Hey BB fans!!
NOooooo, what the heck am I gonna do for the rest of the summer now that big brother is over!?! Darn it, this season went by way too fast. & I don’t even know what to write because I’m not all jazzed up about this season. I wanted Lane to win but didn’t really care once it got down to the final 3. It’s crazy because from the very beginning I was like “hahaha yah flippin right, the bragade is not gonna last”. I thought for sure Enzo woulda been out the first couple evictions after he gave everybody nicknames.
This is one of the many reasons why I love the game of Big Brother so much. It’s funny cause I totally did not like Hayden or Enzo at all in the beginning. Hayden drove me crazy with all of his yelling in the diary room & Enzo drove me nuts with the “meow, meow” haha..but now I think it’s funny as hell!! Enzo really had me cracking up at the finale. He is sooooo funny!! I didn’t realize in the whole season of the show that Enzo is a really good guy. I mean he was soooooo thankful to be a part of BB & I love & respect that so much! I loved how confident he is, that cracks me up because you know he is his biggest fan!!
The finale was so funny, I actually enjoyed the finale more than the entire season. I thought the jurors came up with some AWESOME questions! I loved it when Hayden was like “what seperated me from lane was competitions, haha… nice squeeze in your own question Hayden! LOL Then when Britney was like Big word, big word, big word…& Lane was like WHAT!? HAHA… it totally threw him off & he’s like I contributed by making the bragade laugh & watching over them, & uhhhh yah just those 2. hahaha. Freaking crack me up.
It’s funny how the “not to say their stupid” but the least smartest of the bunch made it to the end. Unlike the doctors, supergenius, professor & scientist. LMAO!! It just goes to show you that you don’t have to be super smart to win Big Brother.
So now that the show is over I wonder so many things…if Kristen & Hayden are gonna get together. what’s gonna happen with Britney & her fiance. What’s gonna happen when Rachel realizes most of america does not like her. What’s gonna happen with Brenchel? Why the heck didn’t bb bring up that Matt is a supergenius at the finale? So many questions!! Anyways bb was fun to watch as always even though this wasn’t my favorite season. I’m just happy & thankful that bb is still on tv. Now I’m just hoping for more awesome seasons of bb & most of all an allstar season!!! Well it was fun writing the blogs & thank you everyone for reading even if you disagree with what I have to say.
Ps: If you want to keep in touch with me, follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/ChattyNatty
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1346733821
you can also watch my painting video’s & keep in touch with me on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/NATALIALYNN
You can also get access to my website & more cool stuff from me when you sign up to my mailing list:
Love you bb fans!!! Talk soon!
Natty BB9
hey, did you guys see that brittany’s house burned?? the day of the finale!! crazy…glad she has some money to start over!
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OMG! I have never read a main blog on here and then realized there were no comments!! I don’t feel FIRST, it just feels abandoned!!:(
But I guess I am missing BB and our blog more than I thought I would. Go figure!
Thought Natty made some good points, especially about the finale being really good. I thought it was one of the funniest ever, for sure. I didn’t care for alot of the HGs at 1st either, but by the end they always seem like family and the last 3 brigade guys were all pretty hysterical! Their being good friends helped make the last week not unbearable..for us and them!! Remember on S8 when Danielle wasn’t speaking to ED and Zack hated both of them and kept holed up in the HOH???lol
I want to know what is going on NOW tho! Why don’t they give reports or have TV specials about it?? What other show is on 3 nites a week for 3 months for 12 seasons,gets crazy high ratings and gets so lil publicity after it’s over? It’s always just swept away after the finale like it didn’t happen and we are all left with questions!
I’m left missing the show and our blogade and it looks like I’m talking to myself SOOOOOOOOOOO……guess I’ll go now! before they lock me up!!lol
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Ur not alone. lol Just get busy doing something constructive…like…working out…or learning a foreign language till next season. hahah!!
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no I read your post you are not alone, been on aggie27 blog all morning its a hoot. hope to see you there.
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It’s spelled b-r-I-g-a-d-e
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Wonder how long it will take them to realize they are not about to have their celebrity stars launched. This cast was so deluded. Ragan was the best thing about this season.
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It seems like it went by fast I guess it was be because of being on the blog it made it more fun
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BB did go by pretty fast but at least now we have Survivor to look forward to. I met alot of new and interesting people here. I hope we can get a crowd as active on Survivor. I know Ted will be there….what else is there to do in Friday Harbor? 🙄
Hey Star..stop by Aggies sometime. I put the link up several times for all to see. If for nothing else but to blow off some steam once in a while. We listen to everything from everyone.
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Zep…the word is brigade..you are correct..however the BB houseguests referred to it as the Bra- gade, as in a bunch of bra’s or brothers.
I agree with the idea that they go full force with multiple shows each week…we get invested in all of the houseguests only to have each and every one of them poof off the radar forever. The only way we hear about any of them is if they get into trouble and they get their mugshots posted on TMZ. Give us an after show….or how about “Where are they now”? Special?
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This was fun! Hard to get in sometimes, Hey Frann, see u soon.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------poor Lane. he’s cute but dumber than a dirt clod.
i hope brit’s ok.
i guess i’ll be watching alot of tv re-runs and whatever new shows are coming out and of course survivor.
and now i’m going to make myself lose the weight i’ve been promising to lose since jan 1. sigh
hi frannie, star n aggie.
i got into aggie’s blog. then my pc froze so i don’t know if i made it to the survivor blog or not. i think i did once.
don’t know for sure if it was the right page tho.
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I check on every thing I can BB Afica some guy got kicked off for shoving a girl, Does anyone know how many BB shows are on out, Maybe there ought to be a BB station where we could watch other BB shows could be interesting I know our BB is atake off of a brittish show I have aal this channels on my Directv but nothing to watch
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I too, wish that we could get followups, on how these people turn out. I really wonder about contestants from other seasons. Kail had her Rainbow thing down in Oregon, which I watched on Real Networks, so I got to see what those folks were doing. There were so many various life outcomes after or because of Big Brother. Chicken George said being on Big Brother contributed to his current success. Cowboy kinda hinted that Big Brother contributed to his divorce. It’s also interesting that most former contestants dig the show, but others such as Kaysar, and Lydia could care less. (Doctor Will once stated as such. “It’s part of my past life, but I don’t care anymore. I’m on Doctor 90210”) Iwish that someone would have an ongoing “Where are they Now”??
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It appears that Jeff and Jordan are the only Showmance still going on. Does Evel Dick and his daughter Daniele still see each other, or are they estranged again? I was told that awhile back Daniele’s Showmance Nick and well-endowed Jen from the same seaso hooked up and were an item. I got a million more “I wonders”.
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Or at least a blog that you can go too see what happened to fromer HGs that would be fun to read.
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I also wonder who is now where and with who and did that Nat from Ariz that got engaged on the show get married to her boyfriend. I wish they would do a reunion about where are they now. Also answer some questions. Was BB9 Nat a real cheerleader for the NFL? They should have exposed that Ragan was not just a teacher but professor, Matt is a member of mensa, Rachel is a member of hookers society and Brendon is just plain stupid. If Hayden lives in Tempe AZ to go to school, where is he really from?
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hi yall! did anyone happen to see the aftershow backyard interviews – with missy from superpass…. they sort of asked brit is she wanted to be on the program – asked her if she would ever consider being a comedien
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I wish I had seen the backyard interviews.
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I wish I could keep in touch with you all , after BB is over!
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i wonder if anyone could keep this site up?
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macy me too!
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Bobo, We are still around we are over at aggie27 blog come on over you will like it Frannie or Aggie can tell you how, or catch us on Survivors blog.
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hey mike – i have been trying to communicate on the survivor blog – when i do – my comments get erased………….dunno
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dunno either am new with this stuff does it say under moderation it took me a day and have to get on
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hows ur back these days mikee
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same-o same-o I have been on this blog,aggieand survivor all day its been fun I all ways check the box at the end of post so I get updated all day from the free that how I knew you asked me a ?
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I meant 3
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This year had it’s absolute ups and downs but IMO mostly downs that had me hooked to the TV and yelling a lot!
I would like to see more follow-up during the final show. I’m glad Britney won the $25K and as for Hayden, like Natty, I wanted Lane but in the end it really didn’t matter.
I would love to see them seeing their individual families after so long. That would be fun to watch even if it’s something quick like in the beginning when they get their keys. It just ends….. 😥
See you all for BB13!! 😀
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Hi frannie, tendr…I will hop over to aggies..I know i have her place bookmarked somehwere…..feels good to still see a few blogaders here tho! I have stopped by Survivor blog…even left one. But….not much going on at all. Nothing like here! So I’m making the rounds..aggie’s is prolly next!!!
lulu and Mike…glad I’m not alone!! Lulu…..lol@ your advice. Scary how addicted we get to thisTV show every year..and how lONG it seems to comne DOWN from it!! 😯
drgma…..nice BB trivia!! I kept up with ED and danny for a few months after their season, then lost them. Wouldn’t surprise me if they weren’t speaking again. I think they are too much alike(slefish) to get along for long periods of time!! I didn’t know that about kasar, but I never liked him!! Really didnt care for that whole season. Janelle was SO stuck up and Howie…well….he made Enzo look like he should be in mensa with Matt!!lol CBS would have major ratings anythime they would bring back a BB reunion show or How have they been show of any kind, I can guarentee that!!
macy…..I knew about the BY shows, but my Superpass must have run out cuz it said it was over for the year!! Do they expect us to keep paying for it until next summer?? I would love to see those tho. In the past, the finale showed a bunch of that. They did everything SO screwy this year! Really PO’ed me!! And I would like to know how long this blog will be kept up too. I never remember. Prolly won’t be for long..maybe a week. As to Survivor, leave a message here for sal or maybe u just need to be moderated. I’ll leave a message there for ya if you’d like . You’re not missing much..11 comment today!! Maybe things haven’t warmed up yet tho.
Starfish…..sounds like you are done for the season. Didn’t get a chance to chat alot with ya this year. Definetly cya next summer if nowher else. Take care girlfriend!!!!
Ok….talked out for now and feeling silly again. Weird to know no one else is prolly OUT there right now!! Not like Wed nite when there were over 500 posts!!lol
Peace out for now!!
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Star, starfish, Bobo and whoever else hasn’t seen this link yet….come on over to Aggies. We talk about anything and everything. 😉
Every day there are new questions. Fridays are a bit much for some…ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! 😆
See ya all there……………….
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Dear Writer’s Guild,
You guys are getting screwed!! You come up with all these great ideas and don’t get enough credit. Most of you barely make enough money to live on. “The man” is stickin’ it to you! They make truckloads of cash and just a tine percentage trickles down to your pockets! You can do much better! Not tellin’ what to do…. but if I were a writer, I wouldn’t stand for this BS! I’d join all my brothers and sisters and walk right out til they gave me what I was worth!
I vote
to evict…. errrr, I mean I vote to strike!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...shhhhh!... let's sit back and see if this catches on... and maybe we get BB13 this winter! :lol:
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*We’re mad as Hell and we’re not gonna take this anymore*!!
*Lucky STRIKE Means Fine TV*(LSMFT)
*AT-TI-CA …….AT-TI-CA……*
Just trying to come up with catchy slogans for the Strike!! But I guess, being WRITERS, you guys can probably come up with your OWN!! 😉
But if you need me..or ANY of us to go to bat for you or just lend ideas and moral support…..please feel free to contact us here. Anytime!!!
JT….ROTFLMAO!!! 😆 😆 😆 VERY creative! Altho I saw where you were going with it after the salutation!! *A* for effort!! Not to mention you made my day! 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Let’s hope the writers are equally convinced!!
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Star and JT, I agree lets have another writers strike PLEASE!!!!!
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Mike, once again thanks for the shout out, Bobo come and join us on my blog http://aggie27.wordpress.com/
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Kerri J, the feeds were actually making me kind of crazy I only got to see some of the interviews, then they would keep cutting out on me for some reason i will forward the backyard interviews to you hopefully maybe you will be able to see them anybody else who wants them let me know, they were pretty good. i got to see the ragan interview on facebook, i haven’t seen rachel yet 🙄
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Thanks Aggie got and will be checking them out this afternoon. Going shopping for tulle to make Ladybug a Dallas Stars tutu dress out of a tshirt she got. Wish me luck. Never tried it before.
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Good luck Keri J, I hope it works out for you
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YES the writters on the TV shows work to hard,they need more money ,more time with their familys,they should be mad as HELL. They need to Strike NOW(or until we get BB back in the winter) if you are a writer dont pay any attention to the last part. STRIKE,STRIKE STRIKE
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DRGMA, EVEL DICK and His daughter Danielle have gotten closer, danielle broke up with nick and he is dating Jen from season 8 and nick treated Jen like crap on the show, dick and nick are still friends he always liked the guy, danielle is now dating Alex Coladonato, from BB9, now talk about a Hottie he is way better looking than nick ever was, and the weird thing is they have similar names, Danielle ‘s last name is donato.
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TXS aggie for the update alwats wonder what happens with HGs, boy I sure talk alot,must be the pills ,I am on here on tour blog and on survivor when they post something.
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wished they would move the T away from the Y
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LOL @ Mike…where would you prefer the T be next to?
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I dont know just some where else,I go to hit a T and Hit Y or Y and Hit a T. What is it with the Keyborads any ? did some genious think hey we will just screw up every one lets put every think where it doent go an see if they figure it out.
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Funny Mike…you’re all over the place like me….I blog hop all the time to see where the action is. 😆
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franniep2, been all over the bloggs to day hardly any one a round, maybe it will pick up later
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I got aggie’s blog…so how does it work? no one is there just a bunch of sayings?
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Saturdays are usually pretty busy for most. I am getting ready to take off to go shopping. Stick around….you may catch someone. Hey Mike…you can call me Fran. (….it’s alot shorter) Have a good one Mike. I may see you later tonight. Man the blogs…keep everyone in line. 😆
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Hello Bobo
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Bob…it works like this one. You can actually reply to someone elses comment. Right under that particular post….click reply. Did you find the correct day?
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No I just hit any old thing…lol Fran
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Bob…when you get to Aggies page….go to the calendar and go to Sept. 18 to get on the correct date. Otherwise, you will be on an old post. Try it and I’ll wait for you to come back here.
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Once you’re there Bob….click on the ‘comments 86’. That’s how many there are at this very moment. Then, you can read and answer the questions or reply to someones post or go to the bottom and say something. I’ll watch for you.
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I think I understand how it works!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fran I just hit the wrong date!
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Can you go to the bottom of the 18th’s day and say hello? I will reply to you there.
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Come on Mike…let’s go welcome Bob!.
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ok now i can bounce back and forth, till i find u guys, on a break from the family, this cold turkey from bb is not going well, i find myself in a complete snit now that bbad is GONE. It was so boring, but something is better then nothing, at least i know i can find u guys one way or another. for the record it is a beautiful clear dry day here in missouri, not a cloud in the sky, now why am i giving you an update on my weather, cause mother nature hates me that is why, no program i want to see tonight so all is well in missouri, lets see when survivor comes on then mother nature will make herself known. did you all catch the news there was a tornado in ny, even hit my borough (S.I.), guess u can’t escape it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ciao till later, all have a great day
P.S. now you all know this comment could not be a short one lol
i vote for a show titled BIG BROTHER HG WHERE ARE THEY NOW?
IF ONLY……………..
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Hey Mama Margie….good to see you. Even if it was just a ‘flyby’. 😆
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I guess Bob got lost in cyber blogland. I think he can find it now.
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Hey Bob…I just thought of something. If you do put a comment up on Aggies blog, you will have to wait to be moderated. Aggie isn’t home right now but she will moderate you when she gets home. Be patient.
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Boy, I take alittle nap and wake up to 31 posts on BB an aggies blog, Bobo did you get on aggie blog yet, I am old it took me awhile to get to it. I will try to help if I can. believe me its worth the wait. first put the site in your favorites.
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Bobo if you come back on I should get a E-Mail and I will try to help you.
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nite all
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goodnight Mike, sleep well
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It’s the weekend….WAKE UP y’all
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COBWEBS STARTING IN THE CORNER
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BOOOO BOOO this is the grost of BB12 its over let me rest,see all of you next year hope you have a great year.
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anyone still talking on this blog???? hellooooo
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Just one more for fun……
******SPOILER ALERT******
Hang on to your butts, Brenchel fans, because CBS isn’t done with the biggest drama inducing Big Brother 12 showmance just yet. According to Soap Opera Digest (what?), the duo that could only have been crafted up in a mad scientist’s lab will be back next month for an appearance on The Bold and the Beautiful:
BIG BROTHER 12’s Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas are appearing on Oct. 25 and 26 as a Bikini Beach waitress and bartender. The pair will be in scenes with B&B’s Hope, Liam, Bill, Katie and Amber.
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😯 😮 What a treat for those lucky viewers 🙄 😆
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Make sure you set those DVR’s people. 😆
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HELLO, are you people retarded or what, BB IS OVER, time to get on with your lives, Maybe you have been in a COMA for awhile and don’t know the SHOW IS OVER, Ok stop writing on OLD PAGES, PLEASE!!!!!!!!
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What? Big Brother is over???? 😮
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT……………
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aggie..if you hate thes old BB pages so BAD, WTF are you doing here reading them???? 😆
JT… I also read that about Brenchel’s new gig….too bad I think of Spoil Alerting it!!! Drats!
Hey MM and AC! Miss you guys!!!
Also, so many of you were here I had to chime it…felt like old times!!!! I STILL don’t really like Survivor! Bores the crap outta me so blogging over there hasn’t been appealing. And have meant to stop by aggie’s too but haven’t had time for all the Q’s..no offense, ag…;) Sure I will show up eventually at both, but *there’s no place like HOME!* *clicks ruby red slippers together 3 times*
Dorothy Star
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HiStar and margie, I have nothing against the BB Blog, I am refering to people who act like BB still Isn’t over, there were some on here still talking about something that happened a while ago, I always feel sad when BB is over every year, it seems to go by pretty quickly, and i think this blog is the most fun of all. you are right about survivor, I’m a fan of the show but we can’t see any live feeds, it’s just a once a week deal. Star, you don’t have to answer questions on my blog, if you don’t want to. people can come on ,and talk about anything they like. Peace ladies, no offense ,I get tired of constantly deleted and old page.
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aggie..I will stop by more then even if just to say HEY and bug everybody!!! 😉
But what do you mean deleting old pages??? Do you get the BB blogs in your email?? I just have mine BM’ed on my task bar and stop by occasionally if I feel like it. Justa ‘wonderin’….
It still feels so GOOD to be chatting here again!! Maybe we could set up a time and all meet some nite??LOL yeah…prolly not…… 🙁
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is it July 2011 yet??? lol
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Hi Star, yeah i get like 5 different pages at once, and what really bugs me, even when Bb was on people commenting on old pages when there is a new one, Do stop by a bug people we would love that, yeah we should set a time to be on, we know each others email ADDy that wouldn’t be hard. I wonder if some people on here realize hayden won, i wonder sometimes. Oh well, take care good woman, peace
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What? Hairden won? 😮
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I have been totally out of the BB loop! I have worked every day since Labor Day.. and wont have a day off til September ends…
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when September ends
Wake me up..when September ends!
So.. to get all caught up here…
Who do y’all think the “lifelong friends” are? 😆
Aggie, I don’t get it?? What do you mean you have to delete this page? Do you actually have the power to delete pages here? 😯 And if I go back and start commenting on older pages.. will you be able to delete those too? 😆
Star… like the idea of a bunch of people meeting here some day and chatting away! 😀
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LMAO, JT, I come home and find 6 FRIGGIN pages on my GMAIL PAGE, OMG you are a trouble maker aren’t you what are you a tag Team with AC now 🙄
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hello all
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i am glad to see this is still open and working
let’s all set a time and place to meet that would be so much fun.
just let me know, star really miss u girl, stop by and stay for a min or two if only to do a fly by.
anyone hear from jane or princess bob, i guess pk fell off the face of the earth has he been on survivor, seems my nights r busy to catch the shows i wanted to see. jt love when you stop in to aggies place, your answers have me rofl. i see mike stops in a lot which is fun, so come on all join in we do have fun, txs to aggie for making it possible, fran, cyn, mike, betty and other flybys, it is fun try it u will like it…
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HI MS MAMMA! i have gone in several times to aggies blog and my timing seems to stink – dont connect with yall – i am in texas – central time – so dunno
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Tag 8)
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------same thing happens to me i am usually the last one to do the quiz, i also am on central time missouri here. we all seem to be on different levels like they were saying on the above blog, we need to pick a day and time every week to meet and keep it going. i miss the bbblog but love aggies blog, hope to catch up with you soon, i guess we can keep checking in here for updates lol
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I see you too!!! 8)
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MARGIE – jimmie johnson #48 won today – so…ITS ALL GOOD
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lol @ ac, macy good for jj
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i guess we should all check here maybe if we set up a day of the week and a time we can all come and check out posting, ie wed at 11pm is finally posting for week, then we can come in and update, will be easier then spot checking, i miss bb wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh 🙁
ciao 4 now
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MARG – i will try to check in on wed at 11am central – or should i be later or earlier – i forget where u are – missouri? central i think – lemme know…..also you can always e-mail me at bendi2006@aol.com
check ya later alligator
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plus – i usually check this blog daily
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so do i check it quite often, i will save your email and send you a quickie so u will have mime, will do tomorrow
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Hey Blogaders! Sup??!! Looks like some people are talking about when to possibly meet up here. What about Fri nites?? If we get a concensus, we can talk time later.
Justa throwing it out there!!
L8er dudes and dudettes! 😎
Peace OUT for now!
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HI STAR, Great idea to meet people here, but friday and saturday, I go out, I would be bummed to actually miss everyone, If you did it on any of those days I could be here after midnight, is that to late or what?, Just throwing it out there. later all 😆
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Yo, aggie! After midnight isn’t a problem for me and I am prolly in the latest time zone being EST. It doesn’t have to be Fri. I was just thinking most people are off work, chilling and wouldnt have to be up early the next day….especially JT. I’m open. Later is actually better for me on most nites. And alot of people go out Sat. nites……not BOTH weekend nites like YOU Miss Popular.. 🙄
The voting booth is OPEN! Keep the comments coming and we may actually make this HAPPEN!! 😯
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Great Star, we shall see what Mr. Popular Jt And Miss Popular Fran Says
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hey all,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------just let me know day and time, i will be here with my glad rags on.
i can and usually stay up late since i do not have to get up for work, lol
i am still going cold turkey without bbad.
i think it is a great idea so we can at least catch up with each other at least once a week, i really miss this blog.
can u believe this is a short comment lol
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HEY MMARG! sorry about your slow recovery ha – HI BLOGADERS!! weather is finally cooling off here – thank goodness. regarding DWTS – after hearing all the stuff micheal bolton put kim johnson and the production crew (diva) im glad he got the boot. on survivor – my dvr skipped it so i didnt get to see it – but heard jimmy johnson got the boot – he too spoiled to be on that show – is use to the ‘silver spoon’ so to speak…. will be gone a couple of days – will check back – bu-bye
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hi macy, i have not seen dwts, but keep up with it via my neighbor. i was so glad to know that bolton aka dickhead was shown the door, another over sized ego.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------in a way i was sorry to hear jimmy j is off survivor, but i think he was not able to keep up the pace, and he slowed them down.
hi to all who come on, i have been on aggies block what a hoot, lots of fun. hope all of u r well and enjoying nicer weather where ever u r.
will check back for schedule for bb chat times
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HI margie, hopefully it would be after midnight on friday or saturday, i don’t get home till around then, the thing is rounding everyone up, thanks for the kind words margie it is very sweet of you and if this happens without me this girl is PISSED, So Jt, Ac, Fran, get buts in gear, pronto 😆
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My butt is in gear Aggie…1st gear. Don’t want miss Aggie getting pissed…so you tell us which day and we will all show up. Just make sure it’s not at a time when one of our other shows comes on. 🙄 I really don’t have a life… 😆 other than having to go to work. 👿
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My butt is in gear too……. is “Park” considered a gear? 🙄 😆
After some R&R Friday and today… my butt is parked for the night!
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Hey JT….looks like I just missed you by about 15 mins! Almost had a chat started tonight!!lol Howzit going with work?? I am SO ready for a new winter BB!!! Maybe if/when we do all get together(next weekend good for anybody??) we can up with some kind of an idea to get CBS to LISTEN to us! It will give our chat purpose!! Winters are long and cold and boring in the East! We NEED BB to keep us from going BONKERS!!! 😆
Any takers? Any new gossip??? I did hear about what the HGs have been selling on ebay. They are all selling their sock puppets…..matt is sellong his onesie…EWWWWW..WHY would anyone…..well…..moving on…..Meow Meow is selling his Penguin suit(BB kept one of them)and if you buy Enzo’s you get a complimentary 10 min phone call along with it. OOooohhhhbaby!! That would sell it for ME!!! And BB is selling the flamingos, bathrobes, a chandelier and the occupied sign from the john door! Again..EWW!!
I don’t understand why..if you worked so hard to get on BB, you would sell every last one of your mementos from it. :SHOCK: I would keep ALL of them! But then I’m a sentimental pack-rat..or so I have been TOLD!!! 😎
Ok..talking to oneself is not a sign of good mental health sooooo……will keep checking back for signs of life!!
(mama margie…..top THAT one for length!!)lol
Peace & love y’all!!!
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Hey Stra, looks like I missed ya by about 3 hours! I would keep the stuff from BB too. They might make a few hundred.. or even thousand dollars.. but I’d rather have the stuff.
Question… What are the top 2 tv shows for making money for their network?
1) American Idol
2) Big Brother
Here’s another question… If BB is 2nd to only AI for making money, why do we have to put up with constant cancellation rumors? Seems like it should just be a given that it will be picked up each year. BB is called a “cash cow” for CBS.
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Fran, good to know you and JT’s Butts are in gear, I don’t want to beat a dead horse, which i have been known to do, bUT, It seems like nothing has been proposed about Star And margie’s question,? are we going to keep talking about it? or find a solution, everybody needs to mention what day is better for them, and then there’s the dreaded time zone issue. If you don’t start giving answers before you know it it will be thanksgiving then christmas, action is always better, than no solution at all, I’m not getting pissy, I just want a little action on this issue. 😆
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OK…I’ll step up. How about next Sunday, Oct. 10th. Let’s say 9:00 central time. Does that sound ok with the rest of y’all.
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Frannie that sounds good to me ,come on people get in here and vote could be fun to get us all back at the same time.
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Sunday night at 9pm central…… yep, that works for me. 😀
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Yeah, thanks JT, ok sunday it is 9pm, STAR and MARGIE it is up to you guys now, Mike what do you say about that?
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Great mike, we have to see what the other ladies say now, have a good day mike, peace 😆
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BLOGADERS – 9 PM sunday – hmmm – ok for me – might be sleepin though – dont trust what i say – HA HA
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finally on line, what a weekend, but YES OH YES SUNDAY 10/10
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AT 9PM FRANNIE THAT IS OUR TIME RIGHT? i get so confused.
had a lot going on this past weekend from fri till after 10 last nite, am exhausted and this week is going to be busy but not as bad as this past weekend. i missed aggies blogs for a fewdays so i will just go and do todays and catch up on reading for the other times i missed.
hugs to all, hope mama bear is doing well, take care my homies and will catch up to you later.
ps. lmao sorry star i could not beat you today way 2 go girl, u rock
had to make this short and sweet, but u all know i will more then make up for it, c ya
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Yes MM…that would be 9:00 our time.
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txs franie got it
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------had a lot of fun tonite dwts, was girls nite and we really let loose,
ciao till tomorrow, have a great evening.
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Thanks margie, yes it was fun tonight, Oh YEAH< IT WAS LADIES NIGHT, looking forward to seeing you all on sunday at 9 Pm. I hope Star, and Princess will be on board also and any other BB fanatic on here, take care all, peace 😆
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I haven’t seen Betty…I guess I better e-mail her so she doesn’t miss out on a little fun Sunday night.
Yes…we did have fun on Aggies blog. It was a good thing it was ladies night cause that Mama Margie sure knows how to hang… 😉 I know me and Aggie can get down and dirty but I was like 😯 at MM. 😆 You go girl!!! Hey Ted…another HOT ONE!
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aggie & fran, just wait till i realllllllllllllllllllly let loose, have not had that much fun in a long time, txs again, it feels so good to let loose every now and then. this morning my hubby said boy u sounded like u were having fun, i said sure did and this is more to come knowing this crew. can you guys believe i missed the score for FOXY, gee wonder why, maybe cause my mind was elsewhere??????
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i am sure it will be repeated.
have a great day one and all,
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Hey guys!! Ladies nite?? MM hangin?? What did I miss???!! Someone email me next time there’s a party going on, will ya?? It’s the polite thing to DO, after all……lol(aggie you have permission to send out my email to whomsoever wants it…from the BLOG!!!lol)
Haven’t been OL much this week so guess i’m outta the LOOP!
Gathered from a lil sneak peekin that JT was/is working graveyard this week too. I don’t mind that shift. I get my 2nd wind then…do my best work! When I was working 6 days a week, I used to get like 4 hrs sleep a nite cuz I was OL chattin , working and playing and felt GREAT till 4 or 5 am. That is I felt great until I had to get up! But then it started all over again the next day so…..whatever works,right??
About Sunday…I will TRY to be here. But my initial suggestions were fri or sat nite, thinking all you 9-5ers wouldnt want to be UP late on Sun!!!! And Sun. nite isn’t great for me. Probably 50% of the shows I watch all week(that arent news or soaps) are on Sun! Plus, we do our 2nd job on Sun nites too. Prolly too late to change anyone’s schedule now but in the future, if we could NOT make it Sun nite, it would be better for ME..and after all…I AM the STAR of the blog…… 😀 ☆ ☆
L8er taters!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Star ☆ ☆
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Hey Star, Darn Tootin, you are the Star around here, i hope everyone shows up on sunday at 9 pm. maybe next time we can try for saturday, take care Star.
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hey all, hope you can make the post bb party this coming sunday, in fact i am here now, putting a reserved sign on my seat which is front row center. Really looking forward to it, i do not have much to contribute to news of the outgoing bb gang, but will be fun to connect with all you roomies i just hope some trouble makers do not come and upset the apple cart, we all are doing so well on our own, i dare not mention a name or for sure there will be fireworks, so let’s all get along, plan to be here and let the good times roll.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hugs to all, ciao
mama margie
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Margie…save me a seat to your right please. That would be great. Thanks… 🙂
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Here is a post as Mike requested. 😀
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Why do you need a post to connect Mike? Oh well…here’s mine too. I don’t like being left out. 😆
SEE EVERYONE HERE TOMMOROW NIGHT AT 9:00 (central) I hope everyone can make it…at least to drop by asnd say hello. Let’s make this work folks. If it does…maybe we can get another day set up to do it again. Right Star?
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justa, all knowing (or any other ship at sea) what time in princess time is 9pm central. please don’t make my brain hurt by trying to make me figure it out.
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MARG – FRAN – AGGIE – save me a seat at the ‘cool girls’ table! Go jimmie 48 – Go COWGIRLS
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Macy, consider it saved girl, come join us at 9pm tonight, see you then
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See everyone tonite at 9pm
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Bobo stopped by Aggies to say HI but never mentioned if he was coming here tonight.
*** BOB ***
If you see this…it wouldn’t be the same if you didn’t show up. I just hope you see this before it’s too late.
And to everyone else….I’ll see you all tonight. 🙂
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time check
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put reserved sign no seat to my rite for frannie, txs aggie for putting reserved sign for macy, also putting reserved signs for star, cyn, betty,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------keri, jane hope i did not forget any of the ladies, i see the jocks already have a table reserved.
3 hrs and counting…………..ciao
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ON not no seat to my rite, i get so confused lol so what else is new.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i am so excited i can hardly spell or type 🙂
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i’ll be toting the tequila
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see you all in one a nd a half hours
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macy this should be fun
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mike – u can bring the limes
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I’ll bring beer and nuts… 🙂
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Mike, how old is your grandson? He’s a cutie!!
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got the patron chillin in the freezer
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75 mins to go, feels like new years, lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ok sprayed fabreeze – done
dusted off chairs and table – done
made sure plenty of ice – done
beer and wine in fridge – done
food delivered waiting to be uncovered – done
podium and mike all set – done
now we just need for 9 cental time to be here
ciao roomies
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This is more like Christmas….you know, when you’re waiting for Santa to come. It just seems like it’s taking forever to get here.
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i vote to make it earlier – like 8 – my azz is dragging already – ha ha – had guests over all day – they just wouldnt leave – geeze leweeeze
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am i in the right time zone?
don’t you just hate it when someone you’ve known for nearly 20 years doesn’t “friend” you back on fb! pish!
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princess – central time zone is where i am – and it is now 8:34
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btw, i haven’t watched AR yet, so please don’t “SPOILER” it for me…
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thanks, macy. 6:39pm or so now (pacific time).
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Frannie he is 8yrs old on oct.30, so he get twice the candy when he tricks or treats. Been on net all day finding things out on BB shows will share when we get started
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well, sorry guys, i went ahead and broke the seal on the patron – my bad
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go ahead and start without us, girl. i holding out for the ben & jerry’s
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*****AR Spoiler***** (sorry princess) 😀
….just wanted to say that Kevin is a top class guy!
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well 5 mins. to go
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Amazing Race…. the people here got me started watching it.
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Yes he is JT, great guy for sure
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JT did you get some rest? like your new avatar
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60 seconds and counting
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Glad to see JT is awake. I was afraid you didn’t set your alarm. 😆
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Thanks Mike.. I changed it just to test Gravatar.
I did get some rest… now the problem is that after getting home from work at 6am this morning.. I have to turn around and go back on days in the morning…. I just hope I can go to sleep early enough tonight so I wont be tired tomorrow.
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Hi Fran, Princess, macy, margie, mike , Jt and anybody else here
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HELLO MY SUNDAY NITE BLOGADERS !!! anyone up for a shot? mike has the limes…
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Where’s Margie…I thought she was saving my seat. Looks like I’m saving hers.
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sorry macy no tequila for me, my dear
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Hello Aggie … and everyone else. I will have a beer….already started without you all. 😮
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hey fran, maybe margie hit the sauce
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ah come on aggie – just one – this is a ground making moment! – or i have some jello shots = with no liquor in them – ha
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no drinking for me today, I am way to tired
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NO BEER FOR JT…he has to work in the morning. I’m off tomorrow so it’s ok if I have a few.
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Hey guys..I’m here!!! Better late than never!! 🙂 Looks like y’all were EARLY tho !!! chattin up a storm already, I see..lol
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GOOD evening all . Brendon and Rachel are going to be on the Bold and Beautiful on Oct. 25&26 she is a bikini waitress and he is a bartender
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Those jello shots can get to you after a while. I like to make a pyrmaid out of the used ones after I have them.
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pyramid….oops. Already having troubles. 😆
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hey Star….did you bring the wine girl?
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MIKE omg – obviously the bold and the beautiful producers didnt watch them in the show – ewe – but ill watch it – he he he
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hi, i’m back. still having problems with my ITUNES but no worry, i’m calm (if you believe that i can sell you almost anything!)
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I don’t watch Bold and the Beautiful….thank God. I would have to pass on that one.
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Oh ya frannie…Columbus day! Smart nite to have this ! And I am with all you all drinking….already got my screwdriver…or 2nd..lol
JT..very BOLD avatar……I’m afradi to try to change mine..was lucky to get it to even work the 1st time!!lol
Aggie…why so tired???
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fran – i dont watch any soaps – but i will be interested to see how they play those 2
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im late im late for a very important date no time to say hello goodby im late im late im late,lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hello everyone
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I watch Days of our Lives…one soap is enough for me.
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Helllllllllllllllllllo bloggers
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oh, bummer. entire family is together celebrating thanksgiving and i’m not there. pish again!
at least i get my stitches out tomorrow.
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How could you be late Margie…you were so excited earlier to be here. 😆
Macy…I don’t think I could stomach those two for another minute.
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Hey Sal….glad you could join us.
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yeah, frannie. you, me and jt. do you think chloe will talk her way out of her situation with melanie???
how can they make one day drag on for 10 days…
oh yeah, that’s why we love it, right jt?
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hi snake! glad you could make it. wouldn’t be the same w/o you!
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MARG – thanks alot for getting here late – i had to sit at the ‘mean girls’ table – ggeeeeeeze
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Hey star, long day with mom, she was pretty good but has a long ways to go.
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Hey Sal… good to see ya again.
princess, I did get your e-mail. I’m not sure what to do about your i-tunes??
Stra… I designed my avatar myself! 😆
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seems like the whole gang is here lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------of all nites to get long distance phone call i think my family has radar
i see b&r on a soap opera i guess that will be off the air in a short time.
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I don’t watch the B&B either..totally an ABC soap watcher!!!
SOoooooo…….I had rad about brenchel and the soap…and a week or so ago I left some ebay things from BB12 being sole..I can’t seem to find any other info anywhere!! I can’t believe that CBS or one of the MANY blog sites don’t keep up more with the HGs after the show is over…..they must KNOW from our blogs that we are craving it!!! maybe an *aftershow* about the show…extending their 15 mins of fame shpuld be on all teh GS agenda..lol
And any ideas onhow we are going to try to force/convince CBS to have a winetr BB anyone?? All the new shows suck this fall, thats for sure!!
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I hope Melanie doesn’t back down and not tell her dad. She’s a fool if she does. I want so bad for her to find out it was with Philip that Chloe slept with.
And I want EJ to leave Sami and Rafe alone. I know you’re an EJ fan. 🙄
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you heard about Adam from BB9going to jail,But did you know that matt was put in jail to seems that he and adam was sellin drugs ,adam has pleaded guilty sentencing will be Jan. 11 20 yrs max and 1 million fine for each.
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lol at macy someoine must have moved the reserved signs i was here earlier and set them up sorry
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Maybe we can write to CBS and all sign the petition via e-mail.
SAL…can you hook us up with something to send?
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come on ladies, don’t put me to sleep curb the soap talk please, or should i say ladies and Jt
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MARG – forgiven – i get over black eyes rather quickly
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No beer for me? WTF? 🙁
…I guess Frannie knows best. 😀 She’s right though, I will have a tough enough time going from nights to days with no time between.. beer would just make it worse.
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I see Frannie brought beer and Aggie. 😆
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Macy…who are the mean girls here? I didn’t think we had any meanies here.
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good reporting mike, u r on top of it way to go,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------star i also tried but no luck, they left us hanging, i tried on facebook but it is like looking for a needle in a hay stack i am still fumbling my way thru fb lol
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No soap talk from me…. princess still has me confused with someone else I guess.
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Hey AC, whats up?
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Hi AC…glad your here too…
OK Aggie, no more soap talk…PROMISE
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marg – jokin they left after the right hook…or waqs it the left jab – damn – my head hurts,,,he he
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Hello all I am watching Brothers and Sisters and being distracted by Ladybug and one of her “performances”. I saw somewhere Adam winner from BB 9 I think is in deep for selling oxycotin and not paying taxes.
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😳 I mean you’re here AC…I know how anal you are about your…you’re. 😆
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AC, likes to talk about soaps ladies 🙄
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Hey Margie!! I was a lil late to ..doesnt matter…tardiness doesnt count here….;)
aggie..sorry to hear, hun! Too bad you can’t have like one day off a week to destress….maybe you ancd you sis could work that out somehow…altho you would prolly just worry and go over there anyway!! And sorry bout your mom……how long has she been so continually bad?? I only ask cuz i didn’t even know till I startes doing your blog……
JT..nice going! I love primary colors!!! you going to give up you day/nite job to become a graphic artist??lol
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I heard that the house Britney was renting burnt down. 😆
(…cue Aggie’s eye roll)
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PS Matt was jail a bout a week be fore he was arested with adam for beating up his pregnat GF I never did like him or adam
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hi ac, good to see you, now where the heck is ted?
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Hey Aggie…AC liked my 3 pigs e-mail… 😆
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c’mon aggie, it’s only me ‘n frannie on a sidebar. don’t be the blog police. lol!
frannie i totally disagree with you, it’s going to be much more fun when it comes out in 2 (soap) years when the baby is in the hospital and everything crumbles. remember zach and the transplant? belle and shawn not remembering they made a baby???? philip thought he was the daddy… funny how they never remember we’ve done this story line every 4 or 5 years. oh, except melanie, that was only last year that she found out her real father wasn’t her father.
hey jt, what do you think about vivienne being in the sarcophagus?
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Star, My moms had problems a long time it’s only recently that things got worse, thanks for asking
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Prolly on facebook. Actually, I haven’t seen him there all day. Must be out with his chick.
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No soaps for me. 🙄
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Mike, where did u get this info from i could find nothing
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Princess are you hitting the sauce big time
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Princess, whats wrong with iTunes?
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JT, heres the 🙄
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vivienne being in the sarcophagus?
I can’t say I have any thoughts about that… I just think she needs to change the spelling of her name! 😆
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jt & mike love the new avatars
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hi ac, nice to see you.
we need cyn here as well… and where’s ted been hiding the last few days?
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hey yall – lets touch base a lil sooner – how bout 7 pm central on wednesday – ill be here -macy/aka bendi
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Viv needs to croak in that damn thing.
I am so tired of everyone having babies and someone or many someones changing the blood types or the dna results. They really hav me confused as to who the real baby daddy is. 😆
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MM..at least u r trying FB…I’m still a holdout!!! lol
Kerri…I LOVE Brothers and sisters..FAV show !! I am TIVOing it tho so i could be HERE!!!!! See what I am willing to scrifice for our blogade??lol
And a petiton would be PERFECT!!! Then we would need to find a way to circulate it to other blogs somehow…..right?? to get more siggies???
Hey AC..sup dude??
Oh and I have vodka here for anyone not wanting beer……well, acutally wine, tequila, baileys, kahlua..bar’s open!!! So’s the tip jar…;)
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JT…don’t pick on THE PRINCESS
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I think Aggie made the 3 pigs her desktop background. 😆
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duh i just kicked myself out of the room
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sorry far my faves on the amazing race, are chad and stephanie and brooke and claire especially, those girls are BAAAAAADDDDASSSS
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Macy…not sure about Wednesdays….I have to refer to my TV guide. 😆 I’m a reality tv junkie. 😆
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I never pick on the princess 😯 ….I know better than that! 😆
Hi Margie… congrats to your Yankees. (dang Twins 🙁 )
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JT..agree about the name spelling…thqt just looks WRONG..altho I have no ideaw who she IS!!lol
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I think teddy boy is hiding on me he deleted something from my facebook page this is the second time he did it.
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who called this meeting during football hours, good thing I can multi-task
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Aggie liked the 3 pigs. She told me so.
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Amanda had a baby girl Ryans in rehab ,natalie from BB11 is married, Janelle got married this year Jerry from BB10 has cancer and Katy fromBB12 is quiting smoking. Steven the gay cowboy is doing porn now well that all I could dig up
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frannie i am also a reality tv junkie myself, i love biggest loser, hells kitchen,project runway, all the real housewives and seems like 15 other shows
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and txs jt go yankess go
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jt, i spelled her name correctly…
AC short story, my brilliant nephew, who is celebrating thanksgiving along with my entire family without me figured some of it out.
my old “friend” set up my itunes account on my computer at work. it was copied from his email address so whenever we added music to it, it was charged to his credit card (as it should be) sorry! i’ll behave.
about a year ago it disappeared from my laptop, but was still on my c drive at work. today, i downloaded version 10.0 to get something off youtube that required itunes and set up a new account under my email at home. suddenly, my entire collection, 235 songs (including 5 demo tracks from a friends band that i don’t have on CD) appeared. 16.5 hours of music.
i’m afraid to close it because i don’t think i can get it back. i can’t make a shortcut for it because i’m fairly computer illiterate and there’s no “shortcut” option on the menu.
i have NO idea what to do. i don’t want to lose this collection again.
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Sorry Sal but no one else would step up. Besides, I just lost the big pool so I don’t really care about tonights games. I have to get set for next week now…even though I’m out of the BIGGIN’…. DAMN SAN DIEGO… 🙁
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Hello ladies. 8)
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Loved the 3 pigs Ac, I think it reminds me of someone, don’t have a desktop my sis does
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I never remember nmams but on AR I like the father/daughter, the QVC girls(or whatever network) and the Princeton boys.
And if we are going to get into sports…..the redwings and the LIONS 😯 won this weekend!!! Where is Bettyy when I need a Mich fan????
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Good info Mike… nice job.
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wow mike i am impressed i could find nothing zip zilch goose egg
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and is that the nat that got engaged on the show? the one we all loved to hate?
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frannie, you haven’t figured it out? philip is the baby-daddy and CARLY switched the test results. there WILL be problems when kayla figures it out. why do you think they brought her back…
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It’s sad Margie…I arrange my whole schedule on my tv shows. Sometimes I’m watching one thing and taping two others. If I can’t watch at home…I watch on the computer at work. MY BAD!!!
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Sorry Frannie… I was just going to ask who you had in the big pool today.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A lot of upsets today
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Try ” TSG” The Smoking Gun for info on celeb doing things bad
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Cyn must be watching dexter, which i am taping right now, are you ladies tanked already
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Hey AC….Nice “AC” !
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There was too much switching going on. I do think it’s Philips baby too. I want Melanie with Nathan anyway.
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who’s the avatar police who do i complain to, this is ridiculous
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hey sal hi i did not see you come in, i am not able to join u guys on blog when survivor is on, but i do read the blogs at least i can try to keep up
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------am hoping for that crazy girl to leave the real bossy one that no one likes do not know her name. but you are doing a great job on that blog, sorry i miss it.
frannie my life is around these shows also, i am now watching undercover boss as it was delayed txs to football.
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I don’t get tanked Aggie…just a little tipsey. After all…I am off tomorrow. I need this girl.
That’s ok JT…The stress goes away once I am out of the pool. I don’t like losing but once I’m out, I do feel relieved. I don’t even know why I do this to myself every year.
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mama, spoiler on biggest loser: you’ll LOVE this. i have a friend who is a trainer at a spa about 20 miles from the BL ranch in Utah. she knows the director at fitness ridge (the BL ranch) who told her that ALL the other eliminated player were sent to fitness ridge and will appear on the actual show later this season. the two who have lost the most will have the chance to join the cast on BL…
i knew there had to be more than eliminating every third best player and just leaving us alone with tissues and their back story!!!
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Mike..wow..that was alot actually!! Some of it I knew, some I didn’t..so thanks! 🙂
and I love reality shows too..dont watch alot of the mainline ones tho like Biggest loser . I do watch alot on A&E like Dog the bounty hunter, Billy the exterminator…..and on History channelt I LOVE American Pickers and Pawn Stars! I like the Housewives of OC and NJ but tht’s the only two I watch. I hardly watch any network TV anymore. Another good reason for CBS to ive us what we WANT!!! 😉
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I like the AC avatar. COOOOL!!!
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MM dont know if it that nat or not they didnt say just trying to keep everyone informed on BB but it seens everyone wants to talk a bout every thing but BB you and JT are the only ones talking a bout BB
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star, they are not QVC girls. trust me, i know every host on QVC by first and last name and their shift (its “princess shopaholic” to you)!!! lol!
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for u football fans, my daughter told me today that her dentist said his nephew is on the kansas city fb team, she will find out more at her next appt lol. their entire family is so excited, i am going to try and ask her for an autographed pic for frannies granson josh is his fav team
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I want Frannie’s work schedule!
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omg, i just realized i know most of their spouses names and how many kids they have. i need a life.
oh, i’ll take bailey’s with a shot of vodka, please. i can’t remember what that’s called, but if you add coke to it it’s a colorado bulldog. yummy for summer.
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WOW Star…I thought I was the only one that watched those shows. I don’t watch all the time but enough to know that they are good.
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just to get frances and the other soap fiends of the subject, what happened with matt mcdonald and the preggers girlfriend he beat up?
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txs princess that is a great spoiler will share with my family,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------txs mike for all the hard work seems i am not looking in the correct places, i guess no news on hayden and if brit is still with nick
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Just wanna be like Mike.
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HEY, now your being mean JT 🙄
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ac, love the new avatar. did you get my novella on itunes? can you help me fix it? sal? anyone?
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Aggie…who is Matt McDonald?
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Well, I guess it’s not the pic that is the problem for Aggie at gravatar.
Aggie, this would be your avatar…. if it would ever change! 😆
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omg, jt, give it back to aggie!!!
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fran and MM..i am the same way! Exciting lives we lead, eh??LOL Too bad we don’t all live closer,,we could at least get to gether and get smashed and giggle while we watched! then it;s partying and not just being couch potatoes!!lol
MM..I like U. Boss too…..but too much to TIVO tonite to be here..had to be axed! 🙁
Haven’t been to the Survivor blog much…nothing really to contribute!I do watch at least the end of it to see who was eliminated. I think there isn’t enough interaction between the players for me to get into it. It’s all contests and then elimination…..kind of bores me yet. but I’m still trying!!
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Why do you want my work schedule JT. I do have to pause it alot… 😆 🙄
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lol at jt avatar too funny
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Nice avatar AC you and JT are getting pretty wild
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Because I want tomorrow off too! 😀
ok…. I am back to my old self (avatar-wise)
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frannie, did i say that there is absolutely no way that nathan and melanie should be together….
stephanie and nathan are pathetic, but i really would like philip to finally be happy. after all, no one should be married 3 times before they are 35, except of course my former neighbor who just completed dumping her 5th husband.
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Oooops…… there!!!! NOW I am back!
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Don’t let Ted hear you say that Star…that’s his fav show. He knows everything there is to know about Survivor.
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You guys are making me jealous with the avatar changes all the time.
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but jt, that’s not the red, white, and true we’ve all come to love!
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princess…..I hardly ever watch QVC so I will defer to you, mam…lol I don’t trust myself to watch shopping shows…way too dangerous!! I do enuf damage locally!! And a Vodka and kahlua is a blacxk russina,,.add cream and it’s a white one…..tht’s what I drink!!! So..one BR coming UP:::::::::::::\_/:::::::::::::::::::::
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nah, frannie, he justthinks he does!
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It’s a holiday tomorrow…I think eveyone should be off.
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star, i drank black russians (hmmm…) and some white ones, too in my early days. but bailey’s and vodka has a different name. i just can’t remember it after all the ben and jerry’s i must be getting woozy.
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everyone must have passed out I will go watch dexter, later all
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I agree Star
That is what keeps me from getting into Survivor. By the time I Know any names…. 3 people have been eliminated! Even after i know the one left… I’d still like to see more than just competitions and voting.
I will catch up on it though….. someday. 🙄
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FRANNIE mat was the guy from boston that nat was hanging all over inBB9
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poor ted i sent him an email regarding fb, he was so patient and answered as best he could, and u all know i do not write short comments but it is a lot less confusing now.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------try it star u would be surprised and ted set up a group chat that works out really well. and aggies blog, as my uncle used to say
forget about it (translated it is all good) we do have so much fun and we learn a lot about each other and ourselves, i try to be serious as i can but i see jt acting up and of course i follow suit, it is a wonder aggie does not get out the ruler for both of us.
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honey, aggie would get out the ruler for anyone!
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frances, who is Matt Mcdonald, BB9 girl, OMG, BJ from nattie, Later
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frannie..I KNOW….and sal too..but that’s why i dont blog about it …i know NOTHING there and i really just dont CARE!!lol too much dirt and mud and discomfort for me…and not enough TALKING!!! Which is why i LOVE BB!!! lol
Thx for admitting to being an addict to MY shows too!!! I also watch Ice road truckers..altho not my fav. BTW..WTH happened to Billy this season?? 1st shpow he looked all blown out and like he put on weight!! Whts with teh big ole tenst shirt!!??LOL I USED to think he was sexy..for an exterminator!!!lol
JT…..is our chat arousing you?? lol What was with the Hot Lips?? Inside joke????
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miss aggie u still here, between writing comments and then waiting for it to go i read the last posts, did u leave?
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Thx Mike…I do remember him now. I had no idea she was taling about BB….He was a jerko and I have no idea what Nat seen in him.
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49ers fans getting pretty rambunctious. 😆
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i guess there will not be an all star bb show, they should do a reunion
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I haven’t watched much of the Exterminator this year…only a few times. I did notice the weight gain.
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are you multi-tasking, AC?
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frannie love is blind
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Aggie I like you blog better because you have the reply on it I type so slow that there is 10 posts before I can answer and then it gets lost I thought people would coment on the stuff about BB but dont think but a couple read it, well going to bed if we are not going to talk about BB good nite all
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No inside joke… Aggie is trying to get her avatar to change to that shot (it’s a promo shot from HBO’s True Blood)
…it doesn’t seem to want to change for her and I can’t figure out why??
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I’ll try to answer elsewhere Princess.
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princess..dont know what a kahlua and baileys is called, but it sounds yummy!!lol Add amaretto(sp?) and vodka and ice cream and you have a drink called a PRINCESS!! 🙂 It’s my fav at a restaurant club we go to here.
JT..you and i are in the same boat when it comes to Survivor….and I would rather be in the BB pool anyday..lol
MM..I am holding out on FB for some reasaon. I guess I am afraid people will find me that i dont really WANT to…and have heard alot of stuff about viruses there..AND I can see me wasting WAY to much time on it..but alot of people have emailed me to join so I may have to gie in eventually. And I do go to aggies wherenever i can..we seem to not always be on the same says tho!
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😆 @ Margie…did I mention love? I guess I need another beer.
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nite mike c u tomorrow at aggies place, txs for info
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i love reality shows. i was looking through my tivo list and there are only about 3 or 4 non-reality tv shows in there. oh, well. reality is overrated and i think that’s why we are all so voyeuristic with out tv show choices.
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LOL @ princess… I was reading comments and wondering, “When did I write that?” 😆
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i thought you might enjoy that, jt!!
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Why did princees have JT’s tiger eye?
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Now I know I’ve had too much beer….I’m getting confuesed and that doesn’t take much these days. 😆
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Hmmm..seems like ppl are dropping like flies! I was worried that without a topic, this might happen. We all totally have fun together, but ya kind of need a common topic to keep everyone involved, I think.
Mike..i TRIED to talk about BB…several times!! Didnt seem like anyone but us were interested…. on the BB blog..go figure!!
BRB….potty break…all that OJ..lol
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star i usually come on late am the last one at aggies blog, and fb can be overwhelming but i love the games, i have been on pogo for years and have ranked out on lots of games on pogo, but lately have been so busy that it cuts into my computer and game time lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------star also my drink of choice is amaretto on rocks with twist of lemon i could drink tons of that so yummy.
frannie i guess i need the beer must have read what u said wrong,
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She “stode” it! 😡 😆
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thank you, AC. i will see you elsewhere…
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now there are two eyes of the tiger, and i am still the gal on the restroom door, i could do the commercial u see on tv about bladder control.
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JT you and Princees got something going on that we should know about (are there any pictures ha ha) remember I am a dirty old man.
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OK Margie…Whew!! Had me worried there for a minute. I had to go back and read what I said. I did see that I can’t spell very well while under the influence. 😆
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i’ll give it back sometime, jt. i justlike your other avatar better, for awhile. you know how easily i can become bored…
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Yep. One eye on football. One eye on BBB. And one eye on ebay…. Wait, that’s 3 eyes. 😆
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You’re not gal on the restroom door Margie….I see your granddaughter.
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I would like to talk some BB… but after the season has been over for almost a month, that is tougher than talking about Survivor on a Tuesday! 😆
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frannie that was a good catch on princess avatar. it went rite over my head, lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I guess Cyn and Jane could not make it tonight
princess r u in hawaii?
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i see the restroom door
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Ok… I’ll use the “JT” for a while… now get the flowers back on here! 😆
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how come i can’t see her,
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back and caught up…….
JT..maybe you should go back to your JT av…….I thought I’d had one too many drinkipoos when I wsaw 2 eyes of the Tiger!!!! 😯
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AC…Margie needs your help. Why is she seeing the gal on the restroom door and we see her granddaughter?
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I can see Margie’s Granddaughter.
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The Eagles should have caught that pass. 😯
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wait a sec i am talking about the one on fb, it is some kind of portait that all can see, has restroom shape of woman on it i am so confused lol
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JT… i said that b4 I saw you had changed…..GMTA!!lol
well..maye we could talk about a BB Winter Season Petition..anyone have any idea HOW to go about that exactly??
MM….I was always girl on BR door…lol I think I got my av last on here!!! I can see your granddaughter too…..maybe if u go off the blog and come back on……..
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star, you and i have GOT to go drinking sometime!! i like your style.
yes mike, jt and i have incriminating pics that we will never post on the web (don’t you roll your eyes at ME, justa).
no mama, i’m pacific time. washington state. ted and i live about 50 miles apart.
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where have all my flowers gone….
no, really, where the hell are they.
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and you want ME to go on FB too, Margie??LOL If you can’t keep all your avs straight, there’d be no hope for ME!!! 😉
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Pics??!! 😯
….where was the camera hidden? 😆
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whooops!! sorry AC. that 3rd eye is your chakra… no wonder you can keep multi-tasking…
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txs 4 update princess, who is the one that lives in hawaii?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and i can have rebecca check what is going on with avatar when i see her on tuesday
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LOL…. now princess is stuck with the tiger eye. 😆
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I see Barbra Streisand for Mama Margie. 8)
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lmao at star i did say i was a bit overwhelmed lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------my fb just keeps growing and growing i have people on there that send chats to my son in law and rebecca and i see it, i wonder if my stuff is out there too
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you remember that day you swept all the dirt under the rug before the guests arrived and i was annoyed…
i had a couple of camera’s installed after that. i knew i couldn’t trust you for all the pumpkin spice candles in the world.
now give me back my flowers you stole from me.
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Hmmm……JT…what are u and priness trying nOT to tell us??Hmm???? Inquiring *don’t have BB anymore to gossip about* minds wnat to KNOW!!!lol
Drinking?? Who ME??? What’s the earliest flight u can get to Mich??LOL
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lmao at ac i recall u said that when she first put avatar up she was playing around with it yesterday i wanted her to put some pics on for me but of course she kept getting text msg on her phone so nothing got done lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------yes have to admit she does look like babs in that pic
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why don’t we meet halfway, like new orleans! for cafe au lait and beinets (sp??)
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frannie r u in the end zone again??? been too quiet
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OK guys….I am checking out for the night. You guys have fun. I have to get rid of some beer and then I will watch some tv. L8R all..
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star ac does not say much but when he does it is a corker, between him and jt there is never a dull moment.
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😆 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>
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OMG, i haven’t laughed out loud, seriously, in way too long!
AC/JT what would i do without you guys!
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nite frannie see u tomorrow at aggies place have a great nite.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hugs ciao
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I was watching the fb game….night Margie. See you at Aggies
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well Isee jt and prinees are broken up you know how fast things go on the net here and then gone.
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omg ac i just got it arrow pointing to eye of the tiger, now he is a triplet lmao
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This place is getting confusing!
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Who you callin a corker? 😆
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AC..I was laughing more at the avatar satire than the comment…;)
I think I am with frannie…..got a lot of Tivo to catch up on!
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Hey Mike…. if you find any more BB stuff, let us know.
I was surprised to hear Ryan was in rehab.
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night star
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nite frannie c u there, welcome back mike keep your head down, seems jts eye of the tiger is flying from one person to the next.
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I have gotten so used to looking at avatars rather than names… guess tonight will teach me to read the names!!
Who’s on first??
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ryan that married jen. i wonder what drove him to seek better living through chemistry
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omg i cant even type now jt is star, i am not confused enough rite lol
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ok, jt. that’s enough. give me back my girly things!
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Anybody watch HBO’S new Boardwarlk?? Set back in ganster 20’s…pretty good.
Anyway…..think I will go catch up with it and others….see you guys at aggies and here if we do this again.l
Anyone find out about online petitions, let us know!!
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I know Stra.
LMAO @ JT with Star eye. 😆
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cant wait to hear what she has to say about that should be interesting
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L8R Stra. 😎
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Awww JT..I’m flattered..that’s a good *look* on you……:-D
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And I do the same thing too…..with the avs……much faster than reading!!! lol
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I would like to report several cases of identity theft on this blog tonight!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------😆 😆
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my my JT what pretty eye you have
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nite star, c u there have a great nite,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i am going to say nite also, c some of you tomorrow at aggies place,
other on fb, this was fun we have to do it again.
hugs all around, hope you guys get your avatar straight. jt get some sleep
nite all
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damn, jt. i coulda sworn that your eyes were hazel
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OMG..that was just too weird! Now I’m all STARry-eyed!!!lol
I’ll check back in a bit..see if you guys are still hangin in…
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L8r Margie…….. Go Yankees!! (I guess)
Thanks Mike! it does look better OnStar though. Glad you got your avatars! Lookin good!
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Damn ,Princess JT after Star now well I guess you cant keep a good man down her and then gone.
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did i miss some hot blog gossip, JT and princess. 😆
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I KNOW I said I was GONE but..my eyese are hazel too, so our eyes WOULD match in REAL life….lol
Not going far anyway…I’ll be WATCHING you guys……MUAHH!!
Nite margie……cya soon!! *hugs*
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not if you scroll up and catch up, aggie!!
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LOL Mike…. we are all just one big happy family.
….and before I confuse myself further, I’ll get the “JT” back (and hope princess & AC don’t steal it!) 😆
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JT whats your secret with aall these women?(I know if you tell me you would have to kill me) ha ha
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Hi Aggie, we have all been messin with avatars. I have no idea why yours wont work.
I am going to try something with yours.
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mike, he works really hard (so to speak) to keep us all happy!!
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I can tell by my last post that sleeping pills is starting to work 2 as in all
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My secret Mike? …..just wait for all the charming guys like Kev11, PGA, and AC to go away …..then chat their ear off!! 😆
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Well I see I cannot multitask very well tonite. Missed alot, to much fb and researching christmas gifts, tv, and gettin the girl to bed. Good night everyone have a nice Columbus Day, even if you do have to work.
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JT, you forgot PK… LOL!
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I wished next year they would put on a reply like Aggies blog it would be much better to talk to someone
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Ooops… I did forget some names.
Of course I meant to add Sir Ted and Sal!
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sorry mike, i thought you went to sleep. tonight everyone was posting so fast that by the time i posted, i had to go back to my last one and read everything. it was fun, though. good excersize for my brain.
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too bad kev11 didn’t come back this season. he always had something interesting to add. hope he is doing well.
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JT you had better get to bed and rest if you have to work tomorrow
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Funny you say that Mike. BBBlogger was messin with this site between BB11 and BB12. He did have a reply feature. The majority decided that it would get too confusing if new comment could show up anywhere on the page.
I like the reply feature… but it is some work to catch all the comments all over the page.
Maybe he will use it for BB13
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I’d like to go to sleep Mike, but after getting home from work this morning I was tired and had to sleep…. my system is still on the night shift. I really need tomorrow off to adapt. I’ll make due though.
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Just waiting on pills to work good that way when head hitts pillow fast a sleep
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i’ll stay awake with you, justa, if it’s any help!!
maybe we’ll get tired about 3am!! that’ll give you 2 hours.
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Aggie, you still here? Do an avatar test. It should be the ring now. I wanted to see if that worked.
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i completely understand that, mike. i get my prescription refilled tomorrow. along with getting my stitches out and hopefully, my black eyes with heal…
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Thanks princess!! 😀 Apreesh!!
I will force myself to sleep in about an hour though….. even if I just lay there and stare at the ceiling all night! 🙄
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I need some of Mike’s pills tonight! 😀
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Princess, not trying to be nosy but what happend?
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I see the ring how did that happen, who do i complain too?
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c’mon over and get some of mine. you prolly don’t need the stronger ones i take and i have plenty of the not so strong ones that’ll knock you out for sure..
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See the ring JT, Hi princess
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Aggie, don’t panic. I was testing the ring because I knew that one worked in the past. I am trying to help by testing stuff.
I wonder if the image has to be on your computer? I don’t think that would make a difference though.
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Ok… I tried switching it again Aggie. We’ll see what happens. If nothing happens, I’ll put slingshot girl back on.
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Jt, I really don’t get how you can get yours so fast and it’s been over a day with mine, does it make a difference to change the rating , just wondering?
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not nosy at all. i had a very serious fall about 4 years ago. hit my face/forehead on the corner of the microwave, smashed my chest into a small sharp cornered stand, and banged up my legs pretty well.
i passed out for a couple of seconds and ended up sitting facing the direction i had come from with blood soaking the whole front of my nightgown, and i couldn’t get up. fortunately i landed just under the phone and was able to pull on the cord so it fell into my lap. my godson was home, next door at the time, and i told him i fell and needed him to break into the house to get to me. he got through the screen and climbed through the bedroom window in about 45 seconds. when i was stitched up, they made a really bad job of stitching the cut on my nose. there has been a big scar and a bump since then.
i was just referred to a plastic surgeon who could fix it VERY inexpensively, so i justwent to have that done finally, on tuesday.
she was surprised how much numbing (litacain (SP???) she had to use (i take a lot of pain pills, too, mike). i was really surprised how much it hurt and i have no pain tolerance. but fortunately, the bump will be gone and there will be only a little scar.
it sounds vain, but people have continued to ask me what happened if they haven’t seen me in awhile. so now i’m getting fixed….
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mind changes in a bout 5 mins. or less
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hi aggie, hope jt can help us both. this is frustrating!!
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mine used to change right away, until jt did something to make it stay. i guess he’s justfond of his tiger and his new avatar. this way he can have both and still sleep peacefully (ha!)
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Princess without a flower, not good, if anyone can do it sweetie can
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Great News Ihope it all works out for you never had to have anything done like that but would do the same if it happen to me.
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Haha… maybe princess will think twice next time about avatar theft!
Aggie, yours changed to the ring right away.. so seems to be no problem there. Now I’ll put slingshot girl back and that should work pretty quick too.
It’s not the rating… they are all rated “G”. It’s not the pic because i got it to show up on mine……. still working on problem..
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JT, if you can’t do it thats fine, i wish i knew who to complain too?
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thanks, mike. it has bothered me for long enough. i justhad to fix it.
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thanks sweetie, what a pain this has been.
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Aggie, I don’t remember…. did you upload the ring & slingshot girl? Or did I upload them to Gravatar for you? Are they saved on your computer’s hard drive?
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ok, aggie’s got her ring. now do i at least get flowers.
i don’t get it jt. aggie gets a ring and you don’t even get me flowers. you obviously are putting aggie’s needs before mine.
aggie, we have no choice. pistols at dawn. or maybe a latte at 11am, i’ll be up then…
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Ted gave me slingshot girl, you got it from facebook, pretty sure
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Hmmm… slingshot girl came back right away. Maybe I have to send you the pics and you have to upload them???
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Mine is a new computer with win 7 double the ram of normal computers hd and 24 inch hd monitor if it didnt do most of the work I couldnt do any thing on it , dont know much about these things. thx to JT and Ted and Aggie I would have been able to get my avatar.am working on smilley faces now.
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I know my sis got ring pic and uploaded it that is real strange
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princess, I am sure you already have yours changed at Gravatar. Maybe try changing it again? …just to see what happens.
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testing avatar
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i don’t understand much about computers themselves either, mike. but i never met an accounting program i couldn’t make do what i wanted!!
my former boss used to twitch when i said that out loud.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the IT guy used to twitch when i’d call him and tell him i was going to take a hammer to my computer…
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thanks sweetie, The pic looks funny on my blog though, very weird, sorry about yours princess, a little to macho for you my dear
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justa, done that twice AND deleted eye-of-the-tiger and cleared history after every move.
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well trying to switch avatar to see how long it takes
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If the 3 eyed kid is what you were going for… then the test was successful Sal! 😆
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Sounds like you have done everything you could princess. I see you are “tiger eye” at Aggie’s blog too!
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WAAAAY too macho for me, aggie. what am i going to do without my pink stuff. i’m a girly girl.
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testing again
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yes, and other places i visit!
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Yeah miss princess you are very girly girl, i think the tiger is cool in my opinion
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the tiger is very cool, i’m just glad it’s not a cougar!! lol, that would be more your style. the tiger is great for a guy on a restroom door, but not for a princess. phooey. it was justsupposed to be for one or two comments and i was going to give it back.
maybe jt is punishing me by making me keep it!!!
you can never tell with that guy!!
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no he wouldn’t punish the princess no way, me a cougar, i always felt weird about going out with someone even 2 years younger, don’t really qualify, but tempting though
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mine didnt change yet either but dont care I wanted grandsons picture up there
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i think we should broaden the definition of cougar. it should be any women of our age who is not afraid to go after what she wants, money, a man, real estate…. not just something about younger men.
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grandson is cute, mike. i don’t blame you for wanting it up. is he your only grandchild?
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yeah your right, but it usually means somebody going out with someone have their age, I don’t have a problem with someone doing it, it was never really my thing i always felt weird about, also if someone was shorter than me also
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goodnight mike sleep well, my dear
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Well, I guess I better go to bed and stare at the ceiling for a while. 🙄
I should be good by Tuesday. G’nite all!! 😀
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goodnight JT, It seems you need some of mikes meds
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I have never been married I took in a kid who 17 and he all ways called me dad when he got married and they had a baby they put me a grandfather in paper I have always been he papa and he gets mad if someone says differnt.
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very sweet mike that is great of you to do that.
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nite, mike.
aggie, chronological age doesn’t matter as much as emotional age. some men (and women) are grown at 30, some are immature at 60. it all depends. but we all have our personal preferences. i’ve raised one husband from a child to an older child, and i won’t do that again. i like men who know how to take care of themselves, but will enjoy my nurturing as well.
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well said princess, goodnight mike and princess
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night, aggie!
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is everyone else sleeping?
maybe i’ll turn back into a princess by morning…
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JT< just went to bed, poor guy he will probably be staring at the ceiling. night princess
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i’ve got eyes for you
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your av should start working princess, don’t know why it’s been hanging up. got rid of JT’s tiger totally now, give it about 10 or 15 minutes, I need some sleep….. no day off for me
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Just checkin in before work…
all seems to be good here
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AC is AC.. and princess is princess again. 😀
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hey MARG JT MIKE AGGIE PRINCESS STAR FRAN AND ALL U OTHER BLOGADERS where yall been? dancing with the stars has been good – jennifer grey is soo graceful – i think the judges were to hard on the situation – he did good with what he had – (pidgeon toe and all__
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Macy….we blog on Aggies page when DWTS is on. Feel free to join us there anytime. 🙂
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Hi macy, jennifer is great i guess the dirty dancing expeience has paid off, she will be there in the end, the situation did suck, his footwork was never good, but i would have rather bristol was the one booted, it was funny trying to see her look sexy, it was kind of like her mom doing it. take care macy 😆
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thanks fran
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We need to have another party here but this page is too full. We need a fresh page so it doesn’t take so long to submit a comment and refresh. Does anyone have any ideas?
About DWTS….Palin better be the one leaving tonight. She was terrible. 🙄
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damn i hit enter and forgot to put namd and email
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------oh well will make it fast
do u think we can use an older bbblog to write on one that does not have so many comments just hite previous button?
aggie loved your blog today was too funny
and i also suggested there that we should give a name to jts dancing banana, i could watch it dance all day too cute.
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just checked and previous post has 64 comments do u think that will work??????
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marg – fran – does anyone know the bbbogger? maybe a new blogg on it??
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I know who it is, I could e-mail him but I think he has alot of things going on right now. I think what Margie said makes perfect sense…’a previous page’. We will have to discuss this further. O-Tay?
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Here’s a page from pre-season with only 11 comments that we could really mess up! 😆
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I like this…thanks JT. You’re the man, no matter what Ted says. Now we have to figure out a good day and time that will work for everyone.
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just let me know when, where and time,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i am ready willing and able,
fyi i am going to go to new jersey 10/27 and return on 11/2 to visit bills sis and bro in law (which i relly love them) so hopefully i will not miss the next bs session. i do not plan to take my lap top, but hopefully i can use their puter to jump on and off of (well not literally)
hope by then star and mike and frank will be back in the swing of things.
will check back later guys have a great day……………….
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I’ll be here or wherever too! Since this page is sooooo full, maybe Snake Bit wouldn’t mind if we used one of the past pages on the Survivor Blog, as long as no one tells Ted!. Just a thought!
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BETTY – wherever yall decide – would someone send it to me – i deleted all but this one – some of my deleted i can see – some of them are just gone – appreeeesh
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LOOK at comment #470. If you click onto that link…it will get you to the page. JT was kind enough to post that there for us. All together now, ready…….
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I feel the need to post this so everyone can hopefully get a chance to see it and not get the virus. I actually got the e-mail sent to me and I sent it to spam and then deleted it.
Package Delivery Failure Virus
This one is legit, I checked it out on the snopes site and with the holiday mailing coming up, will probably pop up again. Pat
Felt this worth passing along. With Christmas coming up, I can see where this could be a real problem.
The newest virus circulating is the UPS/Fed Ex Delivery Failure. You will receive an e-mail from UPS/Fed Ex Service along with a packet number. It will say that they were unable to deliver a package sent to you on such-and-such a date. It then asks you to print out the invoice copy
attached. DON’T TRY TO PRINT THIS. IT LAUNCHES THE VIRUS! Pass this warning on to all your PC operators at work and home. This virus has caused Millions of dollars in damage in the past few days.
Snopes confirms that it is real.
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Thanks for the warning Frannie! I meant to e-mail you back about the UPS e-mails, but got busy and forgot. I have had many of these sent to me and have deleted them all. It is a good thing for everyone to know. The first time it happened I did not open it, but was able to view the message to see where it came from. I reported it to UPS, but obviously they can’t get to the bottom of this scam either!
JT’s site is fine with me. See you all there at 9:oo pm? That would be ten o’clock my time. Is this right? Frannie and Aggie are you on daylight savings time? Hope not, as when I turn the clocks back in the next couple of weeks I should be on the same time as you, unless you turn your clocks back too!
Looking forward to Sunday!
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Betty….NOT SUNDAY!! We haven’t decided on a date yet. No one has said what day is better for them. I’m not sure how to get in touch with everyone to let them know. I have nearly everyones e-mail addy but not all. I will post something on Aggies too and maybe somehow, we can get this thing going. If someone doesn’t give dates…we will have to go with another Sunday. I think Star had problems with Sundays. Star…if your seeing this, let me know what’s best for you.
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Huh… y’all having a get together this Sunday? I’ll do my best to be there! 😆 😆
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WTF… where is the get together???
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Calm down Ted…I will send out an e-mail with a couple of different dates to choose from. Once I get a good day and time, I’ll e-mail everyone with ‘the’ date and time. I think I have everyones e-mail address. Watch for something soon. I will make sure in the subject line that I let y’all know it’s from me and about Big Brother.
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ahh this is a bit late
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3 & 1/2 weeks without a comment here? BB must be “officially” over.
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It is??? Who won? 😆
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Hey fran and Jt, wish their was awinter and fall addition of BB, know guarntee though they would have good people, i think they need to fire allison grodner first off
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Hi all, i do miss BB, It is getting to freakin cold out, can’t wait till the first snowfall 🙄
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NO SNOW AGGIE!!! Except maybe for Christmas. That would be ok.
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Pugsley is blog hoppin’ now? 😆
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Hey Jt, Yes the pugster is making his rounds, LMAO 🙄
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hey guys do you think it would be a good idea, to make a comment every now and then, i just wonder if Racho and fuck face are still together, the weak one brendon cheated big shocker, i haven’t really checked for info on anybody now I’m wondering 😯 yeah, I’m commenting on an old page, i wish they had a winter version of the show. they are probably to damn cheap to do it, and I better get my ass to mom’s before she starts calling, hello to anyone who sees this 😆
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I would like to contact BBBlogger, does anyone know their email address?
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Here you go Simon- Realitytvchat@gmail.com
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Hey Aggie. I do not use that email address anymore. Sorry. I emailed Simon!
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Can’t wait to get season 13 booted up for all of us. I watch the show as you all do as well. We are admitted addicts to the 24/7 live feeds. I will be doing both and watching all of your posts and comments. My vacation is scheduled around the show so I would love to help with the blogs now and again if needed. What the hell….I’ll be there reading them so I may as well try and write on if I am privileged enough to be invited for my input…LOL
Won’t be long folks hold on to ur reins or ur pillows cuz it’s going to be a bumpy ride or a sleepy one. Gotta please em all right?!
Love ya all and see you in a couple of months!
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