Well, that was a strange episode of Big Brother.
Now, standard warnings apply. If you haven’t seen tonight’s eviction episode, everything below is going to be a spoiler. So, if you don’t want to be spoiled, don’t read any further!
So, as we expected, tonight we got our first blindside of the season. Nick and Bella thought that they had the votes to evict Nicole but instead, only four people (Sam, Bella, Jessica, and Kat) voted for Nicole. The Gr8ful alliance or the Inevitable Nine or whatever the Hell they’re calling themselves now, all voted for Cliff. So, by a vote of 6-4, Cliff was sent to Camp Comeback. Nick and Bella both looked stunned!
However, tonight was also the end of the Camp Comeback twist! So, no sooner was Cliff evicted then he was competing against Ovi, David, and Kemi for the chance to reenter the House. It was basically one of those comps where the competitors had to move some balls through a maze and whoever got the most balls through would reenter the game. And to everyone’s surprise, Cliff not only won but it wasn’t even close! For someone who has spent the entire season being rather low-key and trying to stay under the radar, Cliff looked extremely determined to get back into the game.
Personally, I was hoping that David would be the one to make it back in. Cliff’s a nice guy but he’s not going to shake up the House. David, though, seemed like he had a lot of potential. It’s a shame that we never really got a chance to see David play the game. That said, Cliff totally dominated that comp and he did earn his way back into the House.
So, now, Kemi, David, and Ovi are all gone from the game and Camp Comeback is over. As I write this, we’re waiting for the HoH Comp to begin. Nick and Bella are extremely angry right now, though Nick is handling it better than Bella. Tommy explained to Nick that people like him but they don’t trust Bella. Bella, meanwhile, went up to Jack and said that if she saw him talking to Nicole or Cliff, she would assume that meant he was plotting against her.
“That sounds a little threatening,” Jack replied.
I’m not sure if they’re going to show the HoH comp on the feeds or not. Right now, if anyone should be worried, it should be Bella, Nick, and Sam. Christie and the other members of Gr8ful have been talking about putting Bella and Nick on the block and then backdooring Sam after the veto.
We’ll see what happens!
Lisa Marie