Kail Evicted; Eric Survives — YOUR REACTION?

by soonerryan on August 9, 2007

The Big Brother 8 houseguests just evicted Kail 4 to 3, and America’s Player survives a week of high drama and turmoil.

As expected, Jameka and Amber kept their word, voting to evict the Oregon mother. Eric’s buddy Jessica voted to save Eric, and Dustin did the same. Either Eric did some smooth talking, or something has gone wrong — right?

Even as I write this, Dick is lambasting Dustin about the vote, given that they supposedly had a one-week deal to spare Kail.

What is your reaction? Are you pissed? Or relieved that Eric survived?

Comment now!

i love eric August 9, 2007 at 7:53 pm

I’m VERY happy eric is still there.

but PISSED that Julie Chen ruined eric’s answer on HOH. Argh, Eric had that!

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mary August 9, 2007 at 7:54 pm

I am glad that Eric is staying.

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Lisa August 9, 2007 at 7:54 pm

I’m not only pissed (especially that NOW Dustin has lied and will not admit it) – but I’m physically ILL that that stupid b**** Jessica is HOH????? HOLY COW! UNFRIGGINREAL!!!

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bb August 9, 2007 at 8:01 pm

I am estatic that Eric is safe. I am happy that Jessica has HoH and she is not a b****.This Episode ROCKED!

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Tranna August 9, 2007 at 8:04 pm

I hate that Eric is safe. I hate that Dustin is proving himself to be the liar that Joe accused him of being – maybe he did give him gonorrhea afterall.

I hope that by some stroke of entertaining justice, Dustin goes up on the block.

Vote for it America. Why not make Eric put him up? How entertaining would that be?!

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Rachel August 9, 2007 at 8:08 pm

im pissed. god the nerd herd will take it again this year

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Nancy August 9, 2007 at 8:08 pm


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Redarin D August 9, 2007 at 8:13 pm

This eviction was rigged they were ready to get rid of eric until the dr pearson persuaded them not to. Now dustin tried to play the I voted eric out. he’s a liar amber and jess should see that. Since they worked so hard to keep eric for ratings maybe they’ll do what they did with boogie last year so dick can remove himself from the block.

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Psychodrew August 9, 2007 at 8:14 pm

The looks of defeat on Dick’s and Danielle’s faces were PRICELESS. In typical Dick fashion, he reacted to his defeat by lashing out first at Dustin, then Jameka. I really hope that Jessica has the backbone to put daddy and his little girl on the block this week.

Dick was fun in the beginning but he has turned into an egotistical bully and I am tired of every episode centering around him flipping out on somebody. ED has got to go!

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TJ August 9, 2007 at 8:17 pm

Quite funny, 2 straight weeks during HoH competition Eric gets screwed over… and people are saying its rigged so Eric stays? lol

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EllenT August 9, 2007 at 8:20 pm

OMG! I hate that Eric was not voted out. The whole “Late Night Crew” is stupid for not seeing that he is the one lying and manipulating everyone. I’m no fan of Dick’s ranting and raving episodes but at least he shoots from the hip and you know from where he is coming. I’m soooo ready for the Late Night Crew (Dustin, Amber, Jessica, Jameka, & Eric) to be split up!

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Diana August 9, 2007 at 8:28 pm

I am so glad Eric stayed! As Dani would say………”Honestly Dick and Amber both have to go I can’t deside who I want to go first Amber claims she has never lied, Yet she has backstabbed everyone in the house and when the others see how 2 faced she is…..Yet Dick saw through her. God get rid of her so we don’t have to hear her whineing and what the hell was that she accused Eric of getting rid of Nick? I can’t wait until he see’s how she talked so much crap about him and Danielle she was the big one wanting Nick out and away from her she was jellouse!. OhYes! Jessica won HOH I am sooooooo glad!

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Andrea August 9, 2007 at 8:37 pm

This is soooo sweet!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad that people had the brains enought to pull their heads out of their ASS for just one seconed of the day… Dick and Daniele need to go… Dick needs another Psyc eveluation and get on the proper meds!!!! and fast before someone gets hurt. Way to go Jessica on HOH!! Clean house girl

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Keldawg August 9, 2007 at 8:59 pm

I think it is all just great tv, really. I mean, regardless of who I would want gone or not, aren’t they all trying to win the money? Havent’ they all lied? You probably have to pass a “lying” quiz to even get on the show!
But really, I think Dustin is playing a smart game, and yes it probably incorporates a bit of lyin’ here and there :). I don’t think Eric is getting to play the game he wants because America is affecting his votes so that is why he is having to cover up so much. I can’t stand Dick… entertaining until he practically cusses people out, oh yeah, he does that.
Have a great night all!

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Meathead August 9, 2007 at 9:39 pm

Top 3 Big Brother Moments:

1) Will wins season 2
2) Jase gets backdoored in season 5
3) Dick’s look on his face tonight when the votes were revealed. I love that for a split second he thought Eric was gone when Julie said “Eric, you are safe.”

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Sharon August 9, 2007 at 9:42 pm

I cant believe people call them self christians and then cuse the way Amber did at Eric.

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brandon August 9, 2007 at 9:46 pm

hell yea im happy that bitch is out, nexts we got little dick leaveing its all good in the bb8 house.Lets go eric

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ryan August 9, 2007 at 11:07 pm

yea im happy that eric is safe but does any1 think he might be bein played by big brother b/c he hasnt wont hoh and julie screwd up on his name…. and he hasnt been selected for pov he even said ‘am i even in the thing’…..

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Robin August 10, 2007 at 12:15 am

I am not only upset that eric is still in the house but disappointed that cbs played a big part in making it happen. Does anyone remember the movie “Quiz Show”? CBS is doing exactly the same thing with big brother and it has ruined the entire season and show for me. I hope they do something to make things better for dani and dick since they really backdoored them.

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Frank August 10, 2007 at 2:57 am

Go Danielle, Dick, Jen, and Zach!!!!!

Send the pretend Christians and the gal-pals, Dustin & Eric packin! Fudge most likely.

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Cav August 10, 2007 at 4:53 am

wohoooooooooooo Eric stays…… boooooooo Dick!.. yes Jessi ca is now HOH

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angie August 10, 2007 at 12:28 pm

I wanted Eric gone!! I would love to see Dick win, I cannot stand anyone except for him in that house. Get the freaky idiot Jameka out, or nasty face Amber out!!!!!

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Tina August 10, 2007 at 5:49 pm

I’m so happy at eric safe and it’s about time kail went home and how its dick turn

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Chris August 10, 2007 at 6:25 pm

Well i personnally think Jameka, Jessica, Amber are all idiots, however Dustin is an even bigger idiot. Why on earth would you vote out Kail now? She had just given the right to participate in 5 HOH competions and her only friend in the entire house was Jen. Was Kail such a threat? I mean come on what harm could she have possibly been able to do? That was such a stupid move, Amber, Dustin, Jessica and Jameka should have all been able to see that Eric was the biggest threat in the game. After Eric, attempts to evict D&D his next target will be Amber and Dustin because they are both close, followed closely by Jessica seeing how she currently has no ennemies in the house and therefore as it stands now, will easily sway the votes of the jury torwards her.

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Crystal August 11, 2007 at 8:26 am

I am so excited that Eric is safe, however I don’t agree with his blatent *sp* use of foul language, I do and and pulling for the guy to be in the final two – if he didn’t have the AP over his head, no one would have figured him out and the banner wouldn’t have called him out and I really think he would have befriended them all and made it there, now America has the choice to help him! Let’s see what happens!

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Patricia August 11, 2007 at 9:42 am

I hate Amber Jess Jameka Dustin Eric they are all idiots. I only like Dick and Dan and God better get back to business and stop watching Big Brother the world is falling apart.

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Joshua August 12, 2007 at 9:45 pm

I can’t believe that that manipulative, lying, little, two-faced weasel Eric is still in the house!!!! Dustin makes me sick, and Dick is getting screwed over. The whole God thing in the house is letting me HAVE IT!!!! I can’t stand hearing Jameka hide behind her Bible, and the little, always-teary-eyed, Amber is jumpin on that bandwagon. Last but not least, MAD PROPS and HANDS UP for the ORGAN MUSIC on the show on Sunday night while whiney Amber is beggin the Lord for help!!!!

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Lisa December 8, 2009 at 9:22 am

I'm not only pissed (especially that NOW Dustin has lied and will not admit it) – but I'm physically ILL that that stupid b**** Jessica is HOH????? HOLY COW! UNFRIGGINREAL!!!

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