Finally an interesting BB11 night!

by BloggerGal on July 31, 2009

Wow, quite a night huh?  As you all know by now, Jeff made a deal with Russell and dropped, giving Russell HOH.  Always the nice guy that gives in first.  I trust Russell and I think he’ll stick to his deal.  If I were him, I’d put up Natalie and Ronnie.  This way if one of them gets off at the POV, he can backdoor Jessie.  I bet Chima regrets not staying with Russell.  She’ll be kissin’ his a** all week now.

Jessie and Natalie are so fun to watch now!  It’s always fun to watch the mighty start their fall.  Going from King of the House to the “have nots” is just awesome!  LOL  Get ready for Jessie to throw Natalie under the bus!  I think she’s starting to annoy him with her constant whining.  Jessie is in the game for Jessie.

Watching Jeff after the HOH competition…showering, wrapped in a towel, showing his bruises, etc.  Need I say more?  LOL!  Speaking of Jeff, he has to be who America votes for the Coup’detat–you guys are exactly right.  It’s the only sure way to help the “good guys”.  Did you see this notice on the CBS website?

IMPORTANT NOTICE — All online votes cast before 9:20 PM EST (6:20 PT) on July 30 have been disqualified due to technical difficulties. We encourage you to vote again if you voted during this time period. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Natalie has to go home.  I can’t take another second of her.  What was all that crap about her not being able to sleep with Jessie?  She’s worried about how her boyfriend is going to react after Jessie has been manhandling her since the show began?  Casey calling her Jessie’s pit bull was so funny!  He sure did go out with style, didn’t he?

Well, hopefully Russell will think for himself.  We shall see…stay tuned…Bloggergal1

One more thing…BB11 fans really did a number on servers everywhere last night!  I wonder what the actual data is on traffic on Big Brother sites?

LSU Tiger July 31, 2009 at 10:39 am

Could someone please kick Natalie in the teeth. She is the worst player in big brother history!!! I can’t stand her.

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BloggerGal July 31, 2009 at 10:54 am

I would gladly LSU! Bloggergal1

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bigbubbabronson July 31, 2009 at 10:41 am

I know servers everywhere where overwhelmed LOL!! I tried for 2 hrs to log on to this one and couldn’t get here! Natalie is a moron and makes no sense. I don’t get why she suddenly can’t sleep w/or next to Jessie HUH? I loved Casey going out like! It was so funny that there Jessie stood and nothing to say back but his lil yappy lappy puppy sure stood up for him. Jessie is a wuss and I would love for him to go home. I dislike him MORE than last year. I didn’t think this was possible 🙂

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bigbubbabronson July 31, 2009 at 10:48 am

ARRGGG! Is is just me/my computer or is there another issue w/ I go to cast a vote, it comes up w/ the submit button at the bottom but doesn’t show the HG’s pics to put your vote in? Anyone else having an issue?

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BloggerGal July 31, 2009 at 10:53 am

I’m not having a problem right now bbbronson. I do plan to vote all day today. Jeff has to get the coup–HAS TO!!!!! Bloggergal1

The conversation between Ronnie, Jessie and Natalie regarding America’s vote has just given me more strength to just sit here and vote and vote and vote and vote and…

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bigbubbabronson July 31, 2009 at 11:14 am

What conversation? What did those idiots say-man, I hate being here at work! LOL!! I had planned to vote 100 x’s a day til close of voting if possible for JEFF!!!! It must just be me, still not pulling up the HG’s to vote for? HMMM ERGH!

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BloggerGal July 31, 2009 at 11:17 am

Ronnie was saying how he is going to use the coup to evict Jeff. He also was saying how America will pick him because of how he is playing, etc. He really is much more full of himself than Jessie–if that’s possible! Bloggergal1

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Big-Brother July 31, 2009 at 11:34 am

Yesterday we had over 5000 hits on this site and had 67 people in the LIVE CHAT ROOM at at one time (also another record)

The servers STAYED UP but they were hit hard and was really slow…so I am very happy with the new server. That is what happens on nights with an endurance competition!

Thank you everyone for what you bring to Big Brother Blog! Love you all.

Peace, BBBlogger

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Cherile Berrio July 31, 2009 at 11:46 am


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Anne Marie July 31, 2009 at 11:47 am

Well the people in this house are living in a different world. Ronnie is going to go in shock when he finds out America wants him out before Jeff. Natalie better hope she still has a boyfriend after this, Its a little late to worry about her relationship, he would have to be an idiot if he doesnt get mad at her actions with Jessie. Hopefully Jessie & Ronnies days are numbered.

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Ronna July 31, 2009 at 11:49 am

I’m having the same issue bigbubba. So frustrating as I want to vote as much as possible but it’s not giving me the option to pick who I want to vote for.

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sissy July 31, 2009 at 11:51 am

Praying Jeff get’s the Coup D’etat ..I can’t stand looking at Ronnie. Natalie might be 23 but she acts like she 14 and on the childrens playground..What’s up with Jessie can’t he speak for himself?? .kudos to Casey’s speech.

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abwildrose July 31, 2009 at 11:52 am

I too will be voting for Jeff to win the Coup detat, he will use it the best. As if Ronnie is going to win, please! He truly is taking after Jessie. I loved Casey’s speech, when is it ever going to be officially revealed that Jessie and Casey knew each other prior to BB?

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catherine July 31, 2009 at 11:55 am

question guys! was jeff’s deal to save jordan too?

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scott July 31, 2009 at 11:55 am

Good morning all.. It was sooooo much fun on the feeds last night… I’m happy the people who watch the showtime show got to see the results…

I agree with your thoughts about Natalie.. I PRAY she goes up as the “pawn” next to Ronnie!! I still don’t see what my wife sees in Russell… maybe it’s her hatred for Ronnie — I just don’t like bullies!

As far as servers, Morty’s site was completely shut down except for an info page they kept updating… BBDish was going strong all night and was AWESOME as well!!

I voted for Jeff about 150 times last night — all after 6:30 as i noticed the screen was jacked up with faces and naes all mixed up… so I waited… Wifey did the same thing!! I also threw some votes to Michelle — shhhhh, don’t tell her LOL

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scott July 31, 2009 at 11:56 am

Catherine.. it was to save himself AND Jordan… Obviously she isn’t a target by anyone

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Snakebit sal July 31, 2009 at 11:56 am

Lets see, put up Ronnie and Jessie, if POV is used put up Natalie …. this will save Jeffs Coup d’tat for the following week if needed.
Goooooooooooo Good guys

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scott July 31, 2009 at 11:56 am

Snakebit… Good job!! I agree with that completely

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Wanda July 31, 2009 at 12:00 pm

Does anyone else worry about BB “fixing” the votes for the Coup? I mean after seeing the pics messed up last night, I thought they could have all the pics with Jessie’s name assigned to each so he will get it. If it happens, I will never again watch the show (like they’d care). I’m hoping they aren’t that crazy.

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Mel July 31, 2009 at 12:03 pm

The coup deal is dumb this early after breaking up the clicks for one simple reason, no one has had to work on their own yet and thus seeing how the individual game plays out for at least one week.

I hope Jeff doesn’t get the Coup for giving Russel the HOH last night, that is the mark of an idiot to do so. But CBS does what CBS wants for ratings and the winner won’t be anything but CBS’s choice to keep the show going like it did with that pig Dick.

Natalie definately needs to go along with Jesse and the sheep Kevin, Michelle and Chima, all who should have gone right from the start!

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shookup July 31, 2009 at 12:03 pm

Yea, I would say Natalie is a CLOSE runner up to the infamous, most hated HG — Allison of BB 7….I think, that girl was actually on a hit list when she exited the house, and needed a police escort home…

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CINDY July 31, 2009 at 12:08 pm

Ronnie needs to go and so does Natalie. Hope Russell does the right thing this week and yes I do hope Jeff wins one for Chicago. We need one for the good guys. Him and Jordan are so cute together.

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abwildrose July 31, 2009 at 12:28 pm

It will definitely be interesting to see who Russell puts up. I am anxious to see that show! It better NOT be Jeff. He and Jordan do make an amazingly attractive couple, as her mom said, they would make cute babies! lol.

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aggie July 31, 2009 at 12:32 pm

i will be voting for jeff too get the coupd tat hes the most honorable person their, hope he wins the power. jesse is acting like a big baby for being in the have nots room and being on slop. poor thing. i hope russel sticks with the deal and doesnt get influenced by the others. jesse is certainly only thinking of himself. it was funny when casey called ronnie a dorkaptomas.

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bigbubbabronson July 31, 2009 at 12:36 pm

I don’t think that BB would “Fix” the voting. If they did, I would sure hope they are reading the blogs, paying attention to the chats, etc. Becuase that would be huge mistake to “fix” it in favor of Jessie. Majority rules and Majority thinks he is a bigger tool than last yr. I am stil having issue w/ CBS.Com and not being able to vote………..UGH!

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bigbubbabronson July 31, 2009 at 12:39 pm

Oh, thanks for the update bloggergal1. This is why I think a reunion a few weeks after finale would be awesome. It is shear entertainment to hear what these ppl think of themselves in the house and what they thing America thinks of them LOL!!! I am dying to know what they think after they are home, watch the show, read the blogs, and get people’s real reaction to them! Come on BB- DO A REUNION SHOW AFTER EVERYONE IS HOME for awhile WOO HOOO!

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abwildrose July 31, 2009 at 12:48 pm

I love that idea bigbubba! It would be great to see what they think after they have had a chance to watch themselves. Not to mention what they think when they see what the other people in the house do and say when they aren’t around. Do they just get used to the cameras being there and forget that they are being watched 24/7?

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Nomadron July 31, 2009 at 1:16 pm

Snakebit Sal you are spot on! I too am voting for Jeff as often as I can!

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dixielee July 31, 2009 at 1:32 pm

I think BB is fixed in some respects…otherwise why in the world would Jeff throw the HOH compitition…Think about it!!!

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bigbubbabronson July 31, 2009 at 1:42 pm

I read on 2 other sites that u can vote as many times as u want at but they will only be counting max. 10 votes from each URL. Not sure if this is true or not. I’m not chancing it, I’m voting many many times for Jeff

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BloggerGal July 31, 2009 at 1:50 pm

I’m confused. I’m watching the live feeds. Are Jessie and Natalie sleeping in the HOH bed? What’s with that? Aren’t they the have nots? Or wasn’t it them? Bloggergal1

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Shana July 31, 2009 at 1:46 pm

I couldnt watch the feeds last night. What was up with that. It sucks that you pay for it then cant watch them.

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FRANKS July 31, 2009 at 2:01 pm

I hope that the votes for JEFF break a record, legitamately I mean. I hope he gets 85 to 90% of all votes cast, I know I am dreaming, but no one else there deserves it!!

This way if Russell breaks his promise, he can be put on the block!

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bigbubbabronson July 31, 2009 at 2:11 pm

When Chima was a have not the first week; she was caught sleeping in the HOH bed. No one said anything. I think as long as it isn’t at night, they can sleep wherever. It’s just “bed”time.

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Yvonne Plyler July 31, 2009 at 2:25 pm

I’m voting for Jeff !!! I sure hope that this shows how most people everywhere are voting. It’s time for him to have some power.

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Marsha July 31, 2009 at 2:36 pm

I”e voted for Jeff about 25 times today, whenever I get a minute at work, I go to and vote a few more times! Whoever wins the Coup is going to have to keep it secret……. there are some people in the house that won’t be able to do that. Vote for Jeff, he’ll be able to keep the secret and use the Coup at the right time.

I agree with another blogger, it is early in the season for a big twist like no more cliques AND the coup in the same week. Kind of makes you wonder what they have planned for later in the season??

Can’t wait to get home and watch my TIVO’d BBAD from last night!

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nykole July 31, 2009 at 3:04 pm

Just throwing this out there… any of you think Jessie is gay? (not that there is anything wrong with that) He never talks about a girlfriend, he could have either Natalie or Lydia but hasn’t took the opportunity from what I’ve seen. Just seems odd!
Voting for Jeff on the coup!!!!!!!

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BloggerGal July 31, 2009 at 3:06 pm

This has come up a number of times on this blog and throughout the Internet. There is a lot of speculation but nothing definite. Either way he’s still an egotistical idiot in my book! Keep the comments coming! Bloggergal1

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karen July 31, 2009 at 3:16 pm

I am rooting for Russeell and Jeff to make it all the way to the end. Is Jordan really that ‘dumb’ or is it a ploy, her gameplay? Ronnie? What can I say? He nauseates me, he really has to go. Not liking Natalie or Chima.

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karen July 31, 2009 at 3:31 pm

I like Russell and Jeff . Hope these 2 guys can make it to the end. Is Jordan really that ‘dumb’ or is it a ploy, her gameplay? I do not like Natalie and Chima. Ronnnie? What can I say? He nauseates me.

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nykole July 31, 2009 at 3:32 pm

I agree with the egotistical idiot!!!!!!
Karen I’m with you, hoping Russell and Jeff make it to the end!!!!!!!

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Debra Hartmann July 31, 2009 at 3:54 pm

Sorry But doesn’t anyone watch Big Brother? You never make a deal while hanging there on the line. It tends to go badly for whoever does that. I won’t be sad at all when Jeff and Jordan get the boot. I’m not impressed by them.

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DUCHESS July 31, 2009 at 3:57 pm


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kaleki July 31, 2009 at 4:11 pm

At first I didn’t like Russel but now he sort of grew on me, he’s alright cuz he voted to keep Casey.

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Jimmy P July 31, 2009 at 4:12 pm

Jessie has been talking about “old” girlfriends so I don’t think he is gay? Plus, he did have sex with Lydia in the HOH bed one night last week. I can’t stand that jerk! Let’s go Jeff!!!!!!!!!!!

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Mattmac July 31, 2009 at 4:19 pm

What’s with Ronnie’s weird upside down smile??Jeff has to win America’s vote.Only the other HG’s families could be voting for them.And Nat and Jessie’s families are voting for Jeff.

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Lydia July 31, 2009 at 4:27 pm

Oh, Natalie is definitely a gnat. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Seriously, who is she, fighting Jessie’s “battle” for him while he said nothing as Casey walked out the door. She might as well start wiping Jessie’s ass, she couldn’t get any further up it. Although I do concede that “bitter banana” may have been one of the funniest things said all season (but I doubt she thought it up herself). Words cannot express the bubbling rage that brews inside me whenever she is on screen…this is very random and completely weird, but I hate it when certain people whisper and their voices sound wet…she’s one of those types of whispers and it drives me batty.

Now that I have vented a portion of my Natalie hatred, I will end it with this…I thought it was HI-larious when Lydia said “being around Natalie was like acting 18 again” during the eviction ceremony banter…the ONLY thing that would have made it better is if she had followed that up with “you know, since she’s 18 and all”. Seriously, DOES ANYONE IN THAT HOUSE REALLY BELIEVE SHE IS 18?

Like most seasons, it has taken me awhile to find people to root for…but I sure found the ones that annoy me the most quickly (which is how I find the ones I like, weed out the douches).

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Marie July 31, 2009 at 4:44 pm

For those of you thinking you can only vote 10 times…that’s for texting. This is the message at the bottom of the voting website…

Text voting is also available for $1.00/text message vote plus standard message rates apply. Maximum of 10 votes per cell phone. US residents 18+ only. Fees will appear on your mobile bill and will be charged according to your wireless terms & conditions & plan rates or be deducted from your pre-paid account. Votes will be accepted until 11:59PM PT Tuesday, August 4, 2009; Send HELP to 81818 for more information.

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idlewild July 31, 2009 at 4:52 pm

What’s with Ronnie’s weird upside down smile??

its an indication of the bitterness he holds inside. Ronnie is a very full of himself and needs to feel in change. when the day comes that they vote his sorry a** off, he will crumble like the worm he is

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Star July 31, 2009 at 5:12 pm

I haven’t read all the comments yet here so I hope this isnt a repeat but Russ and Jeff have made an alliance! and a SECRET one to boot!! FINALLY! Some normal gameplay!!! He and Jeff are definetly all about getting Ronnie out and their laid back attitudes seem to compliment each other. They are adament about keeping it a secret and working out any disagreements in private. I think Russ is growing on me!:)

Ronnie of course was up trying to make trouble and cover his butt and kicking kevin and Lydia under the bus. Otherwise he is ostrasizing himself and keeping away from the other HGs most of the time. It;s kind of hard to not know when a houseful of people think you are SCUM…no matter how delusional you are!!!

Also. Jeff and Jordan had thier 1st KISS last nite!! AWWWWWW!!!! Abour frigin I like their relationship…’s so not a showmance…more like a frienship they are taking into old fashioned courting. I am glad I was wrong now and Jordan didn’t go!(Don’t expect to hear me admit THAT again anytime soo…)LOL

Ok…gotta jet…..keep up all the getrea posts so I can cath \up when I get back!!!;)

Peace OUT!

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tendr July 31, 2009 at 5:18 pm

I wish Jeff would have hung in there (done some labour breathing or something dood) and i do hope he makes it to the end. Hope he gets the C.D. and NO i don’t want Russell to make it to the end. Why not Jordan and Jeff? It’d be funny BUT i do admire how long Michelle hung in with the guys. I’d be ok with her making it to the end. Just get Ronnie, Jesse, Natalie OUT asap.

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Margie July 31, 2009 at 5:52 pm

Debra Debra Debra Hartman the question is R U WATCHING BIG BROTHER?
you have to be in la la land, I have not see here nor any where else anyone disliking Jeff or Jordan, and I will ask you once again as I asked you yesterday, what has Jeff or Jordan done to get the boot,
Wait I know you are related to Jessie the not so body beautiful, Nat the annoying gnat or Ronnie the Rat. So tell me does Ronnie impress you?
Geez, sorry fellow bloggers I had to vent, My vote is for Jeff to get the power, and then stick it to the Jessie James gang, it is time for the “good guys” to have their day.
OK I am now off my soap box, and Debra you have your opinion as I have mine I am just so curious. Also anyone recall that old T V series MARY HARTMAN MARY HARTMAN………..?
Can’t wait till bbad, now I am off to vote AGAIN FOR JEFF
ciao for now
mama margie

Sorry But doesn’t anyone watch Big Brother? You never make a deal while hanging there on the line. It tends to go badly for whoever does that. I won’t be sad at all when Jeff and Jordan get the boot. I’m not impressed by them.

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Margie July 31, 2009 at 6:14 pm

Nat the gnat is so far up Jessie A$$ she can smell his hair gel……………

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Starfish July 31, 2009 at 6:26 pm

I’m also hoping Russell sticks to his agreement with Jeff like he did when he voted to keep Casey. He kept his word there and he says he always keeps his word. Seems to have a great deal of respect for his father and my guess is he wouldn’t want his father to see him as a real creep. As for creeps, Rattie isn’t letting us down is he? 🙂
Thanks Star for the Russell & Jeff secret alliance. Good to know! I liked Russell right from the start but changed my mind when he seemed to be a Jessiekins fan. Now I want to see Russell & Jeff kick some aSS. Russell said while he was hanging that he wanted Rattie OUT. Love to see it. Has anyone heard how he feels about Jessiekins and his pit bull gnat? Loved Casey’s exit. The best one so far!

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Genie July 31, 2009 at 6:50 pm

Jordan and Jeff had their first kiss?? Ahhh, yay!! It is about time! They are THE cutest couple, unlike most which are just creepy and weird on Big Brother. As much as Ronnie is a disgusting human being, at least he’s been playing the game, which can’t be said for Chima, Michele, Kevin, or Natalie, who just tag along with another person. Jessie is on my last nerve; he needs a reality check! I hope this season gets more interesting, and I have a feeling doing away with the cliques will.

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aggie July 31, 2009 at 6:57 pm

it would be nice too see russel and jeff team up too the end , but i dont know if thats going too happen. hes got team jesse whispering in one ear. theyll probably be pressuring him too put up jeff. i really hope russel sticks with the deal. if natalie, jesse, ronnie were all gone things would be pretty easy for them. everyone please vote for jeff for the coup.

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Sherry July 31, 2009 at 7:28 pm

OMG “roid head” is HOH the YD&S club is growing in numbers!! Hopefull Jeff can talk some sense int him, it would be great to see Jessie go next after the way he treated Casey. Jessie is about as low class ,no class of a person I have ever met. He best be glad I am not his Mom because I would do more than deflate his over size ego. why any girl would fight over that piece of trash is beyond me.
My vote is for Jeff to get the coup and really get this game on!! Ia sick if Chima and Nat the Nat.

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Yvonne Beatty-Salvatore July 31, 2009 at 7:57 pm

Sorry Mr/Miss/Mrs. Blog writer. Jesse and Nat are no fun. Those two need to go and then let the fun and games begin!

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carol July 31, 2009 at 8:26 pm

love jeff and jordon voe for jeff get jessee and ronnie out

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BloggerGal July 31, 2009 at 8:39 pm

SPOILER!!!!! Russell nominated Ronnie and Lydia. I can’t wait to see Ronnie’s face. Bloggergal1

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Tinasz July 31, 2009 at 8:31 pm

This cast has to be the most boring cast yet! Jordan is just to stupid to live! How does this girl manage in the real world? HUGS! T

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Star July 31, 2009 at 9:06 pm

Sherry..your comments about Jessie were spot on and TOTALLY cracked me up!!hehehe No class…that’s him in a nutshell…that and spoiled BRAT!(He needs to see his doc when he gets out too..NO guy his age should sleep as much as he does! Or maybe he’s just a Lazy A$$…ya think??)

BloggerGal..thanks for the spoiler..and you beat me TO it this time!!lol Good choice IMHO. Alot of HGs will probably vote to save Lydia, so hopefully it will be a straight up eviction for a change.

After some diggin, have found out that Lydia is really down about being up on the block. She doesn’t think she has a chance…unless she wins POV. Altho Kevin says he will save her is he wins it(hmm..better go for it yourself hun….)LOL Is it just me or does she seem very UP or VERY down all the time?? Bi-polar comes to mind , altho I am no shrink . She just seems to run so hot and cold.

AnywayS..hehe…..things are finally starting to heat up, even if our weather isn’t!
Don’t forget to keep VOTI NG for JEFF!!!!!

Peace OUT!

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BloggerGal July 31, 2009 at 10:18 pm

I count on you Star! But, I’ve been glued to the live feeds today–first day all season they didn’t put me to sleep. Bloggergal1

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Kim Mitchell July 31, 2009 at 9:19 pm

What did ronnie have to say about being put on the block? Oh yeah I think he thinks he is the pawn.. I really dont care for Lydia but care much much less for dorkapodemis….hee hee hee hee
I have been out all day and could not watch any live feeds.. I am hoping to catch up before sunday.. My husband thinks i am nuts but let me tell you if i say.. oh no.. or woohoo while watching he runs to see what is happening.. Did a few to test his reactions.. hee hee hee
Hope you all are having a great evening..
Oh one more thing.. If we can vote up till 1159pm on Tuesday evening they will tell who the lucky person is on Thursday I am thinking.. That will give Jeff and Jordan two more weeks of freedom possibly if Jeff wins. So they would be in for at least 2 wks poss. 3.
Right or wrong..

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Starfish July 31, 2009 at 9:32 pm

Yea, good for Russell! I can’t wait to see Rattie’s face when he’s OUT! I heard his wife is trying to get votes for him on their facebook pages. Good luck with that! Jessie has a personality like a dial tone and his sidekick is like your alarm clock in the morning – you just want to heave it against the wall! Hopefully, this will be the end of Jessie’s rule and the end of his groupies too! I’m looking forward to Russell stepping up and working with Jeff with their alliance. It can’t be soon enough for me.

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FRANKS July 31, 2009 at 9:40 pm

Lydia, as far as Natalies age is concerned, she admited on Thursdays show when she was giving her 15 second going away speech to Casey
that she is 24 (twenty four) years of age and that she graduated from college or had some sort of degree.

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Niko July 31, 2009 at 9:59 pm

How did Jessie and Casey know each other before the game? That’s interesting. Ok so I have a couple ideas regarding future BB shos.
1. Those who were the first houseguest to be evicted on previous shows teamed up with the person who was HOH when they were evicted. (ex: Braden and Jessie) Although I wouldn’t want to see Jessie again on any future shows but I’m using him as an example. Some of these guys really hate each other. It would be fun to see them as a team.
2. Same as above but to team up two previous houseguests that really hated each other.
3. celebrity BB (like celebrity apprentice and celebrity mole)

Does BB staff read these? I hope they do!!!

Go Team Jeff!!!

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Deon July 31, 2009 at 10:18 pm

I did not like that Casey was evicted. 1st he has to wear that ridiculous banana suit, and then he gets evicted. That SUCKS! That is another reason I do not like that big bodied-pin-headed Jessie.
Natalie and Jessie deserve one-another. They are both full-fledged TWITS.

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Deon July 31, 2009 at 10:21 pm

Oh, another thing. Natalie says that she is 24. Is that 24 months old or weeks old? lol.

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kevin eleven July 31, 2009 at 10:26 pm

JEFF SHOULD HAVE STAYED UP as Russell was starting to fade and made it sound like he “wanted that letter from his pops” more than anything when in reality he likely just wanted the HOH. But I agree with Bloggergal1 that he will keep his deal not to nominate Jeff and Jordan and he does have some feelings for Casey as one could tell in the end by their backyard drinking sessins. Casey knew the Alpha Makes Jessie and Russell would or will eventually clash and who would YOU rather have as an ally, Scappy Doo or Jeff? By your posts it looks like you’re mostly decent people siding with Jeff in the Coup De’Tat, so I’d be surprised if he didn’t win. Wonder when that 2-week power to replace one or both nominess will begin? The voting ends Aug. 4 so do they tell the winner Wednesday so he-she can apply it Thursday? Likely, Jeff (supposed winner) won’t change Russell’s reported (u go girl) Ronnie-Lydia nominations. On that…
RONNIE-LYDIA NOMINATIONS? Seems Jessie-Natalie and Chima would side with The Rat (It’s as if Newt Gingrich and Roseanne had a kid!) while Jeff-Jordan-Kevin would vote to keep Lydia meaning MICHELE will be the key to the future of the game for now. Reject the Dark Side sister and side with the guy you covet, Chicago’s Very Own Jeff, the kind of guy you can trust in a world full of guttersnipes and douchebags. So Russell is one of the Good Guys it seems, and at this point it seems he and Jeff are the two strongest and smartest BBers, despie what Jeff thinks about his own game. Thanks Allison Grodner for coming through girl as it was getting a little one-sided, mean-spirited and boring for us freaks that love the show.
THE COMING JESSIE AND NATALIE MELT-DOWN: Love that Jesie is on slop as he will crumble from the mental-physical reality of it. He and Natalie went from cocky dogs to whining worms in a matter of minuets and like Bloggergal1 wrote today, Natalie’s behaviour when sorting out sleeping arrangements was appaling and revealed her true colors–baby-sh*t brown. Glad to hear Chima and Michele lasted longer in the HOH Challenge as Natalie bragged about how she would win a hanging competition like this since she’s been a houseguest. Still can’t figure if I hate Natalie more than Amber from ED’s season and Ronnie is also King Douche is the history of the show despite the fact he’s playing the game unlike Kevin-Chima-Lydia-Natalie and Jordan who has no chance of winning a mental or physical challenge unfortunately. So it’s up to us, the voters and Russell and Jeff to save the season and slay the Jessie James Gang of Dorkapotamuses. And the theory the men always play the women in BB is holding ttrue again this summer, as was astutely noted earlier thhhis week by our host. Great site guys. And go Jeff.

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kevin eleven July 31, 2009 at 10:55 pm

A Celebrity Big Brother? Brilliant! So how ’bout a season called Big Brother Mega-Mouth Douchebag with these 14 houesguests?

MEN: Spencer Pratt, Dick Cheney, Puck, Chad Johnson, Barry Bonds, Rush Limbaugh and Dustin Diamond. (Backups: Sean Hannity, CT.)
WOMEN: Heidi Montague, Amarosa, Ann Coulter, Nancy Grace, Sarah Palin, Gloria Allred and maybe Janice Dickinson. (Backups: That girl in the Progressive commercial, New York),

Oh the horror…

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ncgal July 31, 2009 at 10:58 pm

I think CBS has been reading all the blogs. And that is why they came up with the changes Thursday night. I think they knew they had to come up with something out of the ordinary to keep us. I had not read a single letter that said they were happy and excited the way things were going. We all were disgusted. I also hope they never bring back a houseguest that is as hated as Jesse. I know Jesse is going to win the acout? (spelling) and now I am reading excitement in all your mail. So CBS looks like you’ve won us back for now.

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ncgal July 31, 2009 at 11:00 pm

I’m sorry on my sentence that said Jesse wining the ac’. HUGE mistake. I meant Jeff! Too many J names in

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Star July 31, 2009 at 11:03 pm

BloggerGal….right back attcha! We all count on you and BBBlogger!!*hugs*

And keven eleven….sound s like you are the new kid on the block. WELCOME!!!
Absolutely loved(and agreed with) your comments. Especially got a kick out of the Newt G. and Roseanne parentage For Ronnie Ratface!!hehe Are you from Chicago? Sounded like it when you said Jeff was *Chicago’s own*. Just wondered. I have a good guy friend in Chicago too and I’m a fellow Midwesterner being from Michigan! I like the idea that *we the people* are so pro-active in this season’s show……it sure FLIPPED from THE SUCKIEST BB ever to … with possibilities!

Off to watch BBAD…laterz!!!

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Starfish August 1, 2009 at 12:00 am

Not so sure I’m excited about the political houseguests, not in this game but hey, whatever trips your trigger I guess.
Seems like Russell is keeping to his word so far. Love seeing Jessie and Gnat struggle and Rattie whine and pout. Seems like this game is finally becoming a real BB game. “We the people” definitely had an influence on CBS. WooHoo for us!!

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aggie August 1, 2009 at 12:14 am

glad too see that russel kept the deal and nominated, ronnie and lydia yeah, it would have been even better if it were jesse and ronnie. even though iwould rather see dorkapotamus go home anything too make jesses stay more uncomfortable. he, he.

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Gracie August 1, 2009 at 12:34 am

i’m voting all day everyday for jeff, please don’t split the vote up for jeff and jordan. because i love jordan but i don’t think she would know when 2 play it, plus she would tell jeff. jeff would know what 2 do with it. i think russell will stick with his deal with jeff, but i want jeff and jordan 2 go 2 the end. and natalie was just talking sh– she know she want to sleep next 2 muscle boy with his crying A$$ about the have nots room, before the week is out he will really be crying tears… casey was great on his way out, and i just loved it when call natalie jessie pit bull.

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kevin eleven August 1, 2009 at 1:41 am

Thanks Star. Grew up in the southwest suburbs of Chitown and lived there most of my life. I’m pulling for Chicago’s Very Own (WGN Superstation’s News theme) for Jeff (and Jordan) because of the character they’ve displayed, not because he’s from there. His accent is deep (“bowly”=bully) and I guran-ON-tee not everyone from Chicago talks that way. He’s hilarious to listen to and has such a kind and genuine demanor. Now if he could win an HOH (or will he sort-of get one with America’s Vote on the Cou de’tat) and put up some of the crew who have run the House up until now(?).

I long for the day that Natalie goes home. I will celebrate with Popeyes Fried Chicken and Cherry Dr. Pepper.

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aggie August 1, 2009 at 2:20 am

did anyone ever notice how much chima looks like marcellas from allstars season 7 ? i heard he does know her its possible they could be related in some way. anyway she is one ugly ass bitch. who seems like shes had botox injections. those lips of hers could suck an orange from across the room. yuck.i only hope shes evicted at some point , so i dont have too here her phoney laugh any longer. please god.

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bigbubbabronson August 1, 2009 at 10:18 am

I don’t understand why Chima was defending Ronnie so empahtically to Russell the other night. She was almost begging for Lydia to go instead. Russ stuck to his guns that he wanted Ronnie gone, but Chima didn’t let up on defending the rat boy either? I haven’t watched my DVR of BBAD from last night so not sure if anything exciting happened, in this house, probably not. I know that I sure couldn’t take Jessie’s crying and Natalies crying all night about being the have nots. For being such “tough guys” they sure can’t hang when they are going w/out. Lord, please get those 2 outta there, they make me sick! Russell is starting to grow on me, if he sticks to his new “secret alliance” w/ Jeff, those 2 could do some damage. Just keep Jordan out of it 🙂

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bluezey60 August 1, 2009 at 10:49 am

i so hope jesse gets bd this week. w/russel telling him off .yes russel is growing on me i just hope his true alliance is w/jeff and not ronnie.i would like to see jesse then ronnie then natalie all go in that order.then michele i just do not trust her and nasty lydia who is she gonna be w/after jesse is gone.russel better wear a condom suit because she will be all over him or chima ewwww.i will keep voting for jeff.

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funkyt August 1, 2009 at 1:10 pm

How do jesse and casey know each other? How do you know that?

I hope russell backdoors jesse and then jeff gets ronnie out…. Then jordan or jeff get hoh!!! That would make for an swesome week. U know casey , laura and braden would be at home ltao

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BloggerGal August 1, 2009 at 4:37 pm

There is a video online of Casey DJ’ing a bikini contest and the camera shows Jessie at the contest. This doesn’t necessarily mean they know each other but that’s pretty coincidental isn’t it? Bloggergal1

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Starfish August 1, 2009 at 3:18 pm

Has anyone heard that Chima was brutally attacked and raped and had to have several cosmetic surgeries on her face? I can’t remember which site, but they actually remove any blogs with a derogatory reference to Chima’s looks because of that fact. Anyone?
I sure hope Ronnie goes out the door this week, I certainly don’t want him in the Jury House so he can continue to his web of lies and deceit. That’s probably one of the reasons Jessie wants to save Ronnie because he thinks Ronnie will swing votes for Jessie to win. Hopefully, Gnat, Jessie & Lydiot will go after Ronnie and in that order. We can only hope. 😉

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Don August 1, 2009 at 4:44 pm

Saw that same video BloggerGal!

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Starfish August 1, 2009 at 4:47 pm

Please note below that you can only vote 10 times online. Pretty tricky since nothing comes up on the screen saying you have reached your 10 vote limit. In my opinion, that’s underhanded by CBS.
How to Participate: There are two ways to submit votes:

1) Voting Via Cell Phone Text Messaging: If you are a wireless service subscriber and have a text messaging capable device, you may submit your vote during the Voting Period by sending a text message to the short code “81818” with your vote or votes on the question asked during the Voting Period (e.g., which food item should the houseguests receive?). You will receive a “thank you” text message that provides additional information about Big Brother. You will be charged standard text and data rates for each text message sent or received from your handset according to the Terms and Conditions of your Service Agreement with your wireless carrier, plus a premium text messaging charge of One Dollar ($1.00) will apply for each successful vote. Each wireless carrier’s rate plan may vary, and voters should contact their wireless carrier for information on messaging rate plans and charges relating to your participation in Big Brother. Text message voters will receive access to digital content (e.g. wallpapers). There is a limit of ten (10) text messaging votes. For help send HELP to 81818.
2) Free Method of Voting Online: To submit your vote without using text messaging go to during any of the Voting Periods and follow the instructions to complete the voting form. There is a limit of ten (10) free online votes.

Voting Period Schedule:

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BloggerGal August 1, 2009 at 5:12 pm

Starfish, where did you get the information on how to participate in the voting? Bloggergal1

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Star August 1, 2009 at 5:04 pm

Starfish..I hadn’t heard that!! that;s AWFUL!! Maybe that ius why her lips are soo big. Not trying to be mean, but just saying that if it’s because of her surgeries and not just elective lip enhancement , then we have all possibly judged a book by it’s cover!!

The POV is going on as I type this. Russ, Lydia and Ronnie of course and selected also were Kevin, Jessie aned Michelle. Chima is the MC.
Kevin was overheard last night on BBAD saying that if he won he wasn’t going to use it on Lydia because he wanted to make sure Ronnie went! Way to start using your head boy!! No word yet as to what the contest is and apparently it is still running. Let’s hope it’s anything physical because ROnnie the rat ain’t in goosd shape and was saying he hoped it was a Q&A.

And Kevin eleven…wasn’t suggetsing you had a partiality for Jeff just cuz he was from Chigago but it just that it sounded like you were familiar enough with it to be from there. My husband LOVES Popeye chicken unfortunataly they closed out only one down here last year.

K..back later hopefully with POV info!!:)

Peace OUT!

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BloggerGal August 1, 2009 at 5:09 pm

POV Spoiler…Michelle once again won the POV! Russell went after Ronnie telling him “he’s outta there”. Bloggergal1

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Star August 1, 2009 at 5:07 pm

WOOHOO!! Had to come RACING back with GOOD news!!!

***********POV SPOILER!!!!**********************

Michelle is the official winner of the POV!!!!!!!

All I KNOW but I am SOOOO happy it’s NOT the Dorkapotamus I could SCREAM!!!! YEE HAA!!!


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FRANKS August 1, 2009 at 5:26 pm

BloggerGal, I remember last time Russell did this to Ronnie, only to run up stairs and tried to get on his good side. I wouldn’t trust 80% of these people with a used condom! Sorry to be so graphic, but that is the way I feel.
I think they would sell their souls to the devil!

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funkyt August 1, 2009 at 5:41 pm

HALLELUJAH ! I knew Michelle was gonna pull sometthing out sooner o
r later if given the chance. I hope they make Ronnie’s last week miserable. Now if Jeff just gets Jesse out it will be perfect!

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Margie August 1, 2009 at 5:57 pm

u r my hero, made my day, txs so much for pov update, now I can go and enjoy the homemade cheesecake i made. was not sure if i was going to eat it out of misery/despair or to celebrate, hopefully michelle will use it well. now i know it is to celebrate, txs all fellow bloggers for the constant updates, i have bbad but not live feed, as soon as i learn what is going on from u all, i pass along to my friend at work and my grand daughter. u guys r the best, and let’s all save the bubbley till ronnie has the door hit him in the a$$ on the way out. the only regret is casey is not at the jury house to torment ronnie now that would have been special just the 2 of them,
ciao for now
mama margie

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BloggerGal August 1, 2009 at 6:18 pm

Homemade cheesecake? You made cheesecake? Where’s mine? Bloggergal1

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Margie August 1, 2009 at 6:23 pm

yes made from scratch N.Y. style good old Italian receipe, wish all of us bloggers could sit and enjoy it together, I will just have to celebrate by myself sorry. But Bloggergal1 if u r close to Branson, MO perhaps I can run u over a big piece, lol
and again txs for the great updates u all r doing a great job, i am so addicted to bb lol
mama margie

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BloggerGal August 1, 2009 at 7:37 pm

Oh my, I haven’t had one of those in years. My Italian aunts used to make them. Do you cut with the dental floss? MO is a little far from CA 🙁 Enjoy a piece for me! Bloggergal1

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aggie August 1, 2009 at 7:04 pm

a athanks Star, about the pov winner. i just hope she isnt foolish enough too take ronnie off the block. jesses side might get her too do that. they seem too want ronnie too stay. russel is expendable too them . they would rather keep dorkapodamus. and lydia im sure will try to sway votes anyway she can. she is definatly asneaky one. she sits in a room sometimes and listens too what people are saying in another room.

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Kim Mitchell August 1, 2009 at 8:52 pm

Jordan just kills me.. Her and Jeff are talking. she asked Jeff if you could be any animal in the world what would you be.. He said Eagle.. so he asked her.. and she was like wellllll i like Koala bears but i would like to be a squirrel.. ROFLMAO.. she just kills me.. hee hee hee He was just like.. WHAT OF ALL THE ANIMALS IN THE WORLD AND YOU WANT TO BE A SQUIRREL.. he asked why.. she said cause they run up things and run fast..LOL She is so cute cause she is so innocent… Honestly she is.. I totally feel she needs to be the next girl on Legally Blonde Sequal.. lol
Ok off to watch them.. they are to cute together.. Gave jeff another 100 or so votes on the cbs website..


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Starfish August 1, 2009 at 9:14 pm

BloggerGal, to get the complete voting information, go to the bottom of the voting page. Just below the green Vote Now button are the voting instructions. If you copy all of it and paste it somewhere else, you will see ALL the rules. All of the rules don’t show up on the screen. They are very sneaky and, in my opinion, it pretty underhanded too.

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BloggerGal August 1, 2009 at 10:06 pm

Yep, you are right Starfish. I did what you said copy and pasted and there was a whole page of rules, etc. However, the only thing I noticed is that the dates for the voting were July 26th to July 29th. That was last week’s vote. I do agree though that it should say it right there on the page and not be hidden. Bloggergal1

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Gracie August 1, 2009 at 9:18 pm

i hope michele do not take ronnie, because u just don’t know which way she will go, she is a loose cannon. everyone is still voting for jeff, right?

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Margie August 1, 2009 at 9:47 pm

I am still voting for Jeff, and I agree with you regarding Michele no one knows where she stands, such a bouncing ball,
let’s keep our fingers crossed, only 57 minutes to bbad, hope it is exciting tonight.
mama margie

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Gracie August 1, 2009 at 10:16 pm

i’m Louisiana BBAD do not go off until 2:am hope i can make it, i got to get for church. going to vote some more for jeff. yes, we r gone 2 keep our fingers cross on michele.

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Star August 1, 2009 at 10:43 pm

Margie, you are a woman after my own heart…and stomach!! Two things I absolutely LOVE are cheesecake and champagne!! Mich isn’t THAT far from Mo, is it?? In this case, I think distance is Cya in a ffew hours!!:)

Ok..more scoop……Michelle has had a heart to heart talk with Jeff and Jordan and the three of them and I think they are going to include kevin, are forming a new alliance. And she is DEFINITELY NOT using the POV!!!! You GO girl!!! You can see now how she was holding back her gameplay until now and she has got quite a plan mapped out to take at least Jeff to the end with her. She hates Ronnie…well, who DOESN’T?? LOL……….and does not want him in the jury house! I really gotta stop judging the HGs until they have been there a few weeks. I say that every year but I still seem to keep doing it!*sheepish grin*
Anyway, she and her new alliance are happy,peaceful and relaxed feeling that the power has finally shifted to their side! Ahhhhh…..feels pretty good on this side of the screen too……now where’s that bubbly margei??hehehe

Peace OUT!!!

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Star August 1, 2009 at 10:50 pm

Back again real quick……just thought you might enjoy this snipet of chat between Michelle and Jeff…..

Michele: You seem to be in a good mood.
Jeff: Yeah.. I drank some wine today… I’m so happy you got the Veto… You’re not gonna use it, are you?
Michele: Oh no..
Jeff: Ronnie’s gonna be all in your ear.
Michele: He already is. It’s not gonna work. He’s standing between me and 500,000 dollars

LOVIN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehe

BBAD on in 10!!

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Starfish August 1, 2009 at 10:54 pm

Good catch BloggerGal! I didn’t notice the dates. What did we vote for that week in July? Maybe this was for that and they just didn’t remove it. Who knows. Some of the other sites are equally confused. So the bottom line is KEEP VOTING FOR JEFF online & by cell phone!! GO JEFF!!
Thanks Star for the Michelle update. So happy to hear of the new alliance. Is Russell being included in that – is his alliance still with Jeff? Nobody wants Ratboy in the Jury House and I’m glad they saw that. Good for Michelle, you never know. You’re right Star about judging too quickly, I do the same thing and I always promise myself I’ll wait at least 3 to 4 weeks. I guess that makes us human which is more than I can say for baby Jessica & irritating Gnat.

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Star August 1, 2009 at 11:20 pm

Starfish…thanks for humanizing us…now I don’t feel so guilty.;)

Michele asked Jeff if he trusted Russel and he said he didn’t totally trust anybody in the house except Jordan….not even her. She understood and was glad he was being honest. I think they ae considering Russ but are just playing a careful wait and see kinda thing. Very unlike the other group! Good old Midwestern Jeff…..he’s practical and logical and patient..and so it seems is Michelle.

Gnat just told Ronnie that after *this*…meaing the HOH i’m sure….that they are DONE with Russ. AS if that is going to make him cry…NOT!!!lol

If Gnat doesn’t quit swarming around *bugging* everybody, someone is going to swat her nasty lil self down! GAWD I cannot STAND her anymore! I never thought I would want to see anyone go before Jessie, but she and Ronnie make 2 really good


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aggie August 1, 2009 at 11:54 pm

natalie and jesse are going too be bugging michele too use the pov on ronnie. i hope she doesnt do it, she maybe afraid not too. i hope she doesnt ruin everything. i really hope shes smarter than that. everyone please keep voting for jeff for the coup.

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Starfish August 2, 2009 at 12:31 am

Since Ronnie will go (thinking positively) this week and Gnat goes next week, can you imagine Gnat’s jealousy knowing her precious Jessiekins would be alone with Lydiot pursuing him! So happy to see Michelle is really playing the game now – she’s a tough one – who knew?

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DUCHESS August 2, 2009 at 4:07 pm

Thank you Starfish, fortelling about the voteing, I kew Iwas right, as I went to CBS site. GO JEFF, GOOD BYE RONNIE RAT !!!

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DUCHESS August 2, 2009 at 4:07 pm


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jennifer peerman August 3, 2009 at 12:19 am

I love russell he is hot and very intertaining, I would love to meet him along with jeff to. Jordan and jeff won’t last , I just love big brother have watched every big brother since they started.

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