Earlier today and each Wednesday through the rest of the BB8 season, we opened up our virtual diary room so you could cast your votes for eviction. As of 11 p.m. CDT, the votes are cast, and the voting is closed although you can still post your thoughts.
Let’s hear from our announcer.
Houseguests, you’ll have one day to continue to flip-flop over and over as to who you’ll evict (special thanks to Lisa for all the excellent updates this afternoon); however, we’ve made our decision.
By a vote of 15 to 8, Kail, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.
Good arguments were made as to why Eric should be evicted (Lisa, Tony, et al). However, most others acknowledge that banners that flew outside the house last Thursday night sabotaged his game play.
Katie wrote: Firstly, I dont think that its fair to have Eric leave just yet. It is not Eric’s fault that the banner flew, partially revealing a part of the twist. Plus, Eric has only done what America has asked him to do, and hes getting a lot of flack for that. Does he deserve this flack? Maybe. But the fact is that the conspiracy theorists in the house (aka Evel Dick, his Evel Spawn & Jen) are spinning the contents of the banner into their favour. They neglected to even look at another possible theory, if there is one.
You have to imagine CBS is pissed about this, and while Eric has to live with the turn of events, it’s hard to imagine producers couldn’t stop fly-bys.
However, the house engaged in a ruthless, uncalled for beat-down of somebody who is essentially a nice guy. Amber went off on Eric this afternoon for what, I’ve recently learned, wasn’t even the revelation of a secret. Eric never told Amber’s secrets; he merely told other houseguests that he knew a secret, a secret that Dick has acknowledged knowing as well.
Yikes, did Amber flip out.
Besides, Kail gave up HoH for five weeks, rendering her useless to everybody in the house. She can’t protect anybody. She can’t nominate enemies. On the other hand, outside of her terrible decision-making early on, there has been nobody in the house more genuine and likeable personably.
You heard me — likeable. Frankly, it’s kind of a shame that she might have to leave this week.
Nevertheless, strategically, isn’t she doomed?
The America’s Player moniker and participation is only fun if it doesn’t cost the houseguest the game, and it’s clear that it will if Eric is evicted Thursday. Life ain’t fair though, and technically if Eric is as smart as he says he is, shouldn’t he have been able to negotiate the challenges of this twist a lot better?
I still say that without the banner, nobody at all figures him out.
For that reason and because of Kail’s inability to compete for HoH the next five weeks, we say Kail’s gotta go.
WOW, you guys rock!! We could show them a thing or two LOL!! And, I have to agree too, even though Eric is going, I’ve wanted Kail out since the first time she was put up. I wander how many more times she is going to slide by?
Glad to do the updates – I’ll try to continue to do so. LOVED this, great idea about our DR!!!! Lots of fun! I think you guys have started something here!!
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Thank you, Lisa!!! I was thinking as we were all going back and forth this afternoon that BB should have the lot of us on as sort of an insta-jury reaction group. You know, like they have on CNN during political debates.
Or, perhaps, the next twist in this game is that a group of us on the outside serves as THE jury. 🙂 …
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LOL wishful thinking!!!!!
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OK off to bed – I’m leaving the internet to the CRAZY Eric, STILL talking GAME and believing he will be safe. He’s still talking since 5:00 p.m. EST and it’s NOW 3:00 a.m. EST!!! This is just unbelievable. There is not enough space or time for me to tell you guys the tricks this SNAKE has lowered himself to use, including asking Jessica if she sould beg for him (Eric) AND if he could use her (Jessica) to see if he could sway people!!! This is a snake – and this is why I liked Nick so much. He handled it like a “man” and left with his self respect in tact. Eric will not be missed and I assure you there will come a time he’ll regret how he handled himself. So I sign off, with POOR Jen sitting and staring at the ceiling listening to Eric who obviously has NO respect for the fact that these people are tired and have expressed their desire to go to bed. See you guys tomorrow – it WILL be interesting. I’m picturing this jerk laying in his bed alone and mouth running!!!! LOL
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Whatever- Eric is and always will be the Snake in the House! No sympathy for him, he outed Nick disregarding America’s wishes. And for the nitwits voting in his favor then you are as blind as Jessica!
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Kail will be gone eventually. Zach is going to win the show. I wonder if eric will tell all when he’s evicted.
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Eric must go!!! He is sooooo full of it AND himself!!! The guy’s mouth runs and runs and runs!! I am tired of him pleading his case and not even listening to others when they try to chime in. The perfect example was last night. He loved talking to Zach because Zach just sat there and let the sewage flow!! On the other hand, the Jen conversation was really uncomfortable for Eric. She kept stopping his rants with comments which truly threw off his thinking and thoughts.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Come on, this guy must go. I am NOT a fan of Kail, but that girl is truly harmless—no HOH for 5 weeks—-what a moron!!!
Bye Eric!!!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for the updates yesterday—you are awesome!!! I have a funny feeling that Eric works for CBS or is a hired actor. He seems to know a lot of stuff that goes on behind the cameras and timelines.
Eric out this week and Dustin next week!!!
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AGREE, Tony!!! Eric HAS to go. I don’t know about YOU, but I was really sweating the conversation he was having with Zach – were you? Zach really worries me, even though he’s swearing allegiance to certain people. Eric is truly a snake and has proven how low he is by the way he has handled himself since this thing blew up in his face – not even taking responsibility for what he HAS done – declaring it all to be a LIE!!! That was just beyond belief, but then again, I have some values and morals, this kid seems to know nothing about that concept.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And, you’re welcome. I’ll try to post any new developments today – it’s going to be a very busy day for Eric. I tallied the time up and that snake talked NONSTOP for over 12 hourse yesterday!!!! He had NO compassion for anyone who OBVIOUSLY was getting tired of him talking – he would just look away and keep talking, when someone was trying to get away, he would just start his rant all over again – what a LOSER.
We can all hope today! Later!
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Zach has to win this HoH. If he does dustin goes home if he dosen’t Dick goes home. The nerd herd is really dumb. Dustin is playing his group. He tries to intimidate everyone but his biggest enemy dick. amber and jameka are starting to see how dustin really is.
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Well it looks like eric is staying now the DR voice is trying to convince House guest to vote out kail instead. So now That snake eric might stay
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Hey Lisa,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think Zach will vote Eric out. Can you imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and Zach was pleading to Eric? Eric would have tore him a new one for ONLY talking to him out of soley need. I hated how Eric said that he has “always” wanted to talk with Zach..blah, blah, blah!! Eric is truly evil and I know it is a game, but come on.
Thank God that is not the case and little weasel Eric hopefully will be unpacking his bags tonight at HIS house.
Does anybody know what Danielle does for a living?? Dick was going to say where and she shut him up.
Until later all.
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Tony her bio says she is a server at Hooters. But I agree with you. Eric’s time is over hopefully. And if I am wrong. i will be back here eating crow
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Eric is a snake. Yes, he did reveal Amber’s “secret” to at least one other house guest. I know this for a fact because I saw him tell Jessica that he knew something that was damaging to Amber’s reputation and that he would tell her is she wanted to know. Jessica said it wasn’t necessary but Eric spilled the beans anyway. Granted, Amber is stupid for revealing personal info about herself but it was information that any decent person would not use against someone else. I don’t care if he is America’s player. He is a weasel who needs to go.
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Whatever- Eric is and always will be the Snake in the House! No sympathy for him, he outed Nick disregarding America's wishes. And for the nitwits voting in his favor then you are as blind as Jessica!
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