I watched last night’s show twice because I still couldn’t figure out why Shane chose to keep Danielle over Britney. That didn’t help. Why did Shane keep Danielle over Britney? Anyway, as you know by now, Britney was evicted from the Big Brother house last night. Ahhh… In Britney style her before eviction speech ended with “as a wise old player once said, Dan you’ll always be Judas to me”. Touche’ Brit!
Okay now here’s the thing. Dan clearly manipulated the house, got himself off the block, managed to get Britney up in his place and evicted, but Frank and Jenn are the bad guys? Huh? Dan holds a “funeral” for himself. He gets everyone (except Frank) to cry for him. He convinces the HG’s that Danielle is “dead” to him, but Frank and Jenn are the bad guys? This is why I can’t cheer against Dan. Everyone else is just so darn gullible. I’m not liking Dan as a person, but I have to admire him as a Big Brother player.
Dan’s personality in the Big Brother house is interesting to watch. Did you see him laughing in the other room when Ian and Frank were fighting. Notice that he was IN THE OTHER ROOM. He stays out of conflict. ALWAYS. At least twice Britney went to Dan to discuss what happened. What did Dan say? Nothing. He stays quiet. He doesn’t argue or let the others goad him into saying something he’ll regret later. Also by playing this way, you never know what he’s thinking or what he is going to do next.
I hated seeing Britney leave the Big Brother house. She definitely was a character. I loved that little scene where she mocked Dan in the backyard. The thing is the other HG’s seemed amused, but not convinced. I’m wondering why Britney didn’t take Ian aside and try to convince him how conniving of a player Dan really is. I didn’t hear about her doing that, so if I’m wrong let me know. I would think she would have tried to convince the house to get rid of Dan ASAP. The only thing I can think of is that she admires his game play so much and since SHE was “gotten” maybe she wanted to watch the others suffer the same fate.
Let’s move on to the HOH competition. This one had the HG’s standing on a small disc which was hanging on a rope in the air. Liquid was shooting out at them and a big cushioned arm thingy would hit them every now and then as they went by. The ropes twirled in constant circular motion. When the thingy hit, it would make the individual rope twirl also. Yep, not a good competition for the motion sickness crowd. I did hear one of the HG’s ask another if the Dramamine was working. If I took Dramamine, I wouldn’t be nauseous, but I’d be asleep! In typical Joe fashion, he stayed on for less than a minute. Jenn also didn’t make it until the end of CBS’s live show. Those two are so sad when it comes to competitions.
The live show ended here, but I’m going on with what happened so stop reading if you don’t want to know.
Third off the ropes was Danielle. She could not stand the twirling motion. Next one to drop was Dan. Did he feel sick or did he throw the competition? He didn’t seem to be able to move off the ground so I’m thinking he was sick, but he still could be keeping his hands clean and not wanting to be HOH. This was within the first hour of the competition. All we have left swinging is Ian and Shane. Everyone in Twitter land was convinced that Ian had this one in the bag. You can only assume that this is true because after about another hour, Shane asks all the HG’s to go inside so he can talk to Ian in private. He asks Ian to swear that he and Danielle are safe and will not be up for eviction this week. Ian swears. Shane jumps down. Ian is the new HOH.
Shane is looking more and more like an idiot in this game. In the beginning, he was supposedly “using” Danielle and acting slightly romantic to make sure she would play the game the way he wanted her to. Do you realize that somewhere along the line that changed and now Danielle is “using” Shane to make sure he plays the game the way SHE wants him to. Shane is a follower and not a leader. Frank acts the same way as Shane. Someone convinces him of something and he acts. No thoughts are coming out of Frank’s head. Dan is Danielle’s puppet master, so put her in the category with Frank and Shane. Joe and Jenn are floaters and don’t even count. That leaves Ian and Dan. Ian confuses me because I’m not sure if he is being influenced by anyone in particular or not. Definitely, Dan is in charge of this Big Brother 14 house!
Last I heard, Ian was planning to nominate Frank and Jenn with Joe as the replacement nominee and pawn. Once again, Frank will be the target for elimination. Hey, wait a minute! Frank cannot play for HOH next week. So why on earth would you try to get him out THIS week? Wouldn’t it be better to get someone out who CAN play for HOH and eliminate one more threat? Hmm, I know, how about Dan? If Dan leaves the house this week, the only HG’s that can play for HOH are Danielle, Shane, Jenn and Joe. If Frank leaves the house this week the HG’s playing for HOH are Dan, Danielle, Shane, Jenn and Joe. If Danielle leaves the house this week, the HG’s playing for HOH are Dan, Shane, Jenn and Joe. See where I’m going with this? Think, Ian, think.
Sadly, all we can do is watch and hope! Bloggergal
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Big Brother House Sucks!
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I’m going to miss Britney too Ted ๐
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I think Brittany was the best!
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Going to miss Brittany!
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Can’t leave a comment as this keeps telling me its a duplicate!
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If I am not wrong there will be a DE next thursday, you need to get Frank out first, if not the first one then the second one if not he will win HOH. Ian puts someone up, they and some one goes home thur. then they play for HOH, Frank cant play, who ever wins put some one up, they play POV, some goes home, they play for HOH this time Frank can play, so if they want him out they have 2 shots, but remember he can play in all the POVs and we all know he is good at those, I am still for Ian, so hope he thinks for himself, Frank & Dan has already been blowing smoke up his a$$.
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Thought I would check one more time and here it is. Didn’t Britney look like Alice in Wonderland last night? So cute. Gotta run!! L8r
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Never the less we all will sadly miss Britney because the house is filled with mutes and drones
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The laughter and smiles we had watching the live feeds will turn into sad boring
hours of waiting for someone to speak and make me laugh my bet is on BIG JOE
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and down the stretch they come…only 7 remain…will these dummies figure out a way to get Carrott top out of the house…if i’m a betting man i would say that Frnak and Jenn will be put up and that Frank will mysteriously win the POV becuase cbs will style the competion to his strength and he saves himself again…Way to go Mr Chen at CBS…stop compromising the show…it’s time from Franco to say addious and head off to the jury house with his 2 favorite ladies…brit and ash…assuming that Brit hasn’t killed Ash already…
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Yes, I miss Brit already, too. It was hard looking at Danielle with the smug look on her face.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope someone takes themselves off with power of veto and Ian backdoors Dan. I can only think Dan figured he wanted HOH next time around and fell off on purpose. I don’t believe anything I see Dan doing since he is constantly manipulating.
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I agree, if Ian was smart, he would nominate say Jenn and Joe, then backdoor Dan to get gim out. Work on Frank next week when he ca.n’t compete in the HOH. Think smart Ian
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Loved Brits speech, that’s was classic Brit. Im glad to see Ian won HOH. And how stupid was Joes punishment. Who ever is slecting these punishment has no imagination.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALSO…why would they call frank into the storage room to tell him to tell the others about the DR…and coming over the speaker to tell them not to discuss noms..since when. Where they trying to let frank know what was going on….?
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If someone doesnt get dan out – he WILL be f2 – do yall think the jury will vote him to win?
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I sure hope it’s Dan next to be evicted.Four coaches in a row down the tubes.
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Missing Brit so much! BBAD is just sad and boring without her wit and humor to liven things up. Rooting for Ian all the way, but Judas still lurks. Be smart young jedi knight — the force is with you during DE this week.
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What was Joe’s punishment?
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I am keeping my fingers crossed that something BIG happens on the DE next week and that it negatively impacts Danny-Boy. I guess a case could be made that his “jab and hide” playing style is smart because he won’t engage in a conflict, but to me its a little hard to take. Man up, dude!
Shane, I have no words, man! Really??? The gray matter between your ears is called a brain! Learn how to use it!
Frank, in a way I hope you survive the DE next week. Actually, in my perfect world, you do survive it, but Dan and Jenn don’t. Then I want to see how long it takes you to run to Ian and try to make a deal with him.
Danielle, honey. . . . . oh, forget it! You won’t hear it over the whining anyhow.
Joe who???
Happy Friday, folks! Can you tell I miss Britney’s snarkiness? I am having to come up with my own snarky comments now.
Love ya, Brit! Wish you were still in the house!
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So sad….going to miss Brit! I hope Ian is smart about his Moms. Think, think, think. Thanks for updaet y’all!
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Thanks again to Kevin11 โ Your link let me see the whole show Ad free. I will miss my little Brit, very funny girl ๐ Keep up the good work my fellow Blogers ๐ Thank you for all your hard work Bloggergal, you rock C…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See you all soon, got to run…….
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Oh please is this the Brit fan club?! I can’t stand
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------her . She isn’t witty she just has a smart mouth and
she freakin thinks she knows EVERYTHING! What
is she 25 26 yr old? Diary room feeds her all her
lines and she was duped once again by the alpha males
in the house.
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Like everyone else I miss Brit, and like everyone else I hope Dan and Frank go away but I think the one responsible for Brit being gone is Dannie. I can’t believe know one has figured out she is still backing Dan. It made me sick to my stomach watching her play Brit.
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That’s funny!
I love Brit ! and her pink dress
But we don’t all have to agree.
Jenn on the other hand thought buying tattoos was going to make her tough, well it doesn’t.
How does Dan coach kids? he must give them knives and tell them to stab the other team in the back.
Joe, keep sleeping.
Ian may lose it soon
Frank i wish I could like you but the producers do so that’s good enough
Dani, stop over using your nasal passages or larynx that cartoon voice !
I don’t care who wins, so there BB you have done it.
Brit ! Miss you already ๐
But i love this blog
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Is it my imagination or are the hg’s talking about jessie (that moron) came and visited them and took all their junk food.
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Why is everyone bad at Dan. Britney was trying and did back stab him first. She was only good making deals with the person in power. She would throw everyone else under the bus. Glad she is gone.
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@Delsi I think Dan has a subtle annoying way of backstabbing and never admitting to it . The loudness of his voice then the quiet when asked questions.
Second season he swears on people and lies and so on….
Can’t believe Jessie came back!!!! Let me guess . His shirt was off!
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@Bloggergal, great post! You said it all and I agree with all of it! I hope Ian thinks it through but it seems he thinks every scenario through. Dan is in charge but we can hope Ian out thinks him. As for Dan’s nonresponsive persona, it works but he looks like a jerk doing it. He is a cool one but probably not a warm person. I don’t see the warmth or caring in his eyes or his expressions, ever, not even when he was trying to appease Dani after the “you’re dead to me comment” His eyes are cold. I don’t like Frank much as he has a knee jerk reaction to whoever talks to him last but you can see feeling in his eyes. We’ll see. I still don’t have a fav at this point. Production is ruining the fun for me and so many of you.
@Aggie, you may just be right that production is helping the HG they favor.
Yes, with Brit gone the house is probably really boring for you with LFs. I liked seeing Enzo and the boys, kind of a cute schtick for them.
Good to see NOBODY is responding to the trouble maker in our midst. LMAO
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I agree that Dani is a whinner and a me, me, me person. Very annoying, but as a game move, Britney was the best decision to go. She was in a perfect position in the game as everyone liked her and would probably take her to the end. Everyone is dissing on Dan but you have to admit the man knows how to play the game. He made a final two with Frank but if I were him, I’d try and get Frank out via Ian HOH or the next one. It might take two of them to get the job done, but don’t make the mistake of waiting for the next HOH. What happened to Shane winning comps? Maybe he works out too much and is too tired to compete. Joe is the perfect one to take to the final two cause no one would vote for him. Frank and Ian are too easily persuaded to ever have too much game going on. I do think one of them will win however, but only by sheer luck. Ian wants to be considered a bad guy so watch for a big play during this HOH. Jenn City who? All I know is she should keep her clothes on at all times and not burn them. Just my opinions.
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Well said, Starfish. It’s best to ignore certain things.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We didn’t have much excitement this season and Brit brought some life to the party.
I hate the thought of having to see a shirtless Jessie on the next show. I suppose if we were isolated like the HG’s even Jessie would be interesting for a short time.
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I haven’t read other comments yet. I think Shane voted out Brit because he thinks Danielle is a weaker player therefore better to keep. I expected Shane, Brit, Ian & Joe to pull together before the vote. Odd.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------At least the game is much less predictable now.
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On the LFs a bugle is blaring “Reveille” and Joe jumped up and is Hula-Hooping. His punishment for worthlessly falling off first last night I guess.
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I have an idea,dont get scrared, BB should do something on every comp. the first off alway gets something bad(not the hula hoop) just some thing that makes them stop throwing comps.
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Hillbilly that is a good idea. Maybe even penalty prizes 1 thru 3 for the first ones to leave a comp.
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@Wisteria77 , I like your idea better, maybe have to spend the day with Jessie, in a room.
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Poor,poor Dani, how is she going to survive this week with no junk food. at least Ian got a new hammock to swing on and they have toys to play with
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`I so agree with hillbilly.. but real good punishments. Like miss pov, hoh comp and 24 hrs solitare confinment to go with it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why do they think us viewers want to see jessie or rachael…HEY CBS..HIRE SOMEONE WITH IMAGINATION!!!!
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@Mike & Wisteria, great ideas. I like it. K11 probably could think up some good things to keep them in the comps. ๐
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I really hope they evict Jenn next, then Frank since he can’t play in the HOH comps for a bit. Don’t know what it is but I have never disliked a person so much in BB history as much as Jenn City. She is a useless floater, back stabbing, two faced, good for nothing competitor. She thinks her ink dont stink!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey Danielle, want some cheese with that whine??? LOL
Hope Ian can bring this baby home!!!
Just sayin…..bye all!!!!!
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@Tomi, those are great ones, no more floating around. Hey Star
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@Tomi, I agree no POV or HOH that should keep them playing instead of floating. ๐
I’m still really surprised at the strength that Jenn apparently doesn’t have. That’s a big girl and she has no stamina whatsoever or is she just faking it. Don’t like her at all.
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Me starfish and star is star. lol
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I guess no one read my earilier post , If it is a DE this week Frank will get to play in the last one, if he makes it past the first two.
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@starfish, I just got up from my nap and went out to the still, so my eyes and brain are fuzzy
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@hillbilly grand idea indeed. They should have thought of that from day 1. Hope Issac didn’t wreak havoc up there. I had friends who lost power last night in central AR and still don’t have it back. Few trees down. No loss of life…just property. My moden went off but I muddled through. : )
I have an idea myself. There should be a program called Old Brother where the contestants are all 30-40 (not that that’s old). : ) Comps are geared for geezers and older people are more likely to stand up to production than the younger set who follow like lemmings. And Britney is the commentator and does exit interviews as well as the interviews for the selection process which are televised. Dani is always wondering how she is being portrayed. I wasn’t a fan of dani and now that she’s trashing Brit, I can’t wait to see her giant Southern Belle hiney disappear behind the exit door.
Great synopsis, BBgal!!! As always!!!
I do adore her and wish there was some way to keep Brit around. Jessie? Pul-eeze. No more. Did like the Briggade spot, but I wasn’t through wanting to never see Enzo again. Then there he was. Meow,meow. Worst name ever…except for an actual feline.
@starfish and K11 Thanks for your comments on last page. I felt good because I respect you opinions. : ) Has nothing to do with that you agree with me about most things. : ) Plus your comments about BB are so clever.
That poem by Charles Bukoski (sp?) was a heart wrencher and if true, made me love the man.
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@Mike, I just can’t call you hillbilly, how about some of that hooch? ha ha ha Hope you’re doing better. Are you?
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@Patricia, All we got out of the strom was some light rain, maybe an inch of that
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@tambo In complete agreement about Jenn. She is a tough hard rocker only in her own mind. I liked her best when she was in the background hiding…which is probably what she’s going to go back to doing. I don’t mind the ink or clothing. It’s her personality or lack there of that grated on me.
I can only start to narrow things down to my favorite by making a list of those I want eliminated.
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@Starfish, I am doing what I can in this 90 year body, (the ninty year old said he didnt want it back) some days are better than others(depends on how much shine I drink) but not to bad
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been busy all day no time for puter but i heard ian opened pandoras boxa nd it toys 4 him and a new hammock also jesie was in house
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------anyone hear this???
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Ian opened Pandoraโs box and said that it said if you open it you may have the beat Christmas ever. He says that he opened it and there was a Christmas tree and it said all the gifts were his. He says that they were all just a bunch of toys. Frank says so you didnโt get a veto? Ian says no just a bunch of toys. Danielle is blowing up an inflatable alagator. Apparently Jessie Godderz was in the house. He told Frank to shave his chest. Jenn talks about how Jessie drank all of her lactaid milk. She says that she told him thatโs all she has and he said he would help her out with it. Jessie took all their beer and junk food and gave them healthy food. The house guests are trying it, Ian runs to the kitchen sink wanting to puke it tastes so bad.
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I hope Ian put’s up Frank and Jenn then back door’s Dan. I wanted Danille to go home, sad Brit was evicted ~ ~ No No Not Jesse eww creepy he gives me the willy’s. Shane lost his back bone somewhere. Joe has no back bone, Jenn is taken up space ( nothing ) there. I hope CBS let’s these people play and stop telling them what to do. I hate to hear that the producers are rigging this game for rating’s, they should just give the check to whom eve they want to win… So sad to know it’s rigged.
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Thanks everyone for all your feed back, I am still under the weather so I will just keep reading all your comments, see you soon my friends….
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Hmmm. Dan is a master of the game, and that’s the only kind thing I can say about him. Sure dislike when he talks to the camera with his slanted look, so irritating. He doesn’t answer questions, leaves the room if an uncomfortable topic is brought up, and he keeps bragging on what a great play he has made. Can you imagine how much more his head will swell when he hears Julie’s opening comments about him at the top of Thurs.’ show? Just can’t see how EVERY HG is blindsided by him and how they ALL changed their thoughts about voting him out.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Love the idea of punishments for the first 3 out of the HOH comps. How about they canNOT try for the POV?
Jesse again. Come on CBS, what is he PAYING you for his airtime? Surely CBS is smarter than to pay him.
Have to wait for the viewing but I have my suspicion that Ian got more than just toys. There still hasn’t been a lux. comp., so maybe there are some “GREENS” in Ian’s pocket that he’s keeping under wraps.
Danielle…tired of whining, tired of pursed lips as you admire herself in the mirrors, tired of the lack of game play…and out be the pool today….suck it in girl and pose for your pagent photo shoot. Really???? Just too obvious.
Jenn, you are such a fool. You really believe Frank wants to take you to the end? Want to buy a bridge?
Shane, where is your collar and leash? You certainly follow like a puppy dog. You are the tallest HG…so stand up, make a move, do something.
Frank, my oh my, jobless, hopeless, shirtless, thoughtless. The hair….have you EVER brushed it? The best it ever looks is when you pop up in the pool and it is slicked against your head showing your face. Hey, I’m seeing wrinkle and age lines….what’s up with them? You’re how old?????, same as Dan? You cannot speak a sentence with dropping F bombs or other inappropriate words. You belch and fart and either laugh or just ignore it. Didn’t your mom teach you any manners?
Joe, good luck on the hula hoop, it’s almost over. Keep taking those “whispering” lessons. I looked at a couple of your Madlove videos….you scream on them too. Ouch, my poor ears.
Britney, oh my sweet Britney. You just made the show worth watching. Loved your comments to the camera late Wed. night, thanking your fans for the love and support. Sure have not heard that from anyone else. Also, you dropped your bag just inside the studio door and used both hands to greet the fans. You will be sorely missed. My hubby sugggested Brit would make a good panel member on THE TALK. How about Julie….invite her onto the show. I personally would love to see her land a spot on a weekly sitcom or reality show. Loved the tribute made by the Brigade. Thanks CBS for putting that together. Would have loved to see Ryan too. I do hope her wedding video is available for her to watch in the JH.
Thanks BBBlogger for the wonderful updates you bring to us.
I see Sunday’s show will be shown later due to the telethon. Better late than never.
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Sherry you go my friend….. very good โ

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@Patricia…no Jenn City’s ink has nothing to do with the way I feel about her.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She just rubs me the wrong way, since day 1. Heck I thought she wudda been gone a long time ago!!!! I personally would like to see her and Danielle go next.
Take care sugar!!!
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BTW: I missed something. How did the producers help Frank???? So not right or fair if that is accurate. R u saying this game is rigged from the get go???
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please sum1 lemme know.
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hey all did i miss it or has the noms not been done yet im on and off here so much. I sure hope Ian is smart and backdoors Frank this time so he can get him out without having production interfering. Its getting old having them save his butt all the time.
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if i had a vote i would always vote to evict the player who wasnt dressed for eviction I.E. Dani wearing clothes for the next HOH comp not my girl Brit looking like she is going down a rabbit hole and not the front door of the BB house lol
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***Confirmed….Frank and Jenn on the Block
for those Brit fans…go watch the Jeff interview video…its Great !!!!!
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@sherry That was great. I completely agree especially with Britney being on TV. I’d set my cable box and record, record, record.
@tambo I am with you totally. Dani and Jenn must go.
@bobo no need to answer. Just know good wishes and prayers are going your way.
@hillbilly Glad the storm skipped you but I know you could have used more rain. Offer some of that shine when you next do your rain dance! : )
I can’t believe there’s been another Pandora’s box and that Ian didn’t get anything out of it. Wasn’t there a dollar sign somewhere? Jessie showing up again is definitely a punishment. I don’t have lf. Did Dani flirt with Jessie? Dani told Jenn last night that she would love to make out with shane. The girl doesn’t have a clue.
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Jenn and Frank nominated by Ian.
@Bobo: My pleasure man. I had ads on mine but it’s all good and good to know it’s there. BB on at 1:47 am, last night here in Sin City!
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Oh, ted. I share your frustration with the BB house.
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@Sherry: Good post. Couldn’t agree more about Dan. As far as Sunday’s show being delayed by Labor Day telethon, here’s a Canadian link although I cant be sure they’re not airing the telethon. It (BB) is scheduled for 8 pm here in LV.
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@K11> Thanks again for the link to BB . Just as it came on here last night, it started raining really hard & DirecTv blew out for a few & we missed the comp. But I immediately told my Mom…”Hey calm down…K11 gave us a hook up.” ๐ So we watched it on the computer. She was thrilled to see it all. So was I …just saying. ๐ Couldn’t have come at a better time my man. Many thanks for that. I don’t know what we would do here without you, Mama, & everybody that gives us such great info. This place rocks. ๐
Gotto go try to find that interview with Brit now. See you guys later.
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Dammit man…forgot to close bold again!! I’m braindead. ๐ My bad!!
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@Ted: I feel your pain brother. I always try to do something else (write, clean up, laundry, dishes, etc.) when BBAD is on it’s so bad in there. Often wonder if it (BBAD) will ever be good again. They need a crazy dude like ED in there to make it fun IMO.
@patricia: My sister asked the same thing about the Bukowski poem (real story?) after I sent it to her. I think it’s real because of the emotion expressed and that one little line about putting water in the cat’s mouth with a finger to nurse it back. Experience could only create that line but I doubt he actually took the cat with him to an interview with journalists. That may be my favorite poem ever. Didn’t even know about it two weeks ago but Bukowski and Hunter S. Thompson are my two favorite writers. Love the little details and respect for their craft. They don’t make ’em like that anymore.
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@Cynthia: My pleasure girl. I like to watch it there for several reasons: 1-I can then go on Twitter and not be disturbed with anything being revealed. 2-When on here (this blog) on BB11 I hated that people were talking about a show I hadn’t seen yet. I’d have to leave the blog and wait two hours to see what happened and by that time most in East and Midwest had left blog and went to bed. 3-‘Live’ is actually ‘live’ on Thursdays for the first time ever for me. 4-Once I get it over with, I can go on and watch all my other stuff and do the other things I need to do. Between @Ermmmmmmm on Twitter and JustinTV, I have found ways to get BBUK and BB both free and immediately. And now I love the Internet more than before. Like everything, it is what you make of it.
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In the Bedroom Dan and Danielle
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan: โYouโre going to get to the endโ (I guess he has looked into his crystal ball, make note he did not say end of what could be a cliff)
Dan leaves.. Danielle jumps on the bed.. โIโm so excitedโ (this is almost as exciting for danielle as the dream she had that she and a shane look a like blow up doll did the horizontal mambo)
Danielle says she shouldnโt get so confident.. โOh my GOD .. I Canโt Believe they DID IT.. Oh MY GOD this is HUGE.. Jennโs going out the door.. Even if Frank wins POV Joe goes up and Jenn still goes.. โ(dani must have snagged dans balls oops sorry my bad meant to say dans crystal ball)
Danielle thinks sheโs won the game.. she keeps running in her head. they all include her in the final 2 with the votes to win. (if she had paper and pen she would be making a mega list of the little people she would invite to her award/party that is going to be held at the kodak theatre on hollywood blvd where she and shane will make their marriage date announcement)
Danielle: โI just hope I never ever ever have to choose between Shane or Dan.. OMG that will be the worse ever.. IโM SO EXCITEDโ (errr dani do not count your ducks before they r hatched)
ciao for now
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@kevin11 The poem rang true for me. Hit me right in my heart probably because I lived part of it. I had a really sick dog once, kidney failure and couldn’t walk, so I made a pallet on the floor and through the night I’d dip my finger in water and rub the inside of her mouth. Unfortunately she didn’t make it. There are probably less pet restrictions for cats than dogs especially if you are a poet and going to readiings and not to a corporate job. Me, I would never ever leave my cat anywhere ever if he had gone through all of that.
Sorry you have so much problems with the feeds and spoilers. Doesn’t bother me tho. In fact I like knowing things in advance, but I understand how you feel because on other shows I don’t want to know who the killer is until the end! : ) thanks again for the poem. It really affected me.
I would go on slop for the rest of the summer if it would be guaranteed that neither Dani or Jenn make it to the final anything. Dani has done nothing in the game except strap herself to shane and Dan.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@mm Your post was top notch as usual. The image of Dani going to the edge. Super!!! Love your humor!!!
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***POV Players…everyone but Shane playing……
very odd picking players already…..might be that midnight POV Morph played every year…..lets see……
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You know, when Dan had his “funeral” and gave his speech, my WTF alarm went off when he got to Danielle. Everyone in the house has spent time with both Dan And Danielle, so how could anyone believe that she did something so wrong to make Dan say the things he said?! I mean, it was so OBVIOUSLY a ploy on Dan’s part. I had a feeling way at the beginning when the QP was formed that Dan would be the weak link on that alliance because he has shown in the past that he is not to be trusted and only Dan matters to Dan. Now he’s in an alliance with Frank and I think Frank would be better off to ditch Dan as soon as possible. I think the saddest thing is Shane, physically strong, but too stupid to see that Dan most likely reeled Danielle into a new alliance and he voted out (with the help of Joe) a member of his alliance since day 1. Ian may be the only hope against the Evil Empire! Use the Force Ian!
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Seriously, next week if I was HOH, I would put Dan and Jenn up on the block with a hope of possibly backdooring Frank. Ian did have it right the other week when he didn’t want to put Frank up giving Frank the certain chance to play in the veto, but he got talked into it and yep, Frank won the veto. I mean imagine it, Dan and Jenn playing in the veto and if Frank doesn’t get in, then making a deal with one of them letting them win so they can backdoor Frank. You’re pretty safe because you know if they got the veto they’re going to use it on themselves because it would be stupid not to. What are they going to say, I’m not going to use it so Frank can win the money?
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Just watch the interview with Jeff and Britany. Britany is as funny and sarcastic in real time as she was on the BB game. Even though some felt on the blog that she was coached by the production team on BB I believe she handled herself quite well on her own. IMO ๐
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If anyone has access to the cable channel – Watching Paint Dry – watch it as it appears BBAD will be a snoozefest. Everyone is asleep except Dani and she is eating from bags of chips and cookies. I’m going to watch something else and keep recording so I can fast forward through all the boredom later.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@nonna I wish someone would snap up brittney for some tv show. Wouldn’t she have been great with Kelly Ripa – 2 petite girls who never gain weight! Love/hate across the nation!
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Twas the night before POV, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a louse.
The pictures were hung on the wall with care,
In hopes that their faces in color still would be there.
The houseguests were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions POV danced in their heads.
And Frank in his โkerchief, and danielle in her thinking cap,
Had just settled their little brains for a long nite’s nap.
When out in the backyard there arose such a clatter,
Dani sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.
Away to the kitchen she flew like a flash,
Tore open the cupboards and ate up the stash.
“Now Dan! now, Shane! now, Frank and (danielle) the Vixen!
On, Ian! On, Joe!and (jess) the Blitzen!
To the top of the hoh steps! to the top of the wall!
Now dream away! dream away! danielle eat away all!”
“Happy POV dreams to all, and to all a good-night!”
Twas the Night before POV Poem
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@K11, OMG, the poem made me cry. I had a similar experience with my dog who lived to 12 years. I still miss him. Great poem!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@mm, wow what a talent. Very cute. Where do you find the time girlfriend?
@Hoh8, you’re probably right about the midnight comp. Thanks for the update.
@Patricia, they should get one of those mirrors for Dani that make you look 5 sizes bigger than you really are. I would love to see that. She would have a reason to really cry then. ๐ฎ
I watched the Brit & Jeff interview. Very cute and I’ve mentioned it before, someone could be making money off her. She’s really funny IMHO. Even Jeff thinks so.
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Very good, Double M!
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@mamamargie Wow! You have talent! Loved the line Danielle ate up the sash. Yeah, it’s a dull one tonight. The rest of the hg don’t know how to amuse themselves without Britney.
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Go Ian !
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle is seriously delusional, she not a F2 what is she thinking?
Where’s Joe? The man is either yelling or gone
I agree Danielle was dressed to stay in the house so obvious poor Brit !
But yes she is funny and will be fine in the end
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i was so bored i had to do something to take my mind off that i was paying for watching hgs sleep, oy vey
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for those thinking why Brit was dressed so pretty with a endurance comp waiting….well, she mentioned in the Jeff interview that she had a pair of shorts on ready if she stayed…smart girl…she said “i would’ve ripped my dress off and put on a t-shirt”, lol…oh Brit, we miss already….โบ….oh btw, in the interview she also imitated all the HG’s especially Joe…so funny, lol…..this interview is on CBS.com…look for it….u will laugh……โบ….
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@mm: Great stuff girl.
@Patricia: The problem with spoilers was only here on BB11 and the East coast feed has cured it. Have another great Bukowski piece I’ll drop in here in the future. I need to buy some of his stuff.
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I love reading this website blog . It’s the only one I go to for
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------insightful thoughts about current bb happenings and you guys
really care about each other. Cheers well done BBBlogger.
Frank and Dan have proven themselves to be the best players
so far. I kinda want Frank to win because he was the black sheep
right off the bat.
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Wow Ian should have not put Frank up if that is who he wants out because if he was not picked for pov then he could have backfired him. There is no more backdooring after this pov. Oh well that’s the way it goes.
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Oops should be backdoored
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Miss Cleo BB14 โ@MissCleoBB14
#MissCleosMorphOMaticPOV Round 4: #BB14 pic.twitter.com/r8LfCmjk
Miss Cleo BB14 โ@MissCleoBB14
#MissCleosMorphOMaticPOV Round 3: #BB14 pic.twitter.com/2IJkCqSJ
Miss Cleo BB14 โ@MissCleoBB14
#MissCleosMorphOMaticPOV Round 2: #BB14 pic.twitter.com/4uOqgz8S
Miss Cleo BB14 โ@MissCleoBB14
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GO!! Round 1: this should be easy #BB14 #MissCleosMorphOMaticPOV pic.twitter.com/f1O4vGHb
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Miss Cleo BB14 โ@MissCleoBB14
#MissCleosMorphOMaticPOV Round 4: #BB14 pic.twitter.com/r8LfCmjk
Miss Cleo BB14 โ@MissCleoBB14
#MissCleosMorphOMaticPOV Round 3: #BB14 pic.twitter.com/2IJkCqSJ
Miss Cleo BB14 โ@MissCleoBB14
#MissCleosMorphOMaticPOV Round 2: #BB14 pic.twitter.com/4uOqgz8S
Miss Cleo BB14 โ@MissCleoBB14
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GO!! Round 1: this should be easy #BB14 #MissCleosMorphOMaticPOV pic.twitter.com/f1O4vGHb
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Mama M that was great! Took three times to get that sentence right no mire margaritas for me. Thanks for updates on what hg are doing.
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Miss Cleo BB14 โ@MissCleoBB14
#MissCleosMorphOMaticPOV Round 7: #BB14 pic.twitter.com/i6OOZ38F
Miss Cleo BB14 โ@MissCleoBB14
#MissCleosMorphOMaticPOV Round 6: #BB14 pic.twitter.com/wmhXQIJs
Miss Cleo BB14 โ@MissCleoBB14
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#MissCleosMorphOMaticPOV Round 5: #BB14 pic.twitter.com/BlAxdIkj
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Sorry, something didn’t work with that last Tweet. Some really funny morphed HG pics but they aren’t catching…
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Didn’t have time to get on all day but I DID read ALL your posts and MM you need to start writing jingles for cards!!lol
BBAD was a BOMB tonight and I don’t mean DA BOMB..just BOOORRRIINNGGGG!! This is WHY Brit should still be in the house!!! Still 7 people there and all but one were sleeping in the middle of BBAD! Really??? I rememkber when they 1st started it, there was a no sleep until midnight rule! Guess they finally had to give in and let them veg and be boring….lol
@HoH8..I just went and watched the exit interview with Jeff and Brit! WOW..LONG!!! lol Brit was hysterical as always and Jeff seemed constantly tongue tied. I don’t think working with his words is necesarily the best job for him!! He asked Brit how she thought it would be in the Jury with Ash…one word…and she said Athereal!! He had to ask her what it meant and she said Spiritual. He goes..Why didn’t you just SAY that?? You KNOW who you are talking to here…… Jeff’s a nice guy but not really any brighter than Shane..maybe less. Good thing Brit wasn’t the blonde in BB on his season cuz he never would have gotten a shpwmance with HER! Not with her needing at LEAST One hour of intellectual conversation a day..lol(She did throw his technotronics in his face too!!)lol
Anyway….not sure what is up with choosing the Veto players tonight. They are locked out of BY. Maybe it’s cuz the comp is going to go long tomorrow and there wouldn’t be time for the noms. They have been playing everything LATE this year. Production’s being like lazy parents who keep their kids up late so they can sleep in..lol
I did hear from Bloggergal BTW and PayPal won and they will be sending my prize to me soon!! Thanks to all who took the time to vote!!!
Peace,love , light and goodnight!!
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Frank and Jenn on the block??? COOL!!! Anyone know which way the houseguests r leaning as far as the eviction vote? Gawd I hope and pray Frank doesn’t get the POV. When is the POV comp??? Please lemme know, this I gotta see!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks guys, have a blue sky day!!!!
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New Blog’s up!
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