I’m not sure why I mentioned Daniele’s vote in the last post. I must be tired. Anyway, thanks to Jer295 for pointing it out correctly.
Kail has Dick and Jen.
Eric has Jameka, Jessica, Amber and probably Dustin, although I think he could be the deciding vote. And I completely forgot about Zach, who is torn between somebody who betrayed him (Kail) and somebody who doesn’t give him the time of day (Eric). Zach has said that he was prone to voting out a female this week to even things up a bit.
Things look even better for Eric. Still a long time to go, but I’m feeling better now. I just hope that if Eric survives that Big Brother will end the America’s Player charade.
The irony is that Daniele made a deal with Kail that she was safe. If she ends up going home…
Wow. What a message the rest of the house would be sending to her and Dick! Very interesting!
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And if you thought Daniele felt betrayed by Nick’s dismissal, just wait until hers is the first back-door move not to work this season. One of the things I love about this game is just how fluid it is.
Soon as I think I have the scenarios figured out, some new dynamic comes into play.
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I can’t stand Eric the sooner he is gone the better, this America’s Player is pretty stupid it hasn’t added anything to the mix. You talk about Dick, Eric never can shutup and he uses everyone. And how dare him tell on National TV, Amber’s personal stories. She may be stupid to tell those things but he is an idiot for making them know to the whole world.
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Do any of you realize what Eric said about Amber secretly to Jessica to win her (Jessica) over on nationwide t.v.???? Well he told Jessica that Amber CONFIDED in him about something that was SO horrible that if anyone in the house knew she would probably be banned!! So Mr. BIGMOUTH decieved Amber by telling Jessica that Amber had had 2 abortions and not only did she have 2 abortions, she also lied about 2 pregnancies to her NOW boyfriend and also LIED about 2 MORE abortions – all within the last year!! He told Jessica that on one of the 24/7 feeds very late one evening – I WAS LISTENING!! It has made me sick to my stomach that from that DECEPTION ON, Jessica seemed MORE dedicated to Eric than ever!!! Go figure THAT one out. How many of you like Eric even MORE NOW knowing what he has done to Amber?? Amber has been warned that Eric is going around to people who don’t know about her secret that Eric has information on Amber “IN HIS BACK POCKET TO USE LATER”. Eric is a WEASEL and so is Dustin! Anyone trusting these two snakes will only find themselves on the loosing end and not even knowing how they got there!!!
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I can’t wait until Dustin AND Eric are gone. Eric’s mouth runs like a contaminated ditch that has no end. Dustin, what can I say, he is so fake to people and tries to bully everyone else. Further, I can’t stand when he questions people about their stance and behaviors….who is he?!?!?!?
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Tony, I’m SO with you!!!! Sometimes it’s so hard to watch how much power Dustin and Eric CON out of these people! AND, he is only as strong as these people allow him to be.
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I thought the point of the game, to a certain extent, WAS to con the others — to build confidence (hence the word “con”) from the other houseguests such that you could advance. In other words, this is not a bad thing.
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I DESPISE DICK, DANIELLE, and AMBER! ENOUGH of that crying!!! I want Kail or Jameka to win. If not, then Jen. I would LOVE to see LIVE Danielle nominate AND EVICT her own father!!!! That would be SWEET!
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So coning = politics and winning votes, LOL. What an American thing to say, LOL! God, I think I’m living on another planet – if this is the future for our country (and I have 4 VERY successful grown kids) – we need to all run for cover!
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The Worst Chewers in the World (Big Brother House) List
1. Jameka–Come on, put the food down!!
2. Dick–for crying out loud, you are 44, close your mouth when you chew!!
3. Dustin–How can you eat AND pick your nose at the same time!!!
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*** Lisa said: So coning = politics and winning votes, LOL. What an American thing to say, LOL! God, I think I’m living on another planet – if this is the future for our country (and I have 4 VERY successful grown kids) – we need to all run for cover! ***
Since when is anything relative to the Big Brother house analagous to anything relative to the future of our country. This show is totally about the confidence game, and the person who most successfully maneuvers his or her way through it will win. Keepin’ it real — as Dick has done the past few weeks — will probably spell his end on this show. While he has totally ruled the roost over everyone the past few weeks, and even I’ve given him props for totally manipulating everybody with success, keeping a high profile on Big Brother is usually a killer.
You gotta accentuate your outbursts with long periods of shutting up, if you know what I mean. However, if you can’t con the other player into believing something that isn’t true … holy moly, you cannot win this game. 🙂
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ahahahah tony, OMG I’m so with you about Dustin! Not only his nose picking, but he rubs his body constantly then smells it – OMG!! He’s disgusting! And Dick, I can’t stand to see him eat and what about the way he spits whatever it is he spits outside, while he’s chaing smoking (but don’t get me wrong – I do like Dick – I can see past the EXTERIOR – there’s a good guy inside – and he hasn’t said anything that wasn’t true). AND JAMEKA – OMG I was watching her eat while the camera just stayed on her for about 20 minutes, she was chomping like a horse, making God-awful noises, food falling from her mouth and she couldn’t take her eyes off of the next bite coming up!!! GROSS!
I can’t imagine the bordom of that place right now. I was hoping a banner would show up blowing Eric out of the water regarding his deception of Amber – that would turn the WHOLE house upside down!
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I am with you Lisa!!! I think we are on the same page with the contestants. Yes, Dick’s spitting is real bad, Jameka LOVES food and the last person. Hmm….what can we say about Dustin. Well, you are right he is disgusting. He is a miserable carbon based life form that is truly evil. His name should be Evil Dustin. I mean, if I didn’t know better, I would have thought he was a big time detective or the captain of the Titanic—-rather, reality tells me he is a disgruntled shoe salesman.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Until tonight.
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Well, Jessica told Eric about Daniele and Dick thinking he was a rat, so maybe Eric felt he owed it to her to tell her about Amber. Nevertheless, it was still a jerky thing to do and I hope he goes home.
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OMG telling Jessica the Amber’s DEEPEST darkest secret told to a friend she trusted?? I don’t know about anyone here – but you do that ONCE to me and you can kiss a friendship goodbye! That was below the worst thing ever done – in MY opinion!
I’m just waiting to see if the KIDS stick with the “clique” for the sake of being a part of the “IN CROWD” or will they be ADULTS and do the right thing – I won’t hold my breath with someTHING like Dustin calling the shots – he is AMORAL!!
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The thing is, it is better for Dustin, Jessica, Jameka, and Amber to keep Eric in. Otherwise they lose the upper hand of majority. While I hated Eric in the beginning of the show I find Evel and Danielle much more annoying. I thought it was hilarious that at the end of tonight’s show that Dick thinks this thing is in the bag. Cause if Kail leaves and Dustin, Amber, Eric or Jessica win HOH this week Danielle and Dick are screwed…It was said on another site that it is getting time for a double eviction. Even if Dick or Danielle won HOH they can put up Jen or Zach and they lose another player…
If the LNC rejects don’t worm out an extra voted from someone they are SOL…
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Reading these posts is rather amusing. Who is more disgusting? The person with a camera on them 24×7 or the person watching.
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Ok here’s a “what if” for you guys. WHAT IF Jessica actually believes all the crap everyone has PROVEN to her that Eric has done and said about all the people there, and, MOST OF ALL her? OK? NOW, if she believes all of that which she seemed to from people validating everything to her, she was seething. SO, inside she is really pissed and wants revenge. What better revenge than to MAKE SURE everyone believes that she has been fooled by Eric, and she plays Eric and come Thursday and when she has to cast her vote – she ACTUALLY votes for Eric in the DR? She can’t be THIS DUMB can she??? I mean look at Eric, what in the world does he have??
Ok, enough, was just wondering what you guys may think of this.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He is soooo annoying and he can’t play the game well. Kail has jen, dick, and zach for sure and I think jessica will vote eric out. If all goes through the BB viewers can finally celebrate the fact that creppy face guy is gone!
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Okay, I’ve been on many boards and everyone is so upset with Eric about this ‘deep dark secret’ telling business. Is it just me or was Amber a fool to tell her personal business to what is essentially a total stranger in the first place? I’ve been around the block a few times so I have learned that a close friend is one you have gone through some serious experiences with and made it through to the other side. Those are the people you confide in, not someone you just met a few weeks ago AND is competing AGAINST in a reality show…. just my two cents. PS, of all the boards I visited this is the best one, the author is really good at providing the important bits and balances with just enough personal feelings without going overboard. Thanks!
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To beta — you totally made our day! Like you guys, we’re just huge fans of the show, and while the lot of us will disagree from time to time on contestants and behavior and Big Brother himself, the thing that drives this community site is our enjoyment of this game.
However, I’d be lying if I didn’t say your comment didn’t make my day. It totally did. 🙂 Thank you!
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