At this point in the game, those of us who follow the Big Brother 8 house aren’t terribly surprised by anything. Again this week, the nomination ceremony produced expected results.
The Donato family is on the chopping block.
As far as Dick’s concerned, there is no way he’d campaign against his daughter. However, in this clip (at the end of this post), Dustin again reiterates that he’d be willing to go up as a pawn in the event that Daniele wins PoV on Saturday, completely discounting the possibility I suppose that Dick could win it.
Eric agrees, and per discussions earlier in the day between Eric and Zach, it’s pretty clear that America has requisitioned America’s Player to get Dustin nominated. However, Eric did say he’d like to see Dustin “squirm.”
In my estimation, this is going to come back to haunt Eric this week. Not saying he’d get put up on the block by his “best friend,” Jessica, but it’s the type of unwarranted extra comment that could splinter the Nerd Herd. I mean, c’mon, if America wants Dustin nominated, and Dustin is clearly cool with it, why add the extra “so I can see him squirm” part?
On the Big Brother smoking porch, Dick tells Zach to look out for Daniele when he’s gone. While Dick won’t campaign against his daughter, I don’t think he’ll go quietly either. Furthermore, I think abstaining from campaigning might backfire in that, if the houseguests really wanted to torture him, they’d evict Daniele in the face of his resignation.
Meanwhile, the Bible Belt is back at it, with Jameka talking about how God can forgive anything and holding a Bible study with Amber. Amber took some time this afternoon to pray — and if I can find this clip, I’ll post it. I’m told it was humorous to say the least.
But for now, a bit of strategy talk before “girls night” commences. Jessica has invited all the BB women to the HoH room for good times, vino and discussions of existential philosophy and post-modern literature.
You know what I hope happens? I hope that she puts Dustin up as a pawn and America tells Eric to vote Dustin out. Although Dick or Daniele would probably be going home it sure will be entertainig to see who Eric blames that vote on! HAHA. I cant wait!
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If Dick leaves, this show will no doubt be a huge snore fest!! He is the only guest who has a personality and tells it like it is. I understand that he is abrasive and often shoots from the hip. However, this guy is going to be a star for his looks and actions.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope Dustin goes up and his but is sent packing.
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TOTALLY (as Amber would put it), Tony!!! LOL!
And, you know? I was thinking about it this evening, looking at Dick – I truly think there WILL be something for Dick after this show – he is show biz, for sure! I like him a LOT and he belongs on t.v. Now this coming from a woman, I love his eyes, and, as they say – the eyes are the windows to the soul – he looks at his daughter and you see a lot of tenderness from a men most classify as crude. I NEVER judge a book by its cover, there is ALWAYS so much more.
BUT, Dustin is an ass and needs to get out and it will NOT be the same without Dick. Whoever was saying about the producers manipulating the POV or whatever for Dick to be assured to stay – I think that is a good point and a REAL possibility.
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You are 100 billion percent right about Dick’s celebrity potential. I’m telling ya — I could see Dick a) hosting a reality show about L.A. clubs on Bravo, b) participating with Daniele on The Amazing Race, c) hosting an updated version of “Rock Star” …
If Big Brother lasts beyond four or five more seasons (not assured by any means), he is a LOCK for a second all-stars season. LOCK. And, it doesn’t matter whether he wins or is evicted this week. We can question casting decisions on almost every reality show, BUT he was a brilliant, brilliant choice … and I’m not even a big fan of the guy.
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hey what was the name of that thing mike boogie had last year were he could take someone off the block
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That would be the coup d’etat … the houseguests really believe there is a twist happening tomorrow, but they couldn’t really do the coup d’etat again, right?
They have not picked out PoV balls tonight either, so it will happen tomorrow along with the competition … there is also speculation that a house re-entry (Nick?) could be happening soon.
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Nick Knows eric’s identity so they could only bring back Carol or Kail.
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I’ve thought for quite some time that Dick’s REAL strategy is to use this infamy to get other gigs. Then again, he tried for several years to get on, so I could be wrong. I adore him, anyway, but I DO find him to be the most entertaining cast member this season.
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Hey Redarin, UNLESSS Eric is gone, hehehehehe, LOL!!!
Do you think Nick would be too obvious to be a return?
You guys really know this game – it’s awesome to read all the ideas – GREAT!!!!
YEP, Sonner, wouldn’t Dick be awesome? I was just watching him teaching Danielle Croket (I know I destroyed that spelling, sorry) and being SO protective – SO happy they got a new start!
You guys are great!
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Redarin D — all the evicted houseguests know Eric’s identity. Good point though — I hadn’t thought of that. They really couldn’t bring them back knowing unless there was a twist. In fact, could they actually bring ANYBODY into the house? Nope, not without compromising the AP twist.
In exit interviews with several sites, Kail said she thought Eric was perfectly cast as America’s Player, noting that she thought he was the only one who could pull it off. Nick said the same thing … Which makes me think, if Eric was the “only one who could pull it off,” why wouldn’t the producers pick somebody else?
Personally, I think Dick could have pulled it off just as well as Eric …
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You know, Lisa, the funny thing about this game is that I find myself flip-flopping as much as the houseguests. I was a HUGE Dick fan to start the show, and I was pumped when he won HoH. Now, I also liked Eric (I can relate to reality-TV-show nerdy types who rely on humor to get along in this world ;-)), but I am also a musician who has worked in hundreds of bars — so I could relate to Dick.
And the Dick we see right now — mending his relationship with Daniele — I like that guy. The guy who’s into confrontation — I don’t like that guy. Heck, it’s why I would suck on this show. I don’t do confrontation, lying or scheming. I’d be the first one voted out!
However, if an America’s Choice is there, it WILL be Nick. He is uber popular, but the complications already mentioned in previous comments make that unlikely.
Could they bring in outsiders? Other “frenemies”? Probably not. I mean, this season does have to end at some point …
Here are some twists I’ve considered as possibilities —
1. A competition each week that gives a houseguest TWO votes. That player would have to keep it a secret, but it would make one houseguest each week way powerful.
2. A revelation. Perhaps Eric and Amber are actually twins or cousins or something (rumored at the start of the season). Perhaps it’s that Daniele isn’t actually Dick’s daughter (just thinking crazy here)?
3. Perhaps the jury will be expanded. Not only will the seven houseguests be sent to sequester, but also all six non-all-star winners from seasons past will join them in sequester — Eddie, Will, Jun, Drew, Maggie and whoever else won. A jury of 13, and none of the houseguests would know.
4. Perhaps a second America’s Player is introduced. Perhaps they’re ALL told individually that they’re America’s Player, and then we pull the strings like puppets …
The feeds are boring right now. I might actually get some sleep tonight 🙂 …
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LOL, sooner, WOW!!!! If your musical abilities are as good are your abilities to come up with ideas for the show – you must ROCK!!! LOL!
GREAT stuff to ponder – just when I was about fed up with the show (what Dustin did took the wind right out of my sails), you give me new life!!!!
Again, you guys are great!
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OH BTW – GET SOME SLEEP!! Tomorrow is a new day and should be very interesting!
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I tohught it wuz aaw3summz. Amberzz a crakehed. Dick and danielllee shuulld go back tou heating eache otha. I heate thum. Jessika shooould huv numonate Dike und jenn und bikdour danille . that wey wun uff thum hass two goe hom.
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I’m done for the night, but have to say something – the ballance of the show right now is ridiculous! I mean all the people on one side then there is Dick and Danielle – and watching tonight – Dustin, Eric and all of them are OUT FOR BLOOD! If BB doesn’t pull something tomorrow or this week, it’s going to be the most lopsided show EVER. Watching this NERD HERD is just sickening!
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The one thing Dick and Daniele haven’t considered (that I am aware of) is when and if one of them goes to the sequester house – most likely America will vote to bring someone back and if whoever stays can hang on and forge ahead there could be a Donato reunion in the near future. Who knows maybe someone will get backdoored as usual. Anyway, does anyone know if anyone has thought of this? I mean really it is something they should think about. There is hope for D2 afterall.
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Lisa, I totaly agree with you about Dick. There is just something about him that says we have not heard the last of him after BB8.
And I do hope that Danielle gets off the block and they use Dustin as a pawn and he gets voted off. Would that be great to watch!
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Out of everyone in the House, Even worse then ED I hate Eric. He trueley is a rotten person even though he is america’s player. I hope he get voted out. Why Because I hate him. He think he is so great at “the game” but he a total Asshole. Letsvote him out
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Amber praying:
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Amber, Jessica, and Jameka have decided to be alligned against Eric and Dustin. Amber even made the comment “No gay guy will call the shots for me”!!! They have decided to secretly meet, but make the meetings obvious to the guys so they worry. They are going to try to over take the guys. This is the PARANOIA meeting!!! Dustin just came in asking what was going on, dying of curiosity!
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Hey lisa now that I think about it I don’t think they’ll bring anyone back. I didn’t know carol & kail knew eric’s identity. Big brother always has big twist and they really haven’t had one yet unless you count the enemy situation. That backfired in D&D ‘s case.Hopefully we’ll see something new.
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It DISGUSTS me to think that Dick could have a career and go far after the show. I think the ones who reward someone like him for his vulgarity, actions and lack of respect is disgusting and amoral. America needs to turn back to the generation to where there was prayer and people like Dick were not rewarded for anything.
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Just wondering, my husband is 50 and I’m 47…we’ve been watching BB since the first season, and each since. Are we too old for this? I sure hope not, because I am addicted to this season! While Dick is abrasive and shoots from the hip, Eric is volatile with his eerie eyes and creepy faces. CBS would be smart to figure out a way to keep Dick & Dani in the house, because it would be boring were they to both leave. Can’t wait til tonight! =^^=
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Lee you must be a big Jameka fan. Dick needs to seek therapy. He dosen’t show people respect. But that’s the same reason why people love him. I’m positive that he ranks first in every poll for favorite HG. Without him this would proabably be the last season.
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Am I alone is gettin ill at the lies and “scenarios” that Eric and Dustin form?? These two guys are so full of it! These two weasels are obviously jealous of all the (negative) attention that Dick receives. A little tip to Eric and Dustin, as soon as you both get a personality and not simply use your mouth to fool and gossip–you too can have attention!!
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Tony your not alone I hate how they act tough when dicks not around there voice is normaly pitchy when they respond to dick but when he’s not around there so big and bad and they really told him off. the only people who really started “The War” was jameka and amber. I’m happy that no one likes dustin or eric in the house anymore chanes are if D&D get taken off the block there is a chance one of them will be backdoored.
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Donna Rose … CBS has cast people as old as 58 on the show here in America …
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Thanks Red… are right about how “tough” they act when Dick is not around. Those two are useless. I can’t wait until the LNC is chipped and splintered.
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Tony, you got that right. Those two wiesels are so brave when Dick isn’t around and as soon as Dick comes into the area where they are boasting what they are going to do to him, they run – FREAKS!!!!
Does anyone remember in high school and the little girlie-girls who said just what these little losers are saying – “Well she better change or she won’t be a member of our group”, or “Well I’m tired of how she sites with her dad, they will never be members of our group” – I KID YOU NOT – last night that is exactly what Jessica and Amber were saying. OMG it took me SO back. I remember the girlie girls who were cheerleaders and I tried out for the team – I not only made it but was captain. The only difference was that I was also an athlete and had NO time for their NONSENSE and totally (sorry – been watching Amber too much) broke up the stupid little clique. The football players had a field day with it!
This is SO elementary and sickening for a show of this level. I am so hoping for some kind of a twist that will blow them out of the water, and to be honest the BEST one I can think of is Nick coming back!!
I’m kind of lost at this point – what has happened and what is going to be happening?
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Honestly, Lisa, unless a big blow-up happens, I am thinking this might be a boring week. The LNC leftovers are still in tact, despite any conversations that might have been had among the women. They’re wise to Eric and Dustin though, and you can bet that group WILL be splintered.
Now, we presume Dick would use a PoV on Daniele, but I heard him say last night that if he wins PoV, Daniele is going home not coming off. He said that in front of her, matter of factly, not behind her back. On a couple other blogs, I read where Jessica seems pretty resolute to replace either of them with Jen.
So, let’s examine:
Dick vs. Daniele — no way that Dick campaigns against his daughter. In fact, he’ll go scorched earth to make sure he goes home. I think. However, I’ve said all along that doing this could backfire and result in Dani’s dismissal, just to peeve off Dick.
Dick vs. Jen — Dick will have Daniele and Zach. And I bet you in that scenario, he’ll have America’s Player, whether he knows it or not. That’s three. Dick can survive against Jen if he could somehow wrangle Amber, and even in the face of that tiff the other night, Amber is negotiable.
Daniele vs. Jen — This honestly would produce the most boring week because Dick will be on his ultra-best behavior to try to help Dani. He and Zach would vote to save Daniele, and again Eric via America’s vote.
My honest hunch is if Jen’s put up in the event of a PoV removal, she should get her suitcase ready.
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I’m watching Jameka and Amber in a prayer session asking God to protect them against the evil on – OMG this is so sad. Jameka is SO missguided. I canNOT tell you how many people would come into my office in my business saying the same prayer and praying fervently for God’s protection for them aginst the evil one – well in THEIR case the evil one was ME because they owed me UNPAID dues!!!! These so-called christians, after it was all said and done, pilled up a $30,000 stockpile of unpaid dues in my collection agency!!!! ALL in the name of GOD. I had one guy who quoted scripture to me about how Christians should take care of Christians because he owned me money and I OWED it to him to let him slide because that’s what Christians do for each other – nevermind that I HAD bills to pay and had to take care of my kids and my home and my business ALL ALONE – nevermind that!! Yeah, this was in the GHETTO of Prince George’s County, Maryland – Jameka is APTLY representing her HOMIES!!!!!!!!
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I should also note that if Jessica were to put up Dustin as a pawn as has been discussed, the same scenario plays out except that Dustin will not go home yet. Not enough splintering has happened. It WILL happen, just not yet — unless some more craziness ensues, which is always possible.
I think Dick should hide ALL of Dustin’s gray shirts to steal his power. 😉
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Dick just went off on Jameka in the kitchen with Jameka saying nothing. He was like an inch away from her. He was yelling and hollering and YOU KNOW they were watching from the HOH room – Dustin and Eric were sitting there watching. NOW they are talking about what they are going to do to Dick. Are these “women” so STUPID and needy that they just choose to not see what is happening here?
Oh a new alliance – THE MARTYRS – they are playing it to the hilt. Actually, if Dick were to totally back off right now he would take away all of the reasons they are together!
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Lisa, I was lucky enough to get that clip recorded, and I am working to post it now. 🙂 I think in this case, it’s total strategy given that Jameka has apparently been picked to play in the PoV. And you’re right about The Martyrs — if Dick would lay off, they wouldn’t have any reason to, well, be martys. Nevertheless, I think right now, Dick is workin’ to get in their heads before the PoV.
So, it could be an exciting hour before the competition … or 30 minutes … or however long.
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COOOOOOL, sooner. I was reading on a couple of boards that ED is trying to taunt Jameka into hitting him, thus sending her packing – she IS breaking, believe me!!!! Dustin and Eric are SO pathetic !!!!
Can’t wait fot the others on here to see that feed, sooner – amazing!!! You and I both know ED is trying to save his daughter – but who knows what is going to happen and what CBS has in store – they better do something because CBS will go down with the ship once ED is gone.
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Yes, I absolutely believe E.D. is baiting Jameka, and this is one Big Brother house in which I would not at all be surprised to see something physical go down at some point.
I have not paid attention to the ratings so far, but given that there has really been nothing sexual outside of some flirting between a couple of the houseguests, Dick is the meal ticket.
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OMG sooner were you watching last night when Amber and Dustin were in the weightroom? LOL OMG it was too funny. Amber looks longingly into Dustin’s eyes and sayd “You’re in love with me, aren’t you” and I SWEAR for one second I thought there was going to be a kiss. There were about 5 uncomfortable minutes and she kept staring into his eyes with that stupid lost puppy dog look she has and you could tell Dustin was shaking. I thought maybe THAT was going to be a twist – but NO – THANK GOD!!!
There are people NOW using ED as a verb – YOU’VE BEEN ED’D lol
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lol Lisa—-we should find a deserted island and drop Dustin and Amber off forever!! They deserve each other and nothing else!! LOL
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HAHAHAH you got that right.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As Amber would say – TOTALLY!!!
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Lisa — that is too funny, and if I can find that Amber/Dustin clip I’m posting it. BTW, if that is the case. If that is a twist or the twist or if something happens, it won’t be because Dustin likes girls now. It would be because Amber is a man, and all the crying is the result of the estrogen they have to pump into her during her “transformation” 😉 …
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LOL sooner—-Dustin is such a punk!!! He is that person we all know who does not shut up enough to know what is good for him. I wonder how many times this guy has been slapped by his partners—lol.
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Tony…I’m not gay at all…but I would to slap him too!
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I’m not gay but I’m a woman and all I’d have to do is look Dustin in the face and go “GEEEZE, boy, you have put on some weight there haven’t you?” and he’d freak!!!! That’s all it would take for his LITTLE EGO!!
You go girl!!!!! snap snap
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lnc is trash except eric …. only because hes america’s player.but forget him winning it all.ed and danielle r the strongest right now but danielle has 2 watch her back now that ppl see shes a strong player
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That would be the coup d'etat … the houseguests really believe there is a twist happening tomorrow, but they couldn't really do the coup d'etat again, right?
They have not picked out PoV balls tonight either, so it will happen tomorrow along with the competition … there is also speculation that a house re-entry (Nick?) could be happening soon.
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