It is that time of the week! Time to bust open the door to the Big Brother Blog diary room where you get your opportunity to cast a vote for eviction.
Crazy week as always with POV being won by Brit and her taking herself off the block. (the obvious choice)
So this week the 2 who are up for eviction are Monet and Matt. (aka the M&M sponsored week)
Not sure who I really care to leave….I am finding Matt’s game week and Monet is going to be a coattail rider/floater if she stays so I say get rid of them both. :p
But what I think is not important. It is more important what you think….so I ask you….
Who do you vote for eviction this week? Cast your vote now by commenting below!
Peace, BBBlogger
PS: it looks like there will be an endurance comp tonight which means you will want the FEEDS and that my site will probably get so much traffic that the server will cry. So be sure to visit on FACEBOOK if this site is down. and chat up the wall with your thougths
I cast my vote to evict Monet!!!!!!!
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Monet, because I don’t like her or Britany…at least Matt is trying to play “the game”.
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monet all the way
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Good morning folks… My vote is for Monet to go home…
It really bothered me how much she was talking physical violence in the DR.. Obviously the other HG’s don’t hear that.. However I’m down with both the BRO-gade and Brendan/Rachel/Andrew alliances and am voting with them!
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Get Monet out of there!!
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The WORST thing to happen this week is for Britney to win HoH!!!!
I might have to take a week off.. almost like I did when Chima w0n — at least till Jeff used the Coup d’tat!! (the greatest moment EVER on BB!)
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I vote to evict Monet!!! You have to be more than pretty to win BB. I also agree fingers crossed that Britany doesn’t win HOH I’d love to see Andrew win it and have all the power, no one would know what to do with them selves!!!
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I vote to evict Monet!
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I vote to evict Monet. I soooooooooooooooo hope Andrew wins HoH. That would be awesome.
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Monet should leave. Does anyone else feel like Brenden & Andrew are related and they might be the twist?
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I’d love to vote them both out. I don’t like Monet and Mat is the lowest for using an imagined sickness for his wife.
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I vote to evict Monet….. Monet and Britney remind me of two catty high school girls. Does anyone besides me see a resemblence between Brendon and Andrew?
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Monet for sure… Tired of listening to her and Britney! Though for someone as apparently smart as Matt (with being a member of Mensa), he’s not being very smart with his game play. Loved Andrew’s comments after Matt was describing his wife’s illness…
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I vote to evict MONET. I’m sick of hearing her whine about how Rachel is probably a stripper and Rachel is just jealous of her and how she (Monet) is not a fake person……… made me sick to my stomach….not to mention how often she says she wants to hit someone. Just a disgusting attitude.
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I vote to evict Monet….honey, your time is up. Ba-bye!!
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So Matt says he is a genus ~ hum ~ then he needs common sense ~ if he is lying about who he is ~ what makes him think others aren’t lying too ~ he tells the other liar Andrew about his wife’s fake illness ~ Matt has gotta go ~ I vote to evict Matt although he will probably stay ~
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Well I vote to evict matt for the lie he is telling about his wifes illness. Don’t speak that kind of thing into existence even though it is a game. I hope brenden or ragan gets head of household. And enzo and brittany go bye bye!!!
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I vote to evict Monet. She is toast!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I can’t believe Britney got off the block.
I wonder what Kathy would do as HOH.
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I vote to evict Monet, for being the whiny bitch she is, I am not happy with matt and his johnny fairplay tactics, i thought you were suppose to be smart Matt, GIVE ME A BREAK, PLEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEE!!!!
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And I will LMAO if britney gets HOH which alot of times happens, and she puts up the two love Birds, I would love to see it happen. 🙄
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I vote to evict Monet. Both she and Brittney need to go . They are both NASTY!!!
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I vote Monet
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Get rid of Monet all the way!
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I’m so jealous of Monet because she is so hot? NOT!
I’m so jealous of Monet because she is so cool? NOT!
I’m so jealous of Monet because she is 24 and I an 67?
Maybe just a little bit…
Time for Monet to strut her ass down the runway into the studio audience and hear what the house guests – other that Britney – really think about her…
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I feel the Brigade will vote out Monet soon enough so we need to get dudumMatt outta there to start breaking up the brigade.hard decision, because im rooting for Rachel
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I vote for Monet.. she has some anger issues !!!!
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I vote for Matt the Weasel
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I vote to throw Monet out girl learn how to cry
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Monet and Britney are annoying as hell, but they are not a threat…I vote to evict Matt and start breaking up the Brigade.
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Monet has to go. Matt is amusing and it could be fun to see how long his little lies work for him.
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monet must go
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------matt is playing the game
who cares if he lies
he’s probally not married anyway
if he is married
his name is ragan
that is my twist
now you know
the rest of the story
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I vote to evict Monet!!
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monet , she is a cry baby. and she has no game
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I vote to evict Money, cuz i like the brigade.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matt is a liar but that is part of the game, it’s not Sunday school. I hope Britney(love her)wins HOH so that she can get her sweet revenge on skanky Rachel and Brenda.
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@DonnaP….as long as that’s how she plays it. I want R&B gone like yesterday… 🙄
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I cast my vote to evict Monet!!!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have to agree with Donna P! Love Britt… best ever in the Diary Room.
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I vote to evict ……MONET!!!!!
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I vote to evict Monet!!!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My husband said that Monet and Britney hate Rachel so much because of her boobs. If she was a small cheated women then they would not hate her as much. I agree. Rachel is a smart girl whio is playing the bumb big boob girl and it is working to a point but her brains did get ehr to be HOH.
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I vote to evict Monet, because Britney took herself off the block. Otherwise I’d like to see her out. Honestly I’d like to see both of them gone. Since I have to pick only one, I pick Monet. They both get on my nerves.
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I vote to evict Monet… tired of hearing her and Brittany trash talk everyone.. shallow spoiled little girls need to go! I’m watching the after dark from Tuesday night and it appears some big blow up occured… anyone know what the big meeting and arguement was about and who was involved from the live feeds?
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Why would Brit and Money or any woman be jealous of Rachel’s boobs? Its not like God gave them to her.
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I vote to evict Monet…. please get ur things and walk out the front door….good bye. I want Lane to win this season. He seems to be a stand up kinda guy. He also has a sweetheart way about him… I just like him. Brittany needs to go home next week… she’s like a snake in the grass. Wish they would give us a clue which house guest has the life long thing goin on… It is a mystery… I think it’s Cathy and Brittany. Them 2 look alike and they haven’t talked at all. Like they r avoiding one another.
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I vote to evict ‘crybaby’ Monet!!!
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As the HG’s are evicted, one by one, if Matt’s “Mensa” strategy keeps him in the game to the final 3 (Noooooooo!), please let Andrew be the first to be sent to the jury house so that Dr. Andrew can “out” Matt and his faux disease that can only be cured by a faux operation on his possible faux wife/husband.
OR… Evict Dr. Andrew next so he can out Matt during the last minute in the house… Could be real trouble for the Brigade of 4 therafter….
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I cast my vote to evict Monet!
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I vote to evict Monet … because I dislike her even more than Matt, and I don’t like him at all! For someone who’s says he’s a genius, he certainly didn’t seem to be playing this game very smart! Oh, I hope Andrew gets HOH … that would really help shake up this boring group!
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I vote to evict Monet!
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Please let it be Money oops I mean Monet
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Why would Brit and Monet or any woman be jealous of Rachel’s boobs? Its not like God gave them to her.
Maybe because somebody besides God found an extra 5 grand or so to devote to discretionary spending and boost a lagging economy as well as two other things…
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Monet has to go. Matt is an obvious liar about his wife’s ‘so called illness’. But he should have thought about a real ‘DISEASE’, not just make something up. I watched about 20 minutes of BBAD this morning and ‘Cathy or Kathy’ was talking for a while and every sentence contained “You know, You know, You know”, at least 20 times, I am not exaggerating. And I hope she puts some ‘coloring’ on those ‘roots’. I’m done complaining.
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I vote to evict Monet. I am beginning to enjoy Matt and am anxious to see how Andrew “outs” his (Matt’s) wife’s illness as a lie. So, for now, Matt is at least entertaining. Does anyone else think Matt looks like Ray Romano??)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think Matt will get support from Enzo, Lane, Hayden, Andrew, Ragan, Brendon and possibly Kristen-so 7-2 sounds good to me!
I also am wondering about a connection between Andrew and Brendon..something is up with them…I thought the ones who knew each other were Kathy and Britney but the actions of Andrew and Brendon are very suspect.
And, what’s up with Kathy??? I think we only saw 2 glimpses of her on Tuesday’s show…what’s going on? and almost no Kristen either…here’s a suggestion CBS…how about putting BB12 on Saturday nights for at least 2 hours…perhaps 9-11PM so we can have a little “adult” conversation etc…Sat. nites TV is horrible…we are not seeing enough interesting conversation..Sat. could be just contests or challenges etc…I miss learning about the people and their outside lives..
Well, I guess it will be Monet tonight…hope Andrew or Brendon gets HOH…good day everyone. Take care.
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I vote to evict Matt. He’s a weasel.
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I vote to evict Matt, stupid is as stupid does and he thinks he’s just a pawn volunteer. Watch out Bubba, stranger things have happened in Big Brother
Monet is going to be evicted 90% of America wants her gone and so do the HG’s
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MONET – be gone with your dum self.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It looks like Monet has been (will be) evicted. I hope the hg vote as we have. Candy, do you really think she is pretty? Must be my TV. You know that being a brain on tests, Matt claims he is top 2% in the world as a genius, doesn’t mean you are smart in other areas. I hope his wife is mad at him for lying about her health. It may come back to bite him if she does get sick from any disease . . . just saying, Karma is a Bitch.
Rachels boobs are just way to big. Why would you want to lug those things around. Eventually she will have back and shoulder trouble. Oh well! Kathy is laying so low that I forget she is in the house. I hope after the next eviction and HOH that we will see some life in the house.
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It seems as if Monet is out the door ~ so be it ~ can’t wait for the next HOH ~ who will win??? ~ if it is a strength competition ~ Brittney will be the first one out ~ if it is a brains competition ~ Brittney will be the first one out ~ if it is a popularity contest ~ Brittney will lose for sure ~ if it is an observation competition she should win with all the observing she did with Monet ; ) ~ I’m just saying
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You got that right Shirley ~ Karma is a female dog
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I vote to evict Matt.
Monet and Brit may be annoying but don’t seem to be much of a threat in the house, I see Matt being more of a threat so. . .if I were in that house he’d be who I’d want to go.
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I know a guy that scored in the top 5% ~ he said it does not make him a genius onlyt that he’s good at taking test ~ I prefer a guy that has common sense
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I vote to evict Monet because who sits and crys all day about being on the block?
I have noticed a resemblence between Brenton and Andrew and why else would Brenton want to save him so much?
I have to say though that I get a big kick out of Britney’s remarks!
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I think Matt started off thinking he was strategizing with his faux paranoia but it weirded out “Muffy & Biff”. I kinda like Matt. You can tell from the last HOH comp that know one pegs hin a genius so he’s playing that well.
Monet is so mealy mouthed whiney..uuuuugggggh!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Monet gotsta go who wants to live in a cage with all o’ that????
I votes to evict Monet!
I’d like the kosher foot doctor to win HoH this week to stir it up a bit or maybe Deputy dawg Kathy will win HoH by eating her weight in caramel…
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Kathy??? Who’s Kathy???? 🙁
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I vote to evict Monet. However, I wish it was Britany!
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oK, so Monet is annoying but basically so far harmless. Matt should be voted out for being so cocky.
If he’s left in he will be a threat.
So far a mistake was made to keep Rachel.
I vote OUT Matt for thinking he’s so cool fooling everyone and lying about having a sick wife. I can’t stand ppl who brag and he tells us all how smart he is. So vote out the smart ppl first- DUH.
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BTW..i cannot WAIT to see either Rachel (mostly her) or Branden OUT……just to bust up that petri dish of ‘EW’
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Monet .lets give Matt another chance, this game is full of lies, don’t hold that against Matt.
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I would like to evict both of them but that is not a possibility – so I vote ot evict Monet.
I am not amused by Matt’s lie about his wife being ill – that is a nasty and unnecessary lie – let’s hope his wife doesn’t get sick. Let’s get Matt out real soon.
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I vote to evict, wait a sec, tossing a coin
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I vote to evict Monet, I am so sick of her making all kinds of faces and really catty & mean remarks. She has not done much to stay in the game. Now in regard to Matt the Menace, he should be next to get to use the exit door. I think he should stay in the house at least until the rest of the hgs find out his really selfish side and discover his lie regarding his wife’s sickness. If there is any sickness in that family it is Matt who has it. Yes, yes I know this is a game of back stabbing, cheating, and to tell as many lies as you can to get by in the game. But when a hg tells such a disgraceful lie as he wants the money for his sick wife, now that is lower then a snakes belly. There is an old Italian saying “Do not spit in the air it will come down in your face” translated be careful what you say it just may come to pass. and then I want to see the look on Ragan’s face when Matt’s lie comes to light, boy will that put Matt in a whole new light as far as Ragan is concerned. And I hope the rest of the hgs are all over Matt like white on rice.
But this week Monet will be out the door.
And then Rachel can really whine and cry that the house is out to get her, cause they will be.
Looking forward to tonights show, and last nite bbad was not a complete waste of time, some of the hgs played charades.
ciao for now, catch you all later after the eviction show
mama margie
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I vote to evict Matt!
Get the Faux Stein out now, Monet is weak, she can go next time.
Although, she probably will go tonight *sigh*
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tendr, Monet is really not harmless. She stirs the pot and causes to much drama. kevinoutwest, I hear ya, she is so floating and hiding that you don’t even notice her at all, Kaleki – that is right, he is great at taking tests, but he sure is not so great at talking – wow he can drag it on and on saying the same thing, Enzo is just disgusting, I wonder if he has friends on the outside. If he does they must be as gross as he is. That must be a fun evening with his friends and him always looking at his reflection. I hope we get the more amusing stuff soon or I may have to tune it off. Don’t want to because I have loved this show from the beginning, but I am thinking of painting my house – room by room so I can watch it dry.
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I vote to get Monet out tonight. She is soooooooo annoying and if she stays, she and Brittney will stir the pot and cause all kinds of conflicts. Rachel and Brendon are getting on my nerves, I thought at first I would like them, but I was wrong. Too much too soon in my opinion. And lets hope that tonight Rachel remembers to put her underwear on before the live show………………… ewwwwww.
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Some of you are convincing me to vote to evict Matt or at least vote to take away his MENSA card! He is mispronouncing his “wife’s”(boyfriend’s) disease. It’s actually called melorheostosis and is descrided at
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- he is not describing it accurately either but I think Andrew will smartly keep this ace in the hole for now… the saga continues…
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please Rachel cover up for the show
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think it is cool if they want a shomance. But during the time it airs and on the Showtime After Dark limit your kissy huggy crap. No I am not against it. But I am against having to watch so much of it. I do not behave like that in public and you should actually consider yourself as being in public since there are so many watching – more than if you were in public.
In fact if you acted this way out in public you would never get down a shopping aisle or leave a signal lite and you would see a stop sign and think it means STOP and make out
I wonder what your parents think of your display and no panties, I would be embarrassed if you were my daughter.
I really wanted to like you but then the laff got to me and after that almost everything you do gets to me. Your tears. Who puts someone on the block and then cries for them? Plain and simple – if you can’t do the job, don’t try to win the HH.
So have a good day everyone and grab the popcorn, a beer, glass of wine or a good stiff drink and kick back to watch tonite.
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evict monet
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I still feel stirring the pot isn’t as big of a threat as someone who can lie ppl into doing things HIS way. I think ragan got TOO upset over Matt putting himself up. ummmm makes me wonder why?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------anyway, Monet could be “used”
Matt is a user.
I want Matt out and see if ragan cries.
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Monet – she has to go, I really didn’t get all the info as far as the blow up with Matt, I know he’s a snake and thinks he’s pulling a fast one, but with dumb moves like this one, he’ll be out soon. I can’t figure Brittany out either, did this close call snap her into the game or is she still a little high school know it all. I hope the show some of the “house meeting” tonight
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I Vote To Evict Rachel!! …..oh, she’s not on the block? Damn! 👿 Then I guess I vote to evict Monet just because she adds nothing to the show for me…. at least if she were funny with her catty remarks she would be worth keeping…. but she’s not.
I think Monet will be voted out 7-2.
To evict Matt – 1) Britney 2) Kathy
To evict Monet – 1) Hayden 2) Enzo 3) Lane 4) Ragan 5) Kristen 6) Brendon 7) Andrew (wouldn’t be surprised if Andrew votes the other way though)
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I vote to evict Monet I think this is a boring BB and bbad is boring also to maney cry babies lets get some action please.
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Monet, she is just dead weight, at least Matt is a likable villain.
Russell on survivor played similar but was not likable.
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After 2 weeks who is in the best position?
Ragan by far!! Matt loves him.. so he gets a pass from the brigade. Brit loves him. Kristen loves him. Rachel loves him. Kathy loves him.
Not sure how Andrew feels about him?? I think Andrew has several other targets before Ragan though.
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Monet is a crybaby and she stirs the pot but she also is boring. I think she needs to go. I wouldn’t want her in the jury house either. Matt is such a liar and I think him making up the liar about his wife is wrong in so many ways. I hope it doesn’t come true that she gets some disease. But Matt can make the game more interesting than Monet can. Her catty remarks and just sitting there with Brit talking about everyone else is trash. What makes her think she is better than others, prettier than others, smarter than others. SHE IS NOT any of those things.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope that Andrew wins HOH so that we can see a little more of him. What does he think, how does he feel, who does he like and dislike?
I don’t remember ever being this upset with a cast on BB EVER! Of course there are always a couple you don’t like or that drives you crazy and you want out fast, but it has never been this boring. Watching them bake cookies is more exciting that the talking we are seeing.
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I vote for Monet
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This has got to be the worst Big Brother yet. I have seen every season but if this one does not get any better I will not finish this season out. I vote to evict Matt he is a snake. He may have a high IQ which I doubt but he is stupid. He thinks he can control the game but he can’t even control his drinking. Do something CBS you really make a mistake this year.
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Monet should go , don’t think much of Matt either for lying about his wife, thats just not right,
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another boring night. voting out the flies instead of the wasps.
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bb needs to be called “little brothers and little sisters”
hey, why not have for ONCE a big brother with NO two way MIRRORS …so the kids would see only black and the camera’s could see them or even make it like metal or very distorted lollololollol. so when they look at themselves they never could get their hair or make up just right. I know it’d drive a bunch of the boys crazy too.
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Hey Tendr…I hope you can stay with us once the show starts. 🙂
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CBS is gonna have a field day with editing tonight!! By the time they are done… they might even have me convinced Monet has a chance! 😆
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Ok fran I’m here
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hey JT, It would serve matt right if he were burned
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Here we go…let the drama begin!!
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I also vote to evict Monet!!! She adds Z ILCH to the house, or life I might guess. I am pretty much hating Matt right now but at least he is playing the game and entertains us by giving us someone to love to hate!
JT..I agree with your breakdown with the exception of possibly adding Andrew to evict Matt also. But he’s such a flip flopper, it’s hard to say.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Show’s starting so….short and sweet. Manana, MONET!!!
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loved monet’s reaction to rachel, Damn the girl is vengeful
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Why do we have to have t-storm/tornado warnings every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7pm?? 🙄 …..and why do they need to cover 1/3 of the screen for it?? 🙄 And if it’s so damn important, why do they take it off the screen during commercials? 🙄
sorry about that…. didn’t mean to sound like Andy Rooney 😆
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the girl likes to play dirty, damn monet
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We had it last night JT…I know exactly what you’re talking about. It should be at Aggies by now.
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Totally feel ya, JT!! Have ’em here too!!! Tornado watch until 3:00am. Just as long as nothing interferes with our SHOW!!!! Ya hear that GOD….or Big Brother??? Aren’t they actually one and the same???? 😆
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I hate kristen’s voice, go andrew
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So Monet’s position seems to be…
If I vote you out, that is great. If you vote me out, you’re stupid.
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No fran I’m not getting anything
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But at least Kristen and Hayden are being discreet and not shoving it down everyones throat.
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You’re lucky Aggie…we had 4 inches of rain in less than an hour in some places here.
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Watch how made up Rachel is for the house meeting. Ragan told her to call a house meeting… so she went to HOH bathroom for a half hour to put on make-up! 😆
“I’m ready for my close-up” 😮
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Boy that girl makes rachel look sweet
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the funny thing is rachel looks better without the makeup, she looks like a whore all made up
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fran we had alot of rain lately too much
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What the heck kind of game is Matt playing?
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AMEN to that Aggie. Matt is playing the game
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MATT, better watch his back
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I’ll trade my coming tropical storm for your storms. We’ve had 10 – 15 inches of rain the last month already.
These HG’s are weird!!!!!
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Andrew is very creepy, those eyes creep me out
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Andrew should tell what he knows about matt, he is playing a dumb game
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No thanks Sal….I don’t even like the small downpours that we get. I’ll stick with these storms and tornado warnings…..almost nightly.
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I don’t think matt will last he will be the ronnie of the season
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Aggie…Matt is playing the game. He even told Rachel that he was going to act surprised when they were up in the HOH room. I don’t know why Rachel is pretending to forget that.
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Good thing I don’t have 4 icepicks in the house…. there would be one in each eye and one in each ear. Go away Rachel!
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Matt is not lying any more than Russell on Survivor.
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Icepicks!!! Love it JT 😆
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MATT won’t last anyway it’s a matter of time, he will be targeted
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Fran, you shouldn’t use your family in the game, that sucked what matt did, he will pay for that one
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your comments on Monet’s position is right on
She was all right with me until she starts the crying stuff. It’s a game.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------like you said she doesn’t mind putting someone in that hot seat but the world is totally wrong if someone picks her to go in the hot seat.
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***** Not Really A Spoiler*****
As expected, Monet was voted out 7-2 with votes for her from Brit and Kathy.
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WOW…. she didn’t even hug Britney! 😯
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YES No hugs
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Will it be endurance tonight? ….some seem to think so.
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She was upset JT, when your pissed you don’t hug
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yeah I think it’s endurance
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flush the extensions down the toilet
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I hope Lane wins HOH
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$10,000 goes a long way when you’re mom and dad are paying all your bills for you… even her cell phone bill! WTF? You’ll be just fine princess Monet.
I bet my kids would like me to pay their bills! Not happenin’! They are both responsible adults and take care of themselves.
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LMAO, If brit gets HOH, I’m hoping she does
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We need Andrew to be the new HOH, that will shake up the house.
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hope brit can hang in she doesn’t like water
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This competition is kind of like the one Sheila, Ryan, and Adam did for final HOH in season 9.
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I would starve for the week if I had to eat that crap. What a choice!!
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Sardines & Sauerkraut for have-nots !! 😮 😆
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Britney was afraid that it would involve water… she said she gets cold real easy. I don’t think she’ll last very long.
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I guess I’m going to the live feeds now so I can root for Lane.
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Brendon should be the favorite to win…. plus he has a hat on. Dang!! Looks like another week of Brachel…. aka pukefest! 😮
I pray I am wrong!
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Any HG other than Brendon winning HOH assures a repeat of Rachel and Brendon going back up on the block facing eviction again. FINALLY! evict one of them next week…
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It looks like lane is out so far, big shock
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Lane, Kathy, and Kristen are out already. 🙄
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maybe not JT, he is a big guy, maybe a smaller person would have a better shot at winning
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How was that BIG farm boy supposed to be able to stay on that thing? He’s bigger than the wall.
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Hayden fell off! 😯 I thought he would be the most competition for Brendon.
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Notice it looks like brendon is wearing something for his back under the shirt, very smart
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True Aggie… after all, April did win on the earthquake wall in BB10. Dan threw the competition… but I don’t know if he would have out-lasted April anyway.
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Brit is out
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SHIT< i was hoping brit would make it
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Brendon is too big i don’t think he will last one of the lighter ones possibly RAGAN, please god
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5 down ….. 5 left.
Matt, Brendon, Ragan, Andrew, & Enzo still in there.
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Does anyone else think Matt looks very comfortable up there?
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Is andrew still up there
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I would like to see Ragan win… but he wouldn’t put up Rachel and Brendon. Andrew wouldn’t put them up either. Need Enzo or Matt to win to split them up.
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this should be easier for a smaller person, one of them will get it
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Possibly matt, he is a small guy
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Andrew is still there… he is wearing the 1982 short shorts. 😯
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come on brendon fall already
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funny JT, he is quite a fashion plate 🙄
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If Enzo wins do all the hg have to kiss the Don’s ring and leave a tribute envelope when they go to the HOH room?
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funny Dok, possibly, much ass kissing involved
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PGA, funny you should mention that. That is exactly what Enzo was saying last week while joking around with Lane & Hayden.
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Enzo is out
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This is made for a smaller person one of them will do it, hopefully
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Come on Matt…hang in there!!
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YESSSSSSSSSSSSS, brendon is struggling
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Go Ragan!!! …….or Matt!!! ……..or Andrew!!
I guess anybody but Brendon! Can’t handle another week of them 2 in HOH!
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Brendon is down!!!!
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YESSSSSSS…Brendon, you’re out
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AWESOME, now hopefully they will put them on the block
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who was first out was it kathy
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I really don’t think Andrew will put them up. They are the only 2 in the house that treat him well.
If Ragan wins… maybe Matt will talk him into breaking them up… not likely though.
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Might have been Lane first… not sure.
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andrew is doing well
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see what i mean lane is a big guy
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hell those guys could be there awhile
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Sounds like ragan is talking about dropping!
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Rachel is pi$$ed 😆 she ‘s got her hood pulled up over her head…. Looks like Marty Feldman in “Young Frankenstein” 😆
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He’s asking Andrew and matt if he’d be safe..from nom’s and backdooring. why would he drop when he’s so close???
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Looks like that was just a test and he’s hanging in……
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He’s probably the smartest about the game and realizes being HOH, and not nominating the alcoholic stripper and Mr. Personality, would be bad for him in the long run.
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1 Hour in…. 3 left.
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It will probably end up matt and ragan, the two little guys
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Andrew is a player… If he wins HOH he WILL go with the majority of the HG’s and put B and R up for eviction… And Rachel did want to put him on the block this week, remember…
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I agree PGA, Ragan is by far the smartest at strategy. The only thing that could get in his way is his heart. If it weren’t for Ragan, Rachel would have put up Andrew (their ally)… and Andrew would be gone.
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JT, I say you have andrews short shorts
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Young Frankenstein, well she is pretty much Abbie Normal
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PGA DOK..he who?? Matt??
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Ragan Stra
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don’t get distracted, quit talking
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andrews shorts are shrinking, OMG
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Ya I agree about Ragan. And got my answer a few seconds later. You guys refresh alot faster more often than I do!!lol I’m also watching *Bethany gets married* and texting so…..;)
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i don’t have feeds..just a site I go check in on..anything going on?? seems quiet……..
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Andrew fall already, your pants are shrinking big time
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Matt looks by far the most relaxed… looks like a stroll in the park. Don’t get too relaxed… they can catch you off-guard.
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hey star, hopefully andrew falls, he is doing well
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Andrew probably thinks he looks hot.
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they need to shake them up more make them fall
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Stay here Star.. we’ll let you know as soon as something happens. Andrew will prolly be next out? Like Aggie said (5 times 😆 ), he is too tall for this.
The 3 of them are just chillin’
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I hate to admit it andrew has nice legs
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You want him to fall?? I don’t have a fav here…but I guess if I had to choose I would root for Ragan. Matt’s a rat and Andrew is weird….Jew or no Jew….he’s creepy! And wishy=washy. Ragan is the only genuine one up there, IMHO.
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aggie..I thought the same thing about A’s legs…lol he’s creepy but muscular…. 😆
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I think it helped andrew cuz he isn’t a burly guy he is lean and mean, he could get this and his legs are to hairy, the water makes them look hairier
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aggie…do you watch any of the Housewives shows?
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Matt is the only guarantee that Brachel will go on the block. Other than that I do want Ragan to win.
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yeah star, he is in good shape, thats obvious just a dork for sure
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no star, I don’t watch to much tv stuff
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I agree with you JT…Matt is the only one I think that will put the pair up together. After one of them is gone…then everyone can focus on getting Matt out.
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Where Houseguests surf before they drop, there goes another – uh, have not, that’s where you’ll find them…somewhere over big brother…in L.A…. =^^=
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What time zone is this blog set on? I’m east coast and it’s 10:25 here
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Bout time you post a comment Donna Rose! 😀 (other than mystery blogging!) 😉
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Donna Rose……..did you just see that house go by?? TOO Funny!!! could hear it in my head! You may just have a career in songwriting to explore, girl!! 😆
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Land of 10,000 lakes, central time zone.
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This is central time kinogirl.
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you think these fools should have worn long pants, matt was the only one
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kinogirl…Mich and 10:25 here too BBBlogger is from Minn. and they are an hr behind us…….so set on his time..i think!
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spray them with oil or something they will come down fast
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Andrew down
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ya..central time..that’s what I meant……… 😳
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Ok…between the BUDS now……think they will try to deal or just hang??
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Now Ragan and Matt are going to talk in private to make a deal.
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see the two little ones got it, it figures
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Ragan doesn’t want it… he will give it to Matt. but Ragan doesn’t want Rachel up.
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As if BB isn’t nerve wracking enuf, there is a tornado/storm warning going on too…..and I’m home alone!! WAHHHH!!!
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great job by andrew, i really thought he could get it
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This deal could take a while to iron out 😆
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Noooooo! They are talking about putting up Kathy and Andrew
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I bet if ragan gives it to matt, he will put rachel and brendon up
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope Matt is just playing along with it. I would hope the brigade would have something to add to change his mind.
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I hope you’re right Aggie
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I bet he won’t do that JT, he is probably Lying
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really ragan needs to fall hopefully
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Matt wouldn’t lie! 😯 😆
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Come on already…enough with the breaks. Show us the feeds.
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Ragan needs to drop NOW, lay low, and let the others fight the battles…
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“We’ll Be Right Back” …… 👿 😆
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Production must not want us to hear what’s going on so they can have their input. They like to control the game as much as possible.
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Uh.. hello!? I don’t see chit….. except lava lamp bubbles and the message mentioned above.
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Ohhhh… here we go they are still up
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It’s funny that the feeds come back and now there are others outside watching. I guess production had something to do with that. Hmmm!!!
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Some of the other HGs came back outside and it looks like they are playin it out. But maybe they made a deal that Ragan will fall after a bit to make it look good….. or maybe they really are going to battle it out.
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shut up rachel ,you suck up
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Funny… production must want this to end. Constant stream of water pouring on both of them.
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I just read tht ragan is going to drop….he just wanted to wait a few mins so he didnt look like it was on purprose. And they wanted to talk to Andrew and B&R…lil unorthodox… Andrew pun intended…I think BB went to get the HGS so they could talk to them.
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Water stopped….. and they continue. Now 2 hours in.
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somebody muzzle the BITCh
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Yeah Star, that’s what they were talking about when the feeds dropped out. Ragan doesn’t want it to be obvious.
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DAMN….not again
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Well… I hope they go another hour to really make it look good! 😆 Then I’ll watch on showtime.
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I was just thinking that!!(about BBAD) I am feeling pretty left out right about now!!! Not to mention nervous about the weather… far so good but it’s lightening now and sirens are going off…so if you don’t her from me for awhile……….
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I really hope Ragan hangs on tho….I thinbk he needs the self-confidence and it would help him in his game. That’s something that Matt definitely DOESN’T need!!!!
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Our T-storm/tornado watches/warnings ended at 8pm…. just when BB ended! Hmmmm…… I bet the forecast calls for more severe weather Sunday night…… prolly around 7ish.
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we’ll be right back it’s been awhile, WTF
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so far nothing here JT
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Nadda… Never thought I would get sick of the BB theme music!
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They are saying that we are going to keep having these storms all weekend…Fri being the hottest, stickiest day with lots of storms!!! Why can’t it just rain??? This is why I like winter better!!!! lol I think sun. is supposed to be the best day of the weekend….altho I have a wake to go to out of town but I want the tivo to work anyway!!!
aggie..nothing in chicago?? usually get our weather here from you!!!(kalamazoo)
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whoa they must really not want us to see something, this sucks, we are missing everything
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we have had to much rain really, nothing today, yet
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those control freaks at CBS are making me CRAZY
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It’s not the rain I mind, its the damn storms! We have had so much damage this summer. Trees down, falling on rooftops…scary stuff and too often!!!
So the feeds are blanked out??? Is that typical???
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I feel like a puppy sitting and staring at the front door waiting for my owner to come home! 😆
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We have had alot of storms…really bad storms here top Star. What we have, goes to Aggie. We even had a major interstate closed last night because the rain came so hard and so fast that roads flooded. I agree, it’s happening way too often. Too hot and too wet!!!
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Joan Rivers is going to be on Letterman… maybe I’ll watch that now.. should be pretty funny.
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WTF< is going on
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Now they are back… have to see WTF the deal is.
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Matt has HOH key. Rachel is pleading her case.
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we are back JT
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frannie…where are u located?? According to the Farmer’s almenac, it is going to be like this until at least the middle of Aug!!! UGH!!! 😛
JT…..ABC has a deal on Hugh Hefner right now!!! *wink wink*”used to like Joan but she kinda makes my stoamch churn a lil these days. Seems snotty……looks down her noaae at most people…esp. if they arent rich. She wsn’t like that back in the day!
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Does she have a skirt on look how she is laying there
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Frannie is in Missouri
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Her noaae??? 😆 Meant NOSE as I KNOWS you KNEW!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stra strikes again!!! MUAHHHHHHHHH!!!! 👿
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Star…I am right outside of St. Louis, Mo.
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Come on Matt!! Put up R&B!! Please!!
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Rachel looks so bored listening to Matt ramble on
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frannie…I have been to st. louis before…..beautiful city.
Whats going on??? Did matt win????
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6 mins till BBAD and I can SEE for myself!! HURRYHURYHURRY!!!!
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repeating WTH
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Yes, Matt is HOH and talking with Rachel.
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Hmmm….says matt & rach are in the cabana room…matt won?? EWWWWWWW!!! Did ragan throw it????
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Told ya kathy was first. 🙄
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MATT, would be an idiot if he didn’t put them up
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All I know is that Enzo, Lane, Hayden, Kristen, Ragan, and Britney are safe this week.
It will be one of 4 going home.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Kathy
2) Andrew
3) Rachel (hope hope hope!!)
4) Brendon (also hope hope hope!!)
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JT, he knows kathy voted against him he seems to want her gone, it should be brendon and rachel, that sucks
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If Matt’s PO’d at Kathy why isn’t he at Brit?? Why do u think she is safe???
And I didnt get an answer on if Ragan made a deal or if Matt outright won.
And it’s not that I don’t like BB this yer, but I just don’t seem to care who goes or stays. I will always watch, no matter how many years it is on. But this year I don’t seem to feel an affinity with anyone. As annoying as her several personal habits are, I really don’t even hate rachel!! In fact, I would rather see her stay over Brendon. He really DOES annoy me!! Just wish I felt really strongly about rooting for someone. Maybe it will come in time………
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Matt made some kind of deal with ragan, kathy voted against matt he wants her gone
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Not to get argumentative but…Brit voted against him too. Just seems strange…..
God i hate it when they whisper!!! B&R are having a whisperfest…naturally. They don’t have the HOH room now so they will be whispering in each other’s ears all week….and OURS!!! 🙄
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Britney was monet’s friend he expected her to vote that way
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Brit didn’t vote against Matt… she voted for Monet. Seems like semantics but there is a difference. Matt and Brit are friends. Brit even told Matt after the house meeting that she had more respect for him.
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ya ya……you guys are right! DUH!!! She did vote FOR monet and he would have expected that. My brain is fried from Tornado Tension!! lol I just never heard her say that to him or knew that they were friends. He seemed to kind of distance himself from the women in the house. I had kind of gotten the feeling tht his newly wed wife had maybe made him promise to hang more with the guys….the poor, sickly wife he would never refuse……Hmpf!!
I have been OL too long tonight….and on the iPhone and watching TV..I feel like I am coming off an electronic high!! NOT complaining tho! At least all those things weathered the storm……Am I rambling???? 😆
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Star, I know what you mean. This is the first season that I haven’t had a fave by the 2nd week. I’ve got some that are higher than others of course.. but no big loss for me if any of them leave.
I will never stop watching though…. and it is kind of a relief to just sit back and watch the action without a horse in the race. I’m sure I’ll have a fave soon enough… I’ll just enjoy stress free viewing for now.
I don’t really hate Rachel or Brendon individually… just can’t stand watching them together.
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CBS showed some of Matt’s points in the house meeting, but there were many more. He did actually come out of it pretty good. They didn’t show that Rachel “conveniently” left out pieces of info when she talked to Brit. Matt called Rachel and Brendon out on many things and in some ways made them look like hypocrites.
After the house meeting… Brit talked to Matt in the cabana room and apologized to him for putting him in that position. She also told him that she had way more respect for him after the way he handled himself in the meeting.
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WTF kind of kissing is that? 😯 😮
Brendon kissing Rachel sounds like a 5 year old smacking their food!
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I cast my vote to evict Monet–which she later was HAHAHAHAHA!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I like Matt. He has a great sense of humor.
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OMG, JT!!! I just was LMAO when I read what you said about R&B SMACKING!! I was on the phone when that scene was on and I was going EEEWWWWWWW….who kisses like that???? Definite advantages to Tivoing as opposed to watching it live and having NO control at moments like that! *shuddders*
And I liked your theory about just being able to CHILL right now and not having to worry about who goes up or out. Made me feel MAD better(big new HG word)about not having a fav. I’m almost like a rabid footbal fan when it comes to BB and it just seems natural to have a TEAM. But I still enjoy the show either way….and this is just a little less gut wrenching!
Peace OUT and sweet dreams!
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hi..four a.m. and i’m just now peeking in. i wanted matt to be sent home. monet is a brat but matt is a threat. so now i’ll go back and read what happened. if i can stay awake.
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ok so i know nothing, but if matt doesn’t put up rachel and her butt kisser then he’s an idiot.
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I agree tendr…Brendon is so far up Rachels ass. Please Matt, put them up together and let Enzo win the POV. That’s the perfect solution for me.
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It looks like brendon could be backdoored, the guys were talking, but the thing is they have to get POV, brendon or rachel might end up getting it thats the scary part, It might not work the way they want it. 🙄
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Good morning all!
Here’s an update of what I “know” (if y’all don’t care about this season or are just tired of reading posts from me….. then feel free to skip this) 😀
First…. The way things stand right now, Matt will put up Andrew and Kathy for eviction. 👿 The brigade all came to an agreement. They plan to get the veto winner to use it… and then put up Brendon as replacement. I know I know…. If Brendon, Rachel, or Andrew play in POV and win.. then it doesn’t get used!! They did think of that..and for some odd reason that escapes me.. they were all ok taking that HUGE RISK! Matt still has to meet with B&R today to discuss some terms… but of course they will tell him whatever he wants to hear! Mensa shmensa! 🙄
Second….. Rachel is such a lush! She found an open bottle of wine in the fridge.. it had gnats in it. Brendon wanted to pour it out but she wouldn’t let him. She poured herself a big glass.. picked the bugs out.. and drank it! No booze will go to waste with Rachel around! I could tell Brendon was a bit put off by that. I even saw her pick a bug out of her mouth!…musta missed that one while it was in the glass. She held that bottle like it was a newborn baby! She slammed one glass then poured another… then headed up to HOH to kiss Matt’s arse for a LONG TIME! She was a drunken fool. Brit was there too. Rachel went on & on & on & on about how great Matt’s wife was (WTF?)…. how much she loved Brendon (yes LOVE!)… how much fun they will all have after the show…. Jeeez!
Third…… I never heard how the HOH played out.. don’t know what deal (if any) Ragan made. Ragan was safe with or without a deal.. so they prolly shot around a few ideas… then continued the comp and Ragan “fell” to make it look good. Ragan did not want HOH. Ragan must have told him to do what he wants and that he trusted his judgement. I’m just guessing most of this.
Fourth…… Ragan did meet with Matt in HOH. They didn’t discuss any deal they made during the HOH comp. Matt told him he might put up Andrew and Kathy and use B or R as a replacement if need be (he didn’t tell him about the brigade backdoor plan of course). After careful consideration, Ragan agreed that it would be ok. Ragan did warn Matt that any deal with B&R may or may not be honored… it is a game.
Last…. (collective cheer!!). Britney pulled Lane from the hot tub into the house. Britney told Lane that she thinks Hayden and Kristen are the “friends”. In fact she told him she thinks they are twins because of facial features, age, and they both have the same birthmark on their stomach. Later, lane relayed this stuff to the rest of the brigade in the HOH room after Hayden went to bed. They all pondered it for a while. The brigade obviously doesn’t know that Hayden and Kristen have been sleeping together every night.
Really last…. (I mean it!). The funny thing to me is that these HGs have hardly considered that the saboteur was lying about the couple! WTF? Sabo lied about escaping eviction… so why wouldn’t this be a lie too?! Some people are so gullible. It is still possible that there are “friends” in the house… but until Julie tells me otherwise, I’ll ass/u/me sabo made it up to cause paranoia… and it is working!…even a week after she is gone! 😆
Sorry for the novel… sort of. 😉
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Correction… Andrew would use the POV on himself!
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JT, damn it you beat me to the punch about the bug thing, Brit was in the kitchen also, laughing somewhat, probably thinking what a skank she truly is , it’s like brendon wanted her to come in the room with her, and he is kind of looking at her funny, lordy I think we are grossing out fran with this. Totally uncool. GROOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
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I vote to evict Monet, although she already left. I’m glad to see it. Brigade all the way! Lets go Enzo!
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What is this… a weather station or Big Brother?
Thanks JT for the summation so far… helps clear things up. Good writing style. Glad to see Matt get HOH… that should go to his head. Would love to see Brendon get the axe. Actually I would love to see him betray Rachel first… then get kicked out.
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So Matt “The Brains” plans to put Andrew and Kathy up for eviction. Andrew just because he is Andrew and Kathy because she voted to evict him. I get it now. High IQ in his case must mean he is in top 2% of the world’s Idiot Qualified category.
Still, even though I have to keep my unused Delta barf bags within easy reach whenever B&R appear on camera and want them gone yesterday, Andrew getting evicted could really create major drama if on Andrew’s way out the door he introduces himself as Dr. Andrew Gordon and outs Matt for claiming his wife has a made-up disease he “shared” with the HG’s to garner sympathy. That would be TV worth watching.
CBS interview question to Andrew:
What types of people would you NOT choose to live with you in the house?
Andrew’s response:
Politicians, lawyers, rude people and anyone with an IQ of an idiot.
Andrew meet Matt… lol
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Ted i just love how you think. Yes i too would love to see Brenson push skanky under the bus the get booted out. that would be awesome
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Is there no one else in the Big Brother house right now? Why are we being subjected to watching Rachel do her jumping jacks in the room all alone. ALL 4 cameras…WTF is that all about?
And no Aggie…I didn’t see Rachel drinking the wine that had the bugs in it but I’m sure I would have been grossed out for sure. She’s so disgusting…in more ways than one. 🙄
OK…so now Brit is on and with her. Hmmm
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I guess someone isn’t at the Bank today!!! Got to go to work myself…
Agree with PK about Matt… Kathy voted for Monet because Brit is her daughter. Matt will shoot himself in the foot soon enough and can’t wait to see if Andrew ‘outs’ him. Shades of Jonny Fairplay! But, JF was cool about his scams.
Knew as soon as I saw Rachel that PK would be watching BB.
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Unfortunately Ted, Rachel’s boobs got upstaged by her obnoxious giggle and incessant sleazy behavior the first night.
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Several things, first – do these women actually wear false eyelashes outside of BB? Maybe Rachel as a cocktail waitress, but most women I see in and out of shopping centers/malls and at the bank or work, they just don’t wear them. They don’t need them on TV. I think they look cheap. Even TV and movie stars don’t NEED them. Then Rachel’s clothes, since she brought them from the outside, she must dress that cheap all the time. What a lady LOL. I find it so funny that Rachel outed Matt about volunteering to be put up and now he won, she is kissing his butt for her and Brendon. Speaking of Brendon, he does not know how to play the game and relies on Rachel too much. Once she is gone, he will be so lost. Have you noticed how last night R & B were talking and in the room alone, she had to talk right into his ear but he doesn’t do that to her. Geez, you are alone and you can use your inside voice and not have to give his ear a sauna treatment. She is annoying and I wonder if he is starting to realize it but knows he needs her since he is so stupid at this game.
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As annoying Rachel and Brendon can be, I still think Brendon is the best eye candy….. I’m just sayin’
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oh boy. if matt doesn’t put up the Brachel twins then he’s totally worthless. i know EVIL FRANNIE (she knows why i’m calling her that)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wanted Matt to whin HOH but I didn’t. I would want all the smart ppl out. If you were in there who would you want standing with you in the end? (the most worthless person there) that’s why i wanted to keep monet.
HEY FRAN, what’s that behind you?
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whin? lol….SEE , you’ve caused me brain damage. (ok so more brain damage)
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