Big Brother Blog! Hey BB fans!!
YAY! Finally the game is starting to get really good now! I’m so happy that Matt had the diamond veto & used it! Boy that was a relief. I was hoping he would save himself & put Kathy up. I feel like if he didn’t put Kathy up she woulda floated her way all the way to the end. Matt is so smart!! Alot of people think he’s an ass for making up a lie about his wife but I say WHATEVER!
Who cares! I mean really?! His own wife doesn’t even care. It;s not that big of a deal! Hello, everyone in BB lies! That is part of the game.
Heck, I lied alot in the house too! I would purposely make up some stories just to see if these people actually believed everything I said! ANd they did! People fall for anything, it’s so ridiculous. In my season of BB Allison & Shelia made up a lie saying they were lesbians! Shoot, I didn’t buy it for one second! I was like yah right & I’m a Seattle Seahawks cheerleader, pfffffffffff!!!
My point is if the hg’s believe it then why not continue with the lie! Obviously Matt is playing smart because he’s still in the game & he is making the right moves at the right times. I love how when everyone started accusing Kathy as being the saboteur & Matt was like ohhh I will put up Kathy cause everyone will think I’m a hero for knocking out the saboteur. Genius!! Personally I think Matt & Dan bb10 are a lot alike. They play the game very similar & make some bold, crazy moves. They do things where everyone is like NOOOOOOOo your an idiot! Then it turns out in their favor, haha!!! I love it!
It’s gonna be interesting now that Britney won hoh. I wonder if she is gonna get rid of one of the Brigade & keep her promise to Brenden. If I were her I would get rid of Enzo or Hayden. Let Brenden stay in the house & remain a target.
I can’t believe what happened on Wednesday when Rachel got to come back. I thought it was great that Ragen gave her a piece of his mind. I think some people are misunderstanding the concept of Cause and Effect. Cause: Rachel’s constant banter and put downs and unsportsmanlike like attitude. Effect: Regan can only take soo much of that before he explodes. Its a normal reaction that anyone would of had. Just because someone is man enough to talk crap to your face, it doesn’t make them the better person. In the context of this game it makes them a “Target”. With that being said I feel she deserved being told a lot of the things Ragen said.Maybe not all of it, but most of it! I mean she storms through the door yelling ” I’m back Bitches!” How does she expect the hg’s to react to that?! Thankfully her stay in the bb house was short lived!
Thank you everyone for reading my blogs & leaving comments. For those who wonder why I was chosen to write, because BBBlogger asked me & I said HECK YES! So haters, you should be thankful I’m taking time to do this! If you don’t like me, you don’t have to read any of this. No one is forcing you too. I’m a huge BB fan & I have the right to talk about BB & state my opinions. BB is a very passionate game & there is no way you can watch it and not talk about it.
A lot of you wonder why I did certain things in the bb9 house, ect…so here’s a little insight from me on my thought process while I was in the BB9 house.
While living in the Big Brother house you feel like it’s a home or summer camp. Winter camp for my season of course:) You don’t care that you are surrounded with camera’s after awhile. You know the camera’s are there but you don’t see any of the staff, camera men, or an audience. You never really feel like your on tv & you can just be yourself.
But after a while at times you break & say or talk about things you would normally never really talk about in your every day life just for the pure satisfaction of some form of entertainment.
The people who took me too serious just need to lighten up & open their minds. Close-mindedness never succeeds.
A lot of the things I would say or do I was just joking around & having a good laugh. Like Team Christ:) I mean I love the Lord & so did my alliance so yeahhh why not TC in the House. Or even calling Sharon the Mole!! HAHAHA that was funny.LOL It turns out after seeing the show & afterdark I was right:)
When I got out of the BB house & saw all the clips of me talking to myself I was like OMG STOPPPPP NATTY STOP!! HAHAHAHA it was so funny. I couldn’t believe I was talking to myself for minutes on end. It’s no wonder some people thought I was crazy. LMAO I guess BB is a human experiment to see what happens when you take all the things humans are use to away from them.
Do we need our cell phones, friends, family, computers, radio , etc.. to be sane & normal?? Does having all these keep us balanced so we don’t all go insane & is that why some people in real life do go crazy because they have nothing, no one??
One thing I never under stood while everyone else in the house could work & protect their partner I got all kinds of crap for helping Matty. People really thought I was in love with him. Which is so not the case at all.
I was partnered with him from the beginning so I felt the need to protect & help him as I thought he would do the same for me.
Matty always said he hated nice, bubbly girls like me so I knew that was his pet peeve & I could drive him crazy just like he drove me crazy. That’s why I would follow him around & say Matty I want to sit next to you, I need my hammock time, please can I have a hug goodnight, I’d even kiss the back of his neck at night, knowing it drives him MADDD:) I’m busting his balls as he would say & do to me.
Now with the whole massage thing…funny cause he was the one that brought it up from the get-go, he volunteered it! LOL so that’s why I was like Mattttttyyyyy can I have a massage pleaaaseeee. All the time. LOL Besides what the hell else are we suppose to do in there.
What’s even funnier is my family knew I was teasing him & trying to get under his skin meanwhile everyone else thought I was desperate & in love with him. Don’t get me wrong in the beginning I liked him & thought he was cute but then he was such an ass I stopped liking him & still pretended I did.
I knew from watching previous season’s of BB that if I wanted to win had to play dumb, lay low, look desperate, study the house & have a great time:) So that was my plan. Right before I left for BB I told my Dad and some close family members that I knew I was gonna be a physical threat in this game so I’m gonna play dumber than a box of rocks, be random, say & do crazy things & just HAVE FUN!!! My Dad was so proud of me when I got back. He said some people were like I don’t think nat is being smart or making the right moves I’m worried. My dad would tell them don’t worry nat’s got it figured out, it’s part of her plan.
One things for sure giving Sheila HOH was not part of my plan! LOL That didn’t work out so well.
SO there is a little insight onto my way of thinking and doing while living in the BB house.
Thank you again so much for watching, supporting and sharing with me the best and craziest experience of my life:)
Lots of love,
Natty… Your comments are always welcome here… Any occasional rude blogger? Not really…
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PK…you just love the ladies! :p
Peace, BBBlogger
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Busted again….
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Ohhh, Natty, you just know some outraged housebound troll is rushing to their videotape collection to find something that proves you were just the Worst Person Ever To Play Big Brother! LOL. Some people will never let it go. Thanks for the blog post. ๐
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Hurrah I am #2 but still trying harder
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------congrts on being #1 PK
Txs for insight natty, I see it takes a really strong to person to make it in the bb house.
guess no news from lf??????????????????
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Poor Kathy, she is the one that got thrown under the bus. The rest have surmised that she was the Saboteur, so sad… They now know better…
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Keep the comments coming, Natty!
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Thank you for blogging. Love the comments.
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LF: Still have bubbles, so H/HN comp is still happening
also, still haven’t heard who noms are
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Natty, this season of BB is a bust, BB -9,was interesting, hot tubbing and running around half naked was fun to watch, especially on showtime, this season I can only watch the regular network show on CBS, Showtime is just so boring.
BB needs to hire you to screen potential house-guest to be interesting, tell them Kimo from Hawaii said so.
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Natty – I have never addressed anyone who has actually been in the BB house. I can’t imagine the stress. I don’t judge the HG’s outside of the house, except for maybe Rac-ho. Loved your comments.
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Hey Nat great job! I agree with you rachel did deserve some things ragan said but Not all. Matt is a great player isnt he? pretty smart.It will be interesting to see what Britney does.Everyone is going to have to start turning on one another, so it should get interesting.Matt is doing just fine without his dumb brigade.OMG he doesnt really have any more enemies except for brendan.Matt definately deserves to win.
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Wow Nat! Thankls for explaining the whole Matt relationship thing. I always hatd him for the way he treated you, but i am SO relieved to know it was all an act on your part!! Smart move! You had US fooled! Most of America either felt sworry for you or booed you for *falling in love* and moping over such a jerk! I’m really happy to know how you really felt and it was all part of your plan!!!
I hae also been thininking that Matt is playing alot like dan. I loved Dan by the end of BB10 but if I’m honest, I wasn’t a fan the whole show. He really threw alot of comps and had been friends with tehewhole group that went put 1st, so he was kind of an outcast. But seeing as we both hail from Mich, I HAD to stick by him!! Havent always liked Matt but ypu can’t fault his game play. Who knows..he amy make it to the end! Brit better be thinking strategy and not emotionally when she makes her noms this week!!
Still BB q/a and music…..getting really sick of that!! Must be doing have/not comp and noms all at the same time……
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I swear, I never knew you were……………NATALIE………..from Big Brother 9……………..OMG………………my question is…………..”and I knw you won’t answer this………..or even put it on the blog”
But WHY is hell, would you have Oral Sex with Matty on TV?
That shocked the hell out of me!
I love Big Brother…………..but you were just messed up……………LOL
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry, but the BJ’s were just gross………… should not have done that!
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Geez…..hope you guys can read that!!! Sorry for SOooo many typos! YIKES!!!!
Stra strikes again!!!! ๐
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Judy…that ‘s really innapropriate, don’t you think?? She’s a guest here and that’s water under the bridge..IF it really even happened!! And if it did….why do YOU care??? They were 2 consenting adults……just sayin…..
Feeds started to leek back on a lil..may be close……..
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Broccoli and Bean Dip for the HN’s
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**************SPOILER ALERT***********************
the broc and bean dip made the cut. No names yer for the have nots tho
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And now look where Matty is now. (along with Baller)
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It looks like haden and Benden …not sure yet tho
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drgma……one word..KARMA!! lol
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Enzo is a have not
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Enzo is changing in the have not room…….looks like he and hayden and announcement yet for sure
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Pretty sure hey way the 3 of them are talking tho
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Its official….B, H and E are the have nots!!!
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Natty, you couldnt be so wrong, matt is so smart, give me a break, the little gremlin, deuchenozzle has been handed competitions and now special powers (dpov) and how conveniant that he gets this power, when brendan clearly won the toughest competition this season, he should have recieved that power, not the lying gremlin weasle, BB sets up competitions for certain people to win and talks house guess into voting a certain way, this season is so predictable, britney, matt and gaydan are BB favorites so you can bet one of those assholes will win the 500,000 what a same,
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Just looking in for live feed info
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OH talking about past ppl …..russell hantz from survivor was arrested in april and no one mentioned that. apparently he shoved a woman (big surprise duh) to the ground.
never liked him and i knew he pretty much is a womanizer.
i’m just sayin’
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Matt is advising Brit to put up Enzo and Brendon..saying E hasnt ever been on the block….AND that even tho she made a deal with B, he had made the same deal with everyoone in the house so she doesnt feel she has to honor it!!!
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I think that Britt should put up Enzo or Hayden. I’m sick of those do-nothing dudes with a lot of mouth. I think that Brenden should stay in the house as long as possible because this would be punishment for him and Rachel. Besides, it would let him think that Brittany is keeping her promise to him not to put him up.
I appreciate that Natty explained how she dealt with being in the house in BB9. However, the HG’s in BB12 poses too much for the cameras. Especially, Rachel. She was always looking at the cameras. She gave me the impression that she was coaxed to give the kind of performances that she did. Just my opinion.
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What is searching for on her skin, she has picked for over 40 days at her body… Please someone what is the meaning of this in a psychological way?
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Whoops I meant to type in Britanny…
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Anybody know who Brit put on the block? Hope it’s Hayden & Enzo and/or Brendon/Enzo or Hayden & Brendon.
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Staralstar……I think it just means she’s a hyper person and it’s a nervous habit….gives her something to do with her hands. What’s with the almost name stealing,BTW???lol JK There are 3 or 4 people with star in their name now…looks like I started a trend!!! ๐
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Star Brittney’s condition is called onychophagia – coming from some sort of obessive compulsive disorder. Not sure if she is a true case, but she always has her hand in her mouth. Strong cases have people pulling their hair out (trichotillomania).
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Looks like the HGS got playdo, aggie!! Your wish is granted!! ๐
No noms yet. I’m out…somene else with LF keep us posted,k??
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Should have known the medical transciber would know that!! ๐ Thanks for info Betty……even tho I cant pronounce them!! hehehe
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I love you in BB house, Keep on blogging, dont worry about the haters, they will still read’em,
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Yea!! Only an 8 hour Friday and no work til Tuesday!
So no nominations yet huh? Doesn’t matter, it was pretty clear that Brit would put up Brendon & Enzo as soon as she won HOH. I guess we need the formality of the ceremony though.
The only important thing is tomorrow’s veto comp. Britney could decide not to put up Brendon and rely on the 40% chance that his name doesn’t even get drawn to play POV. But she wont… that would force her to put somebody else beside Enzo and would create another enemy for her.
(Yes Margie! Put the tiger eye on a milk carton! Help me find it!) ๐
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Hi JT! I have been waiting all day to hear who Brit will nominate. I hope she breaks her word to Brendon and puts him up. If she is smart she will.
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Staralstar has been my name since talking in the Washington DC rooms, can you honestly go back that far?
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Hi Betty, I will keep an eye on it. I would be shocked if it isn’t Enzo and Brendon.
Brendon is in the HOH room with Brit now. He is tryin to sell her his BS about keeping his word. He was going to break his deal with her last week!!!! ….til the pretzel message. Don’t listen to him!!!
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Natty, you always were one of my fav’s. I’m sorry about that because it never fails, the ones I really like, get voted off. lol Thanks for the insight on what it’s like inside the BB house. I can not stand Regan, He is mean spirited, whats he going to say about Matt when he finds out about the lie he told? Some may not have liked Rachel but at least she did add something to this boring group. I was a Rachel fan, still am. Can’t stand Britney, she is just a mean girl and her and Regan together, can we all say catty, catty, catty. Someone please cut out thier tongues.
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here’s a dumb question… but I never let that stop me. ๐
What are the Washington DC rooms?
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Brendon is done talking to Brit…… doesn’t seem like she bought into any of his BS. Brit gave Brendon one of these —> ๐ as he was walking out the door. Now it is Hayden’s turn….. she already told him he is safe. They are just talkin strategy and what comps may be coming up next.
Brendon’s reasoning is comical sometimes. First it was, “You can’t put us up because we are in love”. Now it’s “If you send me to the jury, I will make sure you don’t win $500k”… “You need me for protection.. the rest are all after you” ๐
OK….. I guess everybody should just lay down and hand the $ to Brendon! ๐
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Are there any nominations yet? Someone out there with LF let us know who Brit put on block, PLEASE. Hope it’s Brendon and anyone else.
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Tony, Tony, Tony… I swear you are watching a different BB than the rest of us…
Production did everything possible to keep the cameras focused 24/7 on Brenchel. They won tailor-made competitions too, remember? They also alienated most of America and everybody in the BB house before, during and after each win. Rachel is gone, hopefully for the last time and Brendon will soon be joining her.
The last HOH had Brit and Enzo competing in the end for the prize and, AGAIN, he lost. Maybe he just needed more time?
You may not like Matt, Brit and Ragan, but they are fighting to stay in the house by winning nompetitions even if the latter two get overly tearful from time to time.
Your remaining favorites then after Brendon reunites with his woman who after no time at all will have him “praying for the end of time,” must be Enzo aka Meow Meow who talks game ONLY, Hayden who got a free HOH and has done nothing since unless you include trashing a pool cue and Lane who loves taking long, uninterrupted showers.
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It could be Matt instead of Enzo?? Brit LOVES Matt.. but she doesn’t trust him. If Matt goes up he will see why he should have put her out Thursday instead of Kathy.
If Brendon wins pov….. it will be Matt and Enzo sitting side by side… and that prolly aint good for Matt.
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Anybody know yet, who is up, have to go later?
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JT – Say it ‘ain’t so’. We need Matt to get rid of Brendon. If Matt goes up and the brigade turn against him, Brendon could go to the end!
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Aggie, Brit is still doing interviews/interrogations…. she is talking to Lane now
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Don’t know Betty… Brit does look like she has A LOT on her mind.
Enzo is so damn nervous. He just walked in on Brit & Lane’s “1 on 1” pre-nomination talk.
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PK PK PK, Do you really think all your rambling and contribed thoughts, changes anything in this game, your wrong, i dont wear BB goggles when i watch the show, and i suggest you take yours off, i dont have a favorite in this game but i would like it to be fair, and when i see and feel that something is not right or flat out suspicious, i will scream it, write it, and sing it to the heavens, no matter how many PK’s try and senser me, im outty, peace…..:~0
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Enzo has been approaching Annie status since the HOH comp. He is wandering around all nervous. He is pi$$ed that Matt didn’t get rid of Brit instead of Kathy. Enzo should just be happy he is still there after the way they threw Matt out last week. Enzo is mad that Matt still has Brit & Ragan…….. yet it was ok for him to have Brendon and be safe last week while sticking his head so far up Brendon’s a$$ that he looked like the headless horseman. Double standard?
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Tony… you don’t talk sense so how could I possibly “senser” you?
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STARALSTAR… Do you live in DC?
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Just my opinion……. I believe for every piece of “evidence” that production is against R&B… there is a piece of “evidence” that shows favoritism towards them.
All in all, I don’t think the game is slanted either way. Some people will be better at certain comps than others….. but that is a given no matter who is in the house. They have a good mix of game knowledge, physical, skill, and strategy. It evens out. The key is to not paint a big target on yourself to survive the comps that are your weaknesses.
But hey, a good conspiracy theory is always fun! ๐ ……and they are easy to piece together if you are looking to do so.
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JT – Brittney can’t be that stupid to put Matt up now. She must realize what a big target she would have on her back, after all Matt is good at the competitions.
As for Brendon winning the rope competition, he was so full of adrenaline nothing could stop him.
I hope the veto competition has something to do with coordination!
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thats all true, enzo is using brendan to help him thru the game, just like most of the other hg’s has this season, matt is playing the brogade and britney, gaygan, so he is not innocent by any means, a rat and i hope he gets caught in his lies and double dealings, cant wait to see how BB allows it all to play out,
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oops we are here now… i will carry over my message:
Hi Star! Thanks. I feel a bit better now. Every once and awhile I forget how long it takes to โrecoverโ at my age from one night of partying. Blah!
Starfish, Iโm in Cali too. Where are you? Iโm in Long Beach.
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Ok..granted I don’t get the live feeds, so my opinions might be off, but here we go:
Never liked Matt from the beginning…still don’t like the worm.
His first comment going into the house was ” I can’t resepct anyone who follows any organized relgion…there fools” Well Matt, maybe if you put a little more faith in God, you might not be such a ass!
Brit was probably a bully mean girl in High School……she still is. She was kinda funny at first, now……just annoying!
Enzo is a tool………but he is playing a smart game. Not fighting with anyone and leaving nice messages on the good-bye videos.
Brendon seems to be getting along with others now that Rachel is gone….wish he had never met her.
Gotta go…….more later!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------stop fighting too……………lol
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wouldnt you like to know what goes on in those diary room sessions, i pick up little bits and peices of info from the hg’s before BB screams over the intercom “HG’S YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TELL OTHER HG’S WHAT WE TELL YOU TO DO IN THE GAME” VERY SUSPICIOUS after the way brendan fought his ass off to win the hardest competition of this season, BB only allows cathy a do nothing absolute no threat ever, to be evicted, what a joke
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Matt has never played the brogade just saved their lazy asses time after time by winning, something foreign to the remaining brogade crew. Matt was loyal to them but were they planning to be loyal to him? You know the answer.
Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer… Good advice both in and outside of the BB house…
I have no favorites this season, just obvious non-favorites…
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It’s kind of ironic that the very plan that the brigade came up with is what’s tearing them apart.
It was their plan to make side alliances. It was a good strategy. They all got in with someone and had influence with everyone in the house except Andrew. This was a good plan to avoid 2 of them being on the block together. Hayden went up with Kristen…. Lane & Brit were seen as a pair… Matt & Ragan were seen as a pair. Enzo was left to get close to R&B. It was all working so well. They didn’t win anything, with the exception of Matt, but they all made it to the final 7.
Now they are all suspicious of the side alliances they encouraged each other to make. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy with a snowball effect. The more they are suspicious…. the more they dig in tight with their side alliance…… the more they dig in tight….. the more suspicion sets in. Paranoia becomes reality.
…….and so goes the implosion.
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Jane – Glad you are feeling better. Thanks for the website. LOL
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JT, I agree, but I really find it amazing that no one has found out about the brigade. I think this is the first BB that had an alliance go that far.
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well, here’s macy’s – ( i mean bendi, my real name) 2cents – i wish brit would put up enzo – he needs to know what it feels like to be on the block – PLUS – we will see his true colors YO
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Still no noms yet. I think I remember them saying they are usually around 5pm?….. not always though. They should start the ceremony in an hour.. give or take.
I still think Brit will put Enzo next to Brendon, but every time she even comes close to tipping her hand…..the feeds cut away to bubbles! ๐ฟ
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Thanks Betty. Macy I agree with you and JT as usual. JT we would be a great alliance in the BB house.
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JANE whats for dinner 2nite
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Would you turn on me Jane and make a side alliance with Betty & Aggie? ๐ฏ ๐
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JT: probably. but definitely not with PK he would backstab me!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Macy I am making Spaghetti. My sauce is in the crockpot right now. Tomato paste, garlic, green chili’s, a touch of chili powder, garlic, onions, powdered mustard, etc.
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Jane, don’t forget to put in a splash of wine. LOL
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OMG Betty i never want to see wine again!!! LOL!!
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JANE yummo – i made turkey speghetti – really good – to hide the turkey taste – you mix it with lowrys speghetti sauce packets – i want enzo to go next
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sounds yummy!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want Enzo phucking outty!!! Exit stage left jack azz!! He’s so annoying and if I have to hear him chew one more time I may rip out my own eardrums!
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Jane wine hangovers are the worst. Acquire a taste for scotch, then you will always know when you have had enough. When you feel a slight buzz stop. No hangover in the morning. The US Navy did a survey back in the 1960’s reporting that if you smoked a joint before you went to bed you would never have a hangover. I don’t know if that is true.
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yo, enzo, bada bing out tha door dude
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LMAO Macy!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Betty I cant stomach hard liquor.
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LF: Bren in HOH room with Brit telling her that if she puts him up Brenchel will not vote for her to win. Blah Blah.. being a word manipulating bully.
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Jane thanks for the LF. Violins to Brendon. LOL
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husband put 9 cameras outside on all the doors last week – i feel like im on big brother in texas – just say CHEEZE to the cameras!
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Oh Jane… You know I’ve always got your back… no particulars…
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The US Navy did a survey back in the 1960โฒs reporting that if you smoked a joint before you went to bed you would never have a hangover. I donโt know if that is true.
False: At Woodstock I smoked pot and got blitzed on wine and brandy with my gal pals and all three of us woke up in the rain the next morning wishing we were dead…
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Feeds are still on
Seems to boil down to being this simple……..
If Brendon doesn’t win POV….. he’s gone.
If Brendon wins POV…… Matt’s gone.
Brit is debating with Enzo, Lane, and Hayden who to put up as a “pawn”. They think it should be Matt (big shock)……. I think Brit wants them all to know that the “pawn” (Enzo?) will be safe no matter what happens.
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Who cares if Brenchel won’t vote for you, we all know if that pansy made it tot he end Rachel wouldn’t vote for anyone but him so get his weird a** outta there. Man, I really don’t care much for this cast at all this yr, at all!!!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------it is worse then I thought. I JusT realized not only do you not have your eye of the tiger but your guy on the restroom door is gone too
You are naked,
any word on nom’sw yet> I predict brendon & enzo
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Margie, I am still lookin for my avatar! It should be there—>
Brit wants to talk to Matt and see if he is ok being the pawn. She was called to the DR as shw was trying to get him alone. No conspiracy here…. they gave her plenty of time to make a decision…. she just waited too long. The feeds cut away so I don’t know if she got a couple minutes to talk to him or not.
It will be either Matt or Enzo next to Brendon. Doesn’t matter… the POV is all that matters.
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I think it takes quite a while for the feeds to come back on. At least an hour…. prolly more.. 1&1/2 hrs?
I’ll check back later.
(I better put “Big Smiley” in the avatar spot til I find out who stole “Tiger Eye! ๐ฟ )
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Staralstar……I didn’t mean to upset you! I said J/.k which is… just kidding!! There is a starfish here and me and a starshockey, I think… were just a name I hadn’t seen before. Didn’t mean any harm. And I’m with JT….what the heck ARE the Washington DC rooms???
mama margie….are we going to have to go to Minn. and DRESS this boy??lol Put your avatar back on JT!! You look a lil COLD!!!
Wonder why the noms are so LATE today??? I came back thinking I would find spoilers. I was gonna run out and get a sub but keep thinking it’s going to happen any minute. Wonder if BB wasn’t ready or maybe Brit can’t decide!!??
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yeah JT i was watching that. Brit better be smart and put up Schizo Enzo. Matt wins to much for her to get on his bad side. I think she should try to make a deal with Matt. He may honor it. He has been pretty good honoring his deals.
Awww thanks PK ๐
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Star grab me a sub too.. the smell of pasta sauce is bubbling this rotten wine in my stomach. Hey who has the link for Natty’s Blog? And any other past BB cast members blog?
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Star… My guess is that the Washington DC rooms are chat rooms (AOL,Yahoo, etc.) for people in the DC area…
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Jane……..If you rip your eardrums out, can i have them for my husband? I’d LOVE to stop saying everything twice and loudly (becuz i have a very soft voice) and then having to say “did you hear me?”
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sup with the trivia – r they playing someting?
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macy, They are having the nomination ceremony. We don’t get to watch that on the feeds so they put trivia on the screen til it is over.
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- happy to. I feel so bad for ya. A wine HO is NO fun!!!!lol Last time I had one of any kind it took me 24hrs to get off the couch! i still drink, but I havent let myself get to that point since then!! It’s SO not worth it!! So..tuna ok???:)
PK..thanks. I think I insulted staralatar…didn’t mean to. But I don’t live anywhere near DC so why……???? Well..whatever. thanks for the info tho!!
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ok…I’m now more hungry than curious so I AM going to get my sub!! Besides, even my stomach growling can’t cover that BB music and I really can’t take anymore of it!!!!! ๐ฏ
Hold down the fort guys..back soon!!!
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LMAO Tendr!! Wont do hubby much good, i can’t hear shyt and am famous for saying huh? what? huh?
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I have mastered selective hearing…
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ok lf peeps, who did BB tell britney to put up this week, or have they decided yet, i hope that the big wigs in hollywood realize that there show is being policed, and begin to produce a fair game
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Not that it was planned by the big wigs in Hollywood, but rumor has it that there will be a one question POV competition:
What is the Capital of New Jersey?
Another competition Enzo shoulda won but couldn’t. Yo…
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i hope that enzo is put up, should make for an interesting week, no matter what britney tells him, he is gonna be pissssssed, and its about time the floaters in the game get put up, see how he likes it even though he will more than likely be going up as a pawn only, lets see how his game begins to change, or if he even has one, lol
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tony LF still trivia
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FINALLY!!!! we agree on something Tony… Enzo, aka Meow Meow, needs to show the rest of the house guests that he wasn’t declawed and neutered after all assuming that is possible all things thus far considered…
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ok thanks jane, guess i will have to play catch up tonight on bbad, cant believe its taking this long, they are usually done by now i thought
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i agree pk along with hayden and lane, its time to really play the game, and win something
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PK & tony agree? ๐ฏ
…I guess Expect The Unexpected” applies to this blog as well. ๐
On the block or not, Enzo has been making Annie look like the calm one.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Annzo” does need a taste of the block… he’s the only one that hasn’t been on it.
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And tony, if Hayden, Lane and Enzo don’t get in the game, may the victor take the prize, regardless the winner… This is a shot at half a mil, not an audition for a cameo part in some B movie….
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lol im sure one of the HG’S will win the 500,000 dollars, but if it were up to me they should divide the money up and give everyone thats watched this season an equal share of the 1/2 million, for such an awful cast, now that sounds good to me, can i get a second?
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JT… Your eye of the tiger avitar has been reclaimed by the SPCA and returned to its rightful owner at the Minneapolis Zoo.
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your welcome tony. haha annzo! LF: Trivia has been almost an hour and a half!!!
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tony… assuming it is for a duel? Yes! ๐
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absolutely :~)
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Thanks PK! I’ll head to the Minnesota Zoo tomorrow and steal it back!
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You be Alexander Hamilton and I’ll play Aaron Burr… OK?
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********Nominations are finally in********
Brendon & Enzo have been nominated….
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LF bubbles now so they may be coming on any moment
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I say give each house guess a bat, put them in the yard and the last one standing gets all the money, thats fair aint it, everything equal for every one, only if i get to hit ragan with the first swing, now thats a competition
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Feeds are back!! Sounds like Brendon and…matt???
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Thanks JT… No surprise there… Later guys and gals…
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YEAH!!!! that’s awesome!!!!! Enzo needs a lil taste of the ole block!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------That’s what I get for surfing and eating!!!
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brendon and matt? star?
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Geez Loiuse that took F’in long enuf!!!! ok..I’m gonna go relax away from BB land till midnite.
BBL *waves*
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what is this stupid shunnage brendon and enzo are talking about. they are very B movie pk!
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NO…looks like I was wrong Jane. Since u and JT both said Enzo. I was just trying to pick it up from what convo I was hearing.
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Star…haha no worries… all that talk about my eardrums and i thought maybe i heard wrong.
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OMG!! I was right!! It IS Matt and brendon!!! A site I go to has confirmed it!!! WOW!!!!!
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dang JT your quick… i didn’t even see your Nom info!!
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Star its Brendon and Enzo. I am listening to them talk. Enzo is lame he told Brendon he should win POV and give it to him. WTF?
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This is a direct quote………*Feeds are Back!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brendon & Matt are Nominated* I tried to copy the pic but it wpuldnt do it. SO…..she went for Matt!!! I’m a bit surprsied but she’s using her head. she knows he is s strong plaer AND a liar!! GOOD for her!!!!!
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Matt also said just before Noms Brit took him in room and asked if he wanted to go up as a pawn and he said no way.
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Stra… you need a new site. I just prefer to stay on this one. ๐
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Brit and Enzo in HOH she is telling him he’s just a pawn.
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Jane..I cant post another site on here but it’s kindof like this one only it does play by plays all day from the feeds and it never wrong!!! It’s very professional and she says matt is up. I trust her!!! I used to get all m y spoilers from there b4 I had LF.
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LF: she just swore on Razorbacks Enzo isnt going home, lol.
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Jane, ๐ I guess Ted calling me out as being too slow with info got to me!
It really doesn’t matter.. as I said earlier.
Brendon loses POV…. he’s gone
Brendon wins POV…. Matt’s gone
………but it is a long way til Thursday!
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I am watching the live feeds Star and she told Enzo he won’t go home he’s just a pawn and win POV>
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I want Enzo to go home JT. He’s just plain Nasty.
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She wanted to put up Matt, but didn’t have much time to talk to him and decided not to blind side him.
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Jane, it does look like Enzo is safe no matter what….. but we all know how fast that can change!
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The site says tht B led the brigade into the HOH to make them admit to Brit that they wanted Matt out…
*At 5pm on Camera 3, following Brendon’s last chance talk with Britney, she called Hayden, Enzo and Lane into the HoH Room and asked them if what Brendon said about all of them wanting Matt out was true?
At first they stepped lightly, but became more aggressive in their approach as it became clear the Britney was on the same page with them…*
And enzo is HAPPY!!!! *
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Enzo’s so happy to not be nominated, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile so much. Talk is around the PoV Comp…* Not trying to be a hard ass but…this si what it says. She owns the sites and sells live feds and does this for a living…why would she re\port it wrong after years of doing it?????? Just sayin…….
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yeah i want him to start freaking out and acting paranoid. I am so glad Enzo Hayden and Brendon are have nots!! Now we don’t have to listen to any of them chew!!
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I’m just confused now. Maybe watching BBAD will clear it up.
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It’s okay Star look at it this way… they are pretty much all three on the block because if brendon or enzo win POV she will prob backdoor Matt.
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More from site…….High Treason within the Brigade? They say Matt is only to be the pawn, and give Britney the idea to tell him she’s doing this to make sure he gets a chance to play in the POV, so they’ll be sure to win it… Much of this is transcribed in the previous post, and it’s ALL already available in the flashback section of the live feeds. Go Watch!!
Following her discussion with the guys, Britney was called to the DR. First, she found Matt in Jumanji and pulled him into the Storage Room for a chat, and BB called her to the DR again… BB likes it when someone’s truly shocked at a Nomination Ceremony. ๐
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lets hope that happens jane
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True. Did you and JT HEAR someone actually SAY Enzo was nominated tho?? This just doesnt make any sense to me right now…….
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LF: Brit asked Lane how did he like having his key pulled first. He said he liked it. She said BB told her she needed to make a statement in the order of how she placed her keys… bubbles. (prob production chewing her out)
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Star yeah I heard it when Brit pulled him in HOH to soften the blow and assure he was just a pawn. I also heard it when Enzo and Brendon were in HN room talking about both being on the block.
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Flashback 7:02pm BB time
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thats BB telling her what to do, how to play the game, this is an unfair advantage especially since each house guess is grilled and told how to play, just as i thought, every thing is set up, a play in a since, not a true reality show at all, :~(
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tony wouldn’t it be nice?!
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yeah tony a whole lot of BB manipulating is showing up in this season. prob cuz this casts talks about production so much.
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There is no conspiracy…. this time. Brit did EXACTLY what she said she was going to do. She talked to Annzo, Hayden, & Lane. Then she told them she would check and see if Matt was ok being the pawn. The 3 were all ok with that. Brit chatted with Matt for a minute.. he wasn’t ok being the pawn so she put up Enzo.
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OMG!!! She has retracted her previous statement, without saying so, and it now says Brendon and Enzo!! She changed that whole part of the site!! I have NEVER seen this happen b4!! She must have heard what i did and assumed. Weird. I dont care actually either way. Just a strange thing to happen on a website like that!!
SO you and JT heard right. I’ve had a weird coupke of days. Mercury is retrograde starting today. Never a good thing!!lol Effects communication and computers…negatively so…….guess it makes astrological sense. No other kind tho!! lol
And tony…….BB has either had more of a hand in the HGS sh*t this yera or at least we have heard about it more. May be why the season isn’t very good. Too much production interference!! I don’t like it either. makes their name, *big Brother* seem more like what it originally meant!! ๐
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what website are you looking at. I have checked out alot and have never seen one as good or sincere as this oine. Most posts of spoilers are always correct. of course a few have slipped by but never by a regular poster.
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no prob Star i had to double check i thought my hearing was messed up.
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i know what you mean star, it should be called, Big Bother instead of. big brother
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They are grilling in the backyard and it’s making me hungry!……. and I just ate a while ago! ๐
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OMG JT did you see when Lane lifted the grill and all the smoke and hear the sizzle of the grill? yummy… he looks like he can Q. I make pretty mean BBQ myself. Only good thing I got out of my Marriage was my ex taught me his Q’n Skills!
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Stra you get a penalty nom for passing bogus info ๐
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LOL @ Jane………. ok, that’s it!! Time for me to go get a snack!
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Brits Fiance Nick will be on air to answer questions!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Wednesday, August 25th
Time: 9pm EST/6pm PST
Call-in Number: (347) 215-9538
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Dubsdoll…I can’t name other sites on this blog. It’s not ethical and BBBlogger gets VERY upset when ya do… But I have been one of the main *spoiler* people the last few years and I never had LFs till last month. I used that site. what she does is basically transcribes the feeds for people who dont have them …and adds pics too. She has a blog but I , out of loyalty, only blog here. I just always went there to read and get info. NEVER saw a mistake there before but hey…she’s only human!!! I thot I heard it was Matt at 1st too so biggie. i just couldnt understand the discrepancy. And I KNOW how good this site is cuz I have een here for YEARS!!! ๐
And tony….maybe that is why they named it that and the joke has been on US all these years!!!! ๐
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Thanks Natty for your comments and insight to your strategy. Always interesting and it’s great to see a different perspective.
Jane I live in Dana Point. Not far from you at all.
As for the “star” names, what???? Why is it a thing at all????
Back to reading the posts above. Geez, this is a lot of reading. There’s football on right now too.
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well now ya tell me Star lol. hope BBB doesn’t get mad that I put the Nick info up and vote me out.
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PGA Dok…it wasn’t MY info!! If you notice I said I was quoting someone else!!! But maybe being a have not wouldn’t be such a bad thing. I could stand to loose a few pounds….and i actually LIKE..and voted for…..the broc and bean dip!!!
Stressful day! Too much BB for me!!! lol Going to TRY to go…again!!! Prolly BBL!
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starfish Dana Point is so pretty. I am suppose to go there sometime soon for an Autism Beach Party. I hope I didn’t miss it. It’s BB’s fault if I did, lol. My parents are taking my kids to our time share in San Clemente this weekend.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I understand and can appreciate your being loyal. would just love to knock some of these other sites off the web.
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LF: Screen Says: The Houseguests are playing a game that is secret until the episode. (possible early POV since its double eviction? do they do that?)
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The last thing this cast needs is food that creates more gas. You add the lil green trees and bean dip and look out. It’s a good thing Kathy left or the place would blow sky high when she went to light a cig.
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Jane…..I TRIED to leave… Just have to wait and see I guess. If you see BBB’s green blog and his fave looks red..RUN!!!! lol
starfish…..I guess I started it. I thought I was making a lil joke, but apparently it bombed!!! I know I asid something to you about also being a *star* when we 1st met. Just seemed like there are suddenly ALOT of them and aggie and JT have been saying WE are the same person(not really) etc. so I brought it up! I have REALLY been having a bad 2 or 3 days…in RL and OL!!!! I think I just need to go hide for awhile…… ๐ณ
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Jane, I have an autistic grandson. He’s in regular school (1st grade) with additional help from the school. Social skills, speech therapy and that sort of thing. He’s smart but not socially skilled and of course other things but thankfully he’s at the higher end if that makes any sense. We’re learning as we go it seems.
So, it’s Brendon & Enzo on the block, right???
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Star, I thought your comment was absolutely funny. The response wasn’t. Who cares about Washington DC anyone?
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starfish have you ever been to ? I am a parent advocate for them. it’s a great site. It’s for families with children on the Spectrum. It has a resource area, chat forums, its an online community to meet other families and get info. we are also having a back to school picnic August 18th for families with Autistic kids/grandkids. If you would like to bring your grandson let me know. you can email me at . if you click on my name it will take you to my blog.
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P-Dok(kinda like P-Diddy!!)…….
I thought the exact same thing !!! Maybe Enzo will use some of his BOMBS as secret weapons to get off the block . PHEW!!
@ fair! You and starfish can’t keep talking about living in Cali….I’m getting way jealous!! I was in San Clemete the one time I was out there. Went to a beach… that narrows things down!!!lol My aunt and uncle lived in Mission Viejo. Also was in LA briefly(TRAFFIC!!), Anaheim and Riverside. Jane..why did I think you lived in Mich?? Did you move from here????
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@starfish..Thank you for saying that, GF!! *HUG* I have felt awful about it all day!! I have never had anyone mad at me on here before!! I was beginning to get a complex!!! ๐ฏ
And YES..let me be the one to tell IS indeed Brendon and Enzo!!! AMEN! End of story….lol
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LF are back. they aren’t telling us what happened but Hayden just said are we having a pool game tonight…. good lord please Noooooooooooo its ruining BBAD so sick of watching them play pool!!!
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Star Nope lived in Cali since i came here as a kid from Uganda. Am really jealous I can’t be a star by the way ๐ eh don’t worry about it i got the joke the words j/k kinda gave me a clue *light bulb over my head lights up*
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Tks GF, it’s great to be hugged. ๐
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@starfish…anytime, hun!!!! ๐
@Jane……you’re a star to us anyway! But…don’t change your name,k??LOL Funny that you and starfish got the whole j/k thing. That is standard chatroom stuff…you’d think she would hav picked that up in her DC rooms………just sayin’…..:P
I’m glad u gave us a head up about the pool thing…I may just skip BBAD tonite..lil fed up at this pt anyway!! I’ll use the time to catch up on soaps and tivoed shows. Y know, I am on here so much tha I neve even read the damn paper anymore!! I should cancel it from July- sept next year… And I owe alot of email letters……..are we addicts???!!! ๐ฏ :LOL:
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my kids are gone for the weekend and i’m stuck watching bubbles… are you serious??? this casts needs to stop talking about their diary room and production, it’s b.s.
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Macy… spaghetti turned out great, kids gone for the weekend, and i couldn’t be happier!
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Careful with all that hugging ladies. You will get Ted and PK excited ๐
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JANE – my babe is having a sleep over tonite – omg – just did the pop corn thing – hope they go to bed soon
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thanx so much Natty for ur post. Glad to hear u wern’t seriously in love w/Matty… he’s in sooo much trouble w/the law, he’s just bad news sweetie…. I liked ur game play n I have respect for u for having the courage to go in the house n play the game, being hated on and look ur here and u accepted such awful criticism w/grace.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope that Hayden goes home this week, I think he’s a weak player n he rides off Matt’s coattail. Matt has saved his brigade alliance far too many times…let’s see how they all fight on their own…. thanx to everyone w/lf that shared ur info. with all of us non live feeders… Nice to see u Justaguy…have a nice nite all, gotta go tend to my farm…nite
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Ok….wrote a post……hit a call…..looked back and its GONE!! ARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I am out this time!!!
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Nice to see you too loveblossom.
I just tuned back in and they are talking about what the veto comp may be. Ragan made a statement like, “….although I wont be an active participant…”
Did the already draw names for the veto? There are only 7 people so 1 person has to sit out…….. I think that might be Ragan. (unconfirmed)
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The brigade are idiots, all of them except Matt, he is the only one that’s been playing the game all around. Don’t personally care for him but he is playing. If any of the brigade wants to win you don’t wanna be sitting next to Enzo, I think he would get the votes against anyone. Maybe I just personally want him gone, he is annoying, ugh!
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Sorry bout that Star!… it will prolly show up sooner or later.
If you are still here, check your source and see if Ragan is the one sitting out of the veto comp. I’m thinking that’s what they were doing the last time the trivia screen was up…. but I wasn’t here.
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YO hayden needs a lil trim on those lussssus locks
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Nite folks time to get under covers and read a book. my mind has turned to mush with all this Reality TV that i love to hate. Talk to y’all tomorrow…. peace… J.
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Yep, Ragan is the one who has to sit out for the veto comp. That helps Brendon if the comp is anything to do with questions and game knowledge.
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catching up:
PK #118, hilarious!! i loved it!
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tendr: #95, if you’re married to a man, justget accustomed to repeating yourself. trust me, it’s not you!
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hi jt, still around?
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k turning off tv and going to bed but not before I roll my eyes at Brendon laying in Have not room with a mask over his eyes. Crying and talking to himself and to rachael… “i love you baby… i’m gonna keep fighting for you” sniffle sniffle cry cry ha ha.
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star: communication problems with other “staral” computer crash = mercury in retrograde!
i remember when you warned us last year and all hell broke loose in communication in the office and the server kept crashing.
bad new for a sag. like me!
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that was bad news… communication problems already. lol!
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HI JT, I would be glad to be in an alliance with JANE, BETTY and YOU on BB, But you forgot my ITALIAN SIS< FRAN, You gotta have the fiery ITALIAN CHICK as well. ๐
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DOK, Ted and PK, are the biggest horndogs on here don’t get them started
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Thanks for update JT, I.m disapointed it wasn’t matt, It would have knocked him down a peg or two. ๐
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Aggie…what are you taking about? Are you talking about yours?
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HI FRAN, no I’m talking about the BB BLog, some people constantly post on the wrong page, Then you have six different pages on your google page It’s just annoying you constantly have to delete them ,WTFU please!!!!!
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BB will have to change their name to Komitet gosudarstvennoฤญ bezopasnosti if they’re not going to let the players make up their own decisions.
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@JT, hey sweetie I’m askin as a special favor but couldn’t you change your avatar back to the tiger’s eye, I miss him or even a mind’s eye would be better. That smiley face really creeps me out. ๐
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starfish, I will get the Tiger Eye back! PK tode me where it was and I will steal it back before daylight!
did I miss everyone while I was away? Aggie? princess? Frannie?
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JT, I actually like obnoxious smiley guy, but the avitar doesn’t fit you, after all you are JUSTATIGER. ๐ฏ
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Hmmm…. looks like I did miss y’all. ๐
I’ll check in after a while and see if anybody is around. BBL
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Hi Aggie…. I guess I spoke/typed too soon! Big smiley isn’t obnoxious.. is it? He’s happy….. like me! ๐
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JT, It sure is it has that chesire cat smile that would make someone want to smack you, i can see why starfish found it creepy. I guess thats why i like it, the avatar should fit your personality, that doesn’t fit you, ted really hated it. watching the feeds, so they want to get rid of matt, ilove it, I hope enzo or eve brenda takes himself off.
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Like Matt or not….. those other 3 are $hitheads! They are the ones breaking the alliance…. not Matt. All Matt has done is protect them with 2 HOHs. Those 3 are the only ones left in the house that haven’t won a damn thing. If Matt were on the block with one of them like last week, then fine, somebody has to go.
But now they want Matt out right after Brendon. Matt should have let Brit spend her 23rd birthday with Rachel in the jury house.
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Does this avatar fit my personality? ————->
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Really I can’t stand matt, he is so full of himself, as much as i dislike Brenda I would rather see Matt go, I like britney, I know they will get rid of her, what is she thinking, she should do whats best for her, i wish she put matt up instead of enzo.
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NO Not at all, doesn’t fit, if you were an obnoxious guy, somewhat sleazy, it has a perverted grin, thats what creeps people out, maybe it should be my avatar, I guess your to normal JT, not a wild and crazy guy. ๐
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Aggie, I’m talkin’ bout this avatar ——————->
not the big “creepy” smiley.
I don’t care much for any of them. I do still enjoy the drama though. Thursday’s double eviction should be exciting! No telling how that will go. 2 Evictions, 1 POV, and 2 HOHs all in one hour! ๐ฏ MUST SEE!!
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Let’s see if I can find something to fill in til I get Tiger Eye back…… AHA!!! I think I have the perfect one…. and I know Aggie will LOVE it! ๐
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what avatar dear, I wouldn’t say your personality is a blank line, I would say you are a happy normal guy, no not trying to say boring either, don’t put words in my mouth
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The problem with this game is the deserved person doesn’t always win because the wussies that slide by in the game team up and evict them. I think all comps should involve some type of physical challenge in combination with the trivia. Too easy for the floaters to luck into a HOH or POV win. Make the comps like a gameboard like chutes and ladders or some of those kid games we used to play.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lord help us if they ever get a bunch of floaters, the challenges would last 10 minutes as they all quit quickly. I want some of those all night indurance contests from the past. Bring on the games BB!!!!!!
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Oh no, Farve is in camp and JT’s Av!
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Sal, they should take some elements from Survivor and give them some incentive to evict floaters and loafers for their own good. Not sure how it would work?….. don’t know if we would like 2 teams that eliminate their own weak.?
I have always thought that the HOH should get to play in the next HOH comp. If somebody keeps winning…. tough! Then do something about it.
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I predict someone will show up with a Saints avatar in the not so distant future.
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no JT< he still has freakin natalies avatar. ๐ฏ
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Yes, but I feel a change coming.
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your not Psychic like me, what are you talking about?
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Time for bed…. nite Aggie…. and anybody else still around.
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goodnight JT
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I think your avatar on #222 is perfect Jt!
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4a.m. as usual and i will go play some game til it puts me to sleep.
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Two Dat!! ~~~~~>
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after watching bbad it looks like the game had to do with drinking something. matt made a comment that kathy kicked his butt. “Her drink was the spicy one” said by matt or ragen.
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All the avatars are gone, let me guess what yours is AC, New Orleans Saints logo, JT, you got your wish, IT’s BACK!!!!
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your not Psychic like me, what are you talking about?
Aggie… spelling isn’t graded in here, but didn’t you mean to say psychotic?
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Star Brittneyโs condition is called onychophagia
Thanks Betty for what ails Brit.
After watching Sal’s link to Lane in the shower, do you think Lane suffers from lakkanookki? I think that was what it was called in the Hawaiian Journal of Medicine….
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PK, did you have your daily dose of ARICEPT Today, I think your being a tad delusional this morning, go take your meds. ๐
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I wonder if Mr. Personality realizes just how damn funny him claiming to have the “moral” high ground during a conversation in which he is trash talking people behind their back, while talking to a munchkin punching Meow Meow is to watch. Not one person in the house can claim to have any type of moral high ground. They have all done the same crap.
PK why are you watching Lane in the shower? He doesn’t have big enough boobs for you ๐
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DOK, Better yet why don’t you ask SAl why he put up the link, of LANE, tastefully” ROMANCING THE BONE” ๐ฏ
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For your viewing pleasure of course aggie
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I find it funny that a guy put that on, I already saw it on the live feeds, It looked like he was doing it in bed last night as well, the man can’t keep his hands of the kielbasa. ๐ฏ
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morning all
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------just as i predicted brendon and enzo on block.
what i wish to happen (which is far fetched)
brendon wins pov, removes himself, brit puts up matt
matt goes with hayden, lane and brendon voting him out.
2nd eviction i do not care if brit or brendon goes, it is a toss up whom i like or respect less.
truth be told i have no fav this year, may the best hg win……
but this is just my opinion……..
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thnx for ruining my breakfast Aggie… you coulda said anything besides keilbasa. ๐
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SORRY JANE, ALways a big KIELBASA Lover. ๐ฏ
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do you think Lane suffers from lakkanookki? I think that was what it was called in the Hawaiian Journal of Medicineโฆ.
As much as it pains me… I have to give credit for cleverness when deserved… Good One PK!
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Teddy Bear where have you been? Missed you.
New page is up, almost missed your comment!
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Aggie, calm down. People are responding to the emails. That’s why they are on old pages. Thought even you could figure that out!
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