It’s Official: Dustin’s Gotta Go!

by soonerryan on August 15, 2007

Last week, 23 posters made their eviction wishes known here on

This week, more than 130 posters did so, and in a resounding fashion, a so-much-so-I-ain’t-even-gonna-bother-creating-a-graphic fashion, we’ve chosen — as a community, a blog — to recommend that the Big Brother 8 houseguests evict Dustin. To show you how little support Dustin received, only 30 of the 151 posts (135 or so of which were votes) supported Dick’s eviction.

While Dick has been rude at times, the general consensus is that he’s played the game pretty much without lying. Sure, it could be a commentary on our values system just how much we collectively abhor deception, even when presented the option of having to deal with rudeness. The thought is, if I’m reading everybody right, that we can deal with the evel (pun intended) we see, not the one we can’t.

And that’s what Dick brings to the game. Heck, on the CBS portion of the show — on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays — you know when that guitar riff gets going that evel Dick is about to go on a tear. Frankly, it’s brought an excitement to BB that hasn’t been there in past years, and within the context of the game, we like it when he goes off.

On the other hand, Dustin truly is the typical Big Brother player, and I don’t mean that as a slam by any means. Lots of scheming and planning and backbiting — and while it’s all part of the soap opera that is Big Brother, the fact that his efforts negated an attempt to evict Eric, who many held responsible for the popular Nick’s demise, is enough reason to suggest Dustin be evicted.

However, Dustin also foolishly placed himself out there for eviction, truly a no-no in this game. Nobody wants to be the pawn, and how dumb is it that Dustin would assume that the game would not change over the course of a few days? He doesn’t know about the America’s Player twist, and he totally discounted the notion that Dick could settle down and negotiate personably with the other houseguests.

Memories are notoriously short in the Big Brother house. Just days after Eric, for example, referred to Dick as a 44-year-old, degenerate scumbag, he was out on the porch talking with Dick quite civilly. I should note though, to be fair, that this came more than a week after Dick referred to Eric as the biggest piece of s*** on Earth.

Who knows what will happen Thursday night?

Seriously. Right now, the whole Dick-Daniele-Jessica-Eric alliance looks iffy at best, and if I had to bet, I’d say Dick only gets the America’s Player vote from Eric and Daniele’s vote, sending Mr. Donato to the sequester house first. However, given the discovery of a message on the chess board earlier in the BB week and the ‘mad hatter’ events of today, who knows whether we’ll even have a traditional vote this week?

What we do know is that the fine community of Big Brother fans here on resolutely choose to evict Dustin, 100-and-something to 30. Maybe Joe and a warm plate of gonorrhea will be awaiting him in the sequester house!

jt3 August 16, 2007 at 12:01 am

I think its quite ironic that dustin called himself the pawn

then yet, Dick found something on the chess board…possibly in the King(robe) position or the pawn.

just an interesting twist.

but yea, Dustin should go…interested to see what the madd hatters clues meant.

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Tony V August 16, 2007 at 12:03 am

I hope the BB Bloggers are correct!!! Dustin needs to go…what a pain that dude is!!! I am watching right now and Eric is making a deal with Danielle to go to the final four with Jess and Dick!!

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Lisa August 16, 2007 at 12:08 am

Tony, but do you feel comfortable that Zach and Jen WILL vote to get Dustin out? If they don’t the entire plan is a joke!!! I hope Eric or Danielle are smart enough to go to Zach and Jen to make sure where their votes are because Zach SWORE that he’d vote to get Dick off to Jessica.

I mean, I’m seeing myself watching through my hands tomorrow night! This is becoming a REAL nail biter.

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Tony V August 16, 2007 at 12:14 am

lol Lisa
I think if Eric can convince Jessica, then Zach has to vote to evict Dustin. Hopefully, they can pull off Jen, but if not then Jess has to vote him out.

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 12:15 am

Lisa, I’m watching the Eric-Daniele discussion right now, and it looks like the alliance is back ON. However, they need Zach or Jen, supposing that Jessica would break the tie — not a guarantee.

BUT, if Daniele would go to Zach and Jen and say, “Hey, vote to evict Dustin, and we guaranteed go after Amber and Jameka next week,” you’d have something. Daniele could argue: 1) Jameka can’t go for HoH for three more weeks (after Thursday), so what good is she? and 2) Amber’s a mess …

What I’m saying is that Daniele and Dick should play to Zach and Jen’s weaknesses — and that is to make them feel safe for one more week. It will be a nail-biter for sure …

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Lisa August 16, 2007 at 12:18 am

EXACTLY – but they (whoever) HAVE to make sure Jen and Zach know that they HAVE to vote Dustin now – these two are just SO ditzy!

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 1:03 am

By himself on the porch, Dick referred to what an interesting day it’s been (11 p.m. BBT) and then said what an interesting week it will be NEXT week … then, he says, get this — “Who needs a coup de gras, anyway,” at which time the BB voice said, “Stop THAT!” …

Dick said, “You’re not talkin’ to me, are you?”

Could it be that Dick has revealed a new power? Is this the secret behind the chess board? A coup d’etat is like an overthrow … but a coup de gras, if Dick was not misspeaking, is a reference to something that brings about the end of something. For example, if I’m not butchering this, Mike’s coup de gras was in taunting Dick during the PoV. It was the last in a series of events that spelled his end.

Perhaps Dick can use this tomorrow? Perhaps it can save him? Perhaps what he said was a mistake, and I’m just making WAY too much of it … anybody else hear this?

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 1:16 am

Hmm, after thinking about it, a coup de gras power could be a reference to mercy … a power that allows the person who has the power to nullify an eviction. Of course, the problem with this, as somebody astutely pointed out is that CBS lets US in on the power before the houseguests so it can be promoted, so more people will watch.

But Dick is not a dumb guy. I do NOT think he was meaning to say coup d’etat instead of coup de gras. If it pertains to mercy, perhaps the powerholder gets to show mercy on a nominee in the future … instead of overthrowing the HoH, he or she at the PoV ceremony can stand up and use it and say, “Nope, try again.” …

Did anybody else hear this?

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max August 16, 2007 at 1:17 am

“at which time the BB voice said, “Stop THAT!” … ” That was also the same time Eric and Dani were looking into the Dinning room mirror watching themselves on the monitor behind the wall… They were being told to “Stop That”

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Lisa August 16, 2007 at 1:23 am

coup de gras – 1. A deathblow delivered to end the misery of a mortally wounded victim.
2. A finishing stroke or decisive event.


OH YEAH Max that was what the voice was talking about – Danielle and Eric looking into the mirror at the monitor which was showing THEM on it.

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Big-Brother August 16, 2007 at 1:24 am

Those naughty little house guests! 🙂


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Lisa August 16, 2007 at 1:24 am

GEEEEEEZE was just thinking – my son is a soccer goalkeeper – this reminds me of all the games – both overtimes used up and we’re now down to PKs – GULP!!!! I have many grey hairs because of those situations, LOL!!!!

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 1:34 am

Amber is in conspiracy theory mode. Big Brother went to clouds when she noted how Zach said he found the opportunity for the show on Craigslist. They’re speculating about possible twists, including that maybe Zach, Nick and Mike are all cousins … or that all the California contestants know each other outside the show.

One of the first rumors the show produced this season was that Eric and Amber are actually twins. They were born 60 days apart though …

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Lisa August 16, 2007 at 1:37 am

ahahahh OMG that is too funny.

Sooner, you watching Jameka (doned in a black skull cap that ONLY gangsta raperster wear) and Amber in bed watching the houseguests on the screen – talk about NON-players!!! Yeah, and the conspiracies are flying!

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 2:12 am

Eric is now telling Jess that they should go with the fearsome foursome — Dani, Dick, Jess, and Eric … now, this means nothing unless Zach votes to evict Dustin. But if he does, Eric’s spelling out to Jess that, for them, she should break the tie by evicting Dustin …

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soonerryan August 16, 2007 at 2:57 am

Update at 1 a.m. BBT (3 a.m. CDT), Eric and Jessica are still talking, and he’s joked that they’ll laugh about this when they’re married … then they start talking engagement … it was kind of cute.

Eric also revealed he was a contestant on “Where In The World Is Carmen San Diego?” … Anyway, it’s about time to hit the sack, but I was just thinking, if Eric and Jessica got married, she’d be Jessica Stein, and there was a terrific movie a few years ago called, “Kissing Jessica Stein.”

Bottom line — the plan is on.

NOW, sleep.

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John August 16, 2007 at 7:07 am

Been watching since 2:45 BBT (5:45 est) and Jen, Jess and Eric are stil up.
Jess and Eric went downstaris and hid items around the house, to mess with the rest of the HG’s into thinking its more of Wednesday’s events.
Dustin woke up to get a drink, and saw Jen.
Eric walked by and went into the little room.
Jameeka woke up about 4:45 BBT and came to HoH, and Jess, Eric and Jameeka are talking about Wednesday events.
Jameeka had dreams of the mad hatter standing over her bed, and had a hard time sleeping.
They have had a good laugh again about Zach believeing that:
1. There was sandscrit on the mad hatters shoe
2. Jess read it.

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Donna Rose August 16, 2007 at 7:22 am

Thank you all so much for the live feed updates. I cannot believe I’m actually losing sleep over tonight’s eviction. If the houseguests know what’s good for them, they’ll get rid of Dustin. He’ll be a vote for one of the nerd herd should they end up in the final two. BTW, does anyone know if Dani is being kinder to her dad? That was really upsetting to me. =^^=

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Gail August 16, 2007 at 8:00 am

It’s pretty much a done deal! Dick & Dani – Eric & Jessica the new alliance! Yeah! Jameka & Amber will get what’s coming to them! They are so nasty!!! Dustin’s dead wait and the next to go, whether this week or next! They still need Zach & Jen – I think they will be easily swayed to the strongest alliance!

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Bohn Butler August 16, 2007 at 8:16 am

I know that ED is a complete a-hole, but he does have a soft underbelly that I so admire and like. Has Dustin EVER watched BB? What an idiot to offer to be the pawn. That so seldom works in this house! I saw just a little of the ‘Mad Hatter’ yesterday on the feed. How bizarre! Can’t wait to see the show tonight. I hate to say it, but “Bye,bye Dusty!” Maybe when he gets out of the house he can buy some more shirts. I’ll miss his fuzzy little chest. Go BB8!!!!!!!

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Susan B. August 16, 2007 at 8:21 am

I think you’re calling this one wrong. I think Dick will actually go. And who said he never lied? Are you watching the same program that I am???? They ALL lie. It’s a fact. Just because he calls people out, is extremely personal with his rudeness and has the personal habits of a wild boar, he does a lot of lying, conniving and scheming in his one-on-one or one-on two relationships. He and Danielle do a lot of scheming, lying and setting people up. Dick is no angel and if they don’t get him out this week, they may never.

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John August 16, 2007 at 8:38 am

I agree Susan,
Earlier this morning, with the talk about back dooring Dustin, I really believed he was going, then as Jess and Eric were going to sleep Jess started with some questions. Eric asked her to sleep onit. Less than an hour later, Jess wakes up suddenly, thinking someone is in the room with them. She sounds nervous and jittery. Thought she heard someone scream. Eric assured her nothing happened, but *I* think she is troubled by evicting Dustin, and it may all change today.

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Marie August 16, 2007 at 8:51 am

The thing about these two nominees is that Dustin will stab you in the back, and Dick will stab you in the front. I think Dick is a much more honest player. He’s true to his word and makes this show great!

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Marie August 16, 2007 at 8:58 am

Four years of french tells me that “coup de gras” is really “coup de grâce”. (gras= fat). So I think it’d be “blow of grace” SAVING DICK!! I hope so, I just would be so upset if that man goes home.

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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 10:14 am

I totally disagree with viewers’ thoughts on Dick. It is a sad commentary on our society that we accept rudeness and crudeness in people like Dick. This is the first season I have ever watched this show and the more I watch what is going on, the more I truly believe that CBS orchestrates who goes and who stays. Do we really know the totals of the phone calls and emails they get when the questions for Eric go on the air? I feel CBS is manipulating the totals to keep Dick in the house to keep the ratings high. I for one will not continue to watch the show if Dick is kept on. In our society, a person like Dick would never get as far as he has on this show. He is a bully, he is rude, crude, abusive, obviously a poor parent and husband, and a totally disgusting excuse for a human being. Not that the other guests don’t have their faults, they all do. However, Dick goes way beyond limits set by society. And if we as a society accept behavior like this from the Dicks of this world, they we are in major trouble. I would never hire a person like him for a job, I certainly would not want him for a neighbor, and definitely would not want to socialize with him. He is an overgrown teen who has not yet realized he is an adult. 44 year old “rocker” Tommy Lee wannabes are pathetic.

Let us hope that the houseguests come to their senses tonight and vote him out of the house. CBS can worry about their ratings later. Perhaps it is time to end this show after this season. After watching it for the first time, it is really tiring. I don’t know how it has lasted this long.

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Donna Rose August 16, 2007 at 10:24 am

Ronjj, Your synopsis of the show was very well written. Since this is the first season you’ve ever watched, I can understand why you would be offended. Last year was “all stars” which was a bunch of folks from prior seasons. Some of whom I really loathed on their seasons. Then I saw a different side to them during the all stars and really came to respect their game play. But I agree with Marie. Dick will stab you in the front, Dustin will stab you in the back. Just because the others aren’t as vocal, rude or offensive, does not mean they aren’t just as or even more hateful than Dick.

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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 10:40 am

Donna Rose, thanks for your comments. I agree with you in some respects; however,think about Dick. Leopards do not change their spots. Dick is probably no different on this show than he is in real life. We are who we are and our true selves always come out, no matter what the situation. Kael was right several weeks ago when Dick was on the block. She said at the time that if we don’t get rid of Dick now, we will never get rid of him. They should have listened to her, she was totally right. He controls the house through being a bully. All of us who have ever been bullied know how this feels. He is out of control and tonight the guests have one final chance to e rid of him. I do not understand how so many people confined to such a small area do not see him for what he is – a danger to all of them.

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Chase August 16, 2007 at 10:49 am

Can someone answer a question for me ?

Lately, Dick and Dani are back on their anti-Jen tirades, saying that she is a big liar. Can someone explain to me what lie or lies they are talking about, and why they are so down on her again?

It seems to me she and Dick are about the only players who have been steadfast about NOT lying.

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 16, 2007 at 11:03 am

well folks it’s gonna be a barn burner as they woyuld like to say…i was absent for the 1st 7 season but this is better then any day time soap opera…i like dicks honesty but his approach is a little brash…dustin well he’s just a little weasel…if i’m gonna get stabbed i would rather have it be from the honest front then the blind side…the dummy want to be put up ., well he got his wish and now it’s looking like his wish is going to lead to his DOWN FALL…the sucker’s going out…bye bye PRINCESS…I can’t wait to see dick’s response when she calls out the vote totals…it’ll be like x-mas in august…

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Marie August 16, 2007 at 11:31 am

Ronjj you are right in the aspect that he is a danger to them–emotionally. These houseguests need to realize that they need to take everything that anybody says or does in the house with a grain of salt. Dick’s friends said that he was a good guy (remember on that one episode??) and Dick has said before that it’s all strategy. Just sayin’

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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 11:51 am

Marie, I respect your opinion, but did you see the “friends” of Dick that they spoke to? All the same type!!! As I said, a leopard does not change its spots. Dick is what he is, and no one will convince me otherwise. He is an immature rock and roll wannabe who needs to grow up. I still say he is a danger to all in the house and they need to realize that quickly and get rid of him tonight if any of them want a chance to win. I personally don’t care who wins the game, but Dick is the one person who does not deserve it. He is a bully and bullies are the worst!

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Alexandra Erickson August 16, 2007 at 12:02 pm

Ronjj, I am so in agreement with you. Dick,, SAYS that he is truthful. Then someone tells him something in confidence and ASKS him to keep it to himself, he says sure, and the first thing he does is go and blab to someone. So how truthful is he really? I know that being put in that position, I too would have to play the game, which is lying and back stabing. Look at Dr. Will last year. He TOLD people not to trust him and yet they did. It is impossible to know how we would react if we were thrust into that game, BUT,,, that said, I would NEVER be so out and out RUDE and OBNOXIOUS as Dick is. The thing has to go!!!

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Kathy August 16, 2007 at 1:18 pm

In your comments you state that someone as rude, crude and obnoxious as Dick would never make it in the real work. One question, have you ever heard of Donald Trump?

Dick is playing a game. His friends did say he was a good guy, they also said what you see is Dick. I respect the fact that if he has a problem with someone he takes it to them, doesn’t go behind their back. No one else in the house can say that. They sit behind closed doors talking about everyone. Anything Dick says about someone can and will be said to their face.

Yourremark about all of his friends “all the same type”. Explain that please. Does this mean that if one of your friends is an alcoholic that everyone is? Does it mean that if one of your friends is a bigot, all are? That’s a pretty blanket and prejudicial statement.

Dustin is no different than Dick in the way he talks, his mannerisms (he prunes and poses in front of the mirror constantly) or his feelings of self importance. The difference between the two is that Dick tells it like it is and is absolutely up front with you if he has a problem with you. Male or female (Dick DOES NOT reserve his behavior and comment for the women only). Dustin on the other hand loves everyone to thier face, and when away from that person talks about them like they are a piece of trash…even using those exact words at times.

You know where Dick is coming from and that makes it safer to keep him in the house. He will not make it to the end, I believe we all agree on that. But with Dustin out of the house, the players can play the game without having to constantly worry if Dustin is manipulating to get them out. If Dick is, they know up front and have time to do something about it.

Strategically, Dustin should be evicted.

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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 1:35 pm

Kathy, Dick does not always tell it like it is. He appears at times to be personable to some of the house guests,yet, listen to him when he talks to his pathetic daughter late at night when they are alone. He puts down each and every person in that house when he is alone and behind their backs. His daughter is the same. She has called everyone an idiot at one time or another. Who is she but an anorexic Hooters waitress. He is not as up front as you think he is. He is a back stabber but has just managed to keep that a secret from other houseguests. He is a lowlife who needs to be sent home.

When I referred to the friends who were interviewed being the same, think back to those interviewed. They all appeared to either be members of third rate bands or bar rats, all Tommy Lee impersonators. His circle of friends seems rather limited.

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Kathy August 16, 2007 at 1:50 pm

Guns and Roses and Good Charlotte. Third rate bands huh? Am I missing something.

Yes when Dick is alone with Danielle he does indeed talk about people. BUT he does not say anything that he has not said to their face at one point.

Like I said before, better the devil you know than the one you don’t. They all know where they stand with Dick, and in knowing that you can deal with it. They all only THINK they know where they stand with Dustin. He also talks about everyone behind their back but DOES NOT do so to their face.

He has said that Amber is a total wreck who cannot play the game
He’s called Jameka a crazy bible belter who is useless.
He has called Eric a sleazy snake among other things.
He has called Jessica a child who can’t think for herself and is easily manipulated.
He has called Zach “chester molester”
He has called Jen “Hollywood’s Ho”
He has called Dani a useless piece of s**t.
He has stated that Dick probably sleeps with his daughter.

Has he said any of that to any of these people’s faces?? No. Dick tells everyone exactly what he thinks of them…better the devil you know, than the one you don’t.

Dustin has to go!!

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Ronjj August 16, 2007 at 2:15 pm

Kathy, we will see tonight. If Dick stays, it will be nothing more than a ratings triumph for CBS!!!

If Dustin stays, he will probably go next week of the following, but with Dick gone, some sense of human behavior will return to the house. Dick is the ultimate lowlife and has no redeeming qualities.

Hopefully it will be a tie vote, and Jessica will step up to the plate and vote Dick out, then let the chips fall where they may.

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Andy August 16, 2007 at 3:39 pm


I would rather spend a minute with Dick then to spend a day with someone who judges by appearances like you. Making decisions about people based on what the look like is dangerous.

Dick is the most interesting person on this show in quite some time. I also believe he is the oldest person to last this long since George. I am tired of the show being dominated by twenty something patients of plastic surgeons.

Go Dick

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Danni August 16, 2007 at 4:44 pm

LMFAO I would say that Kathy has just OWNED your arse Ronjj.. You are a hypocrite yourself with all of your judgements. Only you use a forum to display your rediculous rantings of another human being. Good for you Kathy in setting the girl straight. Seems to me that Ronjj was bullied in school and need to get over it all ready.

Dustin needs to go !!!!!!!!!!!

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John August 16, 2007 at 5:22 pm

1. I seem to have lost my posts! Argh!

2. Andy, I would rather spend my time with people who are into the game and not into some persona of what CBS/BB has in store.
If these HouseGuests are playing a game, so be it!
Bring it on, and damn the viewers and bloggers!

Let’s have a hellava game!
So far the HG’s have been playing it safe, but *I* suspect that things will get QUITE intersting Very soon!

*If I were in the house* I would be stirring the pot HUIGE!
Jen and Eric hid stuff all over the place this morning. I would have done it weeks ago!
Make these *kids* feel out of control from the beginning, and moved on from there.
Suffice it to say, I have had some time working issues on the Atlanic coast; beach areas over the years, and think I could match these kids on thier goals on the late oughts.
They have No clue what life and experience has to offer. Dick has a clue, but he will be the 1st sequester. Gods love him. Dani will be next; thogh she should have been first.

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Daniel August 17, 2007 at 7:05 am

It’s amazing to me how so many people can accept the rude, obnoxious ED just because he speaks the truth and doesn’t lie, yet so many can’t accept Rosie O’Donnell… who also speaks what she sees and doesn’t cover up anything. VERY VERY strange to me. I don’t get it at all…

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Ronjj August 17, 2007 at 12:58 pm

Andy, I certainly do not judge Dick by his appearande. I judge him by his abhorent behavior. He is a loud mouthed bully who obvously does not like women by the way he mistreats them on the show.

Dick is just a disgusting human being, appearances aside.

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Lisa December 8, 2009 at 9:23 am

EXACTLY – but they (whoever) HAVE to make sure Jen and Zach know that they HAVE to vote Dustin now – these two are just SO ditzy!

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