I received an email from Real.com to let me know that on Wednesday Sept. 5 Janelle from BB6 and BB7 (and Tuesday nights Veto competition) will be hosting a live Webcam chat. The chat will be held Wednesday Sept. 5, 2007 at 9 PM Eastern/6 PM Pacific Time and is available to subscribers of the Big Brother 24/7 Feeds exclusively. To watch just have your feeds up at the allotted time, and camera four (bottom right) will magically become Janelle filled! ** The Feeds are Free for a 14 day trial so sign up NOW! **
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Big Brother Blogger
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that should be a lot of fun!!!!
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I was watching the show last night and was taken back by the attitude of Jessics ergarding ” Eric should be on the block and not her”. I also saw how much ( IMHO) he seems to really have feelings and be emotionally into Jess. I did not see that with Jess last night. I saw Jess tolerating Eric as best she could. But that is my observation. The other thing that stood out was Jam… Boy is she getting bad with her comments, attitude, drinking and just seems like a rough women more then religious. Infact she seems to be the opisite of a religious person and changed a lot this last week showing a not so pretty side of herself.
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Vegasgirl, I saw what you saw as well. People say Dani is a spoiled brat, well, Jess is a little spoiled sport bitch! She and Jameka are expecting Eric to carry them to the finals so they barely tried in the competition. I know a lot of you think Eric will get his “2 minutes” because he gave a phone call to Jess, but I stick by my thoughts from the beginning. She’s only using him to further herself in the game, that’s her only strategy and now since Amber is gone, she’s taking Jameka with her. She picked the least attractive guy in the house to latch on to because he’d be shocked and grateful for someone as cute as she to like him, so he’s helping her more than himself. Jess is a little cutie, to be sure, but she’s not as sweet as some of you make her out to be. At least D&D are the same people today as they were when they entered the house. Jess & Jameka are certainly not. =^^=
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I am not to call her names but you are right D&D showed their true colors from the get go where as Jam is this person (ON the show) that wears her religion as a badge of honor and is not spiritual or religious in her thoughts and how she treats others. The more she opens her mouth the more I think wow this is not the high road in any way, shape or form. Talk about passive aggressive. Jessica, well I just see a different girl now that things are not going her way. Part of me knows this is a normal responce and the other part of me thinks ( Jess/Jam did not win so why are they so mad at Eric).
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I can understand why Jess is a little down on Eric, he acting as AP is the reason D&D are still in play. It was Eric that convinced Jess not to pur them up, but rather go after Whamber… Had Jess done what she knew needed to be done, then she may not be quite as threatened… as for Eric being AP??? In some ways he has lost sight of the end game… He’s been good at getting the people America want nominated and evicted and making money along the way, but to be in contention at the end, he needs to make his own moves to evict people that are a threat to him…
So Eric has made 40K… Great, but with a little smarter play, like getting rid of either D or D, then mayber he would onlyt have 30K but be in contention for the 500K or at least the 50K… Now Jess, the biggest alli is threatened, and he’s not all that good at the competitions… He was pathetic during the POV comp… So in the end, being AP may have gotten him a few bucks, but it may cost him more in the end…
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“cost him in the end”…
are we doing backdooring jokes again?
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And as far as Jameka now showing her TRUE colors (oops, sorry for the racial slur), she’s been a phoney hypocrite since day one. I couldn’t stand her OR Whamber from the beginning with all of their BS praying for help in this stupid game, and their “we’re the GOOD people”. Hell is FULL of good people like them. Right GOD?
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I hate to step on anyones spirituallity but these two girls need to truly be spiritual not preach and and use their religion. The more they talk the more phoney they seem to be. I have felt since I was a young child ( 45 years old now) That eather you do what is right, you treat people right or you do not. Eather you do your best in life and what ever happens after death. But this you are going to hell if you are not in my reliogion or I am better then you because I attend church more then you or at all but when I am not in church. I am judgemental, and treat the people who are not in my church or reliogion like crap. Well I never believed that what ever is out there and happens after death would choose people because of one out of how many religions or someone who treated and did the right thing. Just some food for thought since we have watched this game from Jam and Ambers “The Good People” point of view.
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Right on Vegasgirl. Actions DO speak louder than words, and the god squads ACTIONS speak volumes.
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Vegasgirl, nice to know there are others on this board around my age, I’m 47. Most people who are truly Christian are so without preaching, and most don’t enter a game show where they must backstab, lie, cheat and deceive throughout. For most religious people, aside from Muslims, the ends don’t justify the means. In a game like Big Brother, “good people” is purely subjective.
EET, I did like Amber in the beginning, I thought she was sweet. But the crying and emotional mess she showed was too much for me. Why is it people only find God after they’re crackheads? =^^=
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Thanks EET and Donna Rose, It is always a touchy subject.
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GOD is 51, and I don’t know who the hell everyone was praying to before 1955… 🙂
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EET is 50. Holy crap. what’s CBS gonna do when they find out the main BB8 audience isn’t quite in the demo they’re shooting for?
here come the depends and erectile dysfuntion commercials…
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So, does anyone think that Eric can save the day and get Jamika voted out??? Dick, for all his faults does seem torn over this eviction… I really do think that he doesn’t like the idea of going back on this alliance and would be happy to see Jamika out with Zach to follow… And it seems that most would like to see JEDD as the F4…
THURSDAY… biggest night for BB drama… and I have no clue how it’s all gonna fall out…
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As for hell being full of the “Good People”… yep, and Satan is getting a little pissy about it…
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Wow, if GOD is 51 then Moses must have brought a hammer and a chissel up the mountain.
Anyway. Love is blind and so, Eric is blind. Jessica really is the right person to leave. Eric needs to wake up and realize Jessica would not give Eric the time of day outside the BBH. Jameka is fake. She doesn’t walk the walk and pretends to talk the talk. in other words, she’s human after all. In actually believe out of the 6 people left in the house, Dick has out-played everyone and deserves the 500K.
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How do they do a double eviction? They do not know there is one so how do they pack their clothes? Usually, they only have 1 min to leave the house. So, how do they do the double eviction? Is it a true surprise or does BB tell them before hand so they all can pack?
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Has anyone given any thought to how the other players will react when they find out Eric’s Secret Idenity as AP-MAN???
I for one thin Dick is gonna love the twist espically after all the drama of the mystery votes… Not sure he will appologize to anyone he accused of casting those votes, but it should make for quite a BB moment…
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Oh, and Moses had a Secratary that knew shorthand…
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So much bashing today. I guess the true christians just watch the show and judge evryone’s life based on a tv show, yeah thats real smart! lets get back to the backdoor jokes!!
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Wasn’t Eric mocking Dick just the best!!!
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I think it would be unfair for Eric to win or even be in the final 4, and it seems like he has been throwing comps as to not win because of his being AP….. I hope that America has asked him to get rid of Jam, then see how the double eviction goes, as for the polls on other BB sites, seems they want to see Jam go……..i also think the other HG’s will be pissed to find out about Eric and if Jen did know something that may have something else to do with why they are not showing the jury house………
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don’t be surprised if Eric wins HOH. I think BB will prep Eric to win HOH just to shake things up a bit and to keep their AP in the game.
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If I am correct, I believe Eric cannot be HOH as part of the agreement of being AP. The only thing he can play for is vetos.
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Shawna, I haven’t heard anything about Eric NOT being able to be HoH. It would be fun for us to tell him who he has to put on the block. Or it WOULD have been a few weeks ago.
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GOD, I don’t really know how the players will react when they find out about Eric. I don’t see how they can hold it against him. They really wouldn’t have any reason to. If they stepped back and looked at the whole game and the “drama” his actions (as directed by us) caused, they would probably find it pretty funny. I mean, if they were actually mature about things. So I guess that answers the question. They will be PISSED.
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can’t imagine why Jessica would let that little troll kiss on her. He is awful and is responsible for her eviction this week. I was really pulling for Jessica to win this and I really think she could have if it wasn’t for the troll Eric! I bet his little wormy self want be making any trips to Kansas after this is over with. You know her parents are screaming at the TV every time they show them kissing… what parent would want that fowl mouth troll as a boyfriend to your daughter. I hope he is the next one to go!
As for Dick and Daniel… If is those two in the finals then I hope Dick wins it. I have to mute the TV when she is talking. Her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard. I think she is the most hated person ever on BB. I just hope her boyfriend has kicked her to the curb and wised up and sees the real brat that she is.
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I think the only person that will end up having a problem with Eric being AP is Jessica. She will feel duped.
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Well, i think the HG will a little pissed when they find out Eric was AP; primarily because he is winning so much money. Most of the HGS will end the season with nothing but the normal parting gifts. Eric could possible win more money than the second place winner.
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can someone explain how the double eviction works? Will they know about it before so they can all pack or is it a surprise? If so, how will they get their bags packed?
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Does anyone think Jam will take D&Ds deal? I mean actually swear on the bible and everything. I dont think she will. I think she is so caught up in being Jess and Erics friend, she will opt to go home and let Jess win over her.
She is a 29 year old woman kisssing the ass of a 22 year old girl. She is to stupid to win this game. Hey Jameka, “where’s your God now?” oh he is in the Jury house with racist Amber
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normal parting gifts? Like a fruit basket and a shot of penicillin?
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AFather, whatever jameka does, she’ll do it ONLY because it was pre-ordained by God. She’ll have NO choice.
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55 yrs here.
These reality shows, if they continue, will soon be realizing that they need to get more baby boomers and gear the comps around them.
When RTV first started, it was almost all younguns participants. (I was writing back then) and received tons of complaints about the boomer generation watching and not being chosen for participation. I mentioned this to one of the Producers for one of the top RTV shows, at the time, and this Producer actually took it to heart. We started seeing more and more of the 30-late 50s …early 60s age group being chosen to play.
If one notices closely, many many of the commercials nowdays have songs from the 60s in the background and middle age actors/actresses/non professionals in the commercials. We have the sheer numbers on our side and Ad agencies/Companies are finally realizing this fact. They must cater to us if they want their goods bought.
And,.. the word Booyah… is from the old school… which is why I love it.
I still think the F4 will be JEDD because Dick sees the advantage it presents versus the real possibility of being stuck with Jameka in a F2 and her winning the votes.
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I for one am sure glad that I am not chatting away with a bunch of 12 year olds… espcially after all the “Back Door” stuff that has gone on… next thing we know, Chris Wallace will be knocking at our doors trying to catch a preator…
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Brian, I couldn’t have posted that better myself. I completely agree with you. Jess needs to go. If for no other reason, her immature demeanor at being nominated and her treatment toward Eric, who has clearly carried her in this game. Someone had to go up, why not her? She and Jameka both have the “entitlement” attitude that, sadly, permeates so many in that generation. Jessica appears to be the kind of girl that expects to get through life on her looks and it has worked for her in this game. =^^=
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I think America sees Jessica as a user and wants Eric to vote Jessica out.
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Nice one GOD
EET I know Jam has no choice but to take the deal but i think in her brainwashed mind she will think she is betraying Jess by taking it. Maybe if they give her more than 10 mins to think about it, she may see it is her only move but hittting her with it right before the competition may not work.
As for the double eviction. if they boot out Jess on Thursday, then ED, Dani, and Eric play for HOH right away, then the winner puts two on the block right away???? No time for POV or champaigning???
So thursdays show will end with the F4.
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I agree that Jess couldn’t care less about Eric when this is over. I can’t see her Catholic Kansas family opening up their arms to a nice Jewish boy from New York. Which isn’t really fair since Jess is half Jewish.
I mean come on, look at that NOSE.
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what will be funny is if America told Eric to vote out Jess and the vote ends up 3-0. She will go to the jury house knowing he betrayed her.
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What if part of Eric’s game as AP is to see how far HE can get in the game….as another one of his many tasks he’s getting $$ for? The other HG’s would be really ticked, but i thing ED would be OK with it, since i think he’s always been expecting the unexpected……..I would like to see Jam go thurs., if she doesn’t she’ll get to play for HOH in one of the next 2………she’s been such a slacker anyway,
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Please tell me what happens on a double eviction? How do they HG pack if they don’t know what is going on?
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Hey GOD, the 12 year olds will be here soon…you’ll recognize their names – the usual suspects.
EET, the nose is nothing, look at his Chicklet teeth! His Dad didn’t do such a great job. =^^=
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Perfect scenario would be Dick and Eric = F2 with Dick winning.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’d be a happy camper!
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I was wondering how they are faring without hot water…..didn’t they give it away with the use of extra tea cups?
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Jess is half Jewish?? No way, the only thing Jewish about Jess is the way she is cheating Eric out of his dignity.
Can Eric be anymore girly, petite, feminine, non-athletic, or whimpish. Jess comes from the land of Cowboys, Eric is more of a cowgirl.
Did you see him in the in the HOH competition carrying the tea. He fell to his knees more times than he did on Saturday night in Greenwich Villiage.
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Donna Rose, I was talking about Jessica’s nose….
and good one about the 12 year old’s being here soon…
Hey Ronjj, where you at?
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The lesser of 2 evils huh, Piratess?……..i’m voting for Dick
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Afather, OMG that was too funny! =^^=
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AFather, now THAT was frickin funny, I don’t care who you are.
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BB9 will be a house full of 14 Jews. It would go something like this: “I’m sorry Big Brother but we refuse to work on the Sabbeth. That means no game playing. Challenges, shmallenges It’s after sundown and now we must light the candles. Moishe, you’re not wearing your yarmike.” ” Hey boychick, where is the kosher food?” “Mr. Levi, it’s in the cupboard next to the Dr. Browns Cream Soda”.
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I too would love to see an “older” version of BB, but that wouldn’t fly because of ratings, you’d have to have some really hot older men/women on there to watch…….
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Donna K, what about US? We’re all old and hot.
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Donna, I respect your desire to see guys your own age but i dont share your same feelings. I am in my 40s and have children in thier teens and 20s, however i would much rather see hot girls in their 20s than some 40 something moms trying to be young. Can you imagine a house full of Kails and EDs? Who would watch that shit. WAIT, I guess you would.
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I’d watch you guys, ETT, BTW, i’m 51, so I’m one of the older ppl too, LOL, but be honest…would you really watch a show with older, out of shape ppl? look at how chicken george did? and he’s the only other “older” BB HG that i can remember, Kail i would guess was in her early 40’s………
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On one hand, I would like to see Dick win, but the idiot will give his little hell spawn a big chunk of it… You know he will… and of everyone that entered that house, she is the least deserving (as a person)… and I am not completly sold on her game play… she has played well to a point, but she has had Dick covering her ass quite a bit, and as big an ass as she is turning out to be, that is quite an achevement…
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I realize everyone has a different measurement for successful game play in the BBH but right now I think D&D have played the game SOOOO much better than everyone else.
Take for instance this set back of Zack gettin HOH. They didnt let this distract them from their game. Zack won and they immediately manipulated Zack into keeping them in the game. While the other three were pouting about not winning, Dani was working her flirtation magic and ED was making him a buddy.
You may hate D&D but you gotta admit, they are playing the game.
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I thought Kail was hot…
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I agree D&D have helped each other in the game. Hell for awhile they were all they had. But that is what an aliance is. It is a couple or group of people that band together for a common cause.
Jess and Eric have had the same alliance, Jam and Amber as well.
D&D may not love or like each other, share the money with each other, or even see each other again when they leave the house, but for the purpose of this game, they are dominating as a team.
They are anticpating all possible moves, reacting to changes, and exploiting weaknesses.
They dont say “The Devil is in the details” for nothing.
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GOD, are you disappointed Kail never put on the unitard?
Brian, that was pretty funny. You’re such a mensh…..
AFather, D&D have outplayed everybody so far, but Dani couldn’t have done it without ED.
I’m just saying….
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I think Dani is thinking that ED will give her part of the $$ if he wins, which is why she’s sucking up to Daddy, and i would love to see Dick tell her sorry daughter, but if you couldn’t talk to me for years why should i give you anything and after i’ve tried to reconcile with you and you turned away from me…….Tuff sh*t, sweety……….
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Am I disappointed Kail never put on the unitard?
I wouldn’t have complained… although, Jen was the perfect choice for that task… love her or hate her, she had a great bod for the tard, and had as much fun with a task that a person could have…
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Let me preface this by saying I have been married for 25 years and had sex with my third and last woman i will ever have sex with in my lifetime. To me my wife is a 100 percent total MILF but she is exactly a Kail type.
When you are an old, fat married man like me, all we have are fantasies. Why in the hell would i want to sit up and watch a bunch of women that remind me of my wife. If i am going to waste my time in front of the television, I want to look at young hot girls.
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I would love to see ED tell Dani to just grow up… that he’ll be there when that day comes, but only when that day come…
and I just checked with Satan, he’s not expecting any cold weather for a while…
and AFarther, are ya gonn get a unitard for the wife???
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Think about this. ED is the most entertaining and is the reason many are watching BB. He is in his mid forties. If the show had half like ED..the male and female version. Meaning, outspoken, obnoxious yet a great strategy player…it wouldn’t matter what age they are.
As for hot young girls. How many of those have there actually been. Many of the young ones have been rather frumpy looking. Not a put down. Just stating facts. They grew up on fast food and lack of exercise. Same for the hot guys. I’m with Janelle’s outlook. Dick is attractive. He has that Tommy Lee Jones quality and TJ is considered hot hot hot by many women. Also, look at Caruso from CSI. Even if he wasn’t an actor, I’d definitely flirt with him.
As for the F4, Dick will make that determination. Like Dani said in this previous episode, she and her dad are a team. Period. She will do whatever it takes to win competitions as will Dick. Their strategy has worked all season. They even managed to save themselves when BOTH were on the block and logically one should have gone if the HGs had smarts…because it wasn’t one vote…Eric’s vote..remember. Jessica put em up. So, she wasn’t voting. D&D were on the block..so, they weren’t voting. Eric via AC’s choice didn’t get Dustin evicted alone. Jessica didn’t even have to break a tie.
No matter what anyone thinks… Dani and Dick are thick and as savvy as Chilltown. And, that is what wins.
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Jenn clearly had the best body on the show. Plus she was the perfect hollywood arm candy; an airhead bombshell with low self esteem. She is a drug habit away from being an escort.
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AFAther, you JUST had sex? While blogging here?
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Amen Piratess
Did you really mean Tommy Lee Jones or did you mean Tommy Lee. Tommy Lee is the rocker than ED tries to be like and Tommy Lee Jones is the fugitive that no one trys to be like.
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SEX???? Are you kidding, I gave my wife five kids. The closest she is getting to semen is driving past the Navy Yard. And even then she isnt stopping for red lights.
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Well here’s your problem AFarther… Your wife is currently a manufacturing facility, what you need to do is get her rezoned for recreational purposes only!!!
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So I guess I am the child of this group at 38…sigh…
I will go sit at the dang kids table again…
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Just make sure you’re inside before the streetlights come on…
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Mom always told me “Forget the candy…just get in the car!!”
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WOW, this is an older blog; 38, 51, 45. I thought i was hanging out with the kids.
Donna, i dont think they need to make the crowd older to attract an older audience, i think they already have it.
Question: Does anyone know if they have a rule against sharing the money with another contestant? I know they are prohibited from doing that on Survivor.
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In the case of D&D I don’t know how they could stop it once the game is over except to ensure Dani wins, then the problem is solved…
Dani??? Dani who???
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Please tell me what happens on a double eviction? How do they HG pack if they don’t know what is going on?
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Usually a double eviction goes like this:
Jess or Jameka will go home Thursday, then
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They will immediately have the HOH
The new HOH will have to immediately put up 2 houseguests without talking to anyone about it.
Everyone will have to vote out one. All in the course of one night.
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the HGs will only find out about the double eviction once the HoH comp is over, then Panic will set in as there is no time to scheme… everyone except the HoH will be running scared… Once the noms have been made, they vote!!!
should be a fun night…
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In the past I have seen them do a double-eviction week where they had to nominate the second pair that night, but then on Saturday they did a POV and Eviction and new HoH. That means the HoH from Thursday only gets 2 days in HoH room.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do they close the HoH room this week? Or does the first HoH on thursday just get screwed but the second one gets a basket and room?
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Aather?? Older crowd…38?!?!?!? I am just a weeeeeeee baby!!! I am 38 years YOUNG dangit!!
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Usually a double eviction goes like this:
Jess or Jameka will go home Thursday, then
They will immediately have the HOH
The new HOH will have to immediately put up 2 houseguests without talking to anyone about it.
Everyone will have to vote out one. All in the course of one night.
Thanks, but if it happens that same night do they have time to pack their things? I remember previous doubles eviction and they went home that night but I couldn’t remember how they get their things to them.
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AFather, they can do what they want with the money, they just can’t use “sharing” the money as game stratagy. “Keep me in the game and I’ll share the prize with you if I win”…stuff like that.
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I’m with Piratress all the way. And, GOD, Dick has told Dani to grow up and he has challenged her many times on her attitude. Mostly, he just lets things go in his attempt to repair their personal relationship because he’ll have to deal with it when they get out – if they deal with it at all. Also…no VETO comp. is usually played when it’s double eviction. Hopefully this year, they’ll just say, “Sorry ladies, you’re both packed so you’re both going home – the votes don’t count.” That would be so much better than how they’ve done it in the past. =^^=
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Do they close the HoH room this week? Or does the first HoH on thursday just get screwed but the second one gets a basket and room?
Yes, I believe that is how they did it in the past…
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David, quit yer back talking or it’s off to the corner for a time out for YOU.
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The current HOH, Zach, still has the HOH room. The second will still be able to occupy the room with their goodies even though their “duties” are done. In a way, it’s nice for them because the stress is over for them, but then it’s down to the final 4, which will hopefully be Eric, Zach, D&D. Then they will vote out Eric and hopefully D&D will be the last 2 standing! Doubtful beer pong would be in their itinerary. =^^=
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Piratess, i’m with you too, i think Dick is attractive in a bad boy sorta way, and i too think that TLJ and TL are hot……….just something about bad boy looks
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See, I do not find ED attractive…Now his Evil Twin is one sexy hunk of man cake!!
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who else thinks eric is a little whimpy troll? He had bothered me from the very beginning of this show.. And Daniel, I have to mute her when she is talking. It is like fingernails on a chalkboard.
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I thought TLJ was hot when he was on One Life to Live…….ages ago, LOL, he and Dorian were an item……..Jamekacrite has to go b4 she can do an HOH comp. if D&D are to stay in the game………….
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I do not think it is fair to let the HoH have the room if they have no HoH duties. I thought they closed the HoH room for the final 4 or 5. I also thought once a nominee was evicted (and the HoH duties are officially over) they would have another HoH competition. So shouldn’t they hold a second HoH comp on Thursday? Maybe something after the live show that we watch on the feeds and hear about on Sunday?
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David, you looking to backdoor EET??? Nice!!!
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Jamekacrite??? Good One Donna K…
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think eric is witty and fun. He is not exactly a muscle man but I do not care about that. His biggest downfall for me is how BAD he sometimes seem to be at “workin” the ladies. Other times it seems he is keyed into Jess just fine and having fun with her.
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David, hate to disappoint, but I’m more like sponge cake
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God, no discussing my Diary Room discussions!!! No FAIR!!! You must not be jamming your fingers in your ears and going LALALALALLALALALA enough now that Amber is out of the house…Stop listening in on my thoughts!!!
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Eric is beyond wimpy, and I’m sure there is a bridge somewhere in New York looking for their troll, but I find Jessica’s voice far more annoying than Daniele’s, although both are bad.
Donna K., absolutely Jameka needs to go before she can compete in HOH. If Jess goes now, with double eviction hopefully Jameka will be the next. But if Jameka goes now and Jess or Eric wins HOH, either Dick or Dani will be out because there will be no time to negotiate. =^^=
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Sponge Bob??? When did the blog switch from Big Brother to crappy cartoons?!?!?
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The more I watch the show, the more I think Eric is doing a great job staying in a game that for the most part has been working against him staying there ( AP). I also think he is honestly into Jess but at this point ( as she may have been into him before) she is not. I am ok seeing ( in no order) Eric, ED, Zach or Jess winning. Even though I would also like to see some of them go. I just do not want Dani or Jam to go. Is my choices all about game play only, no way but it is because of game play I am ok with some on that list winning. It is because of what they have said and done that I do not want Jam or dani to win. IMHO. By the way some of that banter was so funny!
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just waiting for the 12 year olds to show up…
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thank you God………..yeah eric is a little whimpy girlie troll……….ewwwwwww,
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I meant I do not want Dani or Jam to win, I do want them to go. Sorry
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am I alone in wanting to rip the nipple rings off Eric??? there are two thing that just eeek me out, Eric’s nipple rings and Dicks black finger nail polish…
the black fingernails I might be able to tolerate, but those nipple rings have goot to go… and besides, ripping them out could be fun… don’t ya think???
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I agree with your winner list Vegasgirl, save for one. I will be very dissapointed if Zach wins (glaring at God to step in and set fate against Zach). He annoys me too damn much when he is doing anything but acting goofy. When he tries to talk all “strategical” it makes my brain hurt. He is a sycophant and I have an unreasonable hatred for him. I find it amusing that there do not seem to be the group hang-outs in his HoH room that just about every other HoH has had in their rooms. When I see him up their alone (as usual) I let out a maniacle cacle…
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How many BB fans are Survivor fans too? that will start the thurs after the BB finale……….
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Of course Eric is into Jess. The only way a guy like Eric could have sex with a girl that pretty is if he put on a dress, makeup and wig, and had a date with himself.
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Have you all noticed too how accessible the HOH room was to the other HG? seems to me in the past that the HOH room for was the HOH and you had to be invited in the HOH room?………i thought wow what balls to just walk in like they did………hell if it was MY HOH room, it would have been locked unless i was in it……i couldn’t believe Wahmber & Jamekacrite using is as their prayer sancutary.. did ya notice Jessica’s reaction when she walked in and Jam praying? she was like WTF? then didn’t know what to do
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If ED and Dani are in the final two, the show will end like BB4 when Jun won over Alison. Both were equally hated by the rest of the HGs. Unfortunately, there has never been a BB winner that everyone loved. They were just hated a little less then the runner up
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Yeah, I was aiming a lighting bolt at those two when Jess walked in and spoiled my shot…
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funny………….. God…………..
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Eric reminds me of a monkey. he is always twisting his arms over his head and picking at himself… just watch and you will see the resemblance to a monkey. And, I don’t think he has won any brownie points with Jess family with his fowl mouth and rude comments. I actually prefer a man that can’t fit into my clothes! He is just gross… I hope he goes home soon.
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Okeydokey. I’ve been thinking. And, yes, the neighbors called the Fire Department. I forgot to warn em. No, nothing caught fire. Just smoke damage.
I do want ED to win. But, at least, please let it be ED, Dani, Eric and I’ll concede to Zach being in the F4. With that combo, I would enjoy the final weeks.
However, unless I miss my guesstamation, Dick will somehow keep the JEDD alliance in tact.
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I agree, for the first eviction on thursday, I think it’s gonna be Jamika… but all bets are off on the second, it’s a matter of who gets the HoH… easy money is Zach walks and JEDD rules the F4… but I’ve lost easy money before…
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The reason the F2 are hated is due to the strategy they had to implement to get there. I do believe this Season will be like Chilltown seasons…in that the majority of show Watchers love Dick and Will. The HGs didn’t/don’t because they didn’t play the game as well. Even though, the other HGs were just as deceitful…it’s called ‘jealousy’.
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God, you are not allowed to bet. My luck you would send a lightning bolt or Tornado to throw the competition!!!
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I see no benefit in D&D keeping Jess on Thursday.
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Well all, i’m outta here, have a great evening, will see ya all tomorrow….saw on another site, jokersupdates, that dani and zach were talking about a dbl eviction this week, she told him no, its too late………boy! won’t they be surprised!!!! bye all
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daniel is an idiot…
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southern lady, you are SO RIGHT. Daniel IS an idiot.
now, which one is he again?
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don’t be a smart arce
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but but but but but…
that really hurt
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AFather. To benefit to keeping Jess is for EDs delusions…ED was concerned that, though he has told lies he has not broken his word in the house. He is concerned about blowing his integrity in the game. I seem to remember him breaking his word on other occasions but I cannot cite any right now.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another reason is I think they believe they have a better chance in the final two agsint Jess then they do against Jameka. At this point thee is no guarantees on how the next few weeks will play out. I want them to keep Jess because I think she is more interesting then Jameka.
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Dick may keep Jess just to stay true to the alliance… His is torn at seeing the benifit of getting rid of Juee, but staying true to the alliance seemed imporant to him… He doesn’t need dani’s vote, just him and eric… so, that’s my perdiction…
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Now, as the baby of this crowd, if I do not get some damn Cheetos and a juice cup I am gonna throw a tantrum like you old farts have never SEEN!!!
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On david’s note, I want to say:
Survivor == YES!!!
Kid Nation == Not so much… in fact, NO Friggin Way!!!
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Kid Nation…hehehe How dumb..
I think we should get together and start our own nation next to the “Kid Nation” and start a war with them!! We can call ourselves “BB Fan Nation”. Once we concquer the little brats we can burn their pathetic little nation to the ground!!!
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EET, Sorry if my “Evil Little Commies” comment infringed on your name in any way. I meant it purely as a compliment to you complete and utter evilness
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Im in for survivor
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We will see how it plays out on Thursday but none of them can beat Jess in the final two. D & D have a chance agains anyone except Jess.
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David, unlike GOD, I have no royalty agreements so I’m basically screwed.
but thanks for the compliment. Here’ s a juice box.
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so many dumb women so little time, whatever woman could stand sleeping with that Dick deserves to share that bed! Jen was most definitely the best of the bunch this season, body, brains & charm, a perfect 10!!
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BIG E for the win all the way baby! YEAH!!
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David, you’re not the baby anymore. I am ’cause I’m 19.
I hope they kick Jess out. I don’t care much for Jam either but Jess annoys the holy hell outta me. And so does Eric – that weasel. And what the hell is with those nipples rings?! sheesh.
Donna K, I can’t wait for Survivor: China to start!
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I think that that the remaining also have trouble beating Jam. Jam and Jess fi the GOOD PEOPLE vote with them being the good people may vote for Jam and then Jess. Maybe even Zach in their minds is one of their good people. However D,D and Eric are the bad guys in the Amber mind set. Of Dani, Dick and Eric if they vote game play it will be one thing but on the good people list with the remaining guests it could be in this order …First they would want Jam, then Jess or Zach then maybe Dani ( inless they have figured out she was egual with Dick. Now if they vote by game play that is a whole other story. Sometimes after being in the SH away from the high emotions they remember and are able to set aside their personal feelings and then IMHO they would vote( I still think Jam cause they like her) but Dick, Dani, Eric then Jess and Zach would stand a chance but eather way it would be hard for most in the SH not to give the money to jam.
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Wendy, I’m sorry but we need to see a permission slip from your parents before you can post again.
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Just want to say hello and welcome all of the new people to the Blog!
We have a range of people from Babies to the down right old (you know who you are), the evil ones and the eviler ones (i so get a point for creating a word) and we even have God himself hanging around.
What a great blog community! I am thankful you are all here. I hope we can all migrate over to one of my other sites once BB8 wraps up!
Must Read TV
Survivor China Blog
**still getting people who are interested in helping out with our blogs**
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Thanks so much for being here…love you all.
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EET…permission slip AND a note from her mother. Not wanting my blog to turn into a feature on NBC’s next “To Catch A Predator” show!!
Wait….that would be some serious free advertising…..hmmmm?
….but I digress!
Still….love you ALL! Even you oh Evil one!
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I got two words for you, Evil.
Bite. Me.
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Anyone have any ideas why we havent see the Jury house?
I wonder if Jenn is there?
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Dude, you’re supposed to be on MY side! I’m very disappointed in you.
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Where the heck is the buffet?
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At this point I do not care that they may or may not have problems with jen being there or her and what’s his name knowing to much. We should have seen what is up with them it has been boring and although if they show it now I will like it it would have been more interesting to show us and let us see things play out. Now that would be REALITY TV rather then fixxing or adjusting everything and now showing us.
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Wendy, that’s like ….oh…it IS two words. Nevermind.
Here’s a juice box. Just don’t tell David, he wanted more than one and I told him I was out.
AFather, maybe we haven’t seen the jury house BECAUSE Jenn is there in her unitard.
I’m just saying…
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EET, You are too funny.
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BBBlogger, thaks for the “props”. Have a juice box.
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Jenn, Unitard, WooHoo!!!!
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Eric freaks me out!! He reminds me of a mouse of crack. He twitches an awful lot. He is so fake. He and Zach are so cowardly they are absolutely terrified of Evil Dick. Although Daniele annoys the hell out of me with her bratty ways she has truly applied strategy to this game, she has essentially carried her dad. We should give Jameka a break as it relates to her faith – you do NOT have to be perfect to be a Christian. All of sin and fall short of the glory of God stop beating her up because of this – she’s young she is entitled to mistakes. I fault her for not having a plan. She should have put her faith solely in God and not in Whaamber, Eric or Jessica. I just want to see her “fight” for it and not just sit back and wait for it to be given to her. She and Jessica didn’t do crap in last nite’s POV. They were horrible. Zach reminds me of a serial killer he is creepy. All in all Daniele deserves to win. Zack and Eric don’t have the “balls” to nominater her or take her down. What a poorly cast show this year.
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Oh, I am so telling David.
AH HA! I got the juice box and you didn’t! Don’t cry – I’ll share. Only a little bit though.
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Hey EET, did you go to Costco or something??? You sure seem to have a lot of Juice Boxes laying around…
And for you kids out there, what remember what your parents said about taking candy from a stranger… except you David, I can see where your parents were coming from…
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**looking at the juice box**
Wendy…I am on your side. I got your back. No worries! I just had to comment!
**dang i am feeling old now and my birthday is next Monday! **
Again..seriously….love you all. Thanks for making my little blog a HUGE success.
PS: new post is up…and the diary room is OPEN!
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Jenn in a Unitard….YES now that is worth backdooring
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My parents never said anything about taking candy from strangers. In fact, I distintively remember them telling me to get in the car.
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Just get in the Car… I so should have given that advice to my kid…
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Hey you guys…….you all seem to know BB8 inside and out and I was wondering if someone could tell me if Danielle officially broke up with her boyfriend? I know he must have seen all of the Nick/Dani footage but I thought, since they were in a two year committed relationship, that they would at least talk first before officially calling it quits. But then Nick was there at the Power Of 10 taping, so I must of missed her saying, “I love Nick, forget (whatever his name is), I’m dumping him.” I just don’t know when she could have broke up with her boyfriend seeing as how they have no outside contact. Is he just suppose to say, “well it’s over” I’m sure he would break up with her anyway, but to be dumped without any contact from the dumpee at all just seems kinda, I don’t know……harsh.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyway, I have been wondering about this for a long time and if any of you have the answer I would love to hear it……….thanks
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Whenever the “new” baby comes along, the other children are forgotten!!! I am gonna end up with “middle child” syndrome. Maybe I should smother Wendy in her crib!! Then I will be the baby again!!
And now I found out that EET was holding out on juice boxes…YOU LOVE HER MORE!!!!
Then again, EET was just propositioned for a “bite” from the “young one” on the blog. Where are the ‘DateLine’ cameras!!
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No one can perdict how the Jury will vote in the end. There are some sure votes but for the most part they could vote anyway.
One thing is for sure, everyone in the house is a BB fan. The selection process included mulitiple questionaires about their knowledge of BB history. Also, why would they even apply to be in that situation unless they were devoted to the game. If that is the case then they all realize that lying, and backstabbing are apart of the game. you cant hold that against people.
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“why would they even apply to be in that situation unless they were devoted to the game?”
Well I for one an think of 500,000 reasons… not to mention being attention whores (JENN) that are looking for thir 15 minutes of fame…
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God, they didn’t only just said to get in the car – they pushed me in.
David, don’t be such a sore loser, I said I’d share! but now that you’re thinking of smothering me, you can forget it!
‘Dateline’ people are reading this so you all better behave.
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OK, perdiction???? Who do you think will be the first HG of BB8 to do Playboy. I still have Janelle’s or should i say (Elle Brenna’s) pictures burned into my brain.
My guess is Dani, i hear she already was a stripper. Jenn is next. Amber will volunteer and they will turn her down, they she will offer to pay them and they will still turn her down. Finally, she will settle for Beaver Hunt
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Another thing, how Gay was it for Eric to call Janelle a pig. That is something a typical homo male does; make fun of good looking women because they are jealous they are not one.
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Did anyone else almost died laughing when Amber was talking about trying out for America’s Next Top Model? that was one of the funniest thing. Ever.
I only see Janelle doing Playboy (probably Jen, too). Remember when everyone had to take off their clothes for the competition and Dani was kinda freaked out about it or something? Of course, who wouldn’t be when her dad is five feet away. Nightmate material, right there.
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A work of art:
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Jamika will do Playboy… It will be the Girls of God Edition… and she does have a hevenly body…
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The only magazine Whamber is going to be in is Beaver Hunt.
And David. David. Why does that name sound familar?
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Zach has got to Win. Boy Scouts rule!! Eagle Scouts soar. Win he was floating in the water with his levi’s blown up to be an inflated life ring — he should have been wearing a shark’s fin on his head insteadl. He has sharked everyone. GO Zach!! Get your
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$$ merit badge.
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Please warn a person that they are about to see nude or semi-nude phots so we can choose to see it or NOT!
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That was way more than I needed to see. God, you’re stolen my innocence! don’t laugh too much or you’ll pull something.
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Sorry Vegas Girl, didnt mean to offend you.
Oh and GOD, i love you God, God bless you.
I’m just saying
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Is 38 too young for this group? LOL
Oh yea i want jamika to go on Thursday
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hey Tammy….38 is just fine! We are an all inclusive mix of Big Brother Fans!
I am turing 37 next Monday so 38 is just fine! Glad your here!
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The next poll is up on the sidebar….
Q: Are you happy with the final 4 houseguests?
A: Yes, No, Kinda or (add your own answer)
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“cost him in the end”…
are we doing backdooring jokes again?
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