I just walked up to the door with my huge key ring full of keys and am finding the one to unlock the diary room for the week. All I know is what a zoo this house has been!
So on one hand we have Rachel who if you ask anyone, is not America’s favorite house guest at any length of the imagination…
On the other hand we have Lawon who is a newbie, a floater, staying out of the drama, not really playing the game but feeling so confident that he can make it as a pawn. (Wow…and BBBlogger though HE had an EGO!) So he asked to be put up and sure enough…he was!
So is this going to be another KING DUSTIN move in the BB house? Will the pawn go home or will America’s least favorite go home?
To me it is a toss up! But I want to know what you, the followers of Big Brother Blog think! So I give it to you…please cast your vote to evict NOW!
The diary room is now open…
Peace, BBBlogger
woo hoo # 1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I vote to evict rachoe
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I vote to evict Rachel….hey #1 (Margie)
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I gladly vote to evict Rachel…
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the name of the movie brings to my mind
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE CRYING GAME…………………………….
will be interesting if nothing else, I say get rid of rachoe while u can.
And if anything Lawon deserves to win is a lobotomy and if it is a two for one prize he can give the other one to kalia.
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hey fran, finally made #1 on some list lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------looking forward to tonight will be very interesting
Hi tedster, how goes it??
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Hello Ted…Margie, you’re on the top of many lists. Can you believe how dumb some of these players are playing right now? They are all running scared and don’t know how to fix it. I just hope Lawon gets to stay in the house and send Rach out NOW!
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I vote to evict Lawon!
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I vote to evict the Rach OUT!!!!! Just in case there are enough idiots out there to vote Brendon to be the one to compete with the evicted guest this week, I can’t stand the thought of having them both back in the house. At least one, or even better, both of them will be GONE. I would be shocked if Luwan could beat anyone in any kind of competition so I would bet if he is evicted, he will stay that way. If America has any brains and votes for Cassi, Dom, or Eddie to have the chance to come back then we will be rid of both of the Brenchel duo. If America is dumb enough to allow Brendon to come back in, whoever gets evicted tonight, we will only have to deal with one of them.
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What, I just rec’d this email. Now I’ll read but if it’s a vote, I vote to evict Rach!! Be gone my petty one. hee hee
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I vote to evict the nasty bitchy whinnie ass…..
Oh thats Rachal
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i just hate to be going backwards if rachoe stays and brendud returns
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------like one step forward this week but 3 steps back
i agree hpr no way will lawan beat anyone in any comp. sorry to say even if his life (bb of course) would depend on it, bye bye lawon nice to have known you, but he will be in the jury house.
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although the idiot deserves it, feel like something will go down today that will have Rach voted out, so Rach!
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Rachel is a drama queen, but at least she’s playing the game. I vote to evict Lawon!
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Love to hate Rachel, but lets face it we need people in the house that make the show interesting. I cannot think of anything more boring than to watch a house full of Lawons and Shelleys. I say get rid of the boring people and that includes Jordan.
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I judy ann, vote to evict Lawon, only because I do not like Dani, & I would love to see her get her due big time. 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Buttt, don’t worry , I never get my wish,,,,everrrr. 🙁
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@Double M, thanks to the twist tonight, whoever is evicted goes home, jury house starts when 9 HG’s left and the first evicted from the final 9 goes to the jury house!
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i vote to evict ALLISON GRODNER FROM CBS…where in the world did she find some of these house guests this yr…good lord women…what scrap heap where you looking in…
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I vote Lawon OUT – If he wants to go then let him go. I don’t want Rachel to go this week and end up taking the chance that she will come back. Get her next time around.
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I vote to evict Lawon just because he deserves it for volunteering to go up, up, and AWAY.
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sniff, sniff, sniff, boo,hoo …. i’m sorry but I must evict the Crying Bandit!!! Bye Rachelle
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HPR & M2, you bet, Lawon hasn’t shown one ounce of ability in any of the comps. I don’t know what his game is — does he have a game plan? Maybe he is friends with Marsellas and Lawon bet him that he could make a bigger fool of himself than Marsellas did. That’s the only explanation for this stoooopidity.
As for Kalia, I don’t understand why she can’t seem to hang onto her own mind. She’s so conflicted about what she thinks and what everyone else thinks that she is paralized. The old analysis paralysis symptom with lots n lots of tears and whining.
@Margo, you nailed it, Rach is a drama queen and a competitor but it looks more like she’s bipolar and driving everyone over the edge with her. I wouldn’t know how nor would I want to be the person to be her keeper to try to keep her centered. I’ve never seen a man do that as much as Brendon has so that says a lot about the both of them to me. Just plain weird IMHO.
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RACHAEL!!!!Go home!!!!
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i vote to evicct lawton or what ever his damm name is
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I vote to evict RACHEL!!!!!! ya cry baby go home
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Let’s make “The Twist” a double eviction. Bye, bye Rachel. Bye bye Lawon.
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I vote to evict Rachel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I dislike Rachel as much as anyone, however if she leaves the show it will not be near as fun, keep Rachel for the ratings and drama.
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I vote to evict Rachel!
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I vote to evict Lawon for sheer stupidity.
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I vote to evict Rachel and I hope Dom gets to come back in! I would like to see Shelly go next
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Every time I think Kalia is actually going to do something of her own free will, Dani comes up and talks to her and bam – she becomes Dani’s puppet again. She would have done fine without Dani’s manipulation. I think it is funny how Dani tells her “how it is in this game”. Like she knows!!!!! She knows nothing about it. Her daddy carried her on his back when she was in it before and she knows nothing about how to play the game or what went on when she was there before. For Kalia to say that Rachhoe, Dani, and her were the only ones who had won anything or could win anything made me want to jump through the TV screen and choke her. How about Jordan winning HOH. How about Jeff winning POV when he needed to. Geez, Kalia. Open your freaking eyes. Even though ED was royally
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p—–d at how Dani was playing the game, she wasn’t doing too bad until she decided she knows how to play and how it is in the house and how the game is played. She’s like a 6 year old who says they can drive a car because they can turn the steering wheel.
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I told Shelly I’m voting to evict Lawon assuming she will tell J&J they have the votes 110% to evict Lawon so she will then Kalia that it is very close and if anybody is responsible for Lawon being evicted it will be Porsche’s fault.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Actually I’m voting to evict Rachel and if Jeff doesn’t like it he can draw another line in the sand and I’ll let my cats decide which side they want to pee and poop on.
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OMG I would totally leave Rachel in the house, who doesn’t love drama? She is a train wreck! The chances are slim with Brendan coming back but it would be so good if Cassie came back. FLASHBACK ALERT: Rachel hated Cassie, the pretty girl. Oh I hope she makes it back into the house! Game ON!
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As much as I don’t like Rachel, I like the idea of Brendon coming back and really stirring up things. I want to see Dani and Kalia sweating bullets at least to add more to the drama.
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won’t it be funny during the pre-eviction voting talks with Julie that Dani (who has figured out the twist) asks who is the evicted HG that tonights evicted one has to go against to get back in……lol
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Does anyone know who the favorites are that have a chance to come back tonite and battle to come back.. I have heard Cassie and BRENDEN please no BRENDEN i can not tke him and RACHEL anymore…..I will sceam……….
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@hpr56, I think Dani uses her so called “knowledge” of the game as a manipulation technique to get Kalia to see it her way. That’s Dani’s goal. I think most of what she says, she makes up as she goes for Kalia to eat up, swallow & completely digest! Dani is an observer and she did a lot of observing while she was in the game with her dad and she’s no dummy either. Plus she can compete. I personally like her and wouldn’t it be something if she & J/J were in the final 3.
We’ll see how she does should Kalia go before her because I’m not seeing Dani making too many other alliances by herself. Everything seems to be through Kalia or is that not true? I don’t get LFs or watch BBAD so there’s probably more to the story than I’m aware of. Enlighten me.
All our speculation may go down the drain with whoever stays or comes back into the game. It may be a brand new game after the eviction. At least it’s not as boring as it was a couple weeks ago with the ‘twist’ coming up.
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If someone asks to be up on the block and says it’s ok to be evicted, then they must want to leave….so, I hope his wishes come true……would rather have the drama crying Rachel than someone that has not played the game so far……..at all!!!
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RACHEL…be gone, please!
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@starfish, I didn’t really like Dani in her prior season, but this season she has proven herself a gamer! When she talks to Kalia about things it is from logic in the LF’s and not drama. She has figured out Shelly and told Kalia about her, yet big mouth continues to trust Shelbuck. She has figured out the twist and she has rightly so figured out who to put up this week, wanting Adam up not Lawon, but stupid Kalia showed her chicken colors. Adam up would have evicted Rach tonight without question.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------During the first weeks when the Vets had control, they became stupid by not socializing with the rest of the house and deserve to get kicked in the teeth for it, yet Dani socialized and figured out from the newbies who is worth what, the other Vets are still clueless.
As for winning things, saying Jord won an HOH, that was a joke event and it was handed to her since Brend, Dani and Jeff didn’t even try. As for Jeff’s POV, considering Adma wasn’t playing for anything, he almost beat Jeff cleanly till the final moments, the three others competing were useless, meaning Rach, Shel and Jord (S & J gave up shortly after the start of the game), so they are not really players in the game!
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I vote to evict Rachael
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Yes Mel, like I said, Dani is smart! I’m aware that she’s figured out the personalities and the twist, I was referring to her manipulative techniques to get Kalia to see things her way like this is what happens in the 6th week, etc. But stupid is as stupid does and Kalia didn’t listen about who to put up this week.
Dani was smart to friend the newbies and she stated that was exactly what she was going to do while the vets kept to their little circle. Another smart move, but she blew it by aligning with Dom a bit too tightly and making her move too soon. Both she and ED acknowledged that one. I don’t think ED was terribly upset with Dani’s play and he thought she still had a chance to redeem herself. At least from the clip we saw.
When Jordan won the HOH by getting the ball in #3, it was Jeff & Brendon who didn’t try and who knows if they would have beat her? As I mentioned before, maybe yesterday, I was impressed with Adam’s play in the comp. I thought he had it but I was happy Jeff won.
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I vote to evict Rachel!
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i vote to evict rachoe and america please bring dominic back
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I sadly vote Lawan to leave!
Because he is the weaker player, and I want Cassie or Dom “PT” TO WIN the battle and return to the game!
then I want to see, Rachel go next week
Shelly “please get rid of her”
Jeff…………..he is a homophobe “don’t like him as a person!
Adam………..bye bye baby!
Kalia….Time to go dear!
Sweet Jordan…………..bye sweetie
Dom and Dani final two!
Dani wins…………..and Dom go’s home with fifty K
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I vote to evict the stupid moron who volunteered be on the block because he is going to get a super power?????? Has he ever watched big brother???????? what an idiot.
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@starfish I wish Adam won the POV forcing him to make some sort of move in this game other than float!
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Hi ….. I gladly vote to evict Rachael……. Thank you
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@JBS Nice scenario unless America votes to return Brendon to compete with Lawon and that would most likely result in Brandon returning to the house to reincarnate Brenchel, the engaged couple from hell.
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I vote to evict Rachel!
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I love rachel I thiNk you are very bias with your words. She is playing the game and not floating. Go Rachel !
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*****************SHOCKER ALERT************************
I vote to evict…….LAWON!!! 😯
I know I haven’t ever been a fan of Racho, but she is more likeable w/out the skinhead in the house, J&J need her to continue their allaince( I’d like to see Jeff win)and is a TRUE floater with NO game…I don’t see that as his *strategy* and he’s BORING!! I forget he and Porsche are even in th house most of the time!!! This just ain’t his game, dude!!! If brenda comes back …UGH, but…..more drama and that’s never a bad thing! So that’s my vote and I’m sticken to it….lol
Can’t wait to see the twist!!! Hope it’s new and improved..lol
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I vote to evict Racheal (NOW)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------before she ends up winning the whole thing. She crys more than most babies and she throws more fits than I’ve seen any toddler do!!!!
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I vote for Luann to go home and Brendon to come back. Brendon, Rachel, Jeff and Jordan take the house back over and I want them to be the final four. Jeff and Jordan the final two and Jeff win’s Jordan in second place.
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I Gladly vote to EVICT RACH And hopefully the door will hit her in the ASSS on the way out 🙄
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Mel, I think adam threw it at the last minute the other hgs kept saying who was ahead they gave blow by blow so adam knew when he was in the lead and he knew when to slow down, why u ask?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He did NOT want to ruffle any feathers by making a choice ie use the veto on either jeff or rachoe or leaving as it. I sense it was better to just let jeff have it, this would keep him in the clear and yet another week without a target on his back, after all what did he have to lose, not as if he was on the block.
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I vote to evict Lawon. I want Rachel in the house and Brendon to come back. Jeff and Jordan are my all time favorites. I want to see the four take the house back over and get Danielle and Kalia out. Rachel Brendon Jeff and Jordan the final four and Jeff and Jordan the final two. I want Jeff to win this time and Jordan in second place this time. I also hope they decide to get married, because they are the cutest couple I have seen.
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lol @ aggie, so u want to see what a dented door knob looks like????
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I vote to evict Lawan. He has just been sitting back taking it all in since the beginning.
I hate to admit it and as unpopular as it may be, Rachel has kept me very entertained. She is like a train wreck, you just can’t look away !!
I like the game summation that Judy came up with, only I may prefer Dom to win the whole enchalda. If he gets back in I hope he learned some lessons on how to play.
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Did I miss- interpet something last night on BBAD? Did any one else hear the conversation between Adam and Lawon outside sitting on the couch. Lawon said he talked to “them” in the DR and they told him not to worry he wasn’t going any where. Did anyone else see or hear that or just me?
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I vote to evict Lawon because he is a damn fool.
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Me again……. Does anyone know where the vote stands on the who might come back?
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Welcome back Cassie or else Welcome back Dom. Either way i’ll be fine and finally shake things up without all the sobbing and “my fiancee -ing”
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I would like to see Lawon go and Cassie come back. I too, am not a Dani fan — too smug
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I vote to evict Rachel .
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I left a post in the last blog, hey I had to work today so I couldn’t respond til I am home now.
About the Lawton (sp?) blog, I mentioned that I saw a blurb on early morning Canadian TV a scrollby that said Olivia Wilde (who many compared Cassi to) has been signed on as a new Revlon spokes’model’.
Would be too funny if she is the one America voted for. Cassi is the one that I would have voted for.
I vote to evict Rachel.
For cripes sakes, if newbies and veterans alike can’t realize by now what a monster manipulator she is … and she stays in the game?
What a sorry a$$ bunch of losers those gamers will show themselves to be.
Get rid of the garbage before it stinks up the house!
I swear, I will BARF if I see that Rachel is still in the game by the end of this night LOL.
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Rachel MUST go can’t take this girl! & Dani , well like her father said she is playing a bad game again!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Fran!
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oh …. I forgot to mention … I just resigned my mortgage … would love the input from mortgageguy if he thinks I did an okay move, we can talk BB stuff too 😉
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I vote to evict Rachel…would love to see her battle to come back. I do not think this will happen but who knows in BB.
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I’m in a room that you can chat 123 this blog takes so long to get a answer from anyone!
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@Bobo I’ve never been in that chat room… Was that answer quick enough?
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Hi Bobo…I tried the chat thing once, it was way to fast and you miss alot, fast. Good to see you on again this year. Hope all is well since your surgery.
Can’t wait to see the big twist and who comes back. Hoping to see Dom or Cassie. I just hope I don’t have to look at Brenden again. Rachel will be all over him like flies on shit!
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I’m getting excited here….all the houseguests are getting all purdy’d up! 😆 One more hour to showtime!!
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hya you loveley yank’s from reading joker’s up-dates lawon has been ejected from the house it hasn’t said who’s comming back in but i pray to all that’s holly it is’t brendan. hoh must be endurance because they’ve been told to wear comfy sports clothing my god i’m wetting myself with antisipation xxxx
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sorry folks lawon’s still there but it sounds like they’re going to vote him out, i don’t know if porsche is winding bratshelle up but sounds like she’s all pally with her now
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9just incase she win’s hoh) & she’s throwing shelly under the bus (alot)
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@northern_lass Lawon is still in the house and hasn’t been evicted.
Seems Rach and Por have been working together all along.
Tonight the voting will likely be Rach stays and dress tonight is comfy, so endurance or physical HOH comp!
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I vote to evict…uhh whats his name? He’s been in the house for weeks and has done absolutely NOTHING! I cant stand Racheal but at least she’s playing (okay not well but still?). So I vote to evict the “Marcel wannabe” Lawon!
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I vote to evict Rachel. I am sure Lawon will go, but it would be great to see Lawon up against Brendon in the challenge and see Lawon win. Brendon would never live it down and Rachel would FREAK!! Now this would be GOOD TV!
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Good to see you Northern_lass! Hope all is well with you and your family.
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@mel yes i jumpped the gun a little as i live in uk i keep up to date with joker’s up-dates so you get the info in drib’s & drabs i think por is still with dan but covering her ass just to be on the safe side i hope dan wins hoh & puts adam & shell up may b/d’s rach or jeff
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you to betty i’ve missed you this season & yes all’s well hope you to i like this year on bb better than last year more drama i’m also missing our bb but another station has picked it up & a celeb 1 starts this month pamela anderson’s supposed to be one of the h/g & there’s talk of charlie sheene aswell but we’lle see xox
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please folks keep me updated on what’s going down on show xx
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***covers eyes***
I CAN’T read in here anymore!!! I don’t want a spoiler!
The lengths I go to … to avoid info before ‘I’ see the show, dammit … I have to almost avoid the net LOL
See ya on the flip side 🙂
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Did I miss- interpet something last night on BBAD? Did any one else hear the conversation between Adam and Lawon outside sitting on the couch. Lawon said he talked to “them” in the DR and they told him not to worry he wasn’t going any where. Did anyone else see or hear that or just me?
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@northern_lass, no problem, it will be an interesting night, since all the backdoor talking has basically been hidden today, but from the looks of things with Shelly and Adam sticking to J&J like glue and are too chicken to any confrontations, Rach will be staying.
Unless the twist is fully exposed before the voting!
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I vote to evict Lawon sorry
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i hope you good American’s have voted for either Dom or Cassie to come back cos lawon does’nt stand a chance with either of them (i hope & i will slit my throat if Brendon gets back in the game lol x
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I am LOVING Jeff and who could say Jordo is boring? I think this season she has a lot more spunk and I think she is in it to win it!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think against all odds they will get what they wanted and most likely Lawon will be gone. Would love to see Cassi come back and how that would drive Rachoe CRAZY! Ha!!!!!!!!!
Okay gotta go and watch
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vote to evict rac
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Well good night you all it’s 2-30 here so it’s off to my pit for me i’m just about asleep catch up tomorrow xxx
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thought the evicton was tonight
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Finally time to vote, they have a lot of show to get in the next 25 mins
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Votes to evict…..
Jordan – Lawon
Jeff – Lawon
WTF… commercial break so soon? 😆 🙄
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We’re back…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Porsche – Lawon
Daniele – Lawon 😯
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lowan gone
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Shelly – Lawon
Adam – Lawon
6-0 Lawon is gone… and hoping to rise from the ashes with super powers. 🙄
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Dani…. WTF? What a sell out!! No respect for you the rest of the way you chickenshit! Dani knew they would have to battle to get back… DUMB!!
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SUSPENSE! We will find out after yet another commercial who America (CBS) picked to battle Lawon
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seeing Brenda again makes me just wanna puke
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Rach’s face was priceless and hope it stays that way if Brenda doesn’t get picked!
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JT, Dani is playing the game, made deals and knows now Shel is a creep and Jord was always with Rach, so she is playing the one card left, the keep Rach card
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It’s Lawon vs BRENDON……
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Lawon against Brenda
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I vote to evict the HOH Bathtub… the things i’ve seen this season are disturbing… including everyone shaving and soaking in their own hairy dirty water. I won’t mention Kahlia’s snatch again shot as Starfish may be eating dinner… ugh!
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p.s. i love Dani and I use to like Jeff and Jordan but they are worse little beeyotches than Rachel… at least we know Roach is 1 fry short of a happy meal.. J/J have turn to threatning, sobbing, and straight bitchness and it’s not cute at all.
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lawon is pathetic
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hope lawon come back
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BRENDON looks to be way ahead
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CBS got Brenda back
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BRENDON leading 12-6
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unless one of the useless ones or Dani wins HOH, the rest of BB13 will suck
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No way America picked Brendon… at least I don’t think so.
Oh well… whining will do no good now.. so guess I’ll have to suffer the reunion.
Mel, I really thought Dani knew enough to vote out Rachel and let whatever happens.. happen. At least only one of them would be in the game now.
Very Dumb!
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Doesn’t Lawon get to sit with Julie?? …and say “How ya like me now!?”
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with over 1 million of 2 million votes Brenda won, BS, the CBS fix was in!
Dani is pissed and Shel and Adam appear scared now…..lol
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I refuse to believe that Brendon was voted back in. There is just no way. Hell last I checked a few days ago Cassie was in the lead.
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JT, from the few feeds this afternoon, Dani knew what was going on and she’d be the only against Rach vote, so she is relying on the deal that Rach and her made, which Rach is a liar, so won’t honor it as we all know!
Seems J&J aren’t too happy either right now….lol
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SHE AND HE ARE BACK BI*TCHES!! I dint wanna say I told you so! But I am left with no other choice! Sorry blogger friends but I know what I am talking about! Goodnite catch you all tomorrow!
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Hi Gobbki! long time no see! 😆
I agree.. I checked many sights and only one had Brendon in the lead… and that site also had a poll that said Porsche was playing the best game (not sure Porsche even knows she’s in a game.. I guess time will tell).. so that site looses all credibility in my book.
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Thanks Jane, just finished dinner. 🙂 Very diappointed about Lawon and even more disappointed that Brenda is back in the house. The only saving grace is that it will be entertainment for us even if some of us aren’t happy about it.
Can’t wait to hear Lawon’s conversation with Julie. He should look like a deer in the headlights even more than usual.
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First of all I ain’t your Bitch. Second of all don’t let the door hit ya
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FYI- I have not been watchingd BB or BBAD! I said when they reported the twist I was out and this year I meant it. However, my fam refused to follow me and they watched tonight. As I heard the horror of screams (not to mention my hubby’s potty mouth) that Brenda was voted back in made me realize I made the right decision. I hadn’t even been back to see you all but I couldn’t resist. I refuse to believe America voted him back. CBS fixed it. The twists are not twists, the game isn’t like it used to be and it’s unfortunate. My entire house has officially tuned out. CBS SUCKS
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Hi Starfish! What was for dinner?
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Mel, you get your opinion.. I don’t challenge that.. I am stating mine.
For me, Dani has talked all along how people are too afraid to make moves and follow like sheep. Dani followed and voted to keep Rachel. So what if she voted against her.. it wouldn’t change a thing.. other than Dani could say she walks the talk.
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Bigbubba CBS totally fixed and set that up. So gross. I don’t think I am going to watch it anymore either.
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Ted control your new BFF she’s as obnoxious as Rachel. After you have let me know because I can’t take the both of them for 6 more weeks. Talk to you guys later.
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SHE AND HE ARE BACK BI*TCHES!! I dint wanna say I told you so! But I am left with no other choice! Sorry blogger friends but I know what I am talking about! Goodnite catch you all tomorrow!
All the women in here will not take kindly to your B******S slur. CBS got their choice and it just happened to be your choice as well. Poor suckers who actually paid a buck per call to vote for AMERICA’S choice!
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Seriously PK you are right. Let me know when the blog is monitored again because we are all adults and personal attacks are getting out of control. I tried to like “Jennifer” but it’s like Rachel on the blog… ridiculous.
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I even feel like a sucker and all I did was go to the site to cast my 10 Cassi votes… and that was free! 😆
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well i see branden is back have to say worst season
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How sad Jane…I doubt Ted will do anything. I hate that those two are back on the same screen again. It makes me sick to see them…I actually had to shut off my LF’s.
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Hi Jane… you can’t quit watching on us now! 😀
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So Kalia gets to be HOH until Sunday now? When is HOH comp? Poor J&J if they have to stay in HN room with B&R ugh!
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Scoot over Big Bubba i’m joining you on the couch and off the blog.
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THANK YOU America! I am so happy Brandon is back. My live feeds are down anyone else watching LF?
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Just watched the show! Not feeling so well right now! Ya PK that was fast..lol thanks back to my tv see ya soon
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Me too JT….we all voted for what? So CBS can make a few bucks and bring back who they wanted? SUCKS!!
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When is the HOH comp?
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JT I love you guys and I will be back when things chill out but for now I am irritated with far more than the show and am trying to control my mouth, because I’m grown. Inbox me on Facebook or Email me.
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You go Jane! I agree.
My hubby made dinner tonight and we had grilled pork chops. He cooks dinner all the time. Gotta love a man who cooks for you!!
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IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE!!! Don’t even acknowlege her kind.
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The HOH comp should be tonight. They were all told to dress comfy!
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Kalia wants to leave now!
Brenda says America still loves me…puke
Rachel acting like she owns the place once again!
Views of Porch show she is pissed.
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PK, why is it that the woman on this blog will not take kindly to the ignoramous remarks and not you men!! You should be just as upset about that potty mouth. Shame on you! She was referring to you too, in case you didn’t notice that.
I voted twice for Cassi, once on my computer with a CPU and once on my lap top also for free. 🙂
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Hi frannie how are you? i haven’t been around haven’t been feeling the best
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Doing good Tammy…I hope you feel better real soon. I don’t get on here very much anymore. Been busy! Alot of changes here lately…I’m sure you have noticed.
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Hey Tammy. Hope you feel better soon. How’s your brother doing?
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@Starfish I was not aware that men could ever be bitches so I never considered that it could possibly offend me or the other guys here at the blog.
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Hi starfish Mikey is doing great healed very fast, he is even going back to work 4 weeks earlier than planned.How are you?
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The best way to handle the fly that is buzzing on this blog is to ignore it. Sooner or later it will die if it is not fed.
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@PK, now you’re playing with semantics. She was referring to everyone who didn’t agree with her and that includes you!
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Donna P, you are so right! However, fly is too kind.
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@Starfish… Now men who call other men and/or women bitches is another story not relevant in this case… And for me personally, never relevant.
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That’s great news Tammy. Good for him! I’m doing great and I’ll be in NC all next week to visit my son and family. Can’t wait. Don’t know how much time I’ll have for the computer tho. 🙁
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@PK play your semantics game if you like. Whatever works for you to not have to take a stand and defend the people on this blog who are being called names!! I’m done with this. It’s not worth my energy. I’m over it!
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Can’t believe that Brenda is back in the game. So all the hard work by Dani to get him out was for nothing. So pissed right now.
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OMG What a bunch of sore losers… So what Brendons back….You probably say the same thing every year…Your not going to watch it because its fixed, the abuse, the sex, the contestants, etcccc..get over it…and don’t worry about the door hitting You….Just change the channel…….CLICK
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True Donna, I feel terrible that he’s back and I feel even worse that we have to deal with that pair anymore. Like I said before, it will keep us interested and it will be entertainment – good or bad depending on your preference.
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Go away!
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I don’t think it mattered how anyone voted, What CBS wants CBS gets the control this the same way the control the feeds, this is a joke and the joke is on us. Now the piece of shit couple are both here 🙄
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Oops. The show comes on in about 10 minutes and I can’t wait to watch to actually see the game play out. Thanks to all of you for the updates.
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If you guys watched last season that’s what Rachel said when she returned the house. I was quoting her, not saying it directly to you all. All
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only thing I directed toward my fellow bloggers was that I told you so. If any of you are sore that it didn’t go your way, I’m sincerely sorry. Please it’s just a game, but I did know this would happen and I did day it! Should I apologize for going to sleep smiling tonite i think not!
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P.S. Most of the bully’s on this blog don’t even have a photo up, they are hiding who they are behind a grandchild, child or pet. At least when you talk to me you know who you are talking to. If you don’t like me that’s too bad, so don’t bother trying to insult me, it won’t work. Yours truly, Jennifer
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Oh shoot, I just realized it’s not on until 9 instead of 8.
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P.S. Most of the bully’s on this blog don’t even have a photo up, they are hiding who they are behind a grandchild, child or pet.
@Starfish… Definitely not addressing me that time.
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They know who they are PK. I don’t answer comments from people too ashamed to put their comments with their face.
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PK, you know darn well I’ve had my picture up, my granddaughter, my other dog and me with my grandchildren. We all change our avatars periodically so it’s obvious this is someone who isn’t regularly on this blog. Just a trouble maker who gets quotes wrong. No it wasn’t addressing you this time!
Okay PK, let’s get over this and on with the show. 🙂 What’s happening on the LFs?
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Not Nette I agree with you! Sore losers change the channel!
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SHE AND HE ARE BACK BI*TCHES! I love it Jenn you were right girl. Just a bunch of sorry ass hypocritical people hating on the cold hard fact that bredan and Rachel are ruling this game. By the way this is a blog not a Christian revival chat room so mellow out and have fun. God you act as if people are commenting on your actual life. What Jen said is a qoute from last year show. I mean really how dumb can some of these people be. Good job Jen
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latest update is everyone is fixated on Dani, seems B/R/J&J are paranoid of her and Adam is being suckered into Shelly’s lies once again!
Rachel is walking around like she has won 14 comps and Brenda is saying he is going to win HOH and POV……yeah right Brenda!
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My live feed is heading to join Rebecca in the bedroom. Night all…
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I knew I liked You Jennifer!!! LOL!!! Sleep well…(:
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Nite PK
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Thanx Nette I vote to evict Starfish since apparently we already evicted Jane!
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Thanks Mel, anything is possible now. The vets are the ones who are the best at winning the comps so far. The newbies haven’t shown much talent in that area, at least not yet except for Adam in the last comp. Maybe Dani will win HOH. That would be interesting. If one of the vets wins, who would they put up?
That was an interesting theory that Adam let Jeff win so he wouldn’t be in the cross hairs of anyone. I forget who said it and I’m too lazy to go back and look.
I don’t know why the vets are paranoid about Dani, she’s the one who should be worried.
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@starfish I pointed out the Adam theory in the POV.
The other Vets are scared of Dani because of her game play and her knowledge of the game. People keep saying how Dick carried Dani during their season but that really isn’t the case, Dani won the most comps and Dick was simply the loudest and most feared and had a strange gameplay, but Dani’s reasoning was always dead on. Plus Dani is the only one willing to stand up to their arrogant crap.
Dani is worried, but more like frustrated and J&J are happy to not be targets for the next few weeks, the ultimate floaters, they are talking of not even really trying tonight in the hoh comp.
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@Mel, I think your theory about Adam was right on. I wondered why all of a sudden he slowed up. Makes sense now.
I would love to see Dani take it all but I wouldn’t be disappointed with J or J. But if they are not going to try to win an HOH, then they are floaters too and don’t deserve to win. B & R are just plain annoying but entertaining for the masses apparently. They keep us talking don’t they? I don’t think ED carried Dani either, she held her own. I think she’s an observer and she analyzes things and from what you are saying, she’s nailed a lot of things about the individual HGs.
Well it’s almost 9 so I’ll BBL. Thanks again for your insight and updates.
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Enjoy Starfish
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Well I for one wasn’t thrilled with the outcome of tonights show. It doesn’t mean I won’t be glued to the tv Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday though. I love Big Brother no matter what!
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HOH comp is starting in a few!
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Ah man! Now I gotta stay up to see who wins HOH! 🙄 😆
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LF – on trivia, must be HOH time
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hows it going JT?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BBAD starts at midnight CST
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Yeah Sal.. it started an hour ago.. now BBAD is about to start. Wonder what they will show since feeds are still on trivia?
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Going ok Sal.. You?
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seems like dani won HOH, not really sure
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@KeriJ, very nicely put and me too!
Hey JT & Sal good to see you. I’m waiting to hear from you guys about the HOH comp. This is getting better and better. If it’s still on feeds, they still show BBAD don’t they. It’s never on standby or anything is it?
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Yeah Mel… that seems to be what happened.
New Post Is Up
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Daniele won!
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yup Dani is hoh has the key!!!
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Thanks Mel, when will you be sure? 🙂
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WooHoo, now that’s going to keep a little tension in the house isn’t it?
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starfish, good to see you too.
BBAD is showing what is happening even though feeds are on trivia. BBAD has recorded stuff a couple times to show (once in season 9 and again in season 12) …but this is live.
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Ok, how do I get the new post if I don’t have the email yet?
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Dani…. now stick to your guns this time! I hope Brendon gets the boot again.
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Scroll to bottom and click on “Next Post”
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Thanks JT, you’re the best!
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@Starfish, what the heck is going on in our friendly blog?
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Hey Nette – a voice of sanity – I wonder how many of the people who say they are not going to watch anymore, actually stop watching! Whatever else one thinks – tonight’s developments are interesting – talk about shaking up the house. And the world keeps turning!
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They need to change the name of this show to YD&S. what were the house guests???????
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They had there chance and blew it!!!!!
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I read this blog all last year and this year so far. I am sorry but I am not reading any more posts. The name calling and bickering again this year is just too much for me. Please remove me from the mailing list also.
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The newbies are the dumbest players of big brother I have ever witnessed since the show started. Shelly for being an executive is not to smart….
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Rachael and brendon…..gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggggggg!
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