Hi, everyone!
So, I don’t even really know where to begin with what’s happening in the Big Brother House today. Let’s just say that a lot of it isn’t exactly the type of thing that you usually discuss in “polite company.” But we’re going to have to do it!
Lets start things by updating who is on the block. Earlier today, they held the veto meeting and Kat kept her promise to Jessica. Kat took Jessica off the block and Nick put Nicole on the block. Of course, at this point, everyone hates Nick and Bella so Nicole doesn’t have anything to worry about. Cliff is going to be voted out because no one wants to give either Bella or Nick a victory.
However, shortly before the veto meeting, Christie went totally insane. Somehow, she got it into her head that Nick and Bella were planning to backdoor her and she proceeded to run to Tommy and Jackson and ask them if she should go ahead and use her Diamond Power of Veto to save herself. Both Jackson and Tommy told her that Nick wasn’t planning on nominating her but Christie didn’t believe them because apparently, she thought she overheard Nick talking about a “red flame” and she felt that was code for backdooring her.
(Yeah, I don’t quite understand it either.)
Finally, Christie ended up sobbing to Nick. Nick assured her that he was not going to nominate her. Christie swore that she would never put Bella and Nick on the block, as long as they didn’t backdoor her.
So, Christie did not use her diamond power of veto and, just as everyone else knew would happen, Nicole was put on the block. However, Christie is still convinced that Nick was planning on nominating her. Christie believes that, at the last minute, she managed to talk Nick out of his nonexistent plan to put her on the block and now, she’s even more obsessed with getting Nick and Bella out of the house than ever. That, of course, is good news for Nicole.
Meanwhile — and this is totally TMI so I apologize in advance — Analyse, Holly, and Bella have all come down with a very uncomfortable rash in a very private area, which has led to a lot of speculation on twitter since all of them have been having sex in the HoH shower. When Holly told Jackson about her rash, he didn’t seem particularly surprised and said that it would clear up in a week. Make of that what you will.
For the record, all houseguests undergo several medical tests before entering the House so, if someone did have an STD, it would presumably have been detected. However, Jack has talked about how he was a last minute addition to the cast. He was expedited into the house, which means that he didn’t have to go through the same battery of tests and background checks as the rest of the House. If nothing else, it sounds like the casting people were really determined to get Jack on the show this season. (It’s probably the whole Aquaman thing.)
So, back to Jackson — even if he’s not spreading a disease in the shower, this guy is just disgusting. He’s the type of guy who drinks straight from the carton and then puts the carton back in the refrigerator without wiping it off. Just earlier today, he walked into pantry with his hands down the front of his shorts and then he used those same hands to handle food without washing them first! Seriously, I could not handle living in a house with a guy like that. BLEH!
Anyway, when last I checked in on the house, Jack was throwing a fit over Kemi keeping her shaker bottle in the refrigerator because he says that it takes up too much room. Just another day in the Big Brother House.
Lisa Marie
P.S. Just to summarize: Cliff and Nicole are on the block. Nicole is Nick and Bella’s target but the rest of the House is probably going to vote for Cliff. I’m going to guess that, on Thursday’s show, Ovi, David, Cliff, Kemi, and probably Cliff will compete for the chance to reenter the House. We’ll see what happens!