thing to grace the BB house in many seasons, but it was after watching the feeds and Showtime’s BBAD that my mind was quickly changed. That said, the arrogance laced with feigned compassion the boys showed her last night was difficult to witness. Britney’s reaction was nail biting calm, but she still expressed anger and disappointment after believing she had wasted her summer for nothing. She still won her 10 grand, from which her stipend for the season will be deducted, but she didn’t make Final 4 because she’s stupid. She’s not. Simply put: she was outplayed by the Big Brother Boy Band Brigade and basically lied to by Lane, in particular. “Expect the Unexpected” is Big Brother’s mantra, but “Trust No One” is supposed to belong to the HGs. Most never follow it, and it gets them out the door to meet Julie. But it doesn’t keep me from yelling at my Big Brother Big Screen!
If Britney had set aside her hatred for Brendon & Rachel and jumped off the Brenchel Bash Train early in the game, she wouldn’t have endured this conversation. Same with Ragan. Absolutely Rachel was probably the most annoying HG ever, but she was a fierce competitor and so was Brendon. Britney & Ragan were, too. That’s what drove me nuts about this season. These 4 could have made it to the end together had they not played such an over-the-top personal game. My pick early on was Ragan, Rachel, Britney, Brendon. RRBB – instead of competing for the 500G, they’ll vote for the winner. Can you imagine how different this season would have been with these 4 wiping the Big Brother house clean of the other HGs?
Everyone already knows that Hayden won the POV competition yesterday and both Enzo and Lane know that if they take him to Final 2 – he wins. And Hayden did tell Britney he wasn’t going to use the POV to save her or Lane. This means Enzo has the final vote, Britney will be evicted and the boys go to Final 3. Enzo continues to be more delusional than ever thinking he’ll do some bit parts in movies (!) and that he, Hayden and Lane will definitely be asked for an All-Stars season (!!). And further, that he, Enzo, played the best social game and is loved by America (!!!). Holy moly, Batman, are you kidding me?
So for all you Britney fans…unless she can somehow persuade Enzo to keep her, she’s gone Thursday. Enzo has been the most vocal HG wanting her “outta da house” and it seems that’s the way it’ll fall. However, for all Hayden’s wins, it’s doubtful either Lane or Enzo will take him to Final 2, if they have the opportunity. They both know they cannot win against him and Britney all but confirmed that for them earlier yesterday.
How will this play out? Can Britney convince Enzo to keep her? I think she still has some fight, just like Ragan, and while his arguments to stay were compelling, he was still voted out. I believe the same will be for Britney. But this is Big Brother! Expect the unexpected! =^^=
bat9992 09.04.10 at 10:35 pm
Mama Margie, Oh I’ve been on, enjoy reading about BB but not necessarialy about football and hockey. Maybe you wouldn’t be in a “melee” if you didn’t make snide remarkes like ” hi bat haven’t seen you on, lol. I choose not to pursue that conversation with you, but you still, many days later must make your digs. So don’t tell me what a friendly little blog this is , as a whole it is, but petty little people like you give it a bad taste.
This was posted last night and nobody in our “close knit group of ‘friends’ posting last night” responded to it. Hmm. I guess telling bat9992 that her rude insults might bring out the “mob attack” basher/s to let loose on someone other than me.
Mama Margie, you are a sweetheart and I truly regret that it has taken this many posts after the fact to counter rude and uncalled for remarks directed directly at you personally. Friends? Hmm….
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Well, I think it is about time Britt left, she has done nothing but bad mouth people, the hg’s were stupid in getting rid of Brendan for personal reasons because they all could have won against him in the final two. but that is the way the ball bounces.
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Wow…I am the first to comment…..
This season stinks.
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I responded to this on the previous page….What a joke!!
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Can Britney convince Enzo to keep her?
I really doubt that will happen but she should get an “A” for her efforts. I’ve liked and admired Brit at times this season but she likely will join the others in the JH this week.
It will be very interesting to see what happens among the three guys left this coming week.
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I was watching BBAD when they confessed to Brit…. man did she look PEEVED!!!! I would have to say at this point, my favorite is now Hayden. He does not join any of the bash parties, and Enzo is dilusional. I think that people get into some of these reality shows thinking they are gonna MAKE IT BIG. Living in Southern California, and having friends in the business, the business will shun someone like Enzo… HE IS NOT ALL THAT!
Lane is on his own little island, now that he is going to be in the final 2 (I hope with Hayden), he is more realistic than Enzo..
Well will be fun to see all that goes down on Wednesday!
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Enzo is suck a PIG! and brain smarts are different than life smarts peeps so mensa and scientists and professors won’t necessarily do well on BB. You have to be like Dr. Will and tell them up front you will lie to their faces! OMG listening to the Brigade on BBAD last night made me sick to my stomach! Their heads are way to big to fit through the door.
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Good for you PK. Mama Margie certainly did not deserve that bashing!
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Who does anything think will be America’s favorite? I hope it is Brittney! She played hard, but lost her way when she evicted Matt, since then everything went downhill for her.
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Looking forward to tonights show
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sorry meant ‘anyone’ 😳
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I don’t know about anyone else but after the comments from bat9992, I would like to see all of the commenter’s from this blog in the house! Much more interesting than this bb season.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Love you BBB, but please don’t let Gnat write the blog anymore, the few I read by accident were more about HERSELF than the strategies or games by this season’s players.
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WOW!!! why all the anger?
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Britney had a chance when Regan talked to her to keep him but she did not listen she needed to confence Lane to vote out Hayden now most likly both will be gone
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I agree Jeannette and also Brit should have not listened to the brigade members and kept Matt, that was the beginning of the end for her!
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I gave up watching the show except to watch how the comps played out the LF to see the early bad news. These guys are such a waste of space. They didn’t lay low, they buried their heads in the sand while all the personal battles raged on and everyone eliminated each other. At that point they had the voting block to control the game, even enough to evict one of their own who they freared! Game over unless a miracle happened, but no such thing happened.
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OK GUYS—After last night….
I hope, that NO ONE votes for Enzo— for “American’s Favorite” player…
If anyone missed it on the live feeds, I would encourage you to go back and find the transcripts of his incredible rants, after the POV comp…
At one point he actually said, that he will “INJURE SOMEONE” if he doesn’t get America’s Favorite Player, because he deserves it over ANYONE, for playing the best social game ever…He goes on and on, (with the rest of the Brigade) about how they had the best alliance in BB history etc….What a bunch of MORONS!!
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hi all,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PK & Frannie Hugs to you both, txs for the comeback, I did see bat’s posting I felt so bad about it I just chose to ignore,and thought it best not to post at all, and I have to say I was a bit hurt that no one even mentioned anything about it at all till now.
what bat was referring to was my post after i had been gone for a few days and commented that a lot was going on, glad all was resolved and that I did have a run in with another blogger and at times what someone either writes or reads can be taken an entire different way then the way it was typed and in teasing i said (hi bat have not seen you for for awhile) which was just a jest as I had not seen them, I am the last person who wants to be in the middle of any melee, in fact i try to make light of stuff and my age i have seen and heard way too much and i no longer sweat the small stuff, life is too short when one is in their twilight years. Again thank you so much pk and frannie u guys made my day, I was starting to feel kind of left out of the loop, but all is well again I feel back in the fold, and it is a beautiful sunny day here in boring Missouri, but poor Brit I bet the sun is not out for her. I guess she is deep in thought regarding Ragan and might have been.
BBAD was interesting last nite, except for the ego manic enzo yatta yatta yatta, he really gives Italians a bad name, lol
so now it is all out in the open. every man for himself, but i do have one question what the heck was enzo babbling on about 500, 50 and 25 thousand when voting time came.
(the petty little person who gives this blog a bad name, lmao)
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Hi mama Margie – I was quit upset when I read those remarks and I just could not understand why anyone would pick on you. You are one of the nicest people on this blog. Love ya!
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just for a reference if anyone is at all curious and just is a readaholic
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------my posting bat is referring to is yesterdays post
see my comment # 20,
now back to catching up on all the blogs i did miss,
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Enzo gives new meaning to arrogance and self-deception. He actually sees himself in the movies! His insensitivity to Brittany last night was terrible as was his insane bragging. Who would ever vote for him after seeing his performance last night after hours!
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Kenjake, did I read something were you said Enzo turned on Hayden?
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Hey Margie–
I think Enzo was throwing out those numbers, because he thinks that each Brigade member would get either 500K, 50K, or 25K (because he is SURE, that one of the Brigade, will get the 25K for “America’s Favorite Player”)…..but, then he kept following up, saying that it had better BE him, that wins America’s Favorite….What a jerk…LOL
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I’d like to wash Enzo’s mouth out with horse shit! 🙄
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Enzo has lived in Bayonne, NJ, just to the east and downwind of Elizabeth, NJ, one of the biggest industrial wastelands on the planet, so long that his brain has turned into F’ing unintelligible mush, YO!
Anybody who has ever been there knows that when New Jersey adopted the “Garden State” as its state motto, Elizabeth and Bayonne had them wondering if anybody inside or outside of New Jersey would believe it for even a minute.
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Hi everyone, Well I didnt read any blogs last night but would like say I like Mama Margie, I like to read her blogs . Well I watched all of BBAD this morning. When they started to talk all this BS started to come out of my Tv, had to put my feet up and make my dogs get on the couch. I wont write much today . Got to sweep all the BS outside,wash my dogs and shampo my carpet.
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Being new to this blog this year can anyone tell me how long it stays up after the show ends? I would love Enzo to read it, then he might realized just what a big a$$ is he.
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go enzo, take that 500,000 and party down in jersey town, yo!
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Mama Margie I have to say I am guilty of viewing it and not replying. My reason was I didn’t know what was going on. Had I knew I could have come back with wit as sharp as a knife. I was waiting to catch Aggie, Fran, or Ted on FB to find out what was the deal. I’m sure my words would have brought on a lengthly debate so I kinda wanted to know what I was talking about before I dove in. But know this….. you rock!!! The Blogade has your back!
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So Brit’s stipend comes out of the 10G? That doesn’t seem fair.
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Tony… you like Enzo?
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Does anyone know how much Brit owes?
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Oh my! I missed all that nasty stuff last night, but I would like to say that I hope Brendon wins the favorite..He played like a champ and ya know the money might make him feel better when Rach dumps him..Poor guy.
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This is the first time my computer has ever stopped will I was reading blogs I think some of Enzos BS got in it.
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Mike you better watch out, Enzo’s BS is lethal! 😆
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Betty, I Know OH how I know Even the LYSOL isnt working.
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not really jane, but i can see him running away with it, just needs to win 2 parts of an hoh, and he is a rich man, dont care for him personally but respect his game and how he got there, i just hope that the finale competitions are long and hard to win, make the winner earn it BB
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I agree about making the comps long and hard, as I don’t think any of them deserve to win (Tony, hold your horses, I know you don’t agree with me and I am fine with that, I love reading your comments). It would be nice to see one of them actually earn it.
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Come on people, while what enzo, lane and hayden did seemed wrong and hurtfull to her at the time, was not meant to be taken that way, the brigade respect britney and her game and help her along the way to the finale four, but there is an alliance and has been since day 2, what does she expect them to do, they could have been a little more tactfull breaking it to her, but lets face it, what goes around comes around, she has thrown some stones herself in this game, and in the BB house those stones has a way of coming back and smacking you in the head, she was a good player, she won 10,000 plus about 9,000, like the great prophet Enzo says: YO, LET DEATH COME AND FIND HER, O …LOL the dude was freaking funny this season, lol im just saying… im outty, peace… :~)
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Yep… Enzo played the greatest BB social game ever relying entirely on his limited vocabulary of F***, Mother F***** and Yo!
Gotta be proud of him America? Right? He is your all time favorite? Right? You can’t wait to book him for a personal appearances after the finale? Right? A star is born? Right?
Enzo is about to truly experience reality after the lights and cameras dim on the set of BB12. And nobody is more deserving!
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point/counter point… be gentle
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no point/match… no way…
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PK will this blog stay up long enough for the HG’s to read when they go home?
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For the ones who can read? Maybe…
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Touche PK! Missed you yesterday.
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I hope that part 1 of the hoh is the one that evil dick and zack had to play, where they had to hold the key and jump over the rabbit that was going round and round under there feet, and water spraying on them, that was a good one, then part 2 is the one where you have to fill the glass globe up to the top while running back and forth on a slippery surface carring the liquid in a small cup and get the ping pong ball out to win, and the 3 part is where they go around i circles while sitting on a 6” round circle, now thats a competition
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Betty… The one and only reason why I was hoping that Enzo would win HOH just one time was so we could hear him attempt to read the words in his letter from home out loud in the HOH room.
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lol pk i wonder how many yo’s and o’s would be in that letter
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Betty… The reason I was not here last night was that I attended a post funeral, Mitchell family evening…
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Ya know thinks might not be over for Brit, they still have pov don’t they. Well the boys don’t have much luck thats for sure. Shes much better than them.
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PK, I understand, my prayers are still with Rebecca. Have to run. I may be back later!
Happy Day everyone.
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BB, make an example out of these three, make the hoh competition the hardest ever, they brag about what they have done, you got to make this the roughest comp. ever then at least the one that does win it, at least deserves it because they won it plus their game in the house, we will see how the jury feels about the 2 sitting before them, make it exciting, this season has had the highest ratings ever, love it or hate it, people are watching and blogging, and i for one will miss it when its over, and i bet you will to
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Darlene, Haydon won the POV
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ruffus2 So Brit has no more chance, they vote>
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Hope Lane wins the $500,000. The other two are not deserving; actually, Lane isn’t either. It’s just that he’s the lesser of the three evils in my opinion.
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Here is a striking example of how Enzo’s social game performance deserves next years “Razzie.”
Brit failed to win POV. Hayden did and he has already told her he will not use the POV to change the nominations. Lane and Enzo outed the Brigade to her (she pretty much already knew about it, just not the stupid name) and Brit is upset and mad at the three stooges, Lane more than the others.
Now considering what transpired last night, Enzo gets with Brit in the BY and does some “vote pandering” Enzo style. First he tells her how sorry he is to have to vote her out and before long she tells him that if he makes F2, he is going to get her vote. Not satisfied with that assurance, and never willing to just shut up, Enzo goes on to say that Brit should not be mad at Lane because he has had her back all the way to F4 even though he (Enzo) and Hayden wanted to get rid of her much sooner. Well Enzo, forget about Brit’s vote, you dim wit.
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So cudos go to the liars and the double crossers. Even being a tv show they will still pay the price.
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Page for Enzo Bashing
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@Tony ……… the brigades game play might have been what got them there, however, what they did to Brittany last night was obnoxious and ugly.!
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@SnakeBit Sal……. Matt’s game play enabled the Brigade to have a game to play in the end.
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Ok Brits out, well my only hope is Brendon gets the peoples votes..
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hi all,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------betty, jane, ruffus (mike) txs for the nice words, really means a lot to me.
PK condolences to Rebecca, that was truly a tragedy, and such a true heartbreak.
So much hurt and bad things happening to good people. PK just both you and Rebecca know there are those who truly care and will keep good thoughts for your family.
Now back to BB, I swear if BS was electricity enzo would be a powerhouse. Does the man never shut up? It is a toss up as to what is more annoying his stupid remarks or his outlandish eating. BBAD the other night i had to put on mute, between the sunflower seeds and the eating a sandwich, i was ready to scream. I wonder when these hgs see the tapes what excuses they will make, and their poor families.
Guess tonight show we all know what will be, but still love to watch.
Again I have no fav this year, has been a blah year but I still love the show and I guess I still love to moan and groan, but what else can be expected from a faithful bb fan.
bbl off to visit with the family, have a great day one and all, will tune in later.
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LF: Brit going off on Hayden!!!
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brb im gonna go watch it and will tell you what happened. She said she hates him she likes Enzo and Lane more.
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Arrogant Enzo tried too hard for Brittany’s vote last night, And gave himself away because he can never ever shut up. He also told Lane when Haydan wasn’t around that he would take Lane with him to the final 2. This guy has movie star delusions and really believes he is America’s favorite. He is a disgrace to Italians, New Jerseyites and the male sex.
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Remember Hayden lied to Brit telling her that Matt was the low down scoundrel who took the 5 grand and Hawaiian Vacation Brit would have loved to have and that lie weighed heavily in Brit’s decision to put Matt on the Block resulting in his eviction.
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Basically Brit saying Hayden was the worst because he pretended to be nice. She said she’s going to Steamboat but doesnt know if Nick still wants her. She talks about all the sh** talking she did in the DR. She talked about Kristin mostly and IMO it was to get digs in on Hayden passive aggressively. She also said she paid for her website name before coming.
Wasn’t as exciting as i thought. Oh well, back to laundry.
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YW Mama Margie! Yeah their eating habits…. horrible. kenjake totally agree Enzo is as dumb as a doorknob. I’m bored with it all. Thats right PK the lie… that and him throwing Ragan under the bus. Wait til they find out about his wife. Brit will when she gets to the Jury house.
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Since my Princess looks like she is gone… My vote is for Enzo. Mouth aside, he is the best player of the three. Nice Page, Snake.
Super busy… be back later after BB.
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Nooooooooo Ted…. say it ain’t so!
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It’s So… Miss T. Let the personal attacks begin!
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lol ted get ready your about to be scalped, lol
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the smartest thing she could do is try to convince hayden to use the veto and put enzo up. he may have said he wouldnt use it, but i think she has a better chance of getting him to use the veto than she does of having enzo keep her
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I really think the best thing Brit could do is try to get Hayden to use the veto on her. Even if he said he wasn’t gonna use it, I think she has a better chance of getting him to use it and put up Enzo than she does of getting Enzo to vote for her. I hate to see her leave 🙁
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Nice thing about Ted is that after we scalp him – frequent occurrence and why he has no many hats – he doesn’t come back saying any of us are featured on Americas Most Wanted or that, God Forbid, any one of us might be a pedophile, you know what I mean, Tony…
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ouch PK. heat of the moment, i like to forget i ever said that, because i am much better than that, i have looked over some of the things that were said about me, it does neither of us any good to rehash those comments, and i hope that we can leave all that in the trash can were it all belongs, and i also want to apologize to you for saying those things, except it or not i was ashamed thinking about it all later, ok …..
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Tony… Acknowledged and accepted… That was simple enough… Back to BB
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In a recent interview, Joella (Enzo’s wife) said that due to Enzo’s popularity in the house, the evicted contestants who vote for the winner on finale night are likely to pick him if he makes it to the final two. Therefore, all remaining house guests view him as the chief formidable figure.
As Forest Gump would say in response, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You tell her Forrest!
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Forrest Gump…. I lost an r in my post
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Glad to see this is finally becoming decent to read again. It is nice to see that Tony has acknowledged his posts and apologized to PK. I don’t know what kind of mood you have to be in to be that ugly, but glad you came out of it.
As far as ENZO, UGH!!! Did anyone catch BBAD when he was comparing his social game to Dr. Will’s???? REALLY??? He is delusional!!!! I think they are going to need Psychologists when they get out….not because of being cooped up all Summer, but because they won’t be able to handle life when they see that NOBODY cares about them outside of the house, and NO ENZO, you won’t be making 100,000 for appearances. GOD HELP US ALL!!!! lol 🙂
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Dawn… Andy Warhol must have known that there would someday be an egomaniac named Enzo Polumbo who would get “his 15 minutes of fame” and that would be more than enough for all living creatures big and small to last forever and a day.
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Enzo is the man,has out played everyone including most of the whiners on this blog.The guy is married with a child and knowing Enzo he is nothing like the man you see on BB.,as Evil Dick is nothing like he was on BB.It’s all an act and he is doing a fantastic acting job,deserves an emmy.Go Enzo!!!!!
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Came back on just in time… Well said INDAZONE!!! Enzo came on BB with a character in mind and has played it well… maybe a little too well for some people’s tastes. I agree that he is not like this in ‘real life’, and he would be the only one of the male Houseguests that I would care to know in ‘real life’. Unlike so many that cannot see past their own biased emotions, I do see an acting career for Enzo.
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Just when something interesting happened, I fell asleep listening to the gang last night…..booorrrrriiiiing! As for Enzo, I initially found him fun to watch, ya know, never knew what he was going to say kinda thing. As time has passed, I’ve been thinking about his wife and how EMBARASSED I would be if I was her…OMG!
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Thanks for the support Tony… I am starting a ‘Team Enzo’ and would like you and Indazone to join me. I am pretty sure that SnakeBit will not be aboard, as well as a few female posters here!
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In perusing the TV Listings for Thursday night, I see that neither AC nor JUSTAGUY will be joining us for BB… Seems the Vikings and Saints are on NBC at that time. Looking forward to the game and BB!
What’s on the Grill PK??? I’m doing Chicken marinated in a chunky mix of Green Olives, Tomatoes, Red Peppers, Garlic and Lemon Juice all squished into the chicken pieces.
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lol, i have to say some of his diatribes has had me rolling, when he shuned the penguin suit, the sock puppets, little meow meow, some of his famous sayings, let death come get you, and above all the pov against ragan, otev, are you kidding me that was great tv, sorry peeps im just saying i would and did watch it, and it was entertaining
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Thanks INDAZONE… can’t wait to gloat on the 16th! I’m a little surprised in Frannie not supporting one of her countryman…
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poor lil o brit –
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Ted… We understand Ted. Anybody who would find Gnat from BB11 appealing in any way would immediately be drawn to the likes of Enzo.
FYI… There is a big difference between someone having a very limited vocabulary basically consisting of F words and being a good actor. Enzo is the former, not that latter.
His acting, to use one of his other big words, sucks…
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have you watch some of the sitcoms on tv lately, they are awful, i could see him in afew different rolls on tv, or definately hbo or show time series he would fit right in there f-bombs and all, next to weeds and the big c on showtime, or not you never know unles he tries it
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Ted… I’m doing BBQ bone-in chicken breasts on the grill tomorrow afternoon with Kraft Honey BBQ sauce, without the Green Olives, Tomatoes, Red Peppers, Garlic and Lemon Juice all squished into the chicken pieces.
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Enzo to Hayden: “How many times you think America heard us curse on TV?” Hayden: “A lot!” Enzo: “I think that’s why we got so many punishments because BB got so many fines from the FCC!”
That’s your man Ted. Enzo logic at its best…
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RaeLESNYC I agree with you all the way!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tony… you showed great class and gave a heartfelt genuine apology.
Now Enzooooooooooooooo… really? an acting career?? Beavis and Butthead do reality tv… that I can see him starring in. Ted I would never personally attack you! Even in the great Pie debate I didn’t get personal. I am only personal when personal confronts me. And then i’m down right ruthless. Personal equals an instant loss in a great debate.
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The big job offer for Enzo would have to be as the before shot in a Rogaine commercial… Nothing else about him is marketable….
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jane, even beavis and butthead, though gross and stupid made millions of dollars, sometimes stupid and silly pays the bills just as well as classy and straight laced, its a crazy world we live in aint it, lol
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Oh and Rachael can do the after pic for a “Faces of Meth” slot on Americas Most Wanted.
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it sure is Tony… preach on!!
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Jane… May I assume that you accepted an apology addressed to you two days ago in your absence?
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ouch thats hitting below the belt, but yes it just might work lol
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I did Pk. I even asked if she promised to still stalk me.
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yeah Tony it was a little below the belt…. that was my version of “I dont get personal” haahhahahaha
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Better you than me…
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Tony – Bevis and Butthead were mensa material when compared to this fool.
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I never said that Enzo would win any awards for his acting prowess. I hope that Britney and Enzo someday read this blog and are heartened by the rays of light shown in their direction by the faithful capable of recognizing true talent.
Well, PK… I guess when one has limited cooking abilities and or imagination, a bottle of Kraft Something dumped on top of the meat will suffice. I do hope that Rebecca does not read this blog, or I’m she would be booking a ticket NorthWest!
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lol PK!
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Speaking of Rebecca. Pk I want to send my love to the both of you. I don’t know what happened but I see a lot of people gave Rebecca love on the blog for a tragedy. My heart goes out to your family. I usually don’t go back and read the whole blog…. its just to much. So I assume I missed something. I don’t want you to go through the heartache of repeating it all, just know you both are in my thoughts!
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I have to be honest and sorry if it offends anyone but…I have to agree with Tony, Indazone and Ted about Enzo!! And….I am an Italian female from Jersey originally lol!! Like it or not…he was the most liked of them all..doesn’t that mean he played the best social game? I”m a newbie here so please don’t beat me up too bad…I want to come back lol!!:)
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Does everybody read the whole days blogs when they sign in? It seems like it. I log on and try but when the comments are in the hundreds I just jump to the last few entries so I know what y’all are at in the convo. Survivor Blog I use to read it all, but thats because I was a Russell fanatic. The only thing I am fan crazed about this season is finding Sal perched like a Flamingo hiding from the Blogade.
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dgar472 no worries you won’t get beat up. Now I may force you to listen to Enzo chew for hours on live feeds… but beat up never! I think my dislike for Enzo is he makes me cringe. He is like an annoying teenager. I have two tween and a teen and they are way more mature than Enzo. I do however have to agree that in the HOUSE with the other HG’s he has played a great social game. In the real world *gag*. Live Feeds and After Dark give you a clearer view of the daily habits and personality of the guests. I think at times I’d rather have the view of someone that just watches CBS.
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dgar i have a question, is the f word used a lot in conversations, in new jersey, not ment to be mean or anything, just used in a joking manner, i mean i can over look the word but alot of the people on here have a problem with him using it all the time, like richard pryer the comedain and his language, he was extremly funny and made millions doing it, its nice to hear from you dgar, keep on bloggin
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dgar472 Welcome to the Blog!
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Ted… Fancy sauces and hot spices were introduced into the human diet eons ago to mask the taste and stench of putrefied meat. I only use fresh chicken…
Rebecca has visited the Northwest with me… Still Sweet Home Alabama for her works best…
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She’s Homesick?
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Off Topic.. this book comes out November 23rd. http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780345527165 My son is in it. He is the little boy covered head in powdered donuts. It’s a funny book. It’s called Shit My Kids Ruined. It’s a collection of pictures of kids caught destroying and getting into things they shouldn’t.
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oops *covered head to toe in powdered donuts*
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I hear they are creating a part for Enzo in Sponge Pants Bob. The new character will be a catfish so don’t worry Tony, Indazone and Ted you will still be able to see your hero and hear him say meow meow, along with his lip smacking. 😆
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LMAO Betty! Glad your here! Everyone left me all alone. Kiddos gone an i’m bored. Hold on be right back going to reboot puter to see if i can get sound again for live feeds. Talk to you in about 5min. 🙂
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lol, i hope not my grand daughter and i watch spongebob, thats her favorite cartoon, i would have to ban spongebob then, it would break her little heart
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I really can no longer stand to hear Enzo speak! He is a complete joke and bigger complete floater… I don’t care who wins as long as its NOT Enzo!
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I’m through putting down Enzo. If he ever reads the blogs, he won’t even care what is said as long as it is about him.
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Tony it will be okay and kids will still be able to watch because they will teach table lessons to children. Ted will love it!
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ok betty lets hope that those episodes only air after dark, lol get it after dark, lol i crack myself up
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It really might be cute to have a new catfish character with Enzo’s accent. Maybe he will be a star! Tell me Tony do all grown men like Sponge Bob? Sometimes I walk into the family room and fine Ken watching it. What is it about that cartoon?
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Betty I reeboted 2x no sound 🙁
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kenjake you are so right. Enzo and Rachael are the type to excuse their behavior by calling people haters and insisting that “at least they are talking about us”
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Sorry about that Jane. I was hoping to hear more about Brit and what she is saying.
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Can you read lips? 😆
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Amigo you are so right. Everyone was a newbie at one time. I think its the aspect of how you come in and say something. Voicing your opinion on the game is all good calling people names because of their opinion is usually what starts the drama.
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Jane I agree with you
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LOL! Actually Betty I’ve gotten kinda good at it because I only have 40 percent hearing in one ear. Lost most of my hearing in that ear at the L.A. Street scene in the 80’s by smoking some green and standing backstage near a gigantic speaker while UB40 performed.
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hey ruffus!! how are you?
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Jane you are so right. I was really afraid of Tony at first, but now that all is well, I feel he can take a little ribbing, not nasty ribbing, just fun. He is becoming one of my favorites on the blog.
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I was watching BB on CBS I thouht there would be more people on here now.
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Jane… I hear what you are saying but no matter what his opinion is I am still calling him names… Ted or Tedster if Aggie is around…
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Wow Jane, sorry to hear that. My father was a doctor and would never let me play music loud and today I am unable to attend concerts as I can’t stand loud music. It really hurts my ears.
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i’ve always liked Tony. I’ve missed the drama because i can’t sit and read 100’s of previous posts. By the time I can do it (when kids are gone or baby is asleep… like now) its days later. I am glad I missed it because PK is one of my favs and I’m glad It’s water under the bridge and the Blogade is intact!
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HAHAHA PK were your ears burning? My son loves Honey BBQ Sauce. I on the other hand rather eat slop. I like my BBQ Sauce plain. Thats me Plain Jane
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Cute name for PK and I agree is is also one of my favorites. I was glad he stood up for Mama Margie. I still don’t understand what bat found so offensive in her comment.
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maybe me and PK can go on the road with our act, could make 100,000’s of dollars, what do you think PK?
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Ruffus whats going happening on BB? I am on the West Coast I still have an hour and a half
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Tony please go back to comment 120 and give me an answer. Inquiring minds, like mine, want to know.
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I produced the first single for the loudest heavy metal band on the planet in 1973. I still have my hearing because I wore ear plugs and one single with Bobby Liebling and the boys (Pentagram) was all I could take…
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PK did the band also wear ear plugs?
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Thats pretty cool PK. I just read the book of the guy who made KISS exploding guitars back in the day. Great Book! He’s on the Spectrum like my son. He has Aspergers. His name is John Elder Robison. He’s on FB very interesting man.
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thanks betty and i enjoy yours and the rest of the bloggers on here, it is one of the best blogs i have ever been to with intelligent and ensightful comments that sometimes has you on the edge of your seat, keep it coming we love it
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Tony the funnest thing happened when I first came on board. Ted said some terrible things about Haydens family and I was very upset and blogged back that I would not read him comments anymore. Much to my surprise he apologized and has become another one of the favorite bloggers. Still haven’t answered comment 120!
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‘not read his’ – typing without thinking again! 😳 and ‘find’ in comment 120!
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anybody watching BB right now? what r they showing? did they show jury house from Ragan and Matts lie?
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No jury house shown tonight Jane. They showed them searching for the coin and a pillow fight.
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sorry betty i must have missed that one, well at first i was watching it with my grand daughter, just between you and me betty i like it, along with icarly, and big time rush, and hanah montana, i blame it all on my grand daughters,
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Same old stuff showed Haydon winning Hoh showed Britt crying saying she is alone in the house well should have kept Ragan Enzo and Haydon was talking about getting rid of Lane because they could beat Britt. Showed Britt wining 10k and hoping Nick would still want her and Lane said she could call him . But if you get BBAD we here a different story.
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Tony you are blessed to have children and grandchildren, but I guess I have to say that I am blessed too to have Ken, as childlike as he is!
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Tony regarding you comment on 143 thats what i like about this Survivor and BB blog too. I think its because we are a slightly older group. Not to put down young bloggers by any means, but lets face it wisdom comes with age. I know for a fact I am more wise than I was as short as 1/2 a decade ago. I am sure I will be wiser in a few more years.
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Well, I had to put my ‘fresh’ chicken breasts back in the fridge, because my neighbors have been cooking a cow’s head all day for a Labor Day Fiesta… Lots of Tecate flowing for sure… they brought me a plate of Cow Head Tacos with Fresh Tomatillo Sauce… Heavenly! Have to go to Shaw Island tomorrow to work and will B-B-Q after. I don’t think Enzo would go for these tacos, but I know Lane and Hayden would be right there!
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Well folks, time for me to sign off for the evening. I will try to check in tomorrow sometime.
Good night and sweet dreams!
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ruffus thats true the editing is different. That is why everyone’s opinion is always going to be different. If you just do CBS you got one opinion, Live Feeds another, After Dark another. I learned that this year. It’s my first time having live feeds. I am quite disapointed. Thats why I said to kenjake something along the lines of it maybe more refreshing to just watch CBS. I think so with this season anyways. Do you think Nick will leave her? I don’t know. I assume he knows her well enough to ask her to Marry him right? I also would think they would have talked about strategy and aligning with men as well. But someone said earlier (i think it was tendr i may be wrong) that she crossed the line laying in bed with Lane. I believe that as well. To take it a step further, even if he wasn’t in the bed.. its a line crossed. You don’t lay in another man’s bed… not cool. I do like Brit. I think she is funny as hell. She’s just immature and doesn’t know how to use her wit. Also girls that are young like her tend to focus on one thing they “can’t stand” and beat a dead horse. Such as her convos regarding Roach. Ragan should have known when to stop. He is older, a professor, and a communications major. “HATE” looked ugly on him. The good thing about Ragan though is the only one I think that will watch this season and be Mortified of his behavior. That I respect.
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Betty… Bobby Liebling (vocals) Geof O’Keefe drums), Vincent McAllister guitar), and Greg Mayne (drums) were the original members of Pentagram… Bobby is considered the godfather of doom metal…
Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley actually came to Virginia and wanted to buy some of Bobby’s songs but Bobby declined the offer even from Kiss…
The band wore no earplugs ever, just used and abused every drug known to man and some yet to be discovered by the masses…
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I used to live in Phoenix, Loved Mex food, Live in Ark. now cant ready find good Mex. food here. did fine a little place that does have good food the cooks dont talk in english.
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your right betty i do feel very blessed to have my kids and grand daughters in my life every day, and i hope its like that forever, its so great watching them grow, they are so beautiful and specail when they are young,
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jane, that was well put, i couldnt have said it any better,
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PK I am wavering between that is really f**king Bobby refused to sell his music, or that was really f**king dumb. I would have to waver towards the first.
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Thanks Tony 😉
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I think the wink ——> 😉 looks like a drunk happy face.
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Jane…. Bobby used to bad mouth Kiss and Black Sabbath all the time back then for their crappy material so he wasn’t about to sell Kiss his stuff. he was only 19 then too and just graduated from HS.
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Later guys… Glades is coming on…. Love the cocky star of that show… Makes the Mentalist seen shy by comparison…
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I am sorry that I type so slow time I get back to some one the group is on to something else or off line I tried LF one day didnt like it still get BBAD and watch CBS for BB. I agree I think Ragen wont like what he sees when he look at himself.we might get to see JR wed. they said it would be live I think.
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PK i loved Kiss. But the 80’s was full of crappy EMO music. Which cracks me up when my friends complain about their kids music. The 80’s music was a parents worst nightmare and my best love affair. Behind most crappy music are great lyrics. When you can do both great thats when your a legend. Ex. Bob Dylan, Beatles, Stevie Wonder, Bob Marley, Bruce Springsteen, Janis Joplin, Marvin Gaye, etc.
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I am gone see you to morrow.
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Ruffus, Ragan had made other comments before he came on the show that infuriated me but I think that he is the type to spout and then gasp at what the heck came out of his mouth. I am hoping to see him on a talk show or something just to address, respond, and apologize for his behavior.
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g’nite Rufus… still early here i’m gonna hang around for a min. see if the ladies show up.
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Tony…yeah, the F word was pretty common around alot of guys like Enzo I was around in Jersey. Being Italian…I was around many dudes like him and his actions are pretty familiar to me lol. I don’t really see it as that bad, just what I am used to. Thanks for the nice welcome all!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now listen to this scenario…
I said a few days ago that I thought Brit and Lane were the real life friends in the house…I think they are a couple. Could it be possible that Lane is playing the other two…gets to vote out Enzo (cuz he has the vote) and then he and Brit go to the final three? Hayden would be outnumbered then. Lane might’ve told Brit ahead of time about them three guys confronting her about the Brigade and she faked being upset? Maybe Lane and Brit were an alliance and then Lane fell into the
Brigade and they decided it would work out even better for them having their own alliance and Lane a part of the Brigade too? I know it may be just a wild thought but…I just get a real funny feeling about them two for quite some time now!! Oh well….tonight’s BBAD should be very interesting!!
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Lane doesn’t have the vote Enzo does. I use to throw around the idea that Lane was Nick. Then I thought Lane was one of Nicks friends. To me the latter still doesn’t sound to farfetched.
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brb dgar taking out the trash
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OHHHH well there goes that idea lol!! I should have known my theory would have some sort of flaw in it because it would have been so cool lol!! Well…BBAD should be interesting nonetheless!! It comes on here in Toledo at midnight…so i should get off here and get ready for it..have a nice and safe holiday everyone:)
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JT txs for liking me, and i appresch your comments. You all are the be but enough is enough. I am so tired of shoveling sh** against the tide with bat, they answered and their explanation is all wrong, but I am not going to get into a pissing contest with them.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It is time for me to make my final ciao.
When it has come down to all of my friends in here geting into a debate of what is going on, I will not tolerate it, bat are you happy now.
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bye you have a great holiday too! i still got another 30min for BB. Where is everyone, lol. Well just a quick shout out to Kristi and Tony for sticking around and taking the heat. Aggie i see you on FB come hither. Guess I can go read a book. I feel like i’m in the DR talking to myself, lol.
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Mama Margie…. hold up. don’t leave. what is going on?
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MM email me: knottylbc@yahoo.com
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JANEY MY FRIEND= i had guests all day today – so only saw the part where brit was talkingto herself/camera – is she over it – or has someone given her hope????
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Hi all!
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MM…don’t go please…you can e-mail me too. I would love to talk to you. franniep2@yahoo.com
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Hey Macy Bobo… i am still waiting for BB i am on the west coast.
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Hi Bobo….did you have a nice holiday?
brb all
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k Fran check on Mama Margie idk how to get ahold of her.
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fran – jane – whats up with mm – she ok?
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Macy Brit is over it. She knows she has no chance. She tried to work on Enzo a bit and then told Hayden she hates him 🙄 that wasn’t smart! He’s HOH. I think her pride is hurt more than anything.
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I don’t either Jane…if she contacts you, let her know we want her here. I know you could do it…if not you, maybe JT has her e-mail addy. I might try to send him an e-mail and check with him. Damn…what is happening here?
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thanks janey sweet girl – i knew she would work on one of them – just thought it would be lane – she must be totally pissed at him
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Hi DGAR472… glad to see another on Team Enzo! Your fresh voice is welcome here!!!
BETTY!!! ✩✩✩✩✩ for the Enzo/Catfish/SpongeBob comment!!! One of the more clever comments of late! SpongeBob is my granddaughter’s fave too, although she is 9 now, so is starting to like the live kids sitcoms. It’s fun to watch her TV tastes move up the ladder, just the same way as my 15 yr. olds did. Sponge is a cute show and I’ve watched with the kids from time to time now.
BTW… you don’t have to acknowledge typos… we know what you meant. Only PK should correct his typos… it helps keep his diminished skill set sharp.
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IDK macy…we’re trying to see if we can find a way to contact her. 🙁
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Macy I am still trying to figure it out. In the past few days, PK, Me, and MM had conflicts (i think MM did… see how much i know) and she’s just over it. I get her point she was talking about something else and made a one sentence comment (i just reread the blogs while i was waiting for someone to jump on) and got belittled. Basically its one of those things where we are all online for our own reasons… whether its to shoot the sh**, talk to new people, escape our lives for a sec, etc. etc. etc. and to come online and then there is more drama than the real world… dealbreaker. I am not speaking for her… thats just my observation from my quick scan. I can’t come on and read hundreds of comments so I never got the whole story. But she’s a genuine and sweet person and I get her frustration.
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macy…are you on facebook?
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FP2 yea check with JT because she said something in her last message about thanks JT for messaging me.
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It took me a little while to get back on here and WOW, lot’s of comments. I don’t think PK can put it any better regarding Enzo. I liked him in the beginning and used to laugh like crazy at his off the wall comments etc. It is true what the other bloggers say~~BBAD and live feeds give you a COMPLETELY different prospective on the house guests then the CBS show. I usually watch the show only to see the outcomes actually played out. I was starting to dislike Enzo for his annoying habits, but he really upset me last night on BBAD. I hope it is all an act as some of you say on here because I would hate to think he really believes what comes out of his mouth. That being said, he was horrible last night to the point that one can only hope it has been so BORING because the twist is about ready to come out. The twist being that because he said the F bomb over 1,000 times he is evicted from the house. I don’t think I can watch it if he goes to the final two. I liked Hayden too, and then his paranoia is now getting the best of him. To think he has gone all this way and thinks he is the greatest competitor, and he will be sitting on the jury side if Enzo and Lane have anything to do with it. Oh Well, here’s to another season we can all talk about and look forward to every episode again!!!! This season was/is terrible.
I hope you are right Jane and he is Nick or Nick’s friend, something to end this nightmare of a season on a good note!!!! Goodnight All!!
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Macy actually she’s not pissed at Lane (i think her feelings are hurt with him or he’s Nicks friend, lol) she’s mad at Hayden. Even went as far today on Live Feeds to say he was the worst because he pretended to be the nicest guy who was upfront and at face value (not her words mine, but ya know what i mean)
Hi Ted!
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ok Jane….I’ll send something now. Hopefully he reads his e-mails. brb.
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Dawn right on point! Sad thing is I think Enzo is a character in real life and he believes what he says. Because if he didn’t he wouldn’t say he better F**king get Americas Favorite Player……. who says that? That is clearly not strategy!
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Yes Frann……….ty was at my Daughters home for a BBQ…so many people had to come home, But had a good time how about you?
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Great Frannie let me know.
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JANE… you can stop holding your breath and bugging everyone about what’s going on… It’s 8!!!
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well, i will tellyou why i am on this blog – and let me be a lil FACEEESHAS – my family laughs at me for watching bb – but i want to see what my other bb fans think – a long the way i have made some buddies
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yeah Macy are you on FB you are part of the Blogade now, lol!
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Well you can count me in!
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a hour diff. here in NJ!
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Ok Jane…I sent JT an e-mail. Hopefully he has her e-mail addy and can send her something.
@Bobo…I had a good time. I went to my sisters house for b-b-q with the family.
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janey – not on facebook – it fried last computer i had – ha – but my e-mail is bendi2006@aol.com – halla
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Macy BWAHAHAHAHA (<—- Ted likes when i laugh like that) nobody in my life watches BB either and here is where i get my fill. Except the most awesome thing ever…. my sons therapist loves BB RH and Survivor so after his sessions we sit in my living room and we gossip forever!! She's the best!
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That’s great Frann hope you had as much fun as I did!
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HAHAHA Bobo i’m counting you in… but in on what lol i’m drinking wine, kids gone… i’m a lil slow wittted right now.
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bendi..did you see my e-mail addy….it’s above.
anyway, it’s
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I had an ok time Bobo. There’s always alot of drama when the whole family gets together. 🙄
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Hi Amigo!!!! How ya doin?
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fran – on yahoo messenger – i am -bendipool – just add me to your list and we can chat – not a chat really – just msg
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Hi Macy… everyone made fun of me for watching Survivor, but I have converted a few… Stumbled onto Survivor Samoa Blog last year and met all these BB fools… liked them enough to follow them here. Makes watching the show a lot more fun. I hope you are on Team Enzo with us… for the win. Team Brit has had a setback, but we are keeping our fingers crossed for Divine Intervention!
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Jane u make me laugh! lol sorry Frann but no drama tonight just alot of fun
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will do bendi. I can’t chat while at work but I can at home. I also have a aol acct…. farnalou@aol.co but my work blocked that entirely. I was able to do it all until last Monday. I was even able to chat at work. 🙁 I think they got wise!!
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Good night all going to watch the show I taped tonight see you all soon…great talking to you all!…Bye Bob
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Okay I think we need to have a Housemeeting/Blog Meeting. I know everyone is reading this because when someone comes on they talk about something 80 messages ago.
Mama Margie got upset tonight. It’s not a why or how issue its the fact that she is good people and it just sucks.
My proposal is that everyone who has ever put anyone down on here or hurt someones feelings.. cop to it and let sleeping dogs lie. We will not put salt in the wound by bringing up past drama. And from here on if any unknown persons (sounds nicer than a newbie) comes on and talks mad sh** we ignore them. skip the message like they aren’t even there. If they try to have a conversation with another one of us we will ignore that as well. Not have a comeback just ignore.
I will start….
Kristi. Thank you for your apology. I am sorry for calling you ignorant.
(okay back to my wine, lol)
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TED -i really like enzo =that dude is a nut – wish lane wouldve played harder – he’s like one a my guys – brit was too much of a cat for me – i ‘m not one to down poeps behind their backs
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Bobo 😉
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MISS T… you should invite your therapist to join BBB… would be nice to have someone from Long Bea— (I was going to make a snarky comment, but I forgot someone might be sensitive)(Although after 3 bottles of wine maybe not). Looking forward to Tafari’s Book!
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3 Bottles! I’m not 18 anymore. Although I got carded the other day for a pack of smokes and I was so freakin’ excited…. until i realized i didn’t have my i.d. on me 🙁 🙄
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oooops – getting that ‘eye’again from husb – talk to yall 2morrow – bubye
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btw Ted that would mean my therapist would be a unknown person 🙄 and she is a Southern Cali blond who makes me and Brit’s comebacks look like amatures.
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I don’t think I said anything to upset anyone on here but if I did, I apolize now. There…I feel better.
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Night macy….sleep well.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------oops…night to Bobo too
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IN THE NEW SPIRIT OF CLOSURE AND COMPASSION: I have personally insulted every person on BBB and SSB, and if I haven’t it’s only a matter of time. For this I ask forgiveness and understanding, and wholeheartedly support Jane in this noble effort.
BB taping and waiting for NASCAR race to end… pretty good racing tonight.
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Night frann I just sent u a e-mail hope uget it night my friend…Bob
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What do you mean you haven’t upset me… I mean anyone???
BTW… Macy said her husband was ‘giving her the eye’… maybe she’s not sleeping…
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Gotta love Ted.
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LMAO Frannie!!! If thats the case we really need to talk to Macy… just where is her alliance? Hahaha!!
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night bobo!!!! where’s my email 🙁 😉
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oops i meant Ted he made the Macy/hubby comment i replied to Frannie…….. and now its no longer funny *Crickets*
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*Channeling Rachel* …. HATER!!!! Your just jealous Ted!!
LOL but seriously. Naw a couple of glasses of wine are nice with me. I have kids. I’m like a freakin’ have not whose first day can have a sip.
On a serious note unless my kids are gone for a whole weekend. I have to be on my p’s and q’s. I am a 42 with a 3yr old… duh.
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I did see you Frann…see you soon night!
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back to BB. I just turned my dvr on. I found it interesting that the opening sentence was “Previously on Big Brother….The Brigade wanted Ragan out of the house”. ….
Is it just me or has BB on CBS not recognized the Brigade so blantantly? I’m sure they have said things like Matt out of Brigade or how is Lane gonna vote with Brit or Brigade. But no… they opened with “Previously on Big Brother….The Brigade wanted Ragan out of the house”. ….
I’m thinking that CBS knows their is nothing but nimwits left and the season was ho-hum at it’s best. So what better way for CBS to prove BB isn’t dying… to acknowlege and pump up the Brigade.
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G’nite BB fam.
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MARGIE,…… you can’t leave us! 🙁 Who am I going to complain to when the Yankees beat the Twins in the play-offs this year? (if Chicago doesn’t catch us! 👿 )
I am in no mood to get into an argument with PK. There has been enough of that stuff lately. Just know that you do have many friends here Margie.. myself included… despite what PK thinks.
I hope you will reconsider coming back. If not, that is VERY sad to me, but I do understand that sometimes enough is enough. I just hope the good here still outweighs the bad for you.
I look forward to seeing you back here SOON. If not, I would at least like you to stay in touch with me. Contact me here if you want. Take care Margie! 😀 Ciao
justaguyjt@gmail.com (yeah… real original.. I know! LOL)
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Hi! All This is my first time on the blog . I can’t wait to see their reaction when they find out about Matt’s lie and that Regan was the second sabiture
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Please send Britney to meet Julie!
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HI MARGIE, I”m so sorry about the misunderstanding about the comments made by BAT, I had not seen the comments otherwise, i would have come to your defense and so would alot of other people, please no you are well liked and respected by many people here, and i hope you will reconsider coming back, you are a very fine edition to our BLOGADE. Peace and love, And if you would like to keep in touch my email addy is- aggier01@gmail.com ➡
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See Mama Margie….everyone loves you here. You have to stay. Life is too short to let the ignorance of ‘some’ people prevent you from keeping in touch with the ones that truly are here for you. We are all serious….we left our e-mail addresses for you here and we do want to hear from you. But, we would still want to see your comments here too. We look forward to seeing your ‘Ciao’ at the end of your post. It makes us all smile… 🙂
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ENZO the America’s Fav you have to be kidding , Enzo has been the worst player I can even remember on BB, Brendon played the hardest and was the nicest person on there this year, the the three stooges that are left sure dont deserve, least of all the meow meow who has the mouth and manners of a alley cat. Can’t wait to see who is picked but wish they had a poll and I will bet my butt it won’t be the Italian that thinks he is God’s gift, who could think he is acting other than his wife, family, maybe trying to cover for him(has to be embarrasing for them to have everyone bashing him) I wasn’t a Evil Dick fan but even he played better than Enzo. As for POOOOOOOR Brit I am glad to see her get what she deserves as well.
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I would just like to say that I do realize this is “JUST A GAME”! But that aside no matter what anyone said, did, lied about, their delusions of grandeur, their potty mouths, money, lack of money or anything else, none of that matters….but the game. We need to ask ourselves who played the “BEST” game? And in this season my first thought is “GIVE THE MONEY TO CHARITY” none of these people played. The real players, Rachel, Brendon, Ragan and even Matt are in the jury house. It’s a crap shoot with the Bozo’s who are left!!! I hope if BB airs next year there’s a better cast of characters! Actually I have a suggestion for the BB powers that be. Post the hopefuls on line or do a whole week of live voting casting calls on television. Let America decide who should inhabit the BB house next season. We always get it right!!!
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I would just like to say that I do realize this is “JUST A GAME”! But that aside no matter what anyone said, did, lied about, their delusions of grandeur, their potty mouths, money, lack of money or anything else, none of that matters….but the game. We need to ask ourselves who played the “BEST” game? And in this season my first thought is “GIVE THE MONEY TO CHARITY” none of these people played. The real players, Rachel, Brendon, Ragan and even Matt are in the jury house. It’s a crap shoot with the Bozo’s who are left!!! I hope if BB airs next year there’s a better cast of characters! Actually I have a suggestion for the BB powers that be. Post the hopefuls on line or do a whole week of live voting casting calls on television. Let America decide who should inhabit the BB house next season. We always get it right!!!
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Justaguy (JT) 09.06.10 at 12:36 am
MARGIE,…… you can’t leave us! 🙁 Who am I going to complain to when the Yankees beat the Twins in the play-offs this year? (if Chicago doesn’t catch us! 👿 )
I am in no mood to get into an argument with PK. There has been enough of that stuff lately. Just know that you do have many friends here Margie.. myself included… despite what PK thinks.
Argument about what JT? Where you weren’t when Margie was bring insulted. I was away for the evening, not posting numerous times after the insult without even a what is that about from you. What occurred earlier between Margie and Bat at some time prior, whatever it was, did not deserve Bat’s comment “but petty little people like you give it a bad taste,” referring to the blog.
Here is what I think JT… You saw the insult and said nothing. Your call. No argument there.
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PK….JT has been working some long hours and tries to read whenever possible but he did say that he would not be on as much. You can’t hold that against him or anyone else….me also, if we didn’t see the post. Not everyone reads every post from everyone. Does that mean he is not a friend or that I don’t consider MM a friend because we didn’t comment. The post was not there right away….maybe due to moderation, who knows. Now, because MM is above all this, we may not see her here again. That bothers many of us and we are trying like hell to get her to come back. If that isn’t being a friend, I don’t what what else me, Jane, Aggie, or JT can do. Perhaps you should try asking her to come back instead of attacking us for thinking we don’t care about Mama Margie.
Sorry JT…I always seem to step on your toes but I just had to.
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Greetings – I’m so glad after reading some of the comments that most are on the same page. The alley cat is certainly delusional and never lets anyone speak without interupting them with obnoxious manners. I watched since season one and find him gross belonging in a house full of mice that he decribed. Of the three stooges I can see Blane and Hayden duking it out (fingers crossed) as they have with some class. If I hear once more how this is the best seasons ever because of the stooges I swear off CBS forever. I did like Matt’s play, sneaky but with some charm – too bad Brit fell for the soap.
Perhaps next year it’ll be better but they only seem to get the wantabee’s lately.
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Frannie… Sorry Frannie, but JT was on the blog immediately after the insult and made numerous posts without a word in response to the insults.
Truth is, nobody after seeing that post wanted to speak in Margie’s defense and risk being a target. Nothing new there. Staying under the radar works as well on this blog as it does in BB house .
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PK..it only appears that JT was there. Bat must have needed to be moderated. I didn’t see it either and neither did anyone else. I really don’t want to argue with you about this but please try to see where I’m coming from. Take a look at the Survivor blog. We all thought Aggie was the first to comment…many remarks were even made about that. But…some time later, AC was moderated and moved to first position.
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Frannie… “Moderation” is not is not a justification in this case and you know it… Diplomatic immunity doesn’t cut it either…
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Ok PK…I guess if you think we are all NON friends to Mama Margie…then just think that. We know in our heart what we feel. I will speak for myself and say that MM is one of the nicest people on here and she WILL be missed.
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WTF????? I don’t think it was a matter of NOBODY sticking up for MM. Thats absolutely unfair. I think it was days of regulars and “unknown” bloggers arguing. I was one of the culprits, it has all been settled. And honestly can this SHYT be done with. We all know, love and respect each other that has been on BB blog and Survivor blog for a long time. But even though we sometimes have the time to read all posts it really isn’t realistic to expect that daily. Can we friggin get over this please. It’s more lame than Roach. MM PK JT group muthaphuckin hug. Lets move on.
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btw i acknowledge my part in it so please don’t come back with that.
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Jane…please don’t compare us to Roach….I’ll hunt you down girl… LOL 😆
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BTW….New page up
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Frannie… Interpret that as you will. Mama Margie was insulted in a post and many posts by many regular posters followed thereafter with not a single word until I read the all of the posts, not just mine and responses to mine, and had to say something.
As Abe would surely say under the circumstances, “you can please all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.”
Unless, of course, you simply choose not to get involved for whatever reason.
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okay PK we know and we all came in and apologized for our own various reasons. Like i said…. not everytime people log on do we scroll up. And JT was adamant about letting us know last week and this week he would be off and on quickly… did you scroll up to see that?? Why can’t you leave it alone. Honestly if MM came on and just saw all of our “we want you here, we luv ya girl, and respect you” it would be all good. But your dragging it out for no reason. And yes JT came back and spoke on it… but its only after you wouldn’t let it die. Seriously PK… i luv ya man, but sometimes ya gotta let shyt go.
I say the new page FP2 😉 and no i don’t think your Roach but this drama right here is freakin’ ridic. We are to old for this BS. and Frannie you can’t hunt the willing lol!
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oops * i saw the new page*
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Jane… I had let it go until JT in post #250 had to come in and reclaim his self-appointed position as the final word on all blog matters. After all, he’s been busy and didn’t see that insult or he would have surely commented about it in any one of his numerous posts that followed, right?
Margie, I saw what I saw and read what I read thereafter and I didn’t like it one bit. What I’m hearing now after my defense of you I don’t like one bit either.
Time to join you, Kevin11, Bullwinkle et al on the outside of the building.
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PK, since you constantly like to repost what other people say.. here is what you said earlier…..
Here is what I think JT… You saw the insult and said nothing. Your call. No argument there.
First, the key word there is “think”. Now let me tell you what I KNOW. For whatever reason, that comment WAS NOT THERE at the time I was posting.. Moderation, eaten by cyber space and then returned, or any other reason comments don’t show up.
You said it yourself, you weren’t here (my condolences) I was here! I know what comments appeared. Star knows what comments appeared. Come on PK… you know as well as anyone how this stuff works. Hell, scroll up to my comment you reposted, see “Diane’s” comment #251 that appears 23 minutes after mine? Well I am now reading it for the first time… even though I checked back for about an hour after my comment. Why? BECAUSE IT WASN’T THERE LAST NIGHT!
PK, I really don’t want to argue with you, but yes, I am upset that rather than read the end of the previous page, you decide to throw me under the bus without benefit of the doubt. (maybe you did read that.. doesn’t seem like it though).
I don’t understand how you can say, “Moderation” is not is not a justification in this case and you know it”
PK, if a comment is being moderated, and therefore not visible for me to read, then how the hell can I respond to something that isn’t there? All I can tell you as fact is that I was actually here to see what was written, you weren’t. I would have seen it if it was here at the time. The first time I saw that comment is when you reposted it and I found myself under a bus that I didn’t even know existed.
You choose to believe what you want. But if Margie thanked me in her good-bye message, then obviously she read what I had to say on the previous page. If she accepts the truth… then maybe you should too.
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