Hi, y’all:
I just wanted to wish all of our readers in the States a happy and a safe Thanksgiving weekend! Â Have fun and watch out for those crazed Black Friday shoppers!
Hi, y’all:
I just wanted to wish all of our readers in the States a happy and a safe Thanksgiving weekend! Â Have fun and watch out for those crazed Black Friday shoppers!
Previous post: The Return of Brenchel
Next post: Happy Holidays!
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Looking forward to seeing everyone again for the next Big Brother. I miss the blog and the show.
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Thanks for thinking of us
Happy thanksgiving
Miss you all
Staying supple Lisa
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Wishing everyone a glorious Thanksgiving! Thanks Lisa!
In the States?
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We have a few Canadian subscribers who celebrated Thanksgiving on October 14th. 🙂
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Ok, thanks; I wondered. LOL Have a great turkey day everyone!
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Lisa, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. One of the things I am thankful for is our big brother blog, and you made it extra special
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------stay supple
mama margie
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Hiya all my USA friends hope you all have a lovely Thanks Giving & enjoy you’re turkey & all the food you eat ( very jealous we don’t have 1 in UK haha ). Also hope you all have a lovely Christmas & New Year looking forward to the blog in 2014 xxx
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want to thank you, you are such a nice person, so thank you for being nice to us. you are awesome, c’ya for BBB16 can’t wait.
Happy Turkey Day Everybody
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Lisa Marie you rock! Thanks for always having our backs with all BB has to offer! Have a wonder Holiday Season to you and all the BB Fans!
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Happy Thanksgiving to each one of you fellow BB fans.
Had the pleasure of following Big Brother Australia 2013 on You tube. It far surpasses every aspect of what CBS produces. I can’t wait to see their 2014 season.
God bless and be safe if traveling.
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Looking forward to meeting with you next year and BB16! 🙂 <3
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Hi lisa Happy Thanks Day
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Hello all happy thanksgiving enjoy
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Hey Lisa Marie!!! What a nice surprise!! I get a little tingle when I see anything in my mail with Big Brother on it..lol
Was watching Survivor tonight and find myself rooting for Hayden all over again!!! Funny how the BB HGS get to be such a part of our lives!!
I’ll be thankful for a really GOOD BB16 season this year. lol
Happy Thanksgiving and Holiday season to you and all our fellow blogaders!!
Peace, love and light!!!
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Star, what a sweet message! I hope your Thanksgiving is all you wish for. I also am rooting for Hayden!
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Happy Thanksgiving. God bless you for your thoughtfulness.
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Hey – its like getting a present LM! Great to hear from you and reading our friends posts. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!
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Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I dont know how you all can afford it, TG & Xmas so close together lol.
I am off to Cuba for a couple of weeks, I wil have to hide my eyes from all media on my return until I am parked on my couch to watch the dvr and find out who the winner is!
Looking forward to us all getting together again for BB16!!!
Happy Holidays to one and all! 🙂
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The best blog and people. You rock Lisa Marie. I raise
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------my glass to you.
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Here’s an article about Spencer and his job…or lack thereof….with Union Pacific.
Big Brother 15’s Spencer Clawson Finally Fired From Union Pacific? | Big Brother Access — Big Brother 2014
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Hmmmm……let’s try that again!!! lol
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Thanks Star! I’m glad because he was wretched on BB as were most of them. Whether he got fired or not is interesting. If he did get fired someone commented, it’s probably more about his admitting to drug usage than those other unacceptable comments.
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Hey Starfish!!!! I don’t think they probably took too well to his child porn remarks tho either!!lol I really don’t understand what compels people to even want to be on camera 24/7…..other than the money! It usually ends up making most of them look like utter idiots and ruining some aspect of their lives!!lol But lucky for us, those ego freaks are out there or there wouldn’t BE a BB!!! 😉
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