Fish Sticks and Fruitcake in the Big Brother 12 house

by BBBlogger on July 20, 2010

It’s Fish-Sticks & Fruitcake in the Big Brother House!

But the “have nots” are making the best of it with plenty of garnishes, condiments and Gas-X for Enzo, aka, “meow meow,” of the Big Brother Boy Band Brigade.

One of the best things I have found about Big Brother is the study in human behavior. Not to get all “Dr. Phil” on you, but I find it interesting that they trash each other endlessly, yet weep and hug when they vote out an HG. It’s a day to day, week to week survival of mind games and power struggles, practical starvation, sleeplessness and luxuries running the gambit of the roller coaster of life. {Insert collective *sigh* here}

Now that Monet and Britney have been nominated, they have turned into a couple of barking crows on telephone wire mocking everyone; Rachel, especially. However, the POV competition found ***SPOILER ALERT*** Britney the winner! And as previously discussed between the showmance couple of Rachel & Brendon, Matt was selected as the replacement nominee, after offering himself! We all know how that usually goes!

In my humble opinion, I wish we could have some female HG’s who play the game for themselves regardless of the shirtless eye candy. Have your showmance, play hoochie in the hammock, but play YOUR game! I am reminded of Season 8 when Dick deliberately voted out Dani’s boy toy, Nick, which proved to be one of his many power moves in the game. These women are too easily distracted by abs, shiny chests and a full head of hair.

Since the Brigade successfully flew under the wire without getting dumped on by the crows, or nominated by the “couple,” they’re safe for now, so they can probably stop patting themselves on the back for being so sneaky. It’s a small BB world…everyone finds out what you’re up to eventually and it makes for a really good show! Not to mention the creativity of the new competitions!

CBS picked a great group this year. I think Kristin and Lane may go far in this game, and Andrew and Ragan stand a good chance as well, if they can curb their enthusiasm. Okay Bloggers, who’s your favorite player so far? Which HG came into the game with a life-long friend? We’d all love to hear your thoughts on the addiction that is Big Brother! =^^=

AILEEN HEISE July 20, 2010 at 9:36 am

I agree on the girls being distracted by the “bods” ..the men reguardless of the “lovin” they are getting never forget what they are truly there for …. Rachel deserves what she gets when Brendon gets what he wants and then backdoors her…. this is a game not a soap opera..and the girls need to start palying it that way. I am enjoying this so far but it is so being played out like all the last couple shows .. it is like they all studied the last couple shows and now is trying to play it like they played… get original!!!! NONE OF THEM ARE A evil dick or CHEMI play like your self !!!!

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aggie27 July 20, 2010 at 9:47 am

GO BRIGADE, I hope they take out brendon and rachel 😀

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Cabinmom July 20, 2010 at 9:47 am

This season is starting out slow and boring. So far this group have nothing going for them. All they do is sleep and talk about each other. It is worse than high school. They need to start playing the game and make some moves or it will be worst season ever.

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aggie27 July 20, 2010 at 9:48 am

brendon, is only interesting when he isn’t wearing a shirt, otherwise what a dork.

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aggie27 July 20, 2010 at 10:02 am

my fave players so far are ,ragan, matt, lane, enzo, kristen, kathy

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aggie27 July 20, 2010 at 10:05 am

as far as who could be lifelong friends, my choices are, Lane and haydon, kathy and britney, matt and ragan, kristen and haydon. It seems to me it has to be one of those. :mrgreen:

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David J July 20, 2010 at 10:18 am

Has anyone seen Rachel naked yet?

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Shelley July 20, 2010 at 11:17 am

I think these people are childish and boring. I like Ragan and Kristen and Brendon w/o Roachel.

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Patricia in NC July 20, 2010 at 12:00 pm

Hi and happy far I like Ragan, Lane and Andrew…not happy with the women altho I think Monet is very pretty. thanks for the little spoiler about Matt..I enjoy knowing those little things ahead of the show. Good day one and all. MamaMargie..I enjoyed your posts from yesterday…I will be 66 in Aug and am thrilled to have a compatriot here on the site. Best to you.

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Elizabeth July 20, 2010 at 12:09 pm

I’m still wondering why it’s necessary why BB went to Wednesday and Thursday night? Can someone tell me?

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Kevin July 20, 2010 at 12:31 pm

I like everyone in the Brigade except Enzo. As for the life-long friend, the obvious pick is Britney and Kathy. Both are from Arkansas, and Annie put X’s on their faces as her “nominations” in her short week as saboteur. What I found interesting and suspicious was that once Annie revealed that she was the saboteur, Britney said that all of the videos could have lied about everything. Maybe she is trying to get the houseguests to not suspect her and Kathy, but like I said, those two are the obvious choices. Great season as always, but I too wish it was on Tuesdays.

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erin July 20, 2010 at 12:32 pm

I need to watch more BBAD except My DVR is not cooperating! I still like rachel But she is not going to last long really lame to pick Monet and Britney for the block. Hayden might be Ok game player really do not like enzo i think.we need people with more personality and oomph! Have they given them alcohol at night yet?Matt…what a doofus!

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Rob Cook July 20, 2010 at 1:15 pm

I really believe that Kathy and Britney are mother and daughter. My second choice for life long friends are Kristen and Andrew; because I heard a conversation between them in which Kristen said, “No one has a clue about us.” (or something real close to that) And I had the strong feeling that they weren’t talking about an alliance.

For those who are saying that this group is boring, I disagree; but give it time doesn’t every season start out boring?

For those who hate the showmances, please remember that Russell and Chima started out last summer a little lovey dovey and remember how they ended up?

And finally, Elizabeth, I think the reason CBS moved BB from Tues. to Wed. is they didn’t want to break up the NCIS shows.

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hpr56 July 20, 2010 at 1:51 pm

Erin, just so you know, After Dark is pretty boring also. Unless you like the catty talking and Rachel running her mouth on the same stuff over and over and over. Expect the Unexpected.

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loveblossom71 July 20, 2010 at 2:13 pm

I simply cannot stand Rachel… Brendon could go far in this game w/out Rachel. He needs to break his ties w/her and then he’d prolly be safe w/Bridgade. I also think Andrew could do well for himself in his gameplay. Cathy must absolutely replace Brittany on the block and go home…. She sucks soooo bad in the competitions. For being a police officer, I have no idea how she made it through boot camp….. what a nerd. I hope either cathy or Monet goes home this week…. thanx for all the updates from everyone. I would also like to hear from momma margie, miss ur posts and comments, not to mention spoilers and good tid bits =) shshsh….

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BBinKY July 20, 2010 at 2:45 pm

Personally, I think the new schedule is keeping the regular routine of BB and developing some negativity about this season. It’s hard to get into the rhythm of the houseguests when there is such a long break between shows on Sunday to Wednesday. Bummer that they did this. I like Lane, Andrew & Ragan. I do like Kristen but watch out for her because she seems very shady. ENZO NEEDS TO GO. He’s too predictable w/his “saprano wannabe” act.

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dido18 July 20, 2010 at 2:51 pm

Everytime I hear Rachel do that obnoxious giggle I want to scream. I like Andrew. At least he tries to liven things up with his antics. I think Lane might be the dark horse in this race.

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Boston Rob July 20, 2010 at 2:55 pm

Are we 100% sure that there are two life-long friends in the house? It was the saboteur (Annie) who made that claim. It could of just been to screw with everybodys heads. Makes me wonder.

Should be interesting tomorrow. I don’t think either nominee will win the POV this week, I also don’t think any other HG will change the nominations if they win. That would tick off Rachel and Brendan.


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mama margie July 20, 2010 at 3:06 pm

Patricia in NC welcome to the over the hill gang, I keep trying to tell these young people that we (over the hill gang) have forgotten what they have not even learned yet, lol. do you agree with me. As my daughter says as she gets older the smarter her dad and I get.
Hi to loveblossom 71, thanks for the shout out and hugs to you too,
love bb, but if this computer does not stop acting up I guess I will be out of luck, so am ordering a new one, hip hip since this one is more the 7 years old time for a new puter.
I watched bbad last nite, yawn. but kudos to Enzo for making slop taste so good they were all digging in the pot, kind of feel sorry for the have nots. In regard to the showmance, there was one scene in the bedroom with who else R&B when it looked like Rachel was a bit exposed in the bra area and they pulled up the covers real fast, guess they heard the camera move on to them.
I at first thought the two were hayden and kristen cause in the bbad he said to her do u think anyone suspects it is is, or perhaps maybe kathy knows. However the more I watch and listen to Kristen I think she and Andrew are the two who know each other, as the other nite in the hoh room she really pushedddddddddddd for him to not be on the block. My fav so far is Ragan, she is really smart and trying to be buddies to all, not sure how far that is going to fly. I also agree the girls in the game should think for themselves and not have her hoh decision making helped along by their showmance. Now if only rachel stops repeating herself a million times, kind of sounds like our over the hill gang who forget and keep saying the same thing more then 10 times, lol
In regard to the Brigade, I hate to say but that is not going to last much longer, I just wish they were not so sure of themselves.
I vote to have BB go back to tues nites instead of Wed, that was a weird change anyone have any idea why the change, just curious, being retired i have better to do then analyze why bb does what it does,
ciao for now fellow bloggers, talk 2 u all soon
Oh before i forget, do we have a “mystery guest head blogger”? that little cat face looks very familiar or did Enzo kind of sneak in on us, lol
hope it is who i think it is, 🙂
mama margie

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mama margie July 20, 2010 at 3:10 pm


did anyone catch that or did i put my head in a noose, i really should start to proof read, lol meant no disrespect
mama margie

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revcat July 20, 2010 at 5:23 pm

I’m not totally invested in this theory but Kathy and Brittney could very well be mother and daughter. So far I’m not really hooked on any of the HG. I don’t even know all of their names yet LOL. And I’m definitely not going to stay up all hours like I did last summer watching BB on Showtime, but good for those of you who do because you can fill the rest of us in on the dirt 🙂

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cindy July 20, 2010 at 6:28 pm

I just can’t figure out how they pick these people. Out of all the thousands of people that apply this is what we get?? Where are the hot heads, sneaky bitches, serious manipulators, creative thinkers, aggressive dudes, comics, slimy pigs, etc. etc. I get it that they went with brains and boobs this season but smart, big busted, boring and lazy does not make for good tv. Come on BB your fan base is so disappointed and slipping fast. I for one would love to cast this show. Call me, we’ll talk.

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Holly July 20, 2010 at 7:29 pm

Okay are you THE Boston Rob, or just stealing his name??

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mama margie July 20, 2010 at 7:35 pm

Hey girlfriend in reference to your question regarding Enzo aka meow meow, this is about the only explanation I can come up with.
anyone who has watched the series the sopranoas (and i am sure there are quite a few), myself being one of the biggest fans realized that one of the main characters at the start of the series was BIG PUSSY, a very very close associate to Tony but he was tossed to the fishies.
Since pussy equals cat and cat equals meow meow, I wonder if this is the connection Enzo might be making, he might not even be aware of the connection, but that is the best this Italian Staten Island gal can do.
gives you something to chew on………….
mama margie

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starfish July 20, 2010 at 8:05 pm

Hey mama margie & Patricia in NC, I don’t know about over the hill but I agree I’ve probably forgotten much that the youngins haven’t even learned yet. 😀 My son & family are looking to move to NC, I’m really going to miss them. 🙁

I still don’t have a favorite nor do I know who may be lifelong friends. Someone mentioned that Annie (the sab) mentioned it in one of her blurbs so perhaps it isn’t true.

I’m sorry Annie left the game because she now seems to be the female who would have played the game well. Again, they’re getting the females out of the game. What’s wrong with those girls anyway. Talk about meow meow, Enzo, Britney & Monet should all drink from a saucer.

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aggie27 July 20, 2010 at 8:51 pm

Star, you were right when you said, mensa shmensa, about matt, he made a really dumb move volunteering himself for nomination ,stuff like that can backfire and it just might cost him, he thinks he’s such a smart gameplayer .

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aggie27 July 20, 2010 at 10:12 pm

MAtt, is in the middle of a S**TSTORM< I really hope he can save himself thursday 🙄

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franniep2 July 20, 2010 at 10:15 pm

It sounds like the brigade will stick together….hopefully it works for him.

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Justaguy (JT) July 20, 2010 at 10:40 pm

The Brigade will stick together.. they want Monet out. Matt still needs 2 more votes. I thought Hayden could sway Kristen, but Kristen is doing all the work for the brigade without even knowing it.

Kristen convinced Rachel and Kathy that it was best to keep Matt as a target for next week.

I think Ragan will still stick with Matt and Matt will stay…. but it certainly makes for a MUCH MORE interesting week. Lotta drama in the house right now!

I rated this season a 7 on the poll yesterday…. now it has gone to an 8 for me! So either I am a bigger BB fan than most here….. or I am just easily amused! 😆 (Yes, drama.. fights.. arguments.. schemes… plot twists… house flippin’ upside down……….. those things do entertain me!)

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franniep2 July 20, 2010 at 10:45 pm

Yeah JT…and so does blog hoppin’. 😆 I agree…it is getting more interesting.

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Justaguy (JT) July 20, 2010 at 11:09 pm

Me? Blog hop? 😯 😆

It “appears” Matt has dodged a HUGE bullet… far. Even after the big house meeting to air all the dirty laundry.. he has most still voting to save him.

The possible downfall of Matt this week would be if the brigade is exposed. Nobody knows about it yet, but if they hold a meeting and there happens to be “a fly on the wall”…. then he is TOAST! The whole house would have to target those 4 immediately. That aside… he should be ok.

…and the tension builds.

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Star July 20, 2010 at 11:50 pm

Anyone still here…and watching BBAD??I cant believe what stupid thing just popped out of Rachels mouth!! Or wait..I take that back….yes I But she just said thaht EXCEPT for BB8 with Dick and Danielle, that no other F2 have ever been a pair…like b4 they were f2! WTF??? I thought she was this HUGE fan! I am a bit blurry b4 BB8 cuz as I have said b4, that is when BBAD started and so everything becomes more clear and stays with you. BUT..what about Adam and Ryan?? They were definitely an alliance! And had been with James and Matt, but they eneded up lasting. What about Memphis and Dan? They even had one of those alliance names I can’t remember right now but……has Tequila totally rotted her braincell???(yes, that was not plural on purpose)lol

And is matt blowing smoke up her a$$ or what?? That boy gets on my nerves. He IS more interesting than Monet or I would want to vote him out this week! Also, I can’t beleive he told R that he asked to get put up just so he didn’t have to VOTE! JT..your comparison of Ronnie last year when he lied about voting and got caught playing both sides was SPOT on!!

OMG!! she just said it again about no alliances being in the F2!! I can’t stand it…where is that remote…….????

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Justaguy (JT) July 20, 2010 at 11:59 pm

Of course I’m still here!! I have to get up at 5am… don’t get home from work til 6pm.. but I don’t let little things like that stop me! 😆

I was thinking of the exact same pairs when Rachel said that!

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Justaguy (JT) July 21, 2010 at 12:03 am

I pray to the BB Gods…. please get one of those 2 out soon! Rachel or Brendon… either one, I don’t care.

Am I watching BB or The Bachelorette? WTF? 😆

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Justaguy (JT) July 21, 2010 at 12:07 am

PS… I think Dan and Memphis called themselves “The Renegades”

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Star July 21, 2010 at 12:09 am

Oh good…a voice of I swear, JT..we are of one mind more often than not! Maybe WE should go on BB
DO you remember what Memphis and Dan called each other?? Now it’s driving me nuts!!! I still think their game play, how they kept their alliance SO quiet wtht even Jerry didn’t know when it was down ot the F3 of them, was far supierior to Evel Dick’s. His was mostly in your face, street strategy. I thought M&D’s was a thing of beauty! (of course, Dan was a Mich boy…just sayin’….) 😉

I also agree that I am getting into this year now. I think the stratagizing is getting pretty interesting. Every season has it’s boring players IE Wamber et all, but that’s society. it’s not a drama with a script,people!! I mean how much interesting stuff do you think we say every minute of every day??

And what was this meeting aboutz?? Calling Matt out cuz he said he wnated B&R gone and they got windof it?? Even my *source* didn’t give much detail on it, so I am trying to fill in the blanks. Thank God you don’t need any sleep JT, or i would be hacing this convo alone…lol

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Star July 21, 2010 at 12:11 am

God..that whole last entry was a total STRA thing….lol TODE ya she wasn’t gone… 😆

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Justaguy (JT) July 21, 2010 at 12:15 am

The meeting was because Brit found out that Matt volunteered to go on the block. Matt was playing surprised to Monet and Brit. Brit and Rachel had a talk… they couldn’t believe what each other had to say.

So Rachel called the house meeting to clear the air.

That’s the nutshell version.

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Justaguy (JT) July 21, 2010 at 12:17 am

LOVE to see Stra back! 😀

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Star July 21, 2010 at 12:25 am

Thanks JT for the Renegade thing…must not have refreshed my page soon enuf cuz i just saw it!!!

Mama Margie, just wanted to say HEY girl!!! Good to cya and thanks for the attempt at a Meow Me0w explanation. I think it would have been more accurate if he ahd just called himself Big Pussy!!lol No one would have had to stop and figure that one out!

Starfish, wanted to say Hey to you too!!! and I also agree about Annie..she would have played more like a *guy*, if you know what I mean. But they kicked out Laura last year 1st too out of jealousy and I think she would hae been a good player. It sucks to go out 1st! Seems like it’s usually a female too…….

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Justaguy (JT) July 21, 2010 at 12:25 am

Yep… confirmed by the lawfirm of Google, Wiki, & Gateway…

Memphis & Dan were The Renegades.

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Justaguy (JT) July 21, 2010 at 12:27 am

Not to quibble…. but Braden went out first last year.

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Star July 21, 2010 at 12:28 am

Hey JT..I gotta jet…just so you don’t think I am ignoring ya!!!

Peace OUT!!

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Star July 21, 2010 at 12:29 am

Oh ya..I knew as I was typing that it felt WRONG!!! Thanks for the correction.
NOW I’m out!!!

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Justaguy (JT) July 21, 2010 at 12:35 am

See ya Star. I should get to bed…. but there will be plenty of time to sleep after September 16th! 😆 (I can survive on 4 hours a night til then.. I do it every year! 😀 )

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princess July 21, 2010 at 1:13 am

am i moderated yet!!

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Justaguy (JT) July 21, 2010 at 1:15 am

Yes princess!! You have been moderated for 2 days now! 😆 Sure, join in when I have to go to bed! Good night.

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princess July 21, 2010 at 1:23 am

hey, that’s no way to treat a lady!

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Cynthia July 21, 2010 at 4:11 am

Wow!! Lots of Enzo haters here. Meow meow!! hehehehe Not me though, lovin’ Enzo so far. At least he made slop taste NOT like slop. And that’s about the ONLY exciting thing I’ve seen so far.

Is it just me or does it sound like Rachel & Brendan are trying to plan the whole season?? WTF?? Have they really watched this show before?? I’m done with these two. Let them love in peace somewhere NOT in my line of vision.

Can’t wait for the show tonight. Everyone have fun. :mrgreen:

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Justaguy (JT) July 21, 2010 at 6:00 am

I got my 4 hours of sleep! 😀 (*yawn*)

The way things seemed to leave off last night was the flip flop couple are still undecided who should go this week. I’m sure their decision will change several times between now and Tomorrow night…. just like it did with the Matt/Andrew thing.

Right now, it doesn’t really matter who they want out… Monet will leave (let me re-stress AS OF NOW). Matt has (at least) Lane, Enzo, Hayden, Kristen, and Ragan voting for him… and that is enough to stay. If someone puts all the pieces of the brigade together in the next 37 hours.. all bets are off.

Here’s the interesting thing…. If R&B decide they want Matt out, they think they can get the votes from all but Ragan. When the vote comes back 5-4 to evict Monet there will be total chaos! 😀

…Then the formal introduction will take place between “fan” and “chit”.

“Fan, this is Chit….. Chit, meet fan!” (Let the games begin!)

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DonnaP July 21, 2010 at 7:48 am

I hope Rachel /Brenda never wins HOH again. What a flip flopper. I really dislike this skank and I hope she is out the door next week. Just love Enzo when he said “Rachel threw a grenade this week but forgot to take out he pin” too funny. GO BRIGADE.

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aggie27 July 21, 2010 at 7:57 am

I think Rachel the skank, borrows her bathing suits from Jen johnson of BB8, Remember Evel Dick would constantly make fun of Jen, and tell her she was wearing a 12 year old girls bathing suit, thats the way it is with rachel, everything is hanging out of her suit, with her butt cheeks flopping in the wind. also her skirts, keep getting higher and higher, not flattering for the thunder thighs ,get a clue girl, you are getting thick, you know what i mean? 🙄

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Boston Rob July 21, 2010 at 8:21 am

I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that Britney gets the boot !! One minutes she’s crying.. poor little me…boo hoo hoo, and the next she’s talking all kinds of trash about everyone else.

Can’t get over how she called Andrews body “lackluster”. At least the guy is working out. She’s not exactly Cindy Crawford. It’s one thing to play the game, but another to just be plain mean.

She is the only one in the house that really bugs me. (so far)

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Shana July 21, 2010 at 9:01 am

I’m not sure if any of the HG’s are long time friends. I think Annie just said that to mess with their heads.

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blzz July 21, 2010 at 9:35 am

At 69 does that qualify as ‘over the hill’? 🙂 BB is now a 3 generational “must do” in our family. haha We have concluded that Matt and Regan are related, probably brothers. Hayden asked Matt if he were HOH would he put up Regan, he said he would vote for him but would never put him up. Regan is very protective of Matt and those who watched after dark last night he negotiated the house meeting as well as the peace treaty afterwards between Rachel and Matt. I also have live feed and notice that they don’t seem to be together in a room, but almost always in line of sight. Their frames are so similar that I can hardly tell them apart in a wide shot. Just watch them interact…I think they are the ones.

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Boston Rob July 21, 2010 at 11:52 am

You make a good point blzz, if there is truly a long time friends scenario and Annie wasn’t just trying to screw with everybody, then Matt and Regan make sense. They do look alike. Surprised I didn’t see it myself.

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carrie July 21, 2010 at 12:12 pm

The life long connection is Britney and Kathy. They look alike and are both from Arkansas. What would be the odds that 2 people from that state would be picked unless it was because they knew each other.

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pterrill July 21, 2010 at 2:10 pm

I like Matt…I hope he makes it far in the game. The showtime after dark is sooo boring!!! It’s Rachel saying the same things over and over again. How much her and Brendon are in love. I hope they get her out soon. I don’t think there are life long friends in the game.

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Star July 21, 2010 at 7:12 pm

Boston Rob….Brit CAN”T get the boot as she won POV and took herself off the block like Sat! Are u not reading our spoilers??? LOL

Also, someone asked if you were THE Boston Rob of Survivor fame and to my knowledge, you haven’t answered. Or would you tell us even if you were??

And Blzz,I don’t see the brothers thing. I personally think thqt was just a rumor started by Annie when she was saboteur and trying to do her *job*. It hasn’t been talked about since , eithr by the HGs or BB so I think it’s kind of a mute point by now.


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Star July 21, 2010 at 7:14 pm

Wow! I just realized that BR’s comment was from like NOON!! I finally come on DURING a show and no one’s here!! *pout*

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Justaguy (JT) July 21, 2010 at 7:44 pm

WOW, I’ve heard Matt mention his wife (Stacy.. Stacie?) several times… but this is the first I’ve heard that he made up that she has a disease! Now I understand why Andrew is after him… and now I understand what Ragan is talking about when he mentions that Matt is playing for him and Stacy.

Pretty low stuff Matt…. I guess that’s within the rules though (right Johnny Fairplay?) I do know this… Ragan will have an ABSOLUTE EMOTIONAL BREAKDOWN when he finds out.

I am now convinced (?) that there are no “lifelong friends” in the house. I have watched them all interact one on one enough to know the main suspect met July 4th 2010. “Convinced”…. til I hear Julie say otherwise. Andrew doesn’t interact much… so if it were him, we wouldn’t have seen any giveaways.

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kinogirl July 21, 2010 at 7:46 pm

It’s official, Matss a dumb _ ss.

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kinogirl July 21, 2010 at 7:47 pm

Sorry Matt’s a dumb _ss.

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Gobbki July 21, 2010 at 7:47 pm

Hmmm….. Do you guys think maybe Andrew and Brendon are the life long friends, and that’s why he is fighting so hard to keep Rachel from putting him up?

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kinogirl July 21, 2010 at 7:49 pm


Sometimes we have to wait for the west coast crowd to start blogging 3 hours later, but I’m here.

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franniep2 July 21, 2010 at 7:50 pm

@Gobbki…that’s what I thought too the first time I saw that on the live feeds. Possibly!!

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Justaguy (JT) July 21, 2010 at 7:56 pm


(I stole that from Star 😆 )

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Justaguy (JT) July 21, 2010 at 8:09 pm

Gobbki, since it involves Andrew, I would say it is possible. Until Julie says otherwise, I believe the reason Brendon fought so hard to keep Andrew from going up is because he is their only true ally (maybe Kathy now too). Would have been like JJ putting up Laura.

We do know that the saboteur Annie made up lies. She also said that the saboteur had escaped eviction last week… we know that’s not true.

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PGA Dok July 21, 2010 at 8:22 pm

Playing catch up after being out of town. Fortunately BBAD made it easy by using most of it’s airtime on the alcoholic stripper. FFWD thru all of her idiotic rambling and cuddling with the whipped lap dog, Mr. Personality, and total time to watch 3 days worth of stuff is cut down to about 30 minutes total. When will that guy grow a pair of balls? Has he ever had a girlfriend before? Damn sure doesn’t act like it. Wait until the cast party when the full fledged alcoholic stripper shows him what she’s really like. Relationship over before the party is. Hopefully they will be on the block together again next week.

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Gobbki July 21, 2010 at 9:30 pm

Also, when I think about it. Andrew has been very vocal about making it clear that he wouldn’t be friends with any of them because of his religion. Which could be a way to draw attention away from him. And he is not joined with any group in the house. Could be that he doen’t want to ally with Brendon and have people figure it out, but at the same time doesn’t want to ally against him. And could also explain why he was so happy when Rachel won HoH

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mixologist74 July 21, 2010 at 11:21 pm

At first, I thought Cathy and Britney were mother/daughter, but watching tonight made me think that Brendon and Andrew are the players who have a lifelong friendship. It was just in the way that Brendon was telling Rachel that she could trust Andrew, and not to put him up on the block. And I agree with the majority, the showmance between Brendon and Rachel makes me wanna vomit.

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SnakeBit Sal July 22, 2010 at 12:57 am

“I survived the hurricane when New Orleans flooded but my dog didn’t make. Sure miss that dog. ” …… King Troll

Lies be part of reality!!!!

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mattmac July 22, 2010 at 12:59 am

I have watched BB since the beginng and I find that this group is all the same.No big difference in all there characters.And no age seperation.There the most boring bunch I’ve ever seen on BB.

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aggie27 July 22, 2010 at 2:47 am

I was rooting for matt ,until he made up the story of his wife being Ill, and the look on andrews face when he was telling him was funny, because of course idiot matt ,doesn’t realize andrew is a doctor, and he knew he was lying, for a smart guy thats the second really dumb mistake ,he has done. the first one was to offer himself as a pawn. AHHHHHHH, what is this guy thinking. lies will always come back to bite you, karma is a big part of that game. 🙄

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tendr July 22, 2010 at 3:09 am

I want Matt OUT. Then somehow I want Rachel OUT. THEN i want a bunch of the other girls to make out with him so Rachel will have to watch it later.

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aggie27 July 22, 2010 at 7:03 am

I agree Tendr, Karma always comes into play in this game, for a smart guy Matt has been playing like an idiot, it would serve him right if he were dumped. 🙄

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Kevin July 22, 2010 at 8:41 am

I liked Matt at the beginning, but now I’m not so sure. The whole “my wife has a disease I made up so you should keep me in the game” strategy was moronic. He’s been lying a lot and he’s drawing unnecessary attention to himself. I wonder if Andrew is ever going to say he is a doctor and that the disease Matt made up was bullcrap. Things are finally getting interesting. I also thought it was stupid of Rachel to just outright say at the P.O.V. ceremony that Matt was a pawn, so don’t vote him out. She is making enemies quickly (or at least isn’t really making friends) and if one of them ever gets their hands on H.O.H. again, she can say goodbye to her showmance. I always love when people say that they’re going to win the H.O.H. competition and get their revenge on everyone, but then they never do. I see this future for Britney. Why is Brenden trusting Andrew? That makes no sense to me. The guy just messes with people and he has no true friends on the show.

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beccabear July 22, 2010 at 3:21 pm

hi all, this season seems to be lacking a little something not sure what, but im not as entertained as i was previous seasons. my fav character is definitely Ragan he is so sweet and if he plays his cards right he could very well win this game.
Monet is a floater but she really has only one ally so she isn’t that big of a threat. as for Matt he is definitely sneaky and very smart, a definite threat. also i can not stand Brit she is so rude and condescending i can’t wait for her to be gone

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tendr July 22, 2010 at 3:55 pm

this isn’t ‘for monet’ but i see nothing wrong with floaters. it’s just another way of getting a ‘win’.

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marian knowles July 22, 2010 at 8:45 pm

monet is out

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