Hey everyone…this is BBBlogger. I am out of town and have not been able to post Natty’s review until now. Please forgive me. A new post will still happen on Saturday!
Hello again BB fans!!!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog about bb!! It’s fun to share my opinions with you all. Even if some of you don’t agree with what I have to say. It’s all good though cause different opinions is what makes the world go round.
Well, I have to say I am a little bummed that Matt got kicked out. He made the wrong decisions when he was up on the block. He never should have thrown Ragan under the bus. His smartest move would have been to align himself with Britney & Ragan. He should have told them about the brigade so they could team up & get rid of Hayden or Enzo. I thought for sure Matt woulda said something during the live show! So, it’s his own fault he got kicked out. Matt got too confident & cocky near his end time. You can never feel 100% safe in that house unless your the veto holder or hoh. What the heck is up with Enzo!!?? Man that guy couldn’t win a game against himself!! LMAO Since he’s not winning any comps he might as well do us all some good & make us laugh by watching him walk around in a penguin costume!
This season is going by way too fast!! That’s why I don’t like double evictions. I wanna see a whole weeks of big brother in a week not one night! Don’t get me wrong I love the drama & everyone scrambling for their lives but I wanna see them strategize all week long to try & stay in the house.
I feel kinda bad for Brendon too because he was all alone & had no one. I remember what that was like & believe me it’s no fun. I liked Brendon alot more in the house after Rachel left. I feel he did play a good game.
So I give him credit & have mad respect for him to have made it that far in the game while being a target the entire time.
One thing I am so sick & tired of hearing on twitter, feeds, & facebook is how this season sucks & it’s the worst!! ohhhhhh, waaaaaaaah!!!! :o(…. Give me a frickin break & cry me a river!! People have been saying that since season 8!! If it’s so bad why do people continue to watch!! Not only that but all day long everyone roots to get the interesting players out, then complains about being bored!! JIMMINEY CHRISTMAS!!I’m just happy & thankful the show is still on tv & I get to watch my favorite show every summer. For me no matter who gets cast, i just enjoy the game of bb!! The whole concept is AWESOME!!
YAY!! I’m so happy Lane won hoh!! That guy has been cracking me up lately & he’s soooo cute!! I just love his diary room sessions, he’s so funny!! It’s crazy cause he reminds me of Ryan BB9. He’s played bb alot like Ryan by being so laid back & down to earth! Lane has played a great social game. In fact I notice alot of fans are always supporting the people who win comps but you have to remember in the bb house you don’t always wanna win stuff because it just puts a target on yah! Plus in order to win bb your social game needs to be great! If you don’t have a social game..(EX. RACHEL) you’ll get the boot! It’s so important to remain nuetral with everyone & not cause alot of drama. You want to win everyone over in the house with your personality & social skills because all those people in the house will be voting for the winner. SO I am rooting for Lane to win BB!!
Well I don’t have much to chat about this time, so thankyou again for reading & being a bb fan!! Love you guys ;o)
Talk soon!
Natty BB9!!!!! NOT GNAT!!! haha
This just popped up and I’m catching up on email after watching grandkids all week. I’m pooped. So it looks like Lane won HOH and he’s nominated Ragan & Enzo. Yes??? I simply can’t read all the back posts.
Thank you all for the updates. I wish Enzo would just go, he’s the most useless of the entire bunch, IMHO. Other than that it’s difficult to find a favorite out of the 3 stooges and their sidekicks. Too bad Brit believed Lane, boy will she be surprised.
Keep the spoilers coming.
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Just came on to make a brief comment, been having internet problems, It looks like Ragan could do well in the competition the way he is practicing, I thought he might, he is smarter than anyone there, good luck to him, GO RAGAN!!!!! ➡ ➡ ➡
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Thanks Natty, always enjoy your take on this house. I agree, things since season 8 have been worth complaining about and if we can’t complain what’s the fun? right? I just wish I had a favorite to argue with anyone about. I do like Britney’s spunk, Ragan isn’t really stupid but a big time drama queen, Enzo is a zero, Hayden is just plain simple and I like Lane sort of best but I wish Brit didn’t buy his BS.
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Hayden won hoh, not Lane!
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I GOt The Smilie Fever, Anyone Who Wants To Do Smiles, Just Pick a Word From The Chart And Put Colons On Either Side Of That Word and that is all Their Is To it, all lower case letters. ….. evil….. 👿 …..grin….. 😀 …….twisted…….. 😈 ……..mrgreen………
…….shock……. 😯 ……….cool…….. 😎 ………… ??? …….. 😕 ….mad…… 😡 ……..neutral …….. 😐 ……… sad ……. 🙁 ……. !….. ❗ ……. cry…… 😥 …….? ……. ❓ …….oops…….. 😳 ……roll….. 🙄 …… idea…….. 💡 ……..wink …….. 😉 …….arrow……. ➡ …..razz…… 😛 …….eek……. 😮 …….lol….. 😆 …….smile…… 🙂
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I feel bad for Brit that Lane is givin her the line of BS that he is. But I like Lane. Ragan has been my pic from day 1 but I know he won’t make it. He may hang on this week if its a quiz. But I don’t see him getting to the end. I would like to see Enzo go this week. I like the rest more.
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Natty, I’m one who says this is the worst season yet. I still watch because I am a BB fan. You have to admit these HG are the the most interesting you have watched. I’ll always watch the show, and hope to make it on one day. I think I came close this year but fell a little short.
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I’m rooting for Ragan to take it all; if Brit would wise up, he might have a chance. I like Lane okay but he hasn’t played as hard as Ragan and really doesn’t deserve to be rewarded for duping Brittany. I’m hoping Enzo goes back to Jersey Shore & stays there.
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Correction to my post, these HG are the most uninteresteing HG’s ever.
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I’d like to see Brit win POV and take Ragan off. Then Enzo would go home. Never seen anyone with such an ego that has done so little! Why is it that the girl HG’s always fall in line with some guy’s BS and then are shocked when they are backdoored? Wake up Britnany!!!!! I have always loved Lane but will lose respect for him if he turns on his “good friend”. If he’s smart, he’ll team up with Ragan and Britnany, the only power HGs left.
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I think Regan will go if he Doent win POV, Britt needs to get her head out of Lanes butt and start playing more game if Ragen wins POV who does she thinks will go up ,Hayden not likey we can pray they get rid of Enzo but that wont happen because in the f3 they would rather be have someone they can beat. I havent liked the cast this year but will keep watching because I love the show. Heres a twist let America vote who to kick out.
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It looks like they will be doing the morphing of the faces for the veto, Ragan was practicing it yesterday, he was doing really well, he has a good shot at getting it, it seems like he is pretty observant. ➡ 😉
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looking forward to tomorrow’s show
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Sorry Natty, I was a Gnat term user. Won’t ever do it again, because I AGREE with you! I’ve been saying it all along on feeds/chat and people don’t get it. Matt also should NOT have thrown that HOH comp. What an idiot. You eventually have to get your hands dirty. Especially when you have a huge threat target on your back. Well, he’s kicking back listening to Rachael’s laugh about now and Kathy’s “Something just ain’t right”. I hope Ragan pulls this one out and surprises them all. GO RAGAN! (or Lane I live in Dallas)
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Natty, I’m sure you don’t read much here if at all…. but I do totally agree with you about the “worst ever” comments. I don’t mind if people say “worst ever” if they have more than bitching to contribute. Hell, I’ve said this season is way down the list myself (I still think season 1 was the most boring… just based on the different format)…. but at least I try to contribute more than a daily rant about how shi++y the season is!
BB12 kinda sux… but I still can’t wait to see what happens.. and I will watch til the end no matter what. Then if we get BB13, I’ll come here and make the most of it…. while reading more “worst ever” comments.
Ruffus.. good to see you here again! America did vote who went home in season 1 of BB USA. It didn’t go over real well, after America voted out all the riff raff, the show got so boring that production tried to bribe HGs to leave. They offered them $ and had a “more exciting” HG waiting to take their place……. nobody took the offer. Most other versions of BB still have that format. I do agree they need to try something different.
I agree that Matt throwing HOH was dumb… sort of. He was way more confident than a person can afford to be. His reason did make some sense though. He thought he was safe and wanted to play for HOH Thursday. He was dead wrong. I’ve always thought that the current HOH should get to play for the next one.. I don’t get why they do it the way they do. At least everbody could go all out for HOH every week.. without having to worry about not getting to play the next week. If someone keeps winning… too bad!!
One more rant as long as I’m here! 😀 I have never understood the idea of “closest to without going over”…. I mean I get it… but I don’t like it. If the correct answer is 500… and I guess 510… and dumba$$ next to me guesses 37…. then dumba$$ wins??? WTF!!? ….and now dumba$$ puts me on the block and sends me home! 🙁 😆
Sorry….. sort of 😀
GO BRIT!! Make this week interesting!
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I see Ted’s picture is black and white on the previous page.
Ted, did you get evicted from BB blog?…. and I didn’t even get to vote?! 😆
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Hey JT, that is the pic Ted gave me from his acting days, Fran and I think he looks like kevin bacon, what do you think? 😯
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Yeah.. I remember that comparison. It does look a bit like him… I know he used that pic on Survivor blog.
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Ooops… eventually this same comment will show up again.. I had wrong e-mail addy and it’s in moderation… so I’ll try again! 😆
Yeah.. I remember that comparison. It does look a bit like him… I know he used that pic on Survivor blog.
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JT, I think ragan will do well in POV, He knows more than the guys do, Enzo has only seen 1 season , hayden hasn’t seen many either
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JT and Aggie… You are both wrong… That was a picture taken of Ted before color photography was invented. One of Mathew Brady’s rejects most likely.
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very funny LMAO, thats from Teds Hamlet days 😉
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Hi PK… now you’re gonna start with Ted again? 😆
You have to admit, Ted writing, “Rebecca has tucked PK in and raised the rails on his bed” was pretty funny! 😆
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Pretty funny PK, LMAO
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I think it Brit and Bren would have secretly teamed up they would have taken the show…..Now I think Lane will take Brit cause those, machos can’t win anything.
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Funny? “Rebecca has tucked PK in and raised the rails on his bed”
Everybody knows – with the exception of Ted, as usual – that all of those beds with movable rails were recalled, mine included.
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Darlene, lane with stick with hayden they are pretty tight.
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PK, ted is on facebook
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Aggie…. Looking for a new face?
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😆 @ PK
Darlene, If Ragan wins the veto today we will find out quite a bit about Lane’s plan.
It “seems” that Lane & Hayden have a solid final 2 deal… they have talked about it a few times that I have seen. But as there gets to be less and less people in the house, the less you can rely on conversations as truth. They all talk up each other at this stage…. they even still try to feed Ragan BS. He ain’t buyin’ none of it though.
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weird JT, I’m getting delayed emails, that comment you made before just came on. 🙄
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DJ, lane is hoh now
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Heard my name mentioned!
Agree about Lane, Natty… he hasn’t pissed anyone off… until he stabs Britney in the back, then he will have. But if it’s Lane and Hayden in F2… who does everyone think would win? Probably Lane if they find out Hayden won the $ and trip.
So, what’s the deal… have they been tipped about the comp being ‘faces’ or is Ragan just guessing. If it is and he doesn’t win it would be a shame.
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Whatever Lane’s plan is, now is the time for Brit to win POV, pull Ragan off the block, make Lane put Hayden on the block and Brit and Ragan send Hayden, not Enzo to the JH. Lane without his wing man, Hayden, will only have Enzo to come up with more excuses for not winning anything. No plan there.
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I was wondering who DJ was?? Then I scrolled up and saw the comment… BBBlogger must be on top of moderating today.. I see my comment showed up too.
DJ, Hayden did win HOH for the double eviction.. you are right. But they have played for a new HOH after Brendon was evicted.. and Lane did win that. (They played it Thursday night after the CBS show)
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What’s the deal here? First we can’t get a new page so our comments don’t take forever to refresh and now we have another one already. Someone is messing with us!! Do we stay here or shall we go there? That is the question. 😆
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Hi all!
I really want Brit to win POV, take Ragan off, then Lane will have to put up Hayden. If this happens Brit & Ragan will evict Hayden. Enzo is no threat, as Natty said “Enzo can’t win a game against himself” – touche!
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I agree with you Betty….Go Britt. BUT….will she take Ragan off?
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Ted, they don’t know what comps are coming. Ragan just thinks that one will be coming soon. The morph faces was during final 5 last year.. and Jeff got sent to jury. Maybe it will be.. maybe it wont. But they will do that comp soon most likely. That comp is used every season lately.
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JT, he was practicing for morphing yesterday
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HEY fran ANd Betty
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I hope that’s the one that they’ll be doing since Ragan studdied so hard. However, if he wins , he’ll take himself off and Britt will go up.
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THANKS JT, Ididnt start watching BB untill the last of season 7, then I got hooked an can hardley wait each year to watch. It is my favorett show . I meant just vote this week ,I dont want the three boys just to walk away with it. I watch BBAD every morning , but now it only takes about 10 min. to watch 3hrs. But if we didnt have BB what would we take about this is the only place I even join in. LLove reading all of the blogs and check in all day to read them. So THANKS to all of you.
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morning Aggie…We waited for you last night but I guess you had computer problems again. That sucks…I know first hand and so does JT. 🙁
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Enzio – that sleezy egomaniac loser has to go! And fast!
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Fran, Brit will take Ragan off if she is smart. Then it would be Enzo and Lane – Brit and Ragan with the latter winning more comps. Brit and Ragan will have a much better chance to win if Lane and Hayden are separated!
Sorry didn’t catch up on the comments till now, I see PK and I agree.
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Kenjake – If they send him to the attic PK will set a HUGE rat trap and that will be the end of Enzo! LOL
Hi Aggie!
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Ragan and Britt know more about the game than the guys do
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There’s a new page up Betty, rufus and kenjake
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Aggie…let’s go to the new page.
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BB this year is like a train wreck. You don’t want to watch but you can’t look away. I no longer care who wins and I want to say I won’t watch anymore but I can’t look away, just like a train wreck. I still think there should be a third option for FHG to vote on, give the money to charity!!!!!!!!!! Remember, expect the unexpected.
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By the way Ruffus is my dogs name
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aggie27 I know, but not sure with these guys. He is stuck on her thats for sure.
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Thanks for the update rugus2 ….I mean Mike.
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sorry ruffus2 (Mike)….I just realized I totally screwed up your dogs name. 🙄
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Yeah Enzo can be a great comedian 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But his game play!? :-O That is another thing.
For that he should be called the SQUEAK SQUEAK not “Meow Meow”! ;-D
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