Lawon…what are you thinking????

by BBBlogger on August 10, 2011

Am I the only one confused by what is going on in the Big Brother house? Kalia decided to put up Jeff and Rachel, but she tells Jeff she knows he can win the Veto and pull himself off. Huh? I still can’t see the logic in that decision. Then when Jeff wins the Veto, Lawon volunteers to be put on the block AND evicted. Once again, huh? What could he possibly be thinking?

Rachel is still whining about Danielle separating her from her precious Brendan. Really, Rachel? Last time I checked the show is called Big Brother not the Brendan and Rachel show. Grow up, already. If you want to win this game, you have to play it. Everyone is very sick of your “poor little me” routine.

Shelly is playing Big Brother big time. She tells everyone what they want to hear and no one is targeting her at all. She campaigned very hard to have Porsche placed on the block so that Rachel can stay in the house. She keeps walking that fine line between the two groups. I have to admit, I can’t wait till she falls off.

Jeff barely beats Adam in the Veto competition. That was a surprise. Maybe Adam does have a competitive gene or two. Adam shaves for his 40th birthday and he looks way better without that scruffy stuff on his face. I won’t comment on his hairy back though.

Porsche was very close with Rachel, but when Rachel went looney, she started hanging out with Danielle and Kalia. If they are together that would put Adam in a very important spot. If he sticks by Jeff/Jordan/Rachel/Shelly, they have total control, but if Adam goes the other direction and votes with Danielle and Porsche (assuming Porsche has changed to that side), then the voting would be tied and Kalia would pick who is evicted this week.

At least the game is finally getting a little interesting. Can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow night, especially with the competition after the eviction. See you then! Bloggergal

luv2shootpics August 10, 2011 at 11:20 pm

LAWON your one weird nut dude!

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luv2shootpics August 10, 2011 at 11:24 pm

I can’t believe what he’s thinking. I read it the other day, now I know he’s dreaming. He has this weird idea that if he is evicted, he gets to come back with some super power. He better get some super power before tomorrow night because he will most likely have to fight for his life just to get back in as the floater he’s been. My new nick for this poor soul, “Whatdahellyoutinkinman”.

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don August 10, 2011 at 11:26 pm

Expect the unexpected is the motto for a reason, but Lawon took it to a new level. Nobody wants to be the pawn since more often than not they go home. He is taking Pawn to a new level wanting to get evicted so he can be the pawn against hopefully Brendan and cool the drama. He is also so delusional he thinks on top of coming back into the game there is going to be a golden veto, free pass to final 4, 100,000 or something else.

Shelly is not a target because nobody trusts her and she is so far off the radar she is zero threat. Everyone wants Dani or Rachel gone so right now they are the only 2 anyone is going after. Was a shock Adam did as well as he did, but in the end he fell short and like the saying goes Almost only counts in Horseshoes and Hand Grenades. Funny part 4 people were wanting to take Jeff off the block.

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justlookin August 10, 2011 at 11:40 pm

Lol to funny! That’s one long nick name! I guess if he leaves tmrw at least we won’t have to type that nick name out all the time! Lmao!

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Justaguy (JT) August 10, 2011 at 11:50 pm

I like it Sal… I’ll call him “Lawatdahell”?

time to get my ZZZZzzzzzzzzz………..s

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Tammy August 11, 2011 at 12:06 am

Looking forward to tomorrow sure hope Brendon gets back in the house 🙂

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Star August 11, 2011 at 12:22 am

@Bloggergal..I thought the weirdest thing was Kalia actually giving up on the veto, taking a breather and actually cheering Jeff on!!! IS that even legal for an HOH to do??? She is so scared of his revenge that WHILE she, the HOH who put him on the block, is STILL the HOH, she is trying to show him her solidarity!! Is she running for office..or just running FROM the wrath of Jeff???lol I couldn’t help cracking up watching the show tonite as she sounded SO much like her namesake..Oprah…so many times!!! Maybe after the show they will hit her up to be O’s

HeyJL and Sal!! And WHAT??!!! A JT sighting!!!lol I know I havent been around ALOT and didn’t read the end of the last page but….I seriously haven’t seen you since like the Veto comp!! And ….he’s gone. lol Oh well….sweet BB dreams, Justa!!! 🙂

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BBBlogger August 11, 2011 at 9:52 am

Star, You are right about Kalia. That definitely erases any respect the HG’s could have had for her, but I doubt they had any prior to that ridiculous display! Bloggergal

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Maya August 11, 2011 at 12:43 am

I am so over Rachel….If I was one of the new ones all the old ones would of been OUT!!! They had their chance…, Rachael would be the first!! Whaaa!!! Whaaa!!! I need a man in my life cause I cant do shit on my own!!! she blows!!!

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starfish August 11, 2011 at 1:29 am

Hey JT, I agree with Star…a JT sighting. Good to see you back even if it’s a short visit.

@Bloggergal…Huh? What are they thinking? I’m sick of Rach whining about her man.

I thought it was funny how Jordan said now she’s responsible for keeping Rach together and it being a “hard job.” Her facial expressions are priceless.

Lawon is simply delusional. Bye Bye Lawon. Super Powers, please! Sal said it – one weird nut dude ❗

@Star, so right you are about Kalia cheering on Jeff. To quote Bloggergal – “Huh”. She wasn’t too bright putting him up in the first place with her logic.

JL, nope we won’t have to type that nickname for sure. 🙂

Excited to see what happens tomorrow.

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aggie27 August 11, 2011 at 3:03 am

funny how Rach offered her Zit products to Jeff, saying they are good products, Really, They don’t seem to be working for her, she is flushing her money down the toilet, It doesnt mean because something is expensive it’s a good product, it depends what the ingredients are. the more natural the product is the better. Witch Hazel, is also the best kind of astringent. It’s a natural product

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marie August 11, 2011 at 6:31 am

dont bring brendon back if he comes back we all know this is rigged by cbs for the ratings bring back cassie
That wouls piss rach off for sure

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franniep2 August 11, 2011 at 6:52 am

@ Jane…Heya gf! I’m here, just usually read to see what everyone has to say….(well at least most) 😉
@ Star and Starfish….Agree with all you girls have to say (if you know what I mean?) I should include JL, Jane and Aggie in here also. 😉

I’m pretty sure I heard Lawon say he wasn’t a BB fan, so production could get him to do and say just about anything. I’m sure he truly believes he will be back with some sort of ‘super power’. Then when he has to leave the BB house, he can say “How do ya like me now?” with his tail between his legs. This has to be one of the dumbest moves in BB history…..right up there with Marcellas. What a fool that dude was! Lawon is just plain ole CRAZY….but I do like the fun he brings to the show.

I have to hope that Dani wins HOH tonight and do some damage control. WTH was Kalia thinking? Another dumb move to go down in BB history.

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the mortgage dr. August 11, 2011 at 7:09 am

i have to hand it to Lawon…for being one of the last folks in this world on getting off on sniffing glue products…good lord man what are you thinking about…unless i have missed something or i’m out in left field with no glove this guy has to be some where next week and is bound and determined to get away from these goof balls in the BB HOUSE…and there are some real crack pots in there this yr…LAWON all the best to you…i will give you this much credit…your style of clothes brother is second to none…it’s great

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bostonrob August 11, 2011 at 7:51 am

Sooo funny, I was totally reminded of Oprah when watching/listening to Kalia on last nights show. What’s that all about? Sucking up to Jeff was pathetic, but she’s really trying to prove that she is on his side. He didn’t buy it at all. I don’t think she is long for this game.

What makes Lawan think he can win the contest to get back in the house? He dosen’t have the best track record, in fact NO record. This is all very interesting. I don’t see much of a future for Lawan or Kalia at this point.

Tonight should be good…..

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jaketwo August 11, 2011 at 9:05 am

who was that woman that grabbed and hugged Dominic when he was evicted????

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Margo August 11, 2011 at 9:07 am

This is the craziest week of BB ever! I can just see Brenden pining for Rachel is some hotel room nearby. lol! I was definitely a Shelly fan, but I don’t trust her. Lawon is just straight up NUTS! I don’t understand how someone who has done NOTHING thinks he’s going to be given some super-power & brought back in the house. I definitely think it’s going to be Brenden. I think it would be hilarious if Rachel is voted out & she has to compete against Brendan to get back in. He would just hand it to her. I truly think the only reason he chose to go was because he wouldn’t be able to keep his eye on his clubbin’ FIANCE!

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moe August 11, 2011 at 9:12 am

My biggest fear is that Lawon goes home, Brendon comes back and we have to listen to all the whining from Rachel for the rest of the season. If that happens someone will just have to shoot me now or at least shoot my television set. I can’t stand it any longer. If America votes Brendon to compete and Brenchel comes back this show will be nauseating.

I find myself hoping CBS did suggest this to Lawon and got the others to go along just to try to create some drama. If CBS is having them talk on camera as if they are going to vote out Lawon but they actually have brains then it’s completely convincing. I just don’t see how they can be deterred from getting Rachel out.

They NEVER talk about the possibility that anyone gone could come back if this weeks person can. Is there not one of them that could think of this as a possibility? So far I think the egos of the newbies and their basic allegiance to Vets makes no sense at all. I would love to see Dominic or Chelsey back. At least they were nice to look at.

If Rachel does not go home I think Dani will be the next one to say “give me claws and a hunch just away from this bunch. I like her so much more this season than I did when Daddy was there to get her to the end. She is one tough competitor under pressure.

If only she could find someone else in the house who had a backbone that didn’t turn to jelly the second someone noticed that they had actually made a move and started playing in this game. That has to be so frustrating.

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anne August 11, 2011 at 9:13 am

WOW!!! Lawon is one dumb motha fu$$er!!! Although, this game move has made me incredibly happy and hopeful that the veterans (not including Danielle) will make it to the end. Im really really hoping that Brendon is voted back in, especially because Lawon is no competition. I would LOVE to see Danielle and Kalias faces when Brendon walks in through that door. That would be priceless!!! It would also be nice to see Porsha scramble …shes useless and does nothing more then cook…oh wait and host ONE competition. I’m really hoping that PT does not come back in the game. That would be a devistating blow to the vets. Cannot wait for tonight episode to see who comes back to the house!!!! Let’s all hope for Brendon :):):):):):):):) p.s Adam looks nice without his beard. No the outside matches the inside.

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Mel August 11, 2011 at 9:25 am

Dani has figured out the twist, how will she use it, she has a game plan with Adam who DOES NOT want Brenda back in the house. J&J don’t want Brenda back either, so will there be some sort of signal tonight between everybody except Rach?

Second to Lawson’s stupid line, second stupidest line of the season is Jeff saying “he feels like he has orchestrated everything so far and he’d like someone else to take some of it.” Load of pure garbage!

Although cute and all, Jordan has proven she is only beaten in the dumb department by Kalia!

Shelly appears to be playing a good manipulating game, but as proven in the past, manipulaters slip up and she has already to Dani, so she’d better be prepared to cry to her kid alot for screwing up when Dani puts her u for eviction!

Surprised Adam claiming to be an expert on BB doesn’t remember BB9 with the returning evicted HG’s.

Seems most are freaking out over the twist tonight who haven’t figured it out yet, funny how Jeff said last night he sure hopes it isn’t Dom either!

What was proven this week is that the J/J/S/R group are really scared of Dani…….

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lookinin August 11, 2011 at 9:30 am

hi fans – I was wondering if an option for tonight might be that the one of the evicted people and Lawon duel off while the rest do an HOH and then the winner of the duel is a pandora box item. I think I would split my sides if Dani won HOH, opened Pandora’s box and out came Bull.
I’v watched BB since the beginning when america did the ultimate voting off, look forward to seeing a ‘new’ crop of victims every summer and think that this year is one of the weirdest groups ever. Love the vets in the show as they do help with the spice. Thanks ever so for the blogs, I love reading all the comments and gives another insight to this wild game.

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kaleki August 11, 2011 at 9:31 am

I want Brendon back in the house ~ it’s been boring without him. Danielle needs to go ~ she is a ED wannabe

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ndzone August 11, 2011 at 9:34 am

Maybe Lawson wants out of the house and this is a way without just packing up and leaving

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PK August 11, 2011 at 9:35 am

The voting tonight should be very interesting but there have been clues as to how it will play out. J&J, like it or not, will vote to keep Rachel, not as an ally, but more as a bigger target than they are – Jeff in particular.

Kalia most likely with Dani’s input will figure out that Lawon was not the right choice as a pawn since Dani now has a fairly good idea what Thursday’s twist is going to be. Jordan was the smart pawn choice to ensure Rachel’s departure, but Kalia made a promise to Jordan only Kalia would honor. One of many stupid Kalia big moves in the game.

Dani and Kalia decide that it is best to evict Rachel and worry about who does or does not return to the game when it happens.

So far 2 votes from J&J to evict Lawon
2 votes to evict Rachel from Dani and Kalia
Porsche votes to evict Rachel despite what she told Rachel.
now 3 to 2 to evict Rachel
Adam for whatever reason thinks J&J’s side of “the line in the sand” is the side to be on for the time being so he will vote the J&J party line to evict Lawon.
That makes it a 3 to 3 tie
The swing vote is Shelly the Snake. She CANNOT stand Rachel and only comforts her to get her to calm down and shut up until she is gone. Shelly votes to evict Rachel, but in true Shelly form, blames the vote that sends Rachel out the door on Porsche.

Vote 4 to 3 to evict Rachel. PLEASE!

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Mel August 11, 2011 at 9:51 am

PK, Kalia only votes to break a tie, which might be a plan by the other side to place a target on Kalia should she vote out Rach and knowing the chicken Kalia has proven to be, she likely won’t vote out Rach!

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PK August 11, 2011 at 9:55 am

Mel… I tend to forget about the HOH not voting unless there is a tie. In my scenario above, Kalia breaks the tie and votes out Rachel.

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DonnaP August 11, 2011 at 10:03 am

I am very FUSStrated with Lawon, he is a total idiot and I hope he is gone for good. . don’t even want to see him on finale night. Dani is starting to figure out Shelly, that she is a liar , and JJ puppy but it might be too late.

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Robert August 11, 2011 at 10:14 am

I’m hopin’ once Jeff wins the POV & saves himself, Kalia puts Lawon up asa pawn & Rachels flies out of the house on her broom, with a clean sweep! I hated that, bawlin’, sqawlin’ B***H when she was on ther last season & I’m sick to the point of pukin’ of her this time! SHE HAS TO GO! I just hope they decide to bring Dominic back instead of her! They HAVE to voteRachel out. I’m confused as to why Lawon wants to be voted out! Get that heifer Rachel off there!

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Ted August 11, 2011 at 10:50 am

I think PK (with Mel’s help) has called the vote. I think Adam will side with J&J because he idolizes them and doesn’t really dislike Rachel. Shelly may go with J&J just to show solidarity, and for the same reason that Rachel will always be a target in the future.

Question… The house guests were not told that someone would re-enter the game to ‘battle’ the evicted HG, right? I can’t remember the exact wording Julie used.

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PK August 11, 2011 at 11:14 am

Ted… The exact words Julie said regarding the latest twist were sent to you by messenger and should arrive on the next ferry arriving at Friday harbor…

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BBFan August 11, 2011 at 11:44 am

All raked..

Why would Brendon not take him self off the block and leave the most targetted person on BB (Rachael). Brandon gets booted off
The same day he is booted off, BB tells them a twist
The next person to be evicted gets a guaranteed spot to come back to the BB house. Hum can anyone tell me who you think will get back in the house.. duh Brendon!. Rachael isn’t going anywhere. This is all part off BB’s RATINGS. You the audience get to choose a side. The Oldies or the newbies. In the long run.. the 3 last ppl standing will be 1 oldy and 2 newbies. The point is BB is all about the DRAMA and they are sucking you right in, like they have with me.. grrr.. lol

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BBFan August 11, 2011 at 11:51 am

Oh and Danielle when she was HOH. She should have put Jeff and Jordan.. and if they played the POV and won.. Dani could’ve replaced them with Rachael and Brendon.. but remember Dani came with them.. hummmmm could this all have been well planned by BB?? cus at this point guess whose the target for this week The newbie Keila… Oh and Dani is no longer the target… hummmm.. I wonder whats gonna happen next???

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starfish August 11, 2011 at 11:52 am

Mornin All!
Kalia reminding us of Oprah makes me feel sorry for Oprah. Can you imagine Oprah even coming close to making such stupid decisions based on being afraid of someone? Never happen. I just never made the connection not even in the mannerisms. I’ll watch closer.

I think Adam does look better. I was impressed with his tenacity in the competition. He was looking better than Jeff up until the very end when Jeff pulled ahead. I was surprised about Adam’s performance but happy Jeff won.

Moe said something about the HGs NEVER mentioning who might come back into the house. I haven’t heard them consider that option either. It’s odd that they their egos won’t consider anything except the one going out coming back in. If Dani has figured this out, has she mentioned anything about one of the evictees coming back? Mel did mention that Jeff hopes it isn’t Dom.

I agree with PKs vote too! We can only hope Rach goes. Plus it will be fun no matter who comes back to watch Rach’s reaction in the comp. I hope CBS isn’t pulling any strings. If Rach goes and she has to compete against Brendon, as been said many times, he’ll give it to her. However, if Cassi comes back, that will be so much more fun to watch. Rach seems to have regained her strength and wants to win for her “man”. Ugh

As for Lawon, you guys have said it all. 😛

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the mortgage dr. August 11, 2011 at 12:10 pm

I JUST HEARD ON CBS THAT LAWON IS LEAVING THE HOUSE TO BE PART OF THE IOWA DEBATE TONIGHT AND THE STRAW VOTE THIS WEEKEND…seems that LAWON is now running for President of the UNITED STATES…his new found power…just what we need another wack job politican…just like the rest…

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Mel August 11, 2011 at 12:12 pm

@starfish, she mentioned it to Shelly the expert who then went and told J&J in a sarcastic way as if it is unbelievable that BB would sequester (sp?) evicted HG’s for that long………duh……BB9 wannabe expert Shelly!

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DOUBLE M August 11, 2011 at 12:38 pm

can anyone please tell me if kalia has ever seen bb before she came into the house? cause either she has a very short memory or is the biggest fool to enter the bb house (along side with marcellas and now lawon) come on i so looking forward to seeing oprahs face next week when one of the vets puts her up on the block or even better when she is back doored without a chance to win the veto.I for one will not miss that chattering she is like gnat on and on and on does not take a break and i wa rofl when after the veto was done she was telling dani in the hoh room “i told shelly what i want her to do” omg, does this #1 nitwit have any idea whatever power she had is now long gone? this is how i see it happening tonite, adam, dani, porsche vote to oust rachoe, j & j and buck to oust lawon, so leaves #1 nitwit to break tie and no matter how many times she changes her mind she will without a doubt vote out lawon THINKING the vets have her back, no way oprah. Then lawon will battle it out with brendud and brendud will win thus the house will be back stronger then ever, the only lite at the end of the tunnel is when the 2 vet teams start to turn on each other. That is my word and i am sticking to it, lol . I do not expect anything different from the show tonite, hope i am wrong as wrong can be but somehow doubt it. oprah and lawon will go down in bb history rite alongs side with marcellas i can’t wait to hear what julie has to say to lawon or oprah. Will do fly by later for any lf updates, i do not expect much to be happening, have a great day one and all,
double m, m2, mama margie (lol)

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Ted August 11, 2011 at 12:55 pm

PK… you are all Heart… Black of course…

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BBBlogger August 11, 2011 at 2:37 pm

New Post is Up! Cast your vote to evict!

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Hapahwngirl August 11, 2011 at 4:03 pm

I vote to evict Rachel!!!!!!!!!!!

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BCMarie August 11, 2011 at 5:54 pm

I saw a scrollby blurb on a Canadian early morning show that Olivia Wilde (the one that many compared to Cassi) is going to be a new Revlon spokes’model’.

It would be just too fng funny if Cassi was the one voted by America to have the chance to come back in the house 🙂

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DiGiam August 11, 2011 at 9:28 pm

Kalia and Danielle have played the worst game in BB history. If you vote rachael out, there is no guarentee that she comes back. If you keep her you have to deal with her one more week and you dont know if you will ever get the chance to vote her out. Them not knowing how the twist would play out, i would go ahead and vote rachael out. Then there is a 50/50 chance she comes back instead of giving her a free pass. Now look. Low and behold Brendon comes back in the house and they are double fucked. Jeff and Rachael literally punked kalia out of sending rachael home or putting Jordan up. No balls what so ever. The rest of the house guests should go to the dairy room and tell big brother to just let Jeff, Jordan, Rachael, and Brendon battle it out for the money because we are to fucking stupid to figure out what to do.

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Nancy August 11, 2011 at 9:38 pm

What the #$%^ is going on!!!!!!!!!!!! This is craziness!!!!!!!

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Nancy August 11, 2011 at 9:39 pm

Big Brother 13 really sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Erin August 12, 2011 at 8:10 am

well well well. Kalia what a spineless jellyfish.Daniele…yur really losing it. rachel thanks for keeping the show interesting Cuz these people are BORING! jeff yur hilarious i love you. I think its good brendan came back I would have vomited if daniele’s little boy toy came back. LAWON!! omg you lost yur mind in the BB house! Shelly, amazing but eventually you will get caught, but very interesting

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BCMarie August 12, 2011 at 11:58 pm

DiGiam … absolutely loved your synopsis.

Why am I posting here?

Because I can?

Actually I have several blogger windows open, this one I read from my post.

Cool on Danielle for winning the HOH … from what little I have read in the successive blogs.

Still DiGiams post is worth merit.

Closing this window.

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