Just when you thought Big Brother 14 had NO CHANCE of being EPIC…Dan comes back from the grave (literally) and makes some amazing moves!
If you did not watch Wednesday’s televised show, I highly recommend you watch since I think Dan showed why he is someone to watch and why he has WON Big Brother in the past.
Ian might have GOT Boogie but it is looking like Dan is making sure he is the last Coach standing!
On a personal side note, I have for years thought Dr. Will Kirby was hands down the best player ever in the Big Brother house…after last night’s show…I am actually reconsidering my long standing belief!
So the house has been flipped and Brit is on the block. A place where she did NOT expect to be…
So let’s hear it Big Brother Blog faithful! Who is out this week? Is it Danielle or is it Britney? VOTE in the comments below! (or on the poll to the RIGHT!)
Peace, BBBlogger
I always expects the unexpected But I think Brittany is going home But I wish Danielle was
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I don’t want either to go but, if I were playing the game, the smarter move is to evict Danielle.
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Oh Britney, please go and may we never see your whining face again. I can’t believe how many people voted for Dani to go. Oh well, different strokes for different folks. At least Dani has done more than play puppet and for those who don’t like her crying, maybe she is just emotional. I know people like that and it’s nothing they can control. Britney has done NOTHING to win anything. She just walks around gossiping and lying. I’m so done with her. Sorry folks, but that’s my opinion. Have a great day.
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I agree with cindy.
I hope something crazy happens today to save Brit! I vote to evict Danielle and I hope the majority of the house is with me.
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I vote ro evict Danielle…I can’t stand her crying and memememe attitude. And I have no respect when a self proclaim Nurse practioner chants for someone to chug their alcohol.
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I vote to evict the ever self centered,self absorbed me girl, Danielle
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get that ugly whining Danielle out she’s worse then dan
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Hey hpr56 if we all like the same people, this blog would be soooo boaring. 🙂
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I vote to evict Danielle
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Danielle thinks she’s Americas sweetheart I hope she doesn’t win and hope dan continues to walk on her, she is so stuck on herself and ready to throw Brit under the bus why doesn’t Ian tell her he tells everything else. get over yourself head nurse u work in a nursing home
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Goodbye Danielle! They would be stupid to keep her..
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Let’s get rid of Danielle so Shane can relax and play the game without having to dodge her advances. He is clearly not interested.
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I have to vote for Britney to go, just because it’s better for Dan’s game. Love him or hate him, after what Dan pulled off this week, he deserves to win. 🙂
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I vote to evict Danielle
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Let’s add some more excitement to the game and keep Brit:) vote to evict Dani!
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I hope Danielle will go home but Britney’s not fighting to stay and Shane doesn’t know that Danielle is going into alliance with Dan, Frank and Jen, so he’s keeping Danielle in the game instead of Brit. So Brit will probably go home unfortunately. And Shane will be left on his own. Wake up Shane!!! Figure out what’s going on!
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I want Daniel gone for all the reasons everyone has mentioned above. I started to like Brit better this season. She made an effort not to be as much of a mean girl. Also Brit is funny and can be enjoyable to watch.
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I agree with Bosrob.
Shane has no interest in Danielle. In my opinion Danielle has floated this far. She is a puppet on a string. She does whatever she is told to do. She has no smarts for the game. Should be an interesting show tonight.
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I want Brit to stay but since I have yet to be wrong I will have to vote to evict Britney. Crap, Crap, Crap. Danielle should be going.
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I vote to evict her highness Danielle
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don’t let the dor hit you too hard in the ass!
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I vote to evict Danniele, even though I know Brittany is going home, If Shane knew of the secret alliance she has with Frank etc.. and Dan, he would vote Danielle out, but he dosen’t know. Maybe there will be some kind of cool twist tonight. Dan should get an acedamy award… he was great!!! Remember its just a game… I have to keep reminding myself that.
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Dan should now be call MD…MASTER DAN…he pulled it off with flare and flying colors…the dummies have been duked by the seasoned VET…congrats Dan the likes of Will the dermatollogist and Dick Donato are singing your praises this morning…you out smarted 6 other people…you were able to sell ice to an Eskimo…
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I hope Brittany goes! I have had enough of her whine.
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i vote to evicted danielle out
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Danielle and her tears just gotta go!
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Thank you Dan for bringing life back to the show!
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(from previous page)
Linda Brown – Boogie went home. He did not make it to jury. Ashley was the first jury member. I wish he had made it to jury!
Ian sure gave Danielle an ear full last night telling her all the things Frank has said about her. Well here we go again!! Poor Danielle’s feelings are hurt again and now she is out for blood. Will that girl ever grow up? Now I hope that she is sent home tonight!! If she is this upset about what Frank, Kara, JoJo and Janelle said about her, she is going to have the big one when she leaves the house and sees what America has been saying!
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I vote to evict the entire diary room “coaching staff” and thereafter allow the houseguests to make their own decisions for better or worse ratings.
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Good to see you PK!
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vote to evict the i i i i i – me me me me me girl
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I really enjoyed this last week. I cannot believe haw easily these HG’s are swayed. I vote to evict Brit. Smart move Master Dan (I liked that Mortgage DR). I believe Brit was the glue to hold the Quack Pack together. I no longer doubt Dan’s game play. This was a good one. GAME ON!
Frank…..Boggie is probably rolling on the ground saying what a dumb a**.
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I vote to evict Dani.
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I would love to see Britney stay and Danielle go home. Get together Ian, Shane and Joe or one of you will be next. Not a fan of Dan!
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Am I watching the same show as everyone else????? I understand your thoughts on Danielle, but come on….. Brittney is the master manipulator. All she does is form alliances with everyone,then hits the weaker people….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------like Ian, and drums and drums it into his mind that he HAS TO SAVE HER!!! Last week those two were sitting alone on thee couch, and she just woud not let up on him, how she had to be protected. She is self centered, and cannot be trusted. Like her new so called alliance with Frank……..whats up with that. SHE NEEDS TO GO?
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Before I voted I needed to put on my riot gear ok i am all suited up
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorry going to vote out brit, why you ask? i am still pulling for a newbie to wind this game and getting her out make that one step closer for them
also what has she done really? she caused the big riot with willie and the house when it came down to it she like all of us would have done and schemed to save herself. I really like her the first time, however that soon faded. I do not see tiny tears aka danielle lasting too much longer, i can see ian, joe and jen in that order in the holding cell before the last mile to meet jules, I have said from the beginning i wanted it to be between shane and frank, u have to admit these two have had to fight to stay alive. frank even more now, hopefully frank and shane will be in cahoots and get dan out i did not like the “coaches”joining the game and like it even less for one of them to win 1st or 2nd, sorry i am with the popular vote, thus the wearin of riot gear
but hey hey fellow bloggers after all
ciao till later i have to check the grapevine to see if any juicy grapes r ready to be squeezed for info
mike hugs to gage let us know when he is home
jt prayers and warm hugs to denise you and family
till later mm has left the bldg.
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I’m with hpr56 I vote to evict Brittany….don’t dislike any of them but I like the team of Dan and Dani…..
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he is sucha great player, which i think is why people don’t like him and also because he has already won and he is soooo good. I rooted for him on his season, and Iam still rooting for him this season. And Ian, whats up with him. He took one of the most powerful moves by getting Boogie out, but then would not follow up with getting Frank out. Frank andBoogie were just like Dr. Will and Boogir. No way Frank would ever trust Ian. Ian, you got to finish what you start, not whiz out and not use the veto ball. Such a disappointment
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I vot to evict Danielle
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I didn’t have the new page in my email when I wrote this. Now I’ll go up and read all the posts. Bloggergal, you rock!
Regarding Ian’s comment about 9/11. I don’t think it was such a huge deal at all. It just shows Jenn’s current stage in the game wanting to have game and show she’s a player, IMHO. Now I’m going to get it but to me, there was nothing insensitive about his comment. He was simply referring to a period in his life and we all do that. For example, we all know where we were and what we were doing when JFK was shot, my parents remember Pearl Harbor, 9/11, etc. etc. It was a time period reference and that’s what it was to Ian – again IMHO. Plus, and this may have slanted my opinion, I don’t care much for missy Jenn. I do like that she took Dan off the block though because he pulled one of the best moves in BB history. I want Dani to go, not Brit. Still no favorites though.
Again, thank you everyone for keeping this blog the best! I don’t have the time I used to but I still love this show and this blog!
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I vote to evict????????, this way I will be right
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Hopefully they’ll have the numbers to vote out Britney. Dan just made the most brilliant move in Big Brother history and should win. To do that, Danielle needs to stay. Don’t worry Danielle haters – she won’t win.
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I vote to evict Dani
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just nasal exaggerated voice overload
Maybe I am too sensitive
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I vote to evict ” lying to your face” Danielle. Wait intil brit sees what she did. She won’t get her bote in jury for sure.
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mammamargie, Diana, Diane: Gee I’m glad I didn’t get stoned in here. Tomi was right though, it’s good we don’t all think the same. As far as Dani, the soft heart and gentle nature are really good for a decent nurse. Britney honestly has done NOTHING of her own. I am so sick of her whining and running from person to person to get stories and to gossip and then turning what she is told to benefit her. “Please just promise you won’t vote me out”, “please promise you won’t put me up”, ” so and so hates you and want you gone so go get ’em”. Honestly that is how she has played. And she quit her job to go on BB thinking she was only going to be a coach. Don’t think so. I think they knew what was going to happen. Britney has played the little innocent who does no wrong for too long. First time in the whole game she has had to have any discomfort. Dan is definitely the man of the hour right now. I respect Frank because he has had to play for and protect himself through this entire game. Thanks Jenn for having his back and giving him some relief and hope.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------this chat takes place around 12:30 am
Britney and Ian are talking. Ian asks Britney to look after Ashley if Frank goes into jury next. Britney tells Ian that she can’t stop them from having sex. They joke about how Shane is stupid even though they love him. Britney says that he is empty. They both think that Dan is smart. Britney says that she thinks Danielle is smart but doesn’t like to talk about intelligent stuff. They both think Ashley is dumb. Ian says that Dan is intelligent but that I don’t think you will get to talk to him any time soon in the jury house. Britney says that Joe isn’t intelligent. Ian says that Joe is actually stupid. Britney says that she doesn’t think she can survive a week in the Jury house with just Ashley and says that that she has to have an intelligent conversation at least once a day. Britney says that she can’t have a conversation with her.
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Can’t wait to see Dani walk out the door and i hope it’s “Greatest Player in BB History” Dan who does it! She’s gonna get her heart broken again.
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Shane and Danielle are in the bathroom whispering. Danielle says that she is still angry about Dan’s funeral stunt. (danielle i think u will never ever forgot it till the day you leave this earth, IT’S A GAME , get over it already oy)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shane says that the only two people he would throw the HOH to would be her or Ian (wait a second here did i not see dans name???)
Shane says that he doesn’t trust throwing the competition to Dan. (well then shane i guess the next best thing would be to throw to dani. am i missing his point here or he really just mr american all braun no brains)
Shane talks about Jeff and Jordan and says that we should do what they did and try to strike a deal that keeps them safe as a couple if it’s an endurance competition. (wow for a second there i thought he would not come up with a clue, shane shane my man r u blind dan & dani, dani& dan come on guy even helen keller could see this one, either he is not thinking clearly or the 2Ds are going to be nominated for best actor and actress awards. I can see shane is going to be in real trouble when or if brit goes she did all his big thinking for him)
Shane tells Danielle that we can’t let Jenn or Joe win the HOH. Danielle says oh hell no! Dan comes in and joins them. Dan and Shane both talk about they would like to work with the quack pack again but they need to talk tomorrow. (quack pack turned into sitting ducks, and at the moment looking more like dead ducks.)
They talk about how they think it will be endurance tomorrow.
I want to scream endurance is what we bbfans have 24/7 I keep saying we need a score card or an etch a sketch to keep track who is in with whom, etc etc, stay tuned more to follow…………………….
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It would be a joy to see Dani the weeper go out that door. If there was a way for Brit to stay, the next couple weeks would be a lot more interesting. Ian’s move and then Dan’s big one made the whole kinda boring season worthwhile.
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Joe can’t win squat and never will but he could just coast to the end that way. It is so frustrating on this and on Survivor to listen to everyone say “(that person) is not a threat and we can get them out any time.” Only to watch that person make it all the way to the end and often win. DUH
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I still think the coaches were a bad call. these newbies ( house guest ) need to start thinking on their own. I missed it last night and I live in the country, no fast internet and cannot get live feeds, ( trees all around ) we went to church last night, someone please tell me what happened last night !!! I vote to evict Danielle, she is a PIA and being a nurse she knows what that means, I mean the girl is in heat and wants Shane so bad, he needs to tell her he’s not interested in her. I can’t help it, but I like Ian, I would like the final 3 to be Frank, Shane and Ian ~ in the end I would like a newbie to win the game.
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They are talking about the Power of Veto competition. Frank comments and says man Ian’s following Britney around like a f***ing puppy dog tonight.
(he truly must like brit maybe he looks to her like an older sister or someone to vent to)
They wonder if Danielle will voting Ian out next. Frank and Joe both think she is on board and say that they think Danielle could win HOH tomorrow.
(but first she will need to have cried herself out, put some tea bags and or cucumber slices on her eyelids, pull up her big girl panties and then she will be ready to go for it, and in my opinion she is a strong player she proved that with the ship comp, the only way i do not see her winning an endurance comp is if she is still crying a river)
They all agree that Ian has to go home next. (I wonder if was a written ballot or a hand up ballot)
Jenn leaves. Joe tells Frank that he is surprised that Britney just gave up. Frank says that it’s disappointing. Joe says you have got to try all the way to the end. Frank says that he would have been working his a** off.
Joe tells Frank that he CAN HAVE the big check he just wants the $50 G’s.
Frank laughs and tells him he likes that plan. Frank says let’s just say we get Ian out and you win the next HOH, you put Dan and Danielle up.
(Ah ha it begins seems like the ink is still dry on the contract dan and frank made what a day or so ago??)
Frank says that Danielle going home before Dan might not be the worst thing. Joe agrees. Frank says that these motherf***ers don’t know how to work!
(errr frank excuse me how come u were standing all alone, guess u r a bit short in the knowing how to work dept also)
Joe says pack a lunch were going to work! (Insert here pic of 7 dwarfs whistleing as they go off to work)
Frank says three weeks can you believe it?! They wonder how they will get rid of enough house guests for the finale at this rate. Frank says that he thinks there could be two weeks of fast Forwards coming. They talk about words they would use if it’s a spelling competition. Joe says Tenderloin and Thermodynamics. (Joe thinks “Thermodynamics” is an 18 letter word, so I don’t think he would spell it right if he tried as it is only 14 letters.) Frank says that his word is demonstration and comments that there are a lot of things he could do with it. (omg i am so tempted here to say what some of the other hgs would tell him what to do with it)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frank and Joe laugh about beating Ian in the spelling Veto with his own word. They talk about giving each other letters to win. Frank and Joe end their conversation and Frank heads up to the HOH room
(hey hey boys must i remind you the old saying’ THE BEST LAID PLANS OF MICE AND MEN)
ciao till later
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I vote to evict Danielle. I can’t believe I just said to evict her over Brittney of all people because I couldn’t wait for Brittney to get voted out in her season. But this year she seems to have more game and not just riding coat tails. She may not have won a lot of comps, but there has been a lot of game talk and deal making coming out of her mouth so I think she should stay. I like Danielle but I don’t see her winning so she needs to go. Followed by Joe and Jenn as soon as possible.
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I vote to evict Brit.
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Danielle and Jenn are whispering in the stereo room bed. Jenn says that Frank wants to take her all the way and says that she is the only one who hasn’t lied to him. (Hold on a sec am i crazy but did we not hear joe say to frank u can have the big check he will settle for the smaller one and frank said sonds good to him) (I want to burst out singing thieves, thieves tramps and thieves)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jenn says that she told Frank she wanted to bring Danielle with them and that Frank was cool with that. (duh of course he was cool with that he would take jack the ripper along as long as he gets first chair)
Jenn says that she is worried about Dan. Jenn says that she is also worried that Ian will win HOH this week. Jenn says she is Ian’s target and says that he pretty much admitted that to her this morning. (i am sure he said it many times before this morning)
They both agree to get out Ian this week. Danielle asks Jenn who she would put up. Jenn says Ian and Joe. They talk about how they need to win this HOH and how they think it will be endurance. Danielle heads into the kitchen where I am sure she will be looking for a low calorie snack such as potatoa chips, box of candy or large ice cream soda.
well guys guess that is it for now i am all graped stomped out my feet are purple from getting all the juicy tidbits
will do fly by later (or sooner if i get anything new to pass on)
hope i did not take up too much space guess i am making up for yesterday
ciao to all the newbies glad u could join us and ciao to all the regs
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Sorry but I have to go along with my friend Margie! Brit you need to go! …
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Britney needs to go
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Anyone know when they will air the BB Show? In NJ…I can’t find what time it will come on after the Football game? 🙁
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Bobo on the East coast BB will not at till 2:00 am.
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Will not air – sorry
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Betty did you say it’s not going to air at all? How about on the computer?
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I LOVEd seeing Jen make a big move!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love Britney’s snarky comments I really do… I don’t think Danielle has earned anything but neither has Britney.
I vote to evict …..
because I want to see how Ian and Shane change their gameplay with Britney gone.
I also think we’re in for some very entertaining backstabbing.
Who the heck will win HOH tonight?
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Love the grapevine MM…the reason I don’t want brit to leave is she is funny, her snide comment and all. I agree dan is playing a good game, I just don’t like the way he’s doing it. He could have got himself off the block without insulting and humiliating dani. Frank has shown poor sportsmanship and when someone tells everyone their the final 2 with him, it will come back to bite him. And what’s up with jenn telling dani that her and frank are going to the end and want her to tagalong. That is the dumbest thing. Now dani will run and tell shane ian and dan. So i see frank out next.
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@bobo, it dosnt come on the web till the next day, that’s how my daughter see it.
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Sorry Bobo, I’m in Utah…………………A long way away.
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Yes Bobo it will air, but not until 2:00 a.m.
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Bobo I remember one year that happened here in the Midwest and my recorder was broken, so I had t wait up till two o’clock!
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Bobo – In New York City (and NJ), tonight BB is being shown at its regular time – 9pm, but not on CBS – on WNYL – sister station to CBS. On Time-Warner it’s channel 55.
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Thanks for the info MM. Danielle seems to be covering all her angles, but I still think if she wins the next HOH she will put Frank and Jenn on the block. If she had a brain in her head she should throw the comp and see what happens, as she seems to be safe no matter who wins!!
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What is this world coming to, when football interups BB….
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I vote to evict Ian but seeing as that won’t happen I vote to evict Brit
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I want Britney to go home. She got mad at Dan for turning on her and said he was a bad person when she was already going to do the same thing to him with Frank. What a hypocrite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I vote to evict brunette blone DANIELLE!
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I just looked at our TV listings and BB is going to be an hour later because of the Republican convention. Really? Liars or liars? Hmmm, I prefer the BB liars. And before anyone gets all butt hurt and whines about the Democrats being worse. I don’t want to watch either one of them. Just sayin’
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I am ready for Brittany to go home. She flips more than a pancake. Bye bye Brittany.
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bye bye snowflake
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ok guys just great not only is bb going to be lateer coming on due to football so i guess maybe that means bbad will start later then normal
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------every nite bbad starts 11 to 2
thur 12-3
omg get my coffee pot ready now where did i put my no doze????
(sorry to all the men and some of the women here but NOT a football fan anyway)
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Joe and Frank are now awake. Frank collects his things in the HOH room and brings them down. (seems like joe and frank are joined at the hip)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Britney is awake and laying on the bathroom couch. Britney and Joe are talking about how close Dan and Frank are now. Joe says that my commitment is with you, and I don’t see why his isn’t. Britney says that he did say that I would vote him out.
(errr u think ?)
I have to clear that up with him, I drives me crazy to think that he thinks I said that.(excuse me but i am rofl at this remark)
It sucks to be up on the block with your friend. Britney says don’t forget if you don’t vote me out, he (Frank) won’t forget it …Whooa..
(and that you can take to the bank joe for sure for sure)
He can’t play for two HOH’s. Britney says here comes Frank to oversee our conversation. Frank joins them in the bathroom. Frank leaves.
Britney says that she will talk to Dan today. She says he even said that she was dead to him, why would he keep her (danielle for those of you that do not have a score card or etch a sketch) (poor brit she still cannot put it in her head they r a pair like ken and barbie, laverne & shirley, rachel and brandon)
Joe tells her to open up the conversation with you said she was dead to you, why would you keep her. Britney talks about how Danielle’s head isn’t in the game, she is too emotional.(wait danielle emotional what was the first clue)
Joe tells Britney he is willing to keep her, but that she needs to get the third vote. (and here we go again with the see saw joe is up for hoh choice to evict, now joe is down not to evict hoh choice)
Britney says getting Shane from her will be hard because her allegiance is with Shane. Britney says that she is close to Ian but that she doesn’t have a deal with him. (Ian at this moment cannot even help himself he is busy rite about now looking for either a life vest or a life boat)
Britney tells Joe that all we need to tell Shane is that we have Dans vote to keep me. (Oh my yes brit that is all it is going to take, sure and i have a lovely bridge i can sell u in arizona, just check out craigs list under the heading STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES
Joe and Britney head into the kitchen. All the other house guests are still sleeping. (I am sure they r dreaming of sugar plums dancing in their heads and each sugar plum is wearing a pov on a blue ribbon.
later guys, will do fly by
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i cant even watch tonighs show thsnks to cbs showung a preseason football gane and the republican convention her i newark we dnt get the cbs sistrer station. still hope that people get smart and voite out daniele how muchmore of her crying do we have to suffer.
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I vote to evict Danielle. Votes from us are pretty even on the poll. Of course we all know the producers are not thinking like us. lol
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i vote to evict Britney
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hpr56… Where are you in Utah? I’m a Utahn marooned just above a major swamp called Mobile Bay in Mobile, Alabama, missing my former house in Cottonwood Heights, Alta, Park City, Strawberry Reservoir, Lake Powell, etc., etc., etc. Ouch! Rebecca (Native Mobilian) just kicked me…
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I vote to evict Britney. She didn’t do anything on her first season and hasn’t this one. Big bro must have had slim pickins for coaches. Dan is in a whole new league in my book after the Weds episode.
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I vote to evict britany out. All the coaches need to go.
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Even though I can’t stand whiny Danielle, I vote to evict Brittany. I hope Ian is next.
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I vote to evict Brit
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I hope Danielle is evicted. Britney has actually been playing the game, what has Danielle done??? Not much of anything. She deserves to “POP A SQUAT AND LEAVE”!!!! You go Brit!!!
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Ok, now folks, you need to sit down for this one Joe tells Frank to come into the storage room with him for a second. Joe tells Frank that he will take her (Britney) out, I will vote her out, no doubt.( I think Joes been in my white lightin again) I will take out that entire side of the house. I will get you there. I will take out this other entire side of the house to get you to past the next couple week.(GO JOE, we all know how good you are at comps.) You have got my undying loyalty right now, alright. Mike Boogie style, alright. Frank says same here. Joe and Frank leave the storage room.
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I don’t see anything about a football game showing tonight here in Florida. My listings show BB at 7pm (central) then the Republicans are on at 8, I guess I better do some further checking.
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on afterdark ian and danielle are talking about how they are going to win the hoh i’m hoping that this is not the case. i don’t think i could take a week of either of them whining about frank and how terrible a person he is, frank
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------has been a target all season because he is such a strong competor. yes he’s a little brash, but he’s been strong enough to beat the house at every turn,
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in the ny area big brother will be on WLNY 10/55 AT 9PM chenck it out
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THANKS JAKE! Too bad in NJ the channel 55 is MTV2! Can’t seem to find the sister channel! Oh well guess I will have to miss the show. Betty said it will be on a 2am.. my cable guide does not show that, I think just in case I will just tape a few hours after 1:30 am to about 2:3o 😆 Who knows I may be awake or not!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am sure you all will give me the blow by blow on this this great Blog! See you all later Taking the wife out to dinner, bye for now……
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I know Brit is going home, but I sooooooo wish it was Danielle. I’m so sick of her an her whining, an crying about everything! I hate that she knows she’s staying an is all happy go lucky! This is one time I actually wanted her to fall apart an freak out! Maybe to the point of walking out the door. She HAS to be the center of attention an always asks ppl questions about her game. She wants ppl to tell her she’s this great player. She won an HOH an “dominated” the endurance comps (even tho she’s only won 1 of them. Oh, I’ve been 2nd blah blah blah blah. Danielle just makes me sick!!!! I hope she goes next week.
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PK, I’m in Salt Lake City. Been here for many years. In the same house in the Rose Park area (not really Rose Park though) for 34 years.
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My vote has nothing to do with gameplay. I just can’t take Danielle anymore. At least Brit is funny. Can you imagine how annoying Danielle is going to be. With Brit gone she will have the attention of Jenn (her flirtmance) and lapping it up all while complaining none of the guys are paying attention to her. Shane is gonna be full force in the game, Frank is cattier than Brit but not funny at all, Ian will be mourning Brit, Joe will be doing a cooking show, and Dan will be playing the game. While the whole time Dani is sobbing into Jenn’s arms. I can’t. I just can’t. It makes me cringe to think of all the whhhhhhhhhhy meeeeeeeee’s.
For medical reasons I vote to Evict Danielle for the sake of my Eardrums.
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Shane remark: By fullforce I mean Competition wise not Strategy wise.
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From another source: Shane and Joe are now considering switching their vote and keep Brit in the house. They are too worried that Dan and Dani are working together and their bond can’t be broken. Shane also said that keeping her means he goes on the block against her.
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I vote to evict Danielle, “I know she is not going anywhere” but I am still voting her OUT!
I can’t believe he pulled this off! Wow, I tip my hat to Dan!
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I vote to evict….the hypochondriac!!!! OMG…that girl has more ailments than I can even imagine. Today it was …I hope the HOH comp doesn’t involve running…I have ovarian cysts!!! Maybe if she would stop looking in the mirror so often, she wouldn’t find anything wrong! Oh…and they threw “toxic” paint at her??? Really???? BB would use toxic paint in a comp? So tired of her constant crying (most of it phony for sympathy and attention) and her self-centered behaviour. She is so sure she is staying (maybe rightfully so) that she didn’t even ask anyone for votes. It would really be funny if Brit got to stay! At least she campaigned…better late than never.
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Dan and Danielle are in the arcade room talking. Dan tells Danielle that Britney is campaigning against her, she said that you are smart, and are going to win a lot of competitions. All reasons to vote you out.(who would have thunk it )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle says I can’t believe she just lied to me. (and she did brit told her i am not campagning against you. LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE)
Danielle tells Dan that Shane isn’t coming after him. Dan tells Danielle that she is getting good at this game. Dan asks what he should say to Shane. Danielle tells him to make a final 3 deal with him.
Danielle says that Shane won’t let me leave, he protects me.(and out comes sybil once again dani’s other personality)
Dan says that he will tell Shane that he made up with Danielle and apologized to her. Dan asks why does Shane want Frank out now?
Danielle says because Frank has been hitting on me. He kissed me on the forehead and Shane was fuming!( fuming fuming maybe he was hot, sweaty and in need of water after doing exercise, but fuming i think NOT)
has anyone taken count of how many times the ball is being thrown and to whom? i need to go get my score card and etch a sketch, i wonder if prod will issue them all hip boots soon they will be needed
thats all for now folks,
ciao till later
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@Jane….Yup!! What you said!!LOL (#97!!)
I vote to evict the whiny,self-centered,lyingtohersupposedBFF,complainingthatI’mfatbutalwayshavesomthinginmymouth Danielle!!!!! Go hang with Ashley. She never talks so you get to do it all!! She can be your new BFF cuz Brit sure won’t when she sees what you DID to her!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Plus I don’t think I can stand the next few weeks without Brit!! You GO girl!!!!
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@Jane, meeeeee toooooo, I couldn’t agree more with you about Danielle. OMG, she’s the biggest self-centered. egotistical hypochondriac with narcissistic tendencies I have ever seen. To quote Star, “YUP, what you said” in #97!!! 😀
@mm, you the bomb girl! Thank you! I still don’t know who’s doing what to whom and Dan is probably the only one who knows. 😆
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BB not on until 2:00 here in Atlanta too. OMG
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I am back from dinner! Hi all………….. 🙂
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Bobo: You can try this video link on your computer. It’s from Canada (Justin TV). Was lagging a bit two episodes back but worked OK last one. If if sticks, try refreshing your computer. Airs at 9 pm ET.
I vote to evict that carrot costume. It makes me fell smarmy justwatching him wear it. Enjoy the show all.
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MM – omg – frank is hitting on her like hitler hit on me last week – geez this girl…
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I vote to evict Danielle, I think she’s the better competitor, but don’t want Dan having anymore power, I like Brit this season, too bad sorry to see her go
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I vote to evict PK
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i am sitting here rofl while ian and frank go head to head
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------well if ian is looking for sympathy from frank the only place he is going to find it is in the dicionary between shit and syphllis
back to the program later
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Well, I guess some people are getting to watch the show on time. I tried the link K11 put up but it was dragging so badly I think most of the east coast must be there watching. 😀
Just hate that it is screwing up BB tonight.
It comes on here at 12 midnight so it’s not that far away. In the meantime I get to see my football.
In case anyone wants to know these are the scores for the teams I can see.
(as of 4 minutes ago)
14 ATL
24 JAC
10 NYJ
28 PHI
24 MIN
28 HOU
6 NO
10 TEN
ANYWAY…I vote to evict Dani!! But I’m afraid Brit is going. Keep us posted Mama ok??
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Hey…where do I go to vote for Little Bit for president? I got the e-mail from Mike but it had nowhere to vote. 🙁
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@CYN, your vote has been noted,she now has 4, she is a sleep right now, she had a big day trying to get votes she is only 6wks. old so she needs her rest. her name is little-one, wont come to nothing else, I have tried. well back to watching BB.
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Brit out 4-1
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SORRY I MEANT LITTLE ONE……not Little Bit…Little Bit is my brother’s dog. 😀
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Awwwwwwwww….shit! I bet Ian was the only one who voted for her huh?? I hope they all get what they deserve!!
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Be back later…..going to play games for awhile. 😀
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@MIKE She’s totally beautiful Mike. Look at those soulful eyes!! Just adorable!!!!
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Yes Ian was the only one, fat assed looks like he is ready to fall and its been 3min. they are standing on a small plate and holding on to a rope while they go around and around ,Joe dont fell off and now Jen surprise, surprise
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I meant Joe&Jen both fell off.
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Damn….trivia up right now. The way they are dropping, it may be over before the feeds come up. Come on LF’s give people what they paid for.
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@ Cyn…. 😥 You forgot to mention my home boys….
St. Louis Rams …31
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Balt. Ravens … 17
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good show tonite, hi cyn, mike and fran
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------yes i saw joe then jen
now please someoe correct me if i am wrong rite before the show ended the hgs werehit by something and it looked like who ever was behind ian got hit harder looked like ian hit the object in such a way that when it came back the next person got hit full force was i seeing it wrong???
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Feeds are back and the others are still hanging on…..
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Sorry MM, I didn’t notice that. Howdy MM…how’s it going my dear?
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@Frannie Sorry babe…can’t see that one here. Have to go to NFL site for that. I didn’t post Green Bay’s score either …out of respect for JT!! 😀 Still waiting for the outcome of Vikings game.
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doing ok ms fran i left about words to be done will complete later
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------mike how is weather? we keep hearig big storm on way so far nothing we need the rain
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@ Cyn….JT hates GB. I am sure you know that though, right?
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@ Cyn… I am watching Vikes.. still 28-24 .. 2 min warning
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She knows! LOL ..that’s why she didn’t post score.
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@ MM…I can’t watch the feeds and play words at the same time. It gets very noisy each time it’s my turn. I will have to send them back in the morning. Glad you’re doing ok.
Thanks for all the updates you post here. It makes for good reading. You’re a hoot, gf! 🙂
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@MM, nothing here it rained 2 min.
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Mama Margie, yes, I noticed that too. He got a soft little hit and then the next person got whacked hard.
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WAZZUP Mike? They are still calling for significant rainfall here. They say it should start around noon tomorrow. Take care of the puppies….
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Hey… that reminds me of when they did the swings on BB11.. the “diploma” would smack them!! And Chima always got the worst of it… she did a barrel roll a couple times. 😆
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I hope Ian can hang in there!
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And then there were 3
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I forgot about that JT….that’s right.
Hi Keri…. 🙂
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Dani’s DOWN!!!!!!!WOOHOO!
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Shane and Ian are the only ones left.
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the Best part of the Live show was the Brigade scene…it was so great watching them again talking bout Britney…Hayden changed his hairdo, he looks better now and more mature…and couldnt get enough of my baby the Meow Meow, lol…..☺….
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Did anyone else catch that next thursday is a double eviction? I just read that somewhere else and was wondering if I missed it at the end of the show when my cable went out momentarily.
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@KeriJ, I hope he can too, if he wants Dani to fall yell are you getting FAT, she will drop an run to a mirror.
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Dammit man…sorry JT. 4 lousy points!! BUT there’s always next week. 😀
Who’s still hanging on??
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Shane and Ian are left
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And Hey everybody..lol Just got here and was reading abit when Dani lost it…..hehehhee<~~~~Evil laugh!!
OMG!! Dan's down too??????
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Production must be pulling a quick one….all was going good and now we have those damn fish again.
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OH NO….Ian is gonna win this comp….Booooooo…..what a waste of endurance, only 30 mins in and only 2 are left…. 🙁
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Geeeeezzzzzzz…I hate trying to post on endurance nites! That took like 3 minutes to send!!!
Anyone but ME thing Danny Boy threw this one???? He doesn;t want people working on him to put up Frank since he IS working WITH Frank!!!!
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OH GOD!! SHANE & IAN! IAN BETTER HOLD ON TIGHT or he’ll be gone next week. Double eviction?? WTF?
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oh dear…Ian just said that he’s rubbing one out tonite….YUCK !!!!!!!
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I want Ian to win, can we all say marjor a$$ kissing this week
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Hoh8….that’s nasty! Wonder what his mom thinks of hearing him talk about that. lol
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Nite all… keep us posted 😀
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Ian may say it , but Joe does it every night
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@ Star…I am having the same problem. I hit submit and the little circle thingy keeps going around. What a P.I.T.A.
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hey jt how goes it, did u get to see bb?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cyn good job giving scores my hubby is a dallas cowboy fan and son in law loves the packers gets pretty loud here at football time lol
fran we can catch up on words tomorrow i have girls day out with sis in law will do upon return and u r welcome for the posts i try to make it fun to read and i sometimes think they r too long so most of the bloggers just skip
mike so bad here with water we were told to conserve they r talkig about having restauants not to serve water customer has to ask if they get caught they are talking about turning the water off in the restauant i heard this at breakafast out the other day not sure if true or not
M&M txs u did notice to ian stuck his feet into the object pushed it away from him hard so it woul hit the next person real hard, he is smart
and yes jt i do recall the diploma
will be back later ciao
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HoH8..Didn’t hear that..and glad I didn;t!!lol Maye he meant a charlie horse in his leg?????? 😆
I’m sorry…..Shane is just too DUH for words!!!!!!! Could any 2 polar opposites be up there togetehr??LOL
Notice only the QP managed to hang in there??? WTF was Dan thinking turning on them?? They could ahve all gone to the end together!! Good luck with what’s left,Dan!!!
That sun is so weird looking. WHo made this..local 3rd graders??LOL I keep waiting for it to explode or spit something out!!!!
And WHY all the FISHIES?????
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@Fran…..same here!!!!
Nite JT and MM!!!!!
SO no one else thingksd Dan threw this but me????
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LMAO @ STRA!!! Charlie horse. 😀 😀
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Nite JT & MM.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stra he probably did but that’s his own stupidity.
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@STAR, I think he did
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I didn’t see Dan fall….I was multi-tasking at the time. 😉
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Shane wont last for sure so it looks like Ian win…..so who he wants out?…duh, everyone…all 4 that voted his brit out….but Frank is gonna be on the block for sure so look for another POV win for Frank again……maybe Joe will go then if Frank pulls himself off……cant wait for the DOUBLE EVICTION again next week……
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Are the fish still on? Does either one of them look like they are having trouble staying up there?
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Glad someone caught that Cyn!!lol
glad ypu are with me on this Mike!
fran..I didn’t SEE it eitehr! At the time Ijust ahd the LFs on my iPhone..too small! Now it’s on BOTH my puter and cell….lol
But it’s just Dan;s MO. too much heat on him this week. He didn;t want more! Wants the attn off him now!!!!
So…..who’s gonna win this?????
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want Ian to. He had a crappy HOH and I want him to avenge Brit!!!!!
GO IAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Shane is having a rough time and Ian looks comfy!
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the reason for all the FISHES…is cause Production keeps talking to them and they have to cut the feeds everytime they talk…..
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HoH8..didn’t know about the DE next week! Where’d I miss that????
Both guys look comfy. And Ian is giving everyone an education on all the planets and their rings and what thery are composed of..lol
BB IS yelling for soemone to stop singing!!! RESLLY?? During a COMP????? CHILL the F out,BB!!!! 😆
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Ian thinking about putting Shane up? He better think about it more. Apparently (via Twitter) Dan and Frank didn’t care about winning and were more concerned with next week’s HoH. Who knows.
Seems like an NFL scoreboard broke out here! On the first night of college football? Where the games actually count? Well the Bears and Steelers both won (I think) so I’m cool with that but I am immersed in the college games. Anyway…
BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Missed tonight’s episode, or want to watch it again? Here you go – http://tinyurl.com/8r66njx #BB14
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Signing off for the night….I will check this in the morning to see who wins HOH. Enjoy guys!
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Yeah Ian’s HOH was in the storage room. That bites. But don’t you know if he wins this….Dan is going to be all up his butt throwing Frank under the bus!!!!
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Shane and Ian are still in it..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shane: “You going to put me up?”
Ian: “I’m thinking”
Shane laughs: “You THINKING about it?”
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Nite Frannie. Stay sweet & be safe.
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OMG! Does Dan have an actual spine?? He’s laying down already..his natural position unless he has to pee or compete…lol
HoH8…do you minmd if I ask whether you are male or female?? Your name doesn’t tell and I guess I haven’t ever gotten any HINTS..not that it matters!! Justacurious!!;)
And I wish production would BACK OFF!!!! REALITY>..remember?????lol
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Nite Frannie!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kev11..tht doesn’t surprise me at all about frank and Dan. You fall off that fast and either you are fat, clutzy or don’t want the HOH!!!!
What is that stuff falling on them supposed tp be anyway?? Meteor shower??? lol
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@K11> Oh yeah the Bears & the Steelers both won. Sorry for the scoreboard. 😀 Got to have my NFL though. Thanks for the link too. After I get to see it tonight…I’ll probably watch it again tomorrow. 😀
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OOPS!! Forgot to /B 😀
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@Star…well thank u for asking…i was wondering when someone was gonna ask me….being that in this site everyone knows everyone’s mother and cousin, y’all are so personal….i’ve always kept my name HoH8 for the last 7 yrs the same to keep my private life away from the Net….but just for you girlfriend, yup, im a full grown woman….so we can start with the girly talk any time, lol….☺….
btw, the DE was anounced by Julie in the Live show at the end……
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O-M-G!! Just went to another site & saw that thing their calling a “comet.” THAT IS SOOOOOOOOOOO FOUL looking!! It certainly shouldn’t be used to hit people with. LMFAO
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Stay on there Ian!!!
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GO IAN, I want to see the HGS sweat this week
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DANG!! Hey Bloggergal. How’s it going? Doesn’t it suck having to wait so late to watch the show? I’m in NE Fla & this really bites. I want Ian to stay on & win too. I want to see them all kissing butt this week. 😀
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@star and @starfish.. gag me with a spoon:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(HOH comp)
Shane: This comp would have been perfect for Brit
Ian: yeah it would
Dani looks at Shane starts to Whine
Shane: (cuts her off) you too!
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OK I’ve REALLY got to go this time. I got some things to do before the show comes on. Be back later to see who wins. GOOOOOOOO IAN!!!
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@HoH8…..YW!!LOL but I almost didn;t cuz I thought it was RUDE!!!!lol 7 years?? really?? So you have been here all along with us!!!
i don’t think I’m that open really..I try to mostl;y talk game. People know I’m married and from Mich..that’s about it!!!! Well, unless on FB and then not ALOT more..lol Your comments seemed more in depth so that made me think you were a woman. But the football icon kinda threw me…lol
I was doing dishes at the end of the program as we have company this week!!! So I missed that! And not that i didn’t beleive you but its been confirmed on a blog on FB too!!! I am hiding out now in another room trying to keep up with til the end!! But anyway..glad to know ya GURL!!!! 😉
Hey Bloggergal!!! Where’s my PRIZE????LOL
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If Ian wins he wont put Frank or Dan on the block, he will wait and see How POV plays out first, he last HOH he didnt want to put up Frank but the others told him to, and then Frank won POV & HOH
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@jane…why did SF and I make u GAG?????lol
later cyn!!!
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@ star You speak my thoughts. : ) I noticed the quack pack were the only ones left at one point, and I figured this was a comp. Ian could win plus he has the resolve of revenge. I don’t get why Dan would want to throw the comp. does he feel he’s that safe? And Shane deserves to fear being put up because I’m sure Ian is ticked that Shane didn’t vote for Brit to stay. Reason to treason as mm says. Anyway I’m now all for Ian winning the whole shebang. I hope he wins HOH first so he can feel the power for a week. : ) No matter whom he puts up or how the POV shakes out, someone who turned on Brit will go. I’m going to miss that entertaining doll. I couldn’t help but notice that Jenn, who crawled out of the woodwork only a few days ago, was the second to fall and proceeded to crawl off to hide again. DE make me nervous. Dan’s the only coach left. Someone should point that out to the hg!
Issac has brought rain our way and some have lost power, but my little neck of the woods is ok. The weather people are tracking every little raindrop. I hope those on the coast and who have had to endure the full force of the storm are safe and dry and made it through another one.
Now I’m off to watch Project Runway and will be back later.
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Star lol!! the conversation made me gag…really….he has to.stop and stroke her ego during a comp???? really?
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At the end of the show Julie stated that next week is double eviction!!!
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OMG!! Ian won! And my puter froze up and I was offline!!! CRAP!LOL
TG for my iPhone..lol
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@Star…so sorry..i really didnt mean to be rude….i just dont like talking bout my private life in the open places in the net…so i hope u and the others didnt take offence…..but im from good old NYC and a mother of 3 grown children with 4 grandchilden…who are all trying their best to stay away from me cause on 4th of July i got them all together and told them to leave me alone for the summer, lol……they know me already that i tell them that every summer…. cause they know i watch BB 24 hrs a day…so thats a little bit of myself…☺…
btw…i been talking in many forums and chat rooms for 7 years now but never here, i always knew bout this site but never got into talking till this year…☺…
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woo hoo,going to bed now
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Going to bed Isaac is knocking at the door, we need the rain
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@Patricia…GMTA!!!lol tht is waht I was SAYING!! Frank couldn’;t and can’t playin HOH for 2 weeks.. and Joe and Jenn are worthless!!!!! Jenn got lucky and now she thingks she;s all tht! She’s a worthless floater..ditto Joe! So WTH is Dan thinking??? Alot better chance with the QP!!!!!
@HoH8……I didn’t thinkI had seen you here before this year…was that a trick???LOL ALot of us have been together since this blog started. And ther eis a blog within the blog after BB isover so a few got to know each other very well! AND most go to Bloggerglas Survivor blog too. We tend to not like change here…lol Happy to have ya tho..esp. since you almost got myTITLE>..which so far has produced nothint else..lol Are you on FB????Love to friend ya!!!;) I’m under Star Ritter.
Niters Mike./ Sweet dreams!!!
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@HoH8….Sorry for all the typos but….I’m multi-tasking and well…that’s why they call me STRA!!!! 😛
BTW..that is Bloggergal’s Survivor Blog….. sorry Carolyn!!!!lol
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i guess they wanted Ian winning this HOH, that comp was made for a smaller person to win this and he was the smallest. sorry to see shane did not get this
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oh so glad Ian won !!! he needs to get Dan and Frank out since it’s a double eviction, Dan needs to go first !!! eewwwwwwww a newbie house guest needs to win ~ hope Ian get’s it all !!!
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bb on 10pm Cali time
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Isn’t this a bitch?? I know who is HOH before I SEE who gets evicted!! Well nothing new there really BUT….with all the late showings….it’s still not on here…..this is really messed up!! Guess it will be on soon though. I’m glad Ian won. Maybe now he can have a decent HOH for his “experience.” 😀 Plus it would be a bonus if he could burn Dan’s ass in the process. Just saying!! 😀 I’m out of here for the night.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PEACE & HUGE HUGS TO ALL,
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Although I watched BB on the East coast feed, we get it at 1:37 am here in Sin City! May watch it again with BBAD (Picture-in-picture). Overdosing on college football and Big Brother today. And I loved the scoreboard, no need to apologize for anything on this blog. Like touting Stanford (-23 1/2) to cover the spread tomorrow night against San Jose State. 😉
Once again, the HoH comp didn’t last long enough to make BBAD. That’s two, maybe three times. I honestly think The Powers That Be know about how long these things will go, start them live on the prime-time show to get people who don’t have Live feeds to try to buy them now or in the future. So greedy with the LF promos (you should see Twitter, or just look at the end of each post here) to see it’s gotten out of hand. All about money. Money, money, money. And justanother reason the show’s not the same as it once was. But is anything?
Also, to anyone wondering why some of us jam all the words together after using the word ‘just,’ it’s sort of a goofy homage to JT who was once named ‘justaguy’ here (aka The Man On The Bathroom Door for his generic icon). So we’re not crazy. 😉 Well, maybe we are. Yeah, the more I think of it we are.
And that meteor looked like a giant hemorrhoid to me. Amazing how Dan to sell how hurt he is after things (solitary confinement, tonight). Some football coach. I’m over twice his age, use a cane sometimes, also suffer from nerve damage, have ruptured L3 and L4 discs in my spinal cord and I swear I could do better than he does on these comps. Sorry, not a Dan fan. Hope Ian gets either Dan or Jenn out next and that he and Frank can talk it out.
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@Star…LOL, Stra…now i know why everyone calls u that, lol…..this site has a Forun section that i was gonna join but then i saw this front part and decided to stay here but the Forum is run by 2 girls that i used to Chat with on BB7 then i lost them and i found them here,..”peachie” and “ynkefn”…but that Forum died in July…so idk what happened…..
good to see y’all get together for Survivor, im a Huge S Fan so i’ll prolly see u there when the season starts up…..the reason for the football avatar is cause i grew up a big Sports fan with my 2 brothers and raising my 2 sons…i know more bout sports then they do, lol…and plus the avatar is with my “Pollo”(cutiepie) Victor Cruz from the NY Giants…..
sorry bout FB..im not into all that social stuff in the Net, i dont tweet nor do FB…..hey but im glad the “TITLE” went to u cause ur a “regular” here and it would’nt been good for a newbie to get it…..i think thats why u beat me by 30 seconds, lol….production, lol…..☺….
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@Cynthia: I posted the link to tonight’s show upthread (#172) if you want to watch it on your computer.
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I’m so happy Ian won!!! Now he has a week to make an aliance that doesn’t include Dan or Frank…or Jenn. I would love to see Brit’s face if Dan walks in next week. heehee
@HoH8 This is my first year on this blog also. Great people. Kind of a far flung family! I understand the apprehension of giving out information, but you don’t have to worry. Wea re mostly interested in BBdish. : )
@stra I think the deadline for your prize has been met so you should be expecting your booty to arrive any day. Let us know when it’s in your hot little hands. Then you can start writting those Thank You notes. heehee Just kidding.
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@Kevin11 Loved the hemorrhoid comment. I guess that thing would be a real assteroid! heehee I wouldn’t mind a F2 with Frank and Ian except for one reason…I don’t think Frank plays the game. I like Frank but he just wins comps. Ian and Dan have made the biggest game moves in the house, but Dan left a trail of destruction.
Unfortunately Danielle will follow Shane and Dan around and expect one of them to take her to F2 because she’s a nice person and they like her so much. I don’t think she’ll give a thought to Brit now that she’s gone unless it’s an excuse to shed more tears.
@HoH8 Not to worry. it doesn’t take long to become familiar with star speak. : ) I admire Star for just typing and sending and not waste time trying to clean up the text. Gosh, then she’d never post, and we’d miss out on so much!
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@HoH8..you are too funny…and fit in here So well..poor you…lol
A few years ago we ahd a very late nite crowd jhere and we used to talk and talk till all hours! I am OBVI not the wolrd’s greatest typer but I at least usually try to correct before I send! But we’d get talking in convo so fast I didn’t bother. I started calling myself Stra because of all the typos and it just stuck!!! lol ALso JT called me SGH (SisterGoldenHair) and I got Dorothy from a Wizard of Oz bit we did. Had to be there..lol
I remember going tothe forum and seeing those names. Haven’t been there in a long time tho. Never really figured out how to use it. We like things simple here..lol Could be why it shut down. And I know SQUAT about football except that my hubby watches way more of it than I wish he did..lol
@Patricia….BELEIVE me i KNOW How to write Thank you notes!!!! Was not allowed to even leave the kitchen table on Dec26th until all mine were written!!!lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m kinda rooting for Ian right now too. Frank is at a definite disadvantage with not being able to pay for HOH and a DE coming up!!! I would like to see a newbie win it! I have been eavesdroping on the house since the comp tho and it;s kinda borimng. Miss Brit already!!!! WAH….YAWN….lol
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@Patricia…Uh….Thanks..I think..lol Was that what they call a backhanded compliment???? 😉 I realy Do try to clean them up but it takes so long …so I send and then see the disaster..lol Oh well..they haven’t kicked me off..yet!! I was actually an English major!!!!! I am so dislexic when I type but not when I read or write!!! I nveer had a typing class tho cuz back in the day, unless you were going to be a *secretary* you didn’t take a typing class!!! I got away in college by hand writing most papers or getting soemone else to type for me. Can you imagne me sitting there with my lil portable typwriter and that stupid eraser that made holes in the paper and actually handing that IN???? lol So weird that typing is a way of life for 99% of people what with computers and texting!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ok..way off subject…….SORRY BB FANS!! lol
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@stra No, no, no. that was a full-on compliment. I’m so OCD, I usually proof everything I write and I know what a hassle that is. Depressing almost. Or most. Because you type and send freely, I feel like I can too and won’t be judged. I ADMIRE for not succumbing to the perfection trap. My mom insisted I write TY notes too. I;f I dragged my feet she’d say then she would write one and tell them I didn’t like the gift, don;t send me anything else and I didn’t really like them either. Yikes. And people wonder why I’m the way I am. : )
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There is a neat little way to edit quickly when you write long posts! Use MS Word to compose your comment. This allows you to spell check, go back and reference a comment you want to reply to AND if the comment goes into cyberlimbo you don’t have to rewrite it! 😀
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@Jane, that stumped me too until I went back reread it. Thanks Stra for asking, it helped. 😆
@HoH8, I for some reason always thought you were a female. Are you sure you weren’t here last year? Love your posts too.
@k11, thanks for all you links, pictures and especially your hilarity! You crack me up sometimes. I had the L3, L4 problem and had surgery, now just fine.
@Patricia, really enjoy the back and forth you have with our star, the winner of 50,000 posts. She’s a busy girl for sure. She’s kept us in the know for years now. We used to have some late nighters on this blog way back since this blog started. I didn’t post until the second year of this blog though. I just don’t have live feeds now so I rely on all of you.
I’m thrilled Ian won. Thanks for that spoiler. Love spoilers. I feel sorry for Brit having to spend a week with Ashley as someone mentioned above. Last year many of us wanted to see more of the jury house but it didn’t happen. I hope they show us more this year. Would love to see Dan or Frank walk in next. Nite all.
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Thank You Kevin11 ❗ That link was great, got to watch BB before falling asleep……….. BBAD is on now ,see you soon my friend 🙂

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Oh Aggie, they keep telling us that the entire show is planned ahead of time including the comps. Do we believe them?
Thank you notes were a must in my growing up years too. I was able to instill that nice touch in my daughter but not my son. Oh well, we have to pick our battles with our kids.
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Hey Bobo. Now I’ll say nite all again. 😀
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Since Brit’s gone I guess I will have to be the snarky mean girl. Ian pleaz get rid of Frank. I don’t want to look at him anymore. DON’T get me started with Frank… he makes me wanna hurl he’s just nasty and needs to cut that 70’s Van doren Off the Wall haircut. Looking like Carrot Top and Shawn White had a freaking baby…Ew
I’m sorry I’m really a nice person. he is just annoying
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Goodnight Starfish ♥
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@jane…u crack me up
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------im so happy ian won. Now he needs to backdoor dan or frank
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@tomi I can get pretty mouthy I was relentless on Roachel during her and Brits season. I tried to hold back a little. it after awhile I didn’t want to.make Ted cry. He loved the drunken Vegas slore.
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@lovestoshootpics Great idea. Now if I can only make myself not to lazy to open MW. : ) Thanks!
@ starfish thanks to you too. I consider myself fortunate to havve been absorbed into this blog. Ha. Never thought but my brother hardly says thank you much less writes a TY note so my mom must have picked her battles too1 : )
@bobo I’m waiting to hear you say you’re feeling better.
@K11 You and Jane keep me chuckling. thanks from me too
Nite everyone
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@Patricia….Alrighty then…TYVM…..lol It really IS depressing trying to go back and correct everything by hand! I don’t know what your jobs entailed but I do not think I could sit and edit all day like you and starfish did!!! I really am kind of a laid-back perectionist …lol You have to choose your priorities and let the rest go..lol
@Sal..thanks for the hint. But I haven’t used MS word much or for so long I think it would take me forever to get a post on here! And usually, timing is everything..lol But thanks, I will check it out!! 😉
@Starfish..we go WAY back GF!! 🙂 And I have only had the LFS for 2 1/2 dseasons. 3 years ago I got tem like in Aug for cheap to try. Then have had the last 2 years. Before that I just scurried around the net and tried to get info fast! Lots of times I DID get it in before the LFers..lol I am not home much during the day or if I am I haven’t got time to sit on the puter, so I didn’t used to used them much..except for comps. Now that I have my iPhone and it’ss portable i can watch them everywhere and really use them this year! LFs…don’t leave home without them!!lol
Feel sorry for Brit too. She said the other day tht she needed to ahe at least ONE intellectual convo a day. GOOD luck in the Jury House with Ashley, Brit!!lol Poor thing! I hope she gets alot of books and movies!! Maybe she and Ash can spray tan each other!!lol
@Jane….LMFAO!!! You really need to do standup girl!!!! I really did LOL!!!! And you can be nie and snarky..lol Brit reminds me of ME when I was her age…except for the Southern accent and being married thing…lol I was always sarcastic and kind of like a younger version of Joan Rivers! So I identified….and laughed !! Did you hear Dani turning on her already telling Jenn Brit was getting nasty and making the house uncomfortable at the end?? Some BFF!!! UGH! Can’t stand that girl!!!! Be nice if she and frank both went up next!! 😉
Nite Starfish and BOBO!!!! 😉
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@ Starfish
No Not really, alot of those comps favor certain people and this one was made for Ian, the bigger burly or heavier person isn’t going to do well, so Ian of course won this, I thought he would, too bad about shane, he almost made it, they were up there almost an hour and a half.
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@Sal: Very good advice there.
@Bobo: My pleasure brother. That’s a good link to bookmark, especially for those in the Midwest and East. I saw your post yesterday about Fibromyalgia (spelling?). I too suffer from that (like having your funny bone being hit constantly). I took Lyrica for three years and although it made me dizzy and ornery and made my eyesight blurry and feet swell, it worked. Not taking it now but with my physical problems I agree with your pain meds comment. Thank god for them. I cut a Lortab into eighths and take a little piece daily and can do everything I could before and actually feel I write better and get more done when not fighting the pain. Getting old surely ain’t for the weak of heart.
@Starfish: Glad your surgery helped. I prolly should have had it but was scared and never got a lawyer of filed a suit against the newspaper I worked for when I suffered my injury (Writing a story about a Make-A-Wish little girl with a heart transplant of all things on a ride in the desert on one of those crazy desert vehicles. Huge mistake on my part but I figured if she could do the ride, my strong ass could. Have never been the same but doing better last year and have felt good two straight weeks).
@Stra, @Patricia, @ tomi, @Jane, @Patricia, @HoH8: You all rock. It’s that simple. Always amazed at how cool everyone is here and it goes to show you can meet great people in the most unexpected places. I’m not a big computer guy but have improved my tech savvy because of my stint here on BB11 and especially this year. My computer back then was run by two drunk gerbils in the back so it’s nice to have a ‘real’ computer now. Big respect to my best friend Eric for giving me this tool to communicate with y’all. BBAD in two minutes. Absolutely love you all.
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@ K11
Hi Kevin, were you surprised when Ian won HOH? When I saw that Comp, I thought it was tailor made for him and sure enough he did win
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Kev11…luvu2!!! <3
Whatever happened to the 2 drunk gerbils,BTW??Lol
Sorry to hear about all your painfuil probs. I guess I can't complain. Just recently been limping due to bone spurs, have a lil high cholesteral and highBP and just general aches and pains but nothing compared to what ypu and BoBo go thru! And yes..getting old SUCKS! I feel mentally young but the body turns on ya!!!lol
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1-BB13’s Adam saw Shelley voted for Rachel, knew she won and then said he was throwing his vote to fellow newbie Porsche. (RTVzone, ED interview)
2-BB13 was actually won in the Jury House when Shelley repaired her relationship with Jeff and Jordan and decided to vote with them for Rachel, who won by a 4-3 vote. (RTVzone, ED exit interview with Shelley)
3- BB12’s 14th HG, Paolo Aviles, backed out in Sequester.
4-BB4’s Michelle was the youngest-ever HG at 19.
5-Josh saved dog Chiquita from drowning on live TV (BB1)
(May have to cut-and-paste into your browser)
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@aggie27: You’re spot on. You know stuff is tailor made for who they want to win (sometimes) and they know Ian is liked by many, very young, and underdog and who better to go after the Big Bad Wolves Frank and Dan than him. It has become fairly predictable (Evel Dick actually predicted Ian would win) and one of the reason hard-core fans like us have become jaded. I like it though (Ian’s HoH) as I wouldn’t want to see Frank and Dan run the table and maybe that’s what production is thinking too. I guess it is justarealityTVshow and we may be expecting too much but most here, on the Internet and Twitter are all on the same page. Also, with tonight’s #punish vote, I saw 0 vote for #reward on Twitter and about 32 say #punish. So I am again skeptical about CBS’s 51% vote number. 32-0? C’mon…
@Stra: Don’t worry about my pain or problems. Others have more serious issues and I’m one tough MF. I was born in a stairwell (Andrews AFB), went into a Chevy and then a taxi before having my umbilical cord cut in Suitland, Maryland then an incubator. Also fractured skull twice by age 5. I just won’t die. Take care of yourself and send your peace and positive energy to you know who. Just thought of a great Charrles Bukowski poem I need to drop in here that fits this tone. I think many will love it. Now retrieving…
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Thye History Of One Tough Mother-Fucker
By Charles Bukowski
he came to the door one night wet thin beaten and
a white cross-eyed tailless cat
I took him in and fed him and he stayed
grew to trust me until a friend drove up the driveway
and ran him over
I took what was left to a vet who said,”not much
chance…give him these pills…his backbone
is crushed, but is was crushed before and somehow
mended, if he lives he’ll never walk, look at
these x-rays, he’s been shot, look here, the pellets
are still there…also, he once had a tail, somebody
cut it off…”
I took the cat back, it was a hot summer, one of the
hottest in decades, I put him on the bathroom
floor, gave him water and pills, he wouldn’t eat, he
wouldn’t touch the water, I dipped my finger into it
and wet his mouth and I talked to him, I didn’t go any-
where, I put in a lot of bathroom time and talked to
him and gently touched him and he looked back at
me with those pale blue crossed eyes and as the days went
by he made his first move
dragging himself forward by his front legs
(the rear ones wouldn’t work)
he made it to the litter box
crawled over and in,
it was like the trumpet of possible victory
blowing in that bathroom and into the city, I
related to that cat-I’d had it bad, not that
bad but bad enough
one morning he got up, stood up, fell back down and
just looked at me.
“you can make it,” I said to him.
he kept trying, getting up falling down, finally
he walked a few steps, he was like a drunk, the
rear legs just didn’t want to do it and he fell again, rested,
then got up.
you know the rest: now he’s better than ever, cross-eyed
almost toothless, but the grace is back, and that look in
his eyes never left…
and now sometimes I’m interviewed, they want to hear about
life and literature and I get drunk and hold up my cross-eyed,
shot, runover de-tailed cat and I say,”look, look
at this!”
but they don’t understand, they say something like,”you
say you’ve been influenced by Celine?”
“no,” I hold the cat up,”by what happens, by
things like this, by this, by this!”
I shake the cat, hold him up in
the smoky and drunken light, he’s relaxed he knows…
it’s then that the interviews end
although I am proud sometimes when I see the pictures
later and there I am and there is the cat and we are photo-
graphed together.
he too knows it’s bullshit but that somehow it all helps.
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@Star: “Whatever happened to the 2 drunk gerbils,BTW??”
I baked them at 350 degrees for 45 minutes in the oven one night and then sliced them up and had a marvelous swiss cheese, gerbil and mayo on rye sandwich. Delicious. 😉
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Big Brother Updates @BB_Updates
Ian to Joe- Shane & Danielle definitely arent going up. That was the deal. You’d only go up as a replacement, but would have the votes #BB14
hamsterwatch @hamsterwatch
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BB announcement to Ian “this is a warning” “it’s against the rules to discuss your nominations or evictions” ON DAY 55 they all have! #bb14
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Ian said he’s going to put up FRANK AND JENN, If one comes off the block JOE will be the replacement nominee. I sure hope Frank goes this time
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That is good to know, thanks Aggie. I just hope Frank has used up all of his 9 lives and they can finally get rid of him….FOR GOOD!
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I vote to evict Brit Brat
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dang wanted Shane to win
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@ Tammy….so did I, but if it’s true that Ian wants to put up Frank and Jenn, then I’m ok with that too. I really want Frank gone….That will keep Shane’s hands clean and hopefully he will be able to win the next HOH. At that point, Shane would be smart to put up Ian and Dan. How great would that be?
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Frank annoys me since he is very very egotistical.. and possesses a certain entitlement that this is ‘his’ game.. Yes production has helped him a lot… more ways than viewers see.. One obvious one was giving him the House Guest Choice pin and told him to palm it when picking in the bag.. I cant believe that went by.. the feeds went crazy when Frank discussed it and got cut off to the fish… then the flashback feed disappeared? That was the turning point to ‘prove’ to me that Production wanted him to stay at that point, even though I thought it previously too. (and they call BB a reality show?)
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Hard to say if Frank will be able to get himself off the block, maybe his nine lives has come to an end. Also Ian has QUACK PACKER Dan in his ear, so it could be the end to Frank’s Reign.
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@franniep2 what do u mean tp “palm it” ?
But yeah, i’ll miss Brit.
Jenn and Joe fell off no surprise they will keep floating, Jenn may wake up again if needed.
Dan and Frank need to go and since Dan is the last coach that should tell the producers….no more past players back please!!!!!!!!!!
Ian is getting better at the game so hopefully he can start playing to win and not for others.
Poor Brit with dazed and confused Ashley , I forgot who was out last week……that is how boring she is. I couldn’t remember last night????
Now i feel worst for Brit, but she can talk to herself and Ashley can stare at the walls till the end.
Does anyone else think that Danny has a little trouble taking no for an answer?
I think she ‘ll figure it out when she out but, she looks like she is harassing Shane.
Frank and Dan, I don’t like you 🙁
But the producers do, so …..
Oh one more thing, did you all notice how cute Brit looked and how Danielle was so sure she was staying she was wearing her little shorts?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Poor Brit, that was a dead giveaway!
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ok – Now it’s time to get rid of Frank. If they don’t, he’s gonna walk away with half a mil. His pompous, arrogant attitude have totally swayed my opinion of him. He really thinks he is the master of the game and seems to have a certain sense of entitilement. Especially now that I read posts about production helping him. Makes me wonder if the whole game is rigged. SO NOT FAIR, WHAT R THEY THINKING???
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Would much rather see Shane or Ian win it all.
Jenn doesn’t deserve to win either, major floater, and we all know Joe cant do doodly. So to me it’s a no brainer!!! Just sayin. Y’all have a blue sky day!
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New blog is up!
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@Bloggergal, ok I received the “New Blog is up” email but no email yet with the new blog. I know, it’s on it’s way so I’ll show a little patience, not my long suit. LOL
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Ok, still no email with the new blog. Gotta run, BBL. However, by then I’ll forget everything I wanted to say. Yes, as we all are realizing, getting older is not for the weak. LOL
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Ive been holding my tongue and jumping up and down this Whole season about lil miss RN Danielle. For an RN who is working on her ” masters” as I’ve heard her state. She is So full of it and maybe I’ve missed a comment but have been patiently awaiting but FYI everyone… Hear Hear.. At least here in the state of Illinois, one cannot be a NP ( nurse practitioner) until testing After Masters level. If she’s a “Nurse Practioner” then why did she say that and before then she was telling Dan about her being a nurse and she had absolulutely NO Clue that she would have to have a license in each state to practice. She told Dan that she assumed she would be able to treat anywhere! I used to like her but now I can’t stand her and my personality is similar to hers with being sensitive and whatnot. ( I do cancer Oncology/Hospice). That is my two cents with this first post. Safe Labor Day all!!
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LF update – they have all been mealing around in the kitchen all morning – had a hard time getting up the girls – as a matter of fact – havent seen danielle yet –
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Dan is brilliant! I have been rooting for him all season. He is so nice to everyone, no one can say anything bad about him – even Britney couldn’t except to call him Judas.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------While I’d love to see a newbie win (Ian), My heart hopes for another Dan win. He is smarter than Dr. Will ever was. Dan knows how to play the game so well and he manipulates everyone (yes, everyone)!!!
With Ian as HOH and Joe and Jenn going up – let’s hope dirty Joe finally gets the boot. I think Jenn can be swayed and I think Joe is too dumb to think of any strategy himself. He is such a floater – doesn’t win anything ever! and doesn’t wash his hands. Nasty!
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Wow, game is really getting good, still favor my boy Frank, have to, only one left with a back bone, had to laugh watching Ian and Frank argue, (ant arguing with an aardvark, lol) only in the BB house, Dan is a douse, Daniel a whiner, Shane an air head, Jen a wisher, Joe is nasty, Ian is a 2 year old that thinks he knows it all, gonna miss Britney and her witty comments and seeing her in that hot pink 2 pc. bathing suit, cant wait to see Ian on the block and out the door, worst player ever, supprised that hammock dont take flight when Ian’s swinging on it like a crazed mad man, his facial expressions are something to behold, vote his egotistical ass out HG’S, i’m out……….. Wake up America….. pitts out!!!!!!
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Everyone is whining about how Danielle cry’s all the time when Britney, that’s all she does is cry and complain. Wake up people !!!!!!!!!!
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