Hi y’all!
So, with Faysal pretty much guaranteed to be voted out of the house on Thursday and the backyard closed off, the houseguests are doing what they can to keep themselves entertained. Last night, that meant watching Sam straighten Tyler’s hair.
That’s right! Tyler’s hair has been straightened and I personally don’t care too much for it. Tyler’s curly hair was wild and sexy and fun. His straight hair, on the other hand… well, let’s just say it’s not a great look for him. His straight hair has no personality. JC says that it makes Tyler look like a “40 year-old, independent woman.” Some people think that Tyler, with straight hair, looks like Angela. Personally, I think that straight-haired Tyler kinda resembles Sam with long hair. Either way, it really doesn’t work. Supposedly, Tyler was called to the diary room and told that he would have to go back to his old hair style, just for continuity reasons. I’ve never been so happy for production interference.
(This entire season, I’ve been saying that I like Tyler because of his game play. Now, I understand that it was just the hair.)
After Sam had straightened his hair, Tyler sat in the HoH with Brett, Angela, and JC and they all talked about how sick they’re getting of Sam. Angela said that Sam was crazy and needs to go next. Tyler said that he got so annoyed with her earlier that it was a struggle not to yell at her. Brett said that he’s come close to going off on her. What they didn’t realize is that, for some reason, an intercom in the HoH room was turned on and, as a result, their muffled voices could be heard downstairs.
And who happened to be downstairs when they were talking about how tired they are of Sam?
Sam, of course!
Now, there’s been a lot of speculation online about just how much Sam heard. She definitely heard what Brett said about her because, earlier today, she talked to Brett about what he said. He told her that he was sorry and that he was just frustrated at that particular moment and, of course, he’s not sick of her. Sam and Brett shared a hug and everything seemed to be okay.
Then, a little bit later, Angela talked to Sam and assured her that they’re friends. Sam said that she knew that and was very friendly but then, as soon as Angela looked away from her, Sam looked straight at the camera and kind of rolled her eyes. Was Sam rolling her eyes because she heard Angela last night or just because she dislikes Angela in general?
It’s hard to say! What I can say is that Sam doesn’t seem to be particularly upset about anythng tonight. In fact, when last I checked, she was doing Brett’s hair while the rest of the house watched and she seemed to be in a very good mood.
While we don’t know for sure what Sam heard, we do know that Faysal will definitely be voted out on Thursday. The only question is whether or not he’ll win the battleback and promptly return.
We’ll see what happens!
Lisa Marie